black magic mishap starring coco bandicoot · the lab. “perfect! okay, step 2. “gather an...

Black Magic Mishap – Starring Coco Bandicoot Written by John Guerra Inspired by a sequence from Anthro-Enthusiast It was a rough morning for Nina Cortex. After having to traverse the jungles of Wumpa Island, just to plant a Hover-Probe to spy on her Uncle’s enemies, on top of having to make her way back to the castle through said jungles, any smart person could figure out that someone like Nina would be pretty frustrated and exhausted. But after having to deal with so many hurtles, she finally made her way back to her room; sighing in exhaustion as she made her way over to her computer. “Ugh, finally I can take a break and do the easy part of this job: Sit on my butt all day and look for cool stuff these rodents are up to.” The young evil genius simply laid back in her chair as she activated the Hover-Probe from her computer. At the Bandicoot house, the small modified probe activated, sending a clear video feed of the inside of the house straight to Nina’s screen. “Heh heh, Excellent. I told Uncle Cortex that my improvements would work. Now we won’t have to deal with that annoying flickering and static from the old models. Nothing but clear and smooth findings from here.” She snickered and snorted as the probe scanned the area, until it interrupted her laughter with a small but loud buzzing sound. “Oop! Hey, what’s the big idea?! Can’t you see I’m laughing manically he-“ Her words quickly silenced as the probe aimed its lens towards the door, giving the gothic teenager a good look at who was walking inside. Much to her disgust, the person entering was none other than Crash’s genius little sister, Coco. Just the sight of her rival in the field of science just made her cringe in disgust. For as long as they knew each other, they’ve always been trying to one-up (or in Nina’s case, Humiliate) each other; trying to prove just who the smartest girl on the island was, and each time Nina would always end up in second place, with a few rare occasions and exceptions here and there. “Seriously? Of all people I had to lock on to, it just had to be “little miss selfie” did it? Ugh! Why couldn’t I spy on the dang mask. At least he has a ton of that freaky and cool Voodoo Magic and stuuuuh-wait a minute…” As the probe followed the blonde haired marsupial, the camera zoomed in on something in her hands. Once the camera focused itself, the image of an old book was projected onto Nina’s screen. There was no title but there were a several strange but ancient looking symbols on the cover; something that caught the young Cortex’s interest. “Ooooo~ Looks like Blondie brought home something worth spying on after all, heh heh. Hey, bolts for brains!” she exclaimed quietly into the microphone “Follow her, and don’t lose sight of her!” The probe quickly zoomed out its lens as it quickly complied; stealthy following Coco to the center of the house. As Coco made her way to the center of the house, she smiled and pulled out her phone before tapping a command on the screen. Soon mechanical whirring filled the room, as the

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Page 1: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

Black Magic Mishap – Starring Coco Bandicoot Written by John Guerra

Inspired by a sequence from Anthro-Enthusiast

It was a rough morning for Nina Cortex. After having to traverse the jungles of Wumpa

Island, just to plant a Hover-Probe to spy on her Uncle’s enemies, on top of having to make her

way back to the castle through said jungles, any smart person could figure out that someone

like Nina would be pretty frustrated and exhausted. But after having to deal with so many

hurtles, she finally made her way back to her room; sighing in exhaustion as she made her way

over to her computer. “Ugh, finally I can take a break and do the easy part of this job: Sit on my

butt all day and look for cool stuff these rodents are up to.” The young evil genius simply laid

back in her chair as she activated the Hover-Probe from her computer. At the Bandicoot house,

the small modified probe activated, sending a clear video feed of the inside of the house

straight to Nina’s screen. “Heh heh, Excellent. I told Uncle Cortex that my improvements would

work. Now we won’t have to deal with that annoying flickering and static from the old models.

Nothing but clear and smooth findings from here.” She snickered and snorted as the probe

scanned the area, until it interrupted her laughter with a small but loud buzzing sound. “Oop!

Hey, what’s the big idea?! Can’t you see I’m laughing manically he-“ Her words quickly silenced

as the probe aimed its lens towards the door, giving the gothic teenager a good look at who

was walking inside. Much to her disgust, the person entering was none other than Crash’s

genius little sister, Coco.

Just the sight of her rival in the field of science just made her cringe in disgust. For as

long as they knew each other, they’ve always been trying to one-up (or in Nina’s case,

Humiliate) each other; trying to prove just who the smartest girl on the island was, and each

time Nina would always end up in second place, with a few rare occasions and exceptions here

and there. “Seriously? Of all people I had to lock on to, it just had to be “little miss selfie” did it?

Ugh! Why couldn’t I spy on the dang mask. At least he has a ton of that freaky and cool Voodoo

Magic and stuuuuh-wait a minute…” As the probe followed the blonde haired marsupial, the

camera zoomed in on something in her hands. Once the camera focused itself, the image of an

old book was projected onto Nina’s screen. There was no title but there were a several strange

but ancient looking symbols on the cover; something that caught the young Cortex’s interest.

“Ooooo~ Looks like Blondie brought home something worth spying on after all, heh heh. Hey,

bolts for brains!” she exclaimed quietly into the microphone “Follow her, and don’t lose sight of

her!” The probe quickly zoomed out its lens as it quickly complied; stealthy following Coco to

the center of the house.

As Coco made her way to the center of the house, she smiled and pulled out her phone

before tapping a command on the screen. Soon mechanical whirring filled the room, as the

Page 2: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

floor opened up, and a small circular platform rose up to the ground. Humming a cheerful tune

to herself, the young bandicoot quickly stepped onto the platform, tapping another command

on her phone, sending the platform and herself down the large pit it rose from. Just before the

doors closed, the Hover-Probe quickly swooped through and continued to follow Coco further

down the pit. Once the platform landed on the ground, one last tap to the screen caused a

large door to open in front of her. As she walked through, the Probe readjusted its lens before

following along behind her. Through the door lied a large laboratory, where a large computer

and what seemed to be a small warp room lied dormant. “Holy cow…” Nina said in intrigue.

“Where was all of THIS during our last attempts at spying on them?!” Just then, Nina spotted

Coco placing the boom on a desk by the computer, before getting ready to turn around. “Uh oh.

Better go into Stealth mode for this…” With a push of a button, the Probe quickly vanished as a

cloaking device activated just before the marsupial could turn and notice.

While the Probe hovered to a much more suitable position, Coco quickly ran over and

rolled a chair over to the desk. Upon sitting down, she quickly opened up the book, and began

to flip through the pages excitedly. “Oh, this is too cool!” she exclaimed “I knew Aku-Aku was a

master of ancient magic and Voodoo, but this? This looks like some pretty potent stuff!” Coco

skimmed through the pages for a few seconds, until a thought crawled its way up into her head.

“Hmm, Crash isn’t exactly the brightest person to use this stuff, heck Aku-Aku always takes care

of that for him… buuuuuut I’m more than capable of reading and researching this kind of stuff

myself. I mean, if I could build a Warp Room, and even hack my way into computer systems,

then I’m positive I can learn this Voodoo Black Magic “stuff” myself.” With a spark of

confidence in her smile, Coco hopped off her chair and eagerly skimmed through the book,

looking for a good “first spell” to try out. “Though, admittedly Aku-Aku has given us warnings

about using magic. Although to be fair his warnings do come out as long and boring lectures...”

She said before clearing her throat. “VooDoo Magic isn’t a toy to be messed with.” She said,

mimicking the ancient mask’s voice in a childish and mocking tone. “One tiny slip up could lead

to unintended effects that could warp the very fabric of time and space and the universe~”

“Geez, overreact much?” Despite her mockery of the mask’s words, Coco still didn’t want to risk

it by casting a high level spell and potentially destroying the house in the process. “Hmm, I

know! I’ll just try something simple. Like maybe…. Um…” Coco flipped back to some previous

pages; coming across spells that were simple but still didn’t catch her interest. That was, until

she stopped on a chapter relating to “Growth” and “Size Shifting”. Reading the first spell, a spell

for “Gigantism”, the blonde haired genius smiled brightly, eager to try it out. “Yeah, this sounds

just right! Simple, but if I can master this, then I could possibly be a much bigger help in the

fight against Cortex! Quite literally in fact.” While Coco giggled at her pun, Nina, who was still

watching through the probe’s camera, just gagged. “Ugh! That was just lame. Who writes this

girl’s stuff?”

“Okay… This shouldn’t be too hard.” As Coco laid the book flat on the desk, she quickly

skimmed through the instructions, understanding it as best as she could. “Alright, so step 1…

“apply the proper lighting. A dimly lit room with greenish yellow lights is highly recommended.”

Page 3: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

“Pfft! Really? Geeze, these Ancients and their theatrics… But still, Easy enough.” With a snap of

her fingers, the lights in the lab quickly dimmed down, leaving the room darker than before.

Following this, Coco quickly adjusted the bulbs on the spotlights that hung from the ceiling.

After a big of fiddling with the settings, the lights shined a greenish, yellow light in the center of

the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…”

The bandicoot confusedly looked around, before grabbing a large rag from under the desk.

“Not sure why I need this but if that’s how the book says.” She then moved on to the third step

of the ritual. “Once all is set, chant these words while performing the sacred Witch Doctor’s

dance.” Underneath the step was a set of words that looked to be written in some sort of tribal

language. Thankfully, with years of having to deal with the likes of Papu Papu, Coco had been

able to learn tribal speak, which in turn allowed her to translate the words to English. “Okay,

that’s that… Step 4. “Once all steps have been performed, conceal your desired hand with the

object of your choosing, and then remove it. Upon removal, quickly blow into the… “magic

finger”, to cast the spell.” “Really? “Magic Finger”? These wise and mystical ancients couldn’t

come up with a better name for… ugh, whatever. I know what to do.” Before she could move

on, her eyes quickly glanced over at a “Warning” note below the spell. “What’s this?”

“Warning: Under no circumstances should this spell be used in a small space, in the presence of

other magical artifacts, or in high altitudes. This spell shouldn’t be cast if you have nausea,

motion sickness, or are blah blah blah… and above all else it is advised that you blow into…”

“Ugh, I know, I know “The Magic Finger”. Let’s just get this started!” After blowing off the last

of the warning, Coco made her way to the center of the lab, while the Probe quickly zoomed in

on the pages, sending the recorded footage back to Nina soon after.

“Oh, this is nice.” The sneaky little goth girl chuckled as the probe soon hovered back

into a position to record Coco, who was currently in the process of starting the ritual. The

bandicoot stood still as she walked into the greenish yellow spotlight, her clothes, fur and body

being tinted by the colors in process. “Alright… So, if my translation is correct then this should

work… but… what is this “Sacred Witch Doctor’s Dance”? I don’t think I saw anything in the

book about it but…” Coco thought and though, thinking about how Aku Aku would’ve cast a

spell… that is until she stopped upon remembering he doesn’t have a body. “Ugh… that won’t

do.” After a bit of thinking, a dance eventually did pop into her head, and with a small shrug she

quickly got into position. “Forget it. I’ll just have to wing it…” As Coco prepared herself, Nina sat

up in her seat, zooming the probe’s lens in closer to get a better look. “Oh ho, this I gotta see…”

The feed soon began recording, just as Coco began to sway her hips in a quick, rhythmic

motion. “Okay… here goes…” Taking a deep breath, Coco quickly spread her arms out wide,

leaning to the left while at the same time lifting her right leg up. She then proceeded to

perform the inverse of this move; keeping her arms spread, she leaned to the right, while lifting

up her left leg. As she did this, she proceeded to chant the spell’s verses with each dance step.

“"Balacubaco, saca trapo de urubu.”

Page 4: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

Following these movements, Coco stomped her left foot down, before thrusting her

arms towards the left. This was soon followed, by the bandicoot taking a step forward;

stomping her right foot down and thrusting her arms to the right before reciting the second line

from the spell’s verse.

“Pe de pato misturado, com bambu!”

Nina watched confused. While the spell sounded like something the ancients would

write, the movements her rival was doing didn’t appear to be like any tribal dances she had

ever seen. If anything, it almost looked like… “…Oh no. She SERIOUSLY thinks that dumb little

dance will work?” The gears in Nina’s head had finally turned, making her realize just what Coco

was doing. Apparently, as a form of backup for the lack of knowledge for the original dance, the

blonde haired marsupial was performing her own dance; a “Coco-fied” version of a silly little

dance her brother invented. Nina was half tempted to just shut off the feed, assuming this

would backfire. But she had to know more about this spell. So, begrudgingly, she kept going;

humoring Coco’s backup plan much to her annoyance. Speaking of Coco, she was now in the

middle of the final steps of her dance, as well as the last verses of the spell.

“Siricotico tico tico no fuba

Tico tico po de mico…”

As she uttered this phrase, she quickly began shuffling her feet in place, slowly turning

her body more and more to the right. After a bit of shuffling, she then leaned her head forward,

and flailed her arms back and forward to the rhythm in her head, as she turned and shuffled

her body in an almost complete circle. During this shuffle, she uttered out the final part of the

spell, which came to an end once her back was turned.

“…Quero ver no que vai da!”

Right as she finished the final phrase, Coco concluded her childish dance by quickly

turning her body back to the front. Normally it would have ended with her arms spread out,

and her hands shaking. But for this instance, as she turned around, she covered her left hand

with the rag, while her right hand was held over it. She stood there for a good few seconds,

waiting for something to happen to indicate if the spell worked. She waited, and waited, even

wiggling her fingers above her rag covered hand to try and induce SOMETHING but alas,

nothing happened. “…Huh… Maybe I do need to do the witch doctor’s dance?” She asked

herself as she grabbed the rag, feeling a sense of defeat. That is, until pulled it off. To Coco’s

surprise, her entire left hand was now enveloped in a bright glow leaving both her and Nina

completely awestruck. “Whoa… W-WHOA! I can’t believe this worked!” Shouted Coco. “I can’t

believe that worked!” exclaimed Nina in disbelief. “Ha ha! I’m a magic master!” Coco said,

chuckling as she held out her magic filled hand. “Now what was I supposed to do now?” She

asked, going through the mental notes in her head. “…Oh, of course! The whole “Magic Finger”

thing. Now let’s see…” Coco looked at her hand, trying to figure out just what finger to blow

Page 5: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

into. The obvious choice was her thumb, but perhaps the ancients made it so maybe something

more unorthodox would be the trigger; like her index finger, or her pinky. “Hmm, well maybe it

could be…” Suddenly, to her shock and surprise, the glow began to flicker rapidly, almost as if

the magic was fading away. “Wh-What?! But I haven’t even blown into the finger yet!” Coco

exclaimed. It appeared as if the text was being quite literal when it said for her to “quickly”

blow into the finger. “Darn it, I gotta see this spell for myself, but which finger is the right one?”

Coco’s eyes darted across her hand, her mind trying to think of the answer only to be reminded

of the magic fading away from it. “Oooohhh…” She then gazed down at her thumb, gulping

nervously as she held it out. “Winging it!” With no hesitation, Coco took a deep breath, shut her

eyes and quickly plugged her glowing thumb into her mouth, before blowing as hard as she

could. Unbeknownst to Coco though, what came next was something truly unexpected.

As the bandicoot blew into

her thumb, a rather unusual but

familiar sound rang through her

ears. The sound being that of a long

stream of air seemingly entering

something. “Oh fudge. Is that dumb

air compressor leaking again?” She

thought to herself as she continued

to blow, not even realizing what was

happening to her hand. At the same

time as the sound appeared, Coco

suddenly felt a strange tingling in

her left hand. Thinking that it was

the spell kicking in, she continued to

blow, and blow, causing her hand to shake and tingle for a bit until she finally felt it. She felt a

strange feeling, as if her body was being pushed and stretched out larger in size. “I… I feel it!”

she thought “Man, this is incredible! I can’t believe I’m actually growing!” While Coco was

correct in her thoughts, she was still incorrect as well. The air traveling through her thumb was

making her hand much bigger, but unfortunately not in the way she had intended. Rather than

growing larger in size, Coco’s hand had rapidly begun to SWELL larger in size. With each long

and hard puff, her hand grew bigger and swelled much rounder in shape; a shape almost similar

to a simple party balloon. It soon got so big that eventually her fingers joined in; growing and

swelling into cartoonishly plump sausages alongside the rest of her hand. “Can’t…keep…going…

losing…breath!” Finally reaching her limit, Coco pulled her thumb out of her mouth as she

gasped for air. “Gah! That… took a lot out of me… But it was worth it… I wonder how big I

aaAAAAH!!!” The brainy bandicoot opened her eyes and looked forward, only to be greeted by

a large, orange, balloon shaped hand floating beside her. Said hand was much bigger than Coco,

Page 6: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

its shape looking like an over-inflated surgical glove that was connected to her stretched out


“Heh heh… Well… there’s something you don’t see every day. Not so “handy” now, are

ya~?” Nina chuckled as she sat back in her chair, having witnessed the sight from the probe’s

camera. Watching Coco’s confused and shocked reaction to her overblown limb made for quite

the bit of entertainment. And unbeknownst to her, more was to come. “O-Okay… Don’t panic

Coco…” the bandicoot said trying to calm herself down. “You’ll be fine… I-I mean this magic

stuff should wear off after a bit… r-right?” Giving her hand curious poke with her right and

uninflated hand, Coco watched as ballooned hand let out a small hollow “thump” sound as it

bobbed back and forward… and began to shake… violently even! “Wh-Whoa!” Coco stumbled

and bent down as she was pulled forward a bit from the sudden force of the hand’s movement.

“Wh-What’s going on?!” She looked back up at her hand, watching it wobble and shake harder

and more rapidly until, without warning, her hand pushed back against her body, before

instantly deflating to its normal shape and size. Moving her fingers with a sigh of relief to

follow, Coco chuckled a bit as she examined her hand. “Phew… that was fast…” She said as she

began to stand up. “For a second, I thought I was gonna be stuck with a balloOOPH!” As she

stood up, Coco suddenly stumbled backwards as she quickly lost her balance. “W-Whoa~!!!

What in the-?!” Quickly thinking, she bent her knees and leaned forward to keep her body

balanced and herself from falling. “What gives?” She asked as she slowly turned her head

around. “Why do I suddenly feel so….s-so….” Coco could only blink in bewilderment; her jaw

hung open as she saw the cause of her “massive” shift in balance.

Page 7: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

Much to the bandicoot’s dismay, the air in her hand hadn’t completely left her body.

While her hand deflated, the air inside had simply moved to another part of her body… and

much to Coco’s embarrassment, it found a much wider place to move to. Upon moving towards

her legs and thighs, the surge of air that used to be in her hand, quickly traveled into her rear.

And much like her hand, it was just as quick to blow it up; so quick in fact that Coco hadn’t even

noticed it. Her face blushed a bright shade of beet red as she poked one of her overall clad

cheeks with her finger. Her rump wasn’t big; it was enormous compared to the twiggy legs it

was attached to, with both cheeks just as if not bigger than a pair of beach balls. It was a

miracle that her overalls were still intact given how large the caboose it was covering was. As

much as she wanted to deny it, this new bottom heavy “upgrade” was 100 percent real…

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!” Nina was now laughing as she pointed at the footage being

shown on her feed. “Heh heh heh! Well, on the bright side, at least your butt is now a lot easier

for me to kick!” She exclaimed as she reclined back on her chair, giggling as her rival clumsily

tried to make her way towards the spell book. “Come on… There’s gotta be something in the

book to fix thi-HIS!!” Coco groaned as she awkwardly moved as close as she could to the book;

her overblown bottom shaking and wobbling with each step she took. “Stupid… heavy… I’m

seriously gonna have to talk with Aku-Aku after this is-WAH!” Suddenly a familiar shaking

feeling surged through her buttocks. “What… What is going on with my…” Just then a

realization hit her, sending a feeling of dread down her spine. The last time this shaking

occurred, her hand deflated and her rear expanded… “If my hand deflated, and my bottom

swelled afterwards… then… does this mean that the same thing is going to-WHOA!!!” As if to

confirm her realization, Coco’s bottom shook and jerked her backwards before pushing her

forward. And as the bandicoot stumbled forward on her legs, the air in her bottom soon

traveled out, deflating it back to its normal size as it traveled lower and deeper down into her


Coco could feel everything happening so quickly. Her rump was quickly getting lighter

and lighter as it reverted to its original petite size. Once back to normal, she quickly stood back

up, and looked down. While she was unaware the previous times, this time she was paying full

attention. She could feel the air traveling and moving inside her body; desperately trying to find

a new place to fill, until she felt it shooting down her legs. “Oh gosh, this feels so weird!” she

exclaimed. “It feels like everything in my legs is just constantly shaking and vibrating and… w-

wait…” She said as she suddenly felt the tingling in her legs stop. She would’ve questioned what

had happened if it wasn’t for the fact that, not mere seconds after it stopped, a sudden surge of

pressure began building up inside Coco’s feet. “Wh-What the? Why do my feet feel like they’re

asleep?” She asked, as she curiously looked down in concern. Just seconds after she gazed

down, the pressure that had built up from the magically enhanced air soon released, sending a

chill up the young girl’s spine. Coco shuddered as she felt the air pressure release… which was

then followed up by her body suddenly being bounced up a few inches in the air by a small

spurt of inflation.

Page 8: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

“Yikes! What was that?!” Quickly

looking down at her feet again,

Coco let out a small shriek as she

soon discovered the reason for her

sudden bounce. Her feet not only

appeared much larger than before,

but as she continued to watch, they

continued to grow; both swelling

bigger and bigger, her sneakers

magically stretching and growing

along with them, possibly thanks to

the spell, and each spurt making

the girl jump and bounce a bit from

the force of the inflation process.

“No no no no! Stop growing! STOP

GROWING!” The fast spurts of inflation soon came to a halt, leaving Coco completely

dumbfounded as she tried to process how insanely huge her once petite feet had become.

Overly massive, Overly inflated, and just as big as a small desk, Coco gulped as she gently

tapped her swollen stompers on the ground; watching as they bounced and wobbled like

balloons hitting a hard surface “Oh jeez… I REALLY hope this spell doesn’t leave me like this.”

She said, feeling the area of her shoe where her toes would be. “Cause, I don’t think I’m going

to be able to find shoes that fit me in my current condition!”

“Oh relax!” Nina said as she continued her personal commentary. “I’m sure you’ll find a

good pair at the circus. They ARE hiring clowns after all!” The evil little girl laughed, holding her

gut as she almost fell out of her chair. As soon as she straightened herself back in her seat, Nina

looked back to the screen, as the drone continued to record Coco; who was now currently

looking at the spell book that sat on the cart across from her. Doing her best not to knock

anything over, Coco carefully lifted one of her legs. Her foot wobbled and bobbed back and

forward like a balloon, making it a bit difficult to stay balanced. “Easy now…” Coco gulped as

she then took one big step forward, before lifting her other leg to move. Unfortunately, as she

lifted it, her foot bobbed to close to her body, smacking her in the face and causing her to tip

over backwards. “Wh-WAAAH!!!” With a hard “thud”, Coco fell to the ground, her feet sticking

up and wobbling upon impact. “Ow…” As she sat back up and stared at her feet, she brushed

off her arms with a small sigh. “Ugh… this really sucks…” she said, “But at least it can’t get any…

w-worse?” With a huge rumbling in her shoes, Coco knew she was going to regret saying those


Her feet trembled and wobbled, making her worried about what could happen next.

“Oh, come on! Give me a break here!” She shouted to the world, just before the same rumbling

in her shoes spread to her body. “Wh-Wh-Whaaaat’s ha-ha-haaaaapening?!” she asked as she

was shaken up. What came next happened in almost an instant. As Coco witnessed her feet

Page 9: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

deflate and shrink down to normal size, she quickly felt an intense pressure simultaneously

build and then release into her body. Everything happened so fast that she couldn’t find the

right words to describe it. In just the span of ten seconds, she felt her body quickly stretch and

expand. Her arms and legs getting swallowed

up by her increasing mass, as it stretched her

clothes and rounded out her body. She could

feel her hands and fingers also plump and

balloon up, and while she tried to move her

head to get a better look, her neck had also

been eaten up by her spherical frame, making

her head sink into her body to the point where

she could barely move it left or right. She could

still look up and down, but there was no point

in doing the latter thanks to her rotund form

blocking off her view of the ground. All she

could do now was stare at her reflection in the

computer monitor, and blush as rocked side to

side on her smoothed out bottom.

Compared to her hand, feet and even

her rear, Coco’s entire body had now towered over everything in the laboratory, measuring at a

good 8 feet in height and diameter. The surprised “bandi-blimp” groaned as she continued to

rock in place; wiggling her hands and feet as she helplessly attempted to try and stand up. Each

movement only resulted in her tight frame letting out a small, rubbery sounding squeak, further

adding to her humiliating state. “Just wonderful… As if having a fat butt wasn’t enough, now I

have a fat… e-everything!” she exclaimed. “Ugh, j-just walk it off Coco! Or “waddle it off”? Agh!

Why can’t this spell throw me a bone here?!” As she frantically rocked back and forward, the

same rumbly feeling from before came back. Only now, it was accompanied by something else,

for as Coco rocked back, she suddenly felt something pushing and squashing her body closer

down to the ground. “Hmmph! Mmmph H-Hey! Wh-What’s going on?! Who is d-doing this?!”

She of course never got her answer. But something in her head told her that this was probably

the spell’s doing. If it was responsible for everything before this, then surely it has to be

responsible for this too. Then, as quickly as it appeared, the mysterious force vanished,

releasing its hold on the bandicoot blimp but also causing her to quickly spring up a few feet

into the air much to her shock and surprise!

“AAAAAAAAH!!!” Coco shouted as she frantically wiggled her hands and feet as she rose

into the air. This wouldn’t last very long, as soon she would quickly plummet back down to the

ground. Upon making impact with the ground, Coco’s body squashed down a bit, before

springing back up into the air with her body making a deep sounding “BWOOOING!” From

there, she would soon fall back down… and then bounce back up. Fall down, bounce up. Fall

down, bounce up. Over and over the buoyant bandicoot continued to bounce and bounce in a

Page 10: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

seemingly endless loop. “WhoooOOOOOooooOOOOOAAAH!!!” she shouted out “PLEASE

STOOOOP!!!” Thankfully, her wish would be granted upon hitting the ground. Her last bounce

had sent her high enough so that her body would make a hard enough impact on the ground.

As Coco shot back down and came into contact with the ground, her body squashed down like

the last couple of times, but with one unexpected difference. The air that had blimped her up,

was quickly sent up her body; quickly deflating the girl back to her normal size. Once she sprang

back up, she felt her body regain its normal shape for a bit. Unfortunately for her, her body

would then comically stretch tall as the air continued its maiden voyage upward towards her

neck. Just as she squashed back to normal shape, a sudden headache emerged… which was

then followed by the sound of air rushing into her skull.

Coco held her head tightly as she felt more and more pressure rapidly building up inside

her. It felt as if her skull was going to just explode or shoot off her neck the more intense it got.

She groaned and grunted as her cheeks slightly puffed

out and a loud whistling sound shot out from her ears.

The sound grew louder, and the pressure grew tighter,

but thankfully after a few seconds, that intense

pressure soon vanished as a loud hollow

“FWOOMPH!” rang through her ears. Coco stumbled

back and forward on her legs soon after. Suddenly, it

felt like her head was a lot lighter, but at the same

time some of its weight was constantly shifting

around, as she was now constantly tipping over and

leaning back, as if the balance of her whole body was

being thrown out of whack. With her arms flailing to

keep herself steady, Coco quickly felt around trying to

assess the situation. For the most part her body was

still evenly proportioned… until she raised her hands to

her head, or more specifically, the lower sides of her

head. Her eyes widened in surprise as she felt her

hands suddenly sink and push into her muzzle; feeling

almost puffy and balloon-like in nature. Looking back

into the monitor, she let out a small squeak in surprise;

her jaw dropping just as wide as her eyes upon seeing

the massive, overexaggerate blimp that was her head,

comically being balanced on her comparatively tiny

body and neck. “H-Hey!” she yelped as she pushed her head to the side, making bend her neck

a bit in the process. As she let go, the oversized mass of overinflated head, puffed up hair and

round hallow ears, quickly shot back up, only to wobble and shake around a bit, briefly

throwing the girl off her balance just a bit. “Wh-Whoa, stop that!” She said, as she dug her

Page 11: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

hands back into her head to stop her head from moving. “Phew, thank goodness. Now I know

what a bobblehead feels like…”

In her room, Nina was now laughing like a maniac. For years she had wanted to have the

satisfaction of making her longtime rival look like a complete goof. A total joke. Really find a

good way to humiliate her. But while it wasn’t how she had planned it, every second of

recorded footage, and every shift in shape the poor bandicoot went through was enough to

make her laugh and laugh and laugh in pure joy and satisfaction. “HA HA HA! Oh~! I always

knew you had a swelled head on your shoulders! AH HA HA HA HA!” She slammed the arm rest

of her chair as on the monitor, Coco was now pushing her hands into her cheeks in a futile

attempt to make the air shoot out of her mouth.

“C-Come on! This is my only…hnngh…chance to get rid of this stuff! Hmmph! Get…out of

there!” She pushed and pulled, and her head squeaked and squeaked, but not a single gust of

wind came out. Despite this, Coco continued on; still stubbornly determined to fix herself

before anything else could happen. She pushed and rubbed and even pinched but nothing

came. It refused to shrink and denied her attempts of deflation no matter how hard she tried.

Once she stopped, her frustration had reached her peak. With a small growl, she balled up her

hand into a fist and lifted it up in annoyance. “AAGH!!! STUPID MAGIC!!!” Then, without

thinking, she landed a small punch to her cheek, only resulting in it comically sinking into her

soft, balloonish surface. What followed soon after was another round of her head bobbling and

shaking on her shoulders. However, now it seemed like it was shaking a lot faster and more

violent than before. Coco gulped nervously; violent shaking and rumbling in her body only

meant one thing at this point… “O-Oh no. L-Look I take it back!” she exclaimed “You’re not

stupid! I actually think voodoo magic is cool! I apologize for saying what I said just please…

PLEASE don’t you dare- Hmmph! Nngh…guh…” Her plea and her apology were soon cut short by

that same familiar pressure from before, although strangely as she felt it build up in her body,

her head, which would’ve deflated by now, still remained as big and overblown as ever. As

much as Coco wanted to question it, she knew there wouldn’t be much of a point to do so. And

sure enough, as she expected the intense pressure building up in her body released at an

incredibly rapid pace. At first things did feel a bit familiar; Coco groaned as she felt her entire

body, from her chest to her torso rapidly being stretched and expanded outward. As she

swelled, her body smoothed out, into a much rounder and spherical figure, and as with before

her arms and legs were quickly eaten up by her rounding mass, leaving only her hands and feet

poking out from the sides of her body. But… that’s when the familiarity stopped. As more air

continued being pumped into body, Coco suddenly felt a different kind of feeling in not just her

head, but her neck as well. It wasn’t sinking in the same way like her limbs, in fact it felt like

something was pulling it from both sides; making it stretch thicker and wider, bringing her head

closer and closer to the surface of her body. “Whoa whoa, hold on! Wh-What’s going on?” she

asked helplessly “This… This didn’t happen before! What is this spell doing to-?!” She groaned

and squeaked as soon her head was touching the top of her body, while her neck had somehow

merged with the rest of her spherical form. As her hands and fingers swelled and inflated into

Page 12: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

round orange orbs and digits, the same stretching feeling from her neck, soon emerged in

Coco’s head. She moaned as she felt her face being pulled and widened out; seemingly

“melting” into her body much like her neck. She tried to turn to look around but constantly

found it difficult to do so as her movement grew stiffer and stiffer. Once her feet had swelled

up a bit and were firmly planted on the ground, Coco felt one last hard tug at her head. It pulled

her lower and lower into her body until her ears were greeted with deeper, hollow and much

more louder sounding…

“FWOOMPH!!!” Coco’s eyes darted around, trying to get a good look at herself at every possible angle.

Her head was no longer capable of moving much to her concern and confusion; only being able

to stare straight ahead. She felt the same feeling of roundness and fullness as she was the last

time she was blown up, but something felt “off” about this time. She tried to look up at the

monitor to see her reflection, but without the ability to bend her head upwards, it made it a lot

more troublesome. So, with a careful lift of her foot, she waddled around and searched for any

reflective surface she could find. She waddled and shuffled her body around as best as she

could until finally, she found a full body mirror leaning by a nearby wall… as well as the

embarrassed orange orb that was staring right back at her.

Page 13: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

Coco’s cheeks, or rather the area where her cheeks would be, burned a bright shade of

red as she stared at the silly looking reflection in the mirror. She may have felt like a balloon

before, but now she pretty much looked the part. Her entire body was nothing more than a

large, 7 foot tall sphere. Her arms and legs completely swallowed up by her sides, her feet

poking out from her bottom, and her swollen hands wiggling and jutting out from her sides. As

for her head, much like the rest of her limbs, it had fully stretched and merged with the rest of

her body; her face, mouth and other features perfectly centered at the upper half of her new

shape. “From Bobblehead to Balloon huh?” she said with an embarrassed groan as she

awkwardly waddled and turned her body around and away from the mirror, before slowly

heading towards the spellbook.

As expected, Nina was enjoying every second of her rival’s embarrassment; laughing her

evil little heart out as she watched the balloon shaped bandicoot attempt to waddle her way

back to the cart. “Oh ho! Oh, if only there were more people watching you. That would REALLY

make the humiliation a lot more entertaining!” Nina continued to laugh as she watched Coco

stumble on her stubby little feet; her body constantly wobbling and shaking with each awkward

step she took. Once at the cart, Coco did her best to try and reach for the book. She bent her

hands forward and stretched out as far as she could… “Come on! Almost…g-got it!” However,

much to her dismay, her hands were far too bloated and stubby to reach, let alone grab

anything on account of her sausage sized fingers. As her hands snapped back into their spread

out position, the force from the snap made the spherical marsupial stumble backwards, before

balancing back out. “Oof… Ooogh, Nuts…” She said with an annoyed sigh. “Well, on the bright

side, at least nobody’s here to see this. Last thing I need is another lecture from Aku-Aku about

messing with ma-ah-ah-AH!!!” Suddenly, Coco’s body began to rumble and vibrate ferociously

once again. It appeared the spell had one final trick up its sleeve, much to the bandicoot’s

horror. “Please! N-No more! I don’t know how much more I can ta-MMPH!” Her cheeks puffed

up and blocked off her speech, as the rest of her body began to swell bigger and rounder with

each second. Coco’s round balloon shaped body stretched and expanded; an unnerving

tightness making itself known as even her hands and feet began to sink into their divots. Coco

tried her best to waddle back to the cart, to try and at least open up the spell book, but thanks

to her increasing size, her already slow movement became even slower. “Too…b-big…” she

groaned as she took a few more slow steps before finally rising off of the ground and floating

up into the air. The higher she rose, the bigger she grew. All while Coco’s body began to strain

and squeak; all signs that her growth… and possibly herself were about to come to an end.

“Shooo... tight…” she muffled “Feewl wike… gonna… p-pop!”

Hearing this just made Nina smile with excitement. Humiliation AND a self-destructive

defeat? She was all for it! “Ha ha ha! Sorry blondie~ But not all balloons last forever!” She

shouted as she sat back and waited excitedly for a potential explosion of rubbery bandicoot

bits. “Enjoy the time you have, cause judging by your size and the speed of your growth, it looks

like you’re bound to blow in approximately 10… 9… 8….”

Page 14: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

The top of Coco’s body bounded a bit as it soon reached the ceiling. Her hands and feet

flapping helplessly as more air filled and expanded her into a 10 foot tall blimp of a bandicoot.

“7… 6…” Nina counted down, smiling as she saw the worry in Coco’s bloated face

growing just as big and wide as her body. “5… 4…”

“Mmm-Mmmph! Hmmph, Mmmph!!!” Coco muffled as she felt her cheeks puff out

bigger and bigger into a pair of large orange beachballs. The sound of her body swelling was

slowly diminishing, giving her a sign that she didn’t have much longer.

“3… 2… Time’s almost up~!” Nina teased from behind he monitor. Coco’s eyes darted

around as her swelling got slower and slower, and her body strained and creaked louder and

louder. “H-Hmmph~!”

“1… and….” Nina covered her eyes, before splitting her fingers apart to see the fireworks

in front of her camera. As Coco’s body squeaked and rumbled, she could feel the intense

pressure of the air finally reach its limit; SHE had reached her limit, with a tingling in her face,

the blonde balloon shut her eyes, waiting for her inevitable explosion… However, while a sound

did come, it wasn’t the sound of a loud kaboom. Instead, Coco’s ears rang as the sound of a

small whistle was heard. She opened her eyes and was about to take a look… and then “it”


“FWOOOOSHHHHHRRRRRRT~!!!” Much like everything that happened beforehand, Coco suddenly felt a rush of air shoot

out from her mouth, forcing it open and allowing it to escape into the laboratory. At the same

time though, she also soon found herself zooming around the lab, bouncing off walls and

equipment and spinning and twirling around… almost like a balloon losing air.

“WoooOOOOoooAAAAAH!!!!” Coco shouted as she bounced and flailed around during her

flight, knocking over tools, and bumping against machinery as she “flew”. The probe that had

been recording her little misadventure was also zooming around the room, trying its best to

capture the moment while also avoid being smacked back the flying bandicoot it was targeting.

As her body deflated, and the air escaped, Coco blushed brightly as she listened to it escape,

the whole thing sounding like a cartoonish mixture of air escaping a balloon and a whoopie

cushion being sat on, much to her embarrassment. In fact, Nina couldn’t help but blush and

laugh herself as she watched and listened to the entire event. “Ha ha ha! Man, what a gas bag!”

She said as laughed and pointed at the monitor. The gust soon began to slow, and Coco’s body

continued to shrink, and regain its shape. Her arms and legs popped back out, her hands and

feet shrank back to their petite sizes, even her head had begun regaining its original shape

along with the rest of her body. Once her body reached a size closer to its original form, the

gust soon sent her into one last loop-dee-loop before making a dive bomb towards the supply

Page 15: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

cart. Coco could only shut her eyes and brace for impact, before landing back on the ground

with a loud…


“Ooogh…perfect…landing….”Coco now laid down on the laboratory floor. The entire lab

now littered with loose papers, scattered tools and even some broken supplies. In normal

circumstances she would’ve been upset over everything being completely messed up and

disorganized. But given the crazy experience she had just been through, all the dizzy bandicoot

wanted to do was just lie there, rest and take a well needed nap. As she lifted her head, her

eyes caught sight of the spell book; now sitting in front of her, wide open for her to read,

thanks to the cart tipping over from her crash landing. And as luck would have it, the pages it

opened to was the section containing the “Gigantism” spell. Curiously, and using what little

energy she had, Coco looked at the page, her eyes immediately going back to the “Warning”

section from before… as specifically, the part she had ignored.

“…and above all else it is advised that you blow into your INDEX FINGER for this spell.

Utilizing any other fingers meant for other spells, can lead to many unintended and spontaneous

side effects. Use with caution and care.”

“Ugh… NOW it tells me~” With an overwhelming sense of exhaustion, and annoyance,

Coco instantly lowered her head back to the ground, and passed out without another word.

Upon passing out, the probe flew over to the book, and aimed its lens down at the

pages, giving Nina a clear view of the spell. “Ha ha ha! Excellent work!” She exclaimed, taking a

screen capture of the spell for her to keep. “Thanks for the free magic lesson, “blondie”… oh!

And thanks for the show too. I haven’t laughed that hard in months, ha ha ha ha ha!!!” With a

laugh and a small snort, Nina promptly pushed the “Return Probe” command on her keyboard,

signaling the probe to make its way back to Castle Cortex. Nina smirked as she read the

instructions on how to perform the spell herself. “Seems pretty simple, just gotta blow into the

right finger to do it. Heh heh… can’t wait to see how those pests react to seeing “Nina-zilla”

stomping her way over to their place!” She chuckled as she pictured the entire scenario in her

Page 16: Black Magic Mishap Starring Coco Bandicoot · the lab. “Perfect! Okay, Step 2. “Gather an object to conceal your desired hand…” “Oookay…” The bandicoot confusedly looked

head, before looking down at her hand… specifically at her thumb. “Hmm…” Nina thought back

to what she had just witnessed; all the stretching, squashing and complete distortion of size

and shape was a rather hilarious sight to behold, especially when it befell her most hated

adversary… and yet… something about it seemed so… fun. “Huh… Agh! Focus Nina. You’ve got a

spell to learn, and an evil plan to concoct.” She said as she continued to read the steps closely.

“…But… there is no harm in having a little fun with this afterwards, am I right?” She said,

giggling a bit as she looked back at her metallic thumb with mischievous thoughts already

brewing in her mind…
