black oystercatcher (haematopus bachmani) foraging on...

Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on varnish clams (Nuttalia obscurata) in Nanaimo, BC An undergraduate research project By Emily Tranfield Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree at Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, British Columbia April, 2014 Approved by: _____________________________________________________________________ Research Advisor: Dr. Eric Demers, Biology Department, Vancouver Island University I hereby grant permission for this research report to be bound and displayed in the Biology Department at Vancouver Island University. _____________________________________________________________________

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Page 1: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine

Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on

varnish clams (Nuttalia obscurata) in Nanaimo, BC

An undergraduate research project

By Emily Tranfield

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of Science

Degree at Vancouver Island University, Nanaimo, British Columbia

April, 2014

Approved by:


Research Advisor: Dr. Eric Demers, Biology Department, Vancouver Island University

I hereby grant permission for this research report to be bound and displayed in the Biology

Department at Vancouver Island University.


Page 2: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine



The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine shorebird found year-

round along the North American Pacific Coast. It lives on rocky coastlines and islands, and

forages in the intertidal zone. The rapid and very successful invasion of the varnish clam

(Nuttalia obscurata), a newly introduced species to British Columbia waters, has the capability

to alter pre-existing ecological interactions. No studies on Black Oystercatcher foraging on

varnish clams have previously been conducted. This study examined whether and to what extent

varnish clams represent a significant part of the diet of Black Oystercatchers and whether Black

Oystercatchers forage selectively on specific size classes of varnish clams. Study sites were

established at Piper’s Lagoon and Departure Bay Beach in Nanaimo, British Columbia.

Observations of foraging Black Oystercatchers were conducted from October 2013 to February

2014. Species consumed by Black Oystercatchers were recorded. The size of varnish clams eaten

by oystercatchers was measured to the nearest millimetre. Beach profiles of available prey

species composition and size were conducted at each site based on stratified random sampling

with 0.25-m2 quadrats. This study found that the varnish clam was an important food source for

the Black Oystercatcher. There was no obvious indication of size-selective foraging by Black

Oystercatchers in this study. However, there was a slight difference between the mean size of

available (larger) and eaten varnish clams at Piper’s Lagoon, but not at Departure Bay Beach.

Black Oystercatchers were also found to feed on varnish clams at a higher rate at Piper’s Lagoon

and throughout a broader tide range than at Departure Bay Beach. This research found that Black

Oystercatchers appear to exploit the varnish clams and may be able to obtain a substantial part of

their daily energy requirements from this invasive species.

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The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine coastal shore bird that

can be found year-round along the North-American Pacific Coast from the Aleutian Islands and

Southern Alaska to central Baja California (Jehl, 1985). It lives on rocky coastlines and islands,

and forages on bivalve species amongst other species in the intertidal zone. It has a small

estimated global population size (8,900-11,000 individuals), contributing to its status as a species

of high conservation concern (Johnson et al., 2010). Until the 1980s, there was still confusion as

to whether the Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) and the American Oystercatcher (H.

palliates) were a single species or two distinct species, as evidence of hybridization occurs where

these species overlap (Baja California) (Colwell, 2010; Jehl, 1985). They are now recognized as

two distinct species based on the prevalence of parental forms, assortative mating, and renewal

of stability after a period of dynamic change where hybridization occurs (Jehl, 1985).

Breeding Black Oystercatchers nest on offshore or remote islands almost exclusively, but

during the winter months, they relocate to more sheltered areas. During the winter, a portion of

the Black Oystercatcher population migrates from northern breeding areas to lower latitudes,

flying distances as far as 1,667 kilometers (Campbell et al., 1997; Johnson et al., 2010). Not all

Black Oystercatchers are considered migratory; most of them are considered to be year-round

residents (Purdy and Miller, 1988). If the year-round residents move at all, they only flock to

nearby areas that are better sheltered (Andres, 1994). When coastal maps of the British Columbia

coast are set into grids, 80% of the coastline has evidence of Black Oystercatcher nesting

grounds (Campbell et al., 1997). On Vancouver Island, close to Nanaimo, Pacific Rim National

Park is home to Black Oystercatchers that are believed to be non-migratory due to similar

Summer and Winter counts (P. Clarkson, unpubl. data; cited in Johnson et al., 2010). Black

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Oystercatchers begin to form overwintering flocks from September to October, with their peak

group numbers being reached by late October to early November (Andres, 1994; Campbell et al.,

1997). Flock sizes range from a few to over 100 individuals (Campbell et al., 1997).

Shorebirds use a variety of methods to search for prey. The first method is the use of visual

cues to detect prey. Another method is to use tactile sensation to detect prey that are located

within intertidal sediments the surface (Colwell, 2010). The Black Oystercatcher uses both visual

hunting to glean prey from the surface and tactile sensation by probing with its bill for prey

buried in the substrate (Colwell, 2010). Oystercatchers have strong bills when compared to other

shorebirds (Colwell, 2010), enabling them to access the meat inside bivalves. Their bill can be

one of three possible morphs: pointed, chisel-shaped, or blunt (Butler and Kirbyson, 1979;

Colwell, 2010). Each bill morph enables the bird to best forage in a specific way: the birds with

pointed bills forage primarily for soft-bodied and thin-shelled prey; birds with chisel-shaped bills

forage primarily for hard-shelled bivalves with which they use a stabbing technique to cut the

bivalves’ abductor muscles, after which they then pry the shells open; and birds with blunt bills

forage primarily for hard-shelled bivalves with which they hammer at the shells to gain access to

the meat inside (Butler and Kirbyson, 1979; Rutten et al., 2006; Colwell, 2010). The blunt-

tipped-billed Black Oystercatcher still cuts the abductor muscle of bivalve prey, if possible, after

it has hammered through the bivalve’s shell. If successfully cutting the muscle is not possible,

the blunt-tipped-billed Black Oystercatcher may not be able to part the shell of larger bivalves,

and may either proceed to eat the meat through the hole or abandon the bivalve (Butler and

Kirbyson, 1979).

Varnish clams (Nuttalia obscurata) are a relatively newly introduced species to British

Columbia waters. They are thought to have been introduced in the early 1990’s as larvae in the

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ballast water from trans-oceanic transport vessels (DFO, 1999). Successfully invading the British

Columbia shoreline very rapidly, they have spread over 500 km, have been recorded on over 100

beaches, and have shown capabilities of reaching densities of up to 800 m-2 (Dudas, 2005; Chan

and Bendell, 2013). This rapid invasion is due to several characteristics of the varnish clam such

as having a higher fecundity and reaching sexual maturity earlier than other bivalves in the area,

a lengthy planktonic phase which promotes dispersal, and its ability to exploit the upper

intertidal zone (Dudas, 2005; Dudas and Dower, 2006). Due to ocean currents and its planktonic

larval stage, the varnish clam is capable of spreading throughout its entire geographic zone in

only one reproductive period (Dudas, 2005).

The varnish clam primarily exploits the upper third of the intertidal zone, but when no other

clam species are present, the varnish clam ranges throughout the upper to the lower intertidal

zone (Dudas, 2005; Meacham, 2013). In coastal British Columbia, the varnish clam can be found

with two other main bivalve species: the native Pacific littleneck (Protothaca staminea) and the

introduced Japanese littleneck (Tapes philippinarum) (Dudas et al., 2005). Compared to these

littleneck species, the varnish clam has a thinner and flatter shell, allowing easier consumption

by predators (Dudas et al., 2005).

Predators may apply preferences when foraging. Preferential foraging results in prey species

composition and/or size deviating from random prey consumption (Chesson, 1978). This is

called selective foraging. Selective foragers should select prey that maximize their net gain of

calories. At first, it appears that the largest prey would be the best choice of prey in terms of

long-term caloric intake, but many factors may work against this. A predator may select a

smaller prey species or a different species altogether for reasons that include handling time,

consumption success, profitability, and predator avoidance (Dudas et al., 2005).

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The “risky prey hypothesis” provides another explanation as to why a predator may

selectively forage for prey with smaller profitability. According to this hypothesis, the predator is

constrained by high risks that come with consuming larger prey (Rutten et al., 2006). An

example of this is that, despite the fact that larger bivalves can be expected to yield more energy

to oystercatchers than smaller bivalves, in the long term, net gain of calories may be diminished

with a diet of larger bivalves due to the fact that the risk of bill damage increases with prey size

(Rutten et al., 2006). A damaged bill would greatly reduce foraging ability of the oystercatcher.

Captive oystercatchers with bill damage had a 23% reduction in their food intake, and free-living

oystercatchers with bill damage were, on average, 14 g lighter in mass than oystercatchers

without bill damage (Rutten et al., 2006). Therefore, selectively foraging for smaller prey may

result in a larger long-term caloric intake for the predator than selectively foraging on larger


Invasions of non-indigenous species (NIS) are recognized as a threat to biodiversity through

competition and/or predation with indigenous species (Dudas et al., 2005). NIS potentially have

the ability to alter the structure of ecological interactions that already occur in an area (DFO,

1999; Dudas et al., 2005). Since the introduction and spread of the non-indigenous varnish clam

in the Black Oystercatcher’s range, there is little knowledge of the extent to which the diet of the

Black Oystercatcher may include the varnish clam. The Black Oystercatcher has been designated

as a species of high concern by both the Canadian and U.S. Shorebird Conservation Plans

(Donaldson et al., 2000; Brown et al., 2001). Black Oystercatchers have been the focus for

priority conservation action in part due to their small global population size, restricted range,

threats to preferred habitat, susceptibility to NIS invasions and lack of baseline data to assess

conservation status (Tessler et al., 2010). No studies of Black Oystercatcher foraging on varnish

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clams have previously been conducted. Therefore, this study aimed to address the interaction of

the Black Oystercatcher with the non-indigenous and rapidly-spreading varnish clam.


This study examined the foraging interactions of Black Oystercatchers on the introduced

varnish clam in Nanaimo, British Columbia. In particular, this study investigated whether and to

what extent varnish clams represent a significant part of the diet of the Black Oystercatcher. This

study also examined whether Black Oystercatchers forage selectively on specific size classes of

varnish clam.


Study Sites

This study was conducted at Piper’s Lagoon and Departure Bay Beach in Nanaimo, British

Columbia (Figure 1), from October 2013 to February 2014. Black Oystercatchers were observed

at these sites during preliminary surveys from September to October 2013. Departure Bay Beach

is an approximately 1.9-km crescent-shaped beach running between Bay Street (north-western

end) and the Departure Bay BC Ferries terminal (south-eastern end). It is located in an urban

area with Departure Bay Road running alongside a substantial part of the beach. There is a

steeper gradient in the upper intertidal zone of the beach, where medium to coarse gravel is the

predominant substrate, and a very low gradient in the middle and lower intertidal zone, where

sand is the predominate substrate. People regularly walk the beach and dogs are frequently

present. The study site was located at the most northern end of the beach. Here, Departure Bay

Creek runs into Departure Bay. The study site was located on a small spit that extends from the

Page 8: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine


northern edge of Departure Bay Creek. Within the study site, the substrate was comprised of

gravel and sand.

Piper’s Lagoon is approximately 0.10 km2 in size and floods during a tidal height of

approximately 2.1 to 3.5 metres. Piper’s Lagoon is surrounded by land except for a small

opening through its northern shore which provides the tide access to the lagoon. The south and

east shore of the lagoon is a peninsula (40 m wide) that runs north-south and ends in a larger land

mass with many short hiking trails. The western shore of the lagoon is residential waterfront.

There is a small park along the very northwestern shore of the lagoon. The study site was located

on the western shore of the lagoon, south of the park and in front of the most northern residence.

The gradient of the shore of the lagoon is shallow in the upper intertidal zone and relatively flat

in the middle intertidal zone. The substrate within the study site was comprised of gravel in the

upper intertidal zone and sand in most of the lagoon.

Foraging Observations

Observations were conducted in 5-minute observational periods. Upon arrival at a study site,

at least one observational period was implemented whether Black Oystercatchers were present or

not. Within each observational period, the tidal elevation, air temperature, cloud cover, wind

direction and speed, and number and species of birds present were recorded. If no Black

Oystercatchers were present, the next study site would be assessed or observational periods may

continue at the one study site. If Black Oystercatchers were present, focal animal sampling

(Altman, 1974) was carried out to assess the number and species of prey items eaten by Black

Oystercatchers. Each 5 minute observation period was then followed by an instantaneous scan

sample to record the number of Black Oystercatchers present and the activity of each individual.

Observational periods with Black Oystercatchers present would continue until the Black

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Oystercatchers left or for as long as possible for the observer. Oystercatchers were observed

using Nikon Monarch 10X42 binoculars and a Vortex Razor HD 85 mm spotting scope from a

minimum distance of 20 m. If more than one Black Oystercatcher was present, a random series

of the digits of the number pi (π) were used to select which bird to observe for each observational

period. If two Black Oystercatchers were present, a number from 0-4 and 5-9 represented the

bird to left and right, respectively. If three or more Black Oystercatchers were present, a number

from 1-3, 4-6, and 7-9 represented the bird to the left, centre, and right, respectively. The number

0 in this case represented the next number in the series of pi.

After the foraging Black Oystercatchers left the study site, the discarded shells of varnish

clams eaten by Black Oystercatchers were measured with Vernier calipers to the nearest

millimetre along the longest axis of the shells. The discarded shells were easily found due to part

of the abductor muscle usually still being attached on the inside of the shells, the shells still being

wet, and the shells only being pried apart and not cracked like the shells of the clams that

seagulls and crows ate (personal observation). The Black Oystercatchers foraged in the same

area, making it easy to keep track of discarded shell placement. After measurement of the

discarded shells, the shells were placed back on the beach as close as possible to where they were

found. These measurements of the discarded shells were used to calculate the mean size of clams

consumed by Black Oystercatchers.

Varnish Clam Distribution and Size

The availability of varnish clams to Black Oystercatchers was determined by sampling each

study site throughout the tide range in which Black Oystercatchers were observed feeding on

varnish clams. Sampling occurred in accordance Fisheries and Oceans Canada license to “Fish

for Experimental, Scientific, Educational or Public Display Purposes issued under Section 4 of

Page 10: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine


the Management of Contaminated Fisheries Regulations” (license number: XMCFR 14 2013). A

transect was run with a measuring tape laid out perpendicular to the edge of a dropping tide at

each study site. At 0.3-metre tidal interval determined with a tide table, two quadrats were placed

at a random location on each side of the transect and at the water’s edge. Random numbers were

used to determine how far from the transect the quadrats would be placed. The random numbers

potentially represented distances of 0.0 to 5.0 metres from the transect.

At Departure Bay Beach study site one tidal elevation was sampled with a pair of quadrats at a

tide height of 3.05 metres. At Piper’s Lagoon study site three tidal elevations were sampled in

pairs of quadrats at tidal heights of 3.05 metres, 3.35 metres, and 3.66 metres. The quadrats were

0.5 m × 0.5 m (0.25-m2) in area and each quadrat was dug to a depth of 0.1 m with the use of

hand trowels. This depth was chosen due to the fact that, despite the ability of the varnish clam to

bury to a depth of 0.3 m (Dudas et al., 2005), the maximum length of a Black Oystercatcher’s

bill is 8.1 cm (Marchant, 2010) and a depth of 0.1 m accounted for substrate roughness.

Through the beach profiling, the number and species of potential prey items available for the

Black Oystercatcher were recorded. All prey items other than varnish clams were immediately

returned back to where they were found after having been counted. The varnish clams, after

having been counted, were placed in plastic bags labelled for each quadrat. Each varnish clam

was then further washed to remove substrate, patted dry with paper towel, and measured with

Vernier calipers to the nearest millimetre along the longest axis of its shell.

Data Analysis

Welch’s t-test was used to assess if there was a significant difference in abundance of varnish

clams between the sites. The data on size of varnish clam eaten were pooled for each study site

due to limited sample sizes. The varnish clam size data were determined to be normally

Page 11: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine


distributed by visual assessment of histograms. The average size of available and eaten varnish

clams at each study site were compared with Welch’s t-test to assess size-selective foraging by

Black Oystercatchers. Significance was determined with α = 0.025, which included a Bonferroni

correction applied to account for multiple comparisons (Zar, 2010).


A total of 105 five-minute observational periods were conducted at the study sites (Table 1).

There were 76 and 29 observational periods conducted at Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s

Lagoon, respectively. Black Oystercatchers were observed were observed during 10 (13%) and

11 (38%) observational periods, respectively (Table 1). When Black Oystercatchers were

present, the median flock size at Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon was four and one,

respectively, with flock sizes ranging from two to seven and one to two individuals, respectively.

Observational periods at Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon occurred throughout similar

tidal ranges (2.4-4.5 metres, and 2.4-4.3 metres, respectively), and at both locations Black

Oystercatchers were observed foraging at similar tidal ranges (3.0-3.1 metres, and 3.1-3.7

metres, respectively) (Table 1). Of the total number of observational periods that occurred at

Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon, Black Oystercatchers were observed consuming at

least one varnish clam in five (7%) and nine (31%) observational periods, respectively (Table 1).

The median number of varnish clams consumed per observational period by Black

Oystercatchers was zero and three at Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon, respectively

(Table 1). Therefore, Black Oystercatchers were present more often at Piper’s Lagoon, where

they consumed varnish clams more often, and in greater number (Table 1).

Black Oystercatchers were observed foraging at the edge of the water, where they would walk

the waterline and probe the substrate with their bill to locate prey species. They either consumed

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individual prey from where it was excavated or they wedged the edge of the bivalve beneath a

rock large enough to pin the shell before gaining access to the meat inside. Observations showed

that as many as three discarded varnish clam shells could be found stacked within each other and

wedged beneath a rock used to pin the shells. All discarded varnish clam shells were found intact

and with half-shells pried apart but still attached together. The majority of the meat was

consumed from each varnish clam eaten. Frequently, there were still traces of abductor muscle

attached to the discarded half-shells.

There was no significant difference between the mean size of available varnish clams and the

mean size of varnish clams eaten by Black Oystercatchers at Departure Bay Beach (t = 0.55; df =

38; P = 0.59) (Figure 2; Table 2). Interestingly, the largest and smallest sizes of available varnish

clams did not appear to be consumed by Black Oystercatchers at Departure Bay Beach (Figure

2). There was a nearly significant difference between the mean size of available varnish clams

and those eaten by Black Oystercatchers at Piper’s Lagoon (t = 2.28; df = 37; P = 0.03)

(Figure 2; Table 2), although the range of available and eaten varnish clams were similar. The

mean density of available varnish clams was slightly higher at Piper’s Lagoon than at Departure

Bay Beach (Table 2), but this difference was not significant (t = 0.17; df = 6; P = 0.87).


In this study, Black Oystercatchers were repeatedly observed to consume varnish clams in the

intertidal zone of study sites located at Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon in Nanaimo,

British Columbia from October 2013 to 2014. Observed flock sizes were consistent with

previous research (Campbell et al., 1997). Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon were

observed to have flock size medians of 4 (range: 2-7) and 1 (range: 1-2), respectively (Table 1).

Piper’s Lagoon appeared to be an especially important foraging site for Black Oystercatchers

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since they consumed varnish clams more frequently and in greater quantity at this location than

at Departure Bay Beach (Table 1).

Observational periods at Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon occurred throughout

similar tidal ranges (2.4-4.5 metres and 2.4-4.3 metres, respectively), and at both locations Black

Oystercatchers were observed foraging at similar tidal ranges (3.0-3.1 metres, and 3.1-3.7

metres, respectively). Black Oystercatchers foraged at tide heights that allowed them access to

the intertidal zone in which varnish clams are present. Previous research in British Columbia

indicates that at tidal heights greater than 2.5 metres the varnish clam is often the only bivalve

species observed (Dudas, 2005). Typically, there is a relationship between bivalves with longer

shell lengths being found at deeper burial depths, but the varnish clam does not display this

relationship clearly (Dudas, 2005). This permits the Black Oystercatcher to forage on larger

varnish clams than smaller size classes of other bivalve species from a shallow substrate depth,

presumably requiring less handling time and less energy expenditure. Furthermore, the varnish

clam may also require a shorter handling time than other bivalve species for the Black

Oystercatcher due to the compressed shape of the shell and presumably easier to grab


Field observations revealed that after Black Oystercatchers successfully probed for a varnish

clam, their possible actions included wedging the edge of the varnish clam beneath a rock or

inside the shell of another previously eaten varnish clam. Presumably, this helped the Black

Oystercatcher gain access to the meat inside by allowing the rock to support the clam while

allowing the Black Oystercatcher to better chisel their way around the edge of the varnish clam

(Feare, 1971). Observations of Black Oystercatchers revealed that they opened the varnish clams

with a chiseling motion around the edge of the shell, presumably cutting the abductor muscle of

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the varnish clam, and then pried the half-shells of the varnish clam apart with their bills. This is

consistent with the foraging methods of Black Oystercatchers with chisel-shaped bills (Butler

and Kirbyson, 1979; Colwell, 2010). The other two feeding modes of Black Oystercatchers with

pointed and blunt bill morphs were not observed.

There was no obvious indication of size-selective foraging by Black Oystercatchers in this

study. However, there was a slight difference between the mean sizes of available (larger) and

eaten varnish clams at Piper’s Lagoon, but not at Departure Bay Beach. A predator’s preference

for prey can be affected by the abundance of the prey (Hughes, 1979). According to basic

foraging theory, when prey are less abundant, a predator should expand its preferred diet to also

eat less profitable prey sizes, and when valuable prey are abundant, the predator should reject

less profitable prey sizes (Dudas et al., 2005). The mean density of available varnish clams was

slightly higher at Piper’s Lagoon than at Departure Bay Beach (Table 2). This difference was not

significant and likely not the main reason for the slight difference of mean prey size observed.

Black Oystercatchers were also found to feed on varnish clams at a higher rate at Piper’s Lagoon

and throughout a larger tide range. A longer tidal fluctuation allows the Black Oystercatcher

more time to forage, which would allow them to afford to selectively forage for a specific size of

prey (Colwell, 2010). The increased varnish clam consumption, slightly higher abundance of

available varnish clams, and larger tidal range spent foraging at Piper’s Lagoon than Departure

Bay Beach suggest possible selective foraging by Black Oystercatchers. Reasons for the Black

Oystercatcher to selectively forage for smaller sized varnish clams could include a possibly

shorter handling time, higher consumption rate and increased profitability (Dudas et al., 2005).

Further behavioural studies could be conducted to address this.

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This study found that the varnish clam is now an important food source for the Black

Oystercatcher. When Black Oystercatchers were present at Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s

Lagoon, they were observed to forage on varnish clams during 50% and 82% of observation

periods, respectively. Black Oystercatchers appear to exploit the varnish clams and may be able

to obtain a substantial part of their daily energy requirements from this invasive species. The

contribution of varnish clam as part of daily food consumption is unknown and should be

evaluated. During this study, Black Oystercatchers were observed foraging at other locations

with rocky intertidal habitat. In these habitats, Black Oystercatchers were observed consuming

mussels and are likely to also consume limpets, barnacles and other bivalve species occasionally,

including oysters (Butler and Kirbyson, 1979). The indirect effects of this invasive subsidy on

marine food webs remain unknown and could be the subject of further studies.


I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Eric Demers, my research advisor, for his

guidance, enthusiasm and volunteer time in the field. Thank you to Dr. Liz Demattia and Dr.

Rosemarie Ganassin for their support as committee members, and to Nathan Hollenberg, Kim

Wetten and Stephanie Wetten for their volunteer time in the field.

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Altmann, J. 1974. Observational study of behavior: sampling methods. Behaviour 49:227-267.

Andres, B.A. 1994. Year-round residency in northern populations of the Black Oystercatcher.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Migratory Bird Management. 10 p.

Brown, S., C. Hickey, B. Harrington, and R. Gill, eds. 2001. United States shorebird

conservation plan. 2nd ed. Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet,

Massachusetts. 64 p.

Butler R.W. and J.W. Kirbyson 1979. Oyster predation by the Black Oystercatcher in British

Columbia. The Condor 81: 433-435.

Campbell R.W., N.K. Dawe and I. McTaggart-Cowan. 1997. Birds of British Columbia, volume

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Page 19: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine


Table 1. Summary of observations of Black Oystercatcher (BLOY) feeding on varnish clams (VC)

at Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon during various dates from October 2013 to February


Parameter Departure Bay Beach Piper’s Lagoon

Number of observation periods 76 29

Periods with BLOY present 10 (13%) 11 (38%)

Median flock size (range) 4 (2 - 7) 1 (1 - 2)

Tidal range when BLOY present (m) 3.0 - 3.1 3.1 - 3.7

Periods with VC consumed 5 (7%) 9 (31%)

Median number of VC consumed per period (range) 0 (0 - 3) 3 (0 - 4)

Page 20: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine


Table 2. Descriptive statistics comparing available and eaten varnish clams at Departure Bay

Beach and Piper’s Lagoon during various dates from October 2013 to February 2014 (NS = not

significant; α = 0.025, with Bonferroni correction for multiple comparisons).

Parameter Departure Bay Beach Piper’s Lagoon

Mean length (mm; ± SD) and sample size of

available varnish clams

39.9 ± 6.3

n = 99

35.0 ± 3.7

n = 318

Mean length (mm; ± SD) and sample size of

varnish clams eaten by Black Oystercatchers

39.3 ± 3.9

n = 19

33.0 ± 4.8

n = 34

t-value 0.55 2.28

P-value 0.59NS 0.03NS

Mean density (m–2; ±SD) of available varnish

clams 198 ± 59 212 ± 177

Page 21: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine


500 metres

Piper’s Lagoon Departure Bay Beach

Google Earth Google Earth

500 metres

Figure 1. Aerial photographs of the Departure Bay Beach and Piper’s Lagoon study sites in

Nanaimo, British Columbia.

Page 22: Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) foraging on · 1 ABSTRACT The Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) is a non-passerine


Figure 2. Size distribution of available(top) and eaten(bottom) varnish clams at Departure Bay

Beach(left) and Piper’s Lagoon(right) during various dates from October 2013 to February 2014.







2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56



cy (


Length (mm)







2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56



cy (


Length (mm)







2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56




cy (


Length (mm)

Departure Bay Beach




le V





Piper’s Lagoon





h C









2 8 14 20 26 32 38 44 50 56



cy (


Length (mm)

n = 19 n = 34

n = 318 n = 99