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  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 2, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News


    lease join us for our 22nd annual

    Pot Luck Dinneron December 14,

    2012, at the Long Valley First Aid

    Squad Building, East Mill Rd, LongValley.

    Cocktail hour is 7pm, followed by din-

    ner and a very brief meeting.

    Please bring a salad, main dish or

    dessert to share (and a beverage to share

    or not!) This is an opportunity to come

    out and meet the Board members of your

    local land trust, and eat some delicious

    food cooked by someone else.

    You are welcome to invitefriends.the more the merrier.

    RSVP to e-mail obadiah1750@hot-

    RSVP is not essential but helps us


    The New Spirit Booster Club, a non

    for profit, parent club is pleased to

    announce they are holding a Tricky

    Tray on Saturday, January 12, 2013 at the

    Benedict A. Cucinella Elementary School,470 Naughright Road, Long Valley, NJ.

    Doors will open at 6:00 pm with drawings

    to begin at 7:15 pm. Advanced tickets to the

    event will be $10 which includes one sheet

    of tickets and a door prize drawing ticket. If

    any tickets remain, they will be $15 at the


    The following is a sampling of some of

    the terrific trays that will be offered: com-

    puter lap top, flat screen TV, granite count-

    er top, restaurant and service gift certifi-

    cates, theater/amusement park tickets,tuition to summer camps, sports memorabil-

    ia, theme baskets, Yankee candles and

    MORE. We expect over 200 items to be

    given away.

    Concessions (pizza, hot dogs, chili,

    nachos, snacks, desserts, coffee/tea, soft

    drinks, water, etc.) will be available soJOIN US FOR DINNER!!

    The proceeds of the event will be used to

    support the cheerleaders cost of participat-

    ing in their quest for a Nationals Title at the

    Reach the Beach Competition on April 5-7,

    2013 in Ocean City, Maryland.

    Ticket availability is limited, so be sure

    to reserve your tickets TODAY. To purchase

    advanced tickets or if you need additional

    information please contact us at: cheertrick-

    [email protected]. The event is handicap


    This is a MUST ATTEND for serious

    Tricky Trayers!!!

    Tricky Tray

    Get Your Business Noticed with the



    Call 973-252-9889 for information

    Attention Schools, Churches, Organizations Send

    Your Press Releases to [email protected]

    22nd Annual Pot Luck Dinner

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 3

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 4, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

    By Kate Halse


    n Monday, December 3, the Happy

    Rockers celebrated the upcoming

    holiday season with their annual

    holiday luncheon at the Basking RidgeCountry Club. The luncheon featured an

    array of food and decorations, with mem-

    bers of the community coming together for

    an early holiday celebration. Happy

    Rockers is a group of residents in and

    around Peapack-Gladstone, ages 55 and

    over, who meet nearly every month and

    enjoy several outings during the year.

    The festive holiday event is highly antic-

    ipated by many community members and is

    well attended every year. Happy Rockers

    treasurer Sara Henderson says that, In1996, Tony Rinaldo chaired the Christmas

    party until his passing in October 2006. His

    wife, Maryann, took over his position and

    has been successful each year, with any-

    where from 60 to 100 in attendance. This

    year, we had a total of 96 people in atten-

    dance, including 6 clergy from our local


    The meal and location of this luncheon

    make this a memorable event. A search into

    the history of the event by Henderson shows

    that Financial records dating back to 1985

    show a Christmas party for Peapack-

    Gladstone seniors being catered annually

    until the 1990s, when they went off site to

    Peapack, Gladstone or Somerville restau-

    rants. Each year, members have the oppor-tunity to choose the meal for the luncheon.

    The Happy Rockers met once again at

    the Basking Ridge Country Club at the Fair

    Winds Fine Catering venue, which has host-

    ed the event since 2002. The location

    includes sweeping views of the golf course

    and the beautiful Somerset Hills, with

    amenities such as raised-hearth fireplaces

    and colonial-style dining rooms. While the

    Happy Rockers enjoyed their meal, they

    were treated to an awards show. Under the

    Rinaldos direction, says Henderson,Local merchants have generously donated

    many of the small gifts that are awarded at

    the luncheon.

    Henderson notes, The Christmas party

    has always been well attended by senior

    members of Peapack and Gladstone as well

    as those who have moved away to other

    communities. Everyone enjoys the convivi-

    ality of friends and family as they gather for

    a great meal of choice and beautiful sur-

    roundings during this Christmas season.

    Aside from the holiday luncheon, mem-

    Happy Rockers Host Annual Christmas Partybers of the Happy Rockers enjoy events and

    outings throughout the year. There is the

    Picnic in July, and bus trips this year included

    a visit to the Mount Airy Casino in May and a

    trip to the Hunterdon Hills Playhouse to seeA Bench in the Park in April.

    The members also participate in monthly

    meetings, which are held at the municipal

    building on the last Monday of every month,

    except for July, August and December.

    Meetings, chaired by president Lina

    Calabrese, begin at 1:00 p.m. with coffee, pas-

    tries and tea, followed by a meeting from 2 to

    3 p.m. A Visiting Nurse is present at each

    meeting to take blood pressure and discussvarious health issues.

    For more information about this event or

    the Happy Rockers, visit or

    call Lina Calabrese at 908-234-2377.

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 5






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    By Kate Halse


    elebrating its 10th anniversary this

    holiday season is the Festival of

    Trees, an annual event sponsored by

    the Senior Resource Center in Chester.There were around 75 lighted and decorated

    trees on display during the festival, which

    ran from December 1 through 8 at The Barn

    at Highlands Ridge Park in Chester. Each

    year, trees are donated and decorated by

    members of the community. Families, busi-

    ness owners and volunteers work together

    with participants from the Senior Resource

    Center to decorate the trees.

    Jim Hackett, director of the Senior

    Resource Center, notes that this eventwould not be possible without the help and

    generosity of the community. Most people

    in the area think that this is a Chester

    event, but it has been run by the Senior

    Resource Center for 10 years now and has

    become our biggest annual fundraiser. The

    10th Annual Festival of Treesfestival gives the seniors an opportunity to

    get involved, with many of them participat-

    ing by decorating, setting up, cleaning up

    and volunteering throughout the event.

    The theme of this years festival was ATime to Remember, which was highlighted

    in a variety of tree decorations. This festive

    community event was filled with an array of

    activities and crafts for people of all ages,

    including an opening night party for volun-

    teers, sponsors and decorators. Throughout

    the week, local schools participated in daily

    visits, and carols were sung in the evening

    by school choirs. In addition, the event

    included something for the whole family,

    with a 50/50 raffle, an activity table for kids

    and a Decorate your Mom/Dad Night on

    the opening night of the festival.

    Members of the community and the

    Senior Resource Center alike were invited

    to help out as a volunteer or a decorator.

    Volunteer tasks included decorating the

    table-top trees or The Barn and generally

    helping out with any behind-the-scenes

    tasks. Decorators were in charge of provid-

    ing all the decorations for their trees, gain-

    ing recognition through the program and

    tree displays.

    Hackett continues, This event provides

    a wonderful opportunity to enter into the

    beauty of this special season while allowing

    our residents the chance to help support an

    organization that gives back to the seniorsin their own community. He stresses that

    while this event is fun for the whole com-

    munity, it is also an essential source of

    income for the center. The biggest benefit

    of this event for the seniors in the area is the

    revenues raised that will help allow us to

    continue to provide the services and pro-

    grams that we offer to them.

    The Senior Resource Center is a 501(c)3

    non-profit organization that provides activi-

    ties, information and advocacy for the sen-

    iors and their caregivers in western Morris

    County and the surrounding areas. The cen-

    ter regularly hosts activities and programs,

    such as yoga, line dance, tai chi and stretch

    band classes, and offers 3 monthly Lunch

    and Learn programs, which provide lunch

    to attendees and a speaker to talk about

    ways to improve the lives of seniors and

    their caregivers.

    Visit or

    call 908-879-2202 for more information.

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 7

    Q. Tell me about your prac-tice?

    A. I am a neurosurgeon whospecializes in minimally invasiveendoscopic spine surgery at Ex-ecutive Spine Surgery in Hack-ettstown, NJ. I completed twofellowships in complex spinesurgery at Stanford University inCalifornia and interventional andminimally invasive spine surger y

    at Semmes-Murphey Neurologicand Spine Institute in Ten-nessee. I focus on treatment ofspinal disorders through pain in-

    jections and minimally invasivespine surgery.

    Q. What is minimally invasivespine surgery?

    A. It is spine surgery with askin incision less than 1-inch,but it is more than just a smallincision. The surgery is donethrough a tube in between backmuscles to decrease muscle

    damage and weakness causedby muscle retraction. Do notconfuse minimally invasive sur-gery with the term micro-surgery. Microsurgery onlyrefers to the use of a micro-scope not the size of the inci-sion or the amount of muscledamage.

    Q. How is endoscopic laserspine surgery different thanminimally invasive surgery?

    A. Endoscopic spine surgery

    Q. What types of conditionscan endoscopic spine surgerytreat?

    A. Treatment is effective forconditions that cause back pain,leg pain, numbness and weak-ness, such as arthritis, bonespurs, bulging discs, stenosis,

    herniated disc, facet joint dis-ease, sciatica, scoliosis,spondylolisthesis (slippedspine), instability and others.

    Q. What are the surgeryoptions?

    A. Endoscopic Rhizotomytreats back and leg pain originat-

    ing fromfacet

    joints andmedialbranchnerves.

    The me-dialbranchnerves arefound andcut

    through the endoscope. Patientsusually have almost immediatepain relief lasting for years. Ra-diofrequency ablation (RFA) onlydamages the nerve and usuallyprovides pain relief for six tonine months. Recovery timeranges from one to three weeks.

    Endoscopic Discectomytreats back and leg pain result-ing fromherniatedor torndiscspinchingthe legnervescausingsciatica.The discis foundand removed through the endo-scope, providing quick pain re-

    lief. Recovery timeranges from two to 6weeks.

    Endoscopic Fusiontreats degenerative diskdisease, spondylolysis(pars fracture), spondy-lolithesis and instability

    that cause back pain.The disk is removedthrough the endoscope andspinal endplates are preparedfor fusion under direct visualiza-tion.

    Endoscopic fusion is doneunder general anesthetic withnerve monitoring to facilitate in-sertion of a cage and spinal in-strumentation. Recovery timeranges from one to threemonths.

    Q. Why can you help people

    others say they cannot?A. Traditional surgery is lim-

    ited because the surgeon re-quires direct vision of thepathology with their eye or mi-croscope. The endoscope cam-era visualizes areas that are notusually accessible, through fora-men and around corners. Thisgreater visualization combinedwith less damage and surgicalrisk increases the spectrum ofpathology that can be treatedsafely. This allows treatment ofspinal disorders others say theycannot treat. This happenedmany years ago in orthopedicswith introduction of endoscopeto knee surgery. Today no onedoubts the incredible benefits ofendoscopy of the knee. We areseeing this happen with spinesurgery.

    Q. Can you help everyone?A. Not everyone can be

    helped or will be satisfied. Thisis still spine surgery. I do sin-cerely believe that in those that

    are not improved, the negativeconse-quencesof theopen tech-niques areat leastavoided.Endo-scopicspine sur-gery is the next advance in thetreatment of spinal disorders.

    Q. Why doesnt everyone dothis surgery?

    A. These procedures requirea unique combination of skillsthat take time to acquire; it is ahybrid procedure that falls in be-tween interventional pain andminimally invasive spine sur-gery. They are cutting-edge tech-niques. I believe that with timethese procedures will replacemost open surgeries of thespine similar to orthopedic, urol-ogy, general and gynecologicalsurgery. Endoscopic spine sur-gery is the future.

    is state-of-the-art minimally inva-sive spine surgery. A microvideo camera is insertedthrough a small incision to thedamaged area of the spine. Thecamera projects the imagesonto a video screen so the sur-geon can easily visualize thepathology. Tiny instruments areinserted through the camera toremove herniated disks, fixarthritis or fuse the spine underdirect visualization. The mediaoften emphasizes lasers but

    they are only one of the manyendoscopic instruments.

    Q. Why is endoscopic spinesurgery better than traditionalsurgery?

    A. Traditional surgery is moredestructive in its approach tothe spine for the problem beingtreated. The larger the incisionthe more collateral tissue dam-age and consequential scar tis-sue that forms. This scar tissuemay result in future dif ficulties.

    Endoscopic spine surgery isextremely minimally invasive,even for minimally invasivespine surgery. The incision isvery small (the size of a finger-nail) and there is minimal dam-age to blood vessels, muscle,ligaments and bone producingvery little blood loss. No generalanesthesia is required decreas-ing medical risks and improvingaccess to surgery for high-riskpatients. These benefits resultin less post-operative pain andquicker recovery.


    r. Spivak has recently joined the

    medical staff of Hackettstown

    Regional Medical Center and hasopened an office in the West Medical Wing

    of the Hospital. He brings special skills in

    endoscopic laser spine surgery to

    Hackettstown, NJ.

    He is one of the few neurosurgeons in New

    Jersey with dual expertise in both minimal-

    ly invasive spine surgery and interventional

    pain management, providing a unique per-

    spective in determining the optimal treat-

    ment for each individual patients needs

    while using the most cutting-edge technolo-gies. He offers a full range of back pain

    treatments from epidural steroid injections

    to endoscopic rhizotomy, discectomy and

    fusion surgeries.

    Executive Spine Surgery is currently

    accepting new referrals. Please contact the

    office with any questions, or to schedule an

    appointment at 908-452-5612.

    Dr. Spivak Joins Staff of HackettstownRegional Medical Center

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 8, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News


    he foundation of Lionism is eyesight

    preservation. Helen Keller, the great

    advocate for the blind challenged theLions to be Knights for the Blind. Today,

    many years later, the Chester Lions Club

    continues to support any and all eyesight

    projects. One of the most important aspects

    of eyesight conservation is collecting used

    eyeglasses to help those in need.

    Numerous collection boxes have been

    installed at strategic locations in Chester

    and Long Valley. Used glasses and hearing

    aids may be recycled at the following loca-


    The Chester Post Office, Sentry Lane,Chester

    The Long Valley Library, 37 E Springtown

    Road, Long Valley

    The Chester Library, 280 W. Main Street,


    Peapack Gladstone Bank, Route 24, Chester

    Guisseppes Restaurant, 191 Route 206,

    Chester Springs SC, Chester

    Optical Concepts, Chester Springs SC,Chester

    Eye Dox, Mansfield Route 57

    Pearl Vision, Mansfield Route 57

    West Jersey Eye MDs, 408 Main Street ,


    American Legion Hall, Collection Box,

    Route 24, Chester

    Long Valley Eye Care, Route 24, Long


    Vision Concepts, Route 57, Mansfield

    Please deposit your old eyeglasses and

    hearing aids at the locations indicated. Yourdonation will help improve someones qual-

    ity of life.

    For further information on eyeglass recy-

    cling and on Lionism please contact Phil

    Savell at 908 879 6543 or visit our website


    Donations of Glassesand Hearing Aids Welcome

    Get Your Business Noticed with the



    Call 973-252-9889 for information

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 9

    RoNetco Supermarkets, operators of

    ShopRite stores in Northwest New

    Jersey has announced the dates of

    the Winter Blood Drive at the stores. Blood

    drives are held in the winter and summermonths when the need for blood is most

    critical. These events are part of RoNetcos

    business philosophy of being Partners in

    Caring for our Neighbors Families, Homes

    and Communities. NO appointment is


    ShopRite of Netcong (75 U.S. Hwy 46

    Netcong NJ 07857)

    Thursday, January 10th from 12:30pm -


    ShopRite of Franklin (270 State Route 23

    Franklin NJ 07416)Monday, January 14th from 10am - 4pm

    ShopRite of Byram (90-80 U.S. Hwy 206

    Byram NJ 07874)

    Friday, January 18th from 1:00 pm to 7:00


    ShopRite of Flanders (90 Bartley Road

    Flanders NJ 07836)Saturday, January 19th from 10:00 am to

    4:00 pm

    ShopRite of Succasunna (281-031 Rt 10 &

    Commerce Blvd (Roxbury Mall)

    Monday, January 21st from 10:00 am to

    8:30 pm

    ShopRite of Newton (125 Water Street (Rt

    206 North) Newton NJ 07860

    Thursday, January 31st from 10:00 am to

    8:30 pm.

    ShopRite of Mansfield (1965 Rt 57 West

    & Allen Road)Friday, February 1st from 10:00 am to 4:00


    Winter Blood Drive 2013

    Get Your Business Noticed with the



    Call 973-252-9889 for information

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 10, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News


    Since 1989

    B A N K R U P T C Y

    We are a Debt Relief Agency and can help you file for Bankruptcy Relief under the Federal Bankruptcy Act

    Mention This Ad & Receive A $25.00 Discount


    RELIEF FROM CREDITORS Chapter 7 - Liquidations Chapter 13 - Wage Earner Plans

    Evening Hours Available Call 908.850.6161

    Vision Source of Mt. Olive Announces The Openingof Their Brand New Optometry Office

    ed internships at Omni Eye Services and the

    Optometric Center of New York Ocular

    Disease Clinic and Primary Care and


    Dr. Siegel has been in practice in New

    Jersey for over 21 years. He was on the

    Board of Directors for the New Jersey

    Society of Optometric Physicians for 11

    years and is a Past-President. Dr. Siegel is

    the Vice-Chairman of the Richard J.

    Favreau, O.D. Health Foundation and also

    serves as Medical Director for Vision Care

    Plan, Humana Vision for New Jersey. Most

    recently, he was appointed by the Governor

    of N.J. to the State Board of Optometrists.

    In 2011, his peers acknowledged his accom-

    plishments by awarding him the New Jersey

    Society of Optometric Physicians

    Optometrist of the Year award.

    Call the office at 855-948-2020 today to

    schedule your appointment! Visit us at

    Vision Source of Mt. Olive

    announces the opening of their

    brand new Optometry office

    Dr. Michael J. Siegel, Optometric

    Physician, is pleased to announce the open-

    ing of his new office located in Budd Lake.

    After serving the community for over 16

    years, Dr. Siegel, a resident of Budd Lake,

    has left his previous practice to open a new

    office. The office is under construction now

    and is set to open up in the beginning of

    February. Dr. Siegel will continue to take

    the same insurance plans he was a provider

    for in the past and will be using paperless

    records to help the environment.

    The office is located in Paramount Plaza,

    135 Rt. 46 East in Budd Lake. It is next to

    Kingsway Pharmacy. This small 6 unit

    building is becoming a medical plaza with

    St. Clares Hospital opening up a physical

    therapy office in the near future.

    Patients can visit www.VisionSource to schedule appointments and

    even download record release forms, or

    they can call the office directly at 855-948-

    2020. The office is taking appointments

    now! The new office will be very patient

    friendly and handicapped accessible. There

    are construction photos on the website so

    you can see the progress of the office. Go

    take a look and check it out!

    Dr. Siegel is a graduate of James

    Madison University and The State

    University of New York, College of

    Optometry. Dr. Siegel is an Optometric

    Physician licensed by the N.J. State Board

    of Optometry in the treatment and manage-

    ment of ocular diseases. His training includ-

    Dr. Michael J. Siegel

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 11

    Mt. Olive Community BibleTo Install Handicap Chair

    The Mount Olive Community Bible Church is installing a Handicap Chair Lift.

    Anyone interested in contributing towards this project, please make checks payable

    to Mount Olive Community Bible Church, with memo marked "Chair Lift'. Send

    checks to :Mount Olive Community Bible Church, P.O. Box 447, Flanders

    N.J..07836. To receive a tax reduction receipt, please include return mailing

    address. Thank You for your consideration.

    The Fred S. Burroughs, North Jersey

    Chapter of Trout Unlimited is host-

    ing a beginners and intermediate flytying class at the Camp Jefferson

    Recreation Hall, Weldon Road, Jefferson

    Twp., on seven (7) consecutive Tuesdays,

    begining Februay 5, 2013 through March

    19, 2012 from 7 pm to 9 pm. The cost is

    only $50 for the entire seven (7) week class.

    You won't find a better bargain!

    Materials and tools are provided for the

    beginner's class. Learn how to master the


    The intermediate class participants mustbring their own vice, tools, and thread.

    Some materials are provided. Learn how to

    tie the hottest and newest flies out there and

    learn how to use many of the newest syn-

    thetic materials on the market!

    Call Warren Weglinski at 917 418-3590

    to sign up or for more details.

    Fly Tying Class

    Attention Schools, Churches, Organizations Send

    Your Press Releases to [email protected]

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 12, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

    By Ejvind Boccolini

    Chester and Long Valley both held holiday celebra-

    tions on Sunday, Dec. 2, with many local residents

    showing up to meet up with neighbors and enjoysome good food and music.

    The 7th Annual Holiday Happenings was held in Long

    Valley on Sunday, Dec. 2, and in Chester, the Annual

    Chester Tree Lighting was held on the same day. Many par-

    ents came out with their children to enjoy the festivities,

    with excellent food and carolling.

    In Chester, at the gazebo on Main Street, Santa paid a

    visit, with many parents and children gathering as well, to

    have food and drink, courtesy of the recreation department.

    The shoppes in town were decorated with lights, and

    wreaths, and the gazebo was also filled with festive holiday

    decor.Also, in addition to the Green Market in Long Valley, a

    part of their celebration was the 8th Annual Gingerbread

    House Contest and Display. Long Valley residents have

    been great at setting up some entertaining contests for each

    holiday, and Chester did an excellent job of decorating its

    Main Street for the season.

    Residents from neighboring communities and beyond

    are likely to visit Chester and Long Valley during the holi-

    day season, because they have been known to set the tone

    for the holidays, with their decor and history. Not too many

    communities in New Jersey still look this good, nor do they

    have such style and personality.At both events this year, there was music, food, crafts,

    and a good crowd of residents to kick off the holiday sea-

    son as always.

    Also, the Willow Grove Farm of Long Valley had two

    Clydesdale horses at the celebrations in both towns, so thatmembers of the public could enjoy rides as part of the hol-

    iday celebration. These Clydesdale horses were in Long

    Valley and then Chester later the same day for their respec-

    tive holiday celebrations. The Willow Grove Farm is owned

    and operated by Heidi Schubert Ort and Win Lake, and

    website is

    Susan Coscia, Long Valley Village Association Board

    member, said she was pleased with the holiday celebrations

    in Long Valley because it is a great thing for the communi-


    Coscia said it brings people out to Long Valley, and it

    serves the purpose of "kicking off the holiday season withlocal artisans."

    Michelle Jerry, of Long Valley, thanked the community

    for coming out to the holiday celebration and the Green

    Market just before The Ginger Snaps vocal group captured

    the crowd's attention with their holiday carolling.On the

    previous day, Santa made an appearance at Hoffman Supply

    to meet with local kids.

    During the Dec. 2 festivities in Long Valley, residents

    parked at Columbia Trail lot and crossed the street, with the

    help of a police officer directing traffic, to meet with ven-

    dors outside as part of the Green Market. This Green

    Market program has been a success, and it continued to beon this day of the holiday celebration.

    Charity drives were being advertised, with the Long

    Valley Girl Scout Troop 518 sponsoring "Blanket the Shore

    With Love." They were asking for donations of new blan-

    kets, pillows, pajamas, gloves, scarves, hats and socks forresidents of the shore communities devastated by Hurricane

    Sandy. They also asked for first aid kits and school/craft

    supplies. The deadline is Jan. 15. Those interested can bring

    their donation to the January Girl Scouts Leaders' meeting,

    or look for bins around town.

    It was noted that the "delivery is coordinated through

    "Blankets for Brigantine and Beyond," a volunteer effort

    working with various officials at the shore to facilitate the

    distribution to those in need."

    Also, the Boy Scouts were also out during this holiday

    celebration, selling wreaths at the first aid squad building in

    Long Valley, and other holiday events were advertisedaround town, with some stores and local restaurants offer-

    ing sales and specials.

    In Chester, Recreation Director Maxine Finney, who

    runs the recreation departments in both the borough and the

    township, was pleased with the turnout of residents for

    Chester's celebration at the gazebo. Many people were out

    shopping on Main Street as well, just before the music start-

    ed at the gazebo.

    Chester Borough Mayor Bob Davis thanked the crowd

    for attending the event, and wished everyone happy holi-

    days, before Santa showed up.

    The West Morris Mendham Concert Band, under the

    Long Valley and Chester Show TheirHoliday Spirit And History

    continued on next page

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 13

    By Josh Lashley

    To be a successful varsity head coach

    at the high school level, thinking

    long-term, beyond merely wins andlosses in a given sport, a person should pos-

    sess an ample array of positive attributes

    such as strong leadership qualities and the

    ability to motivate the student-athletes on

    the roster.

    Indeed, it is a challenging task that

    requires a responsible leader to undertake.

    The challenge of being a head coach can

    very well be much more considerable when

    it is one's first year on the job as in the case

    of Jim Beatrice, the new head coach for the

    West Morris Central High School swim-ming program.

    This, however, is a responsibility that

    Beatrice is very much looking forward to

    and for him, it is an opportunity that had

    good timing.

    I am new to West Morris Central, we

    are a five-year old team with great heart,''

    Beatrice said. Unlike many of my peers, I

    direction of Tim Beadle, and The Treble

    Makers, an all female acapella singing

    group under the direction of Patty Danner,

    performed at the gazebo in Chester.

    The Annual Chester Tree Lighting is cel-

    ebrating its 25th year, and the Chester

    Garden Club was thanked for running the

    event for 22 of those years.

    The Chester Volunteer Fire Company

    escorted Santa to the tree lighting, and there

    were many festive activities throughout

    Chester recently, including the Moonstruck

    and Three Quarter Time Acapella Quartets

    performing on several Sundays from late

    November through mid-December.

    Another noteworthy holiday event is a

    trip to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra on

    Dec. 22 in Newark, which is being coordi-

    nated between Washington Township

    (Morris County) and Chester. More infor-

    mation on this event can be found on the

    website for Chester Township Recreation,

    West Morris High School Swim TeamSwims with Great Heart

    am not a teacher. I am a parent of two

    teenage daughters who are on the team

    (Samantha and Isabella). I was the Vice

    President of our Swim Team ParentsAssociation and when our former head

    coach was unable to return this year, I

    stepped in. I swam for a club team from age

    five to 18 and I have coached summer

    teams, taught swim lessons and I am a sum-

    mer swim official. I guess you can say I was

    in the right place at the right time.

    I have completed 25 years in law

    enforcement and I am Detective Captain for

    the Passaic County Prosecutor's Office. I

    am getting ready to transition into corporate

    America. Although we have only beentraining since November 15, my Assistant

    Coach Chris Hildreth and I have seen

    improvements thus far.''

    There is a mixture of veterans as well as

    newcomers for West Morris this winter and

    the guidance demonstrated by the captains

    on the roster will be very important.

    We have 21 new swimmers this year,

    including 17 freshmen, one sophomore, two

    juniors and one senior,'' Beatrice said. Our

    team captains are all seniors, three girls,

    Samantha Beatrice, Lindsey Hoffman,Molly Shannon and two boys, Andrew

    Tamburrino and Ray Waters. All of our

    Captains are leaders in and out of the pool.

    They are role models for the underclass-

    man. We have a dedicated group of return-ing sophomores, juniors and seniors who

    will all contribute to the team in their

    unique ways.''

    Last year, the West Morris Central girls

    team had a record of 5-4, while the boys

    squad was right at the .500 mark at 5-5.

    Beatrice is hoping that his program builds

    positive momentum throughout the course

    of the season.

    I want this team to be a better condi-

    tioned team,'' Beatrice said. We are work-

    ing very hard inside and outside of the pooland this will pay off by season's end. We

    hope to build off of last season's record and


    Beatrice is well aware that his program

    will be swimming against several quality

    opponents this winter.

    All the teams in the conference are very

    competitive and the majority have year-

    round club/Y swimmers,'' Beatrice said. I

    believe that this year's team will be a spoil-

    er to many. Their drive and determination

    can be seen during our practices and soon inour meets.''

    continued from previous pageHoliday Spirit And History...

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    Page 14, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

    By Cheryl Conway

    What was known as Kevil Chevrolet on Route 46 inHackettstown has gotten a facelift with new own-ers, a new name and vast improvements.

    Now called Route 46 Chevrolet, the car dealer recentlyunderwent $650,000 in improvements such as new show-room furniture, new paint job, new management and salespeople, new equipment, more lifts, longer hours, more serv-ices, loaner vehicles, and a greater selection of tires andinventory. Adam Barish of Kinnelon and his sister, Jessica-owners of Route 23 Honda in Pompton Plains - bought thebusiness recently.

    Barish hopes his improvements increase business andencourage customers to rely on their local dealer for thebest service and selection.

    We are looking to be premium northwest, says Barish,when comparing other Chevy dealers. Its not a corporate

    store. Its family-owned and operated; fair deal; fair price;fantastic service department.Besides Barish being available for personal service, he

    says his sales people are all local. Its your friends andneighbors that are working here.

    Barish bought Kevil Chevrolet on Aug. 15, which wasfor sale privately through a broker. The former owner, MikeKevil, who ran the dealership since 1984, died in July of aheart attack, he says.

    I was looking to expand into something small, mostlydomestic, says Barish. It seemed like a good fit. Theresa lot of potential here; tight knit community.

    Raised by car dealer owners, Barish grew up in the car

    business since he was five years old. His parents werePontiac Dealers and owned Regal Pontiac in West Caldwellfrom 1968 until 1974, when they switched to becomingHonda Dealers. They owned Fairfield Honda in 1974,which moved in 1983 to Route 23 Honda in PomptonPlains.

    After earning his bachelors degree in Technical Theaterfrom Washington University in St. Louis, Barish got hiscertificate in Dealership Management and committed him-self to the family business, a field he has known all his life.

    When he was five, I was putting parts on the shelf,says Barish. His knowledge of the business grew frominstalling carpets and radios in cars in his early teens, toaccounting, service advisor, parts and counter service in hislater teens, to executive management when he was 18.

    Its fun; its challenging, says Barish. I like that its sovaried; meeting the customers, talking to them about theirvehicle stories. Its retail. Its service industry. Its a lotabout process improvement. Its finding value add and giv-ing them a reason to buy it from us, our store.

    Barish, so far, has done just that- Giving customers thosereasons to come to Route 46 Chevrolet with all of hisimprovements.

    A lot of people say, you never had cars, says Barishrecounting some of the comments of previous customers.

    Five or six said, I wasnt able to buy a car. They didnthave it. They didnt negotiate.At the new Route 46 Chevrolet, we have the invento-

    ry, says Barish. Vehicles theyve never stocked before.Theres stuff here and were selling it.

    There is a greater selection of used cars certified byChevy, Buick and GMC Truck. All purchases come withfree roadside assistance and two years free maintenance.

    We plan to have over 100 used on the ground at alltimes, says Barish.

    Before there were 40 new and used vehicles for sale;now there are more than 100 new and used vehicles for pur-chase, says Barish, carrying more than 10 to 12 different


    Local Chevrolet Dealer Upgraded To ExcellenceHe also added a new Commercial Vehicle Department,

    stocking for sale Dump Trucks such as Plumber (utility)bodies and U-haul Box trucks.

    With the funds spent on improvements, Barish addedfive more lifts to accommodate more customers. He is alsoproviding express service to get an oil change in under 30minutes. Fluid checks, battery checks will be done quickerwith new lifts and processes.

    He has added a new alignment and tire machines, stock-ing more than 150 tires.

    We will most likely have your tires, says Barish.Customers receive a free car wash with all services.After experiencing the power outage with Hurricane

    Sandy, Barish recently added a generator So during stormswe can operate parts and service departments, he says.

    Barish is offering a new incentive, Route 46 ChevroletAdvantage. Customers are given a one-year key replace-

    ment policy so if they lose their key within the first year ofa car purchase, Route 46 Chevrolet will replace it for free,saving the customer a $200 to $400 key replacement cost,he says.

    Under this new incentive, customers will also receivefree towing if they break down; unlimited coverage for

    one-year for easy dent care repair; nitrogen in their tires forbetter tire wear; and one year of tire-road hazard protec-tion to cover tires for one year.

    Barish also added a dozen loaner vehicles in all modelsand is offering it free to all customers with service.Customers are encouraged to make a reservation for a par-ticular loaner vehicle. Among vehicles to loan is a 2500pick up truck and express cargo van to be used as worktrucks to help customers stay in business during vehiclerepairs.

    Shop hours have also been extended to accommodatemore customers. For service, hours are 7 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.,Monday-Friday; and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays. Forsales, hours are 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday-Thursday; 9 7:30 p.m. on Fridays; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays.

    For those waiting for service, or other people wanting tojust stop by, Barish provides free, fresh brewed coffee, soda

    and popcorn, as well as free Wi-Fi.For weekly or monthly specials, go Deals are being offered to local work-ers such as small businesses, firefighters, EMS workers,Unions and DPW workers. Go to rt46chevroletlocal.comfor more information.

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 15

    Breakthrough Treatment Now Available In Long ValleyImagine thirty to forty years ago if you were told that lasers

    would replace scalpels in surgery or that robotic instruments

    would build cars; you may not have believed it. By the same

    token would you believe that chiropractic treatments could be

    performed using a special hand-held instrument developed byNASA scientists; all while you were sitting in an upright posi-

    tion without turning or twisting movements?

    Advances in computers and engineering technologies have

    been able to uniquely blend with chiropractic in order to both

    analyze and treat the human body in such a way that was never

    before realized.

    According to Dr. Michael S. Hyjek, This new form of com-

    puterized treatment is so gentle and effective, that it amazes

    even the most skeptical patients. Its called the ProAdjuster and

    is the latest, state-of-the-art technology in existence today, and

    the only one in the Long Valley area

    The ProAdjuster can safely and gently analyze and treat thespine and other joints to remove the nerve impingement that is

    often the cause of pains in the low back, neck, shoulder and else-

    where in the body. It also works on a variety of muscular con-

    ditions to loosen tight muscles with ease and comfort. Many

    patients say that its like getting a mini-massage.

    It can also help increase the amount of motion in almost any

    joint. Even patients with knee, hip and foot problems such as

    plantar fasciitis are being helped. It is also covered by most in-

    surance companies including medicare.

    Dr. Michael S. Hyjek, the secret to the ProAdjuster lies in

    its advanced piezoelectric sensor that is able to detect the slight-

    est amount of restriction in a joint and then deliver an extremelyprecise adjustment. He says that Even though traditional

    forms of adjusting also work, people are drawn to this new tech-

    nique because of how gentle it is and does not in-

    volve any twisting, especially in the neck. Many

    people love getting adjusted with traditional man-

    ual techniques, all of which are safe and effective,

    but there are a large number of people who neverget to experience the amazing benefits of chiro-

    practic because they are scared to have their

    spines adjusted in that way, says Dr. Michael S. Hyjek, Now,

    there is no longer a reason for anyone to be weary. The

    ProAdjuster is perfect for anyone who has been thinking

    about going to a chiropractor, but hasnt yet made that deci-

    sion. Dr. Michael S. Hyjek, wants everyone to be able to ex-perience these same benefits and if you have any of the

    following conditions, the ProAdjuster may be the answer

    youve been looking for

    Low back discomfort Fibromyalgia

    Sciatic nerve pain * Planter Fascitis

    Neck and shoulder pain Knee or hip pain

    TMJ dysfunction Scoliosis

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Arthritis

    Headaches Sports injuries

    Treatment with the ProAdjuster is consistent, measurable

    and extremely gentle. There is no guesswork, and its safe for

    individuals of all ages. Call our office today and mention thisarticle to receive a FREE ProAdjuster analysis to pin-point

    your problem area and see how the ProAdjuster can help. Call

    within the next 7 days and you will also receive a complimen-

    tary nerve stress scan and computerized muscle test that can

    show the areas of your stress and how its affecting your body.

    Call 908-876-8777 today to reserve your free ProAdjuster

    Analysis Scan. (Reg. $125)

    This technological marvel can help you return to a health-

    ier lifestyle. You may no longer have to live with a persistent,

    painful condition. Call us today.

    Dr. Michael S. Hyjek

    2 Mountain View Ave., Long Valley, NJ [email protected]

    Dr. Michael S. Hyjek uses the ProAdjuster to analyze apatients spine and pin-point areas of nerve impinge-ment syndrome causing malfunction and pain.

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 16, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

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    By Elsie Walker

    At Christmas, Christians celebrate

    the birth of Jesus centuries ago. It

    was while this parents, Mary and

    Joseph, were in Bethlehem for a census that

    Mary gave birth to her son. Because therewas no room in the town inn, the couple

    sought shelter in a stable and the newborns

    first bed was a manger. Surrounded by the

    stables animals, the child was visited by

    shepherds who were told of the birth by


    Recently, this scene was re-created by

    the Drakestown United Methodist Church

    in the form of an outside living nativity

    complete with animals.

    During our annual planning meeting

    last January, we were thinking of ways toconnect to our community and someone

    suggested that a live nativity would be

    something that many people could enjoy,

    even if they had no desire to go into a

    church building. We had heard of other

    churches that did them and everyone report-

    ed they were fun, said church member

    Tricia Piazza.

    The churchs pastor, the Rev. Bob

    Mayer, added that the church wanted to

    make use of its beautiful field and this was

    a way to do it while reminding people of thereason for the season.

    Some of the churchs men built the stable

    out of scrap wood and planned the enclo-

    sure to be on the field, near the churchs out-

    door prayer circle. This made it within

    walking distance of the church parking lot

    and visible from Naughright Road.On the night of December 8th, slowly the

    church formed the nativity scene. While

    Cath Kanen read the scriptures from the

    Gospel of Luke ( beginning with the decree

    for the census and ending with the shep-

    herds spreading the good news), the scene

    unfolded before everyones eyes. There

    were even the animals of the stable, repre-

    sented by two sheep, three goats and two

    chickens. Those were loaned to the church

    by local farms.

    The youth of the church took the parts ofMary, Joseph, the angels and shepherds,

    with Mayer acting as head shepherd. Mary

    was portrayed by Carolyn Kanen of Long

    Valley and Joseph by Max Wagner, also of

    Long Valley. The rest of the Nativity play-

    ers included Becky Halterman, Erin Haney

    and Dana Richards as angels and Colin

    Haney and William Richards as shepherds.

    A doll was used to represent the baby


    After the nativity presentation, attendees

    went to the churchs Friendship Hall wherethey had cocoa and homemade cookies.

    Recently, the Nativity came alive at Drakestown United Methodist Church.

    The Nativity Comes Alive At Drakestown UMC

    Each child received a Christmas activity

    pack and crayons as well.

    The church exists to share God's love

    with the world. This nativity is just one of

    the many ways we are spreading the mes-

    sage of the Gospel with our neighbors, said


    Drakestown United Methodist Church

    will be having a candlelight Christmas Eve

    service at 7:30pm on December 24th.

    Mayer will be giving the message from hissermon series, "A Different Kind of

    Christmas". The entire offering collected at

    that service will be given to CUMAC in

    Paterson, New Jersey. CUMAC (Center of

    United Methodist Aid to the Community ) is

    a community food pantry that serves the

    needy in Paterson.

    Drakestown United Methodist Church is

    located 6 Church Road, Hackettstown, just

    off Naughtright Road. For more informa-

    tion, the churchs phone number is 908-852-

    4460 .

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 18, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

    Deborah Waddell,Dipl. Ac., C.A.

    Valley Professional Center, 59 East Mill Road (Rt. 24),Suite 2-201-A, Long Valley, New Jersey, 07853 (908) 876-3643

    Treating: Mental and Emotional Issues

    Musculo-skeletal and Neurological

    Upper Respiratory Tract

    Gastrointestinal Disorders Reproductive System


    Deborah Torrance,Dipl. Ac., C.A.

    The endocrine system is responsible for hormonal

    functions in the body and produces thirty distinct

    hormones each of which has a very specific job to

    do. This system controls your physical growth, mood, hor-

    mone output, reproduction, mental functionality, and

    immune system. When your endocrine system is not work-

    ing properly you become more susceptible to disease and

    your ability to fight off infection is weakened. Endocrine

    glands and their functioning impact every area of your

    health. Chinese Medicine has a great deal to offer within the

    understanding and treatment of hormonal-endocrine condi-

    tions. Classical Chinese Medicine sees the body, mind andspirit as inseparable; the endocrine system can also be seen

    in this way. From a Western perspective, it is the job of the

    endocrine system to manage the stress within our lives: be

    it on the physical or mental-emotional level.

    The keystone of acupuncture and Oriental medicine has

    always been awakening the body's natural intelligence to

    heal itself and restore balance to the system of energy path-

    ways (called "meridians") that crisscross the body. If the

    meridians within your body have become depleted you can

    suffer from tiredness, infertility, weight gain, depression,

    digestive problems, hair loss, arthritis, and feeling chilled

    no matter what the temperature is.What are the endocrine glands and what do they do?

    The major endocrine glands include the adrenals, pan-

    creas, pineal, pituitary, reproductive and thyroid glands.

    Adrenals - Adrenal glands regulate the body's response

    to stress and are made of two parts, each of which secretes

    a separate set of hormones. The outer part produces corti-

    costeroid hormones that regulate the balance of salt and

    water, stress response, metabolism, immune function, and

    sexual development and function. The inner part secretes

    adrenaline hormones that increase blood pressure and heart

    rate in response to stress. Over time chronic elevated stress

    levels can lead to weight gain, decreased resistance to infec-tions, fatigue, muscle aches and low blood sugar.

    Pancreas - The pancreas produces insulin and glucagon-

    two hormones that work together to supply the body's cells

    with a constant supply of energy in the form of glucose.

    Pineal - The pineal gland is also known as the epiphysis

    cerebri, epiphysis or the "third eye". It produces the sero-

    tonin derivative melatonin, a hormone that affects the mod-

    ulation of wake/sleep patterns and seasonal functions.

    Hypothalamus /Pituitary Are a collection of special-

    ized cells that provide the primary link between the

    endocrine and central nervous systems. Nerve cells and hor-

    mones signal the pituitary gland to secrete or suppress the

    release of various hormone messages to the other glands.

    The pituitary gland is also responsible for secreting growth


    Reproductive - These glands, (ovaries, testes, etc.)

    secrete hormones that control the development of male and

    female characteristics. In males these glands secrete andro-gen hormones, most importantly testosterone. In females

    they produce estrogen, progesterone, eggs and are involved

    in reproductive functions.

    Thyroid - Thyroid hormones control the growth, temper-

    ature and function of every cell in the body. The Thyroid

    acts as the metabolic engine of the body - if it secretes too

    little hormone the body slows and dies; if it secretes too

    much the body burns out and dies.

    A healthy endocrine system that continues to secrete

    adequate amounts of hormones will slow the aging process

    and keep you vibrant and healthy as you age.

    When treating a suspected endocrine condition withacupuncture and Oriental medicine, the acupuncturist seeks

    the root cause of the patient's imbalance. The endocrine sys-

    tem is closely tied to the internal balance of the Yin energy

    and the Yang energy. Imagine that the Yang energy is like

    gasoline that fuels a car, and the Yin energy is the coolant

    for the car's engine. Without the coolant, the engine over-

    heats and begins to burn out. Acupuncture and Oriental

    Medicine work to make sure the Yin and Yang are equal

    within the body restoring your essential internal balance.

    The root of the body's energy in Oriental medicine is the

    Kidney meridian. Treatment used to strengthen the Kidney

    Meridian also restores nourishment to your endocrineglands.

    Acupuncture can be used to restore hormonal balance,

    regulate energy levels, smooth emotions and help manage

    sleep and menstrual problems. Treatments take all symp-

    toms into account and are aimed at balancing the energy in

    your body, optimizing your health, restoring immune func-

    Enhance Your Endocrine Health with Acupuncture

    tion and balancing the production and release of hormones

    through a variety of approaches ranging from acupuncture

    and herbal remedies to lifestyle changes and special exer-

    cises. Many patients benefit from an integrated Eastern and

    Western medical approach to endocrine health. The strong

    point of Western medicine is intervention in life-threatening

    illness, whereas the strong point of Eastern medicine is

    increased quality of life. Therefore it is optimal to have both

    Eastern and Western medicine options available for the

    most comprehensive care.

    Would you like to learn more about how Acupuncture

    can help you? Call Skylands Acupuncture to schedule an

    appointment or for a free phone consult. All treatments are

    custom-tailored to suit your individual needs so that you

    can feel better quickly and safely.

    Did You Know?

    Anew study in the journal Neurology suggests that

    working out is the most effective way to protect the

    brain from Alzheimer's disease. Researchers stud-

    ied roughly 700 study participants from Scotland, all of

    whom were born in 1936. Each participant reported their

    levels of leisure and physical activity at age 70, rating their

    physical activity on a scale from moving only to perform

    household chores to participating in heavy exercise or com-

    petitive sport several times per week. Participants were also

    asked to rate how often they engaged in social or intellectu-

    al activities. At age 73, participants received an MRI tomeasure certain biomarkers in their brains. Those who par-

    ticipated in more physical activity showed less brain shrink-

    age and fewer white matter lesions, both of which can be

    signs of Alzheimer's disease. And while social and intellec-

    tual activities can be beneficial in preventing Alzheimer's

    disease, the study found that social and intellectual engage-

    ment weren'tas helpful to the brain as physical exercise. The

    types of physical exercise most beneficial to the brain are

    still being studied, though information presented at the

    2012 Alzheimer's Association's International Conference

    suggested that strength training is perhaps the most effec-

    tive form of exercise.

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 19

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 20, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

    The West Morris Central Chorus,

    under the direction of Caitlin

    O'Leary, will perform for the 42nd

    year at the December 20th meeting of the

    Long Valley Woman's Club. The perform-

    ance will take place at the Long Valley

    Presbyterian Church on Bartley Road in

    Long Valley at 1 PM.The public is invited, the performance is

    free and refreshments will follow in the

    church hall.

    The Woman's Club is a local community

    service organization which meets the third

    Thursday of the month at noon at the

    Presbyterian Church on Bartley Road. All

    are welcome. For information please call

    Dorothy Beckbessinger, Membership Chair,at 908-832-6777.

    All programs are held at the Washington

    Twp. Public Library, 37 E. Springtown Rd.,

    Long Valley, NJ 07853 908-876-3596

    "Morris County Rails in the Last Half of the

    20th Century"

    Saturday, January 12, 2013 at 3 p.m.

    "Morris County Rails in the Last Half of the

    20th Century" - Washington Twp. Historical

    Society Lecture with Bob Pennisi

    Reverse mortgages

    Tuesday, January 15, 2013 at 7 p.m.

    Kerry Walsh from First Hope Mortgage

    Bank will discuss different aspects of

    reverse mortgages. Topics include Benefits,

    who qualifies, types of programs, getting out

    of one you are in.

    Friends of the Library Movie Night

    Wednesday, January 16, 2013 at 7 p.m.

    Julie and Julia

    Julia Child's story of her start in the cooking

    profession is intertwined with blogger Julie

    Powell's 2002 challenge to cook all the

    recipes in Child's first book. Stars Amy

    Adams and Meryl Streep.

    Stay Fit While You Sit workshop

    Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 7 p.m.

    The goal of this presentation given by Dr.

    Jeffrey Culbert, chiropractor, is to help peo-

    ple who sit on the job reduce the strain put

    on their bodies and thus increase their pro-


    "Villages and Hamlets of Washington

    Township Long Ago"

    Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 3 p.m.

    Washington Twp. Historical Society Lecture

    with Eileen Stokes. Eileen Stokes from the

    Washington Township Historical Society

    who will present a talk and slide show high-

    lighting the many small hamlets that histori-

    cally comprised the township.

    Do you know the location of Four Bridges,

    Scrappy Corner, Philhower Crossroads or

    Springtown? Do you know which sections

    had general stores, post offices, mills or

    creameries? Once the township had 13 one

    room schoolhouses and numerous quarries

    and blacksmiths!

    Sugar Blues Workshop

    Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 7 p.m.

    Snow date, Jan. 30th

    Are you tired of sugar cravings controlling

    your life? Are you ready to have more ener-

    gy than you can handle? Are you tired of

    always feeling tired?

    In this workshop, Juanita Reyes, Holistic

    Health Coach, will teach you:

    The top ways sugar is negatively affecting

    your health and happiness

    January 2013 Adult Programs at The Washington Twp. LibraryHow sugar is part of the solution - not the


    Tips to eat foods you enjoy and not deprive


    To understand how your lifestyle affects

    your cravings

    Your first steps to take back control of your

    life and health

    If you are ready to have more energy, fewer

    cravings and take back control of your life,

    then you don't want to miss this class!

    Why Solar

    Thursday, January 24, 2013 at 7 p.m.

    Joe Adamo from Trinity Solar will discuss

    why solar energy makes sense. New Jersey

    has among the highest electric rates in the

    nation--and no one likes paying their electric

    bill! So do something about it. Powering

    your appliances with solar energy will not

    only reduce or eliminate your electric bill,

    but you could generate income, in the form

    of SREC's in New Jersey, as well as create a

    positive environmental impact and lessen

    your dependence on costly fossil fuels.

    "Treasures of the Washington Twp.

    Historical Society Collection"

    Saturday, January 26, 2013 at 3 p.m.

    Washington Twp. Historical Society Lecture

    with Mary Ann Kordys, Karen Muscat and

    Betsy Guzenski.

    Lunch n Learn

    Monday, January 28, 2013 at noon

    Topic to be announced

    Community Film Screening

    Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.

    Title to be announced.

    West Morris Central Chorus to Perform

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 21

    If you havent had the chance yet, you

    need to come and visit the newest busi-

    ness addition to Chester- Pines &

    Needles. Themed with the season, you will

    not encounter one of a kind finds like thisanywhere else in town.

    Located adjacent to Redwoods on Main

    Street, Pines & Needles began as a hobby

    for storeowners Mindy Leonardelli &

    Deborah Strykr. The team would frequent

    sales and auctions all over the country look-

    ing for unique antique and eclectic items

    that that could be repurposed, refinished or

    resold. They put their creativity into action

    and began holding sales outside of their

    homes. Their eye for exceptional finds

    drew repeat customers, and the demand for

    their creative one of a kind items

    increased. Mindy & Deborah decided to

    make it official and open the Pines &

    Needles storefront in Chester.

    Deborah has an extensive background in

    art & interior design. For many years she

    participated in several Mansions in May

    which has a rich tradition of transforming

    historic mansions into breathtaking show

    houses; raising millions of dollars for

    Morristown Memorial Hospital.

    Furniture, color and fabrics play a very

    important part in my life, Stated Strykr.

    Leonardelli is no stranger to talent as

    well. Mindy has a marketing degree and

    worked as a CASA supervisor and for the

    NJ Judiciary for a number of years. Before

    moving to New Jersey, she followed her

    passion and lived in Europe and took

    antique courses. While living in Europe, I

    began to appreciate antiques and continued

    this passion. However, our shop is not just

    about antiques but part of a growing green

    lifestyle. Deborah and I truly believe in our

    philosophy of found, upcycled or sustain-

    able products, stated Leonardelli. Both

    women have been in the Chester/Mendham

    area for decades.

    Their combined talent is evident all

    throughout the store from refinished trunks

    and table tops to handcrafted coat hangers

    & mirrors made from window panes. The

    store is full of Antique and eclectic,

    reclaimed and repurposed items. With the

    holiday season approaching, you will find

    lots or great items and ideas for your holi-

    day entertaining.

    As Stock depletes, new items are being

    added frequently so be sure to stop in and

    see all the new additions for your home and

    holiday festivities. In the meantime join

    Pines & Needles Grand Opening

    (Pines & Needles) facebook page to get the

    latest event happenings at the store. All

    items in the store are priced to sell.

    Pines & Needles is located on 455 Main

    Street in Chester right next store to


    Store owners - Left to Right: Deborah Strykr & Mindy Leonardelli.

    P 22 D b 2012 T ll Th Y S I I Th Bl k Ri N

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    Page 22, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

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    By Josh Lashley

    Many teams entered the football sea-son with high hopes, some evenwith every intention along with

    great work ethic strove for an NJSIAAChampionship, but only a few programs

    where able to reach that plateau. WestMorris Central High School, with thecoaches as well as student-athlete's workingdiligently and the fans supporting the causecontinuously, earned the NJSIAA North IIGroup IV State Sectional title with a 35-7victory over Warren Hills on December 8 atRutgers University.

    Austin Roland scored on three touch-down runs in the championship win. AdamCaruso had a TD run and quarterback con-nected with receiver Tyler Amandos for atouchdown pass of nearly 75 yards forWMC. Roland had almost 175 yards on the

    ground and Caruso ran for 110 yards in thewin.

    WMC finished the season with an over-all record of 8-4 and they were the No. 4seed in the North II Group IV bracket. Theytopped fifth seeded Millburn (42-12) in thequarterfinal round and top seeded Irvington(26-0) in the semifinals of the tournament.The huge win over Warren Hills stands outas an obvious highlight of the season, buthead coach Kevin Hennelly mentionedother triumph's that were Some of the mostimpressive games the kids played this yearwere at Morris Knolls week one [a 34-7

    win], at Irvington and the championshipgame versus Warren Hills,'' Hennelly said.These games all stood out for different rea-

    sons. The week one game versus Knollsstood out because we found out relativelyfast that we had some good potential for theyear. Heading into the game we were youngat a lot of positions and a lot of kids provedthey could be varsity players. The Irvington

    semifinal game stands out because we wereon the road against the one seed and theboys played exceptionally well shuttingthem out.

    Obviously the championship gamestands out because the boys played well inan atmosphere that is different from mostfootball games. It was great that the kidsplayed their best game in the finals.''

    It certainly takes the solid effort of manystudent-athlete's to complete a champi-onship season and coach Hennelly men-tioned some of the leaders on his roster thisfall.

    Tyler Amandos was a captain all seasonlong but really stepped it up in the playoffsand was our leader on the defense as well asa great blocker on offense,'' Hennelly said.He also scored on our longest play of theseason in the state championship catching a73-yard touchdown pass. Our two runningbacks Roland and Caruso played excellentall year long. Roland ended with 1,100rushing yards and 21 TD's and Caruso had10 TD's and 1,206 rushing yards.

    All of this was made possible by KennyCuret and Rob Hughes-two of our two-waysenior lineman. Quarterback and safety

    John Gutowski played well throughout theyear and excelled at the safety position inhis first year playing defense.''

    West Morris Central High School Wins NJSIAA North II Group IV State Sectional TitleSeveral others constantly improved and

    had a big impact for West Morris this year,including the student-athlete's mentionedbelow.

    A lot of underclassmen stepped up thisyear and did a great job,'' Hennelly said.

    Linebackers Matt Carfaro and KevinHennelly were two of our leading tacklerson defense as juniors. Jake Butkus, KyleGuldner and John Maciejewski were two-way linemen as juniors and played a majorrole in our offensive and defensive success.

    Kevin Sears, Will Sullivan and StephenMcDonough all stepped in as sophomoresand helped on both the offensive and defen-sive side of the ball. Collin Sokolowskistarted at quarterback for a couple of gameswhen Gutowski was hurt and managed the

    games very well.''Coach Hennelly is not only happy with

    how well his players performed this season,but he has optimism for the fall of 2013 aswell.

    I'm really proud of our boys and how

    they were able to fight through some adver-sity this year as the season had its highs andlows,'' Hennelly said. Yet they never lostsight of the goal and played their three bestgames of the year in the playoffs.

    We were able to get some of ouryounger guys some valuable playing time.The seniors all set a good example on howto work in and out of season and what ittakes to win. If the younger players can fol-low the example the seniors set, they shouldhave some success.''

    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News December 2012 Page 23

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 23

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    We at Alfonso's Salon want to wish everyone aMerry Christmas, Happy Chanukah & A Happy,

    Healthy & Safe New Year!

    On Sunday, 11/18/12, Eleventh Hour

    Rescue celebrated their one-year

    anniversary of the opening of their

    Enhanced Adoption Center located within

    the PetSmart store, 50 International Dr,

    Flanders, NJ. This facility was built byPetSmart Charities for the exclusive use of

    Eleventh Hour Rescue. The facility has 21

    dog cages and 16 cat cages to showcase pets

    available for adoption. On hand to join the

    celebration and enjoy the cake were many

    of the employees and volunteers of

    Eleventh Hour Rescue who have made this

    location a huge success right from the start.

    Since the Adoption Center opened a year

    ago, over 1,400 dogs and cats have been

    adopted at the center. This facility has been

    a significant factor in getting these petsadopted into their forever home. We would

    like to take this opportunity to thank

    PetSmart Charities, the local PetSmart

    store, its Managers and staff for working

    closely with Eleventh Hour Rescue to make

    this all possible.

    In addition, we would like to thank the

    many families who have adopted pets at the

    Adoption Center and brought home their

    forever furry friends into their loving

    homes. Thanks to you, these wonderful

    dogs and cats now have another chance at


    The Enhanced Adoption Center is open

    Monday through Saturday from 9:00am to

    8:00pm and on Sunday from 10:00am to

    5:00pm. New dogs and cats arrive fre-

    quently, so stop in often. Supply donationsand new volunteers are always welcomed


    For more information, please visit our

    web site: or call the

    Adoption Center directly at: 973-448-7601

    ext 7.

    Eleventh Hour Rescue is a volunteer-

    based nonprofit, 501c3 charitable organiza-

    tion that literally saves dogs and cats from

    death row. Eleventh Hour Rescue is made

    up of dedicated individuals who believe that

    innocent pets deserve love and a place tolive where they are honored and cared for.

    No dog or cat deserves to die simply

    because they do not have a home. We invite

    caring people to join us as volunteers and

    graciously accept help in the form of time,

    supplies and monetary contributions.

    Eleventh Hour Rescue is a 100% volunteer

    organization funded exclusively by dona-

    tions. To see all of our adoptable pets, to see

    our upcoming events, or to make a dona-

    tion, please visit: or call:


    Eleventh Hour Rescue Celebrates One Year Anniversary

    PetSmart-one year celebration. Pictured are Meghan DiRuggiero, Manager stands in front

    of the table along with employees and volunteers.

    Get Your Business Noticed with the



    Call 973-252-9889 for information

    Page 24 December 2012 Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    Page 24, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

    Baking is among the most fun, flavor-

    ful holiday traditions and one that

    brings family and friends together in

    the kitchen. In fact, nearly 60 percent of

    home cooks are expected to bake holiday

    cookies this year.

    Whether youre baking gifts for teachers,

    sweets for a cookie share, or a nibble to

    enjoy after wrapping gifts, surprise and

    delight friends and family by taking season-

    al favorites and infusing new twists.The holidays are marked by cherished

    baking traditions and enjoying the season's

    most-loved flavors and treats, like ginger-

    bread men, sugar cookies, peppermint can-

    dies and eggnog, says Mary Beth

    Harrington of the McCormick Kitchens.

    This season, weve taken a favorite recipe,

    Peppermint Bark, and added a fun, new take

    to create holiday-inspired cookie bars.

    Layer fudgy brownies with smooth pepper-

    mint crme, chocolate glaze and candy cane

    toppings for these delicious Peppermint


    For more holiday baking recipes like

    Spiced Holiday Sugar Cookies, and White

    Chocolate Kissed Gingerbread Cookies,


    Peppermint Bars

    Prep Time: 15 minutes

    Cook Time: 15 minutes

    Refrigerate: 30 minutes

    Makes 36 servings1 package (21 ounces) fudge brownie mix

    2 1/2 cups confectioners sugar

    15 tablespoons butter, softened, divided

    1 1/2 tablespoons heavy cream

    1 teaspoon McCormick Pure Peppermint


    12 ounces semi-sweet baking chocolate,

    coarsely chopped

    Crushed peppermint candies or candy canes


    1. Preheat oven to 350F. Prepare brownie

    mix as directed on package.

    Spread in greased foil-lined

    15 x 10 x 1-inch baking pan.

    2. Bake 15 minutes or until

    toothpick inserted into cen-

    ter comes out almost clean.

    Cool in pan on wire rack.

    3. Meanwhile, beat confec-

    tioners sugar, 7 tablespoons

    butter, cream and pepper-

    mint extract in large bowlwith electric mixer on medi-

    um speed until well blended

    and smooth. Spread evenly

    over cooled brownie.

    Refrigerate 30 minutes.

    4. Microwave chocolate and

    remaining 8 tablespoons (1

    stick) butter in large

    microwave bowl on HIGH 2 minutes or

    until butter is melted. Stir until chocolate is

    completely melted. Spread over top of

    chilled brownie. Sprinkle with crushed pep-

    permint candies, if desired. Cut into bars. Measuring Cup, 2011

    Holiday Survey Trends

    Get Cookie Inspired

    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 25

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


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    Preparation Time: 20 minutes

    1 jar (16 ounces) Aunt Nellies Baby Whole

    Pickled Beets

    2 tablespoons lemon, lime or orange juice

    1 teaspoon lemon, lime or orange zest

    Salt and pepper

    1/4cup olive oil

    1 package (about 10 ounces) mixed salad


    1/2 cup dried apricot strips (1/4-inch wide)Nut-Crusted Goat Cheese Rounds (instruc-

    tions below)

    1. Drain beets; reserve 2 tablespoons liq-

    uid in small bowl. For dressing, whisk

    together beet liquid, lemon juice, zest, salt

    and pepper, as desired, then whisk in oil.

    2.Divide greens among 6 salad plates.

    Top with beets and apricot strips. Place 1 or

    2 goat cheese rounds on each salad, as

    desired. Pass dressing.

    Makes 6 servings.

    Nut-Crusted Goat Cheese RoundsCut 6 (1/4-inch thick) rounds from one 4

    to 6 ounce goat cheese log. Coat rounds

    with finely chopped toasted nuts (almonds,

    pecans or pistachios). Double if desired.

    Nutrition information per serving with

    one goat cheese round (1/6 of recipe):

    260 calories; 7 g protein; 18 g carbohy-

    drate; 18 g fat; 260 mg sodium; 18 mg cho-

    lesterol; 3 g dietary fiber; 1 mg iron; 0.05

    mg thiamin; 2054 IU vitamin A; 9 mg vita-

    min C.

    Baby Beets and Greens Salad

    Page 26, December 2012, Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


    1 Mount Olive Road Budd Lake

    Brandas Wishes YouAll A Joyous

    Holiday Season and A Happy,Healthy New Year!

    Serving From Our

    Regular Menuwith House Specials

    Open Seating till 9:30pmCall 973-448-0300For Reservations!

    Kids are more likely to eat what they

    help cook or bake. So if youre

    looking for ways to get your kids to

    eat more nutritious foods, its time to get

    them into the kitchen. That wont be hard

    with a delicious recipe for Peanut Pumpkin


    Incorporating nutritious ingredients,

    such as peanut butter, can play a role in

    maintaining a healthy diet for the whole

    family. Peanut butter contains protein, fiber

    and good fats, which can provide long-last-

    ing energy. One serving of smooth-style

    peanut butter offers a natural, plant-based

    source of eight grams of protein and more

    than 30 essential nutrients and phytonutri-


    From measuring and dumping ingredi-

    ents, to whisking, pouring and sprinkling,

    kids of all ages will have fun making these

    wholesome treats.

    Get more nutritious, kid-friendly recipes


    Peanut PumpkinMuffinsMakes: 12 muffins

    1 cup all-purpose flour

    1 cup whole-grain pastry flour

    1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

    1 teaspoon baking soda

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon3/4 cup packed dark brown sugar

    3 tablespoons unsulfured molasses

    3 tablespoons canola oil

    2 large eggs, divided

    1 cup canned (solid-pack) pumpkin

    1teaspoon vanilla extract

    3/4 cup low-fat buttermilk

    3/4 cup roasted salted peanuts, chopped,


    Cooking spray

    Preheat oven to 400F. Coat a 12-cup

    Making Muffins with the Kidsmuffin pan with cooking spray, or line it

    with muffin papers.

    In medium bowl, whisk together the first

    six ingredients until well mixed.

    In large bowl, whisk together brown

    sugar, molasses, oil and one egg until com-

    bined. Add the other egg, pumpkin and

    vanilla, and whisk again until combined.

    Gradually add flour mixture to wet ingre-

    dients, alternating with buttermilk, until just

    combined, being careful not over mix.

    Stir in 1/2 cup peanuts.

    Pour batter into prepared muffin pan, fill-

    ing each one about 3/4 full. Sprinkle top of

    each muffin with remaining 1/4 cup chopped


    Bake until puffed and golden brown, and

    a toothpick inserted into the center of a muf-

    fin comes out clean, about 20 minutes.

    Cool muffins in the pan on a wire rack for

    15 to 20 minutes. Slide a knife around edges

    of muffins to loosen them from pan if no

    paper was used. Serve warm or cool; store in

    an airtight container or resealable plastic bag

    for up to 4 days, or freeze for up to 4 months.

    Nutrition information (per serving/1 muf-

    fin): 240 calories, 9.5g fat (1.5g saturated

    fat), 36 g carbohydrate, 3g fiber, 6.5g pro-

    tein, 35 mg cholesterol, 265 mg sodium

    Tell Them You Saw It In The Black River News, December 2012, Page 27

  • 7/30/2019 Black River - Dec. 2012_FINAL


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    BookYour HolidayParties Now!

    As guests descend on your holiday

    party, are you prepared for the

    growing list of food allergies,

    dietary demands and menu requirements?

    For instance, the number of people eating

    gluten-free has grown to more than 20 mil-

    lion households, so its likely that you will

    receive a gluten-free RSVP. By relying on a

    few simple changes and substitutions, hosts

    can feel good about serving delicious and

    festive dishes everyone will love.

    First, gluten-free breads and other prod-

    ucts have come a long way in the past sever-

    al years, making them delicious enough for

    everyone to enjoy. By finding a gluten-free

    baguette for appetizers or dinner rolls for

    family meals, no one will have to worry

    about separate foods. This makes hosting

    simpler and removes the guesswork for

    gluten-free guests, so everyone can enjoy

    each others company and savor this festive

    time of year.

    Celebrity chef and author of the New

    York Times best seller Now Eat This!

    Italian, Rocco DiSpirito, uses this strategy

    in his dishes. Bringing people together at

    the table is one of the great joys of being a

    chef. But finding delicious options that are

    safe for everyone at the table is often a chal-

    lenge. When you do, theres a greater sense

    of community and connection, DiSpirito

    said. I like Udi's Gluten Free because they

    taste like the real thing, so no one notices the


    When planning a holiday menu, here are

    some other useful tips for less stress and

    more celebration this season:

    Focus on foods that are naturally gluten-

    free. Satisfying side dishes featuring fresh

    vegetables or hearty sweet potatoes are

    always crowd pleasers.

    Be careful of hidden gluten traps like

    bread crumb toppings or certain marinades

    and salad dressings. Read the labels to avoid

    ingredients like soy sauce, malt and modi-
