black triangular craft and highways.pdf

Black Triangular Craft and Highways 1 Comment and 0 Reactions March 5, 2013 Jason Offutt Interstate 435 surrounds Kansas City, Missouri, and its suburbs across the Missouri/Kansas state line in 81-miles of asphalt. Other than a few housing developments, the northwest stretch of the interstate that Laura Katz traveled on around 10 p.m. February 19, is quiet and dark. “It was cold and clear,” Katz said. “You could see the stars. Visibility was excellent.” Which is how she saw the thing in the sky. Katz was on the last half-hour of the long journey from her hometown of Council Bluffs, Iowa, to her apartment in Overland Park, Kansas, when she took the onramp onto the interstate at Platte City, Missouri, and entered this sparsely-populated area northwest of Kansas City. “I’d onl y been on 435 a couple of minutes and I see these things with lights,” she said. “I think, hmm, that’s weird.”

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Black Triangular Craft and Highways 1 Comment and 0 Reactions

March 5, 2013

Jason Offutt

Interstate 435 surrounds Kansas City, Missouri, and its suburbs across the

Missouri/Kansas state line in 81-miles of asphalt. Other than a few housing developments,

the northwest stretch of the interstate that Laura Katz traveled on around 10 p.m.

February 19, is quiet and dark. “It was cold and clear,” Katz said. “You could see the stars.

Visibility was excellent.”

Which is how she saw the thing in the sky.

Katz was on the last half-hour of the long journey from her hometown of Council Bluffs, Iowa,

to her apartment in Overland Park, Kansas, when she took the onramp onto the interstate at Platte

City, Missouri, and entered this sparsely-populated area northwest of Kansas City. “I’d only been

on 435 a couple of minutes and I see these things with lights,” she said. “I think, hmm, that’s


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An elongated black triangle about the size of a

commercial jet airliner flew toward her. A smaller one just to the south mirrored the flight path; a

second smaller craft flew to the north. “To the right is another one right above the trees,” she

said. “I mean right above the trees. There were no propellers, no wings, and they were flat. An

airplane isn’t just flat like that.”

These three aircraft with strange lights approached the interstate with a trajectory that would lead

them over Katz’s car toward nearby Kansas City International Airport. But, as the craft grew

closer, Katz began to doubt if these were conventional airplanes. “I usually don’t see three

airplanes that close together,” she said. “But I am by the airport so maybe they’re farther apart

than what I think.”

Then she slowed and the lead craft, the largest of the three, slowly sailed over the top of her car.

“It was triangle shape, almost like a Stealth Bomber shape,” she said. But Katz has seen the B-2

Stealth Bomber, and this craft was not the B-2. “I slow down and look up at this thing,” she said.

“This was not an airplane. I made sure it was not an airplane before I started freaking.”

Blue and red flickering lights lined the outside of the triangles; a big white light glowed from

their middle. Katz got a good look; the craft were close. “We’re talking not very high off the

interstate,” she said. “Just above the trees. Probably a couple hundred feet above the trees. I was

moving faster than they were.”

One of the smaller ships wasn’t moving at all. It just hovered at the tree line.

Katz’s sighting isn’t uncommon for that area. An anonymous poster to the Mutual UFO Network

website described seeing something similar at 10:05 p.m. on November 9, 2012, near Parkville,

Missouri, about thirteen miles from the airport. “I saw a triangle-shaped object hovering low in

the sky over Parkville, Missouri,” the witness wrote in the MUFON report. “The craft had a

bright white light and smaller red and blue light all which flashed randomly.”

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This object hovered an estimated 200 feet above the ground. The witness saw a black triangular

craft with a bright, white light shining underneath. ”I slowed down to about 15 mph because

there were no other cars on the road at the time. The object … blended very well with the night

sky,” the witness wrote. “I looked up into the sky very puzzled and astounded by what I had just

seen. I can’t understand how something that big could just hover in place so low to the ground

and not make a sound.”

Margie Kay, the assistant state director for the Missouri MUFON chapter, said Katz and the

witness from Parkville aren’t alone. “There has been some UFO activity in that area, in particular

along the river and along I-29 and I-435 at the Missouri/Kansas border,” Kay said. “There were

eighty-three reported triangular craft in Missouri from January 2011 to February 19, 2013, with

twenty-six of those being along this western corridor.”

Due to the proximity of Whiteman Air Force Base, home of the B-2 Spirit stealth bomber (93

miles away), Fort Riley (141 miles) and Offutt Air Force Base (161 miles away), Kay doesn’t

rule out a terrestrial explanation. “I would not be surprised at all if they are some top secret

military craft,” she said. “But that is just speculation.”

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Kay’s colleague in Kansas, MUFON field investigator Stan Seba, agrees. “I’m not saying this is

extraterrestrial,” he said. “Me and my colleagues believe it’s something of a terrestrial origin.”

Over the past few years he’s tracked black triangle sightings across the greater Kansas City area,

and many of the sightings are the same. In his research, Seba has noted similarities in the

sightings of black triangular craft:

They are seen at specific altitudes, or very close to the ground, usually less than 500 feet.

They are much slower than conventional aircraft.

They are seen over interstate highways.

They are seen over areas of dense population or over areas of economic development.

No identifiable identification.

Unconventional lighting.

Specific flight paths.

“They have been confused for stealth aircraft,” Seba said, and tries to rule out the B-2 from

reports first. “With the B-2 bomber, the way it is designed is to look like anything except an

airplane.” But in some sightings of black, triangular craft, the ships don’t behave like the B-2.

“They demonstrate abilities that are not known by any other aircraft to have. Stopping in midair,

hovering, moving very slowly then zooming out of sight very fast. When they disappear from

their sight, it’s likes watching a Star Trek special effect of a starship going into warp.”

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A common thread among these sightings is the interstate system. “In the greater Kansas City

area, people are most likely to see triangles on Interstate 653, Interstate 35 and Interstate 435,”

he said. “It’s kind of a long line. Some pilots call it IFR. I Follow Roads. And when you’re

traveling along the interstate, except for billboards you have an excellent view of the sky.”

This link to terrestrial pilots is one of the reasons Seba said the ships may indeed be some of

ours. He sited the words of former Skunk Works director Ben Rich from his book Skunk Works:

A Personal Memoir of My Years of Lockheed: ‘We now have the technology to take ET home.’

“If he was being honest with that quote,” Seba said. “There’s no telling what we have.”

However, Seba is also not ruling out that these ships could be extraterrestrial.

Katz is sure they are. “I’m going between 50 and 65 m.p.h. and they’re just gliding through the

air; something the military would cover in seconds,” she said. “They were going so slow I could

see them in my rearview mirror.”

She saw more than the three slow-moving black triangles on her drive home. “I go a few miles

and there’s another one, but not as big as the first,” she said. “I get to the race track (Kansas

Speedway) and there’s one right above the Toyota dealership. It was a smaller one. It was


Katz wasn’t the only one in the car to know something was wrong; she had three pets with her.

“The most mellow cat, right before the Platte City exit (minutes before her first sighting) starts

making this noise,” she said. “Not her normal meow. The other two were still, but one was

making this noise, this odd, odd noise. She’s in her carrier so I can’t do anything about it.” The

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cat continued to make this noise for miles. “She didn’t stop until we passed the last one. Super

weird,” Katz said.

Seba said there have been reports of similar pet reaction in relation to black triangle sightings.

“I think they’re UFOs, no doubt in my mind,” Katz said. “I’m open to them being military, but I

know they weren’t airplanes.”

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

2005 from Boylan Website

Comments from ExopoliticsYahooGroup Website

Aloha, I thought it worth commenting on Richard Boylan’s latest article which appears to be a well reasoned appraisal of the antigravity craft possessed by the U.S. military. Dr Boylan cites a number of whistleblower sources to build an overview of the antigravity craft developed by various U.S. military contractors as a result of reverse engineering captured extraterrestrial vehicles. . It’s worth keeping in mind that Boylan is certainly correct in his main thesis that military contractors have been working on advanced craft based on extraterrestrial technologies covertly supplied to them. . This should come as no surprise based on what Col Philip Corso revealed in terms of his involvement in U.S. Army efforts to pass on extraterrestrial technologies to civilian industries from the Roswell wreckage available in his filing cabinet. Of course, the scraps of ET material in Corso’s filing cabinet pales in comparison with the actual craft retrieved by elite UFO retrieval units on many occasions as whistleblowers such as Sgt Clifford Stone claim. While the details of each covert program cited by Boylan may be called into question due to the inherent problem in whistleblower testimonies that may be seeded with disinformation, his basic premise and overview appears well thought through. Boylan’s research reveals that Space based weapon systems already exist and have been used for several decades. . This suggests that the Strategic Defense Initiative is just a cover for a covert weapons program that has been underway for some time and has already been deployed. SDI therefore may be little more than an effort to take space based weapons systems out of the ‘black’ world of illicit black budget funding, into the ‘white world’ of Congressionally approved Special Access Programs that can be funded by federal appropriations. This allows the black budget funds raised through illicit sources that previously funded these covert programs to be earmarked for other ‘urgent’ purposes. This suggests that efforts to prevent the weaponization of space need to consider the covert programs already deployed and the need of military policy makers to get some of these into the ‘white world’ in order to gain Congressional funding for other ‘black projects’. The proper focus should therefore be on making transparent the

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space weapons systems currently deployed, and to have some accountability process for the deployment and use of such weapons systems by Congressional committees. Turning back the covert deployment of space based weapons is a much more difficult challenge than preventing their initial deployment which has already occurred. . Furthermore, the targeting of extraterrestrial vehicles by exotic weapons systems is certainly a major cause for concern as Boylan points out. However, as influential insiders such as Col Philip Corso have indicated, there is genuine military concern over extraterrestrial violations of national sovereignty and human rights. . This has led to Corso and others supporting the deployment of such space based weapons systems. Consequently, there is great work to be done in bridging genuine military concerns over intrusive extraterrestrial activities, and egregious military practices of targeting extraterrestrial vehicles with exotic weapons systems. Michael Salla, PhD

As a behavioral scientist and clinician, I have been working for over 15 years with persons who report having had an encounter with an extraterrestrial intelligent life form, a Star Visitor. During the course of this work I have felt it necessary to learn as much as possible about the veridical reality of UFOs, and what the government already knows about these visitors from afar. As information on Star Visitors and their encounters with humans piled up, I began to publish my findings, presenting them at national and international conferences, in specialty journals, and in media interviews. This in turn brought me to the attention of certain figures, currently or formerly in highly-classified sectors of government and the military ad intelligence agencies. These individuals decided to leak certain additional information to me, knowing that I would thus serve as a conduit to bring such leaked information to the attention of the portion of the public interested and ready for such information. My doctoral training in psychology and anthropology taught the value of first-hand field research. And because the existence and operations of various undeclared or secret government installations related to Star Visitor matters are not going to be plumbed without field research, I made it my task, starting in 1992, to reconnoiter, observe, and in some instances penetrate many of the most important of these installations. I reasoned that the knowledge I gained could be very helpful to the experiencers who consult with me, to help them feel secure that they had not hallucinated, but that such advanced technology exists, and in fact, the American government is in possession of some of this technology. Additionally, the hundreds of experiencers of encounters shared with me information they possessed, including about advanced U.S. craft, either by reason of being told such things by the Star Visitors, or by being kidnaped by rogue military-intelligence units and taken aboard one of these craft to one or other of these installations, or viewed such craft once they arrived. This added to my store of information and data on advanced U.S. antigravity craft. While I have gathered, or been entrusted by others with, considerable information on special American aerospace craft, I do not purport to know everything that is in the U.S. arsenal, nor everything about the operations and capabilities of the craft that I am about to identify. What I know is presented here. I have held nothing back. At this time, I am aware of the existence of ten kinds of special-technology advanced aerospace platforms [mil-speak for craft], all incorporating antigravity technology in some form. These ten are:

the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber the Aurora Lockheed-Martin’s X-33A Boeing and Airbus Industries’ Nautilus the TR3-A Pumpkinseed the TR3-B Triangle Northrop’s Great Pumpkin disc

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Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical’s XH-75D Shark antigravity helicopter Lockheed-Martin and Northrop’s jointly-developed TAW-50 hypersonic

antigravity fighter-bomber

Before we examine these ten exotic aerospace craft, a brief overview of the different forms of generating antigravity fields is in order.

The most primitive antigravity technology is electrogravitic. This involves using voltages in the millions of volts to disrupt the ambient gravitational field. This results in an 89% reduction in gravity’s hold on airframes in such vehicles as the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the TR3-B Astra triangular craft. And given the considerable ambient ionization field I observed around the X-22A, it is reasonable to assume that extreme-voltage electrogravitics is also employed with these craft.

The next level up of sophistication is magnetogravitic. This involves generating high-energy toroidal fields spun at incredible rpm’s, which also disrupts the ambient gravitational field, indeed to the extent that a counterforce to Earth’s gravitational pull is generated. The early British aeronautical engineers called this dynamic counterbary. This may have been used in some earlier American saucers and prototypes, but I have only been told that the secret Nautilus spacefaring craft uses magnetic pulsing , which appears to utilize this technology.

The third level of sophistication, that used in the more modern American antigravity craft, is direct generation and harnessing of the gravitational strong force. Such a strong-force field extends slightly beyond the atomic nucleus of Element 115, an exotic element donated by Star Visitor scientist-consultants to human scientists at S-4, a secret base south of Area 51. By amplifying that exposed gravitational strong force, and using antimatter reactor high energy, and then directing it, it is possible to lift a craft from the Earth and then change directions by vectoring the shaped antigravity force field thus generated. Important information about this third technology is available on Bob Lazar’s website. (1) This information is also described on the Bob Lazar video. Lazar worked on extraterrestrial technology at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Area 51’s Site S-4. (2)

Let us now examine these 10 advanced craft in more detail. The amount of information available for each varies; in some cases more is known, in other cases very little.

1) The B-2 Stealth bomber is manufactured Northrop-Grumman The Air Force describes it as a low-observable, strategic, long-range heavy bomber capable of penetrating sophisticated and dense air-defense shields. Retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware passed on to me information from a three-star general he knows, who revealed to him in July that the B-2 [Stealth bombers] have electro-gravitic systems on board; and that this explains why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a billion dollars each. (3)

2) The Aurora SR-33A is a moderate-sized spacefaring vehicle The late National Security Council scientist Dr. Michael Wolf (4) of NSC’s unacknowledged Special Studies Group subcommittee, (formerly called MJ-12), has stated that the Aurora can operate on both

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conventional fuel and antigravity field propulsion systems. He further stated that the Aurora can travel to the Moon. Wolf had also disclosed to me that the U.S. has a small station on the Moon, and a tiny observation post on Mars (5). Thus I doubt that Dr. Wolf would characterize the Aurora thus, unless it was a vessel already used in making such trips. He disclosed additionally that the Aurora operates out of Area 51, (Groom Dry Lake Air Force Station), at the northeast corner of the Nellis AFB Range, north of Las Vegas, Nevada.

3) The Lockheed-Martin X-33A military spaceplane Is a prototype of Lockheed’s other spaceplane, the single-stage-to-orbit reuseable aerospace vehicle, the National SpacePlane . Lockheed-Martin does not say too much about its winged, delta-shape X-33 VentureStar, except to say that we are building it. To be at that stage of development for its public-program SpacePlane, clearly Lockheed-Martin has already long since built prototypes, as well as an unacknowledged military version, which I have dubbed the X-33A. The ’A’ suffix stands for antigravity. Colonel Donald Ware, USAF (ret.) told me that he had recently learned from a three-star General that the VentureStar X-33 has an electrogravitics (antigravity) system on board (6). This virtually assures that the unacknowledged military antigravity version, the X-33 A, must surely also have electrogravitics on board. It is possible that what I have called the X-33A is the Aurora craft which Dr. Wolf described.

4) The Lockheed X-22A is a two-man antigravity disc fighter The late Colonel Steve Wilson, USAF (ret.), stated that military astronauts trained at a secret aerospace academy separate from the regular Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO. These military astronauts then operate out of Beale and Vandenberg Air Force Bases, Northern California From those bases, these military astronauts regularly fly trans-atmospherically and out into space (7). One of the aerospace craft they use, Colonel Wilson reported, is the X-22A. Another informant, ’Z’, aka ’Jesse’, who formerly worked at the NSA, told me that the Lockheed X-22A antigravity fighter disc fleet is equipped with Neutral Particle Beam directed-energy weapons, that it is capable of effecting optical as well as radar invisibility, and that it is deployable for worldwide military operations from the new U.S. Space Warfare Headquarters, located in hardened underground facilities beneath 13,528’ King’s Peak in the Wasatch Mountains’ High Uintas Primitive (Wilderness) Area, 80 miles east of Salt Lake City (8). Recently I also heard from an Army engineer, formerly TDY’ed to NASA, who shall remain unnamed at his request. He also confirmed that Lockheed had made the X-22A, the two-man antigravity fighter disc which I had seen test-flown in a canyon adjacent to the main Area 51 operations zone. He explained why I had seen the X-22A so nervously flown during that test flight. He said that the original X-22A had had a standard altimeter hard-wired into it, but that such

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an instrument would give faulty readings in the craft’s antigravity field, which bends space-time. He had recommended that they instead use a gradiometer, which would function better. Apparently his suggestion was finally taken up, since in more recent years I have seen the X-22As flying more smoothly and confidently at high altitudes over and near Area 51. Another informant who wishes his identity kept private related operational details about military deployment of antigravity disc craft which sound like the X-22A. He reports:

’During operation Desert Storm a close relative of mine was in charge of a Marine Division right on the front. In the first days film footage and especially video-cams which a large number of G.I.s had were impounded, so they wouldn’t capture any sensitive material. Iraq was pumped up and Gung-Ho, since they had well over 50,000 troops ready to charge us, [and] since we only had about 3500 they knew of, and they knew [that], because of the close proximity of troops we couldn’t nuke them, so, they were assuming piece of cake. Wrong. ’Two pictures my relative confiscated from one of his officers showed:

1. a large disc-shaped craft slightly in front of our men with a high intensity beam of light emitting out of it; then, 2. where men, equipment, etc. was [had stood], there only remained dark charcoal-like spots on the desert floor. We have had this technology for quite a while.’

The described disc was clearly an antigravity, levitating, aerial-weapons platform in the U.S. arsenal. Quite possibly it was the Lockheed X-22A two-man discoid craft, the real DarkStar, of which the unmanned drone X-22 DarkStar is but an aircraft ’cover’ program to disguise the existence of this manned antigravity fighter disc, the X-22A. Further, as ’Z’ noted, the real manned discs come equipped with the latest Neutral Particle Beam weapons, which take apart the target at the molecular level. Star Visitor craft do not incinerate humans. Only human military fighters are so deployed. So the above report does not deal with any extraterrestrial event.

5) The Nautilus is another space-faring craft A secret military spacecraft which operates by magnetic pulsing (9). It operates out of the unacknowledged new headquarters of the U.S. Space Command, deep under a mountain in Utah. It makes twice-a-week trips up to the secret military-intelligence space station, which has been in deep space for the past thirty years, and manned by U.S. and USSR (now CIS) military astronauts. The Nautilus also is used for superfast surveillance operations, utilizing its ability to penetrate target country airspace from above from deep space, a direction not usually expected. It is manufactured jointly by Boeing’s Phantom Works near Seattle and EU’s Airbus Industries Anglo-French consortium. During travel to Washington State several years ago, I had a conversation with a former Boeing executive who worked in their Phantom Works, Boeing’s black projects division, (roughly the equivalent of Lockheed’s Skunk Works). The executive confirmed what I had earlier learned from an intelligence insider: that Boeing had teamed up with Europe’s Airbus Industrie to manufacture the Nautilus.

6) The TR3-A ’Pumpkinseed’ is a super-fast air vehicle

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The ’Pumpkinseed’ nickname is a reference to its thin oval airframe, whose contours resemble that seed. It may be the craft identified as using pulse detonation technology for propulsion in a sub-hypersonic regime, and also uses antigravity technology for either mass-reduction or complementary field propulsion at higher speed levels. As air breathers, these Pulse Detonation Wave Engines (PDWEs) could theoretically propel a hypersonic aircraft towards Mach 10 at an altitude in excess of 180,000 feet. Used to power an trans-atmospheric vehicle, the same PDWEs might be capable of lifting the craft to the edge of space when switched to rocket mode.

7) the TR3-B ’Astra" Is a large triangular anti-gravity craft within the U.S. fleet. Black projects defense industry insider Edgar Rothschild Fouche wrote about the existence of the TR3-B in his book, Alien Rapture (10). My ex-NSA informant, ’Z’, also confirmed that the TR3-B is operational. ’Z’ had this to say about the TR3-B triangular antigravity craft. TR3-B. This is the code name for what everyone on Earth has seen. It is a very large triangular-shaped re-entry vehicle with anti-gravity. It is what the November [2000] issue of Popular Mechanics identified as the Lenticular Reentry Vehicle, a nuclear-powered flying saucer, the first version of which went operational in 1962, [the version which Popular Mechanics illustrated.] It was used in Gulf War’s early hours with electromagnetic-pulse/laser cannons. It literally sat mid-air, firing long-, medium-, short-range to take out antennas, towers, communications, air traffic control towers, TV dishes and centers, etc. For three hours, these three triangles [TR3-Bs] just sat there blowing up everything in sight. Then the Stealth fighters had fun for the rest of the day into the early evening next night. Then [followed] carpet bombings from high altitude B-52 Strato-Fortresses. They dumped all the old, aged Vietnam-era crap [munitions]; a third blew up and the rest [were] duds. Anyways, the TR3B has been in testing since the ’60s. But it has only been perfected for the last 8 years [since 1992]. It is a good remake of what Truman first saw, [the Roswell semi-circular craft]. It is compartmentalized, built by the Skunk Works (Lockheed-Martin’s classified plant at Palmdale, CA) and Boeing [Phantom Works, Seattle]. It is housed in Utah. ’Z’ was reminding of his earlier revelation that the U.S. Space Command has located its prime headquarters and antigravity space-launch fleet facility beneath King Mountain, the tallest mountain in the Wasatch Range east of Salt Lake City, Utah.

8) Northrop Aircraft Corporation has manufactured its Northrop antigravity disc (designation unknown) ...which I have dubbed the ’Great Pumpkin’ , from its brilliant ruddy golden-orangish glow. I first saw these craft operationally test-flown in 1992 above the Groom Range ridge line at Area 51, Nevada. Later I saw the same intensely burning-bright orange-gold craft that I had seen above Area 51 being test-flown sixty miles north of Los Angeles, in the Tehachapi Mountains east of Edwards Air Force Base. There the Northrop has its secret saucer manufacturing works buried deep within the mountains. I saw the same intensely burning-bright orange-gold craft test-flown above Northrop’s mountaintop test bed there as I had seen above Areas 51/S-4 (11). When energized these discs emit their characteristic intense glow. It is reasonable to

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assume that this is due to strong ionization, and that electrogravitics is the methodology of their field propulsion.

9) The XH-75D or XH Shark antigravity helicopter Is manufactured by Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Corporation of San Diego. USAF Colonel Steve Wilson reported that many of these XH-75Ds were assigned to the Delta/National Reconnaissance Organization Division which retrieves downed UFOs. That Division is also implicated in mutilating cattle as a psychological warfare program on the American public, to try to get citizens to fear and hate extraterrestrials through assuming that aliens are the ones cutting up the cattle. Colonel Wilson also leaked a drawing of the XH-75D Shark.

10) The TAW-50 is a hypersonic, antigravity space fighter-bomber A defense contractor with whom I have been in communication leaked to me details of this U.S. Advanced TAW-50 warcraft. Developed during the early 1990s, the capabilities of this war-bird are jaw-dropping. And the technology shows that the Defense Department did not fail to utilize what it learned combing through the wreckage of various UFO crashes. The TAW-50 was jointly developed by the Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works (Palmdale-Helendale, CA) and Northrop (undoubtedly at their undeclared Anthill facility within the Tehachapi Mountains, northwest of Lancaster, CA.) Both companies have a history of development of secret anti-gravity craft at these Mojave Desert facilities. The TAW-50 has speed capabilities well in excess of Mach 50, a number the contractor calls ’a very conservative estimate’. Its actual speed is classified. Since Mach-1 is 1,225 kilometers per hour, (approximately 748 mph), this means that the TAW-50 is capable of moving considerably faster than 38,000 mph. In comparison, the velocity required to escape Earth’s gravity is 25,000 mph. Therefore the TAW-50 is capable of going into space, and does. The TAW-50 has a SCRAM (supersonic ramjet) propulsion system for passing through the outer atmosphere. The TAW-50 utilizes electrogravitics to maintain its own artificial gravity while in weightless space, as well as to nullify the vehicle’s mass during operations. The TAW-50’s power supply is provided by a small nuclear power generator that the contractor said is Normal-Inert. The contractor said that the space plane uses electromagnetoferrometric power generation by the immersion of pellets in heavy water (deuterium) and specially-designed coil superconductive magnets, which yield enormous amounts of free electrons when placed in an immersion which has been triggered into an oscillating field-state flux. The TAW-50 has a crew of four. Nevertheless, the TAW-50 flies so fast that it requires computers to fly it. These were developed by American Computer Company, who derived them from its Valkyrie XB/9000 AI [artificial intelligence] Guidance series. They utilize a RISC Milspec Superchip. There are 180 of them in the flight control system, and 64 more in the weapons guidance system, the contractor reported. It can carry a combined payload of glide bombs and a package of MIRV (Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry Vehicles, mil-speak for a group of intercontinental ballistic missiles), each of which can seek out and strike a different target. The MIRV

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pack also contains reentry-capable balloon countermeasures to make it very difficult for laser and other defensive weapons to track down where the real MIRVs are and intercept them. The TAW-50 is armed with its own Kill Laser system, which can track and immolate SAM (Surface-to-Air missiles), STTA (Surface-To-Trans-Atmosphere missiles), ATA (Air-To- Air missiles), and ATTA (Air-To-Trans-Atmospheric missiles). The TAW-50’s killer lasers can also knock down high-performance fighter interceptors. The TAW’s Kill Laser is much smaller than the earlier 1980s-era SDI (Star Wars program) models, and has a miniaturized cooling core and 500 times the wattage. The contractor said it uses a spontaneous nucleonic burst to trigger the lasing [laser] effect. In addition, the TAW-50 is armed with microsuperexplosive HyperDart missiles. These are just a little larger than ordinary aircraft cannon ammunition, but travel at hypersonic speed for up to three minutes, and have enormous explosive capability. One HyperDart can blow apart a MiG fighter anywhere within 20 feet of the HyperDart. The TAW-50 carries several hundred HyperDarts. Because the TAW-50 is designed to operate in space, it has on board a two-day air supply. This air supply can be extended by using its scoop system and traveling into the upper atmosphere to harvest more oxygen. The contractor did not reveal the size of the space fighter-bomber except to say, ’It’s a pretty big thing.’ The performance of the TAW-50 makes it virtually impossible to defend against.

It can hide in orbit many hundreds of miles into space, orbiting at times at 22,000 mph.

Then, without warning, it can dive straight down through the atmosphere at over 38,000 miles per hour on an 80-degree attack vector, reverse direction within 150 feet of the ground with very little loss of motion and without a glide turn, and almost instantly go vertically straight up at over 38,000 mph until long after it leaves the atmosphere and resumes orbiting in space.

The contractor noted, ’Those [electro-] gravitics allow it to change its mass to almost nothing in a moment, and reverse direction in a second, increase its acceleration to so many times G [Earth’s gravity] it’s not funny, yet they are able to nearly nullify the G-force on the pilots. They [the electrogravitics] are fourth-generation, with the ability to bring it to a complete standstill in under 2 milliseconds, if need be, without crushing the pilots, and keep it there for quite some time.’ The contractor notes, ’It’s far too fast for tracking radars.’ ’And,’ he adds, ’what military aims its radars straight up?’ The TAW-50 can be refueled and rearmed in orbit by docking with the secret undeclared Military Space Station that is in orbit (12) The entire refueling and rearming procedure takes under 10 minutes. Who mans the gas pumps? Military astronauts trained at the Secret Air Force Academy, located in the hills immediately west of the official Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO. These military astronauts rotate duty by traveling to and from Vandenberg Air Force Base on other military antigravity vehicles (13). The Cape Canaveral Space Shuttles have carried the arming platforms (’classified Defense Department payloads’) up to the secret Military Space Station. The contractor reported that with a few extra tanks of LOX (liquid oxygen), the TAW-50 could fly to the Moon and back. As of 2002, the U.S. has 20 TAW-50s in its arsenal. But, as the contractor commented, ’You could take out an entire nation in under 10 days with only 10 of these, doing three attacks a day.

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One can wipe out an entire city the size of suburban Cleveland in a single attack without having to use any nukes at all.’

The electrogravitics for the TAW-50 was produced by GE Radionics.

Pratt & Whitney designed the SCRAM atmospheric penetrator technology.

American Computer Company created the artificial-intelligence supercomputers.

The contractor said he could not tell me anything else. And it was clear he did not want his name used. So, this is what is known.

11) The Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc? Are the above the current state-of-the-art in advanced aerospace craft? No. There have been advances beyond “mere” antigravity field propulsion. Quantum particulate physics is now being used to update a variety of aerospace craft and their weapons systems. On a recent (09/16/05) field trip to the boundary of Area 51, during a middle-of-the-night observation, I saw first one, then another, and finally six brightly-lit objects suddenly appear at approximately 1000’ (305 meters) height above the desert floor. The intensely-glowing, ruddy, golden-orangish ionization field surrounding these craft appeared identical to the field around the Northrop antigravity disc. But in the 13 years since I had last observed the Northrop discs above Area 51, and at their Tehachapi Mountains manufacturing site, considerable progress has been made. In 1992, the Northrop disc slowly rose vertically from its flight pad and gradually reached flight altitude. But in 2005 these craft are able to depart from their flight pad and suddenly appear at flight altitude without any visible ascent. And it is not a matter of their ionization field having been turned off during ascent for stealth purposes. The ionization field comes with electrogravitic field propulsion. If the ionization were turned off, the craft would have fallen from the sky. Rather what appears to be going on is that the Northrop engineers have incorporated quantum physics principles into the propulsion. Simply stated, Northrop appears to have harnessed quantum entanglement to achieve quantum teleportation. To the observer the craft simply ceases to exist on the flight pad and instantly begins to exist at, (in this case), 1000 feet altitude. If the interpretation of this observation is correct, then there exists an 11th entry in the U.S. antigravity arsenal, the Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc. If the black-budget scientists keep advancing along these lines, we could foresee the day when a fleet of Air Force craft suddenly “cease to exist” on the air base runway and instantly appear at 35,000 feet altitude over a target city halfway around the globe.

America has used its enormous wealth to become the global super-power. The TAW-50 is but one example of its exotic, unnecessarily proliferative, and highly-destructive arsenal. The world awaits the day when America finds its soul, and pays more attention to matters of spirit, mind, and metaphysical development, and withdraws from its addiction to war toys. It has been said that if the American people knew what the military had in their arsenal today, they wouldn’t believe it, and would think that someone was fantasizing about a George Lucas Star Wars movie episode. But it’s not science-fiction. The future is already here. The implications of the advanced antigravity craft back-engineered by humans are several. All of the antigravity technology is in the control of the organization conducting the UFO Cover-Up. This organization is so heavily infiltrated by Cabal types that Dr. Michael Wolf regretfully concluded that the Cabal had effective control of it. He should know; he was a high member of that Special Studies Group, [formerly "MJ-12"], buried within the National Security Council.

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Since the Cabal effectively control the development and special uses of these craft, there remains a very high danger that the Cabal will use its growing antigravity fleet to try to repel the Star Visitors and even conduct Space War. Elements within the U.S. Air Force and the Naval Space Command are making preparations for such a Space War. What can we do about this as light workers, Star Kids, Star Seed adults or other humans of good will?

1. First is to keep ourselves informed about dangerous and evil uses of antigravity (and quantum) technology.

2. Second is to contact our political representatives to oppose policies and weapons systems development that is oriented towards space warfare.

3. Third is to encourage the release of this technology into the civilian sector, where it can revolutionize transportation, energy generation, large construction projects, and other peaceful uses.

4. Fourth, the existence of this human technology is a two-edged sword for the Cabal. Not only is the existence of antigravity technology starting to get out to the public, but also the very existence of a massive worldwide organization conducting the UFO Cover-Up and confiscation of Star Visitor technology.

As the public becomes aware that the Cabal have unfairly monopolized this technology for 40+ years, the public will become incensed at the Cabal for their greed and selfishness. This then becomes the opportunity to expose and discredit the Cabal, the Number One obstacle to human safety and progress.

Footnotes 1. See: (USE »Username: papoose -

Password: sector) 2. UFOs and Area 51, Vol. 2 - The Bob Lazar Video (1999) 3. Personal communication, September 20, 1997. 4. See: MJ-12: Inside Revelations - Dr Michael Wolf 5. See: Quotations From Chairman Wolf 6. Personal communication, September 20, 1997. 7. See: 8. Personal communication, February 10, 2002. 9. See: Extraterrestrial Base On Earth, Sanctioned By Officials Since 1954 10. See: 11. See: 12. See: Extraterrestrial Base On Earth, Sanctioned By Officials Since 1954 13. See: 14. See:

Quantum Entanglement and Information First published Mon Aug 13, 2001; substantive revision Thu Aug 26, 2010

Quantum entanglement is a physical resource, like energy, associated with the peculiar

nonclassical correlations that are possible between separated quantum systems. Entanglement

can be measured, transformed, and purified. A pair of quantum systems in an entangled state can

be used as a quantum information channel to perform computational and cryptographic tasks that

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are impossible for classical systems. The general study of the information-processing capabilities

of quantum systems is the subject of quantum information theory.

1. Quantum Entanglement 2. Exploiting Entanglement: Quantum Teleportation 3. Quantum Information 4. Quantum Cryptography 5. Quantum Computation 6. Interpretative Remarks Bibliography Other Internet Resources Related Entries

1. Quantum Entanglement

In 1935 and 1936, Schrödinger published a two-part article in theProceedings of the Cambridge

Philosophical Society in which he discussed and extended a remarkable argument by Einstein,

Podolsky, and Rosen. The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) argument was, in many ways, the

culmination of Einstein's critique of the orthodox Copenhagen interpretation of quantum

mechanics, and was designed to show that the theory is incomplete. (See The Einstein-Podolsky-

Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory and Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.) In

classical mechanics the state of a system is essentially a list of the system's properties — more

precisely, it is the specification of a set of parameters from which the list of properties can be

reconstructed: the positions and momenta of all the particles comprising the system (or similar

parameters in the case of fields). The dynamics of the theory specifies how properties change in

terms of a law of evolution for the state. Pauli characterized this mode of description of physical

systems as a ‘detached observer’ idealization. See Pauli's letter to Born in The Born-Einstein

Letters (Born, 1992; p. 218). On the Copenhagen interpretation, such a description is not possible

for quantum systems. Instead, the quantum state of a system should be understood as a catalogue

of what an observer has done to the system and what has been observed, and the import of the

state then lies in the probabilities that can be inferred (in terms of the theory) for the outcomes of

possible future observations on the system. Einstein rejected this view and proposed a series of

arguments to show that the quantum state is simply an incomplete characterization of the system.

The missing parameters are sometimes referred to as‘hidden parameters’ or ‘hidden

variables’(although Einstein did not use this terminology, presumably because he did not want to

endorse any particular ‘hidden variable’theory).

It should not be supposed that Einstein's definition of a complete theory included the requirement

that it be deterministic. Rather, he required certain conditions of separability and locality for

composite systems consisting of separated component systems: each component system

separately should be characterized by its own properties (even if these properties manifest

themselves stochastically), and it should be impossible to alter the properties of a distant system

instantaneously (or the probabilities of these properties) by acting on a local system. In later

analyses — notably in Bell's extension of the EPR argument — it became apparent that these

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conditions, suitably formulated as probability constraints, are equivalent to the requirement that

statistical correlations between separated systems should be reducible to probability distributions

over common causes (deterministic or stochastic) in the sense of Reichenbach. (See Bell's

Theorem and Reichenbach's Common Cause Principle.)

In the original EPR article, two particles are prepared from a source in a certain quantum state

and then move apart. There are‘matching’ correlations between both the positions of the two

particles and their momenta: a measurement of either position or momentum on a particular

particle will allow the prediction, with certainty, of the outcome of a position measurement or

momentum measurement, respectively, on the other particle. These measurements are mutually

exclusive: either a position measurement can be performed, or a momentum measurement, but

not both simultaneously. Either correlation can be observed, but the subsequent measurement of

momentum, say, after establishing a position correlation, will no longer yield any correlation in

the momenta of the two particles. It is as if the position measurement disturbs the correlation

between the momentum values. The puzzle is that the assumption of the completeness of the

quantum state of the particle pair is inconsistent with the assignment of labels to the particles

separately that could be associated with appropriately correlated values for the outcomes of

position and momentum measurements. These labels would be the common causes of the

correlations, and would provide an explanation of the correlations in terms of the initial

correlations between the properties of the two systems at their source. EPR concluded that the

quantum state was incomplete.

Here is how Schrödinger put the puzzle in the first part of his two-part article (Schrödinger,

1935; p. 559):

Yet since I can predict either x1 orp1 without interfering with the system No. 1 and since system No. 1,

like a scholar in an examination, cannot possibly know which of the two questions I am going to ask first:

it so seems that our scholar is prepared to give the right answer to thefirst question he is asked,

anyhow. Therefore he must know both answers; which is an amazing knowledge; quite irrespective of

the fact that after having given his first answer our scholar is invariably so disconcerted or tired out, that

all the following answers are ‘wrong.’

What Schrödinger showed was that if two particles are prepared in a quantum state such that

there is a matching correlation between two‘canonically conjugate’ dynamical quantities —

quantities like position and momentum whose values suffice to specify all the properties of a

classical system — then there are infinitely many dynamical quantities of the two particles for

which there exist similar matching correlations: every function of the canonically conjugate pair

of the first particle matches with the same function of the canonically conjugate pair of the

second particle. Thus (Schrödinger, p. 559) system No. 1 ‘does not only know these two answers

but a vast number of others, and that with no mnemotechnical help whatsoever, at least with

none that we know of.’

Schrödinger coined the term ‘entanglement’ to describe this peculiar connection between

quantum systems (Schrödinger, 1935; p. 555):

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When two systems, of which we know the states by their respective representatives, enter into

temporary physical interaction due to known forces between them, and when after a time of mutual

influence the systems separate again, then they can no longer be described in the same way as before,

viz. by endowing each of them with a representative of its own. I would not call that one but rather the

characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines

of thought. By the interaction the two representatives [the quantum states] have become entangled.

He added (Schrödinger, 1935; p. 555):

Another way of expressing the peculiar situation is: the best possible knowledge of a whole does not

necessarily include the best possible knowledge of all its parts, even though they may be entirely

separate and therefore virtually capable of being‘best possibly known,’ i.e., of possessing, each of them,

a representative of its own. The lack of knowledge is by no means due to the interaction being

insufficiently known — at least not in the way that it could possibly be known more completely — it is

due to the interaction itself.

Attention has recently been called to the obvious but very disconcerting fact that even though we

restrict the disentangling measurements to one system, the representative obtained for the other

system is by no means independent of the particular choice of observations which we select for

that purpose and which by the way are entirely arbitrary. It is rather discomforting that the theory

should allow a system to be steered or piloted into one or the other type of state at the

experimenter's mercy in spite of his having no access to it.

In the second part of the paper, Schrödinger showed that, in general, a sophisticated

experimenter can, by a suitable choice of operations carried out on one system, ‘steer’ the second

system into any chosen mixture of quantum states. That is, the second system cannot be steered

into any particular quantum state at the whim of the experimenter, but the experimenter can

constrain the quantum state into which the second system evolves to lie in any chosen set of

states, with a probability distribution fixed by the entangled state. He found this conclusion

sufficiently unsettling to suggest that the entanglement between two separating systems would

persist only for distances small enough that the time taken by light to travel from one system to

the other could be neglected, compared with the characteristic time periods associated with other

changes in the composite system. He speculated that for longer distances each of the two systems

might in fact be in a state associated with a certain mixture, determined by the precise form of

the entangled state.

Most physicists attributed the puzzling features of entangled quantum states to Einstein's

inappropriate ‘detached observer’view of physical theory, and regarded Bohr's reply to the EPR

argument (Bohr, 1935) as vindicating the Copenhagen interpretation. This was unfortunate,

because the study of entanglement was ignored for thirty years until John Bell's reconsideration

and extension of the EPR argument (Bell, 1964). Bell looked at entanglement in simpler systems

than the EPR case: matching correlations between two-valued dynamical quantities, such as

polarization or spin, of two separated systems in an entangled state. What Bell showed was that

the statistical correlations between the measurement outcomes of suitably chosendifferent

quantities on the two systems are inconsistent with an inequality derivable from Einstein's

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separability and locality assumptions — in effect from the assumption that the correlations have

a common cause.

Bell's investigation generated an ongoing debate on the foundations of quantum mechanics. One

important feature of this debate was confirmation that entanglement can persist over long

distances(see Aspect et al.), thus falsifying Schrödinger's supposition of the spontaneous decay

of entanglement as two entangled particles separate. But it was not until the 1980s that

physicists, computer scientists, and cryptographers began to regard the non-local correlations of

entangled quantum states as a new kind of non-classical resource that could be exploited, rather

than an embarrassment to be explained away. For further discussion of entanglement as a

physical resource, including measuring entanglement, and the manipulation and purification of

entanglement by local operations, see “The Joy of Entanglement” by Popescu and Rohrlich in

Lo, Popescu, and Spiller 1998, or Nielsen and Chuang 2000.

2. Exploiting Entanglement: Quantum Teleportation

Consider again Schrödinger's realization that an entangled state could be used to steer a distant

particle into one of a set of states, with a certain probability. In fact, this possibility of ‘remote

steering’ is even more dramatic than Schrödinger demonstrated. Suppose Alice and Bob share an

entangled state of the sort considered by Bell, say two photons in an entangled state of

polarization. That is, Alice has in her possession one of the entangled photons, and Bob the

other. Suppose that Alice has an additional photon in an unknown state of polarization |u>,

where the notation ‘| >’ denotes a quantum state. It is possible for Alice to perform an operation

on the two photons in her possession that will transform Bob's photon into one of four states,

depending on the four possible (random) outcomes of Alice's operation: either the state |u>, or a

state that is related to |u> in a definite way. Alice's operation entangles the two photons in her

possession, and disentangles Bob's photon, steering it into a state |u*>. After Alice

communicates the outcome of her operation to Bob, Bob knows either that |u*> = |u>, or how to

transform |u*> to |u> by a local operation. This phenomenon is known as ‘quantum


What is extraordinary about this phenomenon is that Alice and Bob have managed to use their

shared entangled state as a quantum communication channel to destroy the state |u> of a photon

in Alice's part of the universe and recreate it in Bob's part of the universe. Since the state of a

photon requires specifying a direction in space (essentially the value of an angle that can vary

continuously), without a shared entangled state Alice would have to convey an infinite amount of

classical information to Bob for Bob to be able to reconstruct the state |u> precisely. To see why

this is so, consider that the decimal expansion of an angle variable represented by a real number

is represented by a potentially infinite sequence of digits between 0 and 9. The binary expansion

is represented by a potentially infinite sequence of 0's and 1's. Ever since Shannon formalized the

notion of classical information, the amount of classical information associated with a binary

alternative (represented as 0 or 1), where each alternative has equal probability, is measured as

one binary digit or ‘bit’. So to specify the value of an arbitrary angle variable requires an infinite

number of bits. To specify the outcome of Alice's operation, which has four possible outcomes

with equal probabilities, requires two bits of classical information. Remarkably, Bob can

reconstruct the state |u> on the basis of just two bits of classical information communicated by

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Alice, apparently by exploiting the entangled state as a quantum communication channel to

transfer the remaining information. For further discussion of quantum teleportation, see Nielsen

and Chuang 2000, or Richard Josza's article “Quantum Information and its Properties” in Lo,

Popescu, and Spiller 1998.

3. Quantum Information

Formally, the amount of classical information we gain, on average, when we learn the value of a

random variable (or, equivalently, the amount of uncertainty in the value of a random variable

before we learn its value) is represented by a quantity called the Shannon entropy, measured in

bits (Shannon and Weaver, 1949). A random variable is defined by a probability distribution

over a set of values. In the case of a binary random variable, with equal probability for each of

the two possibilities, the Shannon entropy is 1 bit, representing maximal uncertainty. For all

other probabilities— intuitively, representing some information about which alternative is more

likely — the Shannon entropy is less than 1. For the case of maximal knowledge or zero

uncertainty about the alternatives, where the probabilities are 0 and 1, the Shannon entropy is

zero. (Note that the term ‘bit’ is used to refer to the basic unit of classical information in terms of

Shannon entropy, and to an elementary two-state classical system considered as representing the

possible outputs of an elementary classical information source.)

Since information is always embodied in the state of a physical system, we can also think of the

Shannon entropy as quantifying the physical resources required to store classical information.

Suppose Alice wishes to communicate some classical information to Bob over a classical

communication channel such as a telephone line, say an email message. A relevant question

concerns the extent to which the message can be compressed without loss of information, so that

Bob can reconstruct the original message accurately from the compressed version. According to

Shannon's source coding theorem or noiseless coding theorem (assuming a noiseless telephone

line with no loss of information), the minimal physical resource required to represent the

message (effectively, a lower bound on the possibility of compression) is given by the Shannon

entropy of the source.

What happens if we use the quantum states of physical systems to store information, rather than

classical states? It turns out that quantum information is radically different from classical

information. The unit of quantum information is the ‘qubit’, representing the amount of quantum

information that can be stored in the state of the simplest quantum system, for example, the

polarization state of a photon. The term is due to Schumacher (1995), who proved a quantum

analogue of Shannon's noiseless coding theorem. (By analogy with the term ‘bit,’ the term

‘qubit’ refers to the basic unit of quantum information in terms of the von Neumann entropy, and

to an elementary two-state quantum system considered as representing the possible outputs of an

elementary quantum information source.) As we have seen, an arbitrarily large amount of

classical information can be encoded in a qubit. This information can be processed and

communicated but, because of the peculiarities of quantum measurement, at most one bit can be

accessed! According to a theorem by Holevo, the accessible information in a probability

distribution over a set of alternative qubit states is limited by the von Neumann entropy, which is

equal to the Shannon entropy only when the states are orthogonal in the space of quantum states,

and is otherwise less than the Shannon entropy.

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While classical information can be copied or cloned, the quantum‘no cloning’ theorem (Dieks,

1982; Wootters and Zurek, 1982) asserts the impossibility of cloning an unknown quantum state.

To see why, consider how we might construct a classical copying device. A NOT gate is a device

that takes a bit as input and produces as output either a 1 if the input is 0, or a 0 if the input is 1.

In other words, a NOT gate is a 1-bit gate that flips the input bit. A controlled-NOT gate, or

CNOT gate, takes two bits as inputs, a control bit and a target bit, and flips the target bit if and

only if the control bit is 1, while reproducing the control bit. (So there are two inputs, the control

and target, and two outputs: the control, and either the target or the flipped target, depending on

the value of the control.) A CNOT gate functions as a copying device for the control bit if the

target bit is set to 0, because the output of the target bit is then a copy of the control bit (i.e., the

input 00 produces output 00, and the input 10 produces output 11). Insofar as we can think of a

measurement as simply a copying operation, a CNOT gate is the paradigm of a classical

measuring device. (Imagine Alice equipped with such a device, with input and output control and

target wires, measuring the properties of an unknown classical world. The input control wire is a

probe for the presence of absence of a property, represented by a 1 or a 0. The target wire

functions as the pointer, which is initially set to 0. The output of the target is a 1 or a 0,

depending on the presence or absence of the property.)

Suppose we attempt to use our CNOT gate to copy an unknown qubit state. Since we are now

proposing to regard the CNOT gate as a device for processing quantum states, the evolution from

input states to output states must be effected by a physical quantum transformation. Now

quantum transformations are linear on the linear state space of qubits. Linearity of the state space

means that for any two qubit states — call them |0> and |1> — that are orthogonal in the space of

qubit states, there are qubit states that are represented by linear superpositions or sums of |0> and

|1>, with certain coefficients. Such superpositions — e.g., a superposition with coefficients c0,

c1represented symbolically as c0|0> + c1|1>— are non-orthogonal to |0> and to |1>. Linearity of

the transformation means that any transformation must take a qubit state represented by the sum

of two orthogonal qubits to a new qubit state that is the sum of the transformed orthogonal

qubits. If the CNOT gate succeeds in copying two orthogonal qubits, it cannot succeed in

copying a linear superposition of these qubits. Since the gate functions linearly, it must instead

produce a state that is a linear superposition of the outputs obtained for the two orthogonal

qubits. That is to say, the output of the gate will be represented by a quantum state that is a sum

of two terms, where the first term represents the output of the control and target for the first

orthogonal qubit, and the second term represents the output of the control and target for the

second orthogonal qubit. This could be expressed as c0|0>|0> + c1|1>|1>. This is an entangled

state and not the output that would be required by a successful copying operation, where the

control and target each outputs the superposed qubit, expressed as (c0|0> + c1|1>)(c0|0> + c1|1>).

4. Quantum Cryptography

Linearity prevents the possibility of cloning or measuring an unknown quantum state. Similarly,

it can be shown that if Alice sends Bob one of two nonorthogonal qubits, Bob can obtain

information about which of these qubits was sent only at the expense of disturbing the state. In

general, for quantum information there is no information gain without disturbance. The

impossibility of copying an unknown quantum state, or a state that is known to belong to a set of

nonorthogonal states with a certain probability, and the existence of a trade-off relation between

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information gain and state disturbance, is the basis of the application of quantum information to

cryptography. There are quantum protocols involving the exchange of classical and quantum

information that Alice and Bob can exploit to share a secret random key, which they can then use

to communicate privately. (See Lo's article “Quantum Cryptology” in Lo, Popescu, and Spiller,

1998.) Any attempt by an eavesdropper, Eve, to monitor the communication between Alice and

Bob will be detectable, in principle, because Eve cannot gain any quantum information without

some disturbance to the quantum communication channel. Moreover, the ‘no cloning’ theorem

prohibits Eve from copying the quantum communications and processing them off-line, so to

speak, after she monitors the classical communication between Alice and Bob.

While the difference between classical and quantum information can be exploited to achieve

successful key distribution, there are other cryptographic protocols that are thwarted by quantum

entanglement. Bit commitment is a key cryptographic protocol that can be used as a subroutine

in a variety of important cryptographic tasks. In a bit commitment protocol, Alice supplies an

encoded bit to Bob. The information available in the encoding should be insufficient for Bob to

ascertain the value of the bit, but sufficient, together with further information supplied by Alice

at a subsequent stage when she is supposed to reveal the value of the bit, for Bob to be convinced

that the protocol does not allow Alice to cheat by encoding the bit in a way that leaves her free to

reveal either 0 or 1 at will.

To illustrate the idea, suppose Alice claims the ability to predict advances or declines in the stock

market on a daily basis. To substantiate her claim without revealing valuable information

(perhaps to a potential employer, Bob) she suggests the following demonstration: She proposes

to record her prediction, before the market opens, by writing a 0 (for ‘decline’) or a 1

(for‘advance’) on a piece of paper, which she will lock in a safe. The safe will be handed to Bob,

but Alice will keep the key. At the end of the day's trading, she will announce the bit she chose

and prove that she in fact made the commitment at the earlier time by handing Bob the key. Of

course, the key-and-safe protocol is not provably secure from cheating by Bob, because there is

no principle of classical physics that that prevents Bob from opening the safe and closing it again

without leaving any trace. The question is whether there exists a quantum analogue of this

procedure that is unconditionally secure: provably secure by the laws of physics against cheating

by either Alice or Bob. Bob can cheat if he can obtainsome information about Alice's

commitment before she reveals it (which would give him an advantage in repetitions of the

protocol with Alice). Alice can cheat if she can delay actually making a commitment until the

final stage when she is required to reveal her commitment, or if she can change her commitment

at the final stage with a very low probability of detection.

It turns out that unconditionally secure two-party bit commitment, based solely on the principles

of quantum or classical mechanics (without exploiting special relativistic signalling constraints,

or principles of general relativity or thermodynamics) is impossible. See Mayers 1997, Lo and

Chau 1997 and Lo's article “Quantum Cryptology” in Lo, Popescu, and Spiller 1998 for further

discussion. Note that Kent (1999) has shown that one can implement a secure classical bit

commitment protocol by exploiting relativistic signalling constraints in a timed sequence of

communications between verifiably separated sites for both Alice and Bob.) Roughly, the

impossibility arises because at any step in the protocol where either Alice or Bob is required to

make a determinate choice (perform a measurement on a particle in the quantum channel, choose

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randomly and perhaps conditionally between a set of alternative actions to be implemented on

the particle in the quantum channel, etc.), the choice can delayed by entangling one or more

‘ancilla’particles with the channel particle in an appropriate way. By suitable operations on the

ancillas, the channel particle can be‘steered’ so that this cheating strategy is undetectable. In

effect, if Bob can obtain no information about the bit in the safe, then entanglement will allow

Alice to‘steer’ the bit to either 0 or 1 at will.

5. Quantum Computation

Quantum information can be processed, but the accessibility of this information is limited by the

Holevo bound (mentioned in Section 3). David Deutsch (1985) first showed how to exploit

quantum entanglement to perform a computational task that is impossible for a classical

computer. Suppose we have a black box or oracle that evaluates a function f. The arguments of f

(inputs) are either 0 or 1. The values (outputs) of f (which are also 0 or 1) are either the same for

both arguments (in which case f is constant), or different for the two arguments (in which casef is

said to be ‘balanced’). We are interested in determining whether f is constant or balanced. Now,

classically, the only way to do this is to run the black box or query the oracle twice, for both

arguments 0 and 1, and to pass the values (outputs off) to a circuit that determines whether they

are the same (for ‘constant’) or different (for‘balanced’). Deutsch showed that if we use quantum

states and quantum gates to store and process information, then we can determine whether f is

constant or balanced in one evaluation of the function f. The trick is to design the circuit (the

sequence of gates) to produce the answer to a global question about the function (‘constant’ or

‘balanced’)in an output qubit register that can then be read out or measured.

Consider again the quantum CNOT gate, with two orthogonal qubits |0> and |1> as possible

inputs for the control, and |0> as the input for the target. One can think of the input control and

output target qubits, respectively, as the argument and associated value of a function. This

CNOT function associates the value 0 with the argument 0 and the value 1 with the argument 1.

For a linear superposition of the orthogonal qubits with equal coefficients as input to the control,

represented as |0> + |1> (ignoring the coefficients, for simplity), and the qubit |0> as the input to

the target, the output is the entangled state |0>|0> + |1>|1>, a linear superposition in which the

first term represents the argument 0 and associated value (0) of the CNOT function, and the

second term represents the argument 1 and associated value (1) of the CNOT function. The

entangled state represents all possible arguments and corresponding values of the function as a

linear superposition, but this information is not accessible. What can be shown to be accessible,

by a suitable choice of quantum gates, is information about whether or not the function has

certain global properties. This information is obtainable without reading out the evaluation of

any individual arguments and values. (Indeed, accessing information in the entangled state about

a global property of the function will typically require losing access to all information about

individual arguments and values.)

The situation is analogous for Deutsch's function f. Here the output of f can be represented as

either |0>|0> + |1>|0> or >|0>|1> + |1>|1> (in the‘constant’ case), or |0>|0> + |1>|1> or |0>|1> +

|1>|0> (in the ‘balanced’ case). The two entangled states in the ‘constant’ case are orthogonal in

the 4-dimensional two-qubit state space and span a plane. Call this the ‘constant’ plane.

Similarly, the two entangled states in the ‘balanced’ case span a plane, the‘balanced’ plane.

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These planes are orthogonal in the 4-dimensional state space, except for an overlap: a line,

representing a (non-entangled) two-qubit state. It is therefore possible to design a measurement

to distinguish the two global properties of f,‘constant’ or ‘balanced,’ with a certain probability

(actually, 1/2) of failure, when the measurement yields an outcome corresponding to the overlap

state, which is common to the two cases. Nevertheless, only one query of the function is required

when the measurement succeeds in identifying the global property. With a judicious choice of

quantum gates, it is even possible to design a quantum circuit that always succeeds in

distinguishing the two cases in one run.

Deutsch's example shows how quantum information, and quantum entanglement, can be

exploited to compute a global property of a function in one step that would take two steps

classically. While Deutsch's problem is rather trivial, there now exist several quantum algorithms

with interesting applications, notably Shor's factorization algorithm for factoring large composite

integers in polynomial time (with direct application to ‘public key’ cryptography, a widely used

classical cryptographic scheme) and Grover's database search algorithm. Shor's algorithm

achieves an exponential speed-up over any known classical algorithm. For algorithms that are

allowed access to oracles (whose internal structure is not considered), the speed-up can be shown

to be exponential over any classical algorithm in some cases, e.g., Simon's algorithm. See

Nielsen and Chuang 2000, Barenco's article“Quantum Computation: An Introduction” in Lo,

Popescu, and Spiller 1998, Bub 2006 (Section 6), as well as the entry onquantum computing.

Note that there is currently no proof that a quantum algorithm can solve an NP-complete

problem in polynomial time (the factorization problem is not NP-complete), so the efficiency of

quantum computers relative to classical computers might turn out to be illusory. If there is indeed

a speed-up, it would seem to be due to the phenomenon of entanglement. The amount of

information required to describe a general entangled state ofn qubits grows exponentially with n.

The state space (Hilbert space) has 2n dimensions, so a general entangled state is a superposition

of 2nn-qubit states. In classical mechanics there are no entangled states: a general n-bit composite

system can be described with just n times the amount of information required to describe a single

bit system. So the classical simulation of a quantum process would involve an exponential

increase in the classical informational resource required to represent the quantum state, as the

number of qubits that become entangled in the evolution grows linearly, and there would be a

corresponding exponential slowdown in calculating the evolution, compared to the actual

quantum computation performed naturally by the system. Nevertheless, there is no consensus in

the literature as to what exactly explains the apparent speed-up. For a discussion, see Bub 2007,


6. Interpretative Remarks

Deutsch (1997) has argued that the exponential speed-up in quantum computation, and in general

the way a quantum system processes information, can only be properly understood within the

framework of Everett's ‘many-worlds’ interpretation (see Everett's Relative-State Formulation of

Quantum Mechanics and Many-Worlds Intepretation of Quantum Mechanics). The idea,

roughly, is that an entangled state of the sort that arises in the quantum computation of a

function, which represents a linear superposition over all possible arguments and corresponding

values of the function, should be understood as something like a massively parallel classical

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computation, for all possible values of a function, in parallel worlds. For an insightful critique of

this idea of‘quantum parallelism’ as explanatory, see Steane 2003.

An alternative view, not much discussed in the literature in this connection, is the quantum

logical approach, which emphasizes the non-Boolean structure of properties of quantum systems.

(The properties of a classical system form a Boolean algebra, essentially the abstract

characterization of a set-theoretic structure. This is reflected in the Boolean character of classical

logic, and the Boolean gates in a classical computer.) From this perspective, the picture is

entirely different. Rather than ‘computing all values of a function at once,’ a quantum algorithm

achieves an exponential speed-up over a classical algorithm by avoiding the computation of any

values of the function at all. A crucial difference between quantum and classical information is

the possibility of selecting an exclusive disjunction, representing a global property of a function,

among alternative possible disjunctions — for example, the‘constant’ disjunction asserting that

the value of the function (for both arguments) is either 0 or 1, or the‘balanced’ disjunction

asserting that the value of the function (for both arguments) is either the same as the argument or

different from the argument — without determining the truth values of the disjuncts. Classically,

an exclusive disjunction is true if and only if one of the disjuncts is true. This is is redundant

information in a quantum computation but essential information classically: an exclusive

classical disjunction is true if and only if one of the disjuncts is true. In effect, Deutsch's quantum

circuit achieves its speed-up by exploiting the non-Boolean structure of quantum properties to

efficiently distinguish between two disjunctive properties, without determining the truth values

of the relevant disjuncts (representing the association of individual arguments with

corresponding function values). The point of the procedure is to avoid the evaluation of the

function in the determination of the global property, in the sense of producing a value in the

range of the function for a value in its domain, and it is this feature —impossible in the Boolean

logic of classical computation — that leads to the speed-up relative to classical algorithms. For

some recent work by Giuntini and others on logics associated with quantum gates, see under

‘quantum computational logics’ in the Other Internet Resources. (For quantum logic not

specifically in relation to quantum computation, see the entry on quantum logic and quantum


Some researchers in quantum information and quantum computation have argued for an

information-theoretic interpretation of quantum mechanics. In his review article on quantum

computation, Andrew Steane (1998, p. 119) makes the following remark:

Historically, much of fundamental physics has been concerned with discovering the fundamental

particles of nature and the equations which describe their motions and interactions. It now appears that

a different programme may be equally important: to discover the ways that nature allows, and prevents,

information to be expressed and manipulated, rather than particles to move.

Steane concludes his review with the following radical proposal (1998, p. 171):

To conclude with, I would like to propose a more wide-ranging theoretical task: to arrive at a set of

principles like energy and momentum conservation, but which apply to information, and from which

much of quantum mechanics could be derived. Two tests of such ideas would be whether the EPR-Bell

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correlations thus became transparent, and whether they rendered obvious the proper use of terms such

as‘measurement’ and ‘knowledge’.

In line with this proposal, Clifton, Bub, and Halvorson 2003 showed that one can derive the

basic kinematic features of a quantum description of physical systems from three fundamental

information-theoretic constraints:

‘no signaling,’ i.e., no information should be available in the marginal probabilities of measurement outcomes in one region about alternative choices made by an agent in a separated region

the impossibility of perfectly broadcasting the information contained in an unknown physical state (which, for pure states, amounts to ‘no cloning’)

the impossibility of communicating information so as to implement a bit commitment protocol with unconditional security

The analysis is carried out in an algebraic framework (C*-algebras) which allows a

mathematically abstract characterization of a physical theory including, as special cases, all

classical mechanical theories of both wave and particle varieties, and all variations on quantum

theory, including quantum field theories (plus any hybrids of these theories, such as theories with

superselection rules). Within this framework, the three information-theoretic constraints are

shown to jointly entail three physical conditions that are taken as definitive of what it means to

be a quantum theory in the most general sense, specifically that:

the algebras of observables pertaining to distinct physical systems commute (a condition usually called microcausality or kinematic independence)

any individual system's algebra of observables isnoncommutative the physical world is nonlocal, in that spacelike separated systems can occupy entangled states

that persist as the systems separate

As pointed out by Barnum, Dahlsten, Leifer, and Toner 2008, in spite of the apparent generality

of the Clifton-Bub-Halvorson theorem, C*-algebraic theories in finite dimensions are essentially

classical theories or quantum theories with superselection rules. Barnum et al. considered a

framework of generalized probabilistic theories broad enough to include not only quantum and

classical mechanics, but also a wide variety of other ‘superquantum’ theories that can serve as

foils, and they proved similar results in this framework; specifically, they showed that for any

nonclassical ‘no signaling’ theory that does not permit entanglement between systems, there is a

bit-commitment protocol that is exponentially secure in the number of systems involved. See

Barrett 2007 and Barnum, Barrett, Leifer, and Wilce 2007 and Barnum, Barrett, Leifer, and

Wilce 2006 and 2008 (Other Internet Resources). Other researchers have considered the problem

of what constraints in the class of ‘no signaling’ theories would characterize quantum theories.

See Brassard 2005, van Dam 2005 (Other Internet Resources), Skrzypczyk, Brunner, and

Popescu 2009 (Other Internet Resources), Pawlowski et al. 2009, Allcock et al. 2009, Navascues

and Wunderlich 2009) for interesting results along these lines. For the relation between the

generalized probabilistic theory approach of Barnum et al. and the category-theoretic approach

of Coeckeet al, see Barnum and Wilce 2008a and 2008b (Other Internet Resources). See Brukner

and Zeilinger 2002 for a different information-theoretic approach to quantum mechanics, and

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Fuchs 2002 (Other Internet Resources) for a radically Bayesian information-theoretic

perspective. For an insightful analysis and critique of the Brukner-Zeilinger position, see

Timpson 2003.


Allcock, J., Brunner, N., Pawlowski, M., Scarani, V. (2009)“Recovering Part of the Quantum Boundary from Information Causality,” Physical Review A, 80: 040103; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0906.3464.

Aspect, A., Grangier, P., Roger, G. (1982) “Experimental Tests of Bell's Inequalities Using Time-Varying Analyzers,” Physical Review Letters, 49: 1804–1807.

Barnum, H. (2003) “Quantum Information Processing, Operational Quantum Logic, Convexity, and the Foundations of Physics,” Studies in the History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 34: 343–379; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0304159.

Barnum, H., Barrett, J., Leifer, M., and Wilce, A. (2007) “A Generalized No-Broadcasting Theorem,” Physical Review Letters, 99:240501; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0707.0620.

Barnum, H., Dahlsten, O., Leifer, M., and Toner, B. (2008)“Nonclassicality Without Entanglement Enables Bit Committment,” Proceedings of the IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW 2008), Porto, May 5–9, 2008, Joao Barros and Steven W. McLauglin (eds.); arXiv e-print quant-ph/0803.1264.

Barrett, J. (2007) “Information Processing in Generalized Probabilistic Theories,” Physical Review A, 75:032304; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0508211.

Bell, J.S. (1964) “On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox”Physics, 1: 195–200. Bennett, C.H., DiVicenzo, B.D. (2000) “Quantum Information and Computation,” Nature, 404:

247–255. Bohr, N. (1935) “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be Considered

Complete?,” Physical Reviewm 38: 696–702. Born, M. (ed.)(1992) The Born-Einstein Letters, Dordrecht: Reidel. Brassard, G. (2005) “Is Information the Key?,” Nature Physics, 1: 2–4 . Brukner, C., Zeilinger, A. (2002) “Information and Fundamental Elements of the Structure of

Quantum Theory,” Festschrift for C. F. von Weizsaecker on the Occasion of his 90th Birthday, arXiv e-print quant-ph/0212084.

Bub, J. (2006) “Quantum Information and Computation,” in John Earman and Jeremy Butterfield (eds.), Philosophy of Physics (Handbook of Philosophy of Science), Amsterdam: North Holland, pp. 555–660; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0512125.

Bub, J. (2007)“Quantum Computation from a Quantum Logical Perspective,” Quantum Information and Computation, 7: 281–296.

Bub, J. (2008) “Quantum Computation and Pseudotelepathic Games,” Philosophy of Science, 75 458–472.

Bub, J. (2010) “Quantum Computation: Where Does the Speed-Up Come from?,” in A. Bokulich and G. Jaeger (eds.), Philosophy of Quantum Information and Entanglement, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 231–246.

Bub, J. (2010) “Quantum Probabilities: An Information-Theoretic Interpretation,” in Hartmann and C. Beisbart (eds.), Probabilities in Physics, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Clifton, R., Bub, J., Halvorson, H. (2003) “Characterizing Quantum Theory in Terms of Information-Theoretic Constraints”Foundations of Physics, 33: 1561–1591.

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Deutsch, D. (1985) “Quantum Theory, the Church-Turing Principle and the Universal Quantum Computer,” Proceedings of the Royal Society (London), A400: 97–117.

Deutsch, D. (1997) The Fabric of Reality, London: Penguin. Dieks, D. (1982) “Communication by EPR Devices,” Physics Leters A, 92: 271–272. Einstein, A., Podolsky, B., Rosen, N. (1935) “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical

Reality be Considered Complete?,” Physical Review, 47: 777–780. Everett, H. (1957) “'Relative State' Formulation of Quantum Mechanics,” Reviews of Modern

Physics, 29: 454–462. Feynman, R. (1996) Feynman Lectures on Computation, edited by J.G. Hey and R.W. Allen,

Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Fuchs, C.A. (2001) “Quantum Foundations in the Light of Quantum Information,” in Proceedings

of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Decoherence and its Implications in Quantum Computation and Information Transfer, A. Gonis (ed.); arXiv e-print quant-ph/0106166.

Holevo, A.S. (1973) “Statistical Problems in Quantum Physics,” in G. Murayama and J.V. Prokhorov (eds.) Proceedings of the Second Japan-USSR Symposium on Probability Theory, Berlin: Springer, pp. 104–109.

Kent, A. (1999) “Unconditionally Secure Bit Commitment”Physical Review Letters, 83: 1447–1450.

Lo, H.-K., Chau, H.F. (1997) “Is Quantum Bit Commitment Really Possible?,” Physical Review Letters, 78: 3410–3413.

Lo, H.-K., Popescu, S., Spiller, T. (1998) Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information, Singapore: World Scientific.

Mayers, D. (1997) “Unconditionally Secure Quantum Bit Commitment is Impossible,” Physical Review Letters, 78: 3414–3417.

Navascues, M. and Wunderlich, H. (2009)“A Glance Beyond the Quantum Model,” Proceedings of the Royal Society A, November 2009, 1–10; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0907.0372.

Nielsen, M.A., Chuang, I.L. (2000) Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pawlowski, M., Patarek, T., Kaszlikowski, D., Scarani, V., Winter, A.,and Zukowski, M. (2009) “A New Physical Principle: Informaiton Causality,” Nature, 461: 1101; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0905.229.

Schrödinger, E. (1935) “Discussion of Probability Relations Between Separated Systems,,” Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 31: 555–563; 32 (1936): 446–451.

Schumacher, B. (1995) “Quantum Coding,” Physical Review A, 51: 2738–2747. Shannon, C.E., Weaver, W. (1949) The Mathematical Theory of Communication, Urbana:

University of Illinois Press. Steane, A.M. (1998) “Quantum Computing,” Reports on Progress in Physics, 61: 117–173. Steane, A.M. (2003) “A Quantum Computer Needs Only One Universe”Studies in History and

Philosophy of Modern Physics, 34B: 469–478; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0003084. Timpson, C.G. (2003) “On a Supposed Conceptual Inadequacy of the Shannon Information in

Quantum Mechanics”Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics, 33: 441–468; arXiv e-print quant-ph/0112178.

van Fraassen, B. (1982) “The Charybdis of Realism: Epistemological Implications of Bell's Inequality,” Synthese, 52: 25–38.

Wootters, W.K., Zurek, W.H. (1982) “A Single Quantum Cannot be Cloned,” Nature, 299: 802–803.

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Other Internet Resources


Barnum, H., Barrett, J., Leifer, M., and Wilce, A. (2008)“Teleportation in General Probabilistic Theories.”

Barnum, H., Barrett, J., Clark, L.O., Leifer, M., Spekkens, R., Stepanik, N., Wilce, A., and Wilke, R. (2009) “Entropy and Information Causality in General Probabilistic Theories.”

Barnum, H., and Wilce, A. (2008a) “Information Processing in Convex Operational Theories.” Barnum, H., and Wilce, A. (2008b) “Ordered Linear Spaces and Categories as Frameworks for

Information-Processing Characterizations of Quantum and Classical Theory.” Fuchs, C.A. (2002) “Quantum Mechanics as Quantum Information (and Only a Little More).” Skrzypczyk, P., Brunner, N., and Popescu, S. (2009) “Emergence of Quantum Correlations from

Non-Locality Swapping.” Timpson, C. (2000) “Quantum Information and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.” van Dam, W. (2005) “Implausible Consequences of Superstrong Nonlocality.”

Other Resources

arXiv E-print Archive for Quantum Physics. Todd Brun's Lecture Notes in Quantum Information Processing. John Preskill's Course on Quantum Information and Computation. Cambridge Centre for Quantum Computation. Home Pages of Researchers on Quantum Information.

Related Entries

Bell's Theorem | physics: Reichenbach's common cause principle | quantum mechanics:

Copenhagen interpretation of | quantum mechanics: Everett's relative-state formulation of |

quantum mechanics: many-worlds interpretation of | quantum theory: quantum computing |

quantum theory: quantum logic and probability theory | quantum theory: the Einstein-Podolsky-

Rosen argument in

[Dialogue between Dr. Richard Boylan and Col. Steve Wilson, USAF (ret.), former head of

Project Pounce, the secret Air Force project to secure the area of downed UFOs and seize the

craft and its occupants.]

From: rich.boylan@xxxxxxxxx To: Skywatch@XXXXXXX

Date: Tue, 19 Aug 97 08:37:56 -0700 Subject: Air Force Special Academy etc.

Colonel Steve,

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RB: In the Star Wars City (SDI/01) organizational chart you posted, there is identified an "Air

Force Special Academy" (AFSA), which takes its orders from Star Wars City in Colorado

Springs, CO. I take it that this is not the regular Air Force Academy, right?

SW: Note: No it isn't the Regular Academy.

RB: Is it AFSA which trains the military astronauts who are quietly sent up from Vandenberg

Air Force Base, Ca, while the press keeps the public's attention on the Space Shuttle operating

from Cape Canaveral, FL?

SW: Note: Yes, Vandenburg and Beale AF bases are both involved.

RB: Or does the AFSA have some other function?

SW: Note: Yes, it has other functions in Black Ops.

RB: And what range of duty assignments do these Star Warriors (military astronauts) have once

they are positioned in space?

SW: Note: To shoot down unfriendly UFO's. US is shooting down at least one a day. Other

countries are doing this also. Russia is averaging two a day.

[Author's Note: I doubt seriously that the U.S. shoots "down" one UFO per day, or any number

near that. I think even Col. Wilson was fed some disinformation by his superiors. ONI and CIA

informants have reportedly told Dr. Steven Greer that two UFOs were shot "down" in 1995.

From my research I suspect that the number may be closer to a half-dozen per year, certainly

tragic regardless of the numbers. Dr. Michael Wolf of MJ-12/SSG states that a renegade group,

"the Cabal", is conducting these unprovoked attacks to deliberately sabotage peaceful relations

between Star Visitors and Earth.]

RB: And what vehicle do the military astronauts ascend into space and operate there from? Is it

the (classified, not-supposed-to-exist) Aurora aerospace vehicle, which flies above Mach 8 and

operates at 100 miles up where the atmosphere starts to approach vacuum?

SW: Note: No, These are our ultimate two-man back engineered Ufo's and classified Ultra

Cosmic Top Secret.

RB: The (Ultra-classified) Pumpkinseed is reported much faster, and operates on a more exotic

propulsion system, apparently including antigravity field propulsion, and fueled by antimatter

reaction. Is this latter the vessel the military astronauts use in space?

SW: Note: Cannot comment on this, but sure you can figure it out.

RB: In the analysis of the Space Defense Initiative org chart posted on Skywatch, there is

identified the 1010 Special Security Squadron, which bypasses the Air Force and reports directly

to the National Reconnaissance [UFO Cover-Up] Organization, and to MAJI [MJ-12, the UFO

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information policy group]. Is this specialized squadron composed of elite Delta Forces (black


SW: Note: No, This is the W[h]ackenhut agency and their Killers.

RB: Is this the unit in which Project Pounce was located?

SW: Note: Project Pounce does not exist as a unit per se. We all had other jobs and each came

from our own areas of expertise. No one knew the other and only came together on a crash

retrieval. Thus the Ultimate level of security was maintained.

RB: In the analysis of the Space Defense Initiative org chart posted on Skywatch, there is

identified the "1010 Special Security Squadron" which bypasses the Air Force and reports

directly to the National Reconnaissance [UFO Cover-Up] Organization and to MAJI [MJ-12,

UFO information policy group]. Is this specialized squadron composed of elite Delta Forces

(Black Berets)?

RB: "Ultimate" as in classified Ultra Cosmic Top Secret, Q clearance, level 33?

SW: Note: Cosmic Q, level 33 is MAJI; level 32 is MJ-12; level 31 certain personnel in [black-

project]AC [aircraft] mfg.; Level 30, the first 4 of W[h]ackenhut Officials. etc., DOD, NSC. I

was only a level far as I could go.

RB: Ah, Colonel Steve, as always, you are a fund of interesting information. Permit me two

more questions, if you would.

RB's Q. 1: I note on the Star Wars organization chart that the "Rockefeller Company" is one of

the elite defense contractors at that trough of the Black Budget known as SDIO/BMDO [Star

Wars projects]. What "contribution" does the Rockefeller Company make to the SDIO project?

SW: Note: Have no idea of specifics. Only general information. This is reason that secrets can be

kept. No one person knows it all except level 33.

RB's Q. 2: Also on the Strategic Defense Initiative org chart, there is a corporation known as

Decision Science Applications, Incorporated (DSAI). This sounds an awful lot like Science

Applications International Corporation (SAIC) of San Diego, headed by Black-Ops veteran

Admiral Bobbie Ray Inman, and which makes the engines for U.S. antigravity craft. Are DSAI

and SAIC one and the same, or related companies/proprietaries?

SW: Note: This is a group made up of all heads of Military hardware manufacturing in the Black

Area. By the way, I have heard that Inman chairs that group.

[Dr. Boylan NOTE: Thus, Decision Science Applications, Inc. (DSAI) consists of the directors

of the Black Budget divisions (U.S. antigravity craft and space warfare weaponry) of: Rockwell,

Martin-Boeing, IBM, Lockheed-McDonnell, Ford Aerospace, Aerojet Electro Systems, Teledyne

Ryan Aeronautical, Inc. (now part of Northrop-Grumman), Kaman Industries Co., Rockefeller

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Company, and Fujika Company, etc.

And retired NSA Admiral Bobbie Ray Inman heads both DSAI ("inside") and SAIC ("outside")

the Black World. Although Dr. Michael Wolf of MJ-12/SSG says the DSAI and SAIC are one

and the same, essewntially!]

RB: Colonel, in the material posted on the Skywatch webpage [(formerly) htm], the UFO information-secrecy management organization is

laid out. Which leads to a question: What roles do Dr. Henry Kissinger and Dr. Edward Teller

play in this ULTRA-classified organization? Dr. Teller cleared Department of Naval Intelligence

physicist Bob Lazar to work at Area 51's S-4 on back- engineering captured UFOs. Dr.

Kissinger's business office in New York City has gotten quite threatening with a person who

made inquiries into Kissinger's connection to the UFO Cover-Up. What light can you shed on

these two men's involvement?

SW: Note: Both are MJ-12 members, which number 36 in all as of 1994. It might interest you to

know that they go back as far as [Project] Paperclip But, even though they have historys before

that, they do appear to have been at the University of Heidelburg during the same time period

that they were suppose to have been in the U.S. Kissinger is a firm believer and key figure in

MK-ULTRA, whereas

Teller loves to play at it.

(Nothing I can prove,

just something I heard at

a high level).

[Colonel Steve Wilson,


International, Inc.]

[Below is an illustration

of a Remotely-Piloted

Vehicle, furnished by

Colonel Wilson.]

Dr. Richard Boylan is a

behavioral scientist,

university instructor,

certified clinical

hypnotherapist, and

researcher into Star


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Richard Boylan, Ph.D., Councillor

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC

[email protected]

POB 1009, Diamond Springs, CA 95619-1009

To join my on-line interactivegroup, UFOFacts2, send one subscribing email to: UFOFacts2-

[email protected]

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

from Boylan Website In July of 1952 the world was electrified by large newspaper headlines and photos of squadrons of UFOs flying repeatedly over the nation’s Capital in Washington, DC. Four months later WW II General Dwight Eisenhower was elected President. The same month President Eisenhower took office (January, 1953), the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) was ordered to determine if UFOs were interstellar vehicles. OSI convened the Robertson Panel of scientists, which recommended expansion of an Air Force study of UFOs, Project Blue Book. A year later, in April, 1954, as documented by Gerald Light, President Eisenhower made a secret trip to Muroc Field (now Edwards Air Force Base), in the California desert, accompanied by generals, reporter Franklin Allen of the Hearst Newspapers Group, Los Angeles Catholic Bishop James McIntyre, and others. The President had previously arranged to be in nearby Palm Springs, CA, purportedly for a golfing vacation. He "was spirited over to Muroc one night," while reporters were fed the cover story that the President had a toothache and needed to see a dentist. While at Muroc Air Field, Eisenhower was present while an extraterrestrial disc landed. Several Star Visitors emerged to converse with the President and the generals. The extraterrestrials requested that Eisenhower make the public aware of extraterrestrial contact with Earth forthwith. The President protested that humans were not ready, and needed time to be prepared for adjusting to this stupendous reality. By the end of the following month, May, 1954, President Eisenhower’s CIA Director, Walter Bedell Smith, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, David Rockefeller and other top world financiers, later-Secretary of State Dean Rusk, later-British Minister of Defense Denis Healey, and other Western power leaders

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convened the inaugural meeting of the Bilderberg Group, "a means of Western collective management of the world order". [5] One of the early items on the Bilderberg agenda was extraterrestrial contact. Shortly after establishing itself, the Bilderberg Group collaborated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another international policy body devoted to world management. They discussed the problem of adjusting humankind to extraterrestrial presence. Bilderberg and CFR decided jointly in the mid-1950s to enter into an arrangement with the extraterrestrials: The ETs were given an island in French Polynesia as a base on Earth. This arrangement afforded them an opportunity to monitor closely Earth cultures and behavior; and it permitted Earth governments a way to monitor extraterrestrial culture and behavior.

"It became an on-going experiment," as my former-NSA informant put it.

He added that when official public announcement of the extraterrestrial presence occurs, "they will be the ones introduced to Earthlings; ’Oh, by the way, we want to welcome our neighbors from the Pleiades, who by the way have been here since [the beginning of Earth] time, but [are] actually living in our place, date, space and time.’" "They are the diplomatic corps."

Jesse reported that the U.S. particularly held out for many concessions before agreeing to the arrangement. He did not specify what those concessions were, but history subsequent to 1954 suggests that what the U.S. obtained was the lion’s share of extraterrestrial scientist consultants, to assist American scientists in understanding and adapting exotic ET technologies into such devices we now know as the:

computer chip fibre optics lasers gene-splicing therapy cloning night-vision equipment super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar lightweight armor) aerospace ceramics Stealth technology particle-beam devices gravity-control flight

NSC’s Dr. Michael Wolf has previously revealed in his book The Catchers of Heaven that he worked with ETs as part of his governmental duties.

"I met with extraterrestrial individuals every day in my work, and shared living quarters with them," while doing research at extremely-classified underground government research laboratories.

He added, "Zetas work in underground facilities, as requested by the U.S. Government. The ETs are not breaking the U.S. Government- Zeta treaties, but the Government has broken treaties by mistreating ETs, and trying to fire on UFOs."

Dr. Wolf also described working with very human-appearing races dubbed the Nordics and Semitics. He said,

"The Semitics and Nordics [ETs] come from Altair 4 and 5 and from the Pleiades [star systems]."

Wolf also disclosed that in 1954 the U.S. had four extraterrestrial corpses in the "Blue Room", Hanger 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. These bodies came from a series of retrievals of downed UFOs.

"The first UFO came down in 1941 into the ocean west of San Diego, and was retrieved by the Navy." [6]

Between that and the first publicly-announced Roswell UFO crash in 1947, Wolf says there was another crash in 1946, as well as two other crashes in 1947.

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The following additional revelation will permit you to ignore those Boeing commercials and NASA press releases about how America currently is building its own first manned space station. M y ex-NSA informant revealed that there has been a manned "deep space platform" in orbit above Earth for over thirty years!

"It [has] had three-man [American] crews as well as Russians ’on’ since ’68!"

He further states that since 1973, the space station received additional extremely-high technology, "and has had upgrades since." His disclosure confirms reports I had heard previously from former military officers about a secret space platform in orbit. This disclosure makes clear that the Cape Canaveral Space Shuttles launches, and the "first" American space station being assembled by NASA’, are just government "cover" programs. Such programs have served to deflect the public from becoming aware before now of the existence of a black-project military space station, and of classified military craft which can go well past orbit into deep space. Jesse furnished me additional details about its operation. The space station has been serviced by secret military spacecraft long before the first American Space Shuttle flew in 1981. In 1988 previous models of spacefaring military vehicles were superseded by the "Nautilus", a spacecraft with a rounded delta shape built jointly by special projects divisions of Europe’s Airbus Industrie and U.S.’s Boeing Corporation. Nautilus has a propulsion system which utilizes magnetic pulsing. Nautilus-type craft make twice-weekly trips up into space and back, to service the secret international space station. The Nautilus is based in Utah. My informant would not identify the base, but said that it was positioned within a mountain so stealthfully that you could drive by and never know it was there. He also stated that the principal headquarters of the U.S. Space Command has been relocated from Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado to this underground installation in Utah. [7] Look for further significant disclosures in the weeks and months ahead, as the current U.S. Administration tries to disentangle itself from 50 years of Cold War secrecy. And as it does so, those who have felt all alone with their personal experience of contact by Visitors from the stars, (who have been deeply involved in our society and its evolution), should feel less isolated.

Footnotes: 1. Jesse provided additional comment on successor craft to the secret military Space Shuttle. "Matter of fact, it (military Shuttle) was replaced in ’85 with Aurora up to ’92", thus indicating that the oft-rumored Aurora hyperfast aerospace vehicle not only was operational since 1985, but is already obsolete. Jesse says that its successor "followed on with DarkStar’s retro-fit." This, according to the late USAF Colonel Steve Wilson, is the Lockheed X-22A DarkStar, a two-man discoid craft, which uses antigravity technology on a airframe perfected on Lockheed’s "cover" program, a conventional unmanned reconnaissance drone, the X-22, also called DarkStar. Jesse tantalizes with a hint about the antigravity DarkStar’s having becoming obsolete by "another [craft] in 2001", yet another exotic space vehicle. Jesse added, "The [Cape Canaveral] Shuttle stuff you see is for Hollywood to direct." 2. And the apparent coincidence of Arthur C. Clarke writing in "2001"about a Monolith discovered by astronauts turns out not really to be a coincidence at all. Jesse revealed that Clarke has been in the employ of the Central Intelligence Agency, and thus could well have heard about the non-fiction Monolith even before its retrieval. 3. "It depends on the vacuum expectation value to go particle ground state, and with this you time travel on a wave." Jesse says that Dr. Wolf was at the RAND Corporation at

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one point in his career, and developed an 18-foot-wide torus-shaped antigravity field, using counter-rotating magnets. Wolf was quite familiar with the government gravity-control formulae, being involved in UFO research as a member of NSC’s MJ-12 [UFO information control] subcommittee. 5. (Sklar, H., ed., 1981. Trilateralism. Boston: South End Press.) 6. The Navy has held a leadership position in UFO matters ever since. 7. Nautilus-class craft were also used at the beginning of the Gulf War, to penetrate Iraqi airspace from space. Soon thereafter, Stealth aircraft took over covert penetration operations.

Return to Boylan

Return to Extraterrestrial Tecnology

Return to Underground Constructions

"The Grand Tour" - Earth Saucers and Star Wars


Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.(c) 1992

For several years articles have been appearing about secret government bases where exotic space

weapons and U.S.-made saucers are built and tested, but always the testimony for such was "off

the record" or from "sources who cannot be named". So I determined to go see for myself. On

April 09 of 1992, I set out in my S-10 Blazer on a six-state grand tour of reported Southwest

secret sites. The reality turned out to be much more startling than what I had seen in print until


For the curious or suspicious, my background is that I am a research and clinical psychologist in

private practice in Sacramento, California. I have had a hobby interest in UFO's since 1947, and

a research interest in Star Visitor encounters since 1989. My formal education is in Psychology

(Ph.D.), Education (M.S.Ed.), Social Work (M.S.W.) and Philosophy (B.A.). My knowledge of

physics, astronomy, nuclear physics, gravity, SDI, and the Intelligence and military coverup

workings is self-taught by reading books such as Intelligent Life in the Universe, Carl Sagan &

I.S. Shklovskii, The Anti-Gravity Handbook, D. Hatcher Childress, The Puzzle Palace, James

Bamford, The Cult of Counterterrorism, Neil Livingstone, and Missing the Target: SDI in the

1990's, Union of Concerned Scientists, as well as L. Fletcher Prouty's JFK: The CIA, Vietnam,

and the Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy. I have never been in the military or intelligence

services. I am a loyal, but disquieted American.

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The Grand Tour took place between April 9-15, 1992. The sites reconnoitered include: Tonopah

USAF Air Defense Command Headquarters, Tonopah Test Range, the edge of Areas 51 and S-4

(Groom and Papoose Lakes bases), Archuletta Mesa outside Dulce, N.M., Los Alamos National

Laboratories, Kirtland Air Force Base, the Western Regional Headquarters of the Department of

Energy (SDI), Sandia National Laboratories, Defense Nuclear Agency headquarters, the National

Atomic Museum, the National Solar Observatory, U.S. Army's Sacramento Peak Frequency

Surveillance Station, National Radio Astronomy Observatory, the site of the Very Large

Baseline Array near Pietown, N.M, and the Northrop saucer plant near Lancaster, CA.

My selection of target sites was based on information from articles about Stealth and Black

Budget aircraft bases and Star Wars weapons research and development sites appearing in

newspapers such as the L.A. Times, and various magazines such as Aviation Week and Space

Technology, Popular Mechanics, UFO MAGAZINE, and MUFON Journal. I used many useful

leads from Howard Blum's excellent Out There, as well as Timothy Good's essential Above Top

Secret. I also sifted out as best I could the verifiable information from the unverifiable in

William Hamilton III's Cosmic Top Secret. Another source was a November 26, 1991 lecture on

"The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence" given by NASA Ames Research Center's Dr. Jill

Tarter, whose too vigorous protesting of Blum's book Out There only increased my suspicion

that Blum was onto something. Additional information sources were conversations with two CIA

officers I have met, as well as from my years inside the University of California as a graduate

student and instructor.

My reconnoitering was done without any formal guides or inside informants. As a follower of

Native American spirituality, I asked for and apparently received guidance and protection from

the spiritual forces.

My first objective was the town of Tonopah, Nevada, a gateway to Black Budget aerospace/SDI

projects. If you draw a line between Lancaster, CA, Arco, ID, Denver, and Alamogordo, NM,

most Black Budget aerospace/SDI projects are built, tested and based within this quadrangle,

according to my research. Although Tonopah is a tiny town with mining as its ostensible

economy, it houses an Air Force Air Defense Command headquarters. This is a paradox, since

Nellis Air Force Base (the nearest official USAF facility)is 180 miles south. Unless, of course,

there is a secret USAF presence at the north end of the Nevada Test Range requiring aerospace

defense. Which there is. Also spotted was the "Shuttle to Sandia". Very interesting, since Sandia

National Labs is two states away in Albuquerque. Unless, of course, there is a secret Sandia

presence nearby. Which there is.

From Tonopah I drove east 15 miles on U.S. 6 to the turnoff to the Tonopah Test Range. The

entrance sign misleadingly gives the impression that they test small rockets there. But after

driving 12 miles south on the entrance road I came to a huge sprawling base operated not by the

Department of Defense but rather by Sandia National Laboratories for the Department of Energy

(DOE). "Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is AT&T", according to SNL public information

officer Joanne Pigg. (Personal communication, 04/20/92.) Yes, AT&T is the corporation behind

the application of physics research to Star Wars weapons. When AT&T reaches out to touch

someone, it may be with one of their electromagnetic pulse weapons.

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By the front gate are 30 huge two-story buildings where Test Range workers are headquartered.

Through binoculars (7X35 power) I could see downrange five miles where an equally large

additional buildings complex was located. To the south and east extend hundreds of square miles

for operational testing of DOE weapons, such as electromagnetic pulse, particle beam, tactical

fusion (Leonard Stringfield, in The UFO Report, T. Good, ed.) and laser. Strategic nuclear

weapons are tested 100 miles farther south at another DOE facility, the Nevada Test Site, while

U.S.-made saucers are test-flown 100 miles southeast, over the Groom and Papoose Lakes bases.

The guards at the Tonopah Test Range were not dressed in military or police uniform, but rather

wore desert camouflage jumpsuits with a cryptic shoulder patch reading "ASI-SWAT". A

military convoy was let through the gate and headed downrange. When I approached the main

gate on foot, the two guards were surly and aggressively poised. They carried strange weapons

which I have never seen before, although I am familiar with the appearance of U.S. and

international military, police and elite-unit weapons, as found in, for example, Soldier of Fortune

magazine. Their weapons looked like a fat, black, cylindrical oversized rifle stock (about 5"

diameter), about a yard long, but no barrel or muzzle at the end. Not wanting to experience this

weapon pointed any closer to me, I accepted their refusal to let me pass through, and retreated.

About 80 miles east of Tonopah Test Range on State HWY 375 is the hamlet of Rachel, NV.

Mostly a mobile home complex housing workers employed at Area 51, Rachel's central spot is

the Little A'Le'Inn bar and restaurant. Proprietors Joe and Pat Travis are quite informative about

Area 51 and host the Air Force personnel who come there to drink after work. The walls of the

Little A'Le'Inn are a veritable museum of USAF unit insignia, UFO photographs, drawings and

souvenirs, as well as autographed photos of UFO researchers and investigative journalists, such

as George Knapp of Las Vegas radio-television. Joe told me of a UFO having come down once

at night after closing and illuminated the entire interior of their restaurant.

I then proceeded 25 miles southeast to the Groom Lake dirt road turnoff, marked by the

infamous black mailbox. Using USGS topographic maps (Pahranagat Range) I carefully drove

west on the dirt roads towards the Groom Lake base. While still five miles away from the

military reservation boundary, I encountered two men in camouflage jumpsuits armed with rifles,

sitting in an unmarked Ford Bronco with a lightbar on the roof, parked off the roadbed facing

me. Just as I drove past them, my left rear tire collapsed and I rolled to a stop. The tire had a

sidewall penetration, although the tread was good. Nothing on the clear dirt road could have

caused a sidewall blowout. I concluded that the tire had been shot by one of these men. After a

minute the camouflaged duo did a U-turn, drove up next to my vehicle as I was changing the tire,

and sarcastically asked, "Anything wrong?". I was next questioned as to whether I had a badge,

and whether I was "headed up ahead". When I said I had no badge, they said "It's no use going

up ahead". I learned that there is a guarded closed gate at the military reservation boundary. A

USAF Lt. Colonel James W. Hutchinson is Installation Commander in charge of Area 51.

(USAF warning document, Area 51 issue, 1992.)

Since it was late afternoon I retreated until dark, then returned and parked prudently about a

quarter-mile east of the Bronco and got out my binoculars to observe the ridgeline of the Groom

Range above Areas 51 and S-4 from 9:00-10:30 p.m., April 9. After a half-hour I spotted an

intense burning-bright orange-gold round light rise up vertically from behind the Groom

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Mountains. It hovered several minutes, drifted slowly south about 1000 feet, then slowly

descended vertically behind the mountains. This object had the same color and shape, and was

viewed from the same direction, as the object photographed by researcher Gary Schulz, who

enlarged and computer-enhanced his photo to reveal a flying disc with a cupola on top,

surrounded by an ionization haze of light. Schulz' photographs of what he identifies as a HPAC

(Human Powered Alien Craft) hang on the wall of the Little A'Le'Inn, and appear in Cosmic Top


Soon a second brilliantly shining round object rose vertically and hovered about 500 feet above

the ridgeline. This object was strobing and emitting a blue-white intense light apparently from

the skin of the craft. It then began a series of incredible, impossibly blindingly-fast pendulum,

zig-zag and back-and-forth maneuvers at fraction-of-a-second intervals, covering perhaps 900

feet at a "jump". The object executed 180-degree turns and appeared almost to be in two places

at once. After this dazzling aerobatics performance it settled down to hovering awhile, then

resumed the gyrations again. Both episodes of gyrations lasted over a minute each. Finally the

object hovered motionless, then began flying downrange south at a constant altitude and

direction at about 80 mph. I tracked it through my binoculars for about 30 miles before it became

indistinguishable from the starfield.

About a half-hour after it disappeared, a third brilliant round object, glowing with the same

burning-bright orange-gold color, rose above the Groom Range, hovered, drifted slowly, then

began strobing. Then it began gliding downrange at a constant altitude and speed of 80 mph, but

with somewhat irregularly spaced erratic jumps forward. Also odd was that the appearance of the

craft alternated between strobes; on one phase it was a bright sharply-defined orb of orange-gold

light, on the alternate phase it was a smudgy golden smear of light. It repeated this phase-shifting

all the way downrange.

These craft were navigated in a conservative and slow fashion, and did not display the confident

maneuvering and extremely rapid departure style so often reported for extraterrestrial UFO's.

Thus I concluded these are the U.S.-manufactured discs at a primitive stage of technology and/or

pilot mastery. On the other hand, the extreme hyperfast aerobatics-in-place of the one craft

indicates that inertial forces, and therefore gravity, have been overcome by these craft.

My next destination was Archuletta Mesa just north of Dulce, NM. Reported in Blum's Out

Thereand Good's The UFO Report as an underground base, Archuletta Mesa straddles the New

Mexico-Colorado border. I drove around the mesa and discovered a mysterious "ranch" on the

north side near the base of the mesa. The "Redding R Ranch" is supposedly a beefalo raising

outfit. However, in the front yard of the ranch between the road and the two ranch buildings were

four odd, 25-foot high guardtowers on stilts, defining the four corners of the inner property. No

movement or personnel were detected. The ranch ranges for two miles along the road, with four

fancy expensive wrought-iron gates and arches with "Redding R Ranch" spelled in wrought iron,

spaced at intervals along the fenceline. However, three of these gates lead to nowhere, either

bordering a cliff over a creek or bordering a dense forest with no road behind the gate. A self-

confessed Intelligence operative I interviewed in 1992, Dr. John Alexander, working as a

member of the Board of Directors of PSITECH, (a commercial intelligence company using

psychics with remote viewing powers), expressed great interest in seeing my photographs of the

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"Ranch" and "had heard of it" in his intelligence work. I shared with him that a remote viewer in

Sacramento, CA I consult with, Nancy Matz, had spotted several levels of excavated chambers in

the mesa, but that there had been a great disturbance inside the mountain which caused some of

the chambers to cave in on others. Dr. Alexander replied to this that "we set off a nuclear

explosion inside the mountain" (personal communication, 06/16/92), but then added the

disinformation that "it was to search for oil". (Oil is found deep under the ground, not up in the

air on a 2000-foot high sandstone mesa. Thus, I did not completely penetrate the mystery of

Archuletta Mesa (Dulce), but there appears to be more there than meets the eye.

Next I headed back into New Mexico to reconnoiter Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL),

where theoretical research having weapons applications is conducted for the Department of

Energy (DOE) by the University of California. (The University also operates Lawrence

Livermore Laboratories in California for the same purposes, specializing in laser and nuclear

fusion research.) A huge sprawling complex covering much of Los Alamos County, Los Alamos

Labs stretches for 5 miles by 13 miles, and, according to John Alexander, has extensive

underground facilities in addition to the surface installations, (Personal communication,

06/16/92.) LANL retains a heavy, but not exclusive, emphasis on nuclear research. It helps to

explain why this country is not making more progress in safely disposing of nuclear waste that

there is one small building at LANL dedicated to Nuclear Waste Management Research, while

there are hundreds dedicated to making more waste. DOE "No Trespassing" signs, with dire

penalties, are everywhere at LANL, as are radiation warning signs. Certain curious anomalies

were noted at LANL. Building T10 houses the Center for Human Genome Studies, and(!) the

HIV (AIDS) Database : a pair of rather strange enterprises for a military weapons-oriented

research complex to be involved in, rather than the National Institutes of Health. One cannot help

being reminded of the rumors that AIDS is a biological weapon gone amok. Even more curious

is another building which houses LANL's Theoretical Biology and Biophysics studies. Perhaps

less curious if the rumor is true that the extraterrestrial corpses from the crashed UFO near

Corona, NM were brought to Los Alamos for study. Los Alamos' Theoretical Biology

department may be linked to NASA Ames Research Center's exobiology studies, which include

having constructed lifelike figures of alternative evolutionary models of what intelligent life may

look like on other planets (Blum, H., Out There).

Besides nukes and exotic biology LANL also researches military applications of intense

magnetic fields at its National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, (a prerequisite to

gravity/antigravity research). And the military connection at LANL is not subtle. The Air Force

has its ATAC Technical Support Facility there, staffed and guarded 7 days a week.

Another anomaly at Los Alamos is its central nuclear reactor. This is the only "reactor" I have

ever seen with personnel quarters (extremely secure) located right next to the reactor, in violation

of the principle of keeping optimal separation between persons and radiation.

The theoretical weapons physics of Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore Laboratories is

translated into actual working models of high tech weapons at Sandia National Laboratories,

Albuquerque. So I headed for Albuquerque, arguably a center of the Black Budget/SDI effort.

Located on the southeast edge of town is Kirtland Air Force Base. Kirtland provides cover for

and houses: the Southwest Regional Office of the Department of Energy (DOE), Sandia National

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Laboratories (SNL), the Defense Nuclear Agency, the Interservice Nuclear Weapons School, and

DOE's National Atomic Museum. To say that DOE and SNL keep a low profile is an

understatement. They do not even list themselves in the Albuquerque phone book, although other

federal agencies have long listings of even minor departments.

I entered the Kirtland Air Force Base complex through its main gate after getting a free pass

offered any civilian who wants to visit the National Atomic Museum or SNL's Solar Research

Power Tower inside. If one happens not to be able to help passing various DOE, USAF, SNL or

DNA facilities and weapons test sites on the way in or out, oh, well, opportunity knocks.

Over the roof of the Department of Energy Regional Headquarters fly three flags, the U.S., the

DOE, and the AT&T! Yes, the AT&T horizontal-stripes globe logo flies alongside, because

AT&T is Sandia National Laboratories, which is where a large part of DOE effort in the

Southwest takes place. Although the government likes to tout its nuclear safety record, the DOE

is not even capable of keeping its own regional administrative headquarters building free of

contamination, as photographic evidence shows. Contaminated or not, the DOE is secured like a

fortress, with checkpoint guardposts and a personnel entry cubicle one must enter, lock the door,

punch in a code, then exit another door, all before walking to the front door of the headquarters


Since I could not enter even the main lobby area of DOE or SNL headquarters, I travelled a

quarter-mile farther to the National Atomic Museum (NAM). The nuclear physicists and military

at Los Alamos and Sandia Labs are so proud of their history of nuclear "achievements" that they

proudly display information I had presumed was classified (and may still be, elsewhere). For

example, The U.S. now has hydrogen bombs downsized as small as a RV propane tank, and

which could easily fit in an Army duffel bag. Or, as Abu Nidal knows, in a bus terminal storage

locker. Even more amazing, in view of Lawrence Livermore Laboratories' continuing

disinformation campaign that "we're still working on containing nuclear fusion", was NAM's

revelation that the U.S. since 1987 been producing controlled nuclear fusion, and that it is self-

sustaining(!) and contained by a hyperstrong magnetic field. They use lasers to implode fissile

material and produce fusion. This is an inexhaustible and rather compact energy source, and may

be the powerplant for the gravity-defying craft I saw at Area 51. Another NAM revelation with

Star Wars weapons implications (and applications) is that SNL has achieved advanced particle

acceleration energy capabilities that can deliver a 100,000,000,000,000 (100 trillion) volt burst of

ions using a lithium diode one inch thick.

Across the street (appropriately) from the National Atomic Museum is the Interservice Nuclear

Weapons School, where all branches of the armed services can learn how to use nuclear

weapons. Nuclear weapons must no longer be understood to mean only hydrogen bombs, but

also Star Wars weaponry which uses nuclear fusion as its power source.

Which leads us next to the immense sprawling complex of Sandia National Laboratories. SNL

and its test ranges extend south and east of DOE headquarters for over a hundred square miles,

and take up most of what is labelled "Kirtland Air Force Base". SNL has project buildings every

half-mile in every direction out to the horizon. Activities identified by sign include mostly

weapons-application research in nuclear, nuclear transport, magnetic, solar (yes, solar weapons!),

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electromagnetic-pulse, laser and particle beam energy. At the Solar Power Tower laboratory

SNL boasts of a heliostat (solar collector-concentrator device) which can burn through 1"-thick

hard metal plating in 26 seconds.

But the piece-de-resistance of Star Wars weapons research applications I found was "Project

ARIES, the Advanced Research Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Simulator Site", where a two-

blocks long device was built for the Defense Nuclear Agency by Edgerton. Germhausen & Greer


EG&G is a shadowy corporation involved (along with Wackenhut Corporation) in security for

Areas 51 and S-4, (personal communication with security officers at EG&G and at Wackenhut

03/14/92), Black Budget weapons operations like Project ARIES, and in maintaining various

nuclear facilities for the U.S. government (Wildfire, 6:1, Spring, 1992). The EMP weapon

consists of a 1 1/2-block long barrel horizontally supported on a wooden (nonconductive) trestle

25 feet high, connected to a two-story tower building, connected in turn to an immense electrical

apparatus with huge arms and massive connecting cables looking like a gigantic Van de Graaf

generator. The long-rumored electromagnetic pulse weapon spotted at last! Using fusion power

and engineered to 100 trillion volt bursts, it could arguably overpower even the exotic

technology of an extraterrestrial UFO. It is clearly overkill to defeat a mere incoming CIS

(formerly, USSR) ballistic missile, for which nuclear-tipped sprint intercept missiles suffice.

While driving around trying to find my way back from the solar weapons lab, I encountered the

famous Manzano Mountain Weapons Storage facility, an entire mountain tunneled into for

storage of various high security items, such as nuclear weapons and, according to Timothy Good,

retrieved UFO's (Above Top Secret). Manzano is surrounded by three separate high razor-wire-

tipped fences with bare-earth zones between, presumably with motion sensors embedded. Armed

personnel in jeeps constantly patrol the area. The security at Manzano is in high contrast to the

rather porous-to-nonexistent security elsewhere at Sandia. At the northern end of Manzano is the

notorious Coyote Canyon Test Site, where extremely classified Air Force, DNA, DOE and SNL

research takes place. At the entrance was a sign designating the Defender Challenge project. This

is the area where a UFO was spotted by USAF personnel hovering low in 1979 (Above Top

Secret, T. Good). Peering partway into Coyote Canyon by binoculars, I could see a strange

metallic ball 20 feet high resting on the ground sheltered by a flat tin roof above, supported by

four poles surrounding the huge sphere. Its purpose is unknown. Whatever the research at Coyote

Canyon is, it has made the water in the area unfit to drink or even wash your hands in. Because

of the off-limits signs I did not enter Coyote Canyon or other high-security canyons around, so I

cannot fully report on all that is going on at these Sandia sites.

Leaving Sandia, I headed south towards Alamogordo, to the National Solar Observatory (NSO)

at Sunspot, NM. Located at top of Sacramento Peak 9200' above Alamogordo, NSO is another

low-profile facility. Its staffing include Air Force science officers, who monitor the effects of the

Sun's electromagnetic radiation fields on geophysical and geomagnetic disturbances, on the

operation of spacecraft and of satellite orbit stability, as well as on spaceflight operations (NSO

pamphlet, 1992). Under the entrance sign of the Observatory is placed an additional small sign

which reads "Umbra", the National Security Agency's highest security classification (The Puzzle

Palace, J. Bamford). A thousand feet east of the NSO is the Army Sacramento Peak Frequency

Surveillance Station, the entrance to which has several signs forbidding entrance, with severe

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penalties. This station monitors electromagnetic (EM) communications and telemetry on and

over White Sands Missile Range, Holloman Air Force Base, and NASA's secret Johnson Space

City complex. My remote viewer consultant noted underground facilities at the Surveillance

Station and EM force field generation, which may explain why there was no cricket or forest

sounds near this ELMINT (electromagnetic intelligence) facility, probably actually operated by

the National Security Agency.

Holloman Air Force Base, White Sands Missile Range and NASA's Johnson Space City were

highly secure and off-limits, and I was not able to reconnoiter them. My next destination lay in

western New Mexico.

I explored the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NROA), whose Very Large Array

consists of 27 huge "receiving" dishes 82 feet wide, on support towers which move around on

railroad tracks. Each is as tall as a twelve-story building. Capable of different configurations, the

dishes I saw were arrayed in an inverted-T configuration, each arm of which stretched for one

mile, with the longest arm pointed due north. The stated purpose of this facility is to collect

"weak radio waves from celestial sources". This is presented to the outsider as meaning

exclusively mapping the heavens by locating stars and energized gasfields in space which emit

EM radiation in the radio frequency. However, as with other sites on this tour, NROA is not your

average boring observatory. Parked adjacent to the headquarters was an Army truck with NROA

insignia on the door, and two! ambulances with NROA insignia also. (The handful of

astronomers working here must have a terrible occupational accident record!) Further insight into

what is going on here is provided by NASA Ames Research Center spokesperson Dr. Jill Tarter,

who revealed (during a presentation at the University of California, Davis on November 26,

1991) that the United States would announce on October 12, 1992 that it is turning on its

radiotelescopes to listen for intelligent transmissions from space. This effort was timed for

Columbus' 500th Anniversary of discovering the New World. Cute, huh? Except that this is

disinformation. Actually, the U.S. government has been funding and conducting the Search for

Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) for years (Out There, H. Blum). One could speculate that the

purpose of this upcoming high-profile government announcement is to create the fig leaf for

"uncovering" Star Visitor communications, and finally the open admission by the government of

extraterrestrial-government contact.

What is not speculation is the evidence, including physical evidence, I obtained that the

government's NROA dishes are also being used to transmit superpowerful signals into space,

specifically towards the direction just above the low north horizon. One clue came when I was

having dinner at the Datil restaurant next to four astronomers from NROA. One was complaining

about trying to get time on a radio dish to do his research. But while I was at NROA all 27 dishes

were pointed away from the main part of the sky, and directed toward a target above the low

north horizon. A photo of NROA displayed at their headquarters again shows all 27 dishes

pointed at that same low north horizon angle. Why this persistent focus on one area of sky when

there is such competition for time on the dishes? Another clue is the location of NROA on the

desolate Plains of San Agustin, a silent region deliberately chosen for its remoteness from cities

with their radio stations and other EM radiation.

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The physical evidence was obtained as I left the NROA. As I was about two miles from the Very

Large Array, with both my FM and CB radios on, the most intense screeching howling sounds I

have ever heard come out of either radio blanketed both FM and CB simultaneously and

excruciatingly. My CB meter went way farther into the red than I have ever seen it go before.

This howling screech continued for several minutes. I could not believe my ears. How could

NROA allow such powerful EM signals which would interfere with their listening to delicate

radio waves from space? Finally I turned off the radios until I reached Pietown, 21 miles

northwest. Then I turned both radios on again and again heard the deafening screech, which

lasted an additional two minutes. Then mercifully it stopped. After it ended, both radios were

functioning perfectly, sent and received well, and I have never heard that noise again. It then

occurred to me that NROA is not only receiving signals from space, but sending them! Given the

rule that EM field strength diminishes algebraically with distance, the sending power from the

NROA dishes is extraordinary (to swamp the CB and FM frequencies at 21 miles), as befits a

signal intended to penetrate into space. Whom is the government signaling? And why is the

government lying about SETI?

At Pietown, NM, an eye-blink of four houses and one boarded-up store, the government is

supposed to be building a much huger radiotelescope complex, the Very Large Baseline Array,

which will connect and harness the reach of radio-telescopes from Hawaii to West Virginia, and

from Puerto Rico to New Mexico (NROA Exhibit data, 1992). This will create an "antenna" with

a "dish size" equivalent to almost one-eighth of the globe. The Very Large Baseline Array was

due to be completed this year, but I saw no radiotelescopes. The only construction I could find

involved huge pipes (10-foot diameter) being prepared for placement underground in some

oversize tunnel works. The purpose is unknown, the project having no explanatory sign. What's

really going on at Pietown I cannot say. So I headed west to my final destination, in California's

aerospace Black Budget Palmdale-Lancaster region.

Sixty miles north of Los Angeles, in the Tehachapi Mountains east of Edwards Air Force Base,

lies the Tejon Ranch, sprawling for approximately 600 square miles. There the Northrop Aircraft

Corporation has its secret saucer manufacturing works, according to researcher William

Hamilton III in his book, Cosmic Top Secret. Bill was right. I saw the same intensely burning-

bright orange-gold craft test-flown there as I had seen above Areas 51/S-4. Following Bill's

directions I proceeded seven miles west from Lancaster on HWY 138 to Road 190, then three

miles north to the Kern County line. Staked out with binoculars between 3:00 and 5:00 a.m. on

April 15, I observed four ultrabright orange-gold orbs rise and traverse a brief 1 1/2 mile test

loop. At intervals of about a half-hour, each orb took off and plied its course. The first three took

off from what appeared to be the southwest hanger area of the Northrop complex. The fourth one

took off from the northeast staging area. On the ground each craft was not glowing at first, but

appeared in the full moonlight like a parked airliner frame with backlit "porthole windows".

Estimated width of craft is 50 feet. Then as each began to rise, it began glowing intensely all

over its frame, as though the frame itself (or an ionizing field around the frame) were emitting

light. Its intensity increased proportionately to the power demand of rising from the ground

vertically to approximately 200 feet above the plant. At this altitude and at maximum brightness

the craft hovered, then slowly began to glide at about 15 mph in a southwest direction for 1 1/2

miles, stopped, then swung around revealing its round bottom side briefly which emitted even

more intense light. Then each craft traversed back at steady altitude to the staging area, hovered,

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then descended vertically slowly to the ground. Upon landing each then stopped emitting bright

light except for the dim backlit "portholes". The fourth craft took its loop in a northeasterly

direction. These loops appeared to be very brief and cautious test runs to be sure the craft

actually flew, before shipping them off to Area S-4 for full field-test proving, and use to join a

growing fleet of U.S. saucers.

Now I had completed my six-state tour and seen the Star Wars and U.S. saucer facilities. What

does it all mean?

I believe that UFO's, Star Wars weapons and U.S. saucers are interrelated, like a three-legged

stool. As investigator Leonard Stringfield states in Timothy Good's The UFO Report(1989):

"Star Wars, ostensibly conceived as a defensive system against Russian missile attacks, may

have had from its beginning a 'defensive' UFO connection." Clearly, given the dramatic increase

in Strategic Defense Initiative Office funding, (a 33% increase in each of the last three years

(Missing the Target:SDI in the 1990's, Union of Concerned Scientists)), while there has been a

dramatic drop in the Soviet missile threat since 1989 as the USSR fell apart, the Union of

Concerned Scientists concluded that "there is no rationale for an SDI system as large as that

proposed either by Congress...or the Bush administration". This anomaly further points to a

different agenda for SDI than stopping CIS missiles or Third World terrorists. That agenda, I

believe, is weapons "countermeasures" capability against Star Visitors and their UFO's. SDI

"countermeasures" include nuclear, laser, electromagnetic pulse and particle beam weapons.

Documentary evidence of such agenda appears to have been inadvertently provided by NASA

when the astronauts of the Shuttle Discovery transmitted to Earth videocamera footage of UFO's

traversing just above Earth atmosphere. One UFO suddenly makes a 90-degree turn to the right

and accelerates off into deeper space, just a second before a burst of shaped-pulse high energy

streaks up from Earth towards the spot where the UFO would have been if it had not radically

changed course. Other UFO's are shown being shot at by visibly energized EM weapon bursts.

This videotape was shown on NBC's Hard Copy program of June 5, 1992, and narrated by UFO

Magazine Contributing Editor Don Ecker. A Star Wars weapon shooting at a UFO above Earth's

atmosphere? It looked that way to Don Ecker, and from my research it looks that way to me.

The assembling of a fleet of U.S. saucers in Nevada appears to be a related effort to develop

capacity to do combat with Star Visitor UFO's on technologically similar terms. Compelling

evidence also exists that the assembling of high tech weapons under the appropriately-named

Star Wars program is precisely to make war on the Star Visitors.

What is the motive for the Shadow Government's war on extraterrestrials? Richard Hoagland,

former editor of Star & Sky magazine and consultant to NASA's Goddard Spaceflight Center,

explains. "There is a great deal of naivete about the forces in our society that do not want this

knowledge, even in the form of a very useful technology, to get out." He notes that there are

"interlocking institutions whose job it is to keep themselves in business. And they do not take

lightly to this ET technology. After all, how do people stay in power? Because they define the

universe as limited, rare and scarce and then put a price tag on it. Then some people are put in

charge of doling out the scarce precious thing; other people buy it at whatever the market will

bear. And you have a really neat system for controlling people." (Wildfire, 6:1, Spring, 1992).

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Is the Shadow Government's aggressive and paranoid SDI response the one we want made in our

name to visits by intelligent life from other planets? Is that a good use for $80 billion of our tax

dollars? (SDI Budget, 1993-2005, Union of Concerned Scientists, op. cit.>. As Edmund Burke

once stated, "All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for enough good men [and women] to do


Something we can do to expose and oppose this evil is demanding of our elected representatives

that the Black Budget be opened to full Congressional and public scrutiny and debate. This also

should include the Intelligence budgets, particularly NSA, NRO, CIA and DIA. Finally, we need

to demand that Congress pass legislation outlawing and invalidating the pernicious practice of

secret Executive Orders by the President, with no accountability to the American people, such as

Truman's classified Executive Order of 09/24/47 setting up MJ-12 and hiding extraterrestrial

contact from the American people (T. Good, Above Top Secret).

The ball is in our court.

ed 12/13/92

Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, emeritus university instructor, certified

clinical hypnotherapist, and researcher into Star Visitor-Human encounters.

Richard Boylan, Ph.D., LLC,

Post Office Box 1009, Diamond Springs,

California 95619, United States of America.

E-mail: [email protected]


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list; moderated by Dr. Boylan: (subscribe at:

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

from Boylan Website In July of 1952 the world was electrified by large newspaper headlines and photos of squadrons of UFOs flying repeatedly over the nation’s Capital in Washington, DC. Four months later WW II General Dwight Eisenhower was elected President. The same month President Eisenhower took office (January, 1953), the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence (OSI) was ordered to determine if UFOs were interstellar vehicles. OSI convened the Robertson Panel of scientists, which recommended expansion of an Air Force study of UFOs, Project Blue Book. A year later, in April, 1954, as documented by Gerald Light, President Eisenhower made a secret trip to

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Muroc Field (now Edwards Air Force Base), in the California desert, accompanied by generals, reporter Franklin Allen of the Hearst Newspapers Group, Los Angeles Catholic Bishop James McIntyre, and others. The President had previously arranged to be in nearby Palm Springs, CA, purportedly for a golfing vacation. He "was spirited over to Muroc one night," while reporters were fed the cover story that the President had a toothache and needed to see a dentist. While at Muroc Air Field, Eisenhower was present while an extraterrestrial disc landed. Several Star Visitors emerged to converse with the President and the generals. The extraterrestrials requested that Eisenhower make the public aware of extraterrestrial contact with Earth forthwith. The President protested that humans were not ready, and needed time to be prepared for adjusting to this stupendous reality. By the end of the following month, May, 1954, President Eisenhower’s CIA Director, Walter Bedell Smith, Prince Bernhard of Netherlands, David Rockefeller and other top world financiers, later-Secretary of State Dean Rusk, later-British Minister of Defense Denis Healey, and other Western power leaders convened the inaugural meeting of the Bilderberg Group, "a means of Western collective management of the world order". [5] One of the early items on the Bilderberg agenda was extraterrestrial contact. Shortly after establishing itself, the Bilderberg Group collaborated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another international policy body devoted to world management. They discussed the problem of adjusting humankind to extraterrestrial presence. Bilderberg and CFR decided jointly in the mid-1950s to enter into an arrangement with the extraterrestrials: The ETs were given an island in French Polynesia as a base on Earth. This arrangement afforded them an opportunity to monitor closely Earth cultures and behavior; and it permitted Earth governments a way to monitor extraterrestrial culture and behavior.

"It became an on-going experiment," as my former-NSA informant put it.

He added that when official public announcement of the extraterrestrial presence occurs, "they will be the ones introduced to Earthlings; ’Oh, by the way, we want to welcome our neighbors from the Pleiades, who by the way have been here since [the beginning of Earth] time, but [are] actually living in our place, date, space and time.’" "They are the diplomatic corps."

Jesse reported that the U.S. particularly held out for many concessions before agreeing to the arrangement. He did not specify what those concessions were, but history subsequent to 1954 suggests that what the U.S. obtained was the lion’s share of extraterrestrial scientist consultants, to assist American scientists in understanding and adapting exotic ET technologies into such devices we now know as the:

computer chip fibre optics lasers gene-splicing therapy cloning night-vision equipment super-tenacity fibers (such as Kevlar lightweight armor) aerospace ceramics Stealth technology particle-beam devices gravity-control flight

NSC’s Dr. Michael Wolf has previously revealed in his book The Catchers of Heaven that he worked with ETs as part of his governmental duties.

"I met with extraterrestrial individuals every day in my work, and shared living quarters with them," while doing research at extremely-classified underground government research laboratories.

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He added, "Zetas work in underground facilities, as requested by the U.S. Government. The ETs are not breaking the U.S. Government- Zeta treaties, but the Government has broken treaties by mistreating ETs, and trying to fire on UFOs."

Dr. Wolf also described working with very human-appearing races dubbed the Nordics and Semitics. He said,

"The Semitics and Nordics [ETs] come from Altair 4 and 5 and from the Pleiades [star systems]."

Wolf also disclosed that in 1954 the U.S. had four extraterrestrial corpses in the "Blue Room", Hanger 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio. These bodies came from a series of retrievals of downed UFOs.

"The first UFO came down in 1941 into the ocean west of San Diego, and was retrieved by the Navy." [6]

Between that and the first publicly-announced Roswell UFO crash in 1947, Wolf says there was another crash in 1946, as well as two other crashes in 1947. The following additional revelation will permit you to ignore those Boeing commercials and NASA press releases about how America currently is building its own first manned space station. M y ex-NSA informant revealed that there has been a manned "deep space platform" in orbit above Earth for over thirty years!

"It [has] had three-man [American] crews as well as Russians ’on’ since ’68!"

He further states that since 1973, the space station received additional extremely-high technology, "and has had upgrades since." His disclosure confirms reports I had heard previously from former military officers about a secret space platform in orbit. This disclosure makes clear that the Cape Canaveral Space Shuttles launches, and the "first" American space station being assembled by NASA’, are just government "cover" programs. Such programs have served to deflect the public from becoming aware before now of the existence of a black-project military space station, and of classified military craft which can go well past orbit into deep space. Jesse furnished me additional details about its operation. The space station has been serviced by secret military spacecraft long before the first American Space Shuttle flew in 1981. In 1988 previous models of spacefaring military vehicles were superseded by the "Nautilus", a spacecraft with a rounded delta shape built jointly by special projects divisions of Europe’s Airbus Industrie and U.S.’s Boeing Corporation. Nautilus has a propulsion system which utilizes magnetic pulsing. Nautilus-type craft make twice-weekly trips up into space and back, to service the secret international space station. The Nautilus is based in Utah. My informant would not identify the base, but said that it was positioned within a mountain so stealthfully that you could drive by and never know it was there. He also stated that the principal headquarters of the U.S. Space Command has been relocated from Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado to this underground installation in Utah. [7] Look for further significant disclosures in the weeks and months ahead, as the current U.S. Administration tries to disentangle itself from 50 years of Cold War secrecy. And as it does so, those who have felt all alone with their personal experience of contact by Visitors from the stars, (who have been deeply involved in our society and its evolution), should feel less isolated.

Footnotes: 1. Jesse provided additional comment on successor craft to the secret military Space Shuttle. "Matter of fact, it (military Shuttle) was replaced in ’85 with Aurora up to ’92", thus indicating that the oft-rumored Aurora hyperfast aerospace vehicle not only was operational since 1985, but is already obsolete. Jesse says that its successor "followed

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on with DarkStar’s retro-fit." This, according to the late USAF Colonel Steve Wilson, is the Lockheed X-22A DarkStar, a two-man discoid craft, which uses antigravity technology on a airframe perfected on Lockheed’s "cover" program, a conventional unmanned reconnaissance drone, the X-22, also called DarkStar. Jesse tantalizes with a hint about the antigravity DarkStar’s having becoming obsolete by "another [craft] in 2001", yet another exotic space vehicle. Jesse added, "The [Cape Canaveral] Shuttle stuff you see is for Hollywood to direct." 2. And the apparent coincidence of Arthur C. Clarke writing in "2001"about a Monolith discovered by astronauts turns out not really to be a coincidence at all. Jesse revealed that Clarke has been in the employ of the Central Intelligence Agency, and thus could well have heard about the non-fiction Monolith even before its retrieval. 3. "It depends on the vacuum expectation value to go particle ground state, and with this you time travel on a wave." Jesse says that Dr. Wolf was at the RAND Corporation at one point in his career, and developed an 18-foot-wide torus-shaped antigravity field, using counter-rotating magnets. Wolf was quite familiar with the government gravity-control formulae, being involved in UFO research as a member of NSC’s MJ-12 [UFO information control] subcommittee. 5. (Sklar, H., ed., 1981. Trilateralism. Boston: South End Press.) 6. The Navy has held a leadership position in UFO matters ever since. 7. Nautilus-class craft were also used at the beginning of the Gulf War, to penetrate Iraqi airspace from space. Soon thereafter, Stealth aircraft took over covert penetration operations.

Return to Boylan

Return to Extraterrestrial Tecnology

Return to Underground Constructions

Colonel Steve Wilson, USAF (ret.) Reveals UFO-oriented Project Pounce by

Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

An insider glimpse into the military's secretive obsession with UFO technology has been

provided by Colonel Steve Wilson, U.S. Air Force (ret.). Wilson is former head of Project

Pounce, an elite Air Force/National Reconnaissance Organization Special Forces unit which

retrieves downed UFOs.

Colonel Wilson reports that "the first successful U.S. antigravity flight took place July 18, 1971

at S-4, Dreamland [Area 51], wherein light bending capabilities were also demonstrated to obtain

total invisibilities.

Present at this flight were notables such as Admiral [Bobbie Ray] Inman [former National

Security Agency director], who is now head of SAIC [Science Applications International,

Incorporated] in San Diego, CA, which makes the antigravity drives."

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Colonel Wilson also revealed that the recent announcement by Lockheed about an unmanned,

electric-propulsion reconnaissance unit with short wings named "Dark Star" was actually a

"cover" project. The exotic technology being concealed is the real Dark Star, designated the X-

22A, and manufactured by the Lockheed Skunk Works at Helendale, CA. This Dark Star is an

operational, two-man, wingless antigravity craft.

I saw this UFO-copycat antigravity craft in test flight at Area 51 in 1992. Its metallic airframe in

flight is obscured by an intense bluish-white light, which pulsates off and on at about two-second

intervals. During the phase where the intense light is off, the craft frame disappears from optical

view, (and NOT just because its light was off), then reappears several hundred yards distant

horizontally in the lit mode.

Does that mean that this craft travels by small jumps through hyper-space? Gravity does bend


The U.S. also flies discs which glow an intense golden-orange during flight, made by Northrop

Aerospace at their secret facility northeast of Lancaster, CA, where I saw them test-flown in


Colonel Wilson says the military began publicly flying their enormous Black Triangle

antigravity craft, back- engineered from extraterrestrial UFOs, on January 3, 1994.

Several sources including Col. Wilson state that the McDonnell-Douglas, Lockheed-Martin and

Northrop antigravity plants are connected underground by a superfast tunnel shuttle system with

Area 51 and other sensitive underground installations. Colonel Wilson says that the system,

where magnetically-levitated trains zip through almost vacuum tubes, is called TAUSS (Trans-

America Underground Subway System).

The tunnels are excavated by nuclear Subterrenes (excavating machines), which can burn

through rock and create six miles of tunnel per day.

The Colonel also furnishes the answer to the mystery "black helicopters" spotted around so-

called "cattle mutilation" sites. These aren't your ordinary helicopters, but yet another U.S.

antigravity craft, designated the XH-75D or "XH Shark", made by Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical

Corporation of San Diego, (now part of Northrop-Grumman).

He says that many of these XH-75Ds were assigned to the Delta/National Reconnaissance

Organization Division which retrieves downed UFOs.

That Division is also implicated in mutilating cattle as psychological warfare on the American

public, to try to get us to fear and hate Star Visitors through assuming that "aliens" cut up the


Finally, Colonel Wilson states that a supersecret mobile unit within Delta Force, the National

Reconnaissance Organization, is deployed with the Equalizer, an exotic-looking, six-foot-long,

one-foot diameter, electromagnetic-pulse cannon mounted on a pedestal on the back of a military

truck which is used to shoot down UFOs using low-frequency pulsed microwave energy.

The Equalizer is built by LTV, Ling-Temco-Vought, at Anaheim, California.

Antigravity technology is limitedly international. Russia is reported to have its own anti-gravity

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vehicles. And Paul Stonehill, a respected Russian UFO investigator, reports that the Russians in

April, 1988 started using space-time-bending antigravity technology to do time travel!

In June, 1997, a Washington, DC-area intelligence "cut-out", who has been quite reliable, passed

on information that China now has acquired antigravity technology.

A world-class UFO/ET research professional has additionally provided me information that a

renegade group in Japan also possesses antigravity technology. He reports that the possession of

such extreme technology, [which besides ultrafast deployment, also involves radar and optical

invisibility, and potentially time travel capabilities,] by a sometimes-hostile Asian superpower

such as China is seen by some Pentagon generals as destabilizing the West's military edge.

[Below is an illustration of Shark antigravity special-operations helicopter, furnished by Colonel


Dr. Richard

Boylan is a





certified clinical


and researcher

into Star Visitor-



Richard Boylan,

Ph.D., Councillor

Richard Boylan,

Ph.D., LLC


POB 1009, Diamond Springs, CA 95619-1009

To join my on-line interactivegroup, UFOFacts2, send one subscribing email to: UFOFacts2-

[email protected]

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by Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.

1998 from DRBoylan Website

Dr. Michael Wolf is a 56-year-old man pincered between the horns of a quintessential dilemma. His bosses at the National Security Council have told him that they want him, precisely as a government scientist with ABOVE TOP SECRET clearance, to generate a controlled leakage of major amounts of secret information. That information is about UFO reality and extraterrestrial contact with humans, including governmental involvement. On the other hand, they have told him not to disclose too many government secrets, nor too many details about his role inside ULTRA-classified projects. (He characterizes his current low-profile status as "sequestered".) And to complicate matters further, they have "erased" almost all his records, such as the universities he attended, his degrees, and his record of government service as an independent contractor to the CIA, NSA and NSC. Such measures are common for individuals working in Unacknowledged Special Access Programs, where their bosses must maintain "plausible deniability", in case a "sensitive" worker decides to make unauthorized disclosures. Additionally, the national security oath Wolf had to sign required him not to publish papers in scientific journals on his findings doing classified research. As a result, Dr. Wolf can hardly prove he exists. But, as a very brave person, Wolf has decided nevertheless to keep on revealing secrets, until his superiors tell him to stop. America and the world are indeed fortunate that he has made that decision. Dr. Wolf made the decision to reveal what he has learned about the visiting extraterrestrial cultures to the world, "because we have a right to know." He is also motivated by the need to feel that he is making a contribution to humanity for his wife, son and unborn child, who were assassinated by terrorist car-sabotage in an "accident" meant to kill him as well. He admits that hindsight has caused him to reevaluate the importance of keeping secret all the things he worked on. His efforts to persuade his bosses to let him publish and speak met with some success. His book, The Catchers of Heaven, was approved to be published, but only after he met their restriction that he write a forward stating that it was a "work of fiction". His book, The Catchers of Heaven (1996) makes many well-informed revelations. Catchers of Heaven is must reading for anyone interested in learning more about the extraterrestrial presence. Dr. Wolf currently is now working on a sequel, Bright White Light Quartet, which will provide further information about his personal experience with the extraterrestrials, their communications, and their missions. I have been authorized by Michael Wolf to share publicly in this article the disclosures he has made since Catchers was published. This report will not duplicate my earlier article on Dr. Wolf, ["Official Within UFO-Secrecy Management Group Reveals Insider Secrets", Contact Forum, 5:5, Sept.-Oct., 1997, p. 22-23.] Also, these disclosures come from notes I scribbled furiously, as I tried to keep up with Dr. Wolf’s machine-gun pace of talking. Like many geniuses, he moves from topic to topic rapidly, not leaving an opportunity to get certain details. The reader will need to just make do for now with what was captured in my notes, and forgive the sometimes-missing details that occur in that kind of communication. Any mistakes are mine. I can well understand that some of the partial disclosures here leave the reader hungering for more detail. Such is the current state of affairs at this point in the Administration’s guarded-disclosure/plausible-denial strategy, a complex dance of opposites. Yet, in unprecedented volume and

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depth, secrets are emerging from deep inside the most jealously-guarded and denied programs the government runs: its UFO programs, presented here courtesy of Dr. Wolf. But who is this man, who discloses such tightly-held information? Michael’s ancestors were Russian Jews who emigrated to the U.S., and adopted the family name of Kruvant. Even as a child Michael was no stranger to the classified world, nor to encounters with an extraterrestrial. His father would take him with him to Andrews Air Force Base, while the father met with the Air Research and Development Council. And Michael was not the first in his family to experience contact with what he calls "my little Grey navigator, an undisguised blessing." Michael’s father had had visits by Grey ETs, too, and had spoken to Michael various times about those "Catchers of Heaven", as the father called them. And Michael’s future son, Daniel would also be an experiencer of personal extraterrestrial encounters. By the time he was twelve, Michael was taking characteristic initiative. He founded the Flying Saucer Research Association of New Jersey. At night he tried communicating with his extraterrestrial friends, using light signals. On December 24, 1954 one such effort was observed by George Hunt Williamson, (whom Dr. Wolf identifies as having been a CIA operative.) Williamson, in his book, Road In The Sky, wrote that young Wolf, the year before his bar-mitzvah, was transmitting messages to space intelligences using modulated light beams [p. 150]. Michael had telepathically requested that the ETs confirm receipt of his mental message by flying over his house in a certain direction. Wolf recalls,

"Five minutes later, two flying saucers flew over my house, heading north, as I had requested."

The Intelligence community began to keep tabs on Wolf, and eventually recruited him. Wolf recounts that the government guided and paid for his impressive education, because they saw he had a good relationship with the ETs, and because he was the brightest student his teachers had seen. Dr. Michael Wolf served as an Viet Nam-era as an Air Force Colonel, pilot, flight surgeon, and as an I-Corps intelligence officer for the CIA and NSA. He has earned an MD in Neurology, a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, a ScD in Computer Science, a JD in Law, an MS in electromagnetic influences on organisms, and a B.S. in biogenetics. Basically a Buddhist, Wolf also affirms the core truths in Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Native American spirituality, and other major spiritual traditions. His personal seminal koan is:

"The truth is a lie which has yet to be revealed."

From 1972-1977 Dr. Wolf engaged in covert governmental research into extraterrestrial technology. "I met with extraterrestrial individuals every day in my work, and shared living quarters with them," while doing research at extremely-classified underground government research laboratories. He stated, "Zetas work in underground facilities, as requested by the U.S. Government. The ETs are not breaking the U.S. Government-Zeta treaties, but the Government has broken treaties by mistreating ETs, and trying to fire on UFOs."

Yet there are some extraterrestrials being held captive. "Government scientists discovered that the ETs cannot dematerialize and escape, if there is an extremely-powerful electromagnetic field surrounding them." [By way of corroboration, I have heard a government contractor describe three-foot thick walls with many wires embedded and running through them at Haystack Air Force Laboratory.]

Dr. Wolf commented, "Some in the Government want better diplomatic relations [with the ETs], but others in the military want to shoot them down." This is ironic, Wolf said, "because SDI [Star Wars] technology was given to the Government by the ETs."

Laboratories where he worked include: S-4 (near the northeast corner of the Nevada Test Range), and nearby Area 51 (where he lived for a while), the Foreign Technology Division labs at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (Dayton, Ohio), and the former Dulce Laboratory (near the New Mexico-Colorado border). Wolf also was aware that extraterrestrials work with government scientists at Haystack Air

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Force Laboratory, deep under Haystack Butte at Edwards Air Force Base, California. And when the subject was brought up of the complex at Indian Springs Auxiliary Air Field near the Nevada Test Site, Wolf quickly responded, "I can’t say anything about that." Since 1979 he has served as a scientific consultant to Presidents and the National Security Council on extraterrestrial matters. He is also a member of the NSC’s unacknowledged UFO information-management subcommittee, "MJ-12",’s panel of scientists.

"The code names I used there were ’Griffin’, and ’Nu Kappa Eta’."

MJ-12 made Dr. Wolf the Chairman of Alphacom Team, its premier extraterrestrial-matters group, which also includes an Admiral from Naval Intelligence. Wolf observes that the generals he worked with feel impotent in the face of the overwhelming superiority of extraterrestrial technology and mental abilities. Because of those feelings of powerlessness, anathema to military officers, the generals had authorized an intense and extensive disinformation campaign (the UFO cover-up), to discourage any attempts by civilians to acquire even the limited understanding of extraterrestrials which the generals have managed to gain. But a far most disturbing revelation from Dr. Wolf concerns the emergence of a renegade group within the military and intelligence agencies which comprise the UFO Cover-Up. Wolf has labeled this conspiratorial group of plotters "The Cabal". Made up of extremist, fundamentalist, xenophobic, racist, and paranoiac officers, the Cabal fears and hates extraterrestrials. And, without any Presidential or Congressional authorization, the Cabal has commandeered Star Wars weaponry to shoot down UFOs, taken surviving extraterrestrials prisoner, and attempted to extract information by force. A high military officer, who is considered a "friendly" by the Cabal, but who secretly dislikes it, passes on information about Cabal planning and activities to Dr. Wolf. The Cabal controls some well-known UFO investigators. Wolf said that the director of one major U.S. civilian UFO organization "is up to his ass in the Cabal." And he added that another ufologist in Canada "gets paid for taking swipes at various UFO researchers." That ufologist’s high reputation for UFO research is undeserved, because he was getting a stream of leaks and tips from a well-placed official inside the intelligence community. Thus, he knew precisely what UFO data to look and ask for. Now that ufologist is getting frequently upset, because his source "inside" is no longer available, having recently died. As a Presidential consultant, Dr. Wolf has visited Mr. Clinton in his White House private chambers, and even dropped the remark that, "Mr. and Mrs. Clinton sleep in the same bed", thus scotching rumors to the contrary. When Mr. Clinton was visiting Hartford, Connecticut for a Presidential debate, the presidential candidate took a side trip to consult with Dr. Wolf. And to this day, Wolf continues to provide advice to the President by encrypted phone and National Security Council courier. Possessing some of the highest security clearances, this man is in an extremely-qualified position to know what the government knows about UFOs and ETs. He wants to tell President Clinton everything,

"But I can’t; my [NSC] bosses won’t let me."

Wolf says that, "President Clinton does not know much about Area 51. And he does not know about S-4", [the supersecret underground installation 13 miles south of Area 51 at Papoose Lake, where Dr. Wolf did some of his research.]

He added, "The President has ABOVE TOP SECRET and Need To Know clearances, but does not have the UMBRA ULTRA TOP SECRET clearance to have access to upper-level MAJIC [MJ-12] secrets, and KEYSTONE [ET research] documents."

Like many federal bureaucracies, MJ-12 has tripled in size. Wolf reports, "It now numbers 36 members, including [former Secretary of State] Henry Kissinger and [father of the hydrogen bomb] Edward Teller. MJ-12 meets at various confidential locations, including the Battelle Memorial Institute [at Columbus, Ohio]." As an aside, Dr. Wolf confirmed that it was Dr. Edward Teller who recommended physicist

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Robert Lazar for his position at the secret S-4 government base south of Area 51, where Lazar helped on back-engineering the propulsion systems of extraterrestrial spacecraft. When I asked who was MJ-1, the head of the MJ-12 subcommittee, Dr. Wolf declined to identify that person. He did say, "MJ-1 answers to no one, not even the President!" When I offered the surmise that Michael Wolf himself was yet another MJ-12 member, he hurriedly pointed out that he "could not disclose such a thing." And when I proposed that a notable scientist with a government background, residing in Arizona, was yet another MJ-12 member, Wolf responded with an uncharacteristic silence, which I took to mean that he did not contradict that identification. Michael Wolf has formed acquaintanceships with renown top scientists working on cutting-edge science. One such scientist is Dr. Hal Puthoff, whose research includes zero-point energy, which may replace petroleum to provide a clean source of the world’s power. Wolf worked on remote-viewing research for the government, at the same time that Puthoff was doing so at Stanford Research Institute. Darrell McMillan of the Union of Concerned Scientists is another scientist Wolf says he knows, as is Stephen Hawking, the British theoretical astrophysicist. Dr. Wolf asked me if I had seen the recent movie Peacemaker. When I replied that I had, he said,

"The women in that movie was based on a real person I worked with, Dr. Jessica Stern of the National Security Council."

And, of course, he has met Edward Teller. Wolf characterized Teller as "a nuclear humbug", referring to Teller’s deception of making a presentation to President Reagan about an X-ray laser Star Wars weapon as almost operational, when in fact the system had never been tested, and was subsequently discarded as impossible by other Lawrence Livermore Laboratory scientists. Another UFO notable with whom Wolf is familiar is Admiral Bobby Ray Inman, former head of NSA, and currently chairman of Science Applications International Corporation. SAIC was identified by USAF Colonel Steve Wilson as the company which makes antigravity engines for U.S.-copycat UFOs. When I commented to Dr. Wolf that USAF Colonel Wilson had identified Inman as also in charge of Decision Science Applications Inc. (DSAI), (made up of the heads of corporations involved in classified military weapons development based on ET technology,) Wolf commented that,

"Inman doesn’t know as much as the UFO community thinks he does. He doesn’t know everything that DSAI is up to."

Wolf also verified that the former head of the Air Force Special Forces’ Project Pounce [UFO retrievals unit], Colonel Steve Wilson, and Air Force Technical Sergeant/NSA analyst Dan Sherman, assigned to an NSA unit conducting telepathic communications with the ETs, are who they say they are. Dr. Wolf provided a revisionist history about the beginning of the modern UFO era.

"The first UFO came down in 1941 into the ocean west of San Diego, and was retrieved by the Navy."

The Navy has held a leadership position in UFO matters ever since. A more famous UFO crash followed in 1947, northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, and was retrieved by the Army Air Corps, as reported by Colonel Corso in his book, The Day After Roswell. Dr. Wolf confirms the truth of Corso’s disclosures, and added that LED (light-emitting diodes) and superconductivity are among the technologies which came from Roswell. The U.S. was in possession of a Grey, dubbed "EBE" [Extraterrestrial Biological Entity], from 1948 until he died in 1953. Government scientists first communicated with him using pictographs. About Corso’s book’s alien-threat tone, Wolf commented that "it was co-author William Birnes who did the anti-alien gloss on Corso’s manuscript," and that Colonel Corso did not personally view the extraterrestrials as enemy invaders. Within months of the Roswell UFO crash, the Army Air Corps became the Air Force; the National Security Act was passed (partly to deal with the extraordinary secrecy the Administration felt UFOs required); and the CIA was created. He personally pioneered a mental-expansion process he called "the Gateway Treatment", which,

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"allows utilization of a vastly-increased percentage of the brain, in order for humans to mentally engage the extraterrestrials in full telepathic mental exchange."

The Treatment involves, "a way of opening the brain up, a way to stimulate the neurons. It allows billions of synapses to form."

Another project Wolf was involved in was subatomic-particle physics research. Discoveries by Wolf were,

"utilized by my [Ph.D. dissertation-advising] professor to develop the neutral particle-beam weapon for the Star Wars program."

Drawing on information from his work in genetics research, Dr. Wolf revealed that the entire human genome has been mapped secretly by government scientists. (This contradicts current government press releases, which describe the completion date as early in the next century.) He says that he has found an extraterrestrial marker gene in some humans’ genetic samples. Other humans do not have these ET marker genes. He went on to say,

"I have found non-coding [extraterrestrial] genetic sequence genes in my own genetic material, more than the In-Betweens have. [The In-Betweens is Wolf’s term for humans with hybrid ET-human genetics, due to ET intervention with their parents’ reproductive material before the human was born.]"

Wolf revealed that he has been around a research project where government scientists created human-extraterrestrial hybrids, attempting to replicate ET genetic engineering. He explained the harvesting of tissue from so-called cattle mutilations,

"is to prepare organelles to adapt to human bodies, to filter out particulates that are killing us, as we pollute our planet." He said, "The ’Betweens’ (human-ET hybrids) will help us, and will bring the organelles."

The ETs have other concerns, too. They discussed God and death with Wolf. And they pointed out that all worlds are connected.

"One Hiroshima atomic bomb can affect millions of cultures in the galaxy." And they told him, "Thought is energy. It doesn’t stop at a galactic ’barrier’, and is received on other worlds." Because of what he learned, Wolf stated, "We are at a crossroads. The issue is to give a viable future to our children." He notes, "Humans are beginning to change, to evolve, and are looking for spiritual roots. There is more to God than people get in church."

A fourth ultra-secret project, mentioned in Wolf’s book, was a Department of Defense project having to do with cloning a human being, in order to create the perfect soldier who would obey orders without question. A General "Bunting" was in charge of that project. The clone turned out to have been born with ethical thinking, and intuitively knew that life was sacred. When the clone disobeyed a test order to kill an innocent dog, Wolf says that "the project officer ordered the clone ’terminated’. It was my judgment that the clone had a soul. So, instead, I blew up the building [containing the clone project]", and surreptitiously allowed the clone to escape. Naturally, Wolf keeps aware of significant individuals and developments within the civilian UFO-investigation community. One such figure is former Army Command Sergeant-Major Robert Dean, who was assigned to NATO Headquarters in the 1960s. There Dean read NATO’s secret Assessment of extraterrestrials. Wolf states that he "has seen that same Assessment." Dr. Wolf also revealed that,

"the NSA and CIA regularly provide the members of MJ-12 with tapes of major meetings of civilian UFO groups," for example, MUFON conferences.

Some other notable UFO investigators who have talked with Dr. Wolf include Robert Bletchman, James Courant, Linda Moulton Howe, William Hamilton, Michael Hesemann and Dr. Steven Greer. Some years ago documents were leaked purporting to constitute a Presidential Briefing for Jimmy Carter on extraterrestrial matters. Dr. Wolf affirmed that the information contained therein,

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"is substantially true, but one page was missing from the leaked set. That page describes an individual of joint ET-human heritage, who emerged 2000 years ago to try to end human violence."

When I proposed that the page was referring to Jesus, Wolf confirmed that identification. Dr. Wolf describes various extraterrestrial races.

"One race has orange skin, very large heads and large dark eyes with no irises or whites, and six-fingered hands. During dissection their brains have been found to have four brain lobes, different optic orbs and nerves, and a sponge-like digestive system. ET brains are more developed and connected, and have no corpus callosum."

He also described a race dubbed the Semitics, of average height and a generally human-like appearance, except for their very large hooked nose.

"This was the race which landed at Holloman Air Force Base, [New Mexico, in the Sixties], and conversed with some generals there."

Wolf also described a very human-appearing race called the Nordics. He said, "The Semitics and Nordics come from Altair 4 and 5 and from the Pleiades."

He noted, "The extraterrestrials eat vegetation and mushrooms, and have different requirements. They absorb energy from the air and [certain] particulates. They don’t absorb enough water to need to void; they process thoroughly."

Wolf said that "cattle mutilations" tissue harvesting is not related to cloning, but rather is done to acquire nutrients for the hybrid fetuses the ETs create. Dr. Wolf noted that embryonic fluid contains an anti-rejection factor. He is aware that not all cattle tissue harvesting is done by extraterrestrials; some is done by Special Forces teams. Crop circles,

"were originated by extraterrestrials, and then badly copied by the military, using Strategic Defense Initiative weapons emitting a laser pulsed beam."

Wolf noted that, "with crop circles made by ETs, the plants were still live and grew, [after being bent into pictographic patterns.] With SDI-weapon crop circles, the plants die. These SDI weapons are operated from a secret base in the Himalayas."

Concerning extraterrestrial contact, Dr. Wolf stated that the ET race commonly referred to as Zeta Reticulans, or Greys, have engaged in diplomatic negotiations with the U.S. Government. When I asked him which extraterrestrial races he worked with in government labs, he pointed out that the two illustrations on the covers of his book Catchers of Heaven are actual photographs of extraterrestrials taken by an Admiral friend of his. The ET on the front cover is named K*L*T, (which Wolf phoneticizes to Kolta for convenience), is the extraterrestrial with whom Wolf has met most frequently, and is a Zeta Grey. The ET on the back cover is a human-appearing Pleiadean named Anon [Prince] Sa Ra. In the course of his close association with extraterrestrials in scientific laboratories, Dr. Wolf was given a piece of extraterrestrial alloy by them. This alloy looked like melted silicon and has peculiar energy properties. It is 99.99% silicon, and .01% non-Earth isotopes. When he placed it in water and drank the water, it provided healthful benefits. Wolf is convinced that it was psychotronic directed-energy devices which were directed by rogue elements within the UFO Cover-Up organization at certain UFO researchers pushing very strongly to end the UFO Cover-Up. These include: the Director of Committee for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), Steven Greer, MD, his principal assistant, Shari Adamiak, Congressman Steve Schiff, who demanded UFO documents from the Air Force, and USAF Col. Steve Wilson, who revealed his heading Project Pounce, the UFO retrieval unit. Already Colonel Wilson and Shari Adamiak have died of their cancers, and Congressman Schiff has had to terminate his political career. Now Dr. Wolf has received a medical report which suggests a possibility that he may have cancer. It is not yet

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clear whether he will still have access to a certain extraterrestrial honey-like substance, which he took several years ago for his metastasized colon cancer, and which brought that episode into remission. Concerning the famous 1947 Roswell UFO crash, Wolf states that,

"it was actual two UFOs which collided in midair" during an intense electrical storm. "One contained Orange ETs and the other Greys."

One crash-landed near Corona, northwest of Roswell; the other crashed onto the Plains of San Agustin, over a hundred miles to the west. Army Intelligence units soon secured both sites and removed the craft and their mostly-dead ET crews. Another later ET-military encounter recounted by Dr. Wolf was similarly grim.

"An extraterrestrial on the ground had traveled from Fort Dix, New Jersey to [adjacent] McGuire Air Force Base, where he died on the tarmac."

Michael Wolf worked in several projects, making discoveries with which in hindsight he now regrets being involved. He particularly had misgivings after he saw what applications these discoveries were put to. He says he now "has immense qualms about those misapplications", repudiates them and is repentant for them. When Dr. Wolf engaged in government-sponsored studies for his MD degree at McGill University, he engaged in research on neurotransmitters and their role in mental functioning and control. Among the secret projects Dr. Wolf worked on was Remote Viewing, a military/ Intelligence term for applied clairvoyance. He said,

"Ninety-nine percent of telepathy and remote-viewing research is classified."

Wolf went far beyond the crude Army Intelligence psi experiments of General Bert Stubblebine, Col. John Alexander and Major Ed Dames, and developed memory-extraction and memory-"capping" [suppression] techniques. Some of his findings,

"were later incorporated into the infamous MK-ULTRA mind control projects of the CIA, and used on captured KGB agents [to extract information]."

He also worked in research on dolphins, which he called "a highly-intelligent alien lifeform on this planet." While Dr. Wolf was studying at MIT for his Ph.D. in physics, he,

"discovered a new theory of wave-particle duality, which led to the development of the neutral particle-beam Star Wars weapon."

Because of these classified projects, his NSC bosses forbade him to identify his dissertation advisor professors, and MIT and McGill are forbidden to acknowledge that he studied there. Having access to NSA and CIA information, Dr. Wolf revealed some secrets that he was not involved in. One, among the ugliest aspects of the Viet Nam War, was the U.S.’s Project Arc Light,

"the bombing of already shot-down B-52s with Hellfire incendiary bombs, totally incinerating any survivor crewmen, in order to destroy the secret documents carried on the B-52s."

President Bill Clinton told Michael Wolf that he learned about Project Arc Light while a student in England, and that it had deepened his opposition to the Viet Nam War. Wolf also learned that the assassination of President Kennedy involved multiple parties and interests.

"Many Cuban expatriates hated Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs invasion’s failure. The Mafia hated JFK because of his brother, Attorney-General Robert Kennedy’s relentless prosecutions of high-level mobsters. Hard-liners in CIA hated Kennedy, because he wanted to pull the U.S. out of an escalating war in Viet Nam, and because he wanted the CIA to disclose UFO information."

Wolf disclosed that famed scientist "Albert Einstein had contact with extraterrestrial intelligence." And that a more recent understanding of Zero-Point energy "has to do with a white hole-black hole scenario."

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The ETs told Wolf that the Void is filled with energy to be tapped. Wolf further stated that experiments by the U.S. Government using exotic technology "ripped holes in time." Wolf worked briefly on assignment to the Mossad. He commented that,

"The Mossad [an Israeli intelligence organization] has very good relationships with the extraterrestrials."

Dr. Strecker’s published research report, identifying HIV/AIDS as caused by a manmade virus, was correct according to Dr. Wolf. Furthermore, the government has learned that viruses are crystalline in structure, and that the correct frequency can destroy them. Wolf also reported,

"President Clinton has had a briefing on the Aurora [SR-33A] space plane," which operates out of Area 51. The Aurora "runs on liquid methane, and has antigravity on board," [information identical to what retired Air Force Colonel Donald Ware also passed on to this writer from a three-star general.] Wolf says that the Aurora goes the Stealth planes one better. "It carries an electro-magnetic-pulse weapons system on board, which can knock out tracking radar." He also disclosed, "It can go to the Moon!" And added a tantalizing further hint, "The U.S. has ’something’ on Mars [besides the Rover]."

Wolf also revealed that the U.S. government is working on prototypes of extraterrestrial antigravity discs. He says that the extraterrestrials traverse the galaxy by manipulating space and time to pull their destination towards them.

"Time is reduced to zero, and acceleration is increased to infinity."

And that the military are experimenting on having pilots use their mind to guide an advanced plane. Some government scientists found that "some UFOs are living conveyances, and can divide and re-form." Those "living conveyances" are apparently also responsive to thought commands. Wolf disclosed an incident on the Caribbean island of Puerto Rico, that occurred during the Bush Administration.

"A UFO piloted by extraterrestrials, with F-16 fighter escort overhead, landed in a Puerto Rican community in 1990. The purpose of this exercise was to test the public reaction of a select portion of the American people." (Puerto Rico is U.S. territory.)

The Mayor of the community contacted President Bush, excitedly told the President that "extraterrestrials got out of the ship and walked around," and asked Bush what he should say to his citizens. Bush referred the inquiry to Dr. Wolf at MJ-12 to formulate a response for the mayor. Concerning the U.S. government’s slow pace of disclosure about UFO reality, Wolf commented,

"The government is doing a balancing act, because if Free [Zero-Point] Energy and all the ET technology come out all at once, it’d hurt the stockholders [in obsolescent industries]. The multinational corporations don’t want to lose their power."

The last time Wolf heard a timetable from the government for frank disclosure of UFO reality was somewhere in the period of 2001-2005. Dr. Michael Wolf is, for all his education and unique career, a generally modest man. He lives alone in a simple urban apartment. Wolf still grieves over the tragic deaths of a wife and son, Daniel, lost years ago. Facing twin terminal illnesses of spinal degeneration and a wasting disease, he is dedicated now to trying to help create a better world for the children. To this end he has directed that all royalties from his books go to the Daniel Wolf Memorial Foundation For Children, Inc., a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. He says, "The children are the future." He looks forward to when the secrecy about extraterrestrial contact with Earth is stripped away, so that we, our children and grandchildren can move forward to the next phase of our history, now cosmic in scale.

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Return to Richard Boylan

Return to Michael Wolf

by Richard Boylan, Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Wolf has since 1979 served as a scientific consultant to the President and the National Security Council on extraterrestrial matters, and a member of its Majestic Twelve (MJ-12), UFO-secrecy management agency’s, Special Studies Group, and has been in charge of its lead agency, the Alphacom Team. Previously he has served as an Air Force Colonel, pilot, flight surgeon and counter-intelligence officer for the CIA and NSA. He has an MD in Neurology, a Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, a ScD in Computer Science, a JD in Law, an M.S. in EM influence on organisms, and a B.S. in biogenetics. Dr. Wolf has decided to reveal to the world what he has learned inside secret government programs about the visiting extraterrestrial cultures, "because we have a right to know." His book, The Catchers of Heaven (1996) makes many well-informed revelations. Dr. Wolf states that the most important mission objective of his Alphacom Team is resumption of negotiations with the visiting extraterrestrials. In the 1950s, the U.S. administration entered into treaty terms with the so-called Grey extraterrestrials from the fourth planet of the star system Zeta Reticuli, but these treaties were never ratified as Constitutionally required. The Greys shared certain of their technological advances with military/intelligence scientists, apparently often while prisoner "guests" within secure underground military installations in Nevada and New Mexico. The extraterrestrials have given the U.S. government some of their antigravity craft and a huge amount of fuel (element 115). On May 1, 1975 during one such technology exchange in Nevada, a demonstration of a small ET antimatter reactor, the lead Grey asked the Colonel in charge of the Delta Forces guarding the ETs to remove all their rifles and bullets from the room, (so that they would not accidentally discharge during the energy emissions.) The guards refused, and in the ensuing commotion a guard opened fire on the Greys. One alien, two scientists and 41 military personnel were killed. One guard was left alive to attest that the ETs apparently used directed mental energy in self-defense to kill the other attacking Delta Forces. Dr. Wolf states that,

"this incident ended certain exchanges with (the Greys)."

Military/intelligence scientists learned cloning techniques from the extraterrestrials. After perfecting cloning techniques on animals, Dr. Wolf and his associates cloned an artificial-intelligence human being, "J-Type Omega", as part of Project SENTINEL, an effort to create a superbright, superpowerful soldier who would follow orders without fear or question. The J-Type clone was terminated, because he would not follow an order to kill an innocent dog, because Dr. Wolf had surreptitiously programmed ethics into his artificial intelligence.

Dr. Michael Wolf

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Wolf notes that the extraterrestrials are not comfortable with the world money and power brokers’ need for continuing world industrialization, which they see as headed towards planet-killing. Another of the Alphacom Team’s missions is to determine,

"whether we can use the ETs’ technology to restore this planet to its former pristine state of natural balance."

The ETs are also concerned about the massive proliferation of nuclear devices into many countries. Wolf states that other missions of the MJ12SSG’s Alphacom Team are:

to determine the number and types of ET visitors, the extent of visitation and the reasons, to learn about human interactions with extraterrestrials in the past and currently, the cultures of the various off world visitors, and how we can negotiate with them.

According to Dr. Wolf, several confederations of extraterrestrial civilizations are visiting us in loosely-coordinated fashion. These are:

the Alliance (of human-looking ETs from the Altair Aquila system), the Corporate (of Greys from the Zeta Reticuli system), the Federation of Worlds (of unspecified races from many star systems), and the United Races of Orion (cultures from those star systems). Further, the Alliance is in affiliation with the Corporate and with the Federation

of Worlds. The United Races of Orion are in affiliation with the Corporate, and, through

them, with the Alliance and the Federation of Worlds.

Dr. Wolf told of learning during a high-level briefing in the UK that the Vatican had been applying pressure concerning the possible announcement by President Clinton of UFO visitation. Of specific Vatican concern was,

"whether he will make reference to the extraterrestrial biological entities’ data revealing in detail how religion was created and why".

Wolf comments, "Rich organized religions feel threatened by such an announcement."

Perhaps Wolf’s most startling revelation is that within the UFO Cover-Up there is a dark, covert renegade organization known as the "Cabal". He describes it as,

"well-orchestrated conspiratorial bevy of plotters... top-heavy with the military, and headed by (a Navy Under- Secretary)."

The paranoiac Cabal works against, and deliberately undermines, the goals of peaceful negotiations with the extraterrestrial visitors. The Cabal uses Star Wars weapons to shoot down extraterrestrial spacecraft and overcome the ETS by military might. Wolf concludes by stating,

"In all of my preparation as a scientist, nothing ever prepared me for our visitors. We must understand the complexity of the various forces at work on this planet, and yes, on others. Let us not forget multi-dimensionality and space-time distortions, and the spirituality we must regain. I feel I must also mention that spirituality is gaining strength on this planet, this Sol Three. But also is the evil. We have the power to sanction whatever is ...for a better good for mankind."

NOTES Dr. Michael Wolf died of cancer on September 2000 Dr. Richard Boylan is a behavioral scientist, university instructor, certified

clinical hypnotherapist, and researcher into extraterrestrial-human encounters.