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Post on 24-May-2015




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Page 1: Blayzer

I chose this font as an idea because it shows informality and an almost crude/messy representation of the word. This would appeal to my target audience as it almost explains that the content of the magazine will be fun and informal upon first views.

The semiotics suggest that the magazine is more fun than educative due to the graffiti like font style. This also relates to my teenage based magazine.

I chose this as a font idea because it has a futuristic and techno appearance, which could appeal to students who are interested in gadgets and electronics.

The semiotics suggest that the contents of the magazine is for a younger audience due to the futuristic font, which is associated with modern generations.

Page 2: Blayzer

This font was chosen as an idea due to its likeliness to handwriting that would be seen in a school. The font is easy to read but also emphasises the almost ‘scruffiness’ of school writing which will make it easier for the audience to understand the concept of the magazine and its purpose.

The semiotics suggest that the contents of the magazine is not too formal but still has a base topic of school.

Like the last font idea, this was chosen due to its ‘scruffy’ school-like design which would appeal to someone looking for a school magazine. Its semiotics also suggest it is related to school life.

Page 3: Blayzer

This font is suitable for my magazine because it involves a scruffy and almost rough design which (like the previous fonts) implies it has a school related content.