blend social media with your digital out of-home advertising

Blend Social Media With Your Digital out-of-home Advertising For Maximum Impact

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Post on 03-Mar-2017



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Page 1: Blend Social Media with your Digital Out of-Home Advertising

Blend Social Media With Your Digital out-of-home Advertising For Maximum Impact

Page 2: Blend Social Media with your Digital Out of-Home Advertising

There’s no doubt social media has completely changed the marketing landscape in the last few years. Advertising on social networks like Facebook and Twitter is as much a part of most marketing strategies as print ads were a mere decade ago.

These days companies can reach customers right on their phones and portable devices wherever they happen to be. Now that there’s no need to wait for your target market settle on the couch and open a newspaper, what’s next for the social marketing scene? out-of-home advertising and digital media, of course!

From QR codes on sales signage to digital billboards, consumers are ready and willing to engage with interactive digital campaigns, particularly if there are incentives like coupons or discounts waiting to be collected. Businesses like are are seeing a lot of traction in this evolving marketing concept.

Page 3: Blend Social Media with your Digital Out of-Home Advertising

A large part of this type of marketing relies heavily on visuals that grab the consumer’s attention and encourage interaction or a call to action. Digital billboards are the most obvious use of this medium. On an LCD screen, you can tell a story, share a hashtag, and reinforce your branding all in one eye-catching package your customers won’t soon forget.

There are over 100 different out-of-home advertising formats so let’s take at look at ways to make some of them work for you.

Image: Mack Male via Flickr

Page 4: Blend Social Media with your Digital Out of-Home Advertising

Digital kiosks are popping in public venues like airports and retail shops because they help customers help themselves. Shoppers can order deli trays at the market or check inventory on paint supplies at the DIY store without standing in line or waiting for a sales clerk. Airports and sports venue kiosks offer instant information like maps and ticket information to help get passengers and fans get to where they want to go. The combination of helpful information paired with subtle branding make digital kiosks a popular choice for many industries.

For non-interactive choices, some customers prefer car wraps or public transportation signage. Large venue placement and huge billboards are high-level options but the medium can be just as easily adapted to bus shelters, newsracks, and taxicabs.

Page 5: Blend Social Media with your Digital Out of-Home Advertising

Many out-of-home advertising formats will only be seen for a minute or two during as consumers commute through town, run through the airport to catch a flight, or hail a cab. Maximize those moments by including a memorable Twitter hashtag or Facebook logo alongside your branding information so customers know where to find you. Static displays that will be viewed or used for a few minutes are a great candidate for QR codes so consumers can collect your information instantly on their phone.

The beautiful thing about out-of-home media is that it can be adapted to a wide variety of situations and environments. If you’re looking for the next big thing in social marketing, don’t overlook out-of-home advertising as the next wave to catch!

Image: Grand Visual