blessed oscar romero high school - · 2018-10-09 · blessed oscar romero . high school ....

Blessed Oscar Romero High School FALL NEWSLETTER 2018 “We plant the seeds that one day will grow!”

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Blessed Oscar Romero High School


“We plant the seeds that one day will grow!”

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Greetings and blessings on a new school year! I look forward to celebrating this year with you and sharing in the joy of our work together. I want to start by welcoming you to Blessed Oscar Romero High School, soon to be Saint Oscar Romero High School! The Vatican confirmed that the Blessed Oscar A. Romero will be canonized on Sunday, October 14, 2018 in Rome. The Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Edmonton, decided to embark on a project of organizing a delegation that represents the Latin community, and Blessed Oscar Romero High School. That delegation includes Good Sheppard Parish Priest- Father Cramer, Principal Gulli, school chaplain Mrs. Venne and head administrative assistant Mrs. Campbell. We are so fortunate to have this awesome opportunity to enhance our knowledge and experience of our Catholic tradition, teachings and practice. The opportunity to live out our faith tradition, celebrating with Pope Francis and thousands more the veneration of Blessed Oscar Romero, our school’s name sake, is a once in a lifetime opportunity! For students and families who are returning to our school this year we welcome you back and hope that your summer adventures were restful and interesting. For new students, we extend a very special welcome and we trust that you will enjoy becoming part of the Romero family. This year we are pleased to be introduce a few new faces and welcome back one to the Romero Family. Please welcome: Assistant Principal: Ms. Patrice Teveniuk Emotional Behavior Specialist: Ms. Kelly Vyse Mental Health Therapist: Ms. Erin Gorn Dept Head/ Science- Mrs. Sophia Lobo Social Studies Teacher- Mrs. Tina Fiorillo Foods Teacher: Ms. Halle Bouma Knowledge and Employability Coordinator: Mr. Mardy McCormack Math Teacher: Mrs. Hagemeister As we commence another school year please consider the following conversation points for you and your children as it will assist us in our continued work of placing our students at the center of our commitment:

• Communicate with your children about the school day. Initiate a conversation as it will give you a good sense of what kind of day your child had.

• As the first educators of students, please encourage good study habits, promote regular attendance, and actively involve yourselves in your child’s learning! That includes ongoing communication with the teachers through, email, phone, PowerSchool etc.

• Check Romero’s website regularly for messaging as we have seasonal newsletters. Our website is updated regularly and is a great source of information on school activities and events. Showing that as a parent you are aware of what is happening at school sends a clear message that YOU CARE. We also invite you to be inspired by the monthly message from Superintendent Joan Carr on our website.

• Consider sharing your time and talents with us through involvement on our School Advisory council. Our meetings are casual, fun, and tremendously supportive of so many endeavors necessary to amplifying our school offerings! We need your enthusiasm and help!

• Encourage your child to do their best work. Believe in your child and their potential. Celebrate their every success!!

Our school currently has over 600 students registered for classes which exceeds our projections significantly. Classes are large however manageable, and we continue to experience steady growth in several classes. The school administration is working to balance things out and add staff as needed. Interscholastic sport has begun in schools with Football, Volleyball, Golf, and Running Club, activities currently underway. Please refer to the Metro Edmonton Website for schedule details. Many other clubs and groups are also meeting and actively recruiting new members. Parents, please encourage your children to get involved in the school activities. We are all anticipating another amazing year at Romero! Please feel free to contact the office or your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding their high school experience. We wish you great joy and happiness in the months ahead. Joe Gulli, Principal / Grade 12 Coordinator Norma Jani, Assistant Principal / Grade 11 Coordinator Patrice Teveniuk, Assistant Principal / Grade 10 Coordinator

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October 2018

Praise to the Lord all of you, God’s servants. Blessed be the name of our God now and ever. From the rising up of the sun, May the Lord be praised,

Praise to the name of the Lord! (Praise to the Lord, Klusmeier)

The lyrics of this beautiful song, which we often sing at church, offer us a lens to explore what it means to walk humbly with our God. If we act justly and love tenderly, then our life’s journey, with Him always at our side, becomes an act of praise. This is the heart of what happens when we walk together in God’s love. Edmonton Catholic Schools is growing! As I write this newsletter, our enrolment is at 43,200 students, an increase from last year, with a final count being done on September 28. It is truly a cause for celebration that an ever-increasing number of families are entrusting us with the awesome and sacred responsibility of nurturing their children and helping them to grow to their fullest potential as members of the Body of Christ . We were delighted by the announcement from Alberta Education that the scheduled modernization for our Ben Calf Robe K-9 School will now be a replacement school instead. Plans for this new facility will increase the capacity to 700 students and will include a cultural learning space. Archbishop Smith and Bishop Motiuk joined us for a joyous celebration on September 19 for the site blessing and ceremonial ground breaking at our newest addition to ECSD, Divine Mercy Catholic Elementary School in the Orchards. A beautiful, innovative learning space for that community will open in September of 2020. We are very fortunate to have the leadership of two District Chaplains in our District. Father Julian Bilyj, who also serves as the pastor of St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Parish, has served our students and staff as a teacher and Chaplain since 2014. Father Glenn McDonald is a new addition to our team this year. Father Glenn is a priest of the Congregation of St. Basil. He was raised in Airdrie, Alberta; trained as a mechanical engineer at the University of Alberta, and was ordained at St. Basil's Church, Toronto in 2008. For the past five years, he has been serving as Chaplain at St. Joseph's College at the University of Alberta. In addition to his work at ECSD, Father Glenn will be assisting at St. Alphonsus Church / St. Clare Church. The Archdiocese has just appointed Father Andrew Leung, CSB as the Archbishop’s Delegate for Catholic Education. We look forward to him joining us to celebrate and form our faith!


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Edmonton Catholic Schools has partnered with Alberta Health Services to create a series of videos that will provide parents with information about a variety of mental health topics and strategies to use at home to support their children. These videos are supported through the Regional Collaborative Service Delivery. Each month a new video will be posted on on the Mental Health page. The first video, Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety, is now available. Last spring, we announced that we would be implementing a dual credit Aviation Program in partnership with WestJet and Mount Royal University. The program has now officially launched, and we have 16 students from across the District who are taking advantage of this excellent learning opportunity. There are many ways for you to keep informed about the many wonderful things that are going on in our District. Visit, or follow us on Facebook and Twitter. I wish you all a blessed Thanksgiving, enjoying time with your loved ones and celebrating the goodness of God in your lives! Loving God, Who created and sustains the universe, who loved us all into being, and who gives us every good thing, We thank you for the blessings that you bring into our lives. We thank you for the gift of life itself, and for the fresh start of each new day, We thank you for our friends, our families, and our neighbors whose human love is an image of your divine care. Help us to recognize all the good things, and magnify our desire to share what we have with others, so that they too may be grateful to you. Amen. (adapted from A Thanksgiving Prayer, Sincerely, Joan Carr Superintendent

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Gaudete et Exultate of the Holy Father Francis: A Call to Holiness in Today’s World Chapter One - The Saints Who Encourage and Accompany Us

In March 2018, Pope Francis released an Apostolic Exhortation on the Call to Holiness in Today’s World. In that Exhortation, Pope Francis commends "parents who raise their children with immense love, men and women who work hard to support their families, the sick, the elderly religious who never lose their smile" (7), as people who are living out their holiness. The Pope guides us in the direction of the Saints, who like us, were not perfect, but who never stopped trying to live out their call to holiness. When reflecting on these Saints’ lives we need to focus on the big picture of what they accomplished rather than on their fragile, and at times imperfect, existence. Here are a few highlights from the Exhortation that led way to some ‘Aha’ moments:

"Let us be spurred on by the signs of holiness that the Lord shows us through the humblest members who share a living witness by

means of faith and charity” (8). "We should not grow discouraged before examples of holiness that appear unattainable” (11).

For us, God’s lay faithful, this means that we are to follow our own path and use the unique and special gifts He has given each of us. Pope Francis stresses that we are not meant to copy others' acts of holiness, but to create our own. These acts can be subtle or grand, but both have value, and both are essential in today’s world.

"A Christian cannot think of his or her mission on earth without seeing it as a path of holiness"(19).

The saints lived their lives by following their various paths, and sometimes not everything they did was authentic or perfect; it is their lives in totality that need to be contemplated. Our lives too, need to be seen as a mission that we allow to be transformed by listening to God. Our lives may not always be perfect, but their totality will demonstrate our call to holiness.

"Our lives do not have a mission; our lives are a mission” (27).

Friends, in our lives we are often called to many tasks; being a parent, grandparent, brother, sister, friend, daughter, son, boss, etc. As such, we tend to live our lives in a hurried and busy manner! Pope Francis asks us to slow down and remember that rushing through our lives is not living our lives as a mission, but that it is living our lives to the fullest that is our mission! It is how we carry out our day to day tasks, how we do our jobs, and how we raise our children or how we care for our aging parents, just to name a few. Sometimes it might feel as if we are living our lives as a mission impossible, but with faith and dedication to Christ, our lives can become a mission possible – “Go and make disciples baptizing them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (MT 28:19). God Bless, Susanna Kaup Secondary Religious Education Consultant Edmonton Catholic Schools

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Where is God in my Life? A Reflection by Fr. Glenn McDonald, CSB

“Where is God in my life?” This is a question I get asked a lot as a priest. Theology can point towards an answer, but only an experience from someone’s

everyday life will satisfy as a response.

I am embarrassed to admit that even as a seminarian and later as a priest, I was having a lot of trouble seeing God in my own

life. How could I then point out the presence of God in someone else’s life? Thankfully, God began to teach me how to recognize His

presence in my own life, which enabled me to help other people see His presence in their lives, too. He used a special relationship to

do this.

I am very fortunate to have my grandmother living in Edmonton. Her name is Lulu. And yes, she is as adorable as her name.

During the four years I spent studying at the University of Alberta, which was only a short bus ride away from my

grandmother’s house, I rarely visited her. I was always too busy. I had every excuse not to go: I had homework to do; the bus would

take too long; I had plans with my friends; I would go next week.

When I completed my degree and was departing from Edmonton, I had to say goodbye to my grandmother. Despite the fact

that I had visited her only once a semester, she was very sad to see me go. In that moment, my degree suddenly seemed empty. I could

see how precious my grandmother’s presence was in my life. I had been so blind, but it was too late. It was time for me to leave the


Fortunately, I was given a second chance many years later, when my religious community appointed me to Edmonton. I

resolved to visit my grandmother each Friday. And I did!

Our visits followed the same pattern. I would bring her flowers. She would make me a sandwich and a cup of tea. We would

talk about her week, how the family was doing, and if she had heard from relatives in Saskatchewan. I would share about my work.

After an hour, I would depart. Each visit was ordinary, but I always felt fulfilled when I left — like I had participated in something of

great value.

In 1 John, we read, “Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” Over time, I realized that my weekly visits

with my grandma were an experience of love. An experience of genuine love is an experience of God. I became aware that these visits

were one of the ways that God was present and active in my life.

What are the situations in your life in which you experience sincere love? Who are the people in your life who love you the

most, with self-sacrificial, giving love? It is in these situations, and interacting with these people, that God’s presence and action in

your life becomes real.

Today, when a student asks me, “Where is God?” I respond with, “Let me give you an example from my own life. Her name

is Lulu.”

“Whoever does not love does not know God, for God is love.” - 1 John 4:8

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Teacher Advisor Program At Blessed Oscar Romero we have Teacher Advisors this school year to enhance the educational experience for all our students. The Teacher Advisor program assists in developing a sense of belonging, building strong relationships and creating a connection to an adult in the school. At the same time, the students are learning more about themselves as a learner. Students are assigned to a Teacher Advisor (TA) by block 3 class. The TA time occurs after the first block of the day on Tuesdays. This time allows discussion to occur regarding FLEX Fridays. The advisor will monitor and support students in registering for a FLEX session. In addition, the TA will also share information with students in regard to events taking place in our school and address various educational topics to support student learner and to support students through their high school journey. The TA program is a critical component of High School Re-Design. This is not treated as an optional course.


October 8 - Thanksgiving Day Holiday 12 - WE Day at Rogers Place 12-13 - Junior Varsity Volleyball Tournament 17 - Smart Photography Retake Day 24 - Braided Journeys Family Night in the Core 5:00 to 7:00 pm 25 - Awards Evening (for 2017-2018) at 7:00 pm November 9 - Remembrance Day Commemoration 9-10 - Romero Junior High Volleyball Tournament 12 - Remembrance Day Weekend (no classes) 16 - School Dance 22 - Parent/Teacher Interviews (1:00-4:00pm/5:00-7:00pm) TBA - Romero Basketball Alumni Game 29 - Fine Arts Night 30 - Professional Development Day (no classes) December 12 - Christmas Music Concert 20 - Full Day of Classes (Thursday) 21 - Christmas Celebration 21 - Early Dismissal Day (Friday) 24 – Jan. 4 Christmas Holidays January 7 - Classes Resume 14 - English 30-1 / 30-2 Diploma – Part A (am) 15 - Social Studies 30-1 / 30-2 Diploma – Part A (am) 18 - Last Day of Classes 23 - Math 30-1 & 30-2 Diploma (am) 24 - English 30-1 / 30-2 Diploma – Part B (am) 25 - Social Studies 30-1 / 30-2 Diploma – Part B (am) 26 - Theatre play in a day – Technical Elements 28 - Biology 30 Diploma (am) 29 - Chemistry 30 Diploma (am) 30 - Physics 30 Diploma (am) 30 - Science 30 Diploma (pm) 30 - Band Share Day 31 - Semester 2 Orientation (all grades)

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Please arrange for payment of school fees as soon as possible. Please note that cheques are no longer accepted, however parents/guardians are welcome to pay online (Debit/Visa/Mastercard) through Parent Power School. Payment of school fees is also accepted at the business office (Cash/Debit/Visa/Mastercard). Special note to parents / guardians of Grade 12 Students – Though it is still early in the school year, please note that Grade 12 graduates will not be permitted to purchase banquet tickets (when they go on sale) until all outstanding fees are reconciled. If you have questions or would like to speak about a payment plan, please contact Ms. Stowe in the Business Office at 780-428-2705.

VERIFICATION FORMS FOR REGISTRATION Your son or daughter has been given a verification form of registration at Blessed Oscar Romero High School. Please confirm that all information is correct and make corrections as needed so that our files are up to date. Your signature is required on the last page and dated. This form is due back to the office by October 12. Thank you for your assistance.

ROMERO WEBSITE The school website is a wealth of information for students and parents. The main page is updated regularly to reflect current events in the Romero school community. Parents will find links to Power School, teacher emails, Edmonton Catholic School District, Alberta Education, Metro Athletic, and other important sites from the Parent links from the main page. Students will find important links to subject specific study resources and general references under student links. Student Services has extensive links/information about scholarships, careers, and post secondary from their page. Grade 12 students and their parents will want to check out the grad page for updates as grad approaches. Prospective students will enjoy the school profile, registration booklet, and promotional videos. Bookmark and check back often.


(Location to be determined) Commencements: Thursday, May 30, 2019 Banquet: Friday, May 31, 2019

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Grad Coach’s Corner

Applications are now open for all Edmonton Area post secondary institutions and most post secondary schools in Alberta. Grade 12’s need to set up an account at to apply to most of these schools. Romero hosted a very successful Post Secondary Information evening on September 26th. Families were notified by our Swift K12 email system. Students who missed, or need additional information, can attend the Grad Coach FLEX sessions to gather this information about Post Secondary Schools and Scholarship Opportunities. Students not currently on need to set up an account to be able to view official transcripts, order diploma rewrites, and a host of other activities. Students who need help can see Mr. Voigt, the grad coach. Your Grad Coach drop in office hours are Monday and Tuesday at Lunch in the Library. Wednesday’s at lunch can also be booked.


October 5 Turkeys will be hidden throughout the school. Students who find and submit them will be entered for a draw. Winner will be announced on October 9th

October 10 Plaid Day Theme Day October 11 Student Council Retreat October 17 Donut Bobbing at lunch in the Core October 22 ECSD Leadership Symposium October 26 Mummy Wrap at lunch in the Core October 29 Pumpkin Carving at lunch in the Core October 31 Halloween Parade at lunch in the Core


The staff and students of Blessed Romero High School will be hosting the 13th Annual Awards Ceremony on Thursday, October 25th, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. Students receiving an award(s) will be contacted by letter. Congratulations to all winners.

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PARENT-TEACHER-STUDENT CONFERENCES – November 22, 2018 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm and 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Parents, please ensure that you are signed into POWERSCHOOL to access your child’s progress reports, attendance, e-mail teachers, pay fees. Please note that midterm report cards are only accessible through Powerschool. BLESSED OSCAR ROMERO CONFERENCE MANAGER We are pleased to be using the Internet again to schedule Parent-Teacher Interviews – November 22, 2018. The process for booking appointments requires the following procedures: (Many parents have already set-up an account from last August for course changes) Step 1 – Register at (DO NOT include “www” in the url)

a) You can set up a Parent Account by following the link above, starting on November 19th. b) Click the REGISTER NOW button and complete the registration form. c) Your login credentials (email and password) will remain in the system to make it easy to access the

Conference Manager in the future. In order to ensure that your email program does not block emails sent from the Conference Manager, we suggest adding [email protected] to your address book. Step 2 – Conference Manager Opens to Parents – Monday, November 19th, at 7:00 a.m.

a) You can access the Parent Login Page using the link in the Confirmation Email. b) If you do not receive a Confirmation Email, you can login by going directly to Step 3 – Book your Parent-Teacher interviews

a) Select the teachers with whom you want to book interviews. b) You will see each teacher’s schedule. c) After booking your appointments you can print off your schedule. You will also receive an email containing

the teacher name, time and location of the conference. You can log into the system at any time to view your bookings, print, cancel or re-schedule appointments. You have the option of submitting comments or questions to the teacher as part of the booking process.

Important Dates: November 19– Start scheduling your appointments at 7:00 a.m. Thursday, November 22 – Conference Manager closes at 1:00 pm Thursday, November 22 – Parent/Teacher/Student conferences

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Student Services at Blessed Oscar Romero offer a variety of information and support concerning academic, educational, personal, cultural, spiritual and post-secondary decisions.

Students are seen on a self-referral basis; however, administrators, teachers and parents may also make referrals. Appointments for student services staff are suggested for both students and parents, in order to minimize the amount of class time missed.

Support for personal matters is provided for individual and family concerns by accessing our Mental Health Therapist (MHT) and/or our Family School Liaison Worker (FSLW).

Blessed Oscar Romero Student Services Staff

Learning Coach and Chaplain

Mrs. Venne

[email protected] Grad Coach

Mr. Voigt

[email protected] FNMI Grad Coach

Ms. Cornell

[email protected] ELL and International Student Advisor

Mrs. Murphy

[email protected] Mental Health Therapist (MHT)

Mrs. Gorn

[email protected] Family School Liaison Worker (FSLW)

Ms. Lindsey

[email protected] Emotional Behavioral Specialist

Ms. Vyse

[email protected] Student Resource Officer (SRO)

Cst. Carolyn Bowen

[email protected]

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Canada’s Hundred Days and the Armistice 100th Anniversary 1918 – 2018

Please join us Friday, November 9th, as Oscar Romero commemorates Remembrance Day. We are very fortunate to be joined by the Armed Forces personnel who will be speaking to our theme of “Peace”.

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YEARBOOK 2018-2019

As always, Mrs. Lewis is proud to have an amazing group of young people compiling memories for our student body through their commitment to our yearbook club. Our group this year includes: Hannah Bukowski Joanne Jerome Julienne Fernandez Princess Anglica Manguanay Staci Garnier Lorgammey Mootoosamy Grace Gelowistz Leo Pantaleon Issy Ibhanesebhor Hannah Michelle Zarsadias

WORK EXPERIENCE 15 – 25 - 35

Teacher: Mr. Al Cairo Romero Library: Tuesdays at lunch

-Work Experience 15-25-35 are three separate courses that are available to students working at a job.

-Each course is time based: 25 hours of work equals 1 credit. There is a minimum of 75 hours or 3 credits that have to be earned for each level.

* Work Ex 15 – 3 to 10 credits

* Work Ex 25 – 3 to 10 credits

* Work Ex 35 – 3 to 10 credits

-The maximum number of credits is 30 but note that only 15 credits can be used towards the requirements for completion of a High School Diploma or KAE Certificate of Achievement.

-Students may be enrolled in Work Ex 35 or Work Ex 25 without having completed Work Ex 25 or Work Ex 15 respectively. Students will be enrolled in the course level that best assists them with graduation requirements.

**HCS 3000: Completion of this 1 credit course is required before Work Ex credits can be earned.

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How to Register for Work Experience

1) Meet with Mr. Cairo on Tuesdays at lunch in the Library.

2) Complete a Work Experience application form including where you are working with contact information

3) Have Off Campus Placement Agreement completed and signed by employer, a parent/guardian or yourself (age 18+)

4) Once registered in Work Ex by Mr. Cairo, submit your work pay statements, showing hours worked every pay period, to Mr. Cairo. Do so on a regular basis.

5) Your work site will be visited by Mr. Cairo. Your job supervisor will create a learning plan and evaluate your performance.

6) Complete a self-evaluation of your experiences at your job.

*Last step..........maintain your job, earn money and high school credits!

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CHEER TEAM Congratulations to the following athletes who will be participating on the cheer team this season! This is the largest team in our program’s history and the team is excited to be participating in the Advanced Coed Division this season. Hannah Bangunan Nadine Swanson Alexandra Buitron Allie Desnoyers Sawyer McGuire Anastasia Struzhko Kaye Rivera Cheyanne Westgard Britni Friesen Caitlin Cardinal Evan Mack Valerie Valenzuela Gabriel Angeles Crystal Lacroix Angela Mateo Clarice Domingo Autumn Estrada Jelo Alangilan Tobi Omotoso Katelyn Cabalo Kathleen Quintos Altheza Miranda GOLF TEAM Congratulations to the following athletes who represented Oscar Romero on the golf team. Mika Morin Alexander Groten Fiona Sedor Mark Abunaga Ryan Lyseng Leo Nguyen Sawyer McGuire Isaiah Villarica

MIXED CURLING TEAM Congratulations to our curling team who will be representing us in the Metro League this year! After our silver place finish in Division One two years ago, they have big shoes to fill, but led by skip, Leo Nguyen, we have no doubt they will do Ravens proud. Team members include Hannah Bukowski, Caryll Borja, Wasfi Edris and Staci Garnier! Thank you to Mrs. Lewis for coaching and to Rees NDT for their ongoing support.

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JUNIOR GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL TEAM Congratulations to the following athletes on the Junior Girls’ Volleyball team: Moominah Ali Eishah Lacar Rashida Clarke Desiree McLean Lexi Combden Ashley Medina Jimmah Diego Mary Palomo Sharena Enriquez Jaren Voigt Talei Ibhanesebhor JUNIOR BOYS’ VOLLEYBALL TEAM Congratulations to the following athletes on the Junior Boys’ Volleyball team: Gwen Chiang Jasper Pinto Luis Conde Ian Pusung Kurt Duka Jester Quitat Alex Groten Francis Refugia Emmanuel Magbitang Clyde Rosales Mark Marasigan Ryan Smith

SENIOR GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL TEAM Congratulations to the following athletes on the Senior Girls’ Volleyball team: Patricia Avancena Shireen Abraham Samantha Molina Amanda Bryce Krisha Abache Glydel Manuel Brittany Larsen Aleana Baldonado Sofia Jaramillo Cameryn Hrycun

SENIOR BOYS’ VOLLEYBALL TEAM Congratulations to the following athletes on the Senior Boys’ Volleyball team: Malic Ali Ismael Garcia Hernandez Eann Diaz Reyneil Mendoza Karl Doniego Christian Miranda John Dy Karl Ricafort Jose Mora Aguilar Christian Yabut

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The 2018 Romero football team is in the Bright Division and a quarter-way through the season. The team has been battling hard but have come up short in both of their league games. We believe that with their effort and Ravens spirit they will turn quickly turn into wins. The coaches are looking forward to the second season: the playoffs. All of the games are posted on

Number Name Number Name

1 Aaron Ferreira 34 Diego Alba Galvis 3 Antonio Perri 47 Jorge Araujo Neto 4 JC Laxamana 56 Sam Tarrant 5 Matthew Bacani 61 Gabriel Rodriguez Gonzalez 6 Blaise Ruberangabo 63 Mason McGee 7 Daniel Canenguez 67 Shamar McDermott

12 Terique Brown 70 Ryan Martin 13 Kahlia Tejada 73 Anthony Morales 21 Rhodney Boadi 88 Kaden Deines 22 Jayden Ward 99 Joachim Serrano 23 Dejuan Brown King Gasore 25 Chance Downing Clinton Karera 29 Ben Howard


Michael Wojcicki Joe Sacco Mardy McCormack E J Query Brad Hinton Chris Blowers Austin Creelman Eric Chevalier