bliaq newsletter april copy - chung tian templenewsletter event 1034 underwood road priestdale qld...

Buddha’s Light International Association of Queensland, Australia BLIAQ Newsletter 1034 Underwood Road Priestdale QLD 4127, Australia Website: Email: [email protected] Ph: 3841 3511 Fax: 3841 3522 Chung Tian Buddhist Temple April 2019 Edition 133 I was recently browsing through A Short History of the World by HG Wells, in which Wells summarises key points in the life of Gautama Buddha. He presents an interesting description about how the Buddha came to go in search of the truth after having lived in significant comfort for all of his early years. Wells states “... a great discontent fell upon him. It was the unhappiness of a fine brain that seeks employment. He felt that the existence he was leading was not the reality of life, but a holiday—a holiday that had gone on too long.” I find that a fascinating perspective and explanation of what led the Buddha to see for himself what ordinary people’s lives were like, and to search for the truth. The Buddha did not sit still and do nothing, he saw and experienced the problems, worked out answers and solutions, then spent the rest of his life sharing the answers he found by teaching the Dharma. In spite of our hectic and time-poor lives I wonder how many of us in one sense have had a holiday that has gone on too long, and how many of us would benefit from revisiting the Dharma and applying it more thoroughly in our day to day lives. With that in mind, together with a contribution from Dr Janet Hou, this month’s words of Venerable Hsing Yun are from Finding Fulfillment. Contents this issue Page Our Beautiful temple The Lotus Treasury 2 Generosity – A member’s commentary 3 Words of Venerable Master Hsing Yun 4 Branch Photographs 5 One Day Meditation Retreat 6 Buddha’s Birthday Festival Program 7 Temple Activities for April 8-9 Timetable for Term Two Classes 10 Wednesday 3 April Ven. Hui Chao Dharma Talk Diamond Sutra Wed. 3 April 5.30pm Southbank Parklands BBDF Lanterns Opening Ceremony Fri 5 April Ven Hui Chao Teaching Meditation Sun 7 April One Day Meditation Retreat Sun 7 April Branch Meeting 10:30 Wisdom Room Greetings to all our readers: March has once again been a busy month at the Temple. The scouts worked very hard for the Clean Up Australia Day, while Term 1 Meditation and Dharma study classes concluded. We include photos of recent classes, also branch members enjoying time together in the Waterdrop Tea House. Preparations for the Buddha’s Birthday Festival are well underway, details of festival events are on page 7. There is a contribution about Generosity from one of our Dharma teachers, Dr Janet Hou, and that theme is continued with this month’s words of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Be sure to check out the many Temple Activities for this month on pages 8-9. Thoughts from the Editors Pen Event Sat 20 April BBDF Volunteers Explanatory Meeting 1:30 29 April – 2 nd May Setting Up Venue for BBDF (South Bank Parklands)

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Buddha’s Light International Association of Queensland, Australia

BLIAQ Newsletter

1034 Underwood Road Priestdale QLD 4127, Australia Website: Email: [email protected] Ph: 3841 3511 Fax: 3841 3522

Chung Tian Buddhist Temple

April 2019 Edition 133

I was recently browsing through A Short History of the World by HG Wells, in which Wells summarises key points in the life of Gautama Buddha. He presents an interesting description about how the Buddha came to go in search of the truth after having lived in significant comfort for all of his early years. Wells states “... a great discontent fell upon him. It was the unhappiness of a fine brain that seeks employment. He felt that the existence he was leading was not the reality of life, but a holiday—a holiday that had gone on too long.”

I find that a fascinating perspective and explanation of what led the Buddha to see for himself what ordinary people’s lives were like, and to search for the truth. The Buddha did not sit still and do nothing, he saw and experienced the problems, worked out answers and solutions, then spent the rest of his life sharing the answers he found by teaching the Dharma. In spite of our hectic and time-poor lives I wonder how many of us in one sense have had a holiday that has gone on too long, and how many of us would benefit from revisiting the Dharma and applying it more thoroughly in our day to day lives. With that in mind, together with a contribution from Dr Janet Hou, this month’s words of Venerable Hsing Yun are from Finding Fulfillment.

Hilary Lennon – editor

Contents this issue Page Our Beautiful temple The Lotus Treasury 2 Generosity – A member’s commentary 3 Words of Venerable Master Hsing Yun 4 Branch Photographs 5 One Day Meditation Retreat 6 Buddha’s Birthday Festival Program 7 Temple Activities for April 8-9 Timetable for Term Two Classes 10

Wednesday3AprilVen.HuiChaoDharmaTalkDiamondSutra Wed.3April5.30pmSouthbankParklandsBBDFLanternsOpeningCeremony Fri5AprilVenHuiChaoTeachingMeditation Sun7AprilOneDayMeditationRetreat Sun7AprilBranchMeeting10:30WisdomRoom

Greetings to all our readers: March has once again been a busy month at the Temple. The scouts worked very hard for the Clean Up Australia Day, while Term 1 Meditation and Dharma study classes concluded. We include photos of recent classes, also branch members enjoying time together in the Waterdrop Tea House. Preparations for the Buddha’s Birthday Festival are well underway, details of festival events are on page 7. There is a contribution about Generosity from one of our Dharma teachers, Dr Janet Hou, and that theme is continued with this month’s words of Venerable Master Hsing Yun. Be sure to check out the many Temple Activities for this month on pages 8-9.

Thoughts from the Editors Pen


Sat20AprilBBDFVolunteersExplanatoryMeeting1:30 29April–2ndMaySettingUpVenueforBBDF(SouthBankParklands)

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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019


Our Beautiful Temple The Lotus Treasury World (Part 1)

Title here

This area of the Temple represents a Buddha’s world of peace, tranquillity and harmony. The Lotus flower usually found associated with Buddhism, symbolizes purity because even growing out of mud in a pond, it looks pure, exquisite and uncontaminated. The Lotus reminds us to cultivate a pure mind, even though we live in this world full of physical and mental pollutants.

The striking aspect of the room is the presence of many mirrors. The mirrors on the sides reflecting us, are just like our Buddha nature being manifested. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of their innate Buddha nature since it is often blocked and hidden by their heavy delusion of attachment and differentiation. It is just like a mirror being covered by a thick layer of dust.

When facing the mirrors, we see numerous images of ourselves in front, and looking back we can also see numerous images behind. This can be thought of as representing the continual cycle of Samsara (birth and rebirth, past and future). It reminds us that in the past, we experienced many lives, and we may go through many more in the future, all part of the rebirth cycle. The mirrors demonstrate a universal truth taught by the Buddha - the Law of Cause and Effect and remind us that our present life is not a definite beginning or an ultimate end – rather a step to enlightenment. Everyone (due to their previous lives), has a different past history or karma (volitional deeds and thoughts) which explains our differences in various aspects in this present life.

In a more profound sense, the infinite inter-reflections of the opposite mirrors in the Lotus Treasury World, are used to demonstrate the principle of Totality and the principle of Non-obstruction and Penetration mentioned in the Avatamsaka (Flower Ornament) Sutra. Master

Fazang (643-712) was the third Patriarch of Huayuan School (Study of Avatamsaka Sutra or Flower Ornament Sutra). The philosophy of the study considers the entire universe as a totality with non-obstruction and interpenetration.

Master Fazang was particularly adept at devising models and metaphors to readily illustrate the profound Huayuan truths to people. He once illustrated the Huayuan teaching for Empress Wu, a dedicated patron of Buddhism. He constructed a hall of mirrors, placing mirrors on the ceiling, floor, four walls and the four corners of a room. In the centre, he placed a Buddha image with a lamp next to it. Standing in the room, the Empress could see that the reflection in any one mirror clearly reflected the reflections from all other mirrors, including the specific reflection of the Buddha image in each one. This fully demonstrated the unobstructed interpenetration of the particular and the totality, with each one contained in all, and with all contained in each one. Moreover, it showed the non-obstructed interpenetration of each particular mirror with each of the others.

The set-up of mirrors in the Lotus Treasury World at Chung Tian originated from this account of Master Fazang and Empress Wu.

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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019


Practising Generosity at Different Levels

One of the six paramitas is generosity. To be generous is to open our hearts (compassion) and minds (wisdom) to bring benefit to others, where the benefits could be in material, emotional and/or intellectual.

The concept of generosity in Buddhism is not difficult to understand, but our practice in generosity can be at different levels, therefore we Buddhist practitioners need to be acutely aware of the differences when we discuss generosity, especially when we need to encourage people to be generous.

For example, for some beginners, it may be more appropriate to discuss the benefit of generosity to the “self”, such as “being generous is like putting money in the bank”, to give money to people who need it would help you to become rich later. This is due to the human being’s general focus on the “self” in our mundane world. Pride and fame are usually necessary for this level of practitioners.

For some practitioners who have been generous to others for many years, it may be more appropriate to discuss the benefit of generosity to “others”, such as financially supporting poor people for their education, and education itself changed their lives, etc. There is still attachment to the merit of being generous at this level.

For advanced practitioners, we could discuss the concept of “emptiness” where any generous act is a pure generosity: no pride, no fame, and no regret. The one who gives, the one who receives and the gift itself are all seen as empty.

So whether to discuss the benefit of generosity to the self, others or emptiness, is up to the person regarding his level of practice. It would not benefit the beginners if you discuss about emptiness in generosity, similarly we should not be judgmental if one person is talking about merit in generosity when encouraging another person to be generous.

In summary, to be generous is always on the right path to be enlightened; but some people are in front of us, and some are behind us. This is the nature, and let’s enjoy the nature!

Dr Janet Hou. Adjunct Professor QUT. BLIAQ Member

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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019



Excerpt from: Four Insights Finding Fulfillment

Venerable Master Hsing Yun frequently reminds that us that there are many ways to be generous. This includes being generous with our time, as our goal is to propagate the Dharma as a path to enlightenment for ourselves and others. In ‘Four Insights: Finding Fulfillment’ (p.118). He quotes the Flower Adornment Sutra as follows:

Just as gemstones in the dark Cannot be seen without a light; If no one preaches the Dharma, Even the wise cannot attain realization. He then goes on to say:- ‘People who teach the Dharma are light bright lamps, for they are able to illuminate the subtleties of the Dharma for others. Without someone to teach the Dharma, there can be no attainment of enlightenment, no matter how intelligent living beings may be This is a clear demonstration of the value of giving the Dharma.

I have travelled all around teaching the Dharma, and have received expensive gifts of various kinds, but the one that touched me the most was a small yellow flower offered by a little girl in Ladakh on India’s northern border.

As I was leaving Ladakh, my car began to move and part from the sea of well-wishers that had gathered to see me off, but I had already caught sight of a little girl holding a small yellow flower. She was shyly looking towards me, with the corners of her mouth pursed. She came dashing over just as the car was leaving, and stuck the yellow flower she

had in her hand on the window. I hastened to tell the driver to stop, and took off the crystal prayer beads I wore on my wrist and gave them to her. She smiled sweetly, her eyes brimming with tears. Then the car began moving again, with the petals of the flower slightly quivering in the wind. I watched her in the car’s rearview mirror, holding her pose with her palms joined in the distance. I was left feeling deeply touched for a long time. The purity that children have is the inherent prajna of their Buddha nature, which makes then all Buddhas to be.

Flowers only blossom for a time, each human life has an end, but the wisdom is infinite. People often think “I’ll wait until I have more money, and then I’ll be able to give the seven treasures” or “I can’t possibly give fearlessness until I can stand firmly in my own intrinsic nature”, or “I’ll wait until I am enlightened and then I will give the Dharma”. And yet at that moment that small yellow flower was the only thing the child had, and that was what she gave.

One who has not yet generated the aspiration for enlightenment is still an ordinary person, but once that aspiration has been made that person becomes a bodhisattva.

Do not be idle waiting for the right moment or look for other reasons and excuses not to give. Everybody can be giving, and be giving now. Give rise to the most treasured mind: that which gives without the slightest hesitation.’

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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019


The branch now has a very new Facebook page which we hope you will check out. It is one of the ways we are introducing to keep our members informed about what is going on at the temple. Follow steps below to join.

I emphasise this is a ‘members only’ closed group, do please visit and get it started.

Sharon Corbett Deputy Branch President

STEP 1 Go to the Facebook ‘Page’: BLIAQ Chung

Tian Branch and give it a ‘like’. This page will have basic information (nothing yet, it is a work in progress) but no interaction from members, think of this as the shop window.


Press the blue ‘visit group’ button, which will take you to the place (inside) where members are encouraged to interact. Please request to become a member, once approved (only members will be approved) you will be able to add posts & pictures.

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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019


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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019



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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019


Date Day Time Program

3 April Wed.

10:30am-12:00pm Ven. Hui Chao Dharma talk – The Secret of

Success, Diamond Sutra

5:30 pm BBD Festival Lanterns Opening Ceremony

(South Bank Parklands)

4 April Thur. 10:30am-12:00pm

Ven. Hui Chao Dharma talk – True Words of

Wisdom of the Platform Sutra (Gold Coast Fo

Guang Yuan)

5 April

(Lunar1Mar) Fri.

10:00am-12:00pm Ven. Hui Chao teaching meditation

11:00am Bright Light Dharma Service (Offering)

6 April Sat. 9am-5pm Ching Ming Dharma Service (Compassionate

Samadhi Water Repentance)

7 April Sun. 9:00am -3:30m

One-Day Meditation Retreat (English)

10:30 am Branch Meeting Wisdom Room

13 April Sat.

10:30am-12:00pm Buddhist Dharma Service (Diamond Sutra)

1:30 pm BLIAQ Monthly Presidents Meeting + BBD

Festival Preparatory Meeting

19 April

(Lunar15Mar) Fri. 11:00am-12:00pm Bright Light Dharma Service (Offering)

20 April Sat. 10:30 am-12:00pm

Buddhist Dharma Service (Samantabhadra

Bodhisattva’s Conduct and Vows)

1:30 pm BBD Festival Volunteers Explanatory Meeting

19~20 April Fri.、Sat. QLD YAD Ventures


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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019


Date Day Time Program

27 April Sat. 10:30am-12:00pm Buddhist Dharma Service cum Merit Transfer to

the Deceased (Offering)

27 April Sat.

9:00am-12:00noon Chung Tian School Children/Teenagers Chinese



Chung Tian School City District Children/

Teenagers Chinese Class(South Bank)

Chung Tian School Adult Chinese Class

28 April Sun. 9:00am-12:00 pm

Chung Tian School Children/Teenagers Chinese

Class (Gold Coast Fo Guang Yuan)

Chung Tian School Children/Teenagers Chinese


29Apr. - 2 May Mon.-Thur. Setting up the venue for BBD Festival (South Bank


Every week

Wed. 9:30am-11:00am

Chung Tian Tai Chi Class Sat. 9:00am-10:30am

Sun. 8:30am-10:00am

Every week Wed. 9:30am-12:00pm English Basic Class

Every week Thur. 9:30am-12:00pm English Progressive Class

Every week Fri. 9:30am-12:00pm English Intermediate Class

Every week Thur. 10:00am-12:00pm Chung Tian Choir

1st & 3rdweek of a

month Thur. 10:30am-12:00pm

Buddhist Dharma Service (Gold Coast Fo Guang


2nd & 4thweek of a

month Thur. 10:30am-12:00pm

Gold Coast Study Group (Gold Coast Fo Guang


Every week Sun. 9:00am-9:40am English Buddhist Dharma Service

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Buddha’s Light International Association Qld Newsletter Edition 133 April 2019


Basic Buddhist & Meditation Class Level: Level 1 Day: Sunday Date: 19 May 2019 – 23 June 2019 Time: 9:00am-10:00am (Meditation) 10:10am-11:00am (Buddhist talk) Cost: $30 per term - Booking required Advanced Buddhist Study & Meditation Class Level: Level 4 (Free for BLIAQ members) Day: Sunday Date: 19 May 2019 – 23 June 2019 Time: 10:00am-11:00am (Meditation) 11:10am-12:00am (Buddhist talk) Cost: $30 per term – booking is required

Intermediate Buddhist & Meditation Class Level: Level 2 Day: Sunday Date: 19 May 2019 – 23 June 2019 Time: 10:00am-11:00am (Buddhist talk) 11:10am-12:00am (Meditation) Cost: $30 per term - Booking required Bodhi Class For Children Ages: 4 - 12 years Sunday: 10.00am - 11.00am Date: 19 May 2019 – 23 June 2019 Cost: $30 per term Every 2nd & 4th child from the same family will be free. Ì Children are taught Buddhist morals and ethics in a nurturing environment. Lessons are backed by fun activities which include: simple meditation, children’s tai chi, Buddhist stories and virtues, craft activities and team-building games.

Buddhist Book Study & Meditation Class Level: Level 3 Day: Sunday Date 19 May 2019 – 23 June 2019 Time: 10:00am-11:00am (Meditation) 11:10am-12:00am (Buddhist talk) Cost: $30 per term - Booking required

Ì To book for the Buddhist classes, an application form must be completed and returned to the Chung Tian Temple’s reception together with full payment at least a week prior to the course commence date.

Ì For all enquiries please contact 3841 3511 on Tuesday to Sunday, or email: [email protected] or see

Thank you

Teenager’s Buddhist Class

Ages: 13 - 19 years

Sunday: 10.00am - 11.00am

Date: 9 May 2019 – 23 June 2019

Cost: $30 per term

Every 2nd & 4th child from the same family will be free.

Ì The intermediate Dharma class builds on and expands the basic foundations of Buddhist learning, aiming for a practical approach and solutions to challenges issues faced by young people today.

Tai Chi Class

Day: Every Wednesday

Time: 9.30am – 11.00am

Where: Chung Tian Temple

Cost: Free donation

Tai Chi Class

Day: Every Saturday

Time: 9.00am – 10.30am

Where: Chung Tian Temple

Cost: Free donation

Tai Chi Class

Day: Every Sunday

Time: 8.30am – 10.00am

Where: Chung Tian Temple

Cost: Free donation

Please send items and suggestions for inclusion in the newsletter to: [email protected] with the word “Newsletter” in the subject. If referring to another person by name or photograph in your submission, please ensure you have their permission to do so. Thanks to Kim Perryman, Peter Wu and 惜寬 for this month’s photographs, and special thanks to branch member Dr Janet Hou for her insightful writing on Generosity.

2019 Term 2- Meditation, Buddhist & Tai Chi Classes held at Chung Tian Temple