blitzkrieg: german word meaning ‘lightning war’. a rapidly moving attack featuring a combination...

Blitzkrieg : German word meaning ‘lightning war’. A rapidly moving attack featuring a combination of bombing from the air, followed by tanks and motorised infantry. Above: A Ju-87 Stuka Dive Bomber Right: A German Panzer (tank)

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Blitzkrieg:German word meaning ‘lightning war’. A rapidly moving attack featuring a combination of bombing from the air, followed by tanks and motorised infantry.

Above: A Ju-87 Stuka Dive Bomber

Right: A German Panzer (tank)

Use your text pg. 34 to copy and complete the following:

The German Blitzkrieg was a tactic first used against _______ in September of 1939. The Germans managed to capture this country in just ____ weeks.

After this there was a period of inaction as F______, B______ and G_______ prepared for war. This period is often referred to as the ________ war.

Fighting began again in May of ______. Germany attacked ________, again using the ________ tactics to devastating effect. They attacked through the n_______ countries (not on either side) of Belgium and the Netherlands to avoid the M_______ Line, a French defensive system along its German b______. Germany won the battle in just six weeks.


The German Blitzkrieg was a tactic first used against Poland in September of 1939. The Germans managed to capture this country in just four weeks.

After this there was a period of inaction as France, Britain and Germany prepared for war. This period is often referred to as the phoney war.

Fighting began again in May of 1940 . Germany attacked France, again using the Blitzkrieg tactics to devastating effect. They attacked through the neutral countries of Belgium and the Netherlands to avoid the Maginot Line, a French defensive system along its German border. Germany won the battle in just six weeks.