blood borne pathogens_education


Upload: dirkrhodes

Post on 02-Jun-2015




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What are bloodborne pathogens?

Viruses, bacteria and other critters that are carried in a person’s bloodstream and can cause disease.

If you come in contact with blood infected with a bloodborne pathogen, you may become infected as well.

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What are examples of bloodborne pathogens?

Hepatitis B – a virus that attacks the liver. There is a vaccine that will give you lifetime protection from the hepatitis B virus, it is given in a series of 3 injections in your arm. Over 95% of recipients develop adequate immunity after receiving the vaccine.

Hepatitis C – also attacks the liver. There is no vaccine for hepatitis C.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) – the virus that causes AIDS. It attacks the immune system.

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What are my chances of becoming infected if I have serious exposure (the infected blood gets in your blood) to one of these viruses?

Hepatitis B – if you’ve had the vaccine, the risk is virtually none. If you have not been vaccinated, there is up to a 30% chance you’ll become infected.

Hepatitis C – there is about a 1.8% chance you’ll become infected.

HIV – the risk is less than 0.1%.

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What are Standard Precautions?

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What are Standard Precautions?

Infection Control measures required by law that are designed to promote healthcare worker safety.

You treat each and every patient as if he has a bloodborne pathogen such as HIV or hepatitis and you protect yourself from possibly being exposed to that patient’s blood at all times.

This may mean wearing personal protective equipment such as a gown, goggles, mask, gloves when at risk of exposure.

It means handling sharps carefully, minimizing splashing,

using safety devices when possible, not eating in an area where there’s potential for exposure.

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• The universal biohazard symbol. It means there’s regulated waste inside:

• items contaminated with blood/body fluid. Keep your hands out of it!

What’s this?

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What if I have a blood exposure?

1. Wash the site. 2. Notify your supervisor.

Blood will be drawn from the source patient for immediate testing for bloodborne pathogens. You will get results as soon as possible and if needed, some medications may be offered to you in the event the source patient has HIV or Hepatitis B.

3. Follow up with Infection Control. Infection Control will make sure you have the

test results and understand what they mean. If you need further testing, Infection Control will notify you when it’s time to be tested.

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End of presentation.