blood group food


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you are what you eat


Page 1: Blood group food

Blood group ab


Good: Turkey, lamb, veal liver, mutton, ostrich, pheasant

Bad: Beef, chicken, duck, goose, guineau fowl, partridge, veal, game


Good: Cod, mackerel, monkfish, pike, salmon, sardines, tuna

Bad: Anchovy, bream, eel, plaice, haddock, coley, halibut, octopus, salmon roe, sole, trout, whiting,

clams, crab, lobster, oysters, prawns

Dairy products

Good: Fermented dairy products, feta cheese and goat's milk.

Bad: Blue cheese, brie, butter, camembert, cow's milk and parmesan.


Good: Goose, hen and quail eggs

Bad: Duck eggs


Good: Flaxseed, olive, rapseed, peanut, soy, walnut, wheatgerm

Bad: Corn, sesame, sunflower

Nuts and seeds

Good: Almonds, brazil nuts, cashew nuts, chestnuts, flaxseed, macadamia nuts, peanuts, pecans, pine

nuts, pistachios, walnuts

Bad: Hazelnuts, poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds


Good: Soya

Bad: Black beans, kidney beans, broad beans and chickpeas


Good: Sprouted grain bread, barley, millet, oats, rice, rye, spelt, quinoa, wheat, wild rice

Bad: Buckwheat, corn, tapioca


Good: Artichokes, capers, chilli, black olives, peppers, ghurkins, radishes, rhubarb


Bad: Avocados, bananas, coconut, blackberries, guava, mango, oranges, persimmon (sharon fruit),

pomegranates, figs, quinces, starfruit proteins


blood type a

Page 2: Blood group food


Good: Chicken, turkey, guinea fowl

Bad: Beef, duck, goose, lamb, mutton, pork, pheasant, veal, game

Tip: Eat white meat, but only in small quantities: your body doesn't tolerate it well.


Good: Cod, mackerel, monkfish, salmon, sardines, trout, whiting

Bad: Seafood, anchovy, bream, eel, plaice, haddock, coley, halibut, herring, smoked salmon, sole,


Dairy produce

Good: Feta, goat's cheese, goat's milk, mozzarella, ricotta, sheep's milk cheese, yoghurt (made from

cow's, goat's or ewe's milk)

Bad: Butter, cow's milk, all other cheese made from cow's milk


Tip: By all means eat eggs, but no more than three a week!


Good: Flaxseed, olive, rapeseed, sesame, walnut, sunflower, wheatgerm

Bad: Corn, peanut

Nuts and seeds

Good: Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, pistachio nuts

Tip: Make sure you include nuts and seeds into your diet regularly, peanuts, walnuts and ground flaxseed

Pulses and legumes

Good: Chickpeas, kidney beans, lentils, butter beans, pinto beans

Grains and cereals

Good: Wheat, wheat bran


Bad: Aubergines, cabbage, capers, black olives, peppers, chilli, potatoes, rhubarb, sweet

potatoes, tomatoes


Bad: Bananas, coconut, melons, mangoes, papayas, clementines, orange.

Blood b


Good: Beef, lamb, veal, mutton, ostrich, pheasant, turkey and game

Bad: Chicken, duck, guineau fowl, goose, partridge, pork, quail

Our tip: Like O, you can eat lots of meat, but you have a more limited choice. The best meats are lamb,

mutton and game.


Good: Cod, plaice, halibut, mackerel, salmon, sole and sturgeon

Page 3: Blood group food

Bad: Anchovy, bream, eel, octopus, pollock, salmon roe, clams, crab, lobster, molluscs and prawns

Dairy produce

Good: Goat's cheese and milk, mozzarella, fromage frais, feta, yoghurt and cow's milk.

Bad: Blue cheese.


Good: Flaxseed, olive, wheatgerm, walnut

Bad: All others

Nuts and seeds

Good: Amonds, Brazil nuts, chestnuts, flaxseed, macadamia nuts, pecans, walnuts

Bad: Cashew nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pistachios, poppy, sesame and sunflower seeds

Tip: Include nuts and seeds regularly in your diet, especially walnuts and flaxseed.


Good: Black beans, chickpeas, lentils, soya


Good: Wheat (semolina and white flour based products), sprouted grain bread, millet, oats, quinoa, rice,


Bad: Buckwheat, corn, tapioca, whole wheat, rye

Tip: Strange though it may seem, choose white over wholewheat flour: it suits you better. Don't have big

portions of cereal-type carbs.


Bad: Artichokes, olives, sweetcorn, pumpkin, radishes, rhubarb, tomatoes


Bad: Avocados, coconut, persimmon (sharon fruit), pomegranate, Indian figs (Opuntia) and starfruit

Blood o


Good: Red meat and poultry

Bad: Pork and quail

Tip: Favour red meat from grass fed animals: their meat contains more Omega 3s.


Good: Cold water fish like mackerel and herring

Bad: Squid, pollock, octopus, abalone

Tip: Eat fish regularly, but don't use it as a meat substitute: your diet should contain both.

Dairy produce

Good: Butter, cheese and yoghurt made from ewe's and goat's milk

Bad: Cheese, cow's milk and yoghurt made from cow's milk

Tip: Limit your intake to two yoghurts and two portions of cheese a week, if you tolerate it well.


Page 4: Blood group food

Good: Hen and duck eggs

Bad: Goose and quail eggs

Tip: Eat up to 6 eggs a week.


Good: Flaxseed, olive, rapeseed, sesame, walnut

Bad: Corn, peanut, soy, sunflower, wheatgerm

Tip: Use olive oil in cooking and salads, and other types for seasoning.

Nuts and seeds

Good: Almonds, flaxseeds, hazelnuts, macadamia, pecan, pine nuts, walnuts and sesame seeds.

Bad: Brazil nuts, cashew nuts, chestnuts, pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds, poppy seeds.

Tip: Eat nuts and seeds regularly, but not in large quantities. They provide you with essential fatty acids.

Pulses and legumes

Good: Soy

Bad: Kidney beans, lentils, butter beans

Tip: Eat pulses and legumes from time to time for their protein content, but never in place of meat or fish.


Good: Sprouted grain bread, buckwheat, millet, oats, quinoa, rice, rye, spelt, tapioca

Bad: Wheat, barley, corn

Tip: Try essene bread made from 100% sprouted grains. It's by far the most nutritious. Available

in health and organic shops.


Bad: Capers, cauliflower, cucumber, leeks, button mushrooms, black olives, potatoes


Bad: Avocados, melons, blackberries, coconut, kiwi, oranges, bananas,clementines

Tip: Eat around 500g of fruit a day (2-3 pieces or servings).