blood typing

Blood typing

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Post on 19-Jun-2015




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Page 1: Blood typing

Blood typing

Page 2: Blood typing


The word blood refers to a mixture of cells, enzymes, proteins, and inorganic substances.

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The fluid portion of the blood is called the plasma and makes up 55% of blood’s composition

Within the plasma are the solid components such as red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets; this makes up 45% of the composition.

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On the surface of each blood cell are millions of chemical structures called antigens

These antigens are responsible for blood types of the RBC’s

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Blood types

There are more than 15 blood type systems that have been identified to date and of those the A-B-O and Rh systems are the most important.

Blood types are:A, B, O, and ABThose can be Rh+ or Rh- (also known as

antigen D)

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Blood type distribution Blood types are different in distribution

throughout different populations but in the USA the percentages are:O 43% Rh+ 85%A 42% Rh- 15%B 12%AB 3%

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Calculating Blood Types Type O+

.43 X .85 = .3655

.3655 X 100% = 36.55% of the population is type O+

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Phenotype for blood type If an individual is A blood type that

means the individuals red blood cells have A antigens located on the surface…same with type B

Type AB has both antigens Type O has neither antigens The presence of type D antigen

indicates Rh + and the lack of D indicates Rh -

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Blood typing chart

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For every antigen there is a specific antibody and an antibody will react only with a specific antigen

If a serum containing antibody B, anti-B for short, is added to blood containing antigen B then a agglutination or clotting will occur

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Testing for Blood type When testing for blood type of an unknown

source, Anti-A and Anti-B sera are used to test for agglutination as follows

Anti-sera A Anti-sera B Antigen present Blood type


+ - A A

- + B B

+ + A and B AB

- - Neither O