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Blue Moon Meditation


Blue Moon Energy for Friday 31st August 2012 Diving Into the DeepAs this Fridays full moon looms around the corner, it feels as if humanity is approaching a huge point of transition.Many of us have felt the powerful, sometimes painful endings of our old lives alongside the excitement of our new beginnings.Some of us entered our new lives earlier than others, but wherever you are at on your pathway, know that we are all making the same journey.Though we all take different routes, and walk at a varying paces, just remember, it is no matter how you get there only that you do.This month has felt much like a hotch-potch of energetic madness.The higher and higher waves of energy now entering our sphere, have caused many of us to revisit our past, or confront our worst fears.This may have manifested as the experience of remembering past lives, or revisiting old lessons we thought wed let go of.Often, these experiences re-occur, so they can be released on ever deeper levels than before.Old shadows, outdated beliefs and ego untruths sometimes re-surface again, only for you to ask yourself is this still true for me?Or, am I ready to release this now, in the illumination of my new found awareness, of who I truly know I AM?If you still need more time to process, Universe will grant you that, as whatever you choose, its your call.There is nothing to fear, as you will always get another chance.Like the moon, Life is cyclical in nature.And opportunities, though sometimes presented differently, come around again.You can Trust that all is in Divine order, and right were you are at, is perfect for who you are now.1. Meditation For The Blue Full Moon On August 31In the past few weeks, Ive heard or seen mention from several sources about the rising powerful energies well be experiencing in the 9 days beginning tomorrow, August 30.Lhamo Dorje, one of my Guides who presents a particularly Buddhist aspect, has asked me to share with you a meditation practice that has been used for thousands of years, in case you would like to take advantage of it, to bring about beautiful changes in the world.She calls this practice The Moving Karma Meditation, and its a variation of a well-known practice sometimes called Taking And Giving.(In this context, karma refers simply to the laws of cause and effect, which we observe frequently. What we may forget sometimes is that these results of our actions mental and physical extend beyond a single lifetime and our currently limited perceptions)With this meditation, we use our incredibly powerful minds to shift or alter potentialities that we or others have created for ourselves or others. Its a simple form of visualization, which uses the intention of love, coming from the heart, to fuel positive change in this world.We can use this meditation any time, and we can move it while were active, or sitting quietly. We can even set it as our intention when we go to sleep, with great impact.The visualization and steps are essentially simple, although Im sharing them below in some detail:1. Focus for a moment on the region of your heart, and remind yourself that your heart is the indestructible source of all your experiences. What resides in your heart determines how your world appears. You already know this, and have known itfor countless ages.2. Reflect for a moment that this is true for everyone. And because for the moment we live in a world in which we rely on our physical bodies more than our spiritual bodies, we all often make choices that affect ourselves and others in ways we might not have intended.3. Now visualize, or intellectually imagine, just briefly, that every tiny or huge event that has ever caused any suffering to anyone appears as a tiny speck of black sand. All of this sand has been gathered into a pile You may imagine it as large or small as you like.4. As flecks of sand, these experiences lose distinctionthey are all similar, and there is no point in being concerned about specifics any more. They simply represent pain.5. Now please imagine that, from your heart emerges a tremendous swell of brilliant, clear blue crystalline, pure sea water, and this water represents IS an ocean of pure, cleansing, transformative LOVE. 6. This wave of loving water totally engulfs the pile of black sand, in a swirling whirlpool, sweeping the sand up into its currents, spinning it powerfully. Follow your heartthis water may swirl in either clockwise or counter-clockwise direction. You will come to understand the significance of the direction for yourself.7. Now imagine that the water, still perfectly pristine, calms and becomes smooth as glass.8. See that the sand, now as brilliant and transparent as clear quartz, lies quietly and smoothly on the bottom of the ocean of your heart. It, and all the actions it represents, have become completely purified.9. Now imagine that the crystals of sand begin to radiate light magnificently, and this light very powerfully extends throughout the entire universe, touching every living being. Please imagine this light as being whatever color feels right to you at the moment White and rainbow-colored are particularly powerful, but you may sense that another color is needed from time to time.10. Please understand that this light IS very real, and very powerful, and that it cleanses, purifies, and blesses every being in existence. You have completely transformed all negativity in the world into brilliant, crystalline, pure love.11. Just take another moment to feel that the whole world is now perfect. (This might be easier to do with your eyes closed, at first, but with time you will begin to see the difference you are making)As you go about your daily activities, if you find yourself in a challenging situation, try briefly thinking of your challenge as a pile of black sand, and imagine your heart sending a tsunami of love like water, to cleanse it and sweep it away. Then when you have more time, you can engage in a more detailed meditation if you like.If you enjoy working with energy physically, if you feel disturbed you can brush the sand off your shoulders, and think of it as transforming and completely dissolving before it hits the ground.These brief versions of the meditation are very useful when you feel very stressed. If you can remember to add the visualization of radiating the brilliant, loving light to others, and the world transforming as a result, the effect is many times more powerful.Lhamo Dorje says the month of September, especially this year, is a very pivotal time for the shifting of energies. Anything we can do to re-train ourselves towards increasingly positive points of view will have a very deep effect.Please move into these quieter times with an eye towards how we are all connected, and how we can and do help and teach and show examples to one another.Thank you for trying and sharing this meditation in whatever way you feel guided, and may you enjoy many blessings through the coming of the Blue Moon!2. Blue Moon Angel Meditation There will be a Blue Moon on Friday 31st August 2012 and this will be the last one until 2015Sometime there are two Blue Moons in one year, this happened in 1999 and will not happen again until 2018 when there will be a Blue Moon in January and March.The second moon of the month, the Blue Moon, was considered by our ancestors to be spiritually significant. A time for meditation, a time to communicate with the gods and goddesses, a time when the veil between the worlds was thin.The term Blue Moon dates back at lest 400 years, and it is used today to describe an event which rarely happens. Goddess teachings tell us that the moon and her phases are associated with the maiden, the mother and the crone, the three phases of the Goddess. The Blue Moon is said to be a time of transition from that of the crone to the divine level of existence. This evening let us take a few moments to utilize the special power of this wonderful event and take time to send positive thoughts to all British forces personnel wherever they are and pray for their safe return to their families. Let us send healing thoughts to Gaia, our mother earth, so she will regain her balance and help her inhabitants to live in harmony with each other. Let us also send healing thoughts to ourselves and our families and those who have lost loved ones.MeditationCalm yourself, breath rhythmically and deep, relax, just relax. Light your candle and sit quietly, when you are ready imagine that it is night time an you are walking in the snow. The moon is large and bright and you have no difficulty seeing your way. Snow is falling and you feel the flakes gently falling on your face.The trees are tipped white with the snow, the mountains are calling you forward. As you continue on your journey you hear the sound of little bells tinkling in the distance. You stop for a while to try to hear from which direction they are coming.Suddenly, in the distance you hear the rustling of trees and the see the snow falling as the tree moves. You look carefully, the tinkling of the bells is louder, intrigued you move forward.Along a little path which leads from the main path you see a fallen tree log and looking closer you see that sat on that log is a small figure. She is watching you and smiling at you. You move towards her and as you do she gets up from the log and runs off. You run after her, pleading with her to return, you only wish to talk to her. But the little figure has gone. Upset you sit for a while on the log and wonder why she ran away. Then suddenly you feel a tugging at your sleeve, looking to the side you see the small figure gently pulling at your arm, intimating that she wants you to follow her. She is a beautiful fairy, dressed in glistening blue robes with shimmering wings. She beckons you to follow her. You raise yourself from the log and allow yourself to be led by your fairy guide.It is not long before she has led you into a beautiful crystal cave, twinkling lights of red and blue and green are all around you, it is magical it is wonderful. You move forward and are drawn into a beautiful pale lilac room. Its brilliant sparkling light blinds you for a moment. When your eyes grow accustomed to the light you see that the cave is filled with figures dressed in gossamer robes of blues, green, reds and all the colours of the rainbow. A wondrous sight to behold. You see that these figures have beautiful huge wings, your heart flutters, yes they are Angels. One of these is your Guardian Angel, but which one, you turn to ask your Fairy Guide, but she has gone, you are all alone. By the side of the cave wall you see a crystal seat, you move gently towards it and sit down. You wait for a while in the hope that your Guardian Angel will come to sit beside you, but no, after a few minutes you are still alone. What am I doing wrong you ask yourself, why has my Guardian Angel not come. Then you remember what you have been told by Kakabel, you have only to ask for your Guardian Angel to come to help, they will not come if not asked.You close your eyes and mentally ask your Guardian Angel to come and sit with you for a while. After a few seconds, you feel a gentle touch to your side, your heart misses a beat, it is your Guardian Angel come to sit with you. Eyes still closed, you ask your Guardian Angel for their name, if you are ready to know, your Angel will tell you, if not then do not worry, your Angel will still help you.Your Angel then speaks to you, gently but firmly asking What is it you want of meTell your Angel your problem, be as precise as possible, then ask your Angel for help in solving this situation.Sit for a while to see if you hear a message from your Angel. Suddenly you feel your Angel raise themselves from the seat and move behind you wrapping you in their protective, healing wings. You feel loved, protected and healed. As your Angel leaves you and returns to join the others, mentally thank your Angel for their presence and help.After a few seconds you stand and taking a last look at the wonderful cave of Angels you retrace your steps to the entrance of the cave. There waiting for you is your Fairy Guide, she is smiling at you for she knows the wonders you have just seen.She leads you back to the log and you sit together holding hands. She asks you to think of what you want the most and to see it happening in your minds eye, really see it happening and feel the joy as things work out as you want them to do.She tells you that she is always s with you and can be call ed upon at any time to come and sit with you. She tell you she will help you work through any problems or situations you may find yourself in, if only you will ask for her help.You ask her for her name and if you are ready to know it she will give it to you, so sit for a while and see what you hear.You then ask her if she has any special message for you at this magical time of the Blue Moon, you sit for a while and listen to her message.The snow is falling again and you are brought from your mediation by a snowflake landing on your nose. You realise that your Fairy Guide has departed but you feel happy, healthy , balanced and refreshed and you know that she will be with you always, and she can any time you wish, lead you back to the Cave of Angels.Now it is time to bring yourself back to your own room in the present time. Thank your Guardian Angel and your Fairy Guide for their special gifts to you on this very special Blue Moon.Bright Blessing on this Magical Night,