bluebells international school

beyond STEM options Preeti Puri School Counsellor Bluebells School International Kailash New Delhi

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Post on 14-Apr-2017




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beyond STEM optionsPreeti PuriSchool CounsellorBluebells School InternationalKailashNew Delhi

Options beyond stem for Indian curriculaGood morning everyone at the outset I would like to thank Univariety for giving me this opportunity . While we would all agree that STEM is an important option for students but today I do look forward to exploring with all of you the relevance of ex[posing our children to the wide gamut of options in a fast changing world. But before we delve deeper to understand this it would be very nice if some of you could share your expectations from this session with me1

From this mornings session

Perfect this is indeed very helpful and I hope the session will meet some of your expectations2

Your takeaway from this session

Myths v/s RealityTrendsYour Role as an Educator/Counselor

Your takeaway from the session today is going to be about challenging some myths, realizing what are the latest trends and of course how as an educator, mentor and counsellor you can help your students and their parents to broaden their horizons3

MYTHS RETOLDThe Great Indian Obsession

There is no denying the fact that Indians, especially Indian parents are obsessed with the sciences left to parents 90% of them would want their child to do either PCM or PCB

It is almost as though they wear blinkers and are unable to see anything beyond engineering and medicine.

I can never forget how that some years back we had a very young bright student who passed her grade 10 with a cgpa of 10 Talk about sangeet, show archits video


STEM jobs are where the money and opportunities are

it is not uncommon to see engineers taking up professions completely different from their degrees.

Mr Yogesh Deveshwar, he finished his Mechanical Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He also received an AMP Diploma from the Harvard Business School, Massachusetts and did a course on advanced training in Hoteliering and Services from Cornell University in United States.

After studiedchemical engineeringatOsmania UniversityHarsha Boglee did his post graduate program PGDM atIndian Institute of Management Ahmedabad worked in an advertising agency for two years, followed by another two-year stint at a sports management company before he back to his passion commentating which he began doing at the age of 19 withAll India Radio

Chetan Bhagat did his engineering from IIT MBA from Ahemdabad and worked inGoldman SachsinHong Kongas aninvestment bankerfor nearly a decade before moving to Mumbai to focus full-time on his writing career.

Nagurjuna actor, producer and tv presenterM.S. inAutomobile EngineeringfromEastern Michigan University.

And perhaps that is why in India, people choose their career path after completing their engineering. The list is endless Mr Vinnet Joshi, Mr Shridhar of educational intiatives one on Indias pioneering organisations workhin in the field of school assessment5

You need a STEM degree to work in the

Sunil Mittal John Chambers Jeffrey Weiner Steve Jobs

Its a common misconception that you need a STEM degree to work in tech. Here are high paying, fast-growing careers in tech which dont require math or science degrees.

STEM jobs will account for only 5% of all U.S. positions by 2018, saysGeorgetown Universitys Center on Education and the Workforce. But tech creates jobs of all sorts. And its creating jobs at a 33% faster rate than other sectors, in a wide range of job titles, including non-tech-related positions such as accountants, managers and sales in operations (meaning, supply chain, workflow, and inventory management), and strategy (allocating resources, coordinating people, gathering and organizing information and data to solve problems or fix procedures

The sector is booming and there are plenty of non-STEM jobs needed to further bolster the tech firms, including in marketing, sales, and operations including supply chain, workflow and inventory management.des

Chambers joined Cisco in 1991 as Senior Vice President, Worldwide Sales and Operations. Prior to joining Cisco, he spent eight years at Wang Laboratories (1982-1990) and six years with IBM (1976-1982). He holds a Bachof Science / Bachelor of Arts degree in business and a law degree from West Virginia University and a master of business administration degree in finance and management from Indiana University.

John Weiner is a lawyer and CeO of LinkdIn

Logan Greenis the co-founder and CEO ofLyft, a peer-to-peer ride sharing company, which he founded withJohn Zimmerin 2012.[1]Lyft operates inmore than 60 citiesin the U.S. with more than 10 million shared rides taken to date.

Green graduated fromUCSBin 2006 with a B.A. inBusiness Economics.[4]While a student, Green created The Green Initiative Fund, served as a board member for the Isla Vista Recreation and Park District, and was the youngest director for theSanta Barbara Metropolitan Transit District.[4][5]From August 2007 to February 2008, Green was the Sustainability Director at UCSB.[6]In 2007, alongside John Zimmer,Green founded Zimride: a ridesharing platform that coordinated carpools, especially across college campuses.Green graduated fromUCSBin 2006 with a B.A. inBusiness Economics.[4]While a student, Green created The Green Initiative Fund, served as a board member for the Isla Vista Recreation and Park District, and was the youngest director for theSanta Barbara Metropolitan Transit District.[4][5]From August 2007 to February 2008, Green was the Sustainability Director at UCSB.[6]In 2007, alongside John Zimmer,Green founded Zimride: a ridesharing platform that coordinated carpools, especially across college campuses.6

As our society becomes more technology driven whats is the value of studying social sciences & humanities?

Not all problems can be solved with technical expertise alone

You will find successful humanities students in just about every area of human endeavor. UN, leaders who lead nations, industrialist who super growth, performing artists and many more

A 2012 survey showed that over two-thirds of humanities majors get jobs in the private sector? almost 60% of 652 U.S. CEOs and heads of product engineering had degrees in the humanities? A study of 100 FTSE companies CEOs showed that 34% were from humanities and social sciences and 31 % from sciences78% of people think their lives are richer for having the opportunity to visit or view the historic environment88% of people believe that it is important in creating jobs and boosting the economyScientific and technical knowledge is vital in tackling development challenges such as poverty and security, but so are the humanities, according to astudy into the value of the humanities. Meghann Jones of Ipsos Public Affairs explains.

Many international development programmes require technical expertise. But the people who took part in the research said they encounter challenges when designing and delivering programmes that arent technical. These challenges include managing complex relationships between people who have a stake in those development programmes, balancing competing objectives for the programme, and sensitivity to social and cultural contexts.

And yet year after year we are so happy to churn out students who have little time to understand culture literature history and heritage som immersed they are in PCM or PCB

Very recently we had Adam Ghilchrist visit our school and he spoke about his experience and learning when he played for the IPL matches contracted by the Deccan Chargers he spoke about how confident he was of the team winning only to lose the match but then they sat reflected and found that more than addressing technical issues they first had to address and understand the cultural jamboree of a team that that had come together from different corners of the world.

analytical and knowledge-building skills;evaluative and critical thinking skills;creative thinking skills;effective oral and written communication skills;critical and reflective reading skills;problem solving and pattern intelligence synthesis skills and the ability to express the results of analysis and evaluation;the ability to pose meaningful questions that advance understanding and knowledge;the ability to conduct research and organize material effectively;information literacy and other skills associated with learning how to learn;the exercise of independent judgment and ethical decision-making;the ability to meet goals, manage time, and complete a project successfully;self-confidence and self-understanding;the ability to cooperate with others and work in teams;a sensitivity to individuals and tolerance of cultural differences;an informed openness to new information technologies.


What do the worlds most successful people study?Survey of 17.000 people from 30 countries by Stephanie Blochinger for the British Council

Preferred JobsSocial Sciences -Government jobsHumanities - NGOsCanada, the UK and the US had the highest proportion of humanities graduates.China, Japan and South Korea(16 per cent). Giventhe focus onscience and technologyin countries like China, it is interesting to note that the leaders surveyed from Asian countries did not necessarily study STEM disciplines.


Trends at Bluebells School


Emerging Courses


Liberal Arts program is especially good for students who are still fumbling and not sure of how to go forward. The program gives children the flexibility to choose from a wide range of subjects depending on what the college has to offer. E.g offers Majors in 9 subjects and Interdisciplinary Majors in a further 8 subjects, thereby offering students a total of 17 options to Major in. They can also pick Minors from among 15 courses on offer.Courses in writng and critical reading are essential in most collegesstudents must pass courses that are broadly divided into three categories Foundation Courses, Major Courses (including Interdisciplinary Majors) and Co-Curricular Courses including film, theatre, languages art . Each course carries credit points, and in order to earn their degree at the end of three years, students need to have accumulated 100 credit points. liberal arts education as essential to learning how to learn.PsephologyPsychologyInternational relations PREPARES YOU FOR JOBS BOTH IN THE GOVERNEMNT AND NON GOVERNMENT SECTOR as policy analyst, legislative aide, lawyer, administrative services, united nations

Policy Science, is the study of finding solutions to the new challenges of our era. Including Poverty, population aging, urban development and environmental pollution are just some of these challenges. Policy Science is a field of science which clarifies the causes of these social problems and explores their solutions which satisfy the maximum number of members or stakeholders of the society. E.g Sustainable Urban Policy Program, Regional Economy and Development Program, and Multi-level Governance Program)10

Build their skills to prepare them for jobs that dont even exist today


The challenges today's students will face as tomorrow's leaders will involve working more closely across geographic borders, and with people who have very different backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences. In short, diversity and global citizenship are our common future.Will our children be ready, and is the education they're receiving today preparing them for the world they'll inherit in a decade or two? Skills that globally competent students will require to successfully navigate college, career, and life in the 21st century include:Critcal reading and writing skillsAn appreciation for cultural differencesAn ability to understand and consider multiple perspectivesCritical and comparative thinking skillsProblem-solving abilitiesComfort with ambiguity and changeAn understanding of globally significant issues


Broaden the Scope of Electives

For far too long we have treated humanities as a poor cousin who deserves rejected and hand me downs12

Creating spaces in the curriculum

Providing adolescents with learning opportunities in which they are challenged to make sense of situations that they will encounter in various types of employment can provide them with a greater understanding of career options. Community-based learning that involves teens in solving real-world workplace problems directly connects them to the reality of various occupationsSpend time and discuss Pics of activites at school rti club bani, cleanliness drives, ishaan at, visit to slums, metro street play, MUN, debate club13

Engagement & Exposure

Indian Journal of career and livelihood planning influences on career choices as perceived by the youth

Understanding the key role that family, school and community play in the processDeveloping programs and strategies that assist both parents and youth in exploring a wide range of occupations can open the door to emerging and non-traditional career choices.. Engaging parents and community in active support of career exploration and choice provides the context that assists adolescents in making successful transitions into adult workplace roles.14

Matched or mismatched?

Ability & Interestlearn and know, understand your student, abilities as a consequence this is what happens counsellors play a big role in knowing and observing the child. Talk about ayush, vashnavi,15

More than just 3 flavours

We no longer live in an era of 3 flavours16

Thank You

Last 5 to 8 mins for questions17

Acknowledgments:My Students & their Parentsedu pathways of leaders report by IpsosFortune 500Google Imagescountless websites on the internet

Thank You