bluebirdsw in woman's club program notes · 2017. 8. 8. · chatsworth, illinois 60921, thursday,...

CHATSWORTH, ILLINOIS 60921, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1966 NUMBER 17 Ezra CowpliN i Cow—a Army Private Ezra Boruff, 19, son of Mrs Jessie Boruff. t i l N. Mayflower Ave., Bloomington, 111., formerly of Chatsworth, comptet- ed a cooking course at Ft. Hua- chuca, Arizona. Dec. IS, 1906. During the eight week course, he was trained in cake and pastry baking, meat cutting, and learned to prepare and serve food in Army mess halls and In the field. His wife, Gitana. lives at 412 W. Chestnut, Falrtmry. pendence. Oklahoma in 1906. They have spent moat of their lives on the farm. They moved to Illinois in 1928 and resided on a farm until they moved into Chats- worth where they now live. They have four children: Ever- ett in Decatur; Mra.Eveiyn Biliter ,at home; Arthur Ward in Pontiac -and Loyal in Wilmington. They also have nine grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. A. 9. CaiNns " ... /'spra Ly UnanlllUll ft—Hi r ilwiw wg v w* Wlllllwli Bll-Wlw A family gathering was held at the Bayston home last Friday night with their children and grandaon, Paul Harms and wife of Indianapolis, Indiana, honored guests. George Harms was also present. R. V. McGreal Retires As Rural Mail Carrier Raphael V. McGreal will rrtiie as rural route mail earner Friday aften early twenty-one years with the postal service. Ray liegan is rural carrier in Oc- tober of I960, succeeding the late George Metz who had retired it May of 1949. Prior to the route, Ray was Postmaster of Chalsworth Post Office from March 1, 1946, until 1960. For fifteen years. 1931-1916. Ray was Germanvillc highway commis- sioner and for six years lie was chairman of I lie I .Kingston County Democrats. Also he has served two terms ns pt'csidenf of the Chalsworth Lions Club, and has been instrumental in many community proj-cts. Joe Balt/, has been appointed acting temporary substitute for the route. NINETY-THIRD YEAR Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B- Coigns their sixtieth wedding at their home Decem- 25, 1999 with the immediate family present. Miss Anna Van Denryt and Ar- thur B. Cbllins ware married at the home of the bride near lade- Ginter of head-on During plans sponso town was to be Zone and to attend a Piper City Local Fans To Play In Wheelchairs The scoreboard will read 20-0 in favor of the local All-Stars when they plan an exhibition of wheel- chair basketball with the Cham- paign-Urbana Black Knights Sat - urday. .Innuiiry 7. nt the Chiils- worth high School. However, that score will go up on the Itoard before the game even starts. Chuck Dnhnke. team represent- ative for the Knights, says the wheel-chair eager* plan to s|>ol the local All-Stars at least 20 points "to make the game more challenging." Spotting points to al»le-lmdi«*d opponents Indore game time is not a new pmetiee for the Knights. Teams have tiern given ns many as 60 points dmmg a.n exhibition game and the Knights have trouble rcmrmlierinfi the last exhi- bition they lost Dalmckc says the | k» ui ! give- away doesn't in any way reflect the Knights' inspect for the play- ing ability of their able bodied o|e ponenls “Most of our exhibition oppon- ent* are great on their feet.” Dalmckc explains "But the gozig is a lilt tougher when >ou have to play the game in wheelchairs '' The only non-confc. cncc cxhibi- tion game the Knights have play- ed without giving points to their opponents was in 1960 when thin played the Denver Truckers nt that lime one of thTe nation's top industrial basketball teams. The Itlark Knights have l-con participating in the Midwest Con- ference of the National Wheel- chair Basket!,all Association sinee 1969 The NWBA t« up of over 40 team* playing in national competition throughout the coun- try Although the Itlark Knights wheelchair leant wa* formed only seven year* ago team member* are not shoit on experience in national competition Nearly all of the Knight* attended the University of Illinois where they played with !h<- I' of I Gi/z Kid* wheelchair team Two of the Knight*. Wayne Bcieren and I s*n Novkei were named on the All-American Wheel chair team while playing, for the (0// Kid* ( aher members of the team have a strong background in wheelchair *port* and have mm jo-ted in intemstkmal rompelition abroad Nosker (Tiork iMhncke and Torr J<>ne* were nwm bm ol th<- t'nited State* paraplegic learn which toured Smith Africa e*»d Rhodesia in 1962 The group play- ed A i exhltntlon basket tell game, and gave nearly at many football and track and fleM it-mo-isir*- twm* during their month long Al riran tour Thr tour of Africa ended with i •top In I /avion. England, where Soaker Dahnrkr sod Jour* were joined t»y teammates Jack W hit- man Chuck ftaymei, i>»n Hotter and lltll Himmona to compel - wVth the I ' S Team at the Internation- al tHvmptr Crimes F«*ir of the Kntght* c.-rnvd gold medal* to tedtethad at the game* and Whitman art a new world rec- ortl in wbar Irtish archery compr iNtan The CkstoMih gnarterhaek rtuk la mnmwring the aheekhair Royal Neighbors Exchange Gifts The Royal Neighbors met at ttic home of Mrs John Kndres Monday evening. There was just a shot! meeting held with a gift exchange The group played "50" and win- ners were Mrs. John Kane. high. Mm. Grace Marr, low. and Mis. Evelyn Hitncr, l-ucky Three. The next meeting will tic on the fomtli Monday m January January School Calendar 2 No School 3 School resumes 3 Basket bull Fail Inny. here 6 Basket hall. Melvin - Sibley, here 9-14 V V Conference Basket- hail Tournament at Oharga 17 CIA 19-20 Semester Kxanis 20 Knd of First Semester 20 llasketliall. Farmer ( 'it\ there 26-26 Heavyweight Tourney 27 Rep nt raids given to students 27 Basketball, (lnarga Military Sehi*il. there 2S Basktehall tlnaiga. their 31 Basketball. Milford, their Brownies Go Ceroling 'Hie Brownies of Trorrp 117 went Christmas caroling last Wed- nesday. Dawn Costello brought t rents. Joy Barker, S c . i I m* Conibear Store Awards Prizes Grand prize w inners ill the con- test held nt the Conibear Drug store whore Michael Lowery (did Kay Hawthorne. Each won a Co- lumbia Fire Arrow bicycle. Ollier winners were Burluiia Kelly, first (poituhlc typewriter); Floral Kyburz. second ifolk guitar set); Rhonda Perkins, third (4- s|aa-d phonograph). Jean Gerdes. fiHirth (lady's 7-jewel automatic watch); and l.isa Kinttles. fifth l Bernie Beniaid talking plush toy) in Ihc girls' division. Winners for Ihc boys were Paul Kerbor, first (pool table): ftcott Shafer, second frond race set); Mike Kissinger thild I snare diuiii); Chris Carrico, fourth. (R A F Spitfire); and James Kaiser, fifth izonm microscope lab). Mi-s. Russel Lindenhnum of For - rest. received the coffee pot which was given away. Jim Knoll EftlitN James F. Knoll, son of Mr and Mrs. Herbert Knoll of Chalsworth. lias enlisted in the United States Air Force according to wind re- ceived from TSgf. Roger A Ewer*, local Air Force Recruiter Airman Knoll Is presently re- ceiving the six weeks basic Indoc trlnation training course al Ann rillo Air Force Base, Texas Upon completion of this Course, he has selected the Mechanical Career Aren for technical training Airman Knoll Is a 1966 gradu- ate of Chatsworth High School. Bluebirds Win | n U - fe J - in noiiQQy Tournament Chalsworth, Gardner and Rob- erts-Thawville were all winners In the Chatsworth Holiday Tourna- ment al Chatsworth Tuesday night Chatsworth defeated Buckley- I-oda, 76-05; Gardner defeated Say brook-Arrowsm lth 69-60 and Roberta-Thawvi Ue defat ed Odell Community 90-66 The Bluebirds were behind Ini point* in the first quarter, but rallied to take a five-point lead nt half-time They maintained theii lead to win the game Bob Livingston. Dale Gillette, and Dan Keca scored 24. 20 and 17 points respectively to help over- come the first-quarter slump. Baptist Woman Hold Suppor The WMS of the First ltaptl*t Church held their annual (Tirist- ma« su|iper on December 16 in the church basement. Thirty inentlter* and guests partook of the supper The program was led by Mr*. James Peerkln* and Mrs John Codprr Rev. Ilapsen led devo- tions ami enrol singing. Recrea- tion lime was spent with a gift ex- change and a collection was taken for the Huddlcson Children's Home fur Chrislmus treats. The January meeting will lie at the John Coopef home in Piper City. (Tiatsw'orlh fg ft •l> LJvivngston to 4 24 Keca 6 5 17 INIIei 0 3 3 Gregory 2 3 7 Gillelte 5 10 211 Cnvanagh 1 1 3 Irwin 1 0 1 25 26 76 Hucklry-l/ida fg ft •P Niemen 5 1 11 Genzel 4 0 H Reynolds 3 1 7 Hllgendorf 5 5 15 Dunklin 3 2 H Wright 3 2 H Msulden 2 0 * Ikiyle 1 2 1 23 13 65 Chatsworth 13 41 63 76 Buck ley-i/>da 23 36 V) 65 Game* scheduled to be piayd Wednesday night were Odell v» Saybiook-Arrowsmllh al 6 30 pm and (5illorn vs Piper City at H pm. Freshman Play At HUworth Bluebird freshmen learn piay -i nt FUmrorth Monday Dec 12 rm I won M to 2V Chatsw-orth fit P t| Know 5 II! Kntaer 4 7 1 Murphy 4 / I" Galloway 0 I lltlbly 6 0 1 Total* 19 13 ! Ellsworth fg ft tf Money 1 I ksirfirM 1 2 ! Harvey 2 1 •* Shad*y 1 2 * t tsvis 0 0 1 Bakin-lei I " Total* l,«o*it*(S Eilswerlh 35'. II 7 ( hatswofti Psnots drags ry (ns 411, Ks«s (ns. Ml sN (amp tee a r tap 4 ada gams at Us M * * Finals at the 01iMtt (ns. Win GrdCdridd A* CtHkint t dfnrddy Winning baskets of gnveiir. Bulkin's Fixsl Mart S*tun1>> • *•,* Ksndts HuMy. Carol Ri»nit««' Ann Middy, Mats drsMl. Ff»'* • IM — J r. Fred Hnrnsrem R.n Entitles Jr . Wayne Carding. D e Hhnfer and WiNtam fls w a k Wheelchair Basketball Takes Skill Wheelciiair hnskethall wit* cre- ated in 1946 to meet the recreation needs of World War II paiuly/ed veterans Since then the game hns develojieil into one of the na- tion's most Hctenltfic and *kiilliil sports. National touiMiment record* show wheelchair tenni* making 3) field goals and scoring mote that. 7(1 points In a single game, shoot ing at field goal percentage of 511 pel contest and maintaining a 4 13 total tournament field goal |* i • eenlage. These recoid* Indlealc that the main dlfferenee* between whe*.| chair basketIwilI and the regulat sport are neither the s(ie«-d of the game nor the skill of the playei* Kliecpt for rhange* in diihhllng and In lime allotcd ill the off«»i slve Ire throw lane, wlieelriian iMskethall i* playixl Ju«t like Die regular garni' The wheelchair plajri use* two method* of drlhhling i l l lie can wheel 111* c h a li nnd Imuncr Mie ball simultaneously mueh the same a* n man |ilaying the leguiai game of 121 because some playe.* need both hand* to turn in pick up sfield he may alto lake two |ni*li r i with the hall In hll lap IxHime the hall one oi more lime*. Dual pu»h tw lr. mure 'Die seeoml method can !«• ie |M*nled any norntui of lime* until the man t* lead* to shoot ,,i t>. pa** I tie I,all He i* , tiled lot tiav cling If he lake* mine than two consecutive pu»hf» without txai'ii Ing tin- trail at lrn»t once Wlwelrtialr rule* chang, tin* three womk I tlei- lluow lam I till, llmi to *i* second* A* in legulm tmskettMill tli< offensive team ha* 19 seeonil* to hung the hull aer>Mui the renter line Offensive a id rteferisivi- team work take on added importance ill w he*.|rhnlr finsketliall 'Die w lie I rhalr player ranted tump lie i an t pivot hi fast a* * man on ht* feet M ara-tive ling ttiXMigli nine bulky wheel 'flail* I* idivl.xi. ly mtirr dlffaull Itian moving fhimigh the srinr oumiiei of able laid led fdayri* Also, aarii nmn on lhe wheel Chair team ha* reilm n disabilities that hi* teammate* mu*l lecog ro/e And no 'wo disabilities are exactly alike For I bear rraxm* teamwork •» the key to runi-u lor » wheel' rhalr haskrlhall team And, it is because of these dtffrrrnrrra that wheelchair basketball has deve1- 1 * 4 into one of the aval sc ten rifle and skillful sprats In Die ns I tan. Church Group Goat Caroling Several young |*‘ople and adult* of the Calvary Baptist Chinch went Christina* caroling Iiik I F r i - day night Some fruit basket* were also del I venal by the group to Home Mhutm* |mtn the rliurrh They returned to the parsonage and played scvcih I games then all enjoyeil the rcltcslimcnt* pie|uirtxl by the luat for the evening. I’ostoi Squire* and Ins wife A good time wa* enjoyed I«> all Cottallo Winnart l>r. Ed HellmId Nllui Postle- vvnite. Jerome llallom of Ft ....... .. I lull) iliNiver. ( Ilalle* Stevens, and I.emy Ilendnshot won l,as ket* of grocerte* at <'ttxlello'.i Tow n anil Country Market last Safui day <'tin* Srhmeil .loanne llaln i korn. Marilyn Gmskn ul/ tiemge Ilium*. .1. IJ. Cuttls and M illoxl Sun* won baskets >> l I > nil at tin same lime. Santa Makat Visit To Pack 85 Maating <*»il» S i (With of |*»H‘k Kr> mot Ilf flit1 flU'li Hi') II Mil f ilff-tf’t l.i 11| hI \\tl| ncMilay ni^lit f»ii flii n I hi t inlti i |M»ck mccflllL' ( 111 Ihf m ils CHIo I m wcic mini;, with Mm I >« *»» H u m on fit the poirto S hi it /i nwiift an apjH-ai . iim t aijfl flint i'll it 11f m I ill ntil f fifty 1•4-*•tft In Ifie >fMia^Alf-Mt John W ile* V4iih n iriD ft «It.•ir ttt:«vi of file unntiMl him muf ( (n|«| l»an f|Ue! tf» f»<* h e lil hi I-flu mti s 'l*fir di’fi rnnthci h. u f-i • m «-11j«»|^«- <»f H-fffhhmenK Woman's Club Program Notes Christmas Music The CbalKworth Woman's Club met Inst Wednesday afternoon at Hu* home ol Mr* (usage Augnlmr- ger Gilt* were brought to I m * sent to the Win Fox Children'* Home al Dwight Tile group enjoyed n fine musi- cal program planned by the music chairman. Mr*. II M. Trinket. Mrs. Allen Hiller gave a hi*tniy of Chrlklmns music Mr* (). (>. Oli- vet sang a solo. "Iln Unlay ol a King," and Mr*. Trlnkle played Hie "llalleluia Cltoius from the MeHkiah on the |iiHtvi. "What OilM Is Tilts 1" was *ung ns a duet liy Miss Faye Shafer and Mis (Mivpi Mis Brad Duckworth of Foncst ei included I he progiam by play ing a select ion of Christ- mas enrol* on Ihc marimba llo*te*ses were Ml* Dllgelle (PI )ci(c. Mi* Velma (t'Milen and Mi* John Kane. Huslyands Guests «if Jr Woman's Club Miikluindvi VM ie L'tlchth «»f the .III linn WiiiiMii's ( lull meinheiH land \Vednemla>' fm a |*»lliif k mi if >| mt a! Hie l\ of < I lidl A *h»u t l»l|M|- iichm meelhiL; immediat4 l> followed the meal At that time a roller lioti u / ih taken in | i|,d c of the iin tial t'ift ( Xf han^c I Id money will U' pent lo the \N »ii Khk ( hlldieii H Home at 1 >w h l l I fo Ih* added to the fnad foi R|J4‘a k c i« for the ehildirn'H looms WlMiam Matffilas |novtde«1 the fit o^l am fill I he 4\etili)k' lie kIiou I’d nlldih of In •* flip lo Suit- /ej land laut Jnl> lie io M i | pi | I i » fei|4*i r va ttfi a fimt hand uemunt of lieelnnetN moiinlaln cllmti^n; « \ | ■ ( I If ID . . Service For Ted Groskreutz Funeral services were held at St. John's Lutheran Church, Od- ium. for Ted Groakreutz, 44. who died Tuesday, Dec. 20, at a Cham- paign hospital. The Rev. W. C. Volkman officiated at the 11 a.m. service Friday, Dec. 23. Burial waa In Wert Lawn cemetery, Cul- lom. Mr. Oroakrauti was bom Jan. 16, 1922, a| Flanagan, the son of, Fled T. and Hattie Rowerta (irns- kreutz. He married Betty John- •eton at Piper Oty Oct. 9, 1949. Burvtvtng are his wife; two weta, I hinny anti Cliff at home; two daughters. Tina and Andrea, at home; hi* father and slc|imnthcr, Faye; four bmlhera, Harold and ItiMiald, Cullum; Richard, Dan- ville. and Paul Kankakee lie was precede*! in death by his mother. ill* w iin a veteran of World War II. a memlier of I fie American ia>- glon ii /m I Nt John lAilhernn Church. He was n |irodiiclion worker for I he A (>. Smith Cor|t, Kankakee. Bank Officials Hold Party Citizens Bunk directors, officers and employees and their spouses enjoyeil a Chi (slots* |atrly st the <)ld Susannsli in Falrbury Inst Tuesday evening. Twenty-two were present for s seven o'clock buffet dinner Following the din- ner, Killth wid Bill Zorn showed mterestlng slides Isken liy llient mi Itwir Kuntpesn trip. The |mr- ty ended liy group singing of Oirisfmns rsnds. Osle OilkHi Ina 44) lump* blab fee M ktll in males, Osssli Oisfsry If the Ml and 04 the Chefswecm •erti ley Legs feme 4winf the ne 14 te Hie right, leek en. Chat Meat lb Hebdey Tevrnemenf Tvesdey night, while tesm game.

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    Ezra CowpliN i Cow—aArmy Private Ezra Bo ruff, 19,

    son of Mrs Jessie Boruff. t i l N. Mayflower Ave., Bloomington, 111., formerly of Chatsworth, comptet- ed a cooking course at Ft. Hua- chuca, Arizona. Dec. IS, 1906.

    During the eight week course, he was trained in cake and pastry baking, meat cutting, and learned to prepare and serve food in Army mess halls and In the field.

    H is w ife , G itana . lives at 412 W . Chestnut, Fa lrtm ry .

    pendence. Oklahoma in 1906.

    They have spent moat of th e ir

    lives on the farm. They moved toIllinois in 1928 and resided on a farm until they moved into Chats- worth where they now live.

    They have four children: Everett in Decatur; Mra.Eveiyn Biliter ,at home; Arthur Ward in Pontiac -and Loyal in Wilmington. They also have nine grandchildren.

    Mr. and Mrs. A. 9. CaiNns " ... / 'sp raL y U n a n lllU ll f t —H ir ilwiw wg v w* Wlllllwli Bll-Wlw

    A family gathering was held at the Bayston home last Friday night with their children and grandaon, Paul Harms and wife of Indianapolis, Indiana, honored guests. George Harms was also present.

    R. V. McGreal Retires As Rural Mail CarrierRaphael V . M cGreal w ill r r t i ie

    as ru ra l route m ail e a rn e r F rid ay aften early twenty-one years w ith the postal service.

    R ay liegan is ru ra l ca rrie r in O ctober of I960, succeeding the late George Metz who had retired it M ay of 1949.

    P r io r to the route, R ay was Postm aster of C ha lsw o rth Post O ffice from March 1, 1946, until 1960.

    Fo r fifteen years. 1931-1916. Ray was G erm anvillc highway com m issioner and for s ix years lie was chairm an of I lie I .K ingston County

    Democrats.A lso he has served two term s ns

    pt'csidenf of the C ha lsw o rth L ions C lub , and has been instrum ental in many comm unity pro j-cts.

    Joe Balt/, has been appointed acting tem porary substitute for the route.


    Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B- Coigns their sixtieth wedding at their home Decem-

    25, 1999 with the immediate family present.

    Miss Anna Van Denryt and Arthur B. Cbllins ware married at the home of the bride near lade-

    G in te r of

    head-on During

    plans sponso townwas to be

    Zone andto attend a P iper C ity

    Local Fans To Play In Wheelchairs

    The scoreboard w ill read 20-0 in favor of the local A ll-S ta rs when they plan an exhibition of wheelcha ir basketball w ith the Cham- paign-Urbana B lack Kn ights S a turday. .Innuiiry 7. nt the Ch iils- worth high School.

    However, that score w ill go up on the Itoard before the game even sta rts .

    Chuck Dnhnke. team representative for the K n ig hts, says the wheel-chair eager* plan to s|>ol the local A ll-S ta rs at least 20 points "to make the game more challenging."

    Spotting points to al»le-lmdi«*d opponents Indore game time is not a new pmetiee for the Kn ights. Team s have tiern given ns many as 60 points dmmg a.n exhibition game and the Knights have trouble rcm rm lierinfi the last exh ibition they lost

    D alm ckc says the | k»u i! g iveaway doesn't in any way reflect the Knights' inspect for the p laying ab ility of their able bodied o|e ponenls

    “ Most of our exhibition opponent* are great on their feet.” D alm ckc explains "B u t the gozig is a lilt tougher when >ou have to play the game in w heelchairs ''

    The only non-confc. cncc cxhibi- tion game the Kn ights have p layed without giving points to their opponents was in 1960 when thin played the Denver T ru cke rs nt that lim e one of thTe nation's top industria l basketball teams.

    The It la rk Kn ig hts have l-con participating in the Midwest Conference of the National W heelcha ir Basket!,a ll Association sinee 1969 The N W B A t« up of over 40 team* playing in national competition throughout the country

    Although the It la rk Knights wheelchair leant wa* formed only seven year* ago team member* are not shoit on experience in national competition N early a ll of the Kn ig ht* attended the U n iversity of Illino is where they played w ith !h»n Hotter and llt l l Himmona to compel - wVth the I ' S Team at the In te rn ation a l tHvmptr Crimes

    F«*ir of the Kntght* c.-rnvd gold medal* to ted te thad at the game* and W hitm an art a new world rec- ortl in wbar Ir t ish a rchery compr iN tan

    The C k s to M ih g n a rte rh a e k r t u k la mnmwring the a h e e k h a ir

    Royal Neighbors Exchange Gifts

    The Royal Neighbors met at ttic home of M rs John Kndres Monday evening. There was just a shot! meeting held w ith a gift exchange

    T h e group played "50" and w in ners were M rs. John Kane . high. Mm. G race M arr, low. and M is. Eve lyn H itncr, l-ucky Three .

    The next meeting w ill tic on the fom tli Monday m Jan u ary

    JanuarySchoolCalendar2 No School3 School resumes3 Basket bull F a il Inny . here 6 Basket hall. M elvin - S ibley,

    here9-14 V V Conference B asket-

    hail Tournam ent at Oharga 17 C IA19-20 Sem ester Kxan is 20 Knd of F irs t Sem ester 20 lla ske tlia ll. Fa rm er ( 'it\ there 26-26 Heavyweight Tourney 27 R e p nt ra id s given to students 27 Basketb a ll, (lna rg a M ilitary

    Seh i* il. there2S Basktehall t ln a ig a . th e ir 31 B asketb a ll. M ilford, th e ir

    Brownies Go Ceroling'Hie Brownies of Trorrp 117

    went C h ris tm as caroling last Wednesday. Dawn Costello brought t rents.

    Joy B a rke r , S c . i I m*

    Conibear Store Awards Prizes

    G rand prize w inners ill the contest held nt the Conibear Drug store whore M ichael Low ery (did K a y Hawthorne. Each won a Columbia F ire A rro w bicycle.

    O llie r w inners were B u rlu iia K e lly , first (po ituh lc ty p e w r ite r ) ; F lo ra l Kyb urz . second ifo lk gu ita r s e t ) ; Rhonda Perk in s , th ird (4- s|aa-d phonograph). Jean Gerdes. fiH irth (lady 's 7-jewel autom atic w a tc h ) ; and l.isa K in ttle s . f ifth l Bern ie B e n ia id ta lk ing plush toy) in Ihc g irls' division.

    W inners for Ih c boys were Pau l Kerbor, firs t (pool ta b le ) : ftcottShafer, second frond race s e t ) ; M ike K is s in g e r th ild I snare d iu i i i ) ; C h ris C arrico , fourth. (R A F S p it f ire ) ; and Jam es K a ise r, f ifth izonm microscope la b ).

    Mi-s. Russel Lindenhnum of F o r rest. received the coffee pot whichwas given aw ay.

    Jim Knoll EftlitNJam es F . K no ll, son of M r and

    Mrs. Herbert K no ll of C halsw orth . lias enlisted in the United S tates A ir Force according to w ind re ceived from T S g f . Roger A Ew er*, local A ir Force R ecru iter

    A irm an K no ll Is presently re ceiving the six weeks basic Indoc trlnation train ing course a l A n n rillo A ir Force Base, Texas Upon completion of th is Course, he has selected the M echanical C areer Aren for technical train ing

    A irm an K no ll Is a 1966 graduate of Chatsw orth High School.

    Bluebirds Win| n U - f e J — -in noiiQQy Tournament

    C halsw orth , G ard ner and Rob- e rts-Th aw v ille were a ll w inners In the Chatsw orth Holiday Tou rnament a l Chatsw orth Tuesday night

    Chatsw orth defeated Buckley- I-oda, 76-05; G ardner defeated Say brook-Arrowsm lth 69-60 and Roberta-Thaw vi Ue defat ed OdellCom m unity 90-66

    The Bluebirds were behind In i point* in the first quarter, but rallied to take a five-point lead nt half-tim e They m aintained theii lead to w in the game

    Bob Liv ingston . Dale G ille tte , and Dan K eca scored 24. 20 and 17 points respectively to help overcome the first-quarte r slump.

    B a p t i s t W o m a n

    Hold SupporThe W M S of the F irs t ltaptl*t

    Church held th e ir annual (T ir is t- ma« su|iper on December 16 in the church basement. T h ir ty inentlter* and guests partook of the supper

    The program was led by Mr*. Jam es Peerk ln* and M rs John Codprr Rev. Ilapsen led devotions ami enrol singing. R ecreation lim e was spent w ith a gift e x change and a collection was taken for the Huddlcson Children's Home fur C h ris lm us treats.

    The Jan u ary meeting w ill lie at the John Coopef home in P iper C ity .

    (T iatsw 'orlh fg ft •l>LJvivngston to 4 24Keca 6 5 17IN IIei 0 3 3Gregory 2 3 7G ille lte 5 10 211Cnvanagh 1 1 3Irw in 1 0 1

    25 26 76H u ck lry- l/ id a fg ft •PNiemen 5 1 11Genzel 4 0 HReynolds 3 1 7Hllgendorf 5 5 15D unklin 3 2 HW right 3 2 HMsulden 2 0 *Ik iy le 1 2 1

    23 13 65Chatsworth 13 41 63 76Buck ley-i/>da 23 36 V) 65

    Game* scheduled to be p ia y d W ednesday night were Odell v» Sayb iook-A rrow sm llh a l 6 30 pm and (5 illo rn vs P iper C ity at H pm .

    Freshman Play AtHUworth

    Blueb ird freshmen learn p ia y -i nt FUm rorth Monday Dec 12 rm I won M to 2VChatsw-orth fit P t|Know 5 I I !Kntaer 4 7 1Murphy 4 / I"G allow ay 0 Illt lb ly 6 0 1

    To ta l* 19 13 !E llsw o rth fg ft t fMoney 1 IksirfirM 1 2 !H arvey 2 1 •*Shad*y 1 2 *t tsv is 0 0 1B a k in - le i I "

    Tota l* l ,« o * i t * ( S

    E ilsw e r lh 3 5 '.

    I I 7 ( h a t s w o ft i

    Psnots dragsry (ns 411, Ks«s (ns. Ml sN (amp tee a r tap 4 ada gams at U s M * *

    Finals at the

    01iMtt (ns.

    Win GrdCdridd A*CtHkint t dfnrddy

    W inning baskets of g n v e i ir . B u lk in 's F ix s l M art S*tun1>> • *•,* K sndts HuM y. C aro l R i» n it « « ' Ann Middy, Mats drsMl. F f» '* • IM — Jr. Fred Hnrnsrem R.n E n tit le s J r . W ayne Card ing . D e Hhnfer and WiNtam f l s w a k

    Wheelchair Basketball Takes Skill

    W heelciia ir hnskethall wit* c re ated in 1946 to meet the recreation needs of W orld W ar I I paiu ly/ed veterans Since then the game hns develojieil into one of the nation's most Hctenltfic and * k ii l l i i l sports.

    National touiMiment record* show wheelchair tenni* making 3) fie ld goals and scoring mote that. 7(1 points In a single game, shoot ing at field goal percentage of 511 pel contest and maintaining a 4 13 total tournament field goal |* i • eenlage.

    These recoid* Indlealc that the m ain dlfferenee* between whe*.| ch a ir basketIwilI and the regulat sport are neither the s(ie«-d of the game nor the sk ill of the p laye i*

    Kliecpt for rhange* in diihhllng and In lim e allotcd ill the off«»i slve Ire throw lane, w liee lriian iM skethall i* playixl Ju«t like Die regular garni'

    The wheelchair p la jr i use* two method* of drlhhling i l l lie can wheel 111* chali nnd Imuncr Mie ball simultaneously mueh the same a* n man |ilaying the leguia i game of 12 1 because some p laye .* need both hand* to turn in pick up sfield he may alto lake two |ni*li r i w ith the hall In h ll lap IxHime the hall one oi more lim e*. Dual pu»h t w lr . mure

    'Die seeoml method can !«• ie |M*nled any norntui of lim e* until the man t* lead* to shoot ,,i t>. pa** I tie I,a ll He i* , tiled lot tiav cling If he lake* mine than two consecutive pu»hf» without txai'ii Ing tin- trail at lrn»t once

    W lw elrtia lr rule* chang, tin* three w o m k I tlei- lluow lam I till, llm i to * i* second* A* in legulm tmskettMill tli< offensive team ha* 19 seeonil* to hung the hull aer>Mui the renter line

    Offensive a id rteferisivi- team work take on added importance ill w he*.|rhnlr finsketlia ll 'D ie w lie I rh a lr player ranted tump lie i an t pivot hi fast a* * man on ht* feet M ara-tive ling ttiXMigli nine bulky wheel 'f la i l* I* id iv l.x i. ly m tirr d lf fa u ll Itian moving fh im igh the s r in r oumiiei of able laid led fd ayri*

    Also, aa rii nmn on lhe wheel Chair team ha* re ilm n disabilities that hi* teammate* mu*l lecog ro/e And no 'wo disabilities are exactly alike

    For I bear rra xm * teamwork •» the key to r u n i- u lo r » wheel' rh a lr h ask r lh a ll team And, it is because of these d tffrrrn rrra that wheelchair basketball has deve1- 1 * 4 into one of the a v a l sc ten rifle and sk illfu l sprats In Die ns I tan.

    Church Group Goat Caroling

    Severa l young |* ‘ople and adult* of the C a lva ry Baptist Ch inch went C h ristina* caroling Iiik I F r i day night Some fru it basket* were also del I venal by the group to Home Mhutm* |m tn the r liu rrh

    T h e y returned to the parsonage and played sc v c ih I games then all enjoyeil the rc ltcs lim cn t* pie|uirtxl by the luat for the evening. I ’ostoi Squire* and Ins w ife

    A good time wa* enjoyed I«> all

    Cottallo Winnartl>r. Ed HellmId N llu i Postle-

    vvnite. Jerom e lla llo m of F t....... ..I lu l l ) iliN iver. ( Ila lle * Stevens, and I.em y Ilen d n sh o t won l,as ket* of grocerte* at < 'ttxlello'.i Tow n anil Country Market last Sa fu i day

    « *»» H um on fit the poirto

    S h i it /i nw iift a n a p jH -a i . i i m t a i j f l flint i'll it 11 f m I ill n til f f i f ty 1 • 4-*• t ft In Ifie >fMia^Alf-Mt

    John W ile* V4iih n iriD ft « It.• ir ttt:«vi of file unntiMl h im muf ( (n|«| l»an f|Ue! tf» f». O livet sang a solo. " I ln Unlay o l a K in g ," and M r*. T r ln k le played Hie " lla lle lu ia C lto ius from the MeHkiah on the |iiHtvi.

    "W hat O ilM Is T ilts 1" w as *ung ns a duet liy M iss Faye Sh a fe r and M is (Miv p i M i s B rad Duckworth of Fo n cst ei included I he progiam by play ing a select ion of C h r is t- mas enrol* on Ihc m arim ba

    llo*te*ses were M l* Dllgelle (P I )c i(c . M i* Velm a (t'M ilen and M i* John Kane.

    Huslyands Guests «if Jr Woman's Club

    Miikluindvi VM ie L'tlchth «»f the .III linn W iiiiM ii's ( lull meinheiH land \Vednemla>' fm a |*»lliif k mi if >| mt a! Hie l\ of < I lid l A *h»u t l»l|M|-iichm meelhiL; im m ediat4 l> f o l lo w e d th e m e a l At th at t im e a r o l l e r lioti u /ih t a k e n in |i|,d c of the iin tial t'ift ( Xf h a n ^ c I Id m o n e y w il l U ' pent l o t h e \N »ii Khk ( h l ld i e i i H H o m e at 1 >w h l l I fo Ih* a d d e d to th e fn a d fo i R|J4‘a k c i « f o r th e e h ild irn 'H lo o m s

    WlMiam M atffilas |novtde«1 the fit o^l am fill I he 4\etili)k' l ie kIiou I’d n lldih of In •* f l ip lo S u it - /ej land laut Jnl> l ie |» i o M i | p i | Ii» fei|4*i r va ttfi a fim t hand uem unt of lieelnnetN m o iin la ln cllm ti^ n;« \ | ■( I If ID . .

    Service For Ted Groskreutz

    Funeral services were held at St. John's Lutheran Church, Odium. for Ted Groakreutz, 44. who died Tuesday, Dec. 20, at a Champaign hospital. The Rev. W. C. Volkman officiated at the 11 a.m. service Friday, Dec. 23. Burial waa In Wert Lawn cemetery, Cul- lom.

    Mr. Oroakrauti was bom Jan. 16, 1922, a| Flanagan, the son of, Fled T. and Hattie Rowerta (irns- kreutz. He married Betty John- •eton at Piper O ty Oct. 9, 1949.

    Burvtvtng are his wife; two weta, I hinny anti C l i f f at home; two daughters. T ina and Andrea, at home; hi* father and slc|im nthcr, Fa ye ; four bm lhera, Harold and ItiMiald, Cu llum ; R ichard , D anv ille . and Paul Kankakee

    lie was precede*! in death by his mother.

    ill* w iin a veteran of W orld W ar I I . a memlier of I fie Am erican ia>- glon ii/mI Nt John lA ilhernn Church . He was n |irod iiclion w orker for I he A (>. Sm ith C o r|t , Kankakee.

    Bank Officials Hold Party

    C itizens Bunk directors, o fficers and employees and their spouses enjoyeil a Chi (slo ts* |a trly s t the < )ld Susannsli in Fa lrb u ry Inst Tuesday evening. Tw enty-tw o were present for s seven o'clock buffet dinner Follow ing the d inner, K illth wid B il l Zorn showed m terestlng slides Isken liy llien t mi Itw ir Kuntpesn trip . The |m r- ty ended liy group singing of O ir is fm n s rsn d s .

    Osle O ilkH i Ina 44) lump* blab fee M ktll in males, O sss li Oisfsry I f the Ml and 04the Chefswecm •erti ley Legs fem e 4 w in f the ne 14 te Hie right, leek en. Chat Meat lbHebdey Tevrnemenf Tvesdey night, while tesm game.

  • i i I K T H S

    Mr and Mm. William Joyce of ( bnfr.worth *r** the parents of Pamela Henee horn llecenibr. I.t al i anbury IIo«|iIInI '1 hr new a r rival weighed ala |nkjo(I« and fifteen m u1 hop half mince*

    M r* Maggie Joyce of H i anile f l f y la Ih r grandmother

    O ther ch ildren ate H e lm nine. David p Ir I i I. anil Lau ra flvp

    < I IV r- tW O H T II M d llH K r aCom 41 3 .linin'. JJ*11 Mia 711

    Santa's Mail Bag



    I WIHII to thank all you good folks for spfMtlna me ao many beautiful O irlalm aa card* oi*pp I was home They w arr y. rally ap prectated. lhank you again.

    Itill A Kohler• \ T J 9 \ m

    T H A N K H to CV i l l c a i * noil t* all my flMnda ami relative. who voted for nw in IIip OirialftM . m e

    IV-kin.lUxm la Hup

    I WOULD I.IKK In aay a "big thank you in UohMmar'* an I lo all wImi voted f r mn and help

    T H A N K H In Conlhi'ar H u m HIo i p noil all who vn|P R — r t r k N n r * . i i .i .i n o i n

    fh u r t t io y , D rv rm liO f I9 6 A PctQO Two

    The Chatsworth Plaindealer«tt I . to*o«l thorn u n t i l

    A I'rodort uf Tho Blade I’uhluhtni I nmpany JaaiM || Knborts I M v amt I'uM lthr

    c r n r tc u rro k Mr* A M n f i f r w i o»**t». in n r m iA i AND A D V M t p M i h m ik c r t iiN lot* r

    Hr Inn lllnk L w y M m , U tf i kotk Mnwrry « erote hnhrlin ItrMltPt

    — H * » ii Moray. >**». 11 wed from other libraries must be returned to the library irom which the books were tiorrowed. Any adult having a Chatsworth library card In i >i d stinding may he issued the blue identification card upon request.

    W atch next week for listing of new books. Announce Engagement

    Tha Ckatswarth Owartarhack Club is saansarku *ha yam# whkh could bo quit* Interesting with all thooo wheelchair, on tha court at ana time.

    Mr* I f W M cCulloch, now liv- IliK In lh> Halt*, w rote Ihut M ary w ill be spendinR the eccond semester In H aw a ii where she w ill do ipspuicb work on language She w ill n w Imek In June to help In the Iriiu ilo g of tencheti fur Head S tu rt, which she did last summer and enjoyed The M cCu lloch* i” v|iecled to In- In Wheaton w ith W it**, for Christm as The granddaughter, Sue. was co iitirg titan K i mi*'*' to enter '| exit* Wi-sl run College W alt.u th inks he w ill Ik* Ira n rfe , red to O e rin n iv In l-'»-l>- d good wlstte* on mu .’kith wedding a n n lv e isn y

    Mi and M n t m l I> **1 •• U’ JII t J .- t

    J a n • W a rn e r It.. I,i,r*tsn in Sil ver Sp. lnu*. M aiy la tu l w ro te Mini • lie v.ns w.n k ing one day a week ■it » It* d ( iiws v o lu n tee r T h e boys w ere t a l l e r Ilian III* it m*»- Ihei and t.iisy w i th school mid I t iy S i m ils I hey ex p ec ted in iqiend t a s t e r v ae i l lo f i | i t- lnndn

    ,\hne H o st le r w ro te lim n St 1 'e te is la n g F lo r id a . that F ln ic n e e M ackey had had m a jo r su rg ery noil e* reco ve rin g slo w ly In 11hop.* I I* l e hom e from the h is n f n l I»> t to Is tn ia s A lin e hud hint Ill'll, t sto re i v last sil m il ' h i ii 'i h*o d Mas ***nt a r a i l

    an H u sh in g New Vo K

    M in N. r lo n s lly m t in l*e . h i se iii ih e li an nual < h r t s tm is let le i V tis Not ton Is t rn i'h tn 1 fm irth graik* a m l John Is s i i l l ai M anual th e n itanghle M o y Alli'e w as n ia r i l d In Ju ly T h ree * f l*ii- i ih t ld ir n n r i i ladletre Ihey have f lv - gram k tnldren who m ake the w r n r i|*tM** llv ly w hen they a rttv r on f l i istn ia s I v* for a v tail

    I duty Itliptwt wilting M**n 11a* said the* estS'Cted tlyep am

    •1 home for the holidays and I’h I and tila wife t*> lm wllh them on I hilatmas t ve M * t"leaching In Ihr high whivit In Pun liar and Clarence was r tsci t ly elr. led inyinty trrwwinrt

    lanothy I .noise Kemmcrs Hatch, living In Arvada. Cokirado. srmt a pulnte of her tlir*u* children, a Imy. a girl, and a little taiy.

    M rs Jo h n l le ik e n sioit a note from S in a s o la . FTrulda S h e sa id she lik ed slin n y K lo rit la hut she m issed Ihr- love lln .'ss of a w h ite ( 'h ristinn s

    l>avld .‘ffo u ti'in yer. g ran dson of the la te R ,, R and N e llie S to o lf - in y c i. is tanehing In the en g in ee i- m g d e |v a ifin en | In H o im iI i i I u , tint tie and h is w ife rx|wa-ted to visit his p iu e n ts Hie V e rn o n S tie ite m y - e is . lo r < 'In iitlinas in l a lilo r in a

    M r* ( m l W a rn e r w ro te fn a n S t I'p te rshu rg . F lo r id a , that FTed had er the hull- la y .

    Hr* A llen M ’l is h a l l and f.unity w .te fit.*** | tw-kport w h e ie they moved m J i l l " M is M ai sh a ll Is I e o h eg ( lis t gt.ii),. in the Ku 'i morn grn.l*. si h ssi w h irh i■ just at i t.s the . f i r s t t ita n then mine t a int Is a senio in T a v lo f I'n 'v e r- *11V at t ’pturol, Ind She and R*«J. get A shm an are p lanning lo m a rry a fte r school ends in J i i i o Moth at* g ta d o a t'-g M rs spring rhe lt '■hut* h tailklm g ttm I- a irotont M ethodist is only tw o years iMd n *e average at ti-n*|ivy*st is i l l ) and st ill gr»aa Ine O n So lid ay e v r nine the M a rsh a lls h c li» .f in

    lla n ii ng the l i r r r n s The tdiurcfl w as a tti s r l lv e ty t t re .s le d lor t hi istn ia s

    Mrs. J. R. Kesterson writi.ig from Peoria said Rev Kest -rson hud done quite u hit of filling in for pastors. He had suffered un at tack of flu at Faster folkrwed by bronchitis. It took lota of sunshine nntl golf games to cure him The church they at tend has over J.IKSt members hut tho.v Is always tuim’thing for them to do. They had even ha*' ' learn to say "No."

    A note from Rn... iirennem ili slated she wa* now assistant pun- rt[sil at Chlddix Junior High Sehiail. Normal She found their l.fiHII students active, hut she enjoyed them When their switch- hoard wasn’t wo. king correctly she was sill prised to see Pal Sriivilon ouinr in to make repair*.

    ^ fncnt/%Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Nuss

    tun in J i .i t Cline, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skurka. LaVerne Combs. Marcia Freehill and Mr. and Mrs. Quinn Freehill of Bloomington, v.ere Christmas eve guests at the Gene Cline home.

    Christmas day guests at t h e Gene Cline home included Jim (Tine. Marcia Freehill, Mr. and Mrs Robert Harris of Aurora. I.aVerne Combs and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Skurka of Bloomington.

    IJnn Gillett has spent a week’s vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Gillett.

    John and Joe Thompson are spending their Christmas vacation with their parents. Mr and Mrs. Terry T trsnp ’on.

    Cheryl Haberkora of Blooming ton spent the Christmas weekend with her parent*. Mr and Mr.. Louis llatierkorn

    Mr and Mrs. Jim Birkenbeil of Midlothian and Kile.n Hirkenbiel of Chicago spent the Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mr*. Harry Birkenbeil.

    Mr and Mrs. Max Newby and family of Knoxville spent the Christmas weekend with Mr. and Mrs Clarence Shols.

    Mr. and Mrs. William Livingston of Chatsworth announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Kathryn Livingston, to W illiam H. Bliss, son of M.\ ami M m . Harle.d Bliss of Normal

    Miss Livingston graduated fio-r Chatsworth High Sehiail in 19*r*. She attended Illinois S ta te University and will graduate in Jifie from Midstale College of Cum-

    Luther League Holds Christmas Party

    meree in Peoria.Mr. BJiss graduated fpom Bloom-

    tori high school in UHtil. He is a t tending Southern Illinois University at Cnrbo idale.

    A summer yvedding is p lan c l.

    jteA t yo uJo Jtg a t

    Luther Leagur met at th church last Wednesday night for their Christm as parly. Games were played and a scavenger hurt held. lin d a (ierth, Debbie Gregory, 1-arry Geerdes and Dennis Gregory were i.n charge of rrcre- tion.

    Jane Ilornstein, Linda Horniekel Keith Henrichs and John Keinitz were in charge of refreshments.

    Try ACornbait Classifieo

    25,000 a ssd srs

    e 11 h h t itWSC'S will m e t Wetlnesday, Ja n u

    ary 1 with a !) a m. h .cakfast at the Methodist Kducation building

    MOTIIKR’S (T.UB will meet Monday. January tf. iit the K. of C. hall at 8 pm

    CATHOLIC Women’s League will meet Wednesday. Januaiy 4 at 1 30 p.m.. at the horhe of Mrs. H 'na Kndres.

    B(/YS 4-H will meet al the high School Monday. January 9, at 7 30 p.m.______________________

    B w s t l^ a iiA

    •4 Flpar CO*

    W « r . ringing in the New Year with

    hearty pood wishes for you and a ll your lovod ones. M ay

    th is bs tha year a ll




    during theWith Special Discounts

    H u m — M — Sat. M

    Pontiac Discount Salos, IncW N . M O » ._________________________ P —H w , m


    Bogin Jan. 16, 1967

    At Fairbury Hospital

    Any as lutaiaMad ia this tws-trw fc class,U A g4a |hg | ShSaaumo o a a o ' v v a i « s a a a i | n w s *

    hit Office from • a.m. is S g.m.

    Chat libraryComer

    By Lucia* HaOarfcwaFifty-eight new book* for adult*

    have been recelveed the fimt allot-*------ m d er the Com Belt Sya-tem'a loan plan. They will be available to patron* over a period

    of aev -rai months.

  • i i Cumatage aflPantiee. i t . aad Mrs. XtHMtk RUN r of Arlington Heights were f dinner M b at the Rey ■dag home.5a Sunday evening Mr. and V UUUasaiey and family, im Patera and Debbie. Mr.

    Mrs. Alfred Fellera, Mrs. Clarenfa Welsh of MoaUcoiio. and Mr. an t Mrs. Jim Habarkern were all Christmas guesU of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hoelscher.

    Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Roger andfamily of ChUlieothe spent Monday visiting the Ray Aarou's.

    SfarCS Augsburger f»ndl| Mar weekend guest wt wgaburgrr, a student at jSaca in Elgin.Michael Lighty of San lIMarnie. arrived home |

    L w Alan Irwin will leave January « ludeon for ^ MOMt h s on the Mediter

    ranean. Me works with radar equipment on the U.8.S. America.

    Duane flnathsm RUnois University, Ii K» Ran home Spenittng the heUdaye with lbs his her aareels, Mr. aad Mrs. La- Norma BVGffti% n®

    i - 4 ‘ 'Chatnw orth* I l l in o is

    » January training In

    Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bayston. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Horastein ro d family and Phil Kohler had Chriat- mas dinner with Mrs. George Horastein.

    The fourth birthday of Donna“ * ***?[, Cynthia. Ste- tending beauty

    Mmlthew, spent Christmas kee, spent her i » « d a y and Monday with the Rev. with her moth. » ff™: .U Toy W i The Rev. rine.RonnM B«|la la pastor of the M et*. Mr, and Mrs.

    Victoria, 111. . entertained Mr.. M r Mrs. John Roberts. Mis. Lawless of La Jam e H am a. Mr. and Mrs. D ad e Cbvanagh of C T rio r and JogsaUaw and Mr. mid m as dinner sn» guests includ-

    ia.aduated from Bloom- >1 in 19K5. H r is at- icrn Illinois Univrr- ulii le.redding is p lan cd.

    yo uJo Ju ja t

    -t-j-H-H 11 * * * * * * * *•rt W ednesday, J iy iu - a !) a.m . h.-oakfust at list Kducatinn bulld-

    l . UB will moot Mon-y tl, a t the K. of C.m.

    Vomen’s League will esday, Januaiy 4 at it the hortie of Mrs.s.

    ill meet at the high tday, Januury 9, at

    ------- 1 —

    iw u iM u H u iiu o ^ aMrs. Leo Ker-

    Mrs. Em m ett Cavanagh Mr. and Mrs. Robert

    and Mike for Chriat-

    andand Mr. and Mrs.

    Lawless and Pat.




    Ovality Furniture &

    CarpetingLarge Selection of All Styles

    Convenient Monthly Payments

    WRIGHT'S FURNITUREI I S E. Madison — Pontiac

    irth birthday of Donna Sharp w as celebrated a t the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ken* neUi Sharp Tuesday evening. Refreshm ents of oaka aad we cream were eerved. Attending were her grandparents, Mr. and Mra. Carl Anderson of Danforth and Mr. and Mra. Floyd Sharp.

    Mra. John Gerdes Sr. spent Christmas Eve a t the home uf her daughter. Mrs. Eldon Flessncr and family a t Piper City.

    Richard Burm eliter, a Junior a t Texas Lutheran College, Seguln, Texas, came last Tuesday to spend the Christm as holidays with his parentr. Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Bur- m cister and Paul.

    Mr. and Mrs. Phil K oem er spent the Christm as holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Albrecht J r . and sons of N orth Aurora.

    Mr. and Mrs. Lnrance Ulitzsch cfitetained Mr. and Mrs. PerceU Antenati and family of Beaverville, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pardy and family of W atsrka, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Arsenau of Beaverville, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Ulitzesch, EM. W arren Ulitzsch. and Peter Kem- pen, M art inton, on Monday evening for Christmas supper.

    Mr. and Mra. F rank Hummel and Anna Henrietta had Christmas dinner Monday a t the Lloyd Kern- netz home. O ther guests included Mr. and Mrs. Will Varner, Debbie, Betty and Dawn of Overland, Kansas. who were called home for a funeral in Decatur. After attend. Ing the funeral the Varners visit .-d with the Kcmnctzcs.

    LeonardMr. r -

    f - i’___ ______Pekin.

    Mr. and Mra. Harria Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Kenneth of GUman. and Mrs Carl Schade and CUllom, were Christm as guests a t the home of Mrs. WeMen Schade.

    Mr. end Mrs. Walden spent Monday in Blooming iting Mra. Schade’s sister husband, who are both In L._ pita).

    Mr. and Mrs. W alt Lee and daughters entertained t i r . and Mrs. Henry Day of Norm al and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Ulitzsch ifnr Christinas dinner. *■

    Mrs. M argaret Sm ith Christm as w ith Mr. and Mrs Smith and family of Pontiac, ner guests included Mr. and Mia. W ilbur Paxton and Edgard Wlfion of Colfax.

    Mr. and Mrs. W alter K roeger of Chatsworth. Mra. Jim Phillips of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hines and daughter of Falrbwry spent Christmas a t the home of Mrs. Robert Kroeger in Falrbury.

    CORN & SOYBEAN MEETINGTues.. Jan. ) — If.M — J:M Presbyterian Church, PentiacPeur U. ef I. Crag Specialists

    L. Knake — Weed Central,Hew Seybeen Plant Orews

    Steve Meere — Insect Central Den Graffie — Heat, Drawth, and Cern

    Den Teel — Seybeen Varieties — Rates —' Raw Width —Planting Dates

    A Program of

    Livingston County, Agricultural Extension Council

    Spensered by SI Fertiliser, Seed A A«. Chemical •and 1 Llmeetene OeaUrt

    Coffee at t i l l — Lunch by Ladies ef the Church

    • • :V^#f^^SdBnRA* ra . wAibsWAt.

    Miss Teenage Contest1st Week ef ionuary

    CONTEST RULESPhotogrnphgd at Vermillion Studio

    FairburyFormerly Fults Studio

    No Cost To You Po m Soloctod by Studio

    Photograph in Color Proofs Upon Request

    Portraits May Bo PurchaMd


    I P0L0R0ID 104II x 14 Picture

    II INSTAMATK 104 8x 10 Framed Picture

    III STARMITEx / rrameo ncnirt

    - ! ••

    hy Papnmr VaseVotes Cast at Studio

    ■ ■ H i1 M M M I

    will bo changed to


    Bill A Aria M ono— 130 E. Locust

    A ll C h ristm an Item n. . cards* w ra p

    and ornam ents

    H A P P Y N E W Y E A RTO PM OAT — TWIN PAOKP O T A T O C H I P S ....................................3 9 C

    DEL MONTYC A T S U P - 1 4 o * . ........................2 fo r 3 0 C

    VAN CAM, — NO. * CANP O R K A N D B E A N S ...............2 f , ,r 3 3 c

    NT AN MAT — H AITRCANHC H U N K T U N A ............................3 fo r R 9 c

    M A C A R O N I D I N N E R S ..............................2 3 9 C

    c iS m ^ E t” ”* " .................2 " » • can $ 1 . 1 9

    IV fliT IAQCID — M 07. BnfTM AD E T E R G E N T .............................. 2 fo r 8 9 c

    A P P L e "p I E F I L L I N G .............4 fo r $ 1

    R O Y A L G E L A T I N .......................... ea. 8 c

    WHITE FACIAL or fTHAWED T IM ITS C O T T IE S 4 fo r 8 9 CHNMIICV — IS on. < ANC H O C O L A T E S Y R U P 1 9 c

    0£Wiy (BoaTOPMOSTI C E C R E A M ..............Vi ira llon 5 9 c

    N R A rrx Am erica n « p im ie n t oS L I C E D C H E E S E 8 oz. 3 9 c

    P l I X S B U m r B I S C U I T S ......... ea. 8 c

    -FR O ZEN F000S-(M W jinr-A S-w s - i i oxP IZ Z A w ith M U M f e ............................ 5 9 c

    ' * M

    f ^ A i l t h c h e e s e ........... J fo r 8 9 c

    3 f°r $1


    Whole Chickens. i . 23cU . S . Ch o ice C e n te r C u t

    Btef Roast b. 55cHo-Made

    Perk Sausoge 2 lbs. for 89clb. 29c

    lb. 49c

    lb. 5$c

    Picnic Style

    Pork RoostFrenh

    Pork SteakKckrich Sliced

    BolognaArmftur Slur ( 'aimed

    Hams. . . 5IL tie $4.7t3 Pound Tin

    Chopped Ham . . lb. 99c Spiced Ham. . . . lb. 59c Boiled Ham .. lb. $1.29


    ■ ■ 91

  • -

    The Chotsworlh

    Thurs., Dec.Sm * G g ib tK i B U I h I i T K V ? R.wnond p Kunli m Pairburv * ™ w TO DSSJONiD akteed — estimated at more than The m policy was necessitatedD 1 M 1 1 M I L I S f,ik3 toy toU n X t^ ^ a y a t^ o p UlM e M * * e t f « |M f e j bUUoo ia INS - s h o u l d by the discontinuance el supply

    I .. ITLrtiM *1S y P Commission has eaaeueced a staid- deebfe’’ from the American NattsMl Red

    C M , > SSSjrsr.'T'ffii.S.t/ ju r y TRIAL •'Ul *• selected and submit- season, the Illinois Department of physicians. The amount of the si

    Carl Prsnia. » . Pontiac, opera A complaint against Hall* Kin*. *"* 5 S " w iT d i t td e d tk Z ? .k>c.,UoM w»» ta dlrf5‘ 1[70[>̂ ntors license not on person, aqd. Phntiac. by W. D. She me I, of Poo i iT a lr tM thc Ittppoft * * 64001 do*failure to carry RgirtraUcm cam. tlac, charging battery, alleging *°r * S**" ”2 n ^ ? * ’in Tnd m" a* oi OT Pro*r,>B *■ llu“ol*.Charges against franao were

  • Thursday. December 29, 1966Poo* Five

    GENERATION «y. ^ m M e i t h e . A « * . t M. tote to n e le t t a t d $ 5 n S m ^ T S S S ^ S m ._ . „ _ • men. "Ham why an the te n e t on Wednesday Kohler R n t t o i n f O a m .

    r n * .sX m m C M for t s . imv * 7 S n . i ^ “ l £ f o i ^ h £ '™ d **' 7 ? “ " • |J M ,r. 2 * * K « » * *»- ££, .TXSTVJTdlS? e £ J£ “- "** *h'* S L ^ S i. « t Rthe program, the party, the gifts, {ajna ̂ They objected to the games . rvi rk r iitm u . . . , J . _the games, the movie. t a d M i t o S t o d U . CtoUtmMaftamoon.. “* * h^f?1 ***•“* ** ***. btm *’

    Te*chfT*y>e Simon's graduation in Au- Teacher protested, “I'm feeling occu red 'the ms rrlVge o f ’M isi' Corii^ u ‘V ! r ChlnK T ' I " ° r aiucssn- lMb(.||r som e:* of Strawn. and have purchased a M ~ l m

    grade. Both had a part in the wed- tented children who c a n t enjoy Mr Jamoa Jacob R em neti of Mooro in the south p w t g f« n¥L.of ' Judy *° V,rB“ " ny,hln*- ™ V h* J ood' H®1 lhe Chatsworth, Rev. Fr. Hess offlc- and Just across the r tro r tM artin Dec. 18. games, not the prizes, not the ia t |n* Urn WDUun K ^ t t l a m s

    gifts, not the movie." , - ?Rev. John Itole and Esther sent Santa turned sadly. "They do { rT o.. L l_

    a le tter frm ljikewtwd, Colorado, that to me, too. Tuesday, Jan. 3 YKAR* AUO r *lrYu ry .*1Daughter Father Is 10 now and a will be the store’s biggest day of December BO. |ggg r i . n I n / — • ■ - - ■ ** 1

    est—3 rooms and bath, wall to 4-H member. Barbie Ruth who is the year with everyone taking . , . Df**.MrKq.V ... T 1 ** _wall carpeting, electric heat, wash- H is taking art leaaons. A rthur back the presents I gave them, home, In t ^ t s ^ r t n w e a n e a - m w w h w aw rw i wmp er. dryer and stove furnished. No Kirk 6 is in kindergarten and Julie ones they didn't like, didn't want. “Hy nJorf“n*' 291 •* * * • . i r 1.™ n °*?. Il> *water bill to pay. $65 per month, th) Is in pre-school projects, apon- ! feeding with h i. chicken, at h i. wyn Hoapital fn*n a m ptuiroom asriBc. Ph. 692-3033 or 692- Borgman, from Westland, Mich to appreeiati them ___ « r»... ,.r .h -

    T H R E E U N IT apartment building Y O U R OLD liv ing room and bed- mtics south of R ld g cfam i on Route in Forrest. Excellent condition, room suites in trade on new ones.Gas hot water heat. Ph. 657 8291, See us on carpet prices before you W illiam Fu llm er, Real Esta te . buy. Haberkorn’s, Chatsworth. Ph.

    c-929-tf 635 3481S P IN E T P IA N O B A R G A IN Want ed: Responsible party to take over low monthly payments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally . W rite Credit Manager. P . O. Box 27R. Shelbyville , Ind iana. * 128 1229

    1966 C H E V R O L E T ton pick up. L ike new. B ill Devenport, 692 3161.

    c 128 tf

    I F YO U W AN T TO B U IL D A NEW HO M E—See Steffen & Son Lum ber Oo. We have FH A money a v a ilable. Up to $30,000 loans. 30 years to pay. Call 692 2224 or evenings 692 2855. c 1215 216

    JOTS adjoining Westvlew school Will build dwelling to suiL PboM 492 201 i. Ytutrh Agency, c-513-n

    HONEGGER Farms Co. wants lo buy good quality baled mixed Jhey Ph 657 8211. c l 229 1229

    FO U R ROOM modern house and lot. Gas neai. At Strawn. Phonr 688 3417. c 1215 It

    L A D IE S , if you live in Fayette . Belle P ra ir ie or Indian Grove Townships and would like to work part tim e with good earnings, why not let me show you how’ Write Avon Manager. N o r m a Johns. Pontiac, o r phone 844 7529

    C 1215 1229

    M R. F A R M E R tractor radios, alltransistor. $69 95, Fa irb u ry Appli anrr, 202 E . I-ocust St. c-922 tf HELP WANTED

    A '60 C H E V Y 4 door BelA ire Ph.635-3101 or 635 3691 c 121 tf

    INSULATED C O V E R A L I.S by Big Smith at Huber's Clothing, F a ir bury. c 929-tf

    T H R E E piece late model hath room set Ph. 692 3100 c 1222■12.1 HID ING

    blanket, anil feixlS P IN E T P IA N O — Local Take o u r hank payments W rite The .Mi im .'

    Shop, No. 48 Town and C >untr> Mall, Overland (14) Missouri

    c 1229 1229

    NEW FASH IO N colors are Sue delight. She keeps her rar;n-l rid ors bright— with Blue I.ustri ’ Hen electric shampoucr SI W alion- Fa irbury c 1229 1 22

    M A L E FO R machine shop and assem bly Good working conditions, group insurance and paid vacations Apply in person to John J . Ja ile r , Colfax Manufacturing Co . Ph 723 2511 c-1020 If

    AN A U . modern 2 bedroom tra ile r Ken K a fe r, Ph 0 2 3761 c 128 tl

    L A R G E 3 BED RO O M new 196- ranch atyle home, stone and bm k Iteautiful location and shrubberx North side of Forrest Win (. Fo llm er. Real Estate r!2 29 tl

    SERVICESMlnl-BuNket*The excluHive ex tra tub tha t doea delicate fabrica, leftovcra, or nuiaancc loada like ancakera or colored things th a t run.Rig capacity waah baaket. Hydropower Activator" waah aya- tem Htippllea the action th a t ge ta f&mily-bizc loada rea lly clean.3 Waah Cyclca • 2 Waah, 2 Spin Spccda • 3 Waah, 2 Rinac Tem- peraturca • I’crm anent Press Cooldown • Infinite W ater L e v el Selection • Autom atic Bleach Dispenser

    C r o a t V a lu e

    AN LP N . Sa la ry open Fa irv iew Haven c !2 2 2 t f

    IA N leather purse—probably in downtown area. Tues night Con turned about $30 Ph 692 2794 after 5 p.m c 1222 1229

    P e r m a n e n tA n t i - F r e e z e

    Ethylene-Glycol Base

    $ 1 . 4 4 G al.In Six Gallon Case Lots $ I 49 by the single gal

    You can't buy better

    In Stock NOW

    W’E G IV E S A H. Green Stamp* Tonishoppe, In e , Fa irb u ry . elf

    SAW S H A R P EN IN G to do in my U .m r All work done with machine Hand saws U . c irc le saws up lo in inches. $1 I . A Shoemaker. 512 K E lm . Chatsworth. Ill

    t 1222 1229

    H O U S E K E E P E R , lo live in young home, one pre schooler, three in school. private room ; weekend* off if desired Pontiar phone 844- 5024 after 5 p m , or 6446682. 9 5

    c 121 tfFOUND

    B LA C K AND while beagle dog Call 0 2 2650 r 1229 1279

    R E G No 1 Wayne soybeanscleaned in bulk or I by bags. Jg r v / r K t r 4 lSpecial p rice January deliveryGeorge M iller. I hatsworih T35 3463 ----------------------------------- —-------______________________ __________ 1222̂ 1229 bedroom furnished aparl

    W D. M IL LE R A EON m rnt. a ll utilities $70 C a ll lienSeptic Tank A Cesspool Cleaning K a fe r 692 2493 e 1222 tf

    _ Clh in NEWI.Y redecorated upstair* aPt^ne 04-2232 Piper CHy. •" paftmrf|| „ KorrPal slovp r(ffr, rC A R P E N T E R , remodeling and re eratrsr, beat furnished Available pair work Wm B erk , Chataworlh. Ja n I C a ll Ixiute Knapp. 657 87SI Ph 635 3456 r 1215 1229 or Ronald Steidlnger 0 7 61*7

    i ■1 1 ........... r 1222 IS

    A ’ Butinest Opportunities

    S E R V IC E Station for Iraae Phot.r 0 2 2831 or Graym ont 117 «- 1222 tl

    MONTGOMERY W ARDCatalog & to * Agency

    124 W. Locust Ea irb u ry , IIIPhone 082 2379


    Don Haerr Real Estate

    Home$ Farms Lots

    Phone 692-3245

    610 North 2nd Feirbury

    also time to doGet yours taken care of early H something about your accounts to save you future taxes and per

    Make an appointment to 692-2856 A complete service »$ your convenience.

    Dionne Accounting Service



    T H R E E H ID IN G horses WeldonDchm. ( klell • . 1229 1229

    M E N S F IG U R E skates sue Hi-like nr * t ilrnn Pearson . Chatsworth. a _1229 1229


    T e te p te t* 634-3230

    HaijrSunday * 00 and 10:00 W eekdays—*: 16 a m .F irs t Fridays — 7:00 a m

    11:00 a rr .

    am .



    Sunday. Holy ( omniunion and 9:00 a m

    Church School 10 a in.K. P e tte tt , V icar

    7 30



    Saturday and Sunday*1 January

    "WALK, DONT RUN"with

    C ary G ran t, Sam antha E | | a r

    ( M o n ta n aOn Saturilay and day before

    first Friday aand llolyday of Obligation - 4 00 to 5:00 p m. and T 30 to 8:30 pm.

    - J e ro m e V. MorrUany, F-*tor


    Sunday School 9:30 a.m.Worship 10.45 a m.The membership class will meet

    on Thursday of this week at 2 p m. A fter the first of the year it will meet Thursdays after school.

    The WSCS January meeting will lie on Wednesday, January 4th. at 9 a.m.. for a breakfast meeting. The topic for the day is. “Compulsive Conformity und Christian Values." The leaders are Mrs. Milford Irwin and Mrs. J. S. Coni- bear.

    Leroy E. Bula, Castor

    Remodeling your kitchen?ANDERSEN

    CASEMENTSare easy to operate

    Even at arm's length oveta kitchen counter, Andenea Casements always open effortlessly. Just a flip of the latch and n turn of e*s«>n: "Choosing Your First Loyalty."

    Morning Worship at 10:30 a m including the service of lloly Communion.H n ta w d a y . January 4

    Church ladies furnish two pies and come to help with lunch at Wiliam Arch farm sale, time: 10 a.m.Saturday . January 1

    i Note change of date >.The Youth Fellowship will meet

    at 7 p.m at the Le;* Attig home, lead e r: Steve 'frunc; special number: Linda Attig

    - Edward J. York. Pastor


    Sunday, Jan u ary 1Sunday School 9:45 a m. Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. Church Training Hour 6:45 p.m.

    A class for every age.Evening Gospel Service 7:30 p.

    m.W ednm day. January 4

    7:30 Bible study and prayet meeting followed by the annual business meeting

    Wayne Squires, Pastor

    V M t O ur New Ccncesslosi S tand

    B L A C K S T O N ET H E A T R E



    Friday. Dee. 50-81Satu rdayTWo Shows 6:30, 8:30 each night

    Saturday Matinee 2:00 p.m."ONE SPY TOO MANY"

    W ith R obert Vaughn and David McCollum

    The Men From U.N.C.L.E. in color

    Sua.. Mon.. Toe., Wed. Jan . 1-2-S-41 Show Week Nights starting 6:30

    Cont. Sunday from 2:00 JA M ES BOND



    W ith SEAN CONNERYin color

    Ttiurs., F rt.. S a t. Jan . .V«-7



    Sunday School 8 45 a.m. C hurch Services 10:00 a.m.

    - W. C. B urm eiater, Pastor

    F IR S T BAPTIST CHURCH Sam day. January I

    Sunday School at 9.30 a.m.Morning Worship Service 10:30

    a.m. The Ordinance of the Lord's Supper will be observed ut this service.

    Sermon subject: “The Song They Sang "

    Baptist Youth Fellowship will meet at 6:00 p.m.

    Evening Evangelistic service at 7:00 p.m.

    P asto r’s sermon subject: “In the Days of Thy Youth.”

    The Evening Evangelistic service will be led by the Baptist Youth Felowship.T hursday , January 5

    Bible Study and Prayer Service at 7:00 p.m. Study subject: "Studies in Prophecy the Great Tribu- laton."

    John II. Hansen, Interim Pastor


    No “Know Your Bible" class until January 4.

    7:30 Regular weekly choral practice.

    8 :0 0 --Dartball team plays at the Lutheran Church.Satu rday

    No Catechism class until January 7th.Sunday, January 1st

    9 :3 0 Sunday School classes — "Time of Preparation."

    10:30 a.m.. Annual New Year's- "Holy Communion.”T hursday , January- ftth

    First WSWS meeting of the New Year at 1:30

    Im portant I .oral Conferencewith reports at 7:00.

    --L a Roy Huntley, Pastor

    Completes Bgsic

    EUB Women Give GiftsThe EUB Woman's Society of

    World Service met tor their December meeting J the church parlors.

    The topic. “Christmas Calling Into the World." was presented by Mrs. M aitin Clore, Mrs. Irvin Te- ter. and Mi's. Earl Hoelscher.

    Gifts for the children and old i people's homes were brought

    The Chatsworth Ptaindealer

    Thursdoy, December 29; 1966

    Page Six

    F O R S A L E

    H. A. MclntUh,



    For Sale: Two story; 3 bedrooms; 1V4 baths; Car Port a t tached. Recently remodeled. North side.

    Four liedmom. rancli style double garage attached. Fire place. Large spacious lot. South side.

    1 't story brick dwelling 4 bedrooms. living, dining, full basement. Near Main street 3 lots.

    1 '-j story. 2 iMstrooin S.W. Bath down, attached garuge.

    Shafer’s AgencyChatsworth, Illinois


    Pvt. W arren Ray Ulitzsch. 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorance Ulitzsch of Chatsworth is spending u seven d a y leave with his | k i i - ents.

    Warren completed his basic training at Fort Camplr-ll, Kentucky. December 2 and was transferred to Fort Sill, Oklahoma lor further training.

    Mr. and Mrs. Ulitzsch and theii son lairen went to Oklahoma December 15 to bring W arren home for his leave.

    He will report hack to Fort Sill today (Dec. 29).

    Colleen Wins BooksColleen Irwin last week received

    a fifteen book set of Hritanniea Jr. Encyclopedias and a wooden rack fo hold them, as third plan' winner in the Pe|>si Cola contest. Her school also is to receive a set of Imnks.

    Three bedroom home; 1 years old. sale. S. E.

    ranch style For immediate

    Two bedroom cottage-style home; Basement. New gas furnace. Excellent repair. North side.


    ►04 ►04

    Louise B ea u ty SalonF irst House N orth of the Bank FOR APPOINTMENT CALL

    635-3686I Open Tuesday through Saturday

    Evenings by Appointment


    Will be open Thursday a fte rnoons, Dec. 22 and Dec 29.

    G LEN N PEARSONC1222-1229

    Food M akes th e P arty . . . fo r a

    H A P P Y N E W Y E A RShop Costello*s Super Valu


    FRYERS (cut up)

    BEEF CHUCK ROAST Center CutBlade Cut«...........................

    lb. 2 5 c

    lb. 2 9 c

    ib. 5 9 c lb. 4 9 c

    a h h » k t p :d — »« OX. CANSHI-C DRINKS 2 3 cVAN CAM P’S — NO. ZVt CANS


    RYE BREAD.................. 2 loave« 4 9 cH A V O-RITK BROW N AND SERV E

    ROLLS................................2 Pk*?8- 4 9 cK ELLY'S TW IN PAKPOTATO CH IPS............................... 4 9 cC H W ROV-AR-DF.E — R egular alee packagePIZZA MIX ....................................... 3 9 c

    C id k in

    W ju rrw h ia l

    diomsi24 HOUR SERVICE

    A M B IJ L A M E ~ OX YG EN EQ U IPPED Wesley M. Johnson 636 3189 Clarence E. Culkin

    LADY DE B ea u ty Shop


    First door East of Coral Clip


    Phone 635-3108Open Tuesday thru Saturday




    f **-**•

    H. L. Lockner,PHYSICIAN AND

    o m c e o h i * w a i j M T H o r drug r r o a n oornhb


    Dr, A . L, H arto pto n stsist

    ,n«ss»j'Sif«ar3«m4 T S in itl Aftaraaaaa M4-MII

    DR. E. H. VOIGTo P T O H v n u r r

    IN Baal Lociaat______ B o u *•»-*«»*

    • - I f 4.4 AapotatmratO tilea Hoara M I - I I ' M — 1 4 M i H Beaaiaga B f A apolatia ‘ d ia a A T haraJar A l la n

    G uaranteed

    WATCH REPAIRUnzicker’s Jewelry

    F O R R E S T , I L L


    OFFICE HOURS W a t Daf , — t - t t aaJ M

    Mob.. Wad. aaJ Bat. I r a a t o n 1 -1 II North ftk St. Pboao f f l - a i t l



    K E E P S M I L I N G W I T H G R A N T C O N I B t Afc

    Manager c h a t s w o r t h F. D. & R. E.

    H * R I** !*-* l ik e r h o r o l i t f l r « n 4 y , WflfllU i fur Uirdiclaal p a tf aaaa

    p k e A C Ju fitio **O IM S • C O S M ftIC Si,CK to o t* SUPPIIIS

    b r b r r r b r r b r r r r m h


    F R E S H B U L K

    ib . 6 9 c

    1 lb. pkff. 6 9 c

    5 Ib. $4.49

    O Y S T E R S

    * g f( .1 . £ i i stS -1 j J * r i . \

    1 v } * % T { f i f i

    ! k < (?j >

    C O N I B E A R D R U G S T O R EThi- > *• ••



    lb. 1 0 c

    3 lb. bag 5 9 c

    FHf.Mll IV IH .f



    - DAIRY -d » 7 . . 4 9 c

    2 ">» 4 9 c

    3 pk*8- 25c


    S A V E O N F R O Z E N F O O D $

    FLAV -O H IT f IH M H I F R O fF N — « OF. < ANN



    ea. 1 9 c

    1 0 Ik i>»k 4 9 c

    jumbo stalk 2 1 c

    1 9 c

    Costello's Tows & Country MarketCHATSWORTH, II J*

    'H r 4 p p rrria le Your T ro d t"

    o n 6 n e y e a rSAVINGS

    CERTIFICATESAll Savings Certificates are insured by the Federal Deposit In

    surance Corporation, an agency of the U. S. Government.

    Stop in today and see one of the officers. W ell b e g I a d to

    discuss your savings plan.


    ......................... — t i l l ...................................... ...