blueprint for excellence blueprint for excellence blue ribbon schools of excellence, inc

Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

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Page 1: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for ExcellenceBLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

Page 2: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for Excellence

“Children First and Always.”They are our greatest natural resource.

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

Page 3: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for Excellence

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

How is your school doing?

Really doing?

Page 4: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for Excellence

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

There is a way to find out.

The Blue Ribbon Assessment!

Page 5: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for ExcellenceBlue Ribbon Schools of Excellence

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

Comprehensive school assessment

Designed for all schools

Collaborative approach to school improvement

Entire learning community involved

Page 6: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for ExcellenceBlue Ribbon Lighthouse Schools

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

1.Action Plan: Blueprint for school improvement

2.Success for teachers, schools, and districts

3.Shared Best Practices 4.Symposia, conferences, and

workshops5.Award program

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Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

Regional university based professional development and advisory teams from University Partnerships

• Stockton College, NJ • South Carolina State University, SC• Morehead State, Kentucky• Kent State University, Ohio• Converse College, SC• Clemson, SC• Southern Illinois University at Carbondale


Page 8: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for Excellence

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

The Nine Components of the

Blue Ribbon Schools Assessment

Page 9: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for ExcellenceBlue Ribbon School Assessment

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

1. Student focus and support2. School organization and culture3. Challenging standards and curriculum4. Active teaching and learning.5. Technology integration6. Professional community7. Leadership and educational vitality8. School, family, and community partnerships9. Indicators of success

Page 10: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for ExcellenceStudent Focus and Support

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

This category focuses on how the school's established goals and objectives accurately reflect its vision, student needs, and high aspirations for all students.

Page 11: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for ExcellenceStudent Focus and Support

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

The school has comprehensive support services and programs that meet the full range of student needs, for example, in counseling, health, safety, tutoring, mentoring, and dropout prevention.In other words: The school offers students many kinds of help, such as, counseling, student programs, classes on health, safety, and staying in school.

Page 12: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Student Focus and Support

A. Outstanding / Exemplary

B. Strong

C. Needs Improvement

D. We Are Not Doing This

E. I Do Not Know

Page 13: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for ExcellenceSchool Organization and Culture

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

This category focuses on the school culture that exemplifies a caring community supportive of continuous learning.

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Blueprint for ExcellenceSchool Organization and Culture

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

The staff and administration are committed to using research based, effective practices.

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Blueprint for ExcellenceChallenging Standards and Curriculum

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

This category focuses on a rationally designed curriculum to ensure high levels of achievement of the school's goals and objectives by all students, including significant content learning, citizenship, and interpersonal and workplaceskills.

Page 16: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for ExcellenceChallenging Standards and Curriculum

Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc.

Students regularly move among student groups based on their work.

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Active Teaching and Learning

This category focuses on purposeful decision making that governs all aspects of the teaching and learning process.

Page 18: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Active Teaching and Learning

Teachers have high academic expectations for all students.In other words: The teachers here expect all students to learn a lot.

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Technology Integration

This category focuses on the use, mastery, and application of technologies that promote teaching and learning that produce technology capable students.

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Technology Integration

All students have equal access to current technology that supports their educational goals and needs.In other words: The school makes sure that all students can use computersand other technology to help them learn.

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Professional Community

This category focuses on continuous professional development to support improved student learning.

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Professional Community

A culture exists that encourages and rewards staff who plan and implement new strategies to improve the school.

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Leadership and Educational Vitality

This category concentrates on dynamic leadership that engages the school community in continuous improvement focused on student achievement, current needs, and future challenges.

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Leadership and Educational Vitality

The school can point to concrete examples that illustrate how leadership has resulted in policies, programs, relationships, and resources that have promotedlearning.In other words: School leaders have made good changes in the school to help students learn.

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School, Family, and Community Partnerships

This category focuses on a commitment to and recognition of the important role that families, partnerships, and community play insupporting learning.

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School, Family, and Community Partnerships

Parents support teachers in establishing realistic but highexpectations for student achievement and behavior.

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Indicators of Success

This category focuses on student achievement of high academicstandards.

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Indicators of Success

Teachers and administrators monitor and continually useassessment data to improve instruction and modify school policies and practices.

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Blueprint for Excellence

Assessment Process

• Demographics• 189 essential elements• 21 critical elements• School site visit• Action Plan/Blueprint

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Blueprint for Excellence

Multiple data reports

Immediate availability

Analyzed with leaders

Shared best practices

Additional support available

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Blueprint for Excellence

Page 32: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for Excellence

People may stop at any time and come back later to resume the assessment. Any responses that were submitted are saved.

Any questions “Marked for Review” will appear and have to be answered before finishing.

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Validity of the Process

External validity -- generalizing Construct validity – operationalizing

Face validity

Content validity

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Inter-Rater Reliability

Test-Retest Reliability

Parallel-Forms Reliability

Internal Consistency Reliability

Page 35: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for Excellence

Pricing is determined by the size of the school.

The range is from $5,500 for a small school to $9,500 for a large comprehensive high school, plus site visitor travel expenses.

More information is available on the BRSE website.

Page 36: Blueprint for Excellence BLUEPRINT FOR EXCELLENCE Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence, Inc

Blueprint for Excellence

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