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Enterprise Risk Management Blue Wood Chocolates Submitted By (Group- 6)

Upload: abhimanyu-choudhary

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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Enterprise Risk ManagementBlue Wood Chocolates Submitted By (Group-6)OverviewGlobal chocolate industry revenues reached record US$!bn in "#$% Rising demand dri&en by emerging markets ' and reco&ery in US( )here choco*ate market gre) in "#+( ,or the ,irst time in ,i&e years% Eight markets drive 70% of the )or*d-s con,ectionery gro)th. Bra/i*( 0hina( 0o*ombia( 1ndia( Russia( South 2,rica( 3urkey and 4ietnam% 1ndian 0hoco*ate marketSi/e- 15R 67Bn02GR o, 68 o&er the *ast three yearsE9pected si/e to be 15R ""bn in "#;7#8 consumption o, choco*ate come ,rom the Urban 1ndiaMonde*e/ dominate by 6"8 market share )hi*e nest*e in "nd *argest p*ayer on 783he choco*ate industry can be segmented by the type o, ingredients )hich is used to produce the choco*ates% 3his inc*udes dark( mi*k and )hite choco*ates%M1 !68?2R=> ;8@A13E> 68Sales Mi*k choco*ate is most popu*ar category( contributing !68 o, the tota* sa*e 0adbury is the market *eader in the mi*k choco*ate segment ?ark choco*ate ranks +rd )ith on*y ;8 market share( ho)e&er it is the ,astest gro)ing segmentSource. 4a*uenoteChocolate industry Value chain0BMC25D B4ER41E@B*ue @ood is a U%S based producer o, bu*k choco*ate )hich is used in other ,ina* products and a*so supp*y specia*ty pri&ate *abe* products to a &ariety o, companies%Eounder and 0hairman-Fohn Eerguson Senior0urrent 0EB- Fohn Eerguson Funior0ustomers-retai* businesses( distributors and ,ood processorsSa*es- !68 domestic G "68 internationa*( 0anada( Me9ico( U= and Euro/one)Sources 0ocoa ,rom producers in Bra/i*( Ecuador( 0osta Rica and ?ominican Repub*ic as )e** as U%S based importers%Bther maHor ingredients sugar and mi*k are sourced ,rom U%S producers%B)nership Structure o, B*ue @oodFohn Eerguson Senior and Eami*y ("#8)Cension Eund("#8)+ Cri&ate EIuity Eunds($68)Senior emp*oyees and pri&ate in&estors(68) 3he pri&ate eIuity ,unds came )ith the e9pectation o, *ea&ing )ithin ma9imum o, ,i&e years% 3he pri&ate eIuity ,unds considered Eerguson Funior to be a )eak 0EB )ho is dominated by his ,ather% 3he pri&ate eIuity ,unds )ere not ab*e to e9it because o, the *o) &a*uation o, the company and its 1CB%Reasons Eunds )ere paid out as di&idends rather than being rein&ested interna**y% 5o steps )ere taken to impro&e corporate go&ernance and risk management%CRBB