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  • 8/3/2019 BMFB 4283 LFW - 6


    BMFB 4283


    Lectures for Week 6

    Prof. Qumrul Ahsan, PhDDepartment of Engineering Materials

    Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering

  • 8/3/2019 BMFB 4283 LFW - 6


    6.0 Eddy Current6.1 Introduction6.2 Electromagnetic Principles6.3 Equipment and Testing Techniques6.4 Inspection6.5 Application

    Issues to address

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    This module is intended to present information onthe NDT method of eddy current inspection.

    Eddy current inspection is one of several methods

    that use the principal of electromagnetism as thebasis for conducting examinations. Several othermethods such as Remote Field Testing (RFT), FluxLeakage and Barkhausen Noise also use thisprinciple.

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    Electromagnetic induction

    Generation of eddy currents

    Inspection applications

    Equipment utilized in eddy current inspectionProbes/Coils


    Reference standard

    Advantages and Limitations

    Glossary of Terms

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    Electromagnetic Induction

    Eddy currents are created through a process calledelectromagnetic induction.

    When alternating current is applied to the conductor, suchas copper wire, a magnetic field develops in and around the

    conductor. This magnetic field expands as the alternating current rises

    to maximum and collapses as the current is reduced to zero.

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    Electromagnetic Induction (cont.)

    If another electrical conductor is brought into the proximity ofthis changing magnetic field, the reverse effect will occur.Magnetic field cutting through the second conductor will causean induced current to flow in this second conductor. Eddy

    currents are a form of induced currents!

    Current Flow

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    Generation of Eddy Currents

    Eddy currents are induced electrical currents that flow in acircular path. They get their name from eddies that areformed when a liquid or gas flows in a circular path aroundobstacles when conditions are right.

    Test Probe

    Eddy Currents

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    Generation of Eddy Currents (cont.)

    When an electrically conductive material is placed in the coils

    dynamic magnetic field electromagnetic induction will occur

    and eddy currents will be induced in the material.

    Eddy currents flowing in the material will generate their own

    secondary magnetic field which will oppose the coils

    primary magnetic field.

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    Generation of Eddy Currents (cont.)

    This entire electromagnetic induction process to produceeddy currents may occur from several hundred to severalmillion times each second depending upon inspectionfrequency.

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    Generation of Eddy Currents (cont.)

    The eddy currents produce their own

    magnetic fields that interact with the

    primary magnetic field of the coil.

    By measuring changes in the resistance

    and inductive reactance of the coil,

    information can be gathered about the

    test material.

    This information includes the electrical

    conductivity and magnetic permeability

    of the material, the amount of materialcutting through the coils magnetic field,

    and the condition of the material (i.e.

    whether it contains cracks or other


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    Generation of Eddy Currents (cont.)

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    Eddy Current Density



    Eddy Current Density

    Low Frequency

    Low ConductivityLow Permeability

    High Frequency

    High ConductivityHigh Permeability

    Standard Depthof

    Penetration(Skin Depth)

    1/e or 37 %of surface density

    Generation of Eddy Currents (cont.)Eddy currents are strongest at the surface of the material and decrease instrength below the surface. The depth that the eddy currents are only 37% asstrong as they are on the surface is known as the standard depth ofpenetration or skin depth. This depth changes with probe frequency, material

    conductivity and permeability.

    The depth at which eddy current density has decreased to 1/e, or about 37%of the surface density, is called the standard depth of penetration ().Although eddy currents penetrate deeper than one standard depth ofpenetration, they decrease rapidly with depth. At two standard depths ofpenetration (2 ), eddy current density has decreased to 1/e squared or 13.5%

    of the surface density. At three depths (3 ), the eddy current density is downto only 5% of the surface density.

    Where:d = Standard Depth of

    Penetration (mm)

    pi = 3.14

    f = Test Frequency (Hz)

    = Magnetic Permeability


    = Electrical Conductivity (%IACS)

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    Inspection Data

    There are three characteristics of the specimen that affectthe strength of the induced eddy currents.

    The electrical conductivity of the material

    The magnetic permeability of the material The amount of solid material in the vicinity of the test


    Information about the strength of the eddy currents withinthe specimen is determined by monitoring changes involtage and/or current that occur in the coil.

    The strength of the eddy currents changes the electricalimpedance (Z) of the coil.

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    Inspection Data (cont.)




    Impedance (Z) in an eddy current coil isthe total opposition to current flow. In acoil, Z is made up of resistance (R) andinductive reactance (XL).


    Resistance - The opposition of currentflow, resulting in a change of electricalenergy into heat or another form ofenergy.

    Inductive Reactance (XL) - Resistance toAC current flow resulting fromelectromagnetic induction in the coil.

    Impedance (Z) - The combinedopposition to current flow resulting from

    inductive reactance and resistance.

    In an AC coil, induction fromthe magnetic field of one loopof the coil causes a secondarycurrent in all other loops. Thesecondary current opposes the

    primary current.

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    Lift off in Eddy Current

    The distance that the coil is from the conductive material is

    called liftoff, and this distance affects the mutual-inductance of

    the circuits.

    Fig. 1.a) Impedance plane diagram representation in conventional eddy

    current testing, b) zoomed-in and rotated area on the operating point;the lift-off variation is kept along the horizontal axis.

    With increase offrequency will give widerangle (i.e diff in 20 kHzand 2 MHz

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    Phase Lag in Eddy Current Phase lag is to obtain information about

    the depth of a defect within a material.

    Phase lag is the shift in time betweenthe eddy current response from a

    disruption on the surface and a

    disruption at some distance below the


    Disruptions in the eddy currents awayfrom the surface will produce more

    phase lag than disruptions near the


    Both the signal voltage and current will

    have this phase shift or lag with depth discontinuities that have a significant

    dimension normal to the surface, will

    produce an angle that is based on the

    weighted average of the disruption to

    the eddy currents at the various depthsalong its length.

    Phase lag can be calculated with

    the following equation.


    =Phase Lag (Rad or Degrees)x=Distance Below Surface (in or mm)

    =Standard Depth of Penetration (in ormm)

    I d Pl ( dd )

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    Impedance Plane (eddy scope)the strength of the eddy currents and the magnetic permeability of the testmaterial cause the eddy current signal on the impedance plane to react in avariety of different ways.

    If the eddy current circuit is balanced in

    air and then placed on a piece ofaluminum,the resistance component will increase(eddy currents are being generated in thealuminum and this takes energy awayfrom the coil, which shows up as

    resistance)the inductive reactance of the coildecreases (the magnetic field created bythe eddy currents opposes the coil'smagnetic field and the net effect is aweaker magnetic field to produce

    inductance).If a crack is present in the material,fewer eddy currents will be able to formand the resistance will go back down andthe inductive reactance will go back up.Changes in conductivity will cause theeddy current signal to change in a

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    Impedance Plane (eddy scope)the strength of the eddy currents and the magnetic permeability of the testmaterial cause the eddy current signal on the impedance plane to react in avariety of different ways.

    When a probe is placed on a magnetic

    material such as steel, somethingdifferent happens.eddy currents form, taking energyaway from the coil, which shows up asan increase in the coils resistance.the eddy currents generate their own

    magnetic field that opposes the coilsmagnetic field.the reactance increases. This isbecause the magnetic permeability ofthe steel concentrates the coil'smagnetic field. This increase in themagnetic field strength completelyovershadows the magnetic field of theeddy currents.The presence of a crack or a changein the conductivity will produce a

    change in the eddy current signal

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    Equipment for eddy current inspection is very diversified.Proper equipment selection is important if accurateinspection data is desired for a particular application.

    As a minimum, at least three basic pieces of equipment are

    needed for any eddy current examination: Instrumentation


    Reference Standards

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    Eddy current instruments can be purchased in a large variety

    of configurations. Both analog and digital instruments are

    available. Instruments are commonly classified by the type of

    display used to present the data. The common display types

    are analog meter, digital readout, impedance plane and time

    versus signal amplitude. Some instruments are capable of

    presenting data in several display formats.

    The most basic eddy current testing instrument consists of

    an alternating current source, a coil of wire connected to this

    source, and a voltmeter to measure the voltage changeacross the coil. An ammeter could also be used to measure

    the current change in the circuit instead of using the


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    Instrumentation - Meters

    Meters are typically thesimplest form of eddycurrent instrumentation.

    The two generalcategories of meters aredigital and analog.

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    Digital Meters

    Digital meters are typically designed to examine one specificattribute of a test component such as conductivity ornonconductive coating thickness. These meters tend to haveslightly higher accuracy than analog devices.

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    Analog Meters

    Analog meters can be used formany different inspectionapplications such as crackdetection, material thickness

    measurements, nonconductivecoating measurements orconductive coatingmeasurements.

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    Analog Meters (cont.)

    The display read-out found on most analog instruments is

    typically either a calibrated or uncalibrated display.

    Calibrated displays have an inherent scalingfactor which correlates to the property theinstrument is designed to measure such asconductivity.

    Uncalibrated displays are typically moreflexible in the variety of different tests

    they can perform. These types ofinstruments, however, require the use ofdata extrapolation techniques ifquantitative data is desired.

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    Portable Eddy Scopes

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    Portable Eddy Scopes (cont.)

    Portable eddy scopes are another category ofinstrumentation and they present the inspection data in theform of an impedance plane diagram.

    On the impedance diagram,

    the total impedance isdisplayed by plotting itsresistance component andinductive reactancecomponent at 90 degrees toeach other.

    This is beneficial for bothseparation and identificationof test variables that caneffect inspection results.

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    Portable Eddy Scopes (cont.)

    Modern eddy scopes are usually digital based instrumentswhich can often be purchased as either a single or dualfrequency tester. Dual frequency instruments are capable ofsequentially driving a probe at two different inspectionfrequencies.

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    Portable Eddy Scopes (cont.)

    Digital scopes often have an RS232 (serial) connection forinterfacing with a serial printer or computer as well asprovisions for output of signals to recording devices such as astrip-chart recorder. In addition, these instruments contain asmall amount of RAM so that equipment settings as well as

    screen presentations can be stored for later reference.

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    Multi-Frequency Eddy

    Current Instruments

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    Multi-Frequency Eddy

    Current Instruments (cont.)

    Multi-Frequency instruments usually refer to equipmentthat can drive inspection coils at more than twofrequencies either sequentially (multiplexing) orsimultaneously.

    This type of instrumentation is used extensively for tubinginspection in the power generation, chemical andpetrochemical industries.

    These instruments are often capable of being computernetworked and may have as many as four probes attachedto them at one time.

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    Multi-Frequency Eddy

    Current Instruments (cont.)

    Advantages of Multi-frequency inspections:

    Allows increased inspection information to be collected from oneprobe pulling.

    Provides for comparison of same discontinuity signal at differentfrequencies.

    Allows mixing of frequencies which helps to reduce or eliminatesources of noise.

    Often improves detection, interpretation and sizing capabilities ofdiscontinuities.

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    Multi-Frequency Eddy

    Current Instruments (cont.)

    Screen of multi-frequency instrument during inspection.

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    Eddy Current Probes

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.)

    Probes selection is critical to acquiring adequate inspectiondata.

    Several factors to consider include:

    Material penetration requirements (surface vs.


    Sensitivity requirements

    Type of probe connections on eddy current instrument(many variations)

    Probe and instrument impedance matching (will probework with instrument)

    Probe size (smaller probes penetrate less)

    Probe type (absolute, differential, reflection or hybrid)

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.)

    Surface probes are coils that are typically mounted close to oneend of a plastic housing. As the name implies, the technicianmoves the coil end of the probe over the surface of the testcomponent.

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.)

    Some surface probes are specifically designed for crackdetection of fastener holes. These include sliding probes, ringprobes and hole probes.

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.)

    Surface probes can bevery small in size to allowaccessibility to confinedareas.

    Finger Probe

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.)

    Inside Diameter (I.D.) probes, also known as bobbin probes,are coils that are usually wound circumferentially around aplastic housing. These probes are primarily designed forinspection inside of tubular materials.

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.)

    Outside Diameter (O.D.) probes are coils that are wound thecircumference of a hollow fixture. The coil is designed such thatthe test part is ran through the middle of the coil. These probescan be used to inspect bars, rods as well as tubes.

    Eddy Current Probes (cont )

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.) Absolute probes generally have a single test coil that is used

    to generate the eddy currents and sense changes in the eddy

    current field AC is passed through the coil and this sets up an expanding

    and collapsing magnetic field in and around the coil.

    When the probe is positioned next to a conductive material,

    the changing magnetic field generates eddy currents withinthe material.

    The generation of the eddy currents take energy from the

    coil and this appears as an increase in the electrical

    resistance of the coil.

    The eddy currents generate their own magnetic field that

    opposes the magnetic field of the coil and this changes the

    inductive reactance of the coil.

    By measuring the absolute change in impedance of the test

    coil, information can be gained about the test material.

    Eddy Current Probes (cont )

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.)

    Absolute coils can be used for

    flaw detection,

    conductivity measurements,

    liftoff measurements

    thickness measurements.

    Since absolute probes are sensitive to things such asconductivity, permeability liftoff and temperature, steps must

    be taken to minimize these variables when they are not

    important to the inspection being performed.

    It is very common for commercially available absolute probes tohave a fixed "air loaded" reference coil that compensates for

    ambient temperature variations.

    Eddy Current Probes (cont )

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.) Differential Probes

    Differential probes have two active coils usually wound in opposition

    When the two coils are over a flaw-free area of test sample, there is nodifferential signal developed between the coils since they are both

    inspecting identical material.

    However, when one coil is over a defect and the other is over good material,

    a differential signal is produced.

    They have the advantage of being very sensitive to defects yet relativelyinsensitive to slowly varying properties such as gradual dimensional or

    temperature variations.

    Probe wobble signals are also reduced with this probe type.

    There are also disadvantages to using differential probes.

    Most notably, the signals may be difficult to interpret. For example, if aflaw is longer than the spacing between the two coils, only the leading

    and trailing edges will be detected due to signal cancellation when both

    coils sense the flaw equally.

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont )

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    Eddy Current Probes (cont.)

    Reflection Probes

    Reflection probes have two coils similar to a differential


    one coil is used to excite the eddy currents and the other is

    used to sense changes in the test material.

    Probes of this arrangement are often referred to as

    driver/pickup probes.

    The advantage of reflection probes is that the driver and

    pickup coils can be separately optimized for their intended


    The driver coil can be made so as to produce a strong and

    uniform flux field in the vicinity of the pickup coil, while the

    pickup coil can be made very small so that it will be sensitive

    to very small defects.

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    Reference Standards

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    Reference Standards (cont.)

    In order to give the eddy current inspector useful data whileconducting an inspection, signals generated from the testspecimen must be compared with known values.

    Reference standards are typically manufactured from thesame or very similar material as the test specimen.

    Many different types of standards exist for due to the varietyof eddy current inspections performed.

    The following slides provide examples of specific types ofstandards.

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    Reference Standards (cont.)

    Material thickness standards used to help determine suchthings as material thinning caused by corrosion or erosion.

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    Reference Standards (cont.)

    Crack Standards:

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    Reference Standards (cont.)

    ASME Tubing Pit Standard:

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    Reference Standards (cont.)

    Nonconductive coating (paint) standard with various thicknessof paint on aluminum substrate.

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    Inspection Applications

    One of the major advantages of eddy current as an NDT tool isthe variety of inspections that can be performed.

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    Application of EC

    Eddy current equipment can be used for a variety of


    such as the detection of cracks (discontinuities),

    measurement of metal thickness,

    detection of metal thinning due to corrosion and erosion,

    determination of coating thickness,

    and the measurement of electrical conductivity and magnetic


    Eddy current inspection is an excellent method for detecting

    surface and near surface defects when the probable defect

    location and orientation is well known.

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    Material Thickness Measurement

    Thickness measurements are possible with eddy currentinspection within certain limitations.

    Only a certain amount of eddy currents can form in agiven volume of material.

    Therefore, thicker materials will support more eddycurrents than thinner materials.

    The strength (amount) of eddy currents can be measuredand related to the material thickness.

    Eddy Currents

    Magnetic Field

    From Probe


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    Material Thickness Measurement


    Eddy current inspection is often used in the aviation

    industries to detect material loss due to corrosion and


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    Material Thickness Measurement (cont.)

    Eddy current inspection is used extensively to inspecttubing at power generation and petrochemical facilities forcorrosion and erosion.

    Crack Detection

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    Crack DetectionCrack detection is one of the primary uses of eddy currentinspection. Cracks cause a disruption in the circular flowpatterns of the eddy currents and weaken their strength. This

    change in strength at the crack location can be detected.especially high sensitivity to detection of surface breakingcracks.

    Magnetic FieldFrom Test Coil

    MagneticField FromEddy


    Eddy Currents


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    Crack Detection (cont.)

    Eddy current inspection of bead seat area on aircraft wheelfor cracks using special probe that conforms to the shape of therim.

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    Crack Detection (cont.)

    Loading points, such as fastener holes, are high stress areasand often the site of service induced fatigue cracking. Rotatingprobe guns can be used to inspect a large number of holes in ashort period of time. The photo on the right is a waterfall plotof the cross section of a fastener hole. Each horizontal line

    represents one rotation of the probe gun. A vertical signalindicates a crack.

    Thickness Measurements of Nonconducting Coatings

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    Thickness Measurements of Nonconducting Coatings

    on Conductive MaterialsThe thickness of nonmetallic coatings on metal substrates canbe determined simply from the effect of liftoff on impedance.This method has widespread use for measuring thickness of

    paint and plastic coatings. The coating serves as a spacerbetween the probe and the conductive surface. As the distancebetween the probe and the conductive base metal increases,the eddy current field strength decreases because less of the

    probe's magnetic field can interact with the base metal.Thicknesses between 0.5 and 25 m can be measured to anaccuracy between 10% for lower values and 4% for higher

    values. Contributions to impedance changes due toconductivity variations should be phased out, unless it is knownthat conductivity variations are negligible, as normally found at

    higher frequencies.

    Fairly precise measurements can be made with a standard eddycurrent flaw detector and a calibration specimen. The probe is nulled inair and the direction of the lift-off signal is established. The location ofthe signal is marked on the screen as the probe is placed on thecalibration specimen in areas of decreasing coating thickness. Whenthe probe is placed on the test surface, the position of the signal willmove from the air null position to a point that can be correlated to thecalibration markings.

    Nonconductive Coating Measurement

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    gNonconductive coatings on electrically conductive substratescan be measured very accurately with eddy currentinspection. (Accuracy of less that one mil is not uncommon.)

    ConductiveBase Metal


    Eddy Currents

    This reduction in strength can be measured and related to coatingthickness.

    The coating serves as a spacer between the probe and the

    conductive surface. As the distance between the probe and

    the conductive base metal increases, the eddy current field

    strength decreases because less of the probe's magneticfield can interact with the base metal.

    Nonconductive Coating Measurement

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    Nonconductive Coating Measurement


    The photo to the left shows an aircraft panel paint thicknessinspection. On the right, the display of a digital eddy currentinspection instrument shows the different signals obtainedby measuring eight different thicknesses of paint onaluminum.

    Increasing paintthickness

    Monitoring Conductivity and

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    Monitoring Conductivity and

    Permeability Variations

    Eddy current inspection is sensitive to changes in a materialselectrical conductivity and magnetic permeability. Thissensitivity allows the inspection method to be used for suchinspection procedures as:

    Material Identification Material Sorting

    Determination of heat damage

    Cladding and plating thickness measurement

    Case depth determination

    Heat treatment monitoring

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    Conductivity Measurements

    Boeing employees in Philadelphia were given the privilegeof evaluating the Liberty Bell for damage using NDTtechniques. Eddy current methods were used to measurethe electrical conductivity of the Bell's bronze casing at avarious points to evaluate its uniformity.

    Advantages of Eddy Current

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    Advantages of Eddy Current

    Inspection Sensitive to small cracks and other defects

    Detects surface and near surface defects

    Inspection gives immediate results

    Equipment is very portable

    Method can be used for much more than flaw detection

    Minimum part preparation is required

    Test probe does not need to contact the part

    Inspects complex shapes and sizes of conductive materials

    Limitations of Eddy Current

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    Limitations of Eddy Current

    Inspection Only conductive materials can be inspected

    Surface must be accessible to the probe

    Skill and training required is more extensive than othertechniques

    Surface finish and and roughness may interfere

    Reference standards needed for setup

    Depth of penetration is limited Flaws such as delaminations that lie parallel to the probe coil

    winding and probe scan direction are undetectable