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  • 8/12/2019 B n Thi HSG Ting Anh Lp 8


    Practice test 1: 90 minutes

    Question I: Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other.

    1- A. teacher B. scholarship C. chair D. chess2- A. few B. dew C. new D. sew3- A. smart B. cart C. carry D. start4- A. burn B. bury C. curly D. turn

    5- A. about B. south C. count D. youngQuestion II: Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern.1- A. bamboo B. blanket C. comment D. entrance2- A. collection B. hambrger C. pagoda D. encorage3- A. locate B. admire C. forest D. effect4- A. in!ent B. remain C. e"change D. gather 5- A. grocery B. collection C. re!ision D. decisionQuestion III: Choose the best answer:

    1- #o$ fashion %%%.. $ant to change the traditional Ao dai.A. makers B. $orkers C. designers D. dressers2- &he $ord '(eans) comes from a kind of %%.. that $as made in *rope.A. sbstance B. form C. element D. material3- +t $as careless %%%. not to lock the gate.A. of he B. for him C. of him D. from him4- ,y ncle is a seaman. e sally a$ay on !oyages.A. fisher B. sailor C. $orker D. boatman5- ome designers ha!e taken %%%.. from /ietnam0s ethnic minorities.A. liking B. hobby C. inspiration D. interest- &his is a !ery poplar &/ program. *!ery $eek it %%% by millions of people.A. has been $atched B. is $atched C. $atches D. $as $atched- According to the $eather %%%. it $ill be raining tonightA. forecast B. forecaster C. forecasted D. forecasting- esterday a hrricane hit the %%%.. of /ng &a cityA. coaster B. coast C. coasting D. coastal6- &he %%%% can kno$ $hen a !olcano $ill erpt no$adaysA. science B. scientific C. scientists D. scientifically17- e $ill ha!e temperatres %%%.. 23oC and 2oCA. at B. bet$een C. in D. $ithQuestion III: Verbform:

    1- old on8 + 9help: yo $ith these hea!y bags.2- ;ethen + realised he did not like $hat + $as saying + rather 9sht: p.- At first + cold not decide bt then + firmly 9make: p my mind.- >here is my mobile phone= +t 9disappear: .6- &his is the first time + 9eat: ca!iar.17- + think + 9get: the fl. + mst go to bed.Question IV: Wordform:

    1- &he %%%%.of people prefer &/ to radio ma!or"2- ;cy got %%%%%%%.?ickly and $ent for $ork dress"3- ome yong people today $ant to ha!e a strange%%%%.. appear".


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    4- Do yo $ant to go to the %%%%..areas to kno$ more abot the region = near"5- &hat%%%%%.has composed a lot of beatifl songs. music"- +f the indstry doesn0t %%%%%. it $ill not sr!i!e. modern"- &his hose is !ery lo!ely and !ery %%%%.. fashion"- ,athematics and ;iteratre are%%%..for children in this contry. compel"6- he $as the only !isitor %%%%%%%%%..into the sick room. admission"

    17- is health $as seriosly affected and he sffered from constant %%%%. sleep"Question V: #ead the followin$ passa$e and choose the best answers.>e don0t only choose clothes to make s look %%..91: $e also se them to tell the $orld %%..92:or personality. &he clothes $e $ear and or %%..93: as a $hole gi!e other people seflinformation abot $hat $e think %%..94: $e feel. +f $e feel cheerfl $e sally $ear %%..95:clothes and if $e feel %%..9: $e sometimes pt on dark clothes. Bt $hy do teenagers $ear blackso%%..9:= +s it becase they feel miserable all %%..9:= &his is nlikely to be the case. +t isprobably @st becase it is %%..96: to $ear black and yong people they are real fans of %%..917:.1- A. attract B. attracti!e C. attracti!ely D. attraction2- A. of B. $ith C. by D. abot3- A. appear B. appearance C. appeared D. appearing4- A. $hich B. $hat C. ho$ D. $hen5- A. colorfl B. colors C. colorflly D. colorless- A. depress B. depressed C. depressing D. depression- A. fre?ent B. fre?ency C. fre?ently D. fre?ents- A. the time B. the day C. the $eek D. the month6- A. fashion B. fashionable C. fashioner D. fashioned17- A. fashion B. fashionable C. fashioner D. fashionedQuestion VI: #ewritin$ the followin$ sentences:

    1- +t is my first !isit to /ng &a. been"+ ha!e %%%%%%%%%%%%%%2- >old yo like a glass of cold orange @ice=Can + get yo%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%=3- +0m hoping that the $eather $ill impro!e ne"t $eek. better"+0m hoping that %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..4- >hose motorbike is this= belon$">ho%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%=5- Are yo going to fly to o Chi ,inh City ne"t month= intend"Do %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%=

    Practice test %: 90 minutes

    Question I: &' Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other:

    1- A. dear B. f ear C. hear D. heart2- A. stupid B. studio C. study D. student3- A. brother B. thick C. they D. that(' Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern:

    1- A. promise B. forget C. defrost D. recei!e2- A. dangeros B. opposite C. interested D. mbrellaQuestion II: Choose the best answer:

    1-&he men and the elephants%%%.. yo sa$ on &/ last night are from AfricaA. $hich B. that C. $hom D. $ho2-,any people become %%%.. becase of the natral disasters e!ery year


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    A. homeland B. homesick C. homeless D. home$ork 3-&he tsnami %%%..%% in December 2774 in oth *ast Asia killed more than 17777 peopleA. disaster B. disastros C. disastrosly D. disasterring4-&o reach the !illage $e ha!e to cross a small bamboo %%%...A. bsh B. shrb C. forest D. forestry5-&here are some cottages at the%%%..of the montain. +t is !ery peacefl there.

    A. leg B. feet C. shin D. foot->hen + $as yong. + sed to %%%.. to school by my mother.A. be taken B. being taken C. take D. taking-ome designers ha!e %%%.. the Ao dai by printing lines of poetry on it.A. modernied B. introdced C. made D. increased-e may be from a rich family. is clothes look !ery modern and %%%.. .A. old B. fashionable C. cheap D. ine"pensi!e6->earing niforms help stdents feel %%%.. in many $ays.A. the same B different C. ne?al D. e?a17- + boght my sister a beatifl scarf %%%.. her holiday.A. in B. to C. for D. atQuestion III: )i*e the corrrect *erb forms:

    1- +n Britain milk bottles 9deli!er: and 9collect: at yor doorstep.2-*ach (ly #am together $ith his family 9go: to pain for holiday.3- &he children 9be: late. &hey9not come: home from school yet. + hope nothing0s $rong4- + $as so tired. + 9sleep: for a $eek.5-&he radio 9play: since a.m. +f only someone 9trn: it off.- e sally sandals bt $hen + last 9see: him he 9$ear: boots.- By midnight he 9be: conscios for 4 hors.- After they 9go: + 9sit: and 9rest:e thanked me for $hat 9do:QuestionIV: Wordform:

    1- he felt %%%%.. that she passed the e"am. relief"2-&hey only had a day to !isit all the torist %%%%.. attract"3- >hen yo accidentally ct yorself yo shold try to stop the %%%%. first. blood"4- +t0s interesting for foreign torists to !isit some %%%. /illages in apa. tribe"5- >e0re ha!ing a good time. eople on the island are !ery friendly and %%. hospitality"- ,y printer doesn0t $ork8 ;ook8 omeone has %%%%. it. plu$"- tdy is no longer %%%%%. to @st one location. restrict"- eter pt %%%%. on that to$el to stop the bleeding. press"6- >e had a li!ely %%%%. on the no!el 'Animal arm) in class today. discuss"17- >e se first-aid in order to %%%%. the !ictim0s pain and%%%%. easy+ an,ious"11- +t is no$ high time yo kne$ ho$ to dress and %%%%%. yorself.dress"12- o can !isit some %%%%. islands $hen yo come to #ha &rang. shore"Question V: #ead the followin$ passa$e and choose the best answers.

    -ucy sur*i*ors

    A cople from ,iami Bill and imon Btler %%.%.91: si"ty-si" days in a life-raft in the sea ofcentral America after their yacht sank. &hey sr!i!ed in !ery good %%.%92:.&$enty-one days after they left anama in their yacht they met some $hales. ' &hey started to hitthe side of the boat) said Bill 'and then %%%93: $e heard $ater.)&$o mintes %%%..94: the yacht $as sinking. &hey @mped into the life-raft and $atched theboat go %%%.95: the $ater. or t$enty days they had %%%9:of food biscits and bottle of$ater. &hey also had a fishing-line and a machine to make salt $ater into drinking $ater t$o things


  • 8/12/2019 B n Thi HSG Ting Anh Lp 8


    $hich %%%.9: their li!es. &hey caght eight to ten fish a day and ate them ra$. &hen the linebroke. ' o $e had no more fish %%something !ery strange happened. ome sharks came to feedand the fish nder the raft $ere afraid and came to the srface. + caght them $ith my hands.)Abot t$enty ships %%%.9: them bt no one sa$ them. After fifty days at sea their life-raft $asbeginning to break p. &hen sddenly it $as all o!er. A fishing brat sa$ them and %%%..96:them%%%917: . &heir t$o months at sea $as o!er.

    1- A. took p B. $ent C. spent D. occpied2- A. condition B. $ay C. manner D. state3- A. occasionally B. sddenly C. ?ickly D. clearly4- A. later B. after C. soon D. passing5- A. in B. do$n C. nder D. belo$- A. containers B. tins C. bo"es D. packages- A. resced B. helped C. maintained D. sa!ed- A. ntil B. $hen C. as D. that6- A. $ent rond B. mo!ed near C. tra!eled D. passed17- A. took on B. pll on C. picked p D. mo!ed pQuestion VI: #ewrtin$ the followin$ sentences:

    1- + had to cancel the birthday party becase my closest friend is seriosly ill.+ had to cancel.....................................................................................................2- + hadn0t !isited my grandfather.+ $ished.................................................................3- &he film $as so interesting that all $e $ant to see again.ch.........................................................................................4- '+f yo don0t pay the ransom $e0ll kill the boy 00 said the kidnappers&he kidnappers.....................................................................................5- + $old prefer yo to deli!er the sofa on riday.+ $old rather .....................................................- e is back from *ngland after t$o days there.e has been ..................................................... he end

    Practice test /: 90 minutes.

    Question I: &' Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the other:

    1- A. design B. reser!e C. basic D. physical2- A. card B. dark C. ad!entre D. har!ert3- A. $ants B. says C. looks D. laghs4- A. machine B. parachte C. champagne D. cheer5- A. doctor B. hospital C. polltion D. tomorro$.Question II: Choose the best answer:

    1-&he $alls of the hose are co!ered.... a coat of piant.a. By b. $ith c. in d. nder.2- + can

  • 8/12/2019 B n Thi HSG Ting Anh Lp 8


    a. little b. a little c. a fe$ d. fe$.- &he prefi" ........................ is added to the $ord E politeE to form the oppossite.a. n b. im c. in d. dis-Foc hoc senior high school ...... fonded in 16 is a beatifl school in e.a. $hich is b. $hich c. $hich $as d. that.6-+ @st $ant to ask yo for ................. ad!ice.

    a. the b. a c. an d. G17-+f yo rn ............. ste!e. Hi!e him my best $ishes.a. o!er b. p c. into d. toQuestion III: 2upply the correct from the *erb in bracets.

    1-+ 9not see: her since $e 9lea!e: school.2->hile $e 9fish: someone 9come: to the hose and 9gi!e: this note.3-+f yo 9smoke: less yo 9ha!e: mch more money bt + done asked her to take part bt she made no............ to s. respond:3- &a"is are too..........for many people to offord.9cost"4-Cold yo please ..........s abot the corses and fees= information:5- ,artin looked at her ......... thin"- &he tast $e are dealing $ith is .........complicated.e,treme"-&his book pro!ides information $hich is !ery ............to s .*alue"- #o one can deny the ...........of his contribtion.precious"6- Jr hose is ...........by se!eral brglar alarms.protection:17-+t $as ............so all $e stay at home.snow:Question V: 3ill in each numbered blan with one suitable word.

    >hy does *nglish .............91:an international langage mean $hile Chinese is sed by more than%%..92: of the $orld= &here are some ............93: cases. +n the nineteenth Centry HreatBritain became.............94:after the indstrial re!oltion. &he *nglish empire con?ered manyother...........95: and made them as their colonies. *nglish $as officially sed there gradally hosecontries spoke............9:as their nati!e langage or second langage.After the $ord $ar ++ the nited states one of the *nglish - speaking ...........9: become the mostpo$erfl and so then more people speak *nglish.*nglish grammar is rather easy and simple compared .............9:other langages. o$e!er *nglishlearners e!en the nati!e speakers sometimes ha!e trobles *nglish %..96:that can be o!ercome. Alot of ............917:methods are a!ailable to help them.Question VI: Correct the mistae in the followin$ sentences.

    1- he smile to me as if she kne$ me.2- e isn

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    2- he can

  • 8/12/2019 B n Thi HSG Ting Anh Lp 8


    4- e 9not go: ot since he 9ha!e: his car 9steal:.5- +f yo kicked the policeman yo 9arrest:.Question IV:2upply the misssin$ prepositions.1-araday $rote to Da!y and asked ...... $ork.2-Ann had been li!ing in ;ondon ............ ten years .......... he mo!ed.3-&hey ha!e li!ed ............. 172 Corn$all Harden .............. 2773.

    4- &he dri!ers in ;ondon keep their cars ........ the left.5-er small garden looks !ery beatifl .......... the spring becase all the flo$ers are ............ fllbloom.Question V: 2upply the correct forms of the capitali6ed words in the bracets.

    1- e ................. the door and came into the room. loc"2- +s yor $ork ..............= tire"3->e are $aiting for the ....................... of his plane. arri*e"4- &he class had to be closed de to the poor ............. attend"5-anta Clas is based on the ............... of aint #icholas in a poem. describe"-........... often leads to obesity. eat"- hong ;inh arranged the flo$ers the most ............. attract"-eople in the contry are !ery open and ................. friend"6- Air ................... is one of the biggest problems in big cities. pollute"17-e dri!es so ............ that he is sre to ha!e an accident. care"Question VI: #ead the followin$ passa$e and choose the best answers.

    ingapore is an island contry and the smallest contry in oth *ast Asia. ingapore 91:%%. of 3island inclding the main island itself. &he 92:%%%. of ingapore is abot 6.2 ? km abot23L of ingapore0s land area comprises forests and 93:%%.. reser!es. &he capital and largest city isingapore City and the 94:%%% in (ne 277 $as abot 4 million. ingapore has a tropicalrainforest 95:%%%.. its temperatres range from 22 degree Celsis to 34 degree Celsisingapore is also a 9:%%%..contry $ith Bddhism and ,slims &aoism ikhism indismand others. &he 9:%%% langage of ingapore is ,alay *nglish Chinese and &amil are alsoofficial langages. &oday ingapore has one of the highest 9:%%.. of li!ing in Asia $ith its 96:%%%centered on the prodction of electronic items ship bilding petrolem refining 917:%%..and international trade.1- A. incldes B. comprises C. consists D. combines2- A. area B. region C. field D. land3- A. natre B. natral C. natralied D. natrally4- A. separation B. association C. minorities D. poplation5- A. $eather B. climate C. atmosphere D. temperatre- A. mltiracial B. mlticolored C. mltireligios D. mlticltral- A. nation B. nation0s C. national D. international- A standards B. aspects C. le!els D. samples6- A. economic B. economy C. economical D. economics17-A. tor B. torist C. toristy D. torismQuestion VII: #ewrite the followin$ sentences:

    1-o$ long is it since yo boght the car=>hen .....................................................................=2- + thoght it $old be better than that.+ $as not .....................................................................3- &he boy is ten years old.e is a ....................................................4->e e"pected ;arry to accept the @ob bt he didn0t.


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    *!en thogh ;arry ..................................................5- >hen yo phoned me it $as my lnchtime.>hen yo phoned me + ................................... he endPractice test 4: 90 minutes

    Question I: &' Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.

    1-A. massa$e B. carria$e C. !oya$e D. dosa$e2-A. s$itch B. stomach C. match D. catch3-A.compassion B. complsion C. conclsion D. consession4-A. eight B. $eight C. fr eight D. heighten(' Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern:

    1-A. a!erage B. general C. mltiply D. inclding2-A. resce B. annonce C. complete D. appear Question II: Choose the best answer:

    1- o cane $elcome yo to or city. o .......... to or city.a- >elcome b- are $elcome c- ha!e $elcomed d- are $elcoming- +t $as ............ an interesting book that he coldne sa$ some people ........... car had broken do$n.a- them b- their c- $hose d- of $hich17- ........... doesnhen e!er Question III: )i*e the correct form of the *erb in bracets:

    1- +t0s high time that yo 9get: do$n to more serios $ork.2- Don0t let him play $ith scissors in case he 9ct: himself.3- ardly + 9arri!e: $hen a ?arrel 9break: ot.4- Can0t yo see that +0m bsy 9$rite:=

    5- he locked the door so as 9not distrb:.- is greatest ambition is 9choose: 9take part: in the Jlympics ;ondon 2712.- #othing 9do: to change the bad sitation recently.- o far $e 9not notice: anything nsal bt $e 9not pay : !ery close attention.Question IV: 2upply the correct word form:

    1- e $ants to be one of the most famos %%%% in the $orld. economy"2- &hey say this $ashing po$er $ill %%%%clothes. soft"3- &his isse is !ery %%%%... Don0t discss it otside the grop. confidence"


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    4- >e ha!e %%%%to or teacher for being late for the meeting. apolo$y"5- >e ha!e decided to inter!ie$ only the si" best %%%%... apply"6- %%%%. + can0t help yo $ith the needle$ork no$. luc"7- o mst open yor moth %%%. $hen the dentist e"amines yor teeth. wide"8- he felt a sense of %%%% $hen her best friend $ent to li!e abroad. lose"9- *nglish is a %%%% difficlt langage to learn. compare"

    10- &he %%%%. of the !illagers made s feel !ery happy. friend"Question V:#ead the followin$ passa$e and choose the best answers.

    & welsh festi*al

    >ales has a poplation of abot three millions. *nglish is the main langage and only t$enty percent speak both >elsh and *nglish. *!ery year %%%% 91: Agst there is a >elsh M speakingfesti!al. +t %%%% 92: place in a different to$n each year so e!eryone has the chance for it to benear them. ;ocal people %%% 93: years making plans for $hen the festi!al $ill be in %%% 94:to$n. *ach festi!al is %%% 95: by abot 17777 people. &hey tra!el not only from nearby to$nsand !illages %%... 9: also from the rest of the British +sles and %%%% 9: from abroad. &hereare concerts plays and %%%% 9: to find best singers poets $riters and so on. hops sell >elshmsic books pictres and clothes as %%%% 96: as food and drink. &he festi!al pro!ides a chance

    for >elsh M speaking people to be together for a $hole $eek $ith %%%% 917: >elsh langageall arond them.1- A. on B. by C. in D. at2- A. takes B. finds C. has D. makes3- A. pass B. pt C. spend D. do4- A. or B. their C. his D. its5- A. arri!ed B. attended C. @oined D. come- A. bt B. and C. since D. ho$e!er- A. @st B. hardly C. ?ite D. e!en- A. tests B. e"aminations C. competitions D. races6- A. long B. far C. good D. $ell

    17- A. one B. a C. the D. someQuestion VI:3ill in each blan with one correct preposition.1- e spported the plan ........ all his heart.2- &he horse $as tired ........... a post.3- + need some papers to $rite ........... .4- Hi!e me a pen to $rite ............. .Question VII: #ewrtin$ the followin$ sentences:

    1- #obody kno$s anything abot am0s past life.#othing ............................................2-&his hose $as specially bilt for my ncle.,y ncle ...........................................................

    3- >illiam ne!er makes mistakes becase he is a carefl reader.>illiam is so ............................................................................Practice test 5: 90 minutes

    Question I: &' Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.

    1-A. cosmic B. dessert C. dissol!e D. asso!er2-A. burea B. busy C. business D. minute3-A. plain B. plaid C. ac?aintance D. e-mail4-A. paragraphed B. coghed C. ploghed D. faced5-A. written B. answer C. sweater D. sword


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    (' Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern:

    1-A. idea B. prpose C. ad!ance D. amont2-A. becase B. beha!ior C. belie!e D. benefitQuestion II: Choose the best answer:

    1- ending emails is a an ..................... $ay to commnicate $ith other people.A. effecti!e B. dangeros C. interested D. happy

    2-+ had my $atch %%%%.. .A. steal B. to steal C. be stolen D. stolen3. &here is a ri!er %%%%% across the !illage.A. flo$ing B. to flo$ing C. flo$ D. flo$ed4-&he material sed to make @eans $as !ery ............. and it didn0t $ear ot easily.A. hardly B. difficlt C. strong D. solid5- Dring the trip to (apan $e ................... a lot of pictres.A. took B. did C. made D. got- Becase the $eather is !ery hot she is not feeling .................. todayA. $ell B. bad C. strong D. healthy-e ne!er goes fishing in $inter ......................... =A. doesn0t he B. isn0t he C. does he D. hasn0t he-er parents ne!er ..................... her to go ot after p.m.A. make B. let C. allo$ D. agree6- he is accstomed %%%.. getting p early.A. $ith B. by C. for D. to17- ;ot of people .................. yoga to rela" and impro!e their health.A. gi!e p B. take p C. make D. practiceQuestion II: se correct tenses of the *erbs in bracets.

    1- >hen + see my sister again she 9finish: all her e"ams.2- Can $e stop $orking soon= + 9start: to feel !ery tired.3- A ne$ bridge 9bild: across the ri!er. >orkers 9start: last year and the bridge 9e"pect: toopen ne"t year.4- &hey 9see: to go ot three times a day.5-Did yo see the film 9sho$: on &./ last night =- All the tickets 9sell: ot by the time $e arri!ed at the theatre.- >hat do yo think the children 9do: $hen $e get home=- +f all 9go: $ell +0ll finish it in a fortnight.Question III: )i*e the correct word form:

    1- + am ............ gratefl to yo for yor help. true"2- &he train ser!ice $as ............ becase it $asn0t sed by many people. continue"3- ard $ork al$ays brings ............. . succeed "4- he is complaining abot her ............. .comfort"5- &hey often ride their bicycles to the contryside for ........... . please"- he is !ery .............. abot $ild animals. now"- e is ready to o!ercome any .............. .hard"- >ithot trning off the light he ............ left the room. silence"6- After the e"plosion only t$o people $ere left ............. . li*e"17- ,y ne$ trosers are too long they need ........... . short"Question IV: #ead the followin$ passa$e and choose the best answers.

    ealth and fitness are not @st for yong people. &hey are for anyone $illing to accept the 91:%%%for a good diet and 92:%%%e"ercise. >ith age there is a tendency to feel that the body is nolonger able to 93:%%%.. Aches and pains are 94:%%..normal. +nstead of pshing the body to do


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    95:%%% acti!ities become limited. et e"amples after e"amples ha!e sho$n s that older peoplecan- and shold- be 9:%%%. ,en and $omen in their si"ties ha!e rn in marathons races ofmore than t$enty- si" miles. ome professional athletes stay 9:%%%into their forties and fifties.or most people simple acti!ities like $alking and s$imming are all that is needed to stay in 9:%%... +t0s important to inclde e"ercise in yor daily rotine. +n the $inter 96:%%%psh-ps sit-ps and other indoor e"ercises. Jf corse sch e"ercises $ill be of little se 917:%%%.yo follo$

    them $ith sodas and chips.1-A. strictness B. discipline C. reglation D. rling2-A. sefl B. little C. reglar D. mch3-A. perform B. rn C. operate D. malfnction4-A. belie!ed B. thoght C. made D. considered5-A. $eaker B. greater C. faster D. more-A. eager B. bold C. acti!e D. passi!e-A. competiti!e B. comparati!e C. passi!e D. e?al-A. form B. shape C. need D. contact6-A. get B. do C. make D. $ork 17-A. althogh B. nless C. other$ise D. if Question V: 3ind and correct a mistae in each sentence:

    1- &he boy played soccer $ith my son yesterday is his close friend.2- &he police is looking for the robber e!ery$here in the city at the moment.3- +t is sch interesting a mo!ie that + ha!e seen it t$ice.4- o$ happily they $ere to hear my sister had pased the e"am.5- +t is no se to ask him to take part in the fire- making festi!al.- ,ary rarely talk to e!eryone abot herself.- oa $orked hard in order to getting a lot of good marks in the last school year.- e is pleasing that his parents $ill gi!e him a ne$ compter on his fifteenth birthday.6- #am and + ran three kilometers this morning bt none of s felt tired.17- ,inh had no sooner arri!ed in ;ondon $hen it started sno$ing.Question VI: #ewritin$ the followin$ sentences:

    1- &he farmers had applied ne$ technology in their fields. &he otpt of rice $as raised.&hanks to ..............................................................................................................................2- *ighteen people came althogh $e had e"pected only si"teen&$o e"tra ........................................................................................3- + ha!en

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    4-Don0t all talk at one 8 ............... pleaseA.one at a time B.one for one C.each at one time5-&he meeting hall ........... they had the press conference is !ery largeA.in $hich B. on >hich C. to $hich D.$hich-Ho on 8 + am interested in .......... yo ha!e @st saidA.that B. $ho C.$hat D.$hose

    -........clothes do yo prefert-shirt or pllo!er.=A.$hat B $ho C. $hich D.$here-e is tired .........he stayed p late $atching &/.A. that B. since C. bt D. and6-he is !ery tired .................. she has to finish her home$ork.A.moreo!er B. so C. and D. ho$e!er17-......international footballers are paid too mch moneyA. the B. a C. an D. PeroQuestion III: )i*e the correct form of the *erbs:

    1-Fick8 &here9be: an accident. hone the hospital. &he accident 9happen: $hen that red car 9shoot:ot of the side street $ithot $arning.2- + 9do: e!erything yo 9ask:. >hat shold + do no$=3->e had to go on holiday becase or hose 9decorate:.4-&hey had a big party. &hey 9sing: all night last night.5->e 9cook: all day for the party that e!ening and by o

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    6- a. possible b. impossible c. possibly d. possibility17- a. taking b. making c. doing d. speakingQuestion VI: #ewrtin$ the followin$ sentences:

    1->e prefer @a to classical msic.>e think @a .....................................................2-(ack only goes s$imming on the $eekend.

    Jn $eekdays .....................................................3-+f + finish my $ork + can go ot on $eekends.Knless + finish my $ork .....................................4-&hey li!e a long $ay from a spermarket.&here isn0t ..........................................................5->hen ,inh has to $alk to school she finds it tiring.,inh gets ......................................................................- he ga!e me a note that $orths fifty dollars.he ga!e ........................................................................Question VII: se the cues $i*en to mae a complete letter.

    Dear ir1- +seeschool0s ad!ertisement&oi &re ne$spaperyesterday..........................................................................................................................2- +interestedlearn*nglish+likeinformationyor school...........................................................................................................................3- +stdy*nglisho!er for yearsbt$antimpro!espeakingand listeningskill...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4- +be!erygrateflifyosenddetailscorsesfees............................................................................................................................5- +lookfor$ardhearyosoon...............................................................................................................................ors sincerelyPractice test 8: 90 minutes.

    Question I: &' Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.

    1- A. seat B. gr eat C. seaside D. beach2- A. herita$e B. cotta$e C. lgga$e D. ea$e3- A. sed B. $orked C. $atched D. practiced(' Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern:

    4- A. freedom B. niform C. pagoda D. fa!orite5- A. foreign B. e"amine C. langage D. practiceQuestion II: Choose the best answer:

    1-tdents $ere %%.. a lot pressre before the final e"amination. 9abo!e $ith nder on:2-Do not %%%.the dri!er $hile the bs is in motion. 9distrbdistractcon!ert interrpt:3- &hey ne!er $atch sports programs on &/%%.= 9do theydon0t theyis it are they:4- + recently !isited the school%%.. + sed to stdy 5 years ago. 9$here$hichin that there:

    5- + $as @st %%%. to go ot $hen yo telephoned. 9arond abot thinking rond:

    - +t0s difficlt to pay one0s bills $hen prices keep%%%. 9gro$ing gaining risingraising:

    - he .............. her neighbor0s child for the broken $indo$. 9blamedaccsed complained denied:

    - &he !isitor spoke %. the sb@ect of $ildlife in #orthern Britain.9in from $ith on:

    6- #ot they bt &om %%%. the re$ard. 9recei!es recei!e recei!ing to recei!e:


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    17- >e ?arreled %%%% the choice of a hose. 9on o!er for to:Question III: )i*e the correct *erb forms:

    1- is greatest ambition is 9choose: 9take part: in the Jlympics ;ondon 2712.2- #one of the people 9in!ite: to the party can come.3- + really don0t kno$ $hy she 9not enter: the last contest. he 9$in: the first prie easily.4- he has made p her mind 9ha!e: a garage 9bild: ne"t to the hose.

    5- &he state 9break: $hile it 9mo!e: to another room in the msem.- &he high$ay patrol ad!ised 9take: the old rote throgh the city.- &he bell is ringing. + mst stop 9do: my home$ork 9ans$er: the phone.- >hy yo all 9lagh:= Roger 9tell: yo his fnny stories=6- Don0t $orry. >e 9finish: the report by 11.Question IV: Wordform:

    1- o are al$ays %%%... +sn0t there anything that makes yo happy= misery:2- &hey fre?ently %%%%.. the traffic as they march throgh the streets. mobile"3- +f yo beha!e $ith this sort of %%%%..to yor other cstomers + don0t think yo $ill remainin bsiness long. polite"4- Brning coal is an%%%$ay of heating a hose. Has is mch cheaper. 9economy:

    5-ong children shold be $ell a$are of their %%%%.manners. beha*e"-Be carefl. o may be %%%%to pt all yor eggs in one basket.ad*ice:-Don0t be so ner!os. %%%%.p a little. loose"-%%%%..released from these factories are a danger to the en!ironment. Pollute:6-Don0t thro$ these plastics a$ay they may be recycle:.17-Color-blindness is %%%%to distingish color.able:Question V: 3ill in the blan with a suitable word:

    2a*e the earth

    >e are all slo$ly destroying the earth. &he sea and 91: ...... are too dirty to s$im in. &here is somch smoke in the air 92: ..... it is nhealthy to li!e in many of the $orld0s cities. +n one $ell-kno$ncity for 93: ..... poisonos gases from cars pollte the air so mch that traffic policemen ha!e to 94:

    ..... o"ygen masks.>e ha!e ct do$n so 95: ..... trees that there are no$ !ast of $asteland all 9: ..... the $orld. As thereslt farmers in parts of Africa can not 9: ...... enogh to eat. +n certain contries in Asia there istoo 9: ..... rice. ,oreo!er $e do not take enogh care of the contryside. >ild 96: ..... ?iclydisappearing. or instance tigers are rare in +ndia no$ becase $e 917: ..... killed too many for themto sr!i!e. o$e!er it isn0t enogh 911: ..... to talk abot the problem. >e mst act no$ before it istoo late to do anything abot it. 912: ..... s no$8 a!e the earth8 &his is too important to ignore.Question VI: #ewritin$ the followin$ sentences:

    1-&here are more torists in the city this year than e!er before.#e!er %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%2- &he area is so pollted that it is hard to li!e there.

    ch %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%3- o can se it as long as yo like and it $on0t $ear ot.#o matter%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%4- &he ?estions $ere so easy that all the stdents cold gi!e the correct ans$ers.&hey $ere%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5- As people get older their eyesight becomes $eaker.&he %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-&hat old keyboard is not $orth repairing.+t is%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


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    - + cold realie ho$ important the family is only after + left home.#ot ntil%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%- +t $as $rong of yo to allo$ a for-year-old child to $alk home alone.o shold%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%6- Althogh Richard is competent in his $ork he does not kno$ ho$ to deal $ith this client.Competent%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    17- + cold hold a big party thanks to my ,om0s help.ad it not %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Question VII:Complete the letter by usin$ the su$$ested words

    1- + be glad recei!e letter. .............................................................................................................................................2- + @st get $onderfl ne$s...............................................................................................................................................3- + pass final e"amination ni!ersity. .............................................................................................................................................4- ,y father be !ery pleased $hen he hear this..............................................................................................................................................5- e already promise pay holiday abroad if + pass..............................................................................................................................................- o + come *ngland.............................................................................................................................................- + like stdy *nglish school near home.............................................................................................................................................Practice test 9: 90 minutes.

    Question I: Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.

    1- A- thank B- than C- month D- yoth2- A- ad!antage B- ad!entre C- ad!ertise D- addtion3- A- main B- complain C- crtain D- entertain4- A- good B- noon C- soon D- f ood5- A- sin$ B- mornin$ C- lon$ D- an$ryQuestion II: 2upply the correct form of the *erb in bracets:

    1- >hen $e 9see: them last night they 9sing:S they 9say: they 9sing: since si" o0clock.2- >e 9$ait: for yo $hen yo 9get:back tomorro$.3- &hey 9not come: home ntil they 9see: e!erything.4- >hat do yo think the children 9do: $hen $e get home =5- +0m sre the letter $on0t arri!e in time nless it 9send: by air.- e 9$ork: hard all the $eek bt today he 9ha!e: a good time at home.-&here 9be: a lot of changes since compters 9in!ent:.- &he hose $here the dead man 9find: is being garded by the police to pre!ent it from beingentered.6- &his is only one of his poems that 9be: $orth reading.17- >hen + came to school e!erybody 9be: there.Question III: Preposition1- >e0re all !ery obliged %%%%% yo2- e0s ?ite careless %%%%%% danger.3- he0s !ery ner!os %%%%% the ne$ boss.4- +0m faithfl %%%%% my principle.5- +0!e been so an"ios %%%%% yo.- &his ser!ice is free %%%%% charge.


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    - &hey $ent ahead contrary %%%%%% my ad!ice.- e $as married %%%%% e for a day.6- ................the de!il and the deep ble sea.17- a!e a card................yor slee!e.Question IV: #ead this passa$e carefully then answer the ;uestions below.

    Bangkok the capital of &hailand is a city of contrasts. +t is an e"citing cro$ded modern city and at

    the same time a city that is fll of history. &he streets of Bangkok are sally noisy and cro$ded$ith people. ome are selling food other selling clothing cassette tapes flo$ers or so!enirs./isitors lo!e the ri!er markets the beatifl temples and architectre and the nightlife. &hey alsoen@oy the food the shopping and the friendly &hai people. *!eryone seems to smile there.,ost of the year Bangkok is hotter than any other capital city in Asia bt from December toebrary the $eather is cooler and mch more comfortable. Actally it is an interesting city to !isitat any time of the year. &he shopping is e"cellent and the price is cheaper than in many other largecities in soth-east Asia.&here is al$ays plenty to do in Bangkok any time of the day or night from $atching &hai dancing orbo"ing to taking a boat trip on the ri!er or trying some of the delicios and spicy food. And if yoget tired of the city and the traffic there are beatifl beaches only t$o hors a$ay by bs.1- >here is Bangkok=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.2- o$ are the streets of Bangkok=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.3- >hat is the $eather like in Bangkok in (anary=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.4- Can !isitors come to !isit Bangkok all the year rond=%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.5- o$ long does it take !isitors from Bangkok to the beaches by bs=%%%%%%%...%.Question V: #ewritin$ the followin$ sentences:

    1- Diana finds it easy to make friends.Diana has no ...............................................................2- ,y car broke do$n so + missed the beginning of the film.&he reason $hy .....................................................................3- +s this the only $ay to reach the city center=+sn0t there .....................................................................=4- +s it essential to meet yor ant at the station=Does yor ant ..............................................................=5- +0d like to !isit +ndia more than any other contry in the $orld.+ndia is ..............................................................................................- o$ long is it since they boght the hose=>hen .......................................................................- Jr hose is going to be painted by a local firm .>e are going .................................................................- >alking among the green trees ga!e ;i pleasre.;i ..............................................................................6- ally finally managed to get a @ob.ally finally scceeded %%%%%%%.17- &hat0s the last time + go to that restarant.+ certainly %%%%%%%%%%%%.11- + spent se!en years at secondary school and then + $ent to ni!ersity.After %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..12- >hene!er she $ent to aris she boght a ne$ dress.he ne!er %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.Question

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    1- ;ife o Chi ,inh City be e"citing -N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..2- +t be large city it also interesting. -N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..3- esterday >e see a street msician hotel. -N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..4- e play gitar beatiflly *!erything seem strange here s-N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..5- o srprised see s aren0t yo = -N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..6-

    >e $alk happily bsy streetthe noise not bother9lTm phiUn: s at all.-N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.%%%..7- + send photo of or hotel . +t look nicedoesn0t it =-N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.%%%.8- +t so ?iet that $e can hardly belie!e it o Chi minh City-N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..%%%%%..9- *!ery onehere !ery nice they al$ays smile happily-N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..%%%%..10- >e hope yo both $ell. lease gi!e lo!e to e!eryoneand $rite soon.-N %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..%%%%..Practice test 10: 90 minutes

    Question I: Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.1-a. e"perience b. e"cept c. e"cellent d. e"change2-a. union b. unit c. until d. uni!ersity3-a. camps b. rela" c. locate d. f ashion4-a. ?alify b. baggy c. grocery d. scenery5-a. cried b. pblished c. ordered d. sprayed-a. labor b. label c. land d. f a!orite-a. remote b. r ela" c. r eptation d. respond-a. comprise b. comment c. commnicate d. complsory6-a. sure b. purpose c. surf d. f urther17-a. minority b. deny c. costly d. $idely

    II. Choose a b c or d to complete the followin$ sentences .1- ,y sisiter $ill ha!e a ........... Corse of *nglish ne"t month.a. t$o month b. t$o -months c. t$o - month. d. second - month2- &o prepare his .............. $orks he spent his $hile days in his library.a. science b. scientific c. scientist d. sciences3- &he less $e stdy the ................. $e area. $orse b. bad c. $ell d. good4- After the smmer holiday the children all looked................a. health b. healthy c. healthfl d. healthily.5-&he person................ he $orks $ith like him !ery mch.a. $ho b. $hom c. $hose d. $hich.- ootball........................... all o!er the $orld.a. plays b. is playing c. is played d. played- + kno$ .................... she has gone for holiday.a. $hen b. $here c. $hy d. $hich.- Come here and sit ..................... mea. besides b. beside c. bet$een d. among.6-Andre$ came to the party .............he hadn

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    a. Jne b. a c. An d. omeQuestion III: 2upply the correct form of the *erb in bracets.

    1- e 9$ork: hard all the $eek bt today he 9ha!e: a good time at home.2- &here 9be: a lot of changes since compters 9in!ent:3- &he hose $here the dead man 9find: is being garded by the police to pre!ent it from 9enter:.4- &his is only one of his poems that 9be: $orth reading.

    5- >hen + came to school e!erybody 9be: there.- >hen she 9kno$: me for years she in!ited me to tea.- + 9tell: a lie if + said that + 9like: yo.- + hope it 9not rain: $hen the bride 9lea!e: the chrch tomorro$.6- o are 9take: o!er my bsiness $hile + go a$ay.17- #obody $old listen to the stories 9to tell: by him so many times.Question IV: )apfill:

    -aes in =orth

    ,any ri!ers and lakes arond the $orld are pollted. &he discharge of 91:%%%.. materials byfactories and hoseholds 92:%%%%%%%%.. polltion to ri!ers and lakes. &he Rhine Ri!er in*rope and the Hreat ;akes in #orth America are good e"amples of a ri!er and lakes that arepollted. &heir 93:%%%%%%%%.. cannot be drnk. &he 94:%%%%%%.. thing ishappening to the sea. +n one instance certain factories in (apan dmped indstrial $aste 95:%%%%%%.. the sea. ,any people sffered 9:%%%%%%.. lead or mercry poisoning aftereating fish 9:%%%%%.. in sch pollted $aters. olltion in certain areas of the sea is no$reaching dangeros le!els. ,any ships discharge their $aste 9:%%%%%%%.. and n$antedengine oil into the sea. &hese $astes 96:%%%%%%.. lead and mercry $hich are poisonos.ometimes accidents to oil tankers can case oil to be discharged into the sea and 917:%%%%%.. the beach.Question V: 3ill each $ap in the sentences with a suitable preposition .

    1- &he teacher di!ided the class ........................ t$o grops.2- + apologied ........................... ,ary for the misnderstanding.3- ;ook ..................... these flo$ers . Aren0t they pretty=4- + like the pictre hanging .......................... the $all .......................the kitchen5- &om0s parents $as disappointed ............... him becase he failed the final test.-,y present @ob isn0t $onderfl bt + prefer it ................. $hat + did before.- &he plan fle$ ...................&he clods to a!oid the storm.-&he people ne"t door are frios ..........s .............making so mch noise last nightQuestion V: #ewritin$ the followin$ sentences:

    1-e ne!er has enogh money. -N e al$ays %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.2-All the other $itnesses $ere called before ,r #am.,r #am $as %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..3- o can lea!e only $hen + tell yo. -NKntil %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%...4- ,inh $ent home before + arri!ed.>hen %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..5- + $ish + cold $ork in the e!enings as + sed to.+ miss %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..%- lease see that yo post all the letters.lease don0t %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%-e has decided to take dri!ing lessons. -N e has decided to learn%%%%%%%.- +0m not going to pay althogh + kno$ that + shold.>hile %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..6- Ann felt ill bt insisted on going to $ork.


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    Despite%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.17- (ohn has done $ell in *nglish bt not so $ell in ,aths.>hile %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Practice test 11: 90 minutes

    Question I: &' Choose the word which is pronounced differently from the others.

    1-a. !oice b. !olme c. !olcano d. !olnteer

    2-a. cray b. sample c. gr ade d. spacecraft3-a. spot b. ob@ect c. hole d. model4-a. launder b. laundry c. laugh d. launch(' Choose the word in each line has different stress pattern:

    1-a. income b. +nternet c. interacti!e d. interesting2-a. national b. ne$spaper c. dormitory d. biologyQuestion II: Choose the best answer

    1- %%%.. he $as sick he still trned p for his gitar lesson.A. Althogh B. Becase C. Despite D. ince2-&he old man $as !ery fond %%%%.. telling stories.A. to B. abot C. of D. for 3- &hey %%%. ha!ene coldn0t risk 9lea!e: him alone.2- +0m sitting in class right no$. + 9sit: in class at this time yesterday.3- +0m sre yo $ill ha!e forgotten me by the time + 9be: back in fi!e years.4- Kp to no$ or teacher 9gi!e: or class fi!e tests.5- &rng is sed to 9get:p early e!ery morning.- +f yo 9smoke: less yo $old ha!e mch more money.Bt + don0t think yo $ill.- >hat sholdn0t the children 9drink:=- &om0d rather 9be: early than late.6- + kne$ him $hen + 9be: a child.17- + can0t go $ith yo as + 9not finish: my $ork.Question IV: 2upply the correct word forms:

    1- >e ha!e decided to inter!ie$ the best si" %%%%..for the @ob. apply"2- hong arranged flo$ers the most %%%%.in the contest.attract"3- anta Clas is base on the %%%%..of aint #icholas in a poem.escribe"4- >e go to the restarant for%%%.$hene!er $e0re tired of eating meat .*e$etable"5- *"ercising daily $ill help yo to $ork %%%%.. effect"- e $as %%%. $hen he did the test badly. hope"- >e started or trip on a beatifl %%% morning. sun"- + en@oyed the book !ery mch becase it $as so %%%.. read"


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  • 8/12/2019 B n Thi HSG Ting Anh Lp 8


    Choosing clothes can be difficult. Some people want to be (1) ................., but they don't want to look

    exactly (2) ................ ee!ybody else. "ot all clothes a!e (#)........... fo! wo!k o! school, pe!haps

    because they a!e not ($)............. enough, o! simply not (%) .................. &t is easy to buy the()............, and find that you! t!ouse!s a!e too ()............. , especially if you a!e a little bit

    ()............... *e!y loose clothes make you feel slim, but when they hae sh!unk in the washingmachine, then you hae the same p!oblem+ &f you buy light ()............... clothes, then they might not

    be (1-)............. enough fo! winte!.1. a. of fashion b. fashioned c. fashionable d. fashion

    2. a. alike b. like c. simila! d. same

    #. a. fitted b. suitable c. comfo!t d. eual $. a. fo!mal b. st!ict c. unifo!m d. suited

    %. a. comfo!ting b. comfo!t c. comfo!ted d. comfo!table

    . a. false b. mistake c. w!ong d. e!!o! . a. st!aight b. close c. stiff d. tight

    . a. slim b. oe!weight c. thin d. eno!mous

    . a. of cotton b. in cotton c. cotton d. cottoned 1-. a. wa!m b. cold c. hot d. cool


    >eather inflences the li!es of e!eryone. &he climate of any contry depends on its positionon *arth its ...91:... from the sea and ho$ high it is. +n contries $hich ha!e sea all ... 92:... themlike Britain and #e$ Pealand $inters are mild and smmers are cool. &here is not a hge changefrom one season to ...93:... . Contries near the *?ator ha!e hot $eather all year $ith some ...94:...rain e"cept in deserts $here it rains ...95:... little. Abo!e the desert there are no clods in thesky so the ...9:... of the sn can easily $arm the grond dring the day bt it gets !ery cold at night.eople are al$ays ...9:... in nsal $eather and pictres of tornadoes for e"ample are sho$n ontele!ision. trong $inds and rain can ...9:... a lot of damage to bldings and in spite of modern ...96:... of $eather forecasting they can ...917:... srprise s.1. A- distance B- space C- depth D- length2. A-throgh B-beside C-arond D-near 3. A- ne"t B- another C-later D-other 4. A- hard B- large C-hea!y D-great5. A- not B- ?ite C-more D-!ery. A-heat B- fire C-light D-temperatre. A- attracted B- interested C-keen D-e"cited. A- make B- happen C-ha!e D-case6. A-@obs B- tools C-methods D-plans17. A-yet B - still C- already D-e!er hese days it is impossible to open the newspaper 1" .............. readin$ about the dama$e weare doin$ to the en*ironment. he earth is bein$ threatened %" .............. the future loos bad.

    /" ............... can each of us do

    We cannot clean " ................ our polluted ri*ers and seas o*erni$ht. =or can we stop the

    4" .................. of plants and animals. (ut we can stop addin$ to the problem 5" .......................

    scientists loo for answers.

    It may not be easy to chan$e your lifestyle 7" ................ but some steps are easy to tae : cut

    down the amount of dri*in$ you do or use as littie plastic as possible. It is also easy to sa*e

    8"...................which also 9" ................. household bills. We must all mae a personal decision


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    to wor for the future of our planet if we want to ensure a better world 10" ............... our


    1. &. with (. without C. and D. but

    %. &. and (. howe*er C. so D. moreo*er

    /. &. Where (. When C. Why D. What

    . &. up (. to C. on D.in

    4. & .appear (. appearance C. disappear D. disappearance5. &. when (.durin$ C. while D. within

    7. &. complete (.completeness C. completely D. to complete

    8. &. water (. ener$y C. money D. health

    9. &. adds (. decreases C. reduces D. supplies

    10. &. from (. for C. to D. in

    1. #am person al$ays help me VN%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    2.;an lea!e room $ithot say anything .VN%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    1. If + ha*e + money + buy + car.

    .. .....................................................

    %. he teacher + teach us + last year + Ars.)reen.Droght is a condition that 91:WWWWWWW $hen the a!erage rainfall for a fertile area drops far belo$the normal 92:WWWWWWWW for a long period of time. +n areas 93:WWWWWWW are not irritated the lackof rain casesfarm crops to $ither and 94:WWWWWWW . igher than normal temperatres ssallyaccompany 95:WWWWWWWW of droght .&hey add 9:WWWWWWthe crop damage. orest fires start easilydring 9:WWWWWW .&he soil of a droght area becomes 9:WWWWWWWW and crmbles. Jften the richtopsoil is 96:WWWWWWWW a$ay by the hotdry $inds .treamspondsand $ells often dry p dring adroght and animals sffer and may e!en die 917:WWWWWW the lack of $ater.1. a.becomes b.reslts c.comes d.gro$s2. a.a!erage b.nmber c. amont d.rainfall3. a. $ho b.$hat c.$hich d. $hose

    4. a.die b.dead c. faint d. pale5. a. dration b.dritions c.period d.periods. a.for b.at c.on d.to. a. rainfall b.storm c.droght d.tornado. a.light b.hea!y c.dry d.$et6.a.to blo$ b.ble$ c.blo$ing d.blo$n17. a.becase b.becase of c.for d.as

    1 +f she stdy she pass final e"am%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..2. + sggest yo stay inside recess%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.

    3.hosebilt165 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%..4. policeman ask boy $hat name$as%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%.

    Are yo looking 91:%%%%%%%%%a cheap clean effecti!e sorce of po$er that doesn0t 92:%%%%%%%%%%polltion or $aste natral resorce= ;ook no frther than solar energy.>hile most fels no$ in se are 93:%%%%%%%%%brned at a big rate solar energy a po$erfrom the 94:%%%%%%%%% $ill last as long as the $orld 95:%%%%%%%%%.&hisenergy has been 9:%%%%%%%%..to heat and cool homes or to cook food. +t has been sed 9:


  • 8/12/2019 B n Thi HSG Ting Anh Lp 8


    %%%%%%%% radio batteries and pro!ided po$er for telephone lines. &he de!ices 9:%%%%%%%%.. are cheap to operate bt !ery e"pensi!e to prodce.