bob homrich sentinel leader/1959/the... · ton harbor...

"TT .y.^; r, ^ THE : •WR' • ? ^ i SI SPARTA, M H H H B I •Z. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1959 SPARTA LOCALS MB8. DAISY HOLBEN, Correspondent - Phono TU-7-7851 Mrs. James Cnossen and her mother, Mrs. Clarence Vandermeer of Grand Rapids, left Monday for Bellflower. Calif., to visit their sister and daughter, Mrs. George Cramer and family. A/3C James M. Simmons is home on leave for 12 days from Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas. His broth- er, Douglas Simmons, Is In the Navy at Great Lakes, 111. They are the sons of Mrs. Orba Bloom- strom. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Renny of Dallas, Texas, are visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Ruby Saur at the George Spangenberg home; also visiting her nieces and families. Clayton Renny, Jr., of Washington State Is visiting his parents here. Those from Sparta who attended the Watts-Barber wedding In Ben- ton Harbor Sunday afternoon were, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. DeHart, Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner. Nancy and Ann; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burgett and Loralynne, Mr. and Mrs. Don Plnckney, Marilyn and Dick; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Mar- ilyn, and Miss Adele Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ploeg of Muske- gon and Lt. and Mrs. John Bugen- ske, accompanied the Millers also. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Barber for dinner-last week Wed- nesday, honoring their son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Barber, who left for California on Thurs- day, were: Mrs. Barber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harrington of Paw Paw, Mich.; her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Braun, Douglas and Jeffrey of Arden, N. Carolina; and Miss Marilyn Plnck- ney of Sparta. Mrs. Gerald Truax returned home Tuesday after being in St. Mary's Hospital a week, where she underwent surgery. Mrs. Truax is the former Jean Tanner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tanner, former residents of Sparta, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Montgomery Roger and Wayne, spent last week- end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ATTENTION FARMERS and FRUIT GROWERS Call us for prompt service for custom spreading ot LIMESTONE and LIQUID FERTILIZER lames Member Phontt EM 1-9518 -s OR Bob Homrich Phone EM 3-1038 Smith Clark at their cottage near Cheboygan. Barth Carlson, Sr., Is 111 In St. Mary's hospital. He entered the hospital last week Wednesday. Mrs. Carol Larson and Jean Wil- liams were hostesses Friday eve- ning for a bridal shower honoring Audrey Woolworth at the home of Carol's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Glllett The Rev. and Mrs. Lester Clough attended the picnic of the Grand Rapids District ministers and fam- ilies held at Johnson Park on Mon- day, honoring and getting ac- quainted with the new District Supt, Rev. Keith Avery and family and other new ministers of the Grand Rapids district. Mr. and Mrs. John Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vundermeer and Mr. and Mrs. James Bellamy and little daughter, Debra Jean, are spending this week at the Burk- hart cottage at Bass Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ohman and children of Spartan Village, East Lansing, were weekend guests of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Les- ter Clough and Lois Ann. Word has been received by Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Buege from their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Vesper, who are mis- sionaries In Honduras, that the revolution that has broken out there has affected them. It start- ed In the capital city of Tegucigal- pa on Sunday, July 12 when many were killed and wounded. It came so unexpectedly that the mission station which is five miles from the city, was unprepared. The next day soldiers came to the mis- sion, but were very courteous. When Mr. Vesper explained who they were - and that they were living on American owned prop- erty, the soldiers loft. One day later, other soldiers came, broke into Mr. Vesper's office and ran- sacked the school library not real- izing they were on American prop- erty, were probably looking for rebel leaders that they thought might be hiding on the mission property. After the soldiers left, Mr. Vesper put up an American flag. On Monday, a letter came from the Vespers, stating there has not been a settlement yet. Word has been received this week of the death In June of Holly Way In Douglas, Arizona, following a long Illness. He was a former resident of Sparta and will be re- membered as a druggist. His wife survives him. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Tomson and Mr. and Mrs. James Toohey of Grand Rapids, Lieut, of Sheriffs' Department, took a trip to Niagara Falls, Syracuse, Albany, the Capi- tal, New Hampshire, Vermont and Boston, Mass., where thoy enjoyed a sight-seeing bus trip. They went fishing at Potsham, Maine off the Atlantic Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Verduin entertained the group with a lobster dinner. Mrs. Ver- duin is the former Aletha Keas, daughter of Mrs. Anna Keas of Conklin. The Tomsons and Too- hey s then went through Canada, saw Montreal and Quebec and re- turned over the Mackinac Bridge, and later visited their cousins, the Vaughans, at Kendallvllle, Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olson Okemos, were Sunday guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Olson. Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Johnson and daughter. Gall and Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hu- man, returned Sunday, after a two weeks vacation spent at Washburn Lake, Wisconsin. Vr.L O^NDREWS y b News EM 1-49818 Mr. and Mrs, Albert Johnson of Holland, were guests of their uncle . . and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben H.l-f <,nyw ' y 10 " how ^ y ° u rare stead from Friday until Monday evening. Mrs. C. H. Emelander and daugh- ters, Lois and Mrs. Garry Denhof and Mrs. Florence Grimes and daughter, Thelma, spent the week- end on a northern trip to the Straits, across the bridge and to Mackinac Island. Mrs. Eva Anderson, who has been spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Koopman in Columbus, Ohio, is returning home this week. c LEGAL NOTICE A hearing for the rezoning of the following property will be held in the Village Council rooms on Mon- day, September 14; 1959, at 8 p.m. (1) I^ots 10 & 11 Johnson and Av erili's Add. (2) E 350 ft. of the S 180 ft. of the N 312 ft. of the W H of the SW % of the NW % sec. 23 T9N, R12W, lying S of Johnson & AverilTs add. And E 250 ft. of the N 132 ft. of the W H of the SW Vi of the NW '/* sec. 23. T9N, R12W, lying S of Johnson and Averlil's Add. to the Village of Sparta, Kent County, Michigan. 8-26-c -Roy Burgett Village Clerk. This Will Be An Unusual and Interesting AUCTION 169 North Union across the street from old High School Sparta, Mich. Saturday, August 22,1959 — 1:30 o'clock Furniture, Appliances and Antiques FRIGID A IRE REFRIGERATOR TABLE MODEL RADIO 2-PC. LIVING ROOM 8UITE 8-PC. OAK DINING ROOM SUITE 5-PC. DINETTE (Nice) ROCKER8 & PULL-UP CHAIRS METAL UTILITY CABINET DIHHEH GALORE GOOD GAS RANGE (Full Size) SINGER TREADLE MACHINE 9X12 AXMINSTER RUG (Clean) SOME FULL SIZE BEDS CHESTS OF DRAWERS ODD DINING ROOM CHAIRS ROUND OAK TABLE POTS. PANS, & UTENSILS ELECTROLUX (all atiachmeniH) SOME SMALL APPLIANCES ASSORTED TABLES EASY WRINGER WASHER LOUNGE CHAIRS DROP LEAF TABLE FRUIT JARS & SUPPLIES BLANKETS, SPREADS & LINENS Listed Below Are Many InteresUng Articles of the Past DROP ARM LOVE SEAT (maken bed) 9-PC. CHINA BOUDOIR SET (Matching pieceti perfect) KEROSENE LAMPS OAK HOOSIER CABINET 2 THREE-DRAWER COMMODES THREE-DRAWER DRESSER PICTURES & NOVELTIES SLEEPY HOLLOW CHAIR DINING CHAIR TUFTED LEATHER LOUNGE KEEP SAKES Stub Schlndler, Alpine township fire chief, became a volunteer fire- fighter fourteen long years ago. Those were the days when the fire trucks were housed in county gar- ages, and the nearest truck for Alpine was on Webster St., In Grand Rapids. Charlie Momber organized the present group of vol- unteers six years ago, and the orig- inal crew is still active except Russ Joustra and Carl Atwood, who both moved away. These boys must practice how to meet any type of fire and be on call at all times (getting out in the wee hours of a winter morn, brrr!). Now this Saturday night is their night to howl, with a dance for their bene- fit at Creveling's barn. Tickets are available from any firefighter and there is a space for your name as cash prizes will be given. You don't have to be present to win, so If you can't be there buy one STEP LADDER - LAWN MOWER - GARDEN CULTIVATOR - SAWS - HAMMERS . CHAINS - ETC. Terms: CASH Phoebe Brozzo Estate SHERRY'S COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE COL. SHERRY, Auctioneer —Phone TU 7-0181 -or-TU 7-6670— CARL PROBST, Clerk There are now 22 volunteers in our 4 districts. Captain of District 1 is Carl May with Alvln Kline, Carl Momber, and Herman Rasch; District 2 has captain, John Schweitzer with John Helnbeck, Harold Thome and Pat Alt; Dis- trict 3, Earl Brunett, captain, with Reynold Kline, Joe Dunneback and Paul Dunneback; District 4, Adolph Schlndler, captain, Orlo Dame, Fred Schweitzer, Jr., Ford Swett, Fred Homrich, Edward Barnard, Warren Eddy, Albert Flnkler and two new members, Tom Becker and Bernard Dood. * * * * Seven sisters gathered at the Frank Antor home last Thursday and what a time they had! Tracy, Nettie, Ronie, Louise, Clara and Agnes helped Minnie Antor cele- brate her birthday. And on Sun- day, Minnie's children and their children came over all at once to sing, "Happy Birthday. Ma." You just never know. Steve Lam oreaux, 11-year-old son of the Jim Lamoreauxs of Buth Dr., was rid Ing on the back of a tractor and his pant leg caught in the power takeoff, tearing his pants com- pletely off, and bruising his knees very badly. Steve can hardly walk but considers himself a very lucky boy that his foot was spared, as his shoe went Into the rotary mow- er and was cut to shreds. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Remus of Gary Iiidiana, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Remus of Alpine Ave. Richard Laman of 6-MIle Rd and his son, Jack, of Grand Rapids went to the Soo locks for a few days last week, but It was Just too warm way up north, so they hur ried home to enjoy cooler weather Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HUI spent a few days In the Upper Peninsula ut Munlslng and Escanaba and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hill at Caro. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Homrich and Sharon and Elaine Rothenthaler of Grand Rapids, were Sunday after- noon callers for Mrs. Melanie Roth- enthaler of 8-Mlle Rd. Plans are being made for a party for Melanie who will be 79 years old on August 15. Cards, belated or before would be a nice gesture. Melanie has a Grand Rapids mailing address. Our Lady of Lourdes guild of Holy Trinity church had a picnic supper on Tuesday evening at the Walter Schlientz cottage at Kim- ball Lake. Such clever plans are being made for the float the NW District hopes to enter In the 4-H 25th anniver- sary parade to be held In Grand Rapids this coming Saturday at 10:00 a.m. The 4-H leaders held a recent meeting ai the home of Mrs. John Ebers, chairman, with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cranmer, Mrs. Albert Fales and Mrs. Ray- mond Jost on the committee. The 4-H fair will be held at Lowell, August 17 thru 21. Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Homrich, of Alpine Church Rd., and all their family went to Mequon, Wisconsin for two weeks, and attended.the ceremonies to see RosoMary Hom- rich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Homrich of Mame, receive the Holy Habit and become Sister Mary Paul Christina. A lovely setting for the first of the pri'-nuptial parties for Nicholas Creveling and Miss Jacqueline Mul- der. Dinner on the veranda at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Roersma of Division Ave. Among the guests were Charles Mulder and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Creve- ling, parents of the future bridal couple. Mr. i.nd Mrs. Norman Thome of Greenville came to the Charles Thome home on Sunday to report that little Danny Is doing Just fine In ills Incubator, and has gained 10 ounces. He's weighing in atl 3 Ihtt. and in nam now Mr. and; Mrs. Bernard Becker and children of Division Ave., drove to Green- ville on Sunday to see Danny and visit his parents, but strange thing#] do happen, they didn't find anyone home. It was a pleasant ride, and seeing Danny was worth the trip. Larry Young, 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Young of Vinton Ave., was a very, very sick froy over the weekend, following a tonsillectomy. Get-well cards-are due for: Mrs. Anna Alt, who entered St. Mary's hospital last Firday; Grandpa Ed Krupp is also at St. Mary's and is eoming along well after a leg am- putation; William Lamoteaux is a surgical patient at St, Mary's, too; James W. Smith, Sr., is at Blod- gett hospital; Charlie (Carl) Vogel is very low at the Boon Nursing home In Sparta and Herb Hlnden- ach of Muskegon, known to the local people, has undergone sur- gery at Ferguson hospital In Grand Rapids. Anthony Ernest Homrich had never seen so many people in all his life as when his parents held a christening party for him last Sun- day. Anthony was bom July 23 and acted as was his due when his godparents, Mrs. Robert Homrich and Walter Purzeckl, and guests Bob Homrich and children, Mrs. Walter Purzeckl, Mrs. Caroline Ko- cleiek, Mrs. Stella Bochenek, John Sawlcki, came for dinner and stay ed for supper, too, at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest llomrlch of Alpine Church Rd, The haste and needless waste in modern living has banished the personal pride of man to give the world a quality product. Either of his work or of his children. o ROTARY NEWS Two of our members are In the hospital this week. Dick Wolf in Blodgett Hospital and Barth Carl son, Sr., in St, Mary's Hospital, both are doing well at the present time and we wish them a speedy recovery and a early return to Rotary. Bernie Hessel, program chairman was called away and Ed Lane in- troduced our speaker. Rev. Irvln L Piell of Algoma Baptist Church The subject of his talk "My Faith" a very worth while topic and of real personal Interest to everyone Every man must have a real faith to live by. He was not concerned with what your particular faith was but he knew very surely what his was. It was based on the Bible This book must have more than human origin or it could never have come down through the ages as the world's best seller. His faith in God gives him hope and assur- ance and helps to bannlsh fear. Faith without works is dead. What a man believes In so is he. We will all be remembered more for what we have done for our fellow men and community than for any- thing else. We are being watched all the time by others and we should live what we believe. He told several Interesting stories, held the attention of the club and proved to be a very worthwhile speaker. Thank you. Rev. Piell, we hope you will come back again. F.L.B. o. VILLAGE OF SPARTA Council Proceedings Aye: 5. Nay: None. Motion by Titus and seconded by Colby, that the Village Council ex- tend, from August 15, 1950, to September 15, 1959, the- time for paying Village Taxes. Aye: 5. Nay: None. Moved by Colby, and seconded by Field, that the Village Council make the down payment on the parking lot to the General Services Administration in accordance with contract No. GS-05B-(S)-830. Aye: Jaeschke, Titus, Colby, Field, and Carlson. Nay: None. Upon motion meeting was ad- journed by President Johnson. —Roy Burgett Village Clerk Regular Meeting Sparta Village Council, August 10, 1959, Council Rooms, 156 Division St., Sparta, Michigan, 8:00 P.M. Meeting called to order by pres- ident Johnson. Members present: Jaeschke Ti- tus, Colby, Field, and Carlson. Member absent: Ram bow. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read. Moved by Titus, and seconded by Colby, that the bills In the sum of $26,354.22, as approved by the Fi- nance Committee, be paid. Aye: Jaeschke, Titus, Colby, Field, and Carlson. Nay: 0. Report by Clerk and Superin- tendent of Public Works. Chief of Police, Eugene Heugel, reported 22 arrests for the month of July. Arrests as follows: Exces- sive noise, 5; Speeding, 4; Disorder- ly, 3; Expired operator's license, 2; Assault and Battery, 1; Viola- tion of check law, 2; Improper li- cense plates, 1; Disobeyed traffic signal. 1; Disobeyed stop sign, 1; Driving while license revoked, 1; defective equipment, 1. 1 property damage accident was Investigated and 261 drivers licenses were is- sued. Moved by Jaeschke, and seconded by Carlson, that the Village Coun- cil accept the resquest of (1) Mus- kegon Piston Ring Company, (2) General Research & Supply Com- pany for rezoning of the following property from residential to in- dustrial: (1) Lots 10 & 11 Johnson and Av- erlil's Add. (2) E 350 ft. of the S 180 ft. of the N 312 ft. of the W H of the SW % of the NW % sec. 23 T9N, R12W, lying S of Johnson & Averlil's add. And E 250 ft. of the N 132 ft. of the W H of the SW V4 of the NW % sec. 23, T9N, R12W, lying S of Johnson and Averlil's Add. to the Village of Sparta, Kent County, Michigan. RAVENNA 4-H FAIR AUG. 20-21-22 -Thursday- JudginR ataris 10 Port City Drum & Bugle Corp 7:00 PJK. Horse Pull 'Wm 8:00 P.M. open to all teams 3,000 lbs. and under -Friday- Judging Continues Beef Cattle Auction 7:00 P.M. CALF ROPING Sanctioned by Michigan Ropers Am with Ropers from r Michigan, Indiana, Ohio Roping wild Brahma Calves at 8:00 P.M. -Saturday- Parade 2:00 P.M. Tractor Driving Contest 3:00 P.M, Amateur Acts Contest 8:00 P.M. Extra Large Midway by King Exposition SHOWS BERKSHIRE stocking August 13 through 29 Here's how to double-aavt on sheer seamlem and full-fashioned Berkshire stockings! Now, during Berkshire's sensational orvce-a-year sale—you can get sheer, sheer Berkshirss at remarkably reduced prices. And remember—you can buy guaranUed Berkshiree with WYLOC 4 —the amazing run- stop barrier. Keeps runs starting at top and toe from entering tiie sheer leg area. That 's guaranteed—or you get a new pair frtel *sw •wSsiJw. Ai aduertited in LIFE Qtl your B«rkthlr«s n o w a t H im * monny-ttvlng pric«t I REG. 1 . 3 8 . . . NOW 1 . 0 9 . . . 8 pairs S.19 REG. 1 . 5 0 . . . NOW 1 . 1 9 . . . S nairs 3.49 REG. 1 M . . NOW 1 . 2 9 . . . 8 pairs 3.79 opcti n 9:00 P. M. FRIDAY WAHLSTROM'S OPEN TO 9:30 P. M. SATURDAY

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Page 1: Bob Homrich Sentinel Leader/1959/The... · ton Harbor Sunday afternoon were, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. DeHart, Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner. Nancy

"TT .y.^; r, ̂



•WR' • ? ^ i S I S P A R T A ,

• M H H H B I •Z.


SPARTA LOCALS MB8. DAISY HOLBEN, Correspondent - Phono TU-7-7851

Mrs. James Cnossen and her mother, Mrs. Clarence Vandermeer of Grand Rapids, left Monday for Bellflower. Calif., to visit their sister and daughter, Mrs. George Cramer and family.

A/3C James M. Simmons is home on leave for 12 days from Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas. His broth-er, Douglas Simmons, Is In the Navy at Great Lakes, 111. They are the sons of Mrs. Orba Bloom-strom.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Renny of Dallas, Texas, are visiting her sis-ter, Mrs. Ruby Saur at the George Spangenberg home; also visiting her nieces and families. Clayton Renny, Jr., of Washington State Is visiting his parents here.

Those from Sparta who attended the Watts-Barber wedding In Ben-ton Harbor Sunday afternoon were, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. DeHart, Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner. Nancy and Ann; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burgett and Loralynne, Mr. and Mrs. Don

Plnckney, Marilyn and Dick; and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Mar-ilyn, and Miss Adele Bradford. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ploeg of Muske-gon and Lt. and Mrs. John Bugen-ske, accompanied the Millers also.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Barber for dinner-last week Wed-nesday, honoring their son and his bride, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Barber, who left for California on Thurs-day, were: Mrs. Barber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Harrington of Paw Paw, Mich.; her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Braun, Douglas and Jeffrey of Arden, N. Carolina; and Miss Marilyn Plnck-ney of Sparta.

Mrs. Gerald Truax returned home Tuesday af ter being in St. Mary's Hospital a week, where she underwent surgery. Mrs. Truax is the former Jean Tanner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Tanner, former residents of Sparta,

Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Montgomery Roger and Wayne, spent last week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.


Call us for prompt service for custom spreading ot


FERTILIZER lames Member

Phontt EM 1-9518

- s OR

Bob Homrich Phone EM 3-1038

Smith Clark a t their cottage near


Barth Carlson, Sr., Is 111 In St.

Mary's hospital. He entered the

hospital last week Wednesday.

Mrs. Carol Larson and Jean Wil-

liams were hostesses Friday eve-ning for a bridal shower honoring Audrey Woolworth a t the home of Carol's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rus-sell Glllett

The Rev. and Mrs. Lester Clough attended the picnic of the Grand Rapids District ministers and fam-ilies held at Johnson Park on Mon-day, honoring and getting ac-quainted with the new District Supt , Rev. Keith Avery and family and other new ministers of the Grand Rapids district.

Mr. and Mrs. John Burkhart, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vundermeer and Mr. and Mrs. James Bellamy and little daughter, Debra Jean, are spending this week at the Burk-hart cottage at Bass Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ohman and children of Spartan Village, East Lansing, were weekend guests of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Les-ter Clough and Lois Ann.

Word has been received by Rev. and Mrs. A. A. Buege from their son-in-law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Arthur Vesper, who are mis-sionaries In Honduras, that the revolution that has broken out there has affected them. It start-ed In the capital city of Tegucigal-pa on Sunday, July 12 when many were killed and wounded. It came so unexpectedly that the mission station which is five miles from the city, was unprepared. The next day soldiers came to the mis-sion, but were very courteous. When Mr. Vesper explained who they were - and that they were living on American owned prop-erty, the soldiers loft. One day later, other soldiers came, broke into Mr. Vesper's office and ran-sacked the school library not real-izing they were on American prop-erty, were probably looking for rebel leaders that they thought might be hiding on the mission property. After the soldiers left, Mr. Vesper put up an American flag. On Monday, a letter came from the Vespers, stating there has not been a settlement yet.

Word has been received this week of the death In June of Holly Way In Douglas, Arizona, following a long Illness. He was a former resident of Sparta and will be re-membered as a druggist. His wife survives him.

Mr. and Mrs. Alva Tomson and Mr. and Mrs. James Toohey of

Grand Rapids, Lieut, of Sher i f f s ' Department, took a trip to Niagara

Falls, Syracuse, Albany, the Capi-

tal, New Hampshire, Vermont and

Boston, Mass., where thoy enjoyed

a sight-seeing bus trip. They went

fishing at Potsham, Maine off the

Atlantic Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Verduin entertained the group

with a lobster dinner. Mrs. Ver-

duin is the former Aletha Keas, daughter of Mrs. Anna Keas of

Conklin. The Tomsons and Too-

hey s then went through Canada,

saw Montreal and Quebec and re-turned over the Mackinac Bridge, and later visited their cousins, the Vaughans, at Kendallvllle, Ind.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olson o£ Okemos, were Sunday guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Olson.

Mr. and Mrs. Ivar Johnson and daughter. Gall and Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hu-man, returned Sunday, af ter a two weeks vacation spent a t Washburn Lake, Wisconsin.

Vr.L O ^ N D R E W S y b News

EM 1-49818

Mr. and Mrs, Albert Johnson of Holland, were guests of their uncle . . and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ben H . l - f < , n y w ' y 1 0 " h o w ^ y ° u rare

stead from Friday until Monday evening.

Mrs. C. H. Emelander and daugh-ters, Lois and Mrs. Garry Denhof and Mrs. Florence Grimes and daughter, Thelma, spent the week-end on a northern trip to the Straits, across the bridge and to Mackinac Island.

Mrs. Eva Anderson, who has been spending a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. H. H. Koopman in Columbus, Ohio, is returning home this week.



A hearing for the rezoning of the following property will be held in the Village Council rooms on Mon-day, September 14; 1959, at 8 p.m.

(1) I^ots 10 & 11 Johnson and Av erili's Add. (2) E 350 ft. of the S 180 ft. of the N 312 ft. of the W H of the SW % of the NW % sec. 23 T9N, R12W, lying S of Johnson & AverilTs add. And E 250 ft. of the N 132 ft. of the W H of the SW Vi of the NW '/* sec. 23. T9N, R12W, lying S of Johnson and Averlil's Add. to the Village of Sparta, Kent County, Michigan.


-Roy Burgett Village Clerk.

This Will Be An Unusual and Interesting

AUCTION 169 North Union across the street from old High School Sparta, Mich.

Saturday, August 22,1959 — 1:30 o'clock —

Furniture, Appliances and Antiques FRIGID A IRE REFRIGERATOR




5-PC. DINETTE (Nice)












ELECTROLUX (all atiachmeniH)








Listed Below Are Many InteresUng Articles of the Past DROP ARM LOVE SEAT (maken


(Matching pieceti perfect) KEROSENE LAMPS







Stub Schlndler, Alpine township

fire chief, became a volunteer fire-

fighter fourteen long years ago.

Those were the days when the fire

trucks were housed in county gar-ages, and the nearest truck for Alpine was on Webster St., In Grand Rapids. Charlie Momber organized the present group of vol-unteers six years ago, and the orig-inal crew is still active except Russ Joustra and Carl Atwood, who both moved away. These boys must practice how to meet any type of fire and be on call at all times (getting out in the wee hours of a winter morn, brrr!) . Now this Saturday night is their night to howl, with a dance for their bene-fit at Creveling's barn. Tickets are available from any firefighter and there is a space for your name as cash prizes will be given. You don't have to be present to win, so If you can't be there buy one


Terms: CASH


COL. SHERRY, Auctioneer —Phone TU 7-0181 -or-TU 7-6670— CARL PROBST, Clerk

There are now 22 volunteers in our 4 districts. Captain of District 1 is Carl May with Alvln Kline, Carl Momber, and Herman Rasch; District 2 h a s captain, John Schweitzer with John Helnbeck, Harold Thome and Pat Alt; Dis-trict 3, Earl Brunett, captain, with Reynold Kline, Joe Dunneback and Paul Dunneback; District 4, Adolph Schlndler, captain, Orlo Dame, Fred Schweitzer, Jr., Ford Swett, Fred Homrich, Edward Barnard, Warren Eddy, Albert Flnkler and two new members, Tom Becker and Bernard Dood.

* * * *

Seven sisters gathered at the Frank Antor home last Thursday and what a time they had! Tracy, Nettie, Ronie, Louise, Clara and Agnes helped Minnie Antor cele-brate her birthday. And on Sun-day, Minnie's children and their children came over all at once to sing, "Happy Birthday. Ma."

You just never know. Steve Lam oreaux, 11-year-old son of the Jim Lamoreauxs of Buth Dr., was rid Ing on the back of a tractor and his pant leg caught in the power takeoff, tearing his pants com-pletely off, and bruising his knees very badly. Steve can hardly walk but considers himself a very lucky boy that his foot was spared, as his shoe went Into the rotary mow-er and was cut to shreds.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Remus of Gary Iiidiana, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Remus of Alpine Ave.

Richard Laman of 6-MIle Rd and his son, Jack, of Grand Rapids went to the Soo locks for a few days last week, but It was Just too warm way up north, so they hur ried home to enjoy cooler weather

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd HUI spent a few days In the Upper Peninsula ut Munlslng and Escanaba and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hill at Caro.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Homrich and Sharon and Elaine Rothenthaler of Grand Rapids, were Sunday after-noon callers for Mrs. Melanie Roth-enthaler of 8-Mlle Rd. Plans are being made for a party for Melanie who will be 79 years old on August 15. Cards, belated or before would be a nice gesture. Melanie has a Grand Rapids mailing address.

Our Lady of Lourdes guild of Holy Trinity church had a picnic supper on Tuesday evening at the Walter Schlientz cottage at Kim-ball Lake.

Such clever plans are being made for the float the NW District hopes to enter In the 4-H 25th anniver-sary parade to be held In Grand Rapids this coming Saturday at 10:00 a.m. The 4-H leaders held a recent meeting ai the home of Mrs. John Ebers, chairman, with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cranmer, Mrs. Albert Fales and Mrs. Ray-mond Jost on the committee. The 4-H fair will be held at Lowell, August 17 thru 21.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Homrich, of Alpine Church Rd., and all their family went to Mequon, Wisconsin for two weeks, and at tended.the ceremonies to see RosoMary Hom-rich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Homrich of Mame, receive the Holy Habit and become Sister Mary Paul Christina.

A lovely setting for the first of the pri'-nuptial parties for Nicholas Creveling and Miss Jacqueline Mul-der. Dinner on the veranda at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Roersma of Division Ave. Among the guests were Charles Mulder and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Creve-ling, parents of the future bridal couple.

Mr. i.nd Mrs. Norman Thome of Greenville came to the Charles Thome home on Sunday to report that little Danny Is doing Just fine In ills Incubator, and has gained 10 ounces. He's weighing in atl 3 Ihtt. and in nam now Mr. and; Mrs. Bernard Becker and children of Division Ave., drove to Green-ville on Sunday to see Danny and visit his parents, but strange thing#]

do happen, they didn't find anyone

home. It was a pleasant ride, and

seeing Danny was worth the trip.

Larry Young, 13-year-old son of

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Young of

Vinton Ave., was a very, very sick froy over the weekend, following a tonsillectomy.

Get-well cards-are due for: Mrs. Anna Alt, who entered St. Mary's hospital last Firday; Grandpa Ed Krupp is also at St. Mary's and is eoming along well after a leg am-putation; William Lamoteaux is a surgical patient at St, Mary's, too; James W. Smith, Sr., is at Blod-gett hospital; Charlie (Carl) Vogel is very low at the Boon Nursing home In Sparta and Herb Hlnden-ach of Muskegon, known to the local people, has undergone sur-gery at Ferguson hospital In Grand Rapids.

Anthony Ernest Homrich had never seen so many people in all his life as when his parents held a christening party for him last Sun-day. Anthony was bom July 23 and acted as was his due when his godparents, Mrs. Robert Homrich and Walter Purzeckl, and guests Bob Homrich and children, Mrs. Walter Purzeckl, Mrs. Caroline Ko-cleiek, Mrs. Stella Bochenek, John Sawlcki, came for dinner and stay ed for supper, too, a t the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest l lomrlch of Alpine Church Rd,

The haste and needless waste in modern living has banished the personal pride of man to give the world a quality product. Either of his work or of his children.



Two of our members are In the hospital this week. Dick Wolf in Blodgett Hospital and Barth Carl son, Sr., in St, Mary's Hospital, both are doing well at the present time and we wish them a speedy recovery and a early return to Rotary.

Bernie Hessel, program chairman was called away and Ed Lane in-troduced our speaker. Rev. Irvln L Piell of Algoma Baptist Church The subject of his talk "My Faith" a very worth while topic and of real personal Interest to everyone Every man must have a real faith to live by. He was not concerned with what your particular faith was but he knew very surely what his was. It was based on the Bible This book must have more than human origin or it could never have come down through the ages

as the world's best seller. His fai th

in God gives him hope and assur-

ance and helps to bannlsh fear.

Faith without works is dead. What

a man believes In so is he. We

will all be remembered more for

what we have done for our fellow

men and community than for any-

thing else. We are being watched all the time by others and we should live what we believe. He told several Interesting stories, held the attention of the club and proved to be a very worthwhile speaker.

Thank you. Rev. Piell, we hope you will come back again.

F.L.B. o.


Council Proceedings

Aye: 5. Nay: None.

Motion by Titus and seconded by

Colby, that the Village Council ex-

tend, from August 15, 1950, to September 15, 1959, the- time for paying Village Taxes.

Aye: 5. Nay: None. Moved by Colby, and seconded

by Field, that the Village Council make the down payment on the parking lot to the General Services Administration in accordance with contract No. GS-05B-(S)-830.

Aye: Jaeschke, Titus, Colby, Field, and Carlson. Nay: None.

Upon motion meeting was ad-journed by President Johnson.

— R o y Burgett Village Clerk

Regular Meeting Sparta Village Council, August 10, 1959, Council Rooms, 156 Division St., Sparta, Michigan, 8:00 P.M.

Meeting called to order by pres-ident Johnson.

Members present: Jaeschke Ti-tus, Colby, Field, and Carlson.

Member absent: Ram bow. Minutes of the previous meeting

were read and approved as read. Moved by Titus, and seconded by

Colby, that the bills In the sum of $26,354.22, as approved by the Fi-nance Committee, be paid.

Aye: Jaeschke, Titus, Colby, Field, and Carlson. Nay: 0.

Report by Clerk and Superin-tendent of Public Works.

Chief of Police, Eugene Heugel, reported 22 arrests for the month of July. Arrests as follows: Exces-sive noise, 5; Speeding, 4; Disorder-ly, 3; Expired operator's license, 2; Assault and Battery, 1; Viola-tion of check law, 2; Improper li-cense plates, 1; Disobeyed traffic signal. 1; Disobeyed stop sign, 1; Driving while license revoked, 1; defective equipment, 1. 1 property damage accident was Investigated and 261 drivers licenses were is-sued.

Moved by Jaeschke, and seconded by Carlson, that the Village Coun-cil accept the resquest of (1) Mus-kegon Piston Ring Company, (2) General Research & Supply Com-pany for rezoning of the following property from residential to in-dustrial: (1) Lots 10 & 11 Johnson and Av-erlil's Add. (2) E 350 ft . of the S 180 ft . of the N 312 ft. of the W H of the SW % of the NW % sec. 23 T9N, R12W, lying S of Johnson & Averlil's add. And E 250 ft. of the N 132 ft. of the W H of the SW V4 of the NW % sec. 23, T9N, R12W, lying S of Johnson and Averlil's Add. to the Village of Sparta, Kent County, Michigan.


AUG. 20-21-22 -Thursday-

JudginR ataris 10

Port City Drum & Bugle Corp

7:00 PJK.

Horse Pull ' W m 8:00 P.M.

open to all teams 3,000 lbs. and under

-Friday-Judging Continues

Beef Cattle Auction 7:00 P.M.

CALF ROPING Sanctioned by

Michigan Ropers A m with Ropers from

r Michigan, Indiana, Ohio Roping wild

Brahma Calves at 8:00 P.M.

-Saturday-Parade 2:00 P.M.

Tractor Driving Contest 3:00 P.M,

Amateur Acts Contest 8:00 P.M.

Extra Large Midway by

King Exposition SHOWS

BERKSHIRE stocking

August 13 through 29 Here's how to double-aavt on sheer seamlem and full-fashioned Berkshire stockings! Now, during Berkshire's sensational orvce-a-year sale—you can get sheer, sheer Berkshirss at remarkably reduced prices.

And remember—you can buy guaranUed Berkshiree with WYLOC4—the amazing run-stop barrier. Keeps runs starting at top and toe from entering tiie sheer leg area. That's guaranteed—or you get a new pair frtel *sw •wSsiJw.

Ai aduertited in LIFE

Q t l y o u r B « r k t h l r « s n o w a t H i m * m o n n y - t t v l n g p r i c « t I

REG. 1 . 3 8 . . . NOW 1 . 0 9 . . . 8 pairs S . 1 9

REG. 1 . 5 0 . . . NOW 1 . 1 9 . . . S nairs 3 . 4 9

REG. 1 M . . NOW 1 . 2 9 . . . 8 pairs 3 . 7 9

o p c t i n



Page 2: Bob Homrich Sentinel Leader/1959/The... · ton Harbor Sunday afternoon were, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. DeHart, Mr. and Mrs. James Gardner. Nancy


KENT CITV fnuB c. W. FULKERSON, Correspondent - Phone OR4-S7M

^ ^

Mr. and Mra. Carl Norder and daughter, Judy came Monday from Eric, Pa., to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Graf. Mar-

-guerite Graf, who had been visiting in Pennsylvania for a few weeks, returned home with them.

Mrs. Andrew Heribacka is re-covering at St. Mary's hospital from a serious operation which she underwent last week Tuesday. Cards may be addressed to her at the hospital.

I t is reported that Mrs. Martha

N O T I C E ! We Have Sold The

F. & J. Food Market -TO—

Mr. and Mrs. Ken Erickson OF MUSKEGON








Spensored by

Volunteer Fire DepL Tickets Now O i Sale

City Office or Firemen

/ - b a r " ^

t ^ C I R C U S h v


w i l d a h i m a i m i m t A COMPLETE FIOCIAM Of IOP ( M S AOS mi 1WU9 AMMAIS

fit fAVOUTt IKTIKTAIMHOrr for RIDS of AU AMI (3 U n d n C | •f Day Omlf

N O W C O M I I N I D F O R W O R L D ' S P I N I I T S H O W

S I L D O M i O U A U I D — N I V I R I X C I L L I D


r i a t m i u g J O 8 K Y M V f o i M V N V V L i r N A V ? $1,000 KWAID TO ANYONI THAT ON FROVI OINHMSI

£ sptcW lwltit/6* /$ nfatded to *11 ScJeoo! ChMrsft fo come to ShotpouMts it /0& 6A**s Tby*; foe th , csmok, Uamn fob**, Lionsi dc- Mdrtmterej.jRttj

CARSON t BARNES dois n o t msmaua T t U l Y ADMINISTERED — H 0 N 0 R A I L Y CONDUCTED





I N D I A N S — R I D I N G S H A R F S H O O T i N G I T H R I L L A M I N U T E


ADVANOI PRICIt • Childr«n 60o - Adult* 0 1 . 0 0 Door PHMt 7fto and 0 1 . 2 6 T i f i U f T i MOW QM f A L f


Stark has bought the Snow school house and plans to make it into a home, beginning the work soon.

Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Johnson and family of Battle Creek came Tuesday and remained over night with Mr. and Mrs. Lester Johnson. Leaving the children here, they went to Tlnley Park, near Chicago, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Roderic Jack-son Wednesday morning and Mrs. Johnson came Wednesday and took the children to her home in Cadil-lac.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saur have left on a trip Into Canada. They will see the Seaway, visit Montreal and Quebec and many other in-teresting places. They expect to be gone a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Klein and son, Mason, of Tampa, Florida, came Monday to spend a couple of weeks at the Eddie Mortensen home. Mrs. Klein, the former Aud-rey Fonger, is a cousin of Mrs. Mortensen.

Mrs. Nettie Cribley of Grand Ledge Is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Stevens.

Mrs. Howard Holwerda of Grand Rapids, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Sanford Deyo.

Seven friends of Mrs. Norman Weston met at her home Wednes-day evening to help her celebrate her birthday.

Mrs. Ardis Gorby, who has been ill for the past three months, is now improved.

Mrs. Jay Formsma of Holland vis-ited friends here Wednesday and attended the birthday party at N. Weston's Wednesday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Rex Foxworthy and family attended the Foxwor-thy family reunion at Manton Sun-day.

Barbara Johnson is spending the week with friends in the Upper Peninsula.

Mr, and Mrs. Darwin Williams are both in a Grand Rapids hos-pital as a result of a recent auto-mobile accident. He is seriously injured. The children are with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs, Bush, and Mrs. Williams will go there as soon as she can leave the hospital, Mr. and Mrs, Bush live Just south of town.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Anderson are spending their vacation in the Upper Peninsula,

Mrs. Rose Hawkinson died at her home Friday, after a long illness. The funeral was held at the Mam-reiund Lutheran Church Monday.

Mike Lang is ill and is in the hospital at Grant.

Rev, and Mrs, Frank Hanson of Belvidere, 111,, were calling on friends here Wednesday arid Thursday on their way to northern Michigan and from there to Wis-consin to visit a daughter. Rev. Hanson is a former pastor of the Mamrelund Lutheran Church,

Mr. and Mrs, E. J, Casey, Mr, and Mrs, Jim Casey and daughter, Liz and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pat-teriion and family; also Mrs. Cora Casey, who is a house guest of the Caseys, si)ent Sunday at the cot-tage at Long Lake.

Craig Stephens, who has been spending the summer with his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs, Ed-ward Blohm, left August 5 for Chi-cago, where he took a plane for his home in San Antonio, Texas. He is the son of Mrs. Ruth (Blohm) Stephens,

Jack Soderstrom, Jr., who was in a ditch cavein a few weeks ago, is still in St. Mary's Hospital.

Mrs. F, H, Thomas and your cor-respondent drove to North Casno-vla Sunday afternoon and called on Mrs. Hattie Woodali and Miis

Helen Bull Mrs. Woodali is in

poor health.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mortensen an-

nounce the birth of a 7-pound, 9-ounce daughter, at St. Mary's hos-pital, Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. George Edgar and family are taking their vacation in a cottage at a lake near Coral.

Mary Kriger was a dinner guest, of Mrs. Tina Johnson of Sparta Thursday.

The Frank Saur family gathered at the Orrin Saur cottage at Brook's Lake Sunday to help them celebrate their wedding anniver-sary.

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson and family and Mrs. Joanna Peterson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wal-ter Nicholson of Muskegon Friday honoring Mrs. Nicholson on her birthday.

Miss Mento McKelvey is spend-ing a few days each week in Grand Rapids assisting in the Kent Co. library.

Mr. and Mrs, Harry Shirey and family are vacationing at Hough-ton Lake this week.

Mrs, Nancy McClurg is in Lake Orion with her daughter, Mrs. Beatrice Millard, who recently had surgery, and is now convalescing.

Mrs. Dessa Graham is spending two or three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. William Graham and family.

Mission Picnic About fifty members of the Kent

City, Cedar Springs and Eifeey Missionary Societies of the Baptist Churches, enjoyed a picnic Wed-nesday at the shelter house at Long Lake Park. After the bountiful dinner, an excellent program was given by the different societies. The highlight of the day was a talk by Mrs. Carlson, who with her husband, are missionaries in S. Africa. They are members of the Cedar Springs Baptist Church and are home on furlough,


CLARK SCHOOL Mr*. Lowell Anderson, Corr.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nelson accompanied Mrs. Alma Runstrom and family to the cottage of Mr. and Mrs, Axel Runstrom to spend the day on Wednesday. They called on Mr, and Mrs, Arthur Nelson at Big Rapids on their way heme.

Mrs. Walter Dahl Jefi Friday for Wisconsin to sjiend a few days with her mother and other relatives.

Mrs. Oscar Anderson and family spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson.

The Anderson - Holmgren Re-union was held at Half Moon Lake on Sunday.

Carol Nelson with her cousin, Billy Boros, returned by plane to her home at Hortonville, Wis., on Monday,

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nelson spent Wednesday night and Thurs-day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Runstrom in Grand Rapids.

Mrs. Rausy Matthews, with some cousins, are spending a fi'w days in northern Michigan.

Several young married couples spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs, Carl Freeman and family,

Mrs. William Munson spent n couple of days in the hospital the past week for X-rays and treat-ment.

Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson were lunch guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hall and Hobby at Newaygo on Wednesday and had lunch with Mrs, Arvid Miller at Lake View on Thursday.

For soft, soft hair with a perfect memory


Lilt I Givei your hair inner moisture •o that even months later your hair ia

H t * 2 0 0 easy to le t -[ K A f c ply* t a x .

W M m w i K

CASNOVIA Mrs. H. O. Brott, Cor. Phone OS 54751


Betty Jean Ade has returned

from a two-week stay with Chief

and •Mrs. R. P. Roberts and family

in Norfolk, Va,, while visiting

EaHe Cooke, who is in the Navy,

Betty traveled bv train. Chief

Roberts Is one of Earle's chiefs on the U.S.S, Loffey, which left for the Mediterranean Sea Friday for seven months.

Robert Wexstaff, former princi-pal of Casnovla school, has accept-ed a position as principal of the Little Black Lake School in Mus-kegon County. He will begin his duties in September.

Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Wellman returned home Saturday from a three week western trip. They visited the Bad Lands, Black Hills, Yellowstone Park and visited four of Lawrence's brothers In Wash-ington, While there, the men en-joyed- salmon fishing, the biggest one being 40" long and weighing 25 pounds. Another new experience was digging clams on the shore of Puget Sound and a clam bake at-tended by 26 including Lawrence's brother and his children and grandchildren. On August 2 a re-union was held at Altaire Camp Grounds and a trip to Hurricane Ridge to see the flowers and view the mountains. They also saw many deer, some quite tame, and the big ski runs there. They crossed the Mackinac Bridge on the return trip,

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Randall were guests of their son, Don Randall and his wife at Clear Lake, near Battle Creek from Sunday until Wednesday last week.

Dennis Murray attended camp at Rock Lake last week, returning home Friday night,

Mrs, Wilma Morton, Mrs, Jane Harris and Mrs. Mattie Batcholor spent last Friday in Grant with Mrs. Lilia Shaw.

Mrs. Leo Creore of Battle Creek came Friday tu stay until Tuesday with her friend, Mrs. Clyde Eltel and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Young of Grand Haven were din-ner guests of Mrs. Eltel and Mrs. Creore.

H, G. Clintsman, Jr., and son, Richard and his friend, Gerry Gears of Rochester, New York, who have been visiting Mrs. H. G. Clintsman, Sr., for two weeks, re-turned to their home Saturday. 1

Fred Johnson and William Ed-wards, who have been spending several days with Mr, and Mrs. L J. Mason, returned home to St. Louis, Mo., Monday.

Marilyn I3ull and Leann Shear were two of four girls who repre-sented Kent County in the cloth-ing judging at Michigan State Uni-versity last Thursday and Friday. Mrs, Forrest Shear took the four girls to Lansing Thursday, where they stayed at Shaw Hall. Mrs. Shear visited Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pace at East Lansing while there.

Mrs. Henry Graeber of Wiscon-sin, an aunt of Mrs. Vernon Bull, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ver-nop Bull and family Sunday at their cottage at Little Point Sauble on Lake Michigan. A birthday din-ner was enjoyed honoring Mrs. Bull's father, Robert Haney, who is 81 years old,

Mrs. Don Liilie, and Mrs. J. E, Lillie were guests of Mrs. John Liilie and son Jack, Sunday and all drove to South Haven where they enjoyed dinner and a nice ride along the lake. They returned home Monday,

Mrs. Ida Conner hud tho misfor-tune to trip on a rug in her home last week and injured her leg so she is confined to a chair for a few days.

Linda and Steve Clark spent last week with their grandpa and grandma Clark (Boyd).

Mrs. J. E. Liilie and Mrs. Don Liilie were joint hostesses Friday evening for a dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hersey. Mark II and Ann Eliza, Mrs. Howard Durham and daughter, Rebecca.

Mrs, F. L. Bianchard of Fern-dale came Saturday and remained until Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. Mabel Payne. Sunday they attended the Bennett family re-union at Gordon Park.

Mr, and Mrs. Charles Cooler, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Johnson.

The Country Garden Club en-joyed their August meeting last week at the lovely new home of Mrs, T. Moss on Pickerel I>ake. Sixteen members and one guest were present for the pot-luck din-ner. Following the dinner, the meeting was called to order and It was decided to accept an invitation to visit the Wayside Gardens at Coopersvilie August 22. One mem-ber, whose home was destroyed by fin ' recently, was presented a love-ly lamp from the members. Bunco furnished the entertainment /or

the afternoon with Mrs. Margaret

Simons winning first prize, and she also won the door prize. Mrs,

Jennie Burch will be hostess for

the September meeting with Mrs. Jane Harris assisting.

Mrs. R, Borkowskl was In Grand Rapids last week caring for her grandchildren, Jeffrey and Greg-ory Ade, while their mother was In the hospital with a new baby, Carey Eugene, who was born on August 3 and weighed 8 pounds.


CAMP LAKE hy Rath Taraen

The Camp Lake Improvement Association met August 5 In the fire ham. Election of officers re-sulted as follows: r es iden t . Ken Koning; vice-pres., Harold Shouse; fire chief, Leo Spencer; secretary, Goldle Smith; treasurer. Alberta DeYoung,

Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pennington are now living at the lake. They have purchased the Ben Welsh home and have been remodeling and decorating it and expect to live here the year round.

Pamela Targett of South Bend, came up with her grandmother, Mrs, G, Russell Targett last week. After staying a few days she re-turned home and her brother, Ter-ry came up and expects to be here until Sunday.

Mr, and Mrs. Paul Robinson and family of Midland, visited Mrs, Robinson's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Morry Raman on Saturday,

Emma Doyle with Marguerite Mulready, drove to the upper pen-insula last week enjoying the beau-ties of our state. Emma says why go far away when we have so much to see in Michigan.

The Jolly 12 Club is having their regular meeting this week and are making It a picnic. They are hav-ing their lunch at the the home of Peg Hohnsteln on the lawn, with weather permitting.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pennington drove to northern Michigan and into Canada for a little vacation. They returned Friday,

Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Biough also drove north to see the bridge,

Thea Anderson with her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. Johnson of Grand Rapids, attended tne Viking picnic at Brook's Lake on Saturday. The Johnsons came home with Thea and stayed until Monday.

Rick Clarke and family of San Pedro, Calif., are spending some time with Rick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Clarke of Kalamazoo, who have a cottage here. Rick's brother. Bill of Indianapolis, is also, with them.

Mr, and Mrs. John Joyce and family of Grand Rapids, spent Sun-day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shouse and son, Jerry.

Mrs. Florence Barker and son, Tom and her mother, Mrs. Mary Ellis, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. M. H, Raman.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hasse of Indianapolis, and Emma Bortmon of Chicago arrived Sunday to spend some time with Thea Ander-son. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Austin of

Kent City were Sunday visitors as well as Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hendrickson and Mr. and Mrs. Or-son Locke of Grandville.

Mr. and Mrs. John Smith spent the past week with Mr. Smith's brother, Henry and his wife.

The Don Ives shop picnic was held a t his cottage on Stauffer Dr. on Sunday.





KENT CITY COMMUNITY SCHOOLS DISTRICT W I L L HOLD A SPECIAL ELECTION TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1959, for the purpose of voting on the mu tnal assumption of bonds with School District No. 2, Tyrone Township, Kent County, Mlnhlgon.

School District No. 2, Tyrone,

known as Block School has request-ed annexation to Kent (Sty Com-munity Schools District. The polls will be open in the school Auditor-ium from 12:00 till 8:00 P.M. .

—Andrew H. Anderson Secretary, Board of Education.


Mary Lee Wexstaff spent Friday night with Sally Nyblad.

Mrs. Edward Stream has been with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burnett and sons the past week as Lois and Donald have both been 111 but both were better Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Stream and Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Anderson were among those who attended the Kriger Family Reunion held at the Kent City Town Hall on Sunday.

HEALTHY way to get rid of trash

and garbage—a modern gas incinerator

Away with all the mess of trash and garbage—It's so easy to rid yourself of that old-fashioned fuss with a gas incinerator. Your home and yard are healthier, pleasant places to work and play when you prevent rubbish pile-ups. Just turn the dial —everything but bottles and cans is consumed.

Consumes a bushel of trash and garbage daily at a cost of pennies. No smoke or odor, no unsightly trash pick-ups at the curb, no trips outside In bad weather. And in summer, it makes the best of sense to discourage pests by keeping things pin-neat this sanitary way. So see gas incinerators now at Gas Company or dealer showrooms.


So much more tor so much less G A S Mturslly

W e h a v e t h e

t o f i t y o u r

P O C K E T !

And now Is thd best t ime to m a k e the move!