bodil persson europeaid the enpi cbc programmes and their content

Bodil Persson EuropeAid The ENPI CBC programmes and their content

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Bodil Persson EuropeAid

The ENPI CBC programmes and their content

Page 2: Bodil Persson EuropeAid The ENPI CBC programmes and their content

Why Neighbourhood Policy – political framework

• Enlargement 2004 • Avoid new dividing lines• Enhance existing cooperation

• Build on existing political framework• Action plans to identify priorities• New instrument ENPI – CBC component a priority

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CBC at the external borders – different instruments

• Interreg has provided funding for EU border regions since 1991 and Tacis for partner countries since 1996

• Phare programme has financed CBC programmes with the candidate countries

• CBC programmes in the South (Medocc, Archimed)• 2004-06 Neighbourhood programmes preparing the new


Important to build on this experience

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ENPI: the new instrument for CBC

• From 2007 CBC at the EU external borders covered under a new financing instrument ENPI 1 January 2007

• 15 ENPI/CBC Programmes

• Over 1.1 billion € to finance CBC 2007 to 2013

• One set of rules applied on both sides of the borders

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Key CBC principles (I)

• Common benefit – Measures financed under ENPI CBC need to benefit

both parties, thus the requirement for joint programmes, joint management and joint projects

• Partners are equal – they prepare the programme together– they jointly designate a single managing authority in

charge of “implementing” the programme – they define the priorities and select together the

actions to be financed

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Key CBC principles (II)

• Partnership: essential that programmes established in close consultation between central and regional/local level, between state and non-state actors

• Complementarity: Community assistance shall complement national, regional and local measures

• Co-financing: partners should contribute with own resources to the programme

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Governmental bodies Partner countries, their regions and their institutions Decentralized bodies in the partner countriesLocal authorities and administrationsJoint bodies of partner countries and the CommunityPublic or semipublic bodies

Non-state actorsNGOsTrade associationsWomen and youth organizationsCross-border associationsCultural, research and scientific organizationsOrganizations representing economic and social interests

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ENPI CBC - legal basis

Strategy Paper and IR

• ENPI CBC Strategy Paper 2007-2013 adopted in February 2007

• Implementing Rules (to be adopted end July)

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CBC Strategy Paper foundation of the programme


• eligible regions sharing a common border are grouped together into 15 programmes

• 7 year financial allocation for each programme is established

• the overall objectives are defined

• Fully equal ( balanced) participation in programming and decision making structures MS/PC

• Instument offers one set of rules on both sides of the border(s)

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CBC programmes

• Nord-Kolarctic/Russia € 28,241 m• Karelia/Russia € 23,203 m• SE Finland/Russia € 36,186 m• Estonia/Latvia/Russia € 47,775 m• Latvia/Lithuania/Belarus € 41,736 m• Lithuania/Poland/Russia € 132,132 m• Poland/Belarus/Ukraine € 186,207 m• Hungary/Slovakia/Romania/Ukraine € 68,640 m• Romania/Ukraine/Moldova € 126,721 m• Spain/Morocco € 156 732 • CBC Atlantic € 32 162• Italy/Tunisia € 25 191• Baltic Sea € 22,640 m (only ENPI)• Black Sea € 17,306 m• Mediterrenean Sea Basin € 17,607 m

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CBC Strategy Paper foundation of the programme


Four objectives:

• Promote economic and social development

• Address common challenges

• Ensure efficient and secure borders

• Promote people to people co-operation

should be addressed in each programme

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Joint ProgrammePreparation and programme

contentThe document the partners define


• Description and analysis of the geographical area defined in the Strategy Paper

• Priorities: what is to be achieved and what measures will be supported - based on regional analysis and the four objectives as laid down in the Strategy Paper

• Implementation of the programme

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How is a joint programme adopted?

• Partners present the programme to the Commission;

• The Commission verifies conformity with the Regulation, the Strategy Paper and the implementing rules;

• Commission adopts;

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Expected timetable for setting up the programmes

• Submission by JMAs (AGCs) of joint programme documents to the European Commission, Oct. 07- March 2008

• Preparation of EC decisions for the adoption of the programmes (first decisions end 2007)

• Programmes become operational in the MS after Commission decision and after signature of Financing Agreements in partner countries

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Practical information

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