bods notes

to create profile respository go to management concole and click go to internet and go to tools/options/custom level/enable all settings to execute management console start user name for managment console is user name - admin pwd - admin Disgner interface Hirarchy in BO Disgner - Projects - Jobs - Workflow ---- Wrokflow is not mandatory - Dataflow - Source - Transformation - Target - Script -- The Script is Data Services script using script we can pass parameters we can call unix shell script using unix script we can call workflow as well Inside managment console we have schedulers Jobs can defined as batch jobs and realtime jobs 3 types of transformers

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to create profile respository

go to management concole and click

go to internet and go to tools/options/custom level/enable all settings to execute management console start

user name for managment console is

user name - admin

pwd - admin

Disgner interface

Hirarchy in BO Disgner

- Projects

- Jobs

- Workflow ---- Wrokflow is not mandatory

- Dataflow

- Source

- Transformation

- Target

- Script -- The Script is Data Services script

using script we can pass parameters

we can call unix shell script

using unix script we can call workflow as well

Inside managment console we have schedulers

Jobs can defined as batch jobs and realtime jobs

3 types of transformers


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data store is kind of connecting to database (RDBMS)

to connect to flat file we use file format

to connect to xml use xml dtd and xml schema format

For practice

use user name as - student and pwd - student and same database connection

For practice import following database using data store



DELTA - No tables are exited in this database



Need to import all above metadata of above database

To import database

click on datastore and go to datastore area

click on right botton and select new


enter following following information

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After importing all table from different database we can configure the data to other database (other database need to be created)

To Alpha data to other database like alpha_QA or Alpha_production

On ALPHA write click and go to edit and select advance then go to edit select create new configuration which points to other db

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To Import from Flat file

This product was developed by Actowas (ATL may be--- Actowas Lanaguage)

To import from xml go for DTL and import xml schema

Circular level for hierarchy in the metadata it should be normalized

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Platform section contains all commonly used objects are kept (commonly used for Data Integrator and Data Quality)

Pagable – every thing will processed in the harddrive (the space will be created in hard dirve and then goes to memory)

In-Memory – it creates space memory

For Audit

Keep Audit in where clause

Functions Scripts and Variables

Global Variables – Can be used across all jobs

Local Variables – specific to job

Practical lab for

Convert into Upper Case and replace Accounting Manager with Account Manager using upper function and find and replace function

Lookup functions

There are 3 types of lookup

1. Lookup – Single row lookup and return single row2. Look_ext ---- takes multiple rows and returns multiple rows, search for multiple conditions and

return multiple rows, It is generally used in all projects3. Lookup sequence --- It searches for exact match if it does not find then it finds nearest of that

matched value.

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Lookup is a funtion uses with column level where join and merge with database level

Custom Functions is mostly used for complicated logic (right click on custom functions and crate new)

Platform functions

Map operations activity – change the operation from update to insert or vice versa

Map operation basically converts from normal to upate, delete or insert rows

Here we are taking employee database in which discharge date is having 2 dates for those who have discharged from the company

Now we want to load into all records except 2 records who have discharge date. For which we need use map operation who have discharge date is not null. Normal records are coming with null date (they are called normal records) we normal records we can convert into delete records.

SQL activity is similar to query where sql does not require source where as query require source


2 Types of CDC

1. Source based cdc 2. Target based cdc source table query transform Table comparision -History Preserve

Key generate -- target

Error Handling

Partially loaded data can be once again load after table comparing

For missing values rows and columns error log file and error overflow file

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For alternative work flow if once workflow fails

- Try and catch block- Conditional block will be used

Plat form transformation

1. Data Transformer2. Hierarchy - Flatance the hierarchy .it shows for each node what is

the parent and child node