body snatchers

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Educate-YourselfThe Freedom of Knowledge, The Power of Thought

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The Body Snatchers by Susan Reed BSC html CONTENTS Foreword. 1. Introduction 2. An Alien Experience 3. Their Overall Plan 4. What We Can Do To Stop You? 5. Colonising The Earth With Their Hybrid 6. Reptilian Entities 7. Genetic Samples 8. Debilitation Through Nutrition 9. Financial Dept 10. Space Stations 11. The Environment 12. Other Reptilian Hosts Exposed 13. Their Secret Weapons

14. Viral Infections 15. The Reptilian Anti-Higher Consciousness Agenda 16. Crop Circles 17. A Main Alien Race Reincarnating Here 18. The Alien Race Known As The Nordics 19. Rigging of Juries 20. The Royal Family 21. News Topics 22. Education 23. Control Of The Media 24. Changing Art 25. Suppression Of Architecture Epilogue References Foreward This will be my only book as long as I am left alone. Here are my four years experiences. I have to write them or they will stop it by stopping me. One reptilian

has already made attempts; this is why I have had to write it. The reason I wrote this book was to get rid of the reptilian entity I will call Ettissh. Ettissh was originally sent to me by the man I will call Brian. Brian is depicted on the front cover and was hosting a reptilian. Ettissh fell out with Brian and started working alone. I had some personal information on the reptilians that I had no intention of telling others, but the connection of Ettissh and his attempts to harm me, which went on for three and a half years meant that I had no choice but to publish the information in order to stop him. He was following a reptilian rule inappropriately. "We stop people before they e