boeing 7x7

Boeing 7x7 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Boeing 7 series) Jump to: navigation, search Boeing 7x7, or simply 7x7, is a term used to describe Boeing's "7-Series" of airliners, the Boeing 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, and 787. It is comparable to Airbus's A300 to A380 range of aircraft.  Note that the "7X7" (with an uppercase X) designation was confusingly the original designation for the Boeing 767 before its entry into service. Other similar designations included the 7N7 ( Boeing 757 ) , 7E7 (Boeing 787) and the Boeing 7J7. Aircraft Purpose Seating (-model) Boeing 707-100 Medium to long range (also freighter) narrowbody 141 (-320B) Boeing 717 Sho rt t o me dium ra nge n arr owbody 106 (-200) Boeing 720 (a 707 variant) Medium range narrowbody 112 Boeing 727-100 Sho rt to medi um r ange na rro wbod y 94-131 Boeing 727-200 Sho rt to medium range nar rowbody 132 Boeing 737-100/200 Short range narrowbody 115 Boeing 737- 300/400/500 Short to medium range narrowbody 128 (-300); 148 (-400); 108 (-500) Boeing 737-600/700 Sho rt to me dium rang e narr owbody 110 (-600); 126 (- 700)

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Boeing 7x7

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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Boeing 7x7, or simply 7x7, is a term used to describe Boeing's "7-Series" of airliners, the

Boeing 707, 717, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, 777, and 787. It is comparable to Airbus'sA300 to A380 range of aircraft.

 Note that the "7X7" (with an uppercase X) designation was confusingly the original

designation for the Boeing 767 before its entry into service. Other similar designations

included the 7N7 (Boeing 757) , 7E7 (Boeing 787) and the Boeing 7J7.

Aircraft Purpose Seating (-model)

Boeing 707-100Medium to long range (also

freighter) narrowbody141 (-320B)

Boeing 717 Short to medium range narrowbody 106 (-200)

Boeing 720 (a 707variant)

Medium range narrowbody 112

Boeing 727-100 Short to medium range narrowbody 94-131

Boeing 727-200 Short to medium range narrowbody 132

Boeing 737-100/200 Short range narrowbody 115

Boeing 737-

300/400/500Short to medium range narrowbody

128 (-300); 148 (-400); 108


Boeing 737-600/700 Short to medium range narrowbody 110 (-600); 126 (-700)

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Boeing 737-800/900 Short to medium range narrowbody162 (-800); 177 (-900); 215


Boeing 747-100 Long range high capacity widebody 452

Boeing 747-200 and-200SUD

Long range high capacity widebody 452

Boeing 747-300 Long range high capacity widebody 470

Boeing 747-400 Long range high capacity widebody 416--524

Boeing 747-8 Long range high capacity widebody

Boeing 747SP Long range high capacity widebody 316-440

Boeing 757-200 Medium range narrowbody 178

Boeing 757-300 Medium range narrowbody 228

Boeing 767-200 Medium to long range widebody 198 (-200ER)

Boeing 767-300 Medium to long range widebody 269

Boeing 767-400ER  Medium to long range widebody 304 (-400ER)

Boeing 777-200 Long and ultra long range widebody303--440 (-200, -200LR,


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Boeing 777-300 Long range high capacity widebody394--550 (-300); 365--550


Boeing 787-3 Medium range high capacitywidebody


Boeing 787-8Long to ultra-Long range highcapacity widebody


Boeing 787-9Long to ultra-Long range high

capacity widebody 

[edit] Image Gallery

7x7 Aircraft

Boeing 707 Boeing 717 Boeing 727 Boeing 737 Boeing 747

Boeing 757 Boeing 767 Boeing 777 Boeing 787

[edit] See also

• Boeing

• Boeing Yellowstone Project

• Airliner 

• Commercial aircraft

• List of civil aircraft

Boeing 7x7 aircraft production timeline, 1950s-present v • d • e [show]

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1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9

Boeing 707

Boeing 717

Boeing 727

Boeing 737

Boeing 747

Boeing 757

Boeing 767

Boeing 777



  = Out of 

production  = In production

  = Future


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