boes' root, tammany banking co. and savings bank · 2017. 12. 14. · boes' real estate co....

S Tammany Farmer June 6, 1914 U. A. O. D. Bogue Falaya Grove No. 21. Meets on the first Saturday and third Friday of each month, at 7:30 p. m., in Masonic Hall, Covington, La. E. D. KENTZEL, Noble Arch. F. B. MARSOLINo Sec. MASONIC LODGE NO. 188 F. & A. M. Meets every second and fourth Tuesdays at 7:30 p. m. L. A. PERREAND, W. M. R. S. BLOSSMAN, Secty. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Meets first and third Wednesdays of each month in Knights of Colum- bus Hall, Covington, La. J. B. LANCASTER, G. K.. C. C. KORNFELD, Recorder. WOOD FOR SALE. If you want good stove wood, fat pine or oak wood, ring up J. Marvin Cooper, phone 895. d20tf FOR SERVICE-Registered mam- moth Kentucky jack, Fairbanks W. No. 6034. Terms: $5.00 down and $6.00 when foal comes. E. Brunet, at Planche & Perbos' saloon, Coving- ton, La. Covington, La. feb10-6mo SETTING EGGS-Whfte Rocks, $1.00; White Leghorn, Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red, 50 cents; In- dian Runner duck eggs, 75 cents a settiig of 13. Nilson's Poultry Yard. apll-tt FOR RENT-UOne of most cen- trally located stores in town. Fixed 0t suit tenant. Covington Bank & Trust Company. mar14 .tt BEES FOR SALE-Italian, bees $5.00 per hive, including one hive with ten Hoffman brood frames with comb foundation starters. Apply to Frank L. Dutsch, Waldheim, La. may16 FOR SALE-Splendid site for a nursery already started at Claiborne. Apply to John Pfeiffer. m233t FOR SALE-Large, sound mule. F. C. FitzSimons Grocery Company. m23-2t FOR SALE-One strong top buggy and one three-gallon Jersy cow. P. Bagur, Abita Springs. m23-2t* FOR SALE-Gentle horse; lady can hitch and drive; also second-hand surry. Phone 149. m30-1t WANTED-Between 700 and 100'0 acres of land. Apply Box 147, Cov- ington, La. m30-tf WANTED-A man to do farm work on a farm near Covington. Ap- ply to F. J. Eldridge, Jahncke road. Phone 230. j6-1t* WANTED-A yard man, white or colored, who can milk. Apply to 710 Lee Road. m30-1t FOR SALE CHEAP-Two ice box- es, capacity 700 and 1600 pounds each. A. J. Bockenhagen, Lacombe. Jun6 SACRIFICE stylish horse, surrey, harness and wagonette. Using auto. Dr. W. L. Stevenson, Covington ju6-tf FOR RENT-Four room flat, up stairs, with bath; one block from courthouse. M. C. D., Lock Box 381. m30-2t Subscribe for the ST. TAMMANY FARMER One Dollar a year. Treat your Kidneyg with the new Nature LOVISIANA LOV Good draggists sell it, or shipped prepaid on receipt o f$1. Gives results or money "" refunded. SEND FOR FREE OOCLET LWIS6IANA MEDICINE CO. 6es CarondedS Stroes NEW ORLEANS. LA. Meridian, Miss., July 25, 1913. THE LOUISIANA MEDICINE CO., New Orleans, La. - Gentlemen: I had been suffering with pains ih my lower limbs and back, and a sore- ness in my lower limbs and back, so so could scarcely rise from a stooping position for a period of three minutes. My feet would swell every day and burned constantly. After taking this medicine, Louisiana Lou, for less than two weeks the swelling has left my feet and lower limbs entirely, and the burning sensation and pain in back are entirely gone. I know this to be the best kidney remedy on the mar- ket, as I have tried practically all the standard ones without results. MRS. M. E. EILAND, 1713 Sixth Street, For Sale at SCHONBERC'S PHARMACY NATURE'S REMEDIES. We are agen!s for American Pro- ducts Co. and Indian Herb Gardens, whose remedies contain no alcohol, gives satisfaction as a tonic medicine, and complies with the Pare Food Law of June 30, 1906. All kinds of fresh herbs for sale. Price of illustration book for using them. 25 cents. WILLIAMS MAIL ORDER HOUSE, Covington, La. Box 375. Boes' Real Estate CO. FOR SALE. One lot 100x150 feet, with im- provements. Commercial property. Slidell, La. Reasonable. Mahoney residence, one-half block from Mandeville road, ten minutes walk from Covington; 6 large rooms, large grounds, house almost new; for $800.00. On Mandeville road, 2 lots 16x174, $500. One residence 2 bedrooms, 15x15, one octagon room 18x22, one hall 9x30, dining room 12x18, kitch- en, bath room and pantry, barn, wash shed and chicken house, with five lots of ground. Everything sani- tary, with two-horsepower engine at- tached, reasonable. Land suitable for farming on truck gardening, about 600 acres. Will cut same up to suit purchaser. This land is bounded by Bogue Falaya river, Abita river, Mandeville road, and private automobile road. Arte- sian water. Can be bought cheap. 80 acres, with general improve- ments, as a general farm, with natur- al drainage, on Military Road. Rea- sonable. One house, with 4 bedrooms, hall, bath room, 2 kitchens. 17 acres, natural drainage. Make offer. One residence, 25th and Taylor, 6 rooms, large yard, wash shed and chicken house, side and front gallery. Cheap. One residence; 4 rooms, large yard front gallery and stable. Lot is 110x140. Claiborne. Price $475. Residence; 2 bedrooms, dninin hall and kitchen; large grounds. lEa- sonable. One lot, 21st Avenue. Cheap. One residence on Florida street, 35x70. Very cheap. OVO3NTRY PROPERTY. Residence-3 rooms, 4 acres of ground; 3 acres under cultivation and under fence; good barn; fire place in all the rooms. In good con- dition. Can ti bought very cheap. Three lots of ground on Military Road, rural free delivery-300x480. Very cheap. FOR RENT. Four houses on 21st Avenue. One 3-room residence, 29th Ave- nue, $5.00. Two houses, 25th avenue and Ty- ler treet, 5 rooms; rent reasonable. One residence, 919 g4th avenue. Make offer. One residence in Claiborne, with 4 rooms large yard, front gallery, summer kitchen. Rent $6. One residence on 28th Avenue. $ 5 in advance. One residence, 21st Avenue, $8. One residence 21st Avehue, $6. One residence, 22d Avenue, $6. One residence, 22d Avenue, $7. One residence in Claiborne, 6 large rooms, hall through house, fire places in all rooms, cistern and well, gal- lery, etc. Convenient to Claiborne and Covington stations. Rent very cheap. One residence on Florida street. Rent $5. Four residences on 24th Avenue, among the pines. Rent reasonable. FO]R EXCHANGE. On Irish kill, Biloxi, 4 bedrooms, kitchen, back gallery, artesian water, lot 75x115. Will exchange for Cov- ington property, or will sell same reasonably. One cottage in Abita Springs, near car line and depot. Will sell reaponr ably. Boes' Real Estate Co. Covington, La. mIII 11 Il IM l Libby's Dill Pickels, one dozen in can, 15 cents. F. C. FitzSimons Grocery Co. We are authorize to announce STEPHEN D. ELLIS as a candidate for the office of Judge of the Court of Appeals for the First Circuit, Third District, State of Lou- isiana, subjecl to the action of the Democratic primary. Is Slokness A Sin? -- N ora a a OmelesenT Or etLhT We transress Nature's laws, the Liver strikes, then we omit or neglect until we ache or sicken. Loosen the dammed-up bile. Keep it loose with the old time-tried May Aple Root, (Podophyie.) Podopbyl with the gripe tLaken out is cald For sale at" SCHONBERG'S PHAR- MACY. Marvelous Offerings in Men's Complete Outfits BestGoods,Best Styles, Best Values Read list and figure the. saving 10.70 OUTFIT NO. 1 OUTFIT NO. 2 5050 Our Cassinere Suits: To Order; Imported Woolen: 1 Cassimere Suit ............... •50 1 Suit . . 5.00 -1 Shirt .... .50 1 Silk Shirt, Lyon Brand ........ 3.00 1 Pair Canvas Shoes .1.50 1 Pair Haan Shoes ............. 0.00 1 Wash Tie .10 1 Silk Tie ............... 50...... 1 Pair Socks ............... . .10 1 Pair Silk Socks . .... ..50 I Suit Underwear ...... .......... B. V. D. Upderwear silk pongee .... 1 1 Hat ...... . .. ......... .50 1 8tetson Hat .............. ... 350 $10.70 $50.50 FRANK PATECEK Columbia Street - - - COVINGTON / HOSMER PORPERTY For Sale or Rent Very heap, Esy Terms Jones' old home, rent $15 a month. Will improve. Laura Hosmer's home, Louisiana street, 14 furnished rooms one-half square; will rent $20, with board for one, or sell for $45001 Square adjoining Laura Hosmer's home, with four houses on it, all for $4500. Four room house, Walbrick Addi- tion by shoe factory, lot 80x100, $500.00. $550.00. 520 acres cut-over land, one-half mile from town at $12 an acre. Modern twQ-story cottage on tri- angle squarp opposite Library- $2500-$500 cash, kret on terms. Will be gild to list any farms around Covington. ORLEANS INVESTMENT CO., 309 Whitney Bldg., New Orleans, La. MRS. S. W. PRAGUE; Sec. and Treas. NOTICE. To the estate of Walton or un- known owners, or to whom this may concern: You are hereby notified that I did on the 31st day of May, 1913, after due and legs advertisement, pur- chase from T. E. B rewster, sheriff of the parish of St. TaMinany, Louisi- ana, thq following deseribed proper- ty situated in the parish of St. Tam- many, Louisiana, for the unpaid State and parish taxes for the year 1912: 122.78 agres of land being the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, thp northeast quarter of the southwest quarter; and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section four (4), township seven (7), south range twelve (12) east. Said deed was recorde4 in the Con- veyance Records of St. Tamman, parish, La., on June 4, 1913, in book 60, folio 383, in the mortgage records of St. Tammany parish, La., on June 4, 1913, in book T, folio 438; and in the sheriff book of sales of St. Tammany parish, La,., on June 4, 1913, in book D, folio 5. This' notice is given as is provided by section 1 lahd 3 of Act No. 224 of the Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana for the year 1910. WALTER PARKER. NOTICE. I hereby give notice that I am ap- plying for a, pardon. Dave (or Dominick) Montlebano. ju6-3t* No form of investment has proven more profitable and" safe than the Savings account. It is an investment con- venient to handle, grows while you grow and works while you sleep. FOUR per cent interest paid semi-annually, January 1st and July 1st. We want your business. St Tammany Banking Co. and Savings Bank Covington, La. Branch at Mandeville, La. TO THE PUBLIC. There are many devices and clap- trap schemes to induce purchasers to believe that they are getting some- thing for nothing or that they se buying goods for less than their value. As we are in business to make a living we must make a profit on our sales or go out of business. Therefore we have too much respect for the intelligence of our patrons to try to humbug them with any such bait. On the other hand, we know that we must cater to all kijds of pocketbooks. There are those who wish high priced goods and there are those who cannot afford to buy them. We know what the patron wants, and all he can ask, is that the goods are as cheap as can be bought for the money, guality con- sidered, and we also knbw that the only road to successful business is square dealing and honest goods. With this in view, we wish to an- nounce that we are prepared to tmeet this demand. We will fit you out at \moderate cost, or we will give you a mord ex- pensive outfit if you desire it, ,re- minding you that in either case you are getting good value for your mon- ey. It is simply a matter of choice., A glance at our show window should convince you that no matter which choice you make your appearance will justify the respect of those who' like to see a man creditably dressed and in good style, and we can do this either for $10.75 or $50.50, as you may elect. Just read the offer Ln my advertisement. FRANK PATECEK. Delicious Sunshine Dainties, in tin :an, 25 cents. F. C. FitzSimons Grocery Co. bAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure A•)Il ej•INu Iu•PE T SLIDELL NOTES. Mrs. W. Phillips and little daught- er are the guests of her brother, Mr. Adolph Dubourg. Mr. B. Richardson was an out of town visitor this week. Mrs. Ernestine Hoggett, of New Orleans, spent Sunday here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Canulette. Mr. John Swenson, of Mandeville, spent Sunday here as the guest of his folks. Mrs. W. Deutch left last Thursday for her home in Madisonville, after having spent a while here up the guest of her mother, Mrs. Leonard. Rev. Bernard Keating was a visitor to Covington recently. Mr. O. Faciane spent a few days in New' Orleans this week. Mrs. Marie Smith, of Purvis, Miss., is the welcome guest of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Crockett. Mr. Emile Dubourg, of Mandeville, spent the week end herg as the guest of 'her son, Mr. Edgar Dubourg. Miss Vivian McManus, of New Or- leans, Is ~visiting here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Canulette. A jolly Crowd spent last Sunday at the lake on a picnic. "'Among those present were Mrs. Jno. Swenson and daughters, Mrs. Grace Lawlbr, Misses Alice Bell and Rose Mary, Messrs. Charlie Swenson and Willie Faciane. Mr. and Mrs. McCracken, of Mande- ville, enjoyed an' auto ride to this town, where they visited friends. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Andrew Canulette is seriously ill, but we wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Tom Arnold, of Folsom, spent Tuesday here as the guest of home folks. Miss Ruby Robers, of New Orleans, is visiting here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Crockett. Miss Martha Provost is visiting here as the guest of her cousin, Miss Bessie Houghton. Mr. Chas. Sbhinnie has accepted a position in Bogalusa. Miss Ella Sandman, of New Or- leans, was a recent visitor here. Masters Harry Peterson and Noel Dubourg visited in Lacombe Sunday. A number of the young men of the town gave a dance last Friday at the Red Men's Hall. Music was furnish- ed by the Mandeville band. A very pleasant evening yas 'sppit lty all present, The St. Tammany canning faetory is now putting up its new machinery and will be prepared to can all the beans, etc., that can be brought in. Mrs. J. F. Lambert left on the af- ternoon train for Des Moines, Ia., her former home, to attend the funeral of her father-in-law, Mr. T. C. Miller, who died quite suddenly at his home in Royal, Ia. The remains will be removed to Des Moines, and from there will be taken to the Ames Cem- etery, where interment will take place. He was 61 years of age. The Abita Springs baseball team will play the Tudors from New Or- leans to-morrow (Sunday). Close Inspection Look as close as you like, you will find no flaw in the Schwartz Farm Wagon. You must admit what we claim to be true-,the Very Best inimaterial andt workmansh ip. You can't blame us for being proud when wagons are always the cause of such letters as following: / Jos. Schwarts Co., Ltd., New Or, lea . , I have a wagon that was bought from eabou 0t 3t1 s and I need some new Thmables to put on t. I want •a r pie cash Thlfbles 28 n-T and a 1.316. Yours trmlm, D. L. UoIrIoI, WauS r, :mU. -,Iz;a JUST THINK OF IT--Skeins only needin to replaced after 21 YEARS. That's a record that know is hard to beat. All of our wagons are built to last, and we, antee to replace any part broken not by n misuse or overload. JOS. $CHWARTZCO., LTD. Lafayette and Baronne Streets. New Orleans, -it answers every beverage re- quirement-vim, vigor, refreshment, wholesomeness, It will satisfy you. Desan 4 the genuine by full Aswe m amkesuseog*pragesa*srtsitW. THE cocA-COLA CCMPANY ATLANTA, GA. ! Whenever you see an Arrow think of Coca- Cola. Invitations are out for the wedding Ing of June 17, 1914. Miss Mich tf Miss May Todd Michaells to Mr. is is the daughter of the late Mr. a Samuel Martiha. The ceremony will Mrs. Herman Michaelis, for e performed in St. John's Evafgeli- yeays the conductors of the we ail Lutheran Church, in New Or- know Long Branch Hotel at Abi " eans, at 7:30 o'clock, on the even- Springs. -

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  • S Tammany FarmerJune 6, 1914

    U. A. O. D.

    Bogue Falaya Grove No. 21.Meets on the first Saturday and

    third Friday of each month, at 7:30p. m., in Masonic Hall, Covington,La.

    E. D. KENTZEL, Noble Arch.F. B. MARSOLINo Sec.

    MASONIC LODGE NO. 188F. & A. M.

    Meets every second and fourthTuesdays at 7:30 p. m.

    L. A. PERREAND, W. M.R. S. BLOSSMAN, Secty.


    Meets first and third Wednesdaysof each month in Knights of Colum-bus Hall, Covington, La.

    J. B. LANCASTER, G. K..C. C. KORNFELD, Recorder.


    If you want good stove wood, fatpine or oak wood, ring up J. MarvinCooper, phone 895. d20tf

    FOR SERVICE-Registered mam-moth Kentucky jack, Fairbanks W.No. 6034. Terms: $5.00 down and$6.00 when foal comes. E. Brunet,at Planche & Perbos' saloon, Coving-ton, La.Covington, La. feb10-6mo

    SETTING EGGS-Whfte Rocks,$1.00; White Leghorn, Barred Rockand Rhode Island Red, 50 cents; In-dian Runner duck eggs, 75 cents asettiig of 13. Nilson's Poultry Yard.


    FOR RENT-UOne of most cen-trally located stores in town. Fixed0t suit tenant. Covington Bank &

    Trust Company. mar14 .tt

    BEES FOR SALE-Italian, bees$5.00 per hive, including one hivewith ten Hoffman brood frames withcomb foundation starters. Apply toFrank L. Dutsch, Waldheim, La.


    FOR SALE-Splendid site for anursery already started at Claiborne.Apply to John Pfeiffer. m233t

    FOR SALE-Large, sound mule.F. C. FitzSimons Grocery Company.


    FOR SALE-One strong top buggyand one three-gallon Jersy cow. P.Bagur, Abita Springs. m23-2t*

    FOR SALE-Gentle horse; ladycan hitch and drive; also second-handsurry. Phone 149. m30-1t

    WANTED-Between 700 and 100'0acres of land. Apply Box 147, Cov-ington, La. m30-tf

    WANTED-A man to do farmwork on a farm near Covington. Ap-ply to F. J. Eldridge, Jahncke road.Phone 230. j6-1t*

    WANTED-A yard man, white orcolored, who can milk. Apply to710 Lee Road. m30-1t

    FOR SALE CHEAP-Two ice box-es, capacity 700 and 1600 poundseach. A. J. Bockenhagen, Lacombe.


    SACRIFICE stylish horse, surrey,harness and wagonette. Using auto.Dr. W. L. Stevenson, Covington


    FOR RENT-Four room flat, upstairs, with bath; one block fromcourthouse. M. C. D., Lock Box 381.


    Subscribe for the


    One Dollar a year.

    Treat your Kidneygwith the new Nature

    LOVISIANA LOVGood draggists sell it,or shipped prepaid onreceipt o f$1.Gives results or money

    "" refunded.SEND FOR FREE OOCLET


    Meridian, Miss., July 25, 1913.THE LOUISIANA MEDICINE CO.,

    New Orleans, La. -Gentlemen:

    I had been suffering with pains ihmy lower limbs and back, and a sore-ness in my lower limbs and back, soso could scarcely rise from a stoopingposition for a period of three minutes.My feet would swell every day andburned constantly. After taking thismedicine, Louisiana Lou, for less thantwo weeks the swelling has left myfeet and lower limbs entirely, and theburning sensation and pain in backare entirely gone. I know this to bethe best kidney remedy on the mar-ket, as I have tried practically all thestandard ones without results.

    MRS. M. E. EILAND,1713 Sixth Street,

    For Sale at



    We are agen!s for American Pro-ducts Co. and Indian Herb Gardens,whose remedies contain no alcohol,gives satisfaction as a tonic medicine,and complies with the Pare FoodLaw of June 30, 1906.

    All kinds of fresh herbs for sale.Price of illustration book for using

    them. 25 cents.WILLIAMS MAIL ORDER HOUSE,

    Covington, La.Box 375.



    One lot 100x150 feet, with im-provements. Commercial property.Slidell, La. Reasonable.

    Mahoney residence, one-half blockfrom Mandeville road, ten minuteswalk from Covington; 6 large rooms,large grounds, house almost new;for $800.00.

    On Mandeville road, 2 lots 16x174,$500. One residence 2 bedrooms,15x15, one octagon room 18x22, onehall 9x30, dining room 12x18, kitch-en, bath room and pantry, barn,wash shed and chicken house, withfive lots of ground. Everything sani-tary, with two-horsepower engine at-tached, reasonable.

    Land suitable for farming on truckgardening, about 600 acres. Willcut same up to suit purchaser. Thisland is bounded by Bogue Falayariver, Abita river, Mandeville road,and private automobile road. Arte-sian water. Can be bought cheap.

    80 acres, with general improve-ments, as a general farm, with natur-al drainage, on Military Road. Rea-sonable.

    One house, with 4 bedrooms, hall,bath room, 2 kitchens. 17 acres,natural drainage. Make offer.

    One residence, 25th and Taylor, 6rooms, large yard, wash shed andchicken house, side and front gallery.Cheap.

    One residence; 4 rooms, large yardfront gallery and stable. Lot is110x140. Claiborne. Price $475.

    Residence; 2 bedrooms, dninin halland kitchen; large grounds. lEa-sonable.

    One lot, 21st Avenue. Cheap.One residence on Florida street,

    35x70. Very cheap.

    OVO3NTRY PROPERTY.Residence-3 rooms, 4 acres of

    ground; 3 acres under cultivationand under fence; good barn; fireplace in all the rooms. In good con-dition. Can ti bought very cheap.

    Three lots of ground on MilitaryRoad, rural free delivery-300x480.Very cheap.


    Four houses on 21st Avenue.One 3-room residence, 29th Ave-

    nue, $5.00.Two houses, 25th avenue and Ty-

    ler treet, 5 rooms; rent reasonable.One residence, 919 g4th avenue.

    Make offer.One residence in Claiborne, with

    4 rooms large yard, front gallery,summer kitchen. Rent $6.

    One residence on 28th Avenue.$ 5 in advance.

    One residence, 21st Avenue, $8.One residence 21st Avehue, $6.One residence, 22d Avenue, $6.One residence, 22d Avenue, $7.One residence in Claiborne, 6 large

    rooms, hall through house, fire placesin all rooms, cistern and well, gal-lery, etc. Convenient to Claiborneand Covington stations. Rent verycheap.

    One residence on Florida street.Rent $5.

    Four residences on 24th Avenue,among the pines. Rent reasonable.


    On Irish kill, Biloxi, 4 bedrooms,kitchen, back gallery, artesian water,lot 75x115. Will exchange for Cov-ington property, or will sell samereasonably.

    One cottage in Abita Springs, nearcar line and depot. Will sell reaponrably.

    Boes' Real

    Estate Co.

    Covington, La.

    mIII 11 Il IM l

    Libby's Dill Pickels, one dozen incan, 15 cents.

    F. C. FitzSimons Grocery Co.

    We are authorize to announceSTEPHEN D. ELLIS

    as a candidate for the office of Judgeof the Court of Appeals for the FirstCircuit, Third District, State of Lou-isiana, subjecl to the action of theDemocratic primary.

    Is SloknessA Sin? -- Nora a a OmelesenT Or etLhTWe transress Nature's laws, the Liverstrikes, then we omit or neglect untilwe ache or sicken.Loosen the dammed-up bile. Keep itloose with the old time-tried May ApleRoot, (Podophyie.) Podopbyl withthe gripe tLaken out is cald

    For sale at" SCHONBERG'S PHAR-MACY.

    Marvelous Offerings inMen's Complete OutfitsBestGoods,Best Styles, Best ValuesRead list and figure the. saving10.70 OUTFIT NO. 1 OUTFIT NO. 2 5050

    Our Cassinere Suits: To Order; Imported Woolen:1 Cassimere Suit ............... •50 1 Suit . . 5.00

    -1 Shirt .... .50 1 Silk Shirt, Lyon Brand ........ 3.001 Pair Canvas Shoes .1.50 1 Pair Haan Shoes ............. 0.001 Wash Tie .10 1 Silk Tie ............... 50......1 Pair Socks ............... . .10 1 Pair Silk Socks . .... ..50I Suit Underwear ...... .......... B. V. D. Upderwear silk pongee .... 11 Hat ...... . .. ......... .50 1 8tetson Hat .............. ... 350

    $10.70 $50.50

    FRANK PATECEKColumbia Street - -- COVINGTON /

    HOSMER PORPERTYFor Sale or Rent

    Very heap, Esy TermsJones' old home, rent $15 a month.

    Will improve.Laura Hosmer's home, Louisiana

    street, 14 furnished rooms one-halfsquare; will rent $20, with board forone, or sell for $45001

    Square adjoining Laura Hosmer'shome, with four houses on it, all for$4500.

    Four room house, Walbrick Addi-tion by shoe factory, lot 80x100,$500.00.$550.00.

    520 acres cut-over land, one-halfmile from town at $12 an acre.

    Modern twQ-story cottage on tri-angle squarp opposite Library-$2500-$500 cash, kret on terms.

    Will be gild to list any farmsaround Covington.

    ORLEANS INVESTMENT CO.,309 Whitney Bldg.,

    New Orleans, La.MRS. S. W. PRAGUE;

    Sec. and Treas.


    To the estate of Walton or un-known owners, or to whom this mayconcern:

    You are hereby notified that I didon the 31st day of May, 1913, afterdue and legs advertisement, pur-chase from T. E. B rewster, sheriff ofthe parish of St. TaMinany, Louisi-ana, thq following deseribed proper-ty situated in the parish of St. Tam-many, Louisiana, for the unpaid Stateand parish taxes for the year 1912:

    122.78 agres of land being thenorthwest quarter of the northeastquarter, thp northeast quarter of thesouthwest quarter; and the southeastquarter of the northeast quarter ofsection four (4), township seven (7),south range twelve (12) east.

    Said deed was recorde4 in the Con-veyance Records of St. Tamman,parish, La., on June 4, 1913, in book60, folio 383, in the mortgage recordsof St. Tammany parish, La., on June4, 1913, in book T, folio 438; andin the sheriff book of sales of St.Tammany parish, La,., on June 4,

    1913, in book D, folio 5.This' notice is given as is providedby section 1 lahd 3 of Act No. 224 of

    the Acts of the General Assembly ofthe State of Louisiana for the year1910.



    I hereby give notice that I am ap-plying for a, pardon.

    Dave (or Dominick) Montlebano.ju6-3t*

    No form of investment has proven more profitable and"safe than the Savings account. It is an investment con-venient to handle, grows while you grow and works whileyou sleep. FOUR per cent interest paid semi-annually,January 1st and July 1st.

    We want your business.

    St Tammany Banking Co. and Savings BankCovington, La. Branch at Mandeville, La.


    There are many devices and clap-trap schemes to induce purchasersto believe that they are getting some-thing for nothing or that they sebuying goods for less than theirvalue. As we are in business tomake a living we must make a profiton our sales or go out of business.Therefore we have too much respectfor the intelligence of our patronsto try to humbug them with any suchbait. On the other hand, we knowthat we must cater to all kijds ofpocketbooks. There are those whowish high priced goods and thereare those who cannot afford to buy

    them. We know what the patron

    wants, and all he can ask, is thatthe goods are as cheap as can bebought for the money, guality con-sidered, and we also knbw that theonly road to successful business issquare dealing and honest goods.With this in view, we wish to an-nounce that we are prepared to tmeetthis demand.

    We will fit you out at \moderatecost, or we will give you a mord ex-pensive outfit if you desire it, ,re-minding you that in either case youare getting good value for your mon-ey. It is simply a matter of choice.,

    A glance at our show window shouldconvince you that no matter whichchoice you make your appearancewill justify the respect of those who'like to see a man creditably dressedand in good style, and we can dothis either for $10.75 or $50.50, asyou may elect. Just read the offer

    Ln my advertisement.


    Delicious Sunshine Dainties, in tin:an, 25 cents.

    F. C. FitzSimons Grocery Co.


    Absolutely PureA•)Il ej•INu Iu•PE T


    Mrs. W. Phillips and little daught-er are the guests of her brother, Mr.Adolph Dubourg.

    Mr. B. Richardson was an out oftown visitor this week.

    Mrs. Ernestine Hoggett, of NewOrleans, spent Sunday here as theguest of her sister, Mrs. F. Canulette.

    Mr. John Swenson, of Mandeville,spent Sunday here as the guest ofhis folks.

    Mrs. W. Deutch left last Thursdayfor her home in Madisonville, afterhaving spent a while here up theguest of her mother, Mrs. Leonard.

    Rev. Bernard Keating was a visitorto Covington recently.

    Mr. O. Faciane spent a few daysin New' Orleans this week.

    Mrs. Marie Smith, of Purvis, Miss.,is the welcome guest of her sister,Mrs. Clarence Crockett.

    Mr. Emile Dubourg, of Mandeville,spent the week end herg as the guestof 'her son, Mr. Edgar Dubourg.

    Miss Vivian McManus, of New Or-leans, Is ~visiting here as the guestof her sister, Mrs. F. Canulette.

    A jolly Crowd spent last Sunday atthe lake on a picnic. "'Among thosepresent were Mrs. Jno. Swenson anddaughters, Mrs. Grace Lawlbr, MissesAlice Bell and Rose Mary, Messrs.Charlie Swenson and Willie Faciane.

    Mr. and Mrs. McCracken, of Mande-ville, enjoyed an' auto ride to thistown, where they visited friends.

    We are sorry to learn that Mr.Andrew Canulette is seriously ill, butwe wish him a speedy recovery.

    Mr. Tom Arnold, of Folsom, spentTuesday here as the guest of homefolks.

    Miss Ruby Robers, of New Orleans,is visiting here as the guest of hersister, Mrs. Clarence Crockett.

    Miss Martha Provost is visitinghere as the guest of her cousin, MissBessie Houghton.

    Mr. Chas. Sbhinnie has accepted aposition in Bogalusa.

    Miss Ella Sandman, of New Or-leans, was a recent visitor here.

    Masters Harry Peterson and NoelDubourg visited in Lacombe Sunday.

    A number of the young men of thetown gave a dance last Friday at theRed Men's Hall. Music was furnish-ed by the Mandeville band. A verypleasant evening yas 'sppit lty allpresent,

    The St. Tammany canning faetoryis now putting up its new machineryand will be prepared to can all thebeans, etc., that can be brought in.

    Mrs. J. F. Lambert left on the af-ternoon train for Des Moines, Ia., herformer home, to attend the funeralof her father-in-law, Mr. T. C. Miller,who died quite suddenly at his homein Royal, Ia. The remains will beremoved to Des Moines, and fromthere will be taken to the Ames Cem-etery, where interment will takeplace. He was 61 years of age.

    The Abita Springs baseball teamwill play the Tudors from New Or-leans to-morrow (Sunday).

    Close InspectionLook as close as you like, you will find no flaw inthe Schwartz Farm Wagon. You must admit what

    we claim to be true-,the Very Best inimaterial andtworkmansh ip.

    You can't blame us for being proud whenwagons are always the cause of such letters asfollowing:

    /Jos. Schwarts Co., Ltd., New Or, lea . ,

    I have a wagon that was bought from eabou 0t 3t1 sand I need some new Thmables to put on t. I want •a r piecash Thlfbles 28 n-T and a 1.316.

    Yours trmlm,D. L. UoIrIoI,

    WauS r, :mU. -,Iz;a.JUST THINK OF IT--Skeins only needin toreplaced after 21 YEARS. That's a record thatknow is hard to beat.

    All of our wagons are built to last, and we,antee to replace any part broken not by nmisuse or overload.

    JOS. $CHWARTZCO., LTD.Lafayette and Baronne Streets. New Orleans,

    -it answers every beverage re-

    quirement-vim, vigor, refreshment,wholesomeness,

    It will satisfy you.Desan 4 the genuine by full Aswem amkesuseog*pragesa*srtsitW.


    Wheneveryou see anArrow thinkof Coca- Cola.

    Invitations are out for the wedding Ing of June 17, 1914. Miss Michtf Miss May Todd Michaells to Mr. is is the daughter of the late Mr. aSamuel Martiha. The ceremony will Mrs. Herman Michaelis, fore performed in St. John's Evafgeli- yeays the conductors of the weail Lutheran Church, in New Or- know Long Branch Hotel at Abi "eans, at 7:30 o'clock, on the even- Springs. -