bonding amendment

From Alders Stratton, Festa, Spears, Staggers, Foskey-Cyrus, Robinson: A proposed Amendment to appropriating ordinance #3 of 2014- 2015 mayors budget A. That we add a bonding request for a total of 8,400,000 under sub part a: 1) $1,200,000 incentive payments of $20,000 per annum for any police officer whose pension is fully vested who continues to work for a full year beginning July 1, 2014 in a full time active duty capacity for the department. Such incentive payment shall be paid on June 30, 2015. These payments are necessary to ensure that our police department is fully staffed. Currently in the next year more officers are in a position to retire with full vested pensions than we can recruit to replace them. Given the historically low staffing of 382 active members, the recent explosion of city violence among youth, the need for at least 450 officers to implement full community policing in each ward, and the lack of economic incentive for officers to stay on after vesting; and the devastating impact on the grand list caused by violence and rising resident insecurity this bonding request is warranted. 2) $2,250,000 for incentive property tax rebates of up to $7500 in fiscal year 2014-2015 for any fire/police personnel (sworn and active) who resides and own a home in new haven beginning at least 6 months prior to the end of fiscal year 2014-2015. In addition, any such personnel who have not resided in New Haven for at least 3 years as a homeowner shall receive a $5,000 bonus at closing. Such monies will be reimbursed by automatic deduction from wages if the recipient cannot prove residency for 6 continuous months after the closing. Said funding shall remain available in future years until depleted. At which time, if successful the fund should, if desired, be refunded. This bonding is necessary to stabilize all city neighborhoods as we experience city youth violence. The majority of Public safety officers now live outside the city. The estimated number of current homeowners is 150 fire and police. If 100 new homes were sold to personnel now not living here the grand list would rise and it would incentivize new recruits making community policing this year in all neighborhoods more likely. The projected number of new houses sold to police and fire during 2014-2015 is 100, with a total cost of 250 fire-police residents and 100 bonus payments or 2.25 million.

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Post on 02-May-2017




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Page 1: Bonding Amendment

From Alders Stratton, Festa, Spears, Staggers, Foskey-Cyrus, Robinson:

A proposed Amendment to appropriating ordinance #3 of 2014-2015 mayors budget

A. That we add a bonding request for a total of 8,400,000 under sub part a:

1) $1,200,000 incentive payments of $20,000 per annum for any police officer whose pension is fully vested who continues to work for a full year beginning July 1, 2014 in a full time active duty capacity for the department. Such incentive payment shall be paid on June 30, 2015.

These payments are necessary to ensure that our police department is fully staffed. Currently in the next year more officers are in a position to retire with full vested pensions than we can recruit to replace them. Given the historically low staffing of 382 active members, the recent explosion of city violence among youth, the need for at least 450 officers to implement full community policing in each ward, and the lack of economic incentive for officers to stay on after vesting; and the devastating impact on the grand list caused by violence and rising resident insecurity this bonding request is warranted.

2) $2,250,000 for incentive property tax rebates of up to $7500 in fiscal year 2014-2015 for any fire/police personnel (sworn and active) who resides and own a home in new haven beginning at least 6 months prior to the end of fiscal year 2014-2015. In addition, any such personnel who have not resided in New Haven for at least 3 years as a homeowner shall receive a $5,000 bonus at closing. Such monies will be reimbursed by automatic deduction from wages if the recipient cannot prove residency for 6 continuous months after the closing. Said funding shall remain available in future years until depleted. At which time, if successful the fund should, if desired, be refunded.

This bonding is necessary to stabilize all city neighborhoods as we experience city youth violence. The majority of Public safety officers now live outside the city. The estimated number of current homeowners is 150 fire and police. If 100 new homes were sold to personnel now not living here the grand list would rise and it would incentivize new recruits making community policing this year in all neighborhoods more likely. The projected number of new houses sold to police and fire during 2014-2015 is 100, with a total cost of 250 fire-police residents and 100 bonus payments or 2.25 million.

3) $4,950,000 expansion of year round and summer jobs for youth and police recruits and laterals not yet full members of department. This money will be utilized to fund 500 summer jobs for youth directly through city departments including fire, LCI, engineering, city Plan, police, libraries, public works, and parks. Each department will be allocated monies for payment of $2500 got each new haven youth resident they hire for 8 weeks of at least 25 hours a week this summer. The departments shall not be allotted overhead for supervision but shall be responsible for supervision and monitoring if they desire to participate in the program. Total cost 1.25 million

Any department which desires to extend a year round job opportunity to a participant in the summer program shall be allocated $6000 for each youth employed for no more than 500 hours throughout the school year, 200 jobs costing $1,200,000.

3) The rest of the bonding equaling 2.5. Million shall be used to expand the downtown special services crew. Up to 30 new police recruits and laterals to the department may with permission from the chief work as civilian city hosts. Further the service area should be expanded to include parks the train station and the Farmington canal. These monies should be used in addition to offer 100 resident youths year round jobs as youth hosts with the agent for no more than 250

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hours in the summer and 500 hours during the school year. Each position for youth will be funded at 10000 per annum with no more than 1000 per youth used for training and supervision.

B. This request will be paid for from city debt service. Impact on the debt service shall be eliminated by striking the following bonding requests from proposed in Appropriating Ordinance #3:

1579 General improvements $1,790,000 (BOE duty not city) 1580 life safety risk improvements $550,000 (BOE)1581 hvac rehabilitation $675,000 (BOE)1582 energy performance 1,100,000 (BOE)1578 Airport general improvements 620,000 (further funding of airport has no benefit nearly equaling cost) 1553 Schubert theater 1,400,000 (unless contractually obligated) 1549 commercial and industrial site development 760,0001506 rolling stock $3,813,6011514 rolling stock $250,0001525 rolling stock 290,0001576 rolling stock $75,0001587 rolling stock $100,0001591 professional services $80,0001588 school accreditation $50,000(BOE)1583 computers $800,000 (BOE)1567 neighborhood housing assistance $500,000 (unless for necessary cap improvements that housing authority not required to pay)1545 information and technology initiatives $900,000 1584 custodial equipment $125,000 (BOE)1585 interior exterior painting $125,000(BOE)1589 floor tile and accessories $50,000 (BOE)1590 cafeteria program $100,000 (BOE)1592 paving $40,000 (BOE)1542 software licensing $700,000 (Finance- no more investment without study of best it system for whole city- Controller Jones provided one study from 2007 which addresses barrow issue. Investments without a master plan risks waste and fragments the it system)1544 email conversion $400,000

The elimination of these bonding requests results in a net reduction of capital bonding after adding in the new bonding requests of 4,187,601.