book 2- diana's revenge

Prologue “Run, little princess, run.” Lindala said. “We will catch you.” Dalia said. “And we will have our revenge on you.” Ashina said. I was running as fast as I could. I hit a dead end. I turned to see the witches right behind me. “No, please, go away, please!” I shouted. They laughed and then the wall behind me shifted into a portal. I went through only to find I was in the Otherworld, but it was burning, I saw Selrena tied up to a post. I saw Diana in front of her, and then I realized that Selrena was dead. The witches surrounded me. They pulled me up into the air and then, let me fall. I screamed as I fell into a burning pit of lava. I shot up in bed. It was only a nightmare, I was safe. I looked over to see Danny sound asleep. I went back to bed and slept dreamlessly the rest of the night.

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Book two of The Legacy Begins


PrologueRun, little princess, run. Lindala said.We will catch you. Dalia said.And we will have our revenge on you. Ashina said. I was running as fast as I could. I hit a dead end. I turned to see the witches right behind me.No, please, go away, please! I shouted. They laughed and then the wall behind me shifted into a portal. I went through only to find I was in the Otherworld, but it was burning, I saw Selrena tied up to a post. I saw Diana in front of her, and then I realized that Selrena was dead. The witches surrounded me. They pulled me up into the air and then, let me fall. I screamed as I fell into a burning pit of lava. I shot up in bed. It was only a nightmare, I was safe. I looked over to see Danny sound asleep. I went back to bed and slept dreamlessly the rest of the night.

Chapter 1Morning Des, how did you sleep last night? Starla asked me as I entered the dining hall.I had another dream. I said. Danny came in then. He knew what we were talking about.Is it the same one or a different one? He asked.Its same one every time, maybe its an after effect of the battle. I said.Maybe, or it says that you need evolution to occur or you wont be ready in case Di attacks any time soon. Starla said. The Goddess evolution book appeared then. It opened to the page Id read the first time I came to the Otherworld two months ago. I read in my head:Goddess' evolution is very important. It allows the goddess to grow and discover new things about her powers. If a goddess never goes through evolution, then her power will never be the same and it will become weak. Evolution is painful. Every time you complete an evolution, the next one will be twice as painful as before to make sure that the goddess gets stronger. Once a goddess goes through her first evolution, she unwillingly gives up one of her traits whether it is looks or personality. She will need her loved one by her side to keep from losing her personality. If she loses her personality, she will never be the same and will forever be a memory. If the evolution doesnt grow any more painful, then the goddess' power has completely grown. Evolution usually occurs when the goddess needs it most.Des, we have to go, were going back to school for junior year and I have a feeling that we need to go while we can. Danny said grabbing his backpack. I shoved the Goddess Evolution book into my bag and followed him out to the garden where the portal to my bus stop was. We walked through it and were at my bus stop about five minutes before the bus was. Well, what do we have here? The bus driver asked as we got on.I moved over the summer. Danny said. I found the seat Lilly and I always sat in. I miss her so much. Its only been a few weeks since she died. I remember how she died. Diana threw a dark spell at her and crushed all her ribs and badly damaged her lungs. She died three minutes later.Hey, she never wanted to betray you, but she cared about you. Danny said. Then, from the back of the bus, we heard all of his friends yelling comments on us being together. We ignored them until we got to school. Then, my friends swamped us with questions.Hey Des! I heard a familiar voice say.Ally, Im so glad to see you! I said. Alley was a shape shifter. I found that out not long after I was marked and changed.Im glad to see you! She said. Then she lowered her voice so only I could hear her. Im so sorry about Lilly. Ill miss her too.Well say she died in a car accident and her parents moved after that. I whispered back.Hey, what happened to Lilly? My friend Jonathan asked.She died in a car accident. I said.Im so sorry, Des. Jonathan said. Danny put one arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulder.Whats going on here? My friend Marie asked.Its obvious that theyre dating. Jonathan said.Shut up, we better get to class before were late. I said. Starla made sure that I had most of my classes with Danny. The only two classes we didnt have together was Math and Language. He was in trigonometry and I was in geometry. I was in advanced Language and he was in normal Language. Free period came quicker than expected. I had the same locker I had last year and it brought back a lot of memories of Lilly. I spent lunch with my friends so Danny could have time to explain to his friends what had happened to him over the summer and why we were dating. I had to be a pain and listen in on some of it. At some point in the day, I took out the Goddess Evolution book. I read more of it so I could know what to expect when it hit me.Hey, Des, do you want to hang out later? Jonathan asked.Cant, Ive got to help my mom with something later. I said.I know who you really are and I guess I should confess that Im a werewolf. He whispered to me. I blinked at him in shock. Danny came up then.Hey, Des, whats up? He asked. Then the bell rang signaling the end of school. We hurried to the bus.Well, now its official, most of my friends are mythical creatures. I have a shape shifter, lots of vampires, and now a werewolf. I said as we sat down in mine and Lillys seat. I fell asleep some of the bus ride, switching worlds is such a pain. Danny and his parents now live in the Otherworld with me, my birth family, and some of my adopted family. We got off the bus and went back through the portal. When we got back, we were greeted by a baby dragon.Hi there Suzy, how are you? I asked. She responded with nuzzling my face. I laughed and then she flew over to Danny and pushed him closer to me. I loved that dragon. Danny laughed and hugged me. We walked back to the castle and when we got into the Throne room, we were swamped with questions from Selrena and Starla.I saw all of my old friends and discovered that one of them is a werewolf. I said.I had to explain to all of my friends why I was dating Des and why I disappeared over the summer. Danny said. They were bored with that so they left us alone.Im just shocked that Jonathans a werewolf. Danny said as we walked up to our room.DES, Im SO GLAD YOURE HOME! I heard a voice say.Hey, Beth, glad to see you too. You do know that you can visit whenever you want. I said. Hachi stepped behind her then.I would actually like to have your permission to rejoin society like you. Beth said.You do know that the sun will hurt your eyes. I said.I dont care; Ill find a way around that. I really would love to, and so would Hachi, please, please, please! She begged.Fine, but you start tomorrow, okay? I asked.Deal. She said.Remember, its junior year for us. I said.Okay, Ill go prepare. She said before scampering off with Hachi behind her.Shes so weird. I said.But you love her like shes your sister. Danny said.Yep, hey, did you think it was a good idea letting her come with us back to Earth? I asked.I dont know but well find out. He said before we went up to our room to put our stuff down. I opened my music box like I always did when I was in my room. I went out to the balcony to see Lucys face right below me.Were you trying to sneak up on me? I asked her. Since she was my bonded dragon, I could hear her voice in my head.Not at all, Im as innocent as you. She said.Shut up, now what is it you want? I asked her.Tara wishes to see you. Shes by the lake. She says for Daniel to come too. She said. I called for Danny and Lucy gave us a ride down to the lake. I saw Tara kneeling by the water and it looked like she was crying.Tara, whats wrong I asked as we approached.Ramallahs oldest daughter was killed by a shark warrior. She said. I remembered the sharks. I had battled the king once and he cheated and one of his warriors sliced my side. Judging by the look on Dannys face he remembered that too.Im going down there and teaching those sharks a lesson. I said as I walked closer to the portal that led to the house of night.No, you havent gone through evolution yet and the first time you battled them, you almost died. She said. I turned to face her.The last time I battled them, I won. I said.Juliana was a great warrior and she won the sharks in her last battle and now look at her. Tara said. Suddenly I fell to the ground in such agony I screamed. Danny rushed to my side. All the gods appeared then.Evolution has started. Now, we have to keep her from thrashing around, its all up to her body now to decide what happens. Starla said. I could barely hear her. I felt Danny holding my hand and watching me. Every time I screamed I knew it hurt him. I couldnt help it. I felt Starla, Michael, Selrena, and Danny holding me down. I screamed again. I felt something of me slip away, but I couldnt tell what. I blacked out. Then, so slowly, the pain eased. When it was all done I opened my eyes to find I was in my room. I was propped up on some of my pillows. I looked at Danny then.Oh my gods, her eyes, theyre black! He said.What? I asked confused. Tara came up with a mirror. Danny was right; my eyes were death black. I was amazed.The grey-green eyes are now gone. Whenever you go out into the public of the mortal world you must use an illusion to color your eyes. Nyx said. The Goddess Evolution book appeared then.Be warned, if you should become angered, your eyes will turn blood red. Learn to control rage and understand that the eye color trait of evolution is impossible to hide.Ill have to say that I died my eyes. I said. Danny, Beth, and Hachi agreed.All of us should leave soon; Julianas funeral is in a few hours. Tara said. I sat up more and Danny hugged me. I knew it was hard for him to watch me in pain like that and then to find out that hell never see my grey-green eyes again.Des, you can walk around, but be careful. Starla said. I got up and went to the lake. Danny, Beth, and Hachi followed me.What happened during that evolution thing? Beth asked.It was so painful that I blacked out, I remember feeling something slip away, but I didnt know what. Now I know. I said.Im gonna miss the grey-green color. Hachi said. I looked at him and smiled.Me too. I said. I liked my eyes before, now I had to lie to people about my eye color. Tara came out with the other gods then.Time to go, come on guys, we dont want to be late. Tara said. We walked through the portal and down to the lake at the house of night. We all jumped in and I created a current with sound. We walked into the palace in the City of Coral to see Ramallah crying. I walked over to her and rested a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me and put her hand over mine.Im so sorry, your majesty. Juliana was an amazing mermaid. Well all miss her. I said. I couldnt stand it. I had lost three people I cared about in two months; its just flat out wrong.Thank you for your support, Destiny, Juliana knew that you would become the wisest and most powerful creature alive, carry her memory with you for the rest of your life, my Queen. Ramallah said. I blinked in shock; she actually called me a queen.I will, my dear friend. I promised her. Crystal came in then.Hey, Des. Im glad you came. She said. She looked like she had been crying, I couldnt blame her.No problem, Juliana was a good friend. I said. In the past month after the battle, I had gotten to know Juliana and we became close friends. Ever since Lilly died, Danny says that Ive changed somehow. I now know what he meant.Des, I need you to help with the farewell ceremony, I cant do it alone. Ramallah said.Of course, its the least I can do, Ramallah. I said. We walked out to the edge of the Trench of Royal Graves where we would send Julianas body.Welcome friends, we gather here to remember my sweet daughter Juliana. The anger of the sharks took a toll on our kingdom and it will never be forgotten. She will remember her forever as the one who lost her life in innocence and she will always be in our hearts. Ramallah said with tears in her eyes. She looked at me then and I nodded at her. Then it was my turn to speak.Juliana was a close friend of mine. I will miss her very much and I will remember her as an angel of friendship. She believed in every creature as she knew what would become of them. She knew what would happen to her, but she also wanted us to know that when she passes on, she will never truly leave us. She wanted us to know that if were feeling alone to think of her and she will be there for us. Juliana knew that she would find peace sooner than the rest of us. Losing many people I care about in such a short time has caused me a lot of pain, but I know that theyre safe and have found peace and that no matter what happens, theyre still with us. Juliana has found peace and she has given us something that all of us never knew we had, the strength to honor her and remember her for her sacrifice to save all of us. I said. I knew as I spoke those words, Juliana was proud of me. Some of the warriors sent Julianas coffin into the trench and we all bowed our heads in memory of the princess. I knew who the source of Julianas death was, and I would win this battle. When the funeral was over, we went back to the otherworld so Danny, Hachi, Beth, and I could get rest for school the next day.Do you think Ramallah will be okay? Danny asked.I know she will be, she just cant go and try to get revenge and get herself killed. I said. I lie down in bed next to Danny and fell asleep.

Chapter 2Wake up you two, we need to get out of here soon. Beth said at our doorway. I rolled my eyes at her.Beth, we dont leave for three hours. I said. She left my room and Danny and I got up and got ready for our second day of school. I went down to the library to get the Goddess Evolution book again. When I met Danny in the dining hall, I saw Beth arguing with herself on what she was going to do. I rolled my eyes again.Beth, just remember that youre my cousin and you and your boyfriend just moved into town. I said.Got it, and I have all my classes with you and Hachi has all classes with Danny. Beth said.I changed that actually, Hachi has Language class with me and you have Language class with Danny. I said.Oh, Im guessing you two have advanced language class while we have normal. She said.Exactly, now go to the library and get a book to read for when you finish your work. I told Beth and Hachi. They did as I told them to. I looked at Danny and I saw total concern in his eyes, he saw the exact same thing in mine.Any clue on how this is gonna work out? He asked.None what so ever, I just hope that we can pull this off. I said.I honestly dont know. He said. Beth and Hachi walked in then.Okay, now is it time to go? Beth asked. I looked at my phone and sure enough, it was time.Yes, get your stuff Danny, or were gonna be late. I told him as I grabbed my bag and went out to the portal in the garden with everyone trailing me. We walked through and got there three minutes before the bus. Danny and I sat in the same seat as yesterday and Beth and Hachi sat in the seat across from us. Jonathan looked back at us in confusion.Des, who are they? He asked.Jonathan, this is my cousin Bethany and her boyfriend Hachiko, Beth, Hachi, this is my friend Jonathan. I said.Nice to meet you. Jonathan said.Like wise. Hachi said, once a poet, always a poet. Beth and Hachi talked to Jonathan the whole way to school while Danny and I tried to get some sleep. At school, Danny and I took Beth and Hachi to the front office to register and get their schedules that Starla had pre-made. Then we went to first hour which was Math. Class today was review of stuff we did last year. After that was Language class. In Language, we started off with new stuff the second after she took attendance. I knew all this stuff already because I spent most of my time in the castle library, Hachi didnt know some of it though. After that was Astronomy. I loved the stars so I decided to take it and see if they knew stuff I didnt.Im guessing that you know all this stuff so far. Danny whispered to me.Yeah, and a whole lot more. I whispered back.Thought so, arent there more constellations than the ones that humans know about? He asked.Zillions more, I cant even name them all. I said.Miss Summers, since you know all this, what constellation represents the warrior princess? Mr. Davidson, our teacher, asked.Cassiopeia represents the warrior princess, and right in between her and Taurus the bull is her daughter the chained woman, also known as Andromeda. I said. Mr. Davidson stared at me in shock. I smiled like the little angel all my teachers thought I was. Mr. Davidson continued with his lecture on the stars.How did you know that? Danny asked.I spend my time reading books on the stars, when Im not reading on evolution. I said.Nerd, I almost never go into the library at the castle, I stay outside or in the ballroom dancing. Beth said. I rolled my eyes at her and went back to paying attention to the lecture. After Astronomy, it was lunch time. Danny decided to sit with me and my friends today.Hey, Des, whos the fresh blood of the group? Ally asked.This is my cousin Bethany and her boyfriend Hachiko, Beth, Hachi; this is Allison, Jonathan who you already know, Marie, LillyAnn, and Lilly would be here if- I stopped myself from finishing that sentence. It was hard for me to think about Lilly. Everyone bowed their heads in memory of Lilly and Danny put his arm around my shoulders to comfort me. I noticed that LillyAnn didnt bow her head. That had me suspicious.Its okay, she was a great friend and she didnt deserve to die. Marie said.Wait one second, I think Ive met you two before. Ally said. I rolled my eyes at her.You have, remember? It was the last day of school last year and when you came over these two were there. I said.Now I remember, I went over Dess house because it was her birthday and Beth was there, but Hachi wasnt. Ally said.Hachi and I didnt start dating until a few weeks later. Beth said. Everyone was so focused on Beth and Hachi that they didnt notice that Danny and I kept quiet the rest of the time. After lunch, an assembly was called. I sat in the back row of the theater with all my friends and Danny. The principal walked in then.Welcome, today we have a guest speaker from the Children of the Night. She is here to tell you about some of the cultural and historical things about Vampires. Please help me welcome, Diana. The principal said and Diana walked on stage. Danny, Beth, Hachi and I all stared in shock. What was Di doing here?This cant be good. Danny said.Not at all, keep your guard up and try to stay hidden. I told him.Thank you, today I would like to tell you about the most recent historical event that happened. This actually happened over this past summer. Di said, she looked at me and I knew she was talking about what happened to me. Starting on May 27, a girl was chosen by the crescent as a vampire, it was also her birthday. She came to C.O.N and she was curious about it as every new vampire is. She accepted the crescent after exactly two hours of being chosen. She found out that she was the last surviving child of the gods. Her mother is Starla, youngest sister to the vampire goddess Nyx and her father is Prince Michael. She went forth into this horrible place called the Realm of Stone and destroyed these three ancient witched who tried to kill her at birth. She isnt like any person alive, when she was born; the gods were fighting in a war and Starlas second oldest sister, Airana, sent her to the body of a mortal baby that was being born, but wasnt alive, when the body was born, the god child gave it a sole and it became alive, the child grew up as a normal girl, and on her birthday that just passed, she discovered who she really is. That girl is among us today, and she knows who she is. Diana said. I narrowed my eyes at her and she smiled a smile that only Danny, Beth, Hachi, and I knew was pure evil. A girl in the front row raised her hand and Diana selected her to speak.How will we know who it is? She asked.You wont, I will not say who it is. I will say this, she will protect us from any threat, and she will always remember what happens to her from today forward. Di said. LillyAnn raised her hand and Di called on her.Can you tell us more about her? She asked.Of course, she was given gifts of personality by the gods and they helped her defeat the witches. She was crowned Queen of the Gods after the whole mess with the witches was over. The most recent event that happened was yesterday, she went through Goddess Evolution and her eye color changed from their original color, to death black and she is hiding that color with an illusion. If you really want to know who it is, then look for a girl who acts differently around other people, knows things that you wouldnt expect, and most of all, look for something in her eyes that seems different than what it was last year. Diana said looking directly at me. I glared at her and saw her step back because of the ice in it. One more thing, when she glares at you, you will feel an icy force behind it that is so powerful, you will feel like you are freezing though you arent. Diana said. Multiple hands went up with questions, but I ignored them all, I glared at Diana and then a glow caught my eye and hers. She turned to look at it and suddenly, Starla appeared out of the glow.Hello Diana, I question why you are here at my daughters school when you yourself have turned away from my sister and helped the witches to kill my daughter. Starla said and everyone gasped.I have not turned from Nyx; I follow her so truly that I hear her voice in everything. Di said.Then I feel the need to do this. My daughter shall be revealed to you all and she will tell the story of what happened in the realm of stone and what happened to Lilly. Starla said. Then I started to glow the same silver color that Starla glowed. Everyone turned to look at me as I rose from my sat and went to join Starla and Diana on the stage. Everyone stared at me in shock. I looked into my mothers eyes and understood what she wanted me to do. I showed my tattoos and my real eye color. Everyone stared in complete shock.In the Realm of Stone, I battled the ancient witches and defeated them, not long after I was walking back into the Castle in the Otherworld when Diana appeared, she threw a pure darkness spell and it hit Lilly and it shattered all her ribs and badly damaged her lungs. She died a few minutes later with me by her side and her last words were I did what I had to do and then she died. I said. Starla put a hand on my shoulder in memory of Lilly. She knew how hard it was for me to think of that day. Before that battle, Diana killed my grandmother, the Queen of the Gods before me, and I swore to uphold her legacy and in honor of her, I stand before you not as the girl some of you have known since we were in pre-school, but I stand here as the Last Surviving Child of the Gods. I said as Beth, Hachi, and Danny stood up. Starla nodded at them and they came to join us on stage. Beth and Hachi revealed their marks, and my crown appeared, Danny just looked as normal as ever.Destinys Starr, I will have revenge, this I swear. You will feel the wrath of a vampire who is blessed with the power of Lindala, Dalia, and Ashina. Hear my words and feel my curse, Dianas Revenge shall become your worst nightmare. Di said before disappearing and in her place stood three Panthers of Darkness.Mom, protect the students, Beth, Hachi, and Danny, help me get rid of these critters. I said. Then, Jonathan and Ally appeared at my side.Need help? Ally asked.Sure, help Beth and Hachi get rid of the panthers, I got this one. I said staring at the extremely muscular panther in front of me. As it always did when I needed it, Excalibur appeared in my hand. The panther jumped at me and I put up a reflective barrier and the panther hit it and bounced back. I advanced toward it and wounded it badly with Excalibur.Des, use the dispelling charm Dana taught you. Starla yelled. I did as she suggested and then I transported it to the jungle where it belonged.DES, HELP! Beth called. I looked over to see a panther had pounced her and Jonathan (I only knew it was Jonathan because he was in wolf form). I ran over and used the dispelling charm and transported it to where the other one was.Lets go help Hachi and Ally. I told them, I started to run over to Hachi and Ally when Di appeared in front of me.Well, I guess Ill have to finish you off myself. She said. She threw a dark spell at me and I dodged it. I let Excalibur go back to where I keep it hidden when I dont need it and I used my spells. I dodged a lot of her blasts as she did mine. I finally decided to do a full power spell and Di hit the ground. I walked over to her to make sure she was down for the count, which was a mistake. She hit me with her most powerful spell and I hit the ground. Di disappeared and Danny and Starla rushed to my side with Beth, Hachi, Jonathan, and Ally following them.Is she okay? Starla asked.Shes fine, just in shock from the darkness levels. Danny said. Starla touched my arm closest to her. That shook off my shock. I sat up slowly.What happened? The principal asked.Diana is a dark warrior that worked for the witches; shes trying to get revenge on me since I destroyed the witches. I can protect the school and everyone here, but Im the one that Di is trying to kill. I said.Ill set up a barrier immediately, Des, regain your strength. Starla said. I did as I was told and I also hid my marks and eye color, but my glow wouldnt go away. I guess I would glow for the rest of the day.Im glad youre okay. Danny whispered as he helped me stand up.Me too. I whispered back.Des, I need to speak to you. The principal said. What is it? I asked.What the heck just happened? The lives of students were in danger as were the lives of Teachers. The principal said.It wasnt my fault, Diana hates me and she wants revenge. I said. Then I fell to the ground with a massive headache and my vision went ice blue. I knew what was happening. I saw a blurry image, and then it focused. I saw Diana pacing in front of two girls who looked no older than me.Mom, calm down, you will get revenge on her. One said.Mollia, I know you believe that, but if you were hit with that blast, you wouldnt think as I do. Di said.Maybe she has a weak spot you could attack. The other said.Maybe, but Nallia, if she does have a weak spot, than it is well guarded. Di said.She should, everyone does, and they just dont show it. Mollia said.Ill attack her when she least expects it, and then, Ill kill her Diana said. She laughed and then the image went blurry to ice blue, to me laying on the floor with Danny, Starla, Beth, and Hachi all staring at me.What happened? I asked. I tried to sit up, but I had to have Danny help me.You were just talking to Principal Meyers when you fell over unconscious and then your glow turned ice blue. Ally said.It happened again, didnt it? Starla asked.It did, I saw Di and her two daughters and she said that she was going to attack me when I least expect it. I said. Then we will have to have twenty-four hour protection. I cant have you killed and the entire world collapsing in chaos. Starla said. I agreed. I tried to stand up but I just fell back down. Danny caught me before I hit the floor.Take her to the nurses office; Ill help her there, the rest of you return to your day. Starla said. Danny nodded and carried me to the nurses office. He walked in and when Nurse Jones saw him carrying me, she flipped out.Im fine, I just need Starla to get here as soon as possible and do whatever it is she needs to do so I can start studying spells. I said. Nurse Jones already knew all about me because she was Beths mom. She rolled her eyes and told Danny to set me on one of the beds. Starla came in then and only performed a basic healing ritual and I was free to go.

Chapter 3What were you thinking revealing me to the entire school?! Ill be even more of a freak now than I was last year! I yelled at Starla.Diana was there and she could have turned everyone against us. That was what I was thinking. Starla said. I understood that, I knew she meant well, but sometimes it doesnt work out.I understand, but now I have to protect the school when I didnt have to before. I said. Then Tara appeared. We were in the courtyard of the school so it kind of creped me out for some odd reason.It is time sister; the prophecy shall now be spoken. Tara said. I braced myself, the last big prophecy had come true and already there was another one. A battle fought is a battle lost, the life of one will throw the world into the hole of despair and all will become saddened on the day. The battle of life and death means hurt, loss, pain, and shock. The one of now shall be remembered forever and shall be found again in another life. The beloved of the one shall decide warrior immortality or continue life as a normal, the decision lies on them. The one lost will be reborn in another time and dimension. The world and all its creatures will rejoice at the rebirth. Let this serve as a guide to thee Destinys Starr. Be it ever so humble, a daughter of Starla shall live on in this world forever. Tara said in her mystical vision voice, all the while her eyes were ocean blue and when she blinked, they were normal again.I cant believe it. Starla said. I couldnt say anything, I was too shocked.I saw it all, the battle will happen next year and one will perish. Tara said. I hadnt realized that my friends had gathered and heard the prophecy.That cant be true, it just cant. Ally said.You know a lot about us Ally; you should know that Taras visions always come true. Starla said. I was still too shocked to speak, who could blame me, I would die next year. I knew Danny was as shocked as I was. I couldnt blame him.That cant be true, Des cant die, and it will throw us all into chaos. Beth said.There seems to be more behind it, like theres a part missing. Hachi said. I snapped out of my shock then and looked at Tara. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she cut the prophecy short. I knew then that it would be me seeing the last part of the prophecy and not her. That made me think that maybe something good might come. Then there was a sting in the back of my head. I looked at Tara and her eyes went wide. She knew what was happening right then and I suddenly understood.Starla, I think Im not seeing the rest of the prophecy, I think Des is. Tara said. Everyone looked at me then. The pain in my head increased and I closed my eyes. When I reopened them, I was watching a battle scene.One shall fight and in turn loose their life. Though dead, life will find its way back. What was lost will return and what was evil will now vanish. I said as I watched myself die. I said something to Danny (at least I thought it was him, I couldnt tell) and then closed my eyes. What seemed like hours later was really the next day; I was lying on my bed with Danny next to me crying. I opened my eyes in the vision and realized that I wasnt dead. I had come back to life. I closed my eyes again and when I reopened them, I was back in reality. Tara was staring at me in shock. I looked around confused.What just happened? I asked.I think that you just saw the last part of the prophecy, but it kind of canceled out the first part that Tara saw. Jonathan said.I dont know, I just remember feeling pain in my head so I closed my eyes and when I opened them I saw you guys gawking at me like I killed someone. I said.Interesting, maybe Taras was partly false after all. Starla said. Then I went wide eyed at her.Taras visions are never wrong. I said.Theres always a first time for everything. She said. I wasnt sure; I only knew that I saw my own death and that somehow I would come back to life. Then it all made sense, my vision of Diana and her daughters, my vision and Taras. I knew what had happened.Oh my gods, I understand it now. Tara was sent a false vision, Diana sent that to her, my vision earlier was of Di and her daughters trying to get revenge on us but they couldnt figure out how, now I know. When Tara got the false vision, someone had to get the real one. I said.You got the real one; you saw what happened; now we just need to prevent you from dying. Starla said. I nodded. I knew what would happen and somehow, I had to prevent it. I knew that I had to protect my family, friends, and Danny.Well, now we need to prepare for some big ass battle. Selrena said as she shimmered into the conversation (I still dont know how she can appear anywhere in the blink of an eye).Language Selrena, remember what mom always said. Starla said. Selrena grumbled something under her breath and Starla only rolled her eyes.So what exactly did the prophecy foretell? I asked.You dont remember what you said? Danny asked.When you tell the prophecy you wont remember I because it isnt you speaking it, its a spirit telling you something and her visions of Di always came exactly when they happened, that means that a more recent spirit provides those visions. Mine come from the ancient gods so I can see thing up to fifty years in advance. I guess since I got the false one they had to give it to you. Tara said looking at me. I understood then. Our generation of gods came from the Greeks. We just didnt know which god we came from. I always thought Athena but others thought Aphrodite, why? I dont know.Really? I never knew that, maybe its Athena, she was the one of wisdom. Ally said.Thats exactly what I thought. I said.I know, right, Athena seems more likely than someone like, I dont know, Aphrodite. Ally said. Tara, Selrena, and Starla shifted like they were embarrassed about it. I couldnt blame them for that one.Ive got an idea, Danny; you remember that star map in the Astronomy class? I asked him.Yeah, what about it? He asked.Its an ancient map, meaning it might tell us the origin of the visions and then we could try to prevent them from happening. I said.Brilliant, all we have to do is ask Mr. Davidson if we can see it and lets hope he says yes. Beth said.Perfect, Ill just go after school and meet you guys in the Otherworld. I said. Everyone agreed and we went to our last class of the day. We had History for our last class and that class I swear I almost fell asleep. Because I spent so much time in the library in the castle, I knew all this stuff and more that they wouldnt teach us. Danny did too just because I made him help me one day and he got interested, he went with me to the library every day now.We already know this stuff, why did we have to take it again this year? Danny asked.Starla set it up not me, though Beth and Hachi dont know any of it. I said. We were working in groups of two and I chose Danny, we were working on a model of the first battle in the Vietnam War. Ours was going to be the best simply because we were going to use magic when we got home to make it look like holograms. It was all Dannys idea; I was going to take care of everything else.This is boring, if only Starla would let you use your magic in class we would be done by now. Danny said. Then Mrs. Daniels came up.What idea are you two going to do? She asked us.Were going to make a model with actual scenes from the battle using holograms to make it look more realistic than the average clay model. Danny said.Thats the first time that Ive heard of anyone doing a holographic display, this should be interesting, and how are you going to make the soldiers move. She asked. I took out my laptop and pulled up the file I was going to use.I found an actual picture from the battle, all I had to do was add color, modify the photo, add some animation and sound, and then project it into a three dimensional figure. I said. She looked impressed so I showed her the image.Incredible, and where did you get the image? She asked.I got it from a book that was in the library. I said. The one in the Otherworld? She asked.Yes, it was full of images and paintings from the war itself, and Selrena as the goddess of war helps me with setting up the scene so it would look more realistic. Having both the image from the book plus the sounds from Selrenas memory I can produce an image that looks as if I went back in time and recorded it myself. The image was originally black and white so I had to have help with that too. I said pulling up the original image. It was actually a real picture taken by one of the soldiers right before he was shot. The thought was sad, but I had a way of saying thanks to the dead.Interesting, Ive never seen that photo. She said.It was taken by a soldier before he died, Selrena found the camera and she got the photos printed so they stayed in the Otherworld with her. Were the only ones who know exactly when and where it was taken. Selrena decided to let me use it so people could see another piece of history. I said. She seemed shocked by that.Wow, I knew there was stuff in history that no one knew, but hidden photos? Thats unreal. She said.Yeah, youd be surprised about the stuff I can find in the castle library. I said before the bell rang signaling the end of the school day. I went to Mr. Davidsons office with Danny, Beth, and Hachi following me.Mr. Davidson, can we have a look at the star map in the planetarium of the school? I asked.Of course, Im honored to help young students with their studies. He said unlocking the door. We rushed inside and automatically started searching for the constellation Draco the Dragon.There, okay so if the stars align perfectly, then you can see the perfect shape of a dragon, which means that that same day, a dragon will be released to help defend the Otherworld and its family. Who is the family? I said thinking aloud.Maybe the gods are the family. Beth said.No. Danny, Hachi, and I said.The family has to be dragons. I said.Why, it seems if its being released from the stars that it would be sent for the gods. Beth said.Its because he is the father of one family. I said What family though is the question. Danny said. He was thinking more and more like me every day.I think I know, what dragon just recently gave birth, but the father wasnt around? I asked them.Lucy, I remember that the father was nowhere around. Maybe its Lucy and Suzy that hes going to try to protect. Danny said. I smiled at him and he knew that he was right.Okay, so we have that figured out, now that else do you need to look for? Beth asked impatiently.I need to find a constellation that is sacred to my heart, meaning I need to make my own constellation out of stars. I said. Beth groaned. Ill send you and Hachi back to the Otherworld so you can work on your project. I used my teleportation spell to get rid of them so Danny and I could focus on finding the right set of stars to make our own.I know why you sent them away and didnt send me with them. Danny said as I was focusing on the stars.I focus better with no one around but you, I think its because of our imprint. I said.And the constellation is only sacred to you if you discover it with me. He said. I looked into his eyes then.Yes, thats another reason why. I really care about you. Did I ever tell you that I was against the first prophecy when it was told? I asked.No why? He asked.It was because I cared for you so much that I was afraid of you getting hurt or losing you. Whenever anyone brought it up, I always rejected the idea. I never wanted you to get hurt. I said. He smiled at me.I wont hurt myself; Im strong as long as you are. He said. I smiled back and then looked back up at the star map. I saw a group of star that if you placed them further apart, it formed a perfect pentagram. I pointed it out to Danny and he thought it was cool. Then he found one that actually spelled my name. That one was the sacred one.Its perfect, I couldnt think of a better one. I said.Perfect, now what do we have to do? He asked. I looked into his eyes then.Well, since we know the exact location of the constellation, we dont have to go find it in the night sky. Now we have to start the ritual when it shows in the sky. Then we can find out which dragon is going to be released and maybe uncover the meaning of the prophecy. I said.Okay, so this means we can stay here a little bit longer and look more at the star map? He asked.No, we have to go back and set everything up and then maybe I will have enough magic left to work on the project, but normally Id be drained. I said. He smiled at me like he knew another way to keep me strong. I knew what he was thinking and I rolled my eyes. I looked at my constellation one last time before teleporting us out of there and back to the Otherworld. Beth met us at the lake with everything we needed.Can I stay and watch? Beth asked.No, I need to be as focused as possible; otherwise it could completely drain my powers, which I dont want. I said. She pouted and then scampered off to find her boyfriend.Okay, so you know what youre going to do? Danny asked.Its a chant to speak to the wisest and oldest dragon in existence; Im now the only one who can perform this ritual. I said.Who else could? He asked.Grandma, just because she was queen, I can because I have the Flame of Harmony. I said. Then the stars were set perfectly and I began to chant. Zoma hama lala nala oma lala, hold, zoma ma. I repeated this until I saw an image. I saw a liquid gold dragon and I knew who she was. She was great Lucinala, the creator of everything. She smiled at me and showed me what would happen. I saw a red dragon coming out of the constellation, Draco, I saw the whole battle and me dying, then I saw me waking up, alive again, and I saw the world restoring itself and looking better than ever. Then I saw Lucinala again. Be wise and remember that with your power comes an even greater responsibility than all others and that you are now I come to earth. She said before the vision disappeared and I collapsed onto the ground so weak I couldnt even move. Des, are you okay? Danny asked as he pulled me into his arms. He sounded so worried.Drained. need.. rest I said, I was so weak it wasnt funny. Danny picked me up and carried me back to our room. When we got there, he put me on the bed and opened my music box so I could hear my familys lullaby.Youre never doing that again, it drained way too much of your power. He said sitting next to me. I focused on the lullaby and let the sweet melody soothe me to sleep.

Chapter 4Hey, you think youre strong enough to go to school today? Danny asked when I woke up.Yeah, Ill just have to take it easy for the day. I said. I got up and got dressed and when I went to put my make up on, I knew that my eye illusion wouldnt work today. I was way too weak. I went down to the dining hall to see that my project was already done.I finished it for you since you were too weak last night. Selrena said.Thanks, I owe you now. I said.No, you dont. I still owed you for saving me in the Realm of Stone. She said. Then I hugged her.Im still extremely weak so my eye illusion wont work today. I said.I know thats why Starla is going with you. I rolled my eyes but didnt have time to argue because we had to go. Starla followed us and she was going to ride the bus with us. Danny and I sat in mine and Lillys seat and Beth and Hachi sat across from us. Starla took a seat in the front. I slept most of the ride to school and the second half I explained to Danny what I saw last night. When we got to school Starla went to the office and explained why she was there and they agreed to not let her leave my side. I went to math first. The teacher just continued with what we went over yesterday. Language, we did an activity and we were allowed to work in groups so, naturally, I worked with Hachi. Then it was time for Astronomy. We were in the planetarium again as I thought we would be for the rest of the year and since Starla was also goddess of the stars, she taught our class today. She taught us about how the placement of a constellation can release magic in certain ways. For the example, she used Draco and how if the stars are aligned right, a real dragon will come and help protect its family. Then it was lunch time. We sat at our usual table with Starla there today.Why are your eyes black today, did you decide not to use the illusion today? Ally asked.No, I was working on a ritual last night and it drained almost all of my power and Im still extremely weak. I said.I understand that. She said. I rolled my eyes; no one knew how shitty I felt. Feeling as weak as I did then felt like throwing up every ten seconds, I felt like complete crap.So, is that why Starla is here? Maria asked.Yeah, shes here to make sure that I stay alive today, and until I fully recover from last night, shell be following me around like a lost puppy. I said. We ate lunch in silence and went to our forth hour class. Danny and I chose to take a band class for our elective.Hey, now we have enough members for a full band. Danny said. Beth and Hachi were taking the same class.Yeah, Hachi we'll put you on bass and Beth on drums. I said. The teacher came and gave Beth drumsticks and Hachi a bass until they got their own. Danny was on lead guitar and I was lead singer. Our assignment is to write our own songs and perform them at the end of the semester. I was too busy to even think about our song so all class period we just tossed around a few chords and lyrics, we didnt accomplish anything. Then it was time for history. Starla brought mine and Dannys project in for us since I was so weak and had to have help with a lot of stuff today.Amazing and very fine wiring, Des. She said. I turned on the projection and the battle scene appeared. Mrs. Daniels' eyes went wide; i could tell she was interested. When the scene started over I turned it off.Pass with an A; Im very proud of you two. She said. That was our pass to leave class. We went to the planetarium again to look at the star map before leaving school. I easily found my constellation.So, what constellation did you use last night? Starla asked.One I made, it spelled out Dess name. Danny said.Really? Thats interesting. She replied. I smiled. I remembered last night perfectly. Then the bell rang signaling the end of school. We got on the bus and sat in our same seat when Jonathan turned around and glared at me. That was odd. Beth and Hachi got on shortly after and then the bus left, but Jonathan didnt stop glaring at me.Jonathan, if you have something to say, than say it, otherwise go away. I said. Then his eyes changed color. That wasnt Jonathan.Maybe you should think twice before exposing the identity of the chosen one, Destiny. The creature said. I knew who it was.What are you doing here Linda, I thought my mom made you move states after you tried to kill me when I was seven. I said in my coldest voice ever. She shifted into the twenty-three year old woman with jet black hair and electric blue eyes.I was hired to pay you a visit Destiny; Roxy cant do anything about that. She said.Why do you call her by her full name? Danny asked.Ssssstay out of thisssss mortal. Linda hissed. She was originally a snake before she was transformed by one of the witches long ago. Whenever her temper showed up she hissed.Dont talk to him like that snake, Im the one you almost killed eight years ago. I said.I almost succeeded until Roxy came in and then when I was banished, one of the gods came and tortured me until I said why I tried to kill you. I think it was Airana. When I shifted into a panther and clawed her, she used her powers and I was almost crushed by the weight of the sky. She said. That explained the scar running all down her arm, I remember asking about it, but she only said it was from a battle.Linda, you tried to kill me when I was sick with pneumonia. I said. Then it made sense, she tried to kill me when I was at my weakest, just like I was now. Danny picked that up on the imprint and managed to get Hachi to go and get Starla.Linda, what are you doing here? Starla asked.Oh, I will be back, and when I return, a life will be taken. She said before disappearing. I passed out then. Starla managed to wake me up when we got to our stop, but the second I got through the portal, I collapsed. Danny had to carry me to our room, again, and when we got there, I found a weird glowing ball there. Then, it shifted and transformed until it was the form of my grandmother.Des, you must stay behind tomorrow, youre stressing yourself out too much and you cant recover. She said. Danny set me on the bed.I cant, if I miss school Ill miss important things in class. I said. Tomorrow was Friday and I had to hold out one more day.Fine, but on the days you are home, stay calm and dont over work yourself. I may not be alive, but my ghost can still annoy you. She said. Then I realized something.You were the one sending me my visions, werent you? I asked. She smiled.I was; I knew that you needed to understand them before I could send you prophecies. I sent you the real prophecy yesterday, I asked Athena to send a false one to Tara. She said. That cleared everything up; Tara got the false vision saying that this one wasnt for her to see. I got the real one saying that I now speak prophecies as does Tara.Why didnt you give her the real one? I asked.Because you need to tap into the full gift of Flame of Harmony. I chose you because I trust you and because you needed to see it. She said. I was shocked; she wanted me to see my death? She hugged me and then disappeared. Starla, Nyx, and Airana walked in.Whats wrong, you look like Diana just came and attacked you. Airana said.I dont know, I think she just saw something that might shock us. Starla said.She has seen the ghost of mother. Nyx said looking at my eyes. The other two gasped and I nodded. Danny picked up one of my books to get it out of the way, made a face at it, and put it back on the book shelf.Now, now, we mustnt judge a book by its cover or the reviews, Airana said.Judge the story within the pages and the message behind the words, Nyx said.And youll see that things arent always what they seem to be. Starla finished. Triplets, what can you do about them? What, translate please. He said confused. I giggled.Theyre saying that if you judge something or someone based on looks and things youre told, youll miss out on a lot. I said.We just said that. Airana mumbled.Rana, he didnt understand it the way you put it so I had to dumb it down. I said. She rolled her eyes. Nyx glared at her and she backed off. I stared out the window and Danny knew something was wrong.Des, you okay? He asked.Yeah, just tired and need to rest, Im not going to school tomorrow, neither are Beth, Hachi, Jonathan, or Alley. I said.Why? he asked. I couldnt tell him. The thought of this decision gave me all my power back and put a few tears in my eyes. I hated to even think of it, but I knew I had to do it to keep him safe.Go to sleep, Ill see you in the morning. I said. I wouldnt be there when he woke up.Chapter 5I woke up at midnight. I knew what I had to do. I put my hand on Dannys forehead and recited an ancient spell used by the witches long ago.When your eyes open again, memories of all we went through together shall be gone. I shall only be a dream until the time is right, then all shall return. I said. As I spoke I had tears in my eyes. I had to wipe his memory of all the experiences we shared and in the process, it painlessly broke our imprint. His parents came in then.Des, you dont have to do this. Mrs. Smith said.I have to if I want to protect all of you. In time he will remember everything, but it will be a long time before he does. I said. Mrs. Smith smiled at me as her husband picked up their son. I opened a portal that would take them back to their house and away from me for many years.Go and take the blessing of the gods with you and remember to keep all of this hidden until the time is right. I said. They walked through the portal and were gone. I went back to bed for a few more hours and when I woke up; I didnt regret what I had done. I went down to the dining hall to find everyone waiting for me.Im proud of you Des. You did something I could never do. Starla said. I smiled at her.Thanks mama, it was hard, but I did it to protect him. Hell live a normal life with no trace of me. I said.Hell live a normal life until its time to allow the memories to return. Nyx said.Yes, until then, we stay away from him. I said.Now we have to find a way to defeat Diana. Airana said.It is going to be a big battle and many soldiers will be lost. Diana will fight Des one on one and her daughters will fight Starla and Selrena. Tara said. She sounded unsure.Tara, I know youre disappointed about what grandma did but it was only a test. I said. She smiled at me and all of her confidence was restored.Okay, so we need to train all the soldiers to fight those damn panthers. Selrena said. We all looked at her like she was crazy.Why do we have to train them to fight panthers? Meladena asked.Dianas symbol is a panther and her soldiers are panthers of darkness. If she fights, so do her panthers. Shes always been that way. Selrena said.Or we could make something that has the dispelling charm in it and have the soldiers use them. Danabella said.No, that wont work. The panthers that shes gonna use in this war are dispelling resistant. I should know because Ive fought many wars with her before I came here. Selrena said. We all knew that Selrena wasnt originally one of us. She was Dalias daughter. She never talked about her past, but when she did, she had reason to.Okay, so we train to fight panthers. Lets get started. Brad said. All the gods went to summon their soldiers while Beth, Hachi, Ally, Jonathan and I stayed behind.Des, are you okay? Beth asked.Just shaken from what I had to do last night. I said.You did the right thing; maybe youll find the right one someday. Ally said.Maybe, until then I have to focus on my training and studies. I said.Not totally though, you need to have some free time. Jonathan said.Hes right, just because you gave up your love doesnt mean you can give up all your fun too. Hachi said.I know Im not stupid. I still have a dragon to look after. I said.Des, can you come to the stables with me for a few minutes? Beth asked.Sure, see you later guys. I said. Then I followed Beth to the stables. In the first stall on my right in the most elegant stables Id ever seen was my mare.Moonlight, Im so glad to see you sweetie. I said to the horse.I knew you would be beating yourself up about Danny so I had some friends at C.O.N bring her here for you. Beth said.Thank you Beth, youre practically my sister. I said. She smiled and hugged me. Then Danabella walked in.So is this the beautiful horse you always talk about? She asked.Yes, her name is Moonlight. I said. Dana moved the horses forelock out of the way so she could see the black star on the white mare with blue eyes.Her marking is brand new; no other horse has ever had this mark. It was said in legends that a horse with a black star would be immortal. I guess this is her. Dana said.I told my cousin Aisling about her and she was shocked silent. I said.Why not have your cousin come and visit; I would love to meet her. Dana said. Then my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and was surprised to see who it was. I answered it.Hey Aisling, whats up? I asked. (IRONIC!!!)I just had to put one of my horses down. She said.Im so sorry Aisling, why dont you come visit here in the otherworld? Itll help get your mind off things. I said.Can I bring the only two horses I have left with me? She asked.Of course, theyll stay in the stables with Moonlight and Ill make sure theyre given the best treatment possible. I said.Okay, do I have to use the portal at C.O.N or are you going to make one leading to my barn? She asked.Option two, itll be easier. I said.Okay, Ill be there soon. She said.Okay, and Ill send a couple people to help okay? I told her.Okay, bye. She said before hanging up.Dana, you want to come with me to get Aisling? I asked.I would be honored. She said. I opened a portal that would take us to Aislings house. When we got there I couldnt believe who I saw there.Roxy, Im so glad to see you. I said. It was wired calling the woman who raised me by her actual name and not mom.Aisling told me that you needed her to visit so I figured I would come and visit too. She said.Well lets not waste time. These horses need a bath and then they need to relax. Dana said. We each led one of the horses through the portal and I used a levitation spell to carry Aisling and Roxys bags. Once the horses were in their new stalls, a few of the stable hands came over to bathe them. As they worked I introduced Aisling and Roxy to everyone including my horse. Then I took them to their rooms, which was the two closest to my stairwell on the left side since Beth and Hachis room was the first one on the right closest to my stairwell.Id say you moved up in life. Roxy said with a proud look on her face.You havent seen the library yet. I said.How big is it? Aisling asked.We have a copy of every book ever written and then a few thousand more. Starla said.Thats amazing. Roxy said.Come on, I know you want to finish that book you had but lost. I said. My mom smiled. She had been reading the last book in the Aisling Grey series when we went away on a trip and when we came back we never found it.Then Aisling could read the series too. Roxy said. We went to the library.To find a book all you have to do is say the title and itll bring out all the ones with that title. Try it. I said.Okay, Holy Smokes, Aisling Grey Series. Roxy said. The book came floating down from one of the higher book shelves. Roxy opened it up to the page she left off on and began reading.Im going to go to the stables and see my horses, Des, you coming with me? Aisling asked.Sure, I need to ride Moonlight anyway. Roxy when youre done just go to the stables and that leads to the arena okay? I said.I wont be leaving any time soon unless I have to go to the bathroom. She said. Aisling and I left. When we got to the stables, her horses were bathed, groomed, and their coats shined like diamonds in the sun and were as soft as silk.Amazing, how do they keep the horses looking so pretty? Aisling asked.Theyre Danas helpers. They love animals and take care of them and in return, Dana gave them immortality because they take such amazing care of the animals. I said. Then I saw one of the helpers.Hey Belinda. I said.Good morning Des, how are you? She asked.Im fine thank you. Belinda I would like you to meet my cousin Aisling. I said.Pleasure to meet you. She said.Nice to meet you. Aisling said. I have to get back to work; Dana wants me to see to the baby dragon before she gets herself into trouble. Belinda said before leaving. We walked over to a stall to find Aislings horse Alamo standing there looking at us like he just saw a ghost.I dont think he liked the bath much. I said.I need to work him, should we do trail or arena today? Aisling asked.Trail, Ive got a whole lot I need to get off my chest. I said.Okay, tomorrow I think Ill work Fame. She said.Okay. I said. I tacked Moonlight up and then Aisling and I took my favorite trail while I explained to her everything that happened within the past few months. When I was done she sighed. We were at the cliff that overlooked the palace and the view was amazing.Des, Im sorry that you lost Lilly and that you had to send Danny back to the mortal world without any memory of you, but I think its for the best. You did what you had to do for the one you cared about. She said. Those last words reminded me of what Lilly said right before she died.Lillys last words were I did what I had to do then she died and Ive never gotten over it. I said.Lilly knew what would happen if she betrayed Di and she paid a price that none of us would ever want to pay, but, she did it to protect you. Honor her by remembering her and think of what she would do for you if she were here right now. She said. I smiled. Lilly would be yelling at me to get up off my lazy butt and go and fix this mess I'd gotten myself into.Thanks Aisling. Ill remember that. I said.Race back to the stables? She asked with a mischievous sparkle in her eye.Last one home has to help Belinda clean stalls. I said. Then we both took off back down the path with Alamo leading up until the last quarter when Moonlight pulled ahead and won by two horse lengths. Thats a fast mare, where did you get her? Aisling asked.Lilita gave her to me because no one liked her just because she has a black star. She was born at C.O.N. I said.Thats hard to believe; shes fast and has a great build too. She said. We untacked and hosed down the horses. Belinda and a few others of Danas helpers came to rebathe the horses. We went back to the library to see that Roxy had just then finished her book.So, whats for dinner? She asked. We walked to the dining hall and were shocked to see we were the first ones there. Then when dinner appeared, we all ate and then I took Aisling and Roxy to the cliff Danny and I went to the night of my carination and watched the sunset. Id gone there so many times alone, but this time was different from the rest and not just because I had Aisling and Roxy with me.What is this place? Roxy asked.My sanctuary, I come here when I need to think or cast a really important spell. It always boosted my power which is why I was able to that spell that almost killed me. I said watching the sunset. Then Airana came running up but had to stop at the base of the cliff.Des, father asked me to tell you to prepare for a ball tonight. Its mothers birthday and were celebrating in memory of her. She calledAlright, and have Meladena help these two find something to ware as well. I called back.Why cant she come up here? Aisling asked.She cant come up here without my permission; otherwise it would be invading my sanctuary. I said. They both nodded and then we all went back to our rooms to prepare. I wore a strapless dress that was ice blue and hugged my body until it hit my hips and then it loosened up enough for me to be able to dance. My hair was curled and in a half up half down style and it reached down to the middle of my back. I had my crown on as well. Roxy wore a plum purple dress with straps. It was a little long but Meladena made it work for her. Her hair was in a half up half down style like mine but not as long and it wasnt curly. Aisling wore a black dress with gold sown into it. Her hair was in a half up half down style and was curly but not long.You two look amazing. I said.Not as amazing as you though. Roxy said hugging me. I smiled.Thanks, hey, didnt you ware that dress to Uncle Joes wedding? I asked.Yes, it is. She said.Aisling, isnt that the dress you wore when we got Christmas pictures last? I asked.Yes, I figured Id ware it for old times sake. She said.Alright, you two get in there, we have to make our entrances soon. Meladena said before we all lined up. All the gods entered from youngest to oldest (except for me) and then it went king to queen. I made the final entrance. When I entered everyone bowed respectfully to me. I still wasnt used to that. Then everything went into the normal ball routine. Grand entrance much? Aisling asked with a sarcastic tone to her voice. I giggled.Theres a whole lot more coming soon. Starting with the father daughter dance in five minutes. I said.Ive always known you were special, but being a mythical creature was nothing I expected. Roxy said. I smiled and hugged her. Then Airana came up.Welcome, I trust you are enjoying yourselves. She said.Very much so, and I would like to thank you for sending Des to me during that horrible war when she was born. She gave me the best fifteen years of my life. Roxy said.I trusted you because you are exactly like Starla. I knew if she was accepted by someone as close to us as you she would stand a better chance when the time came. Airana said.And now it is time for the father daughter dance. A voice said. My father found me and we waltzed as did grandpa and Starla. Des, Im very proud of you. My dad said.Why? I asked.You fill your grandmothers place like no one else could but you cant truly replace her. He said. I smiled.Thanks daddy. I said. When the dance was over I had to leave for a few minutes. I went to my sanctuary. I watched the sun set behind the water.You should be in the ballroom. A voice said. I turned to see Linda standing there. I knew she couldnt enter my sanctuary without my permission so I was safe.What are you doing here? I asked.I told you I would return, and now I have. She said.You cant defeat me. I said.No, but I can drain your power. She said with an evil glint in her eye. Then she recited a chant. Tomo dasi amo dasi soro lana mosani oowa zawa dat. I felt weaker by the second with every word she said. When she completed the chant after repeating it nine times, she left and Starla came running up then.Des, let me into your sanctuary. She called. I had to mentally open passage for her since I was too weak to even speak. She ran up to me and had to carry me to her sanctuary. There, she used the second strongest healing spell Ive ever felt. I was able to stand up now, but I was still kind of weak. Thankfully no one else knew about this yet.What happened? Starla asked.I was watching the sunset when Linda appeared and then drained my powers. Then you came and she fled. I said.Lets hope no one finds out until necessary. She said. We walked back into the ballroom to see that it was almost over and everyone was going home. Aisling came up then.Where were you? She asked.I was watching the sunset and lost track of time. I said.Okay, Im going on a midnight ride soon, you coming? She askedYou know it, and I know the perfect trail. I said. We changed back into our jeans and boots. I kept my hair the way it was, but Aisling didnt. Roxy decided to come with us on her horse Joey. I led them on the trail that would take us to the ocean.Roxy, do you remember the babysitter you hired a long time ago? I asked.Yes, I had her removed from the state for trying to kill you when you had pneumonia. She replied with a sour tone to her voice.Well, shes back and shes a shape shifter like Ally, but she is still trying to kill me. I said.WHAT? Roxy exclaimed.When I was out watching the sunset she appeared at the foot of my cliff and I said she couldnt get me from there and she drained all my power. Starla came and took me to her sanctuary and had to restore my powers. I explained.Anything else you were keeping from me? She asked.She found me on the bus yesterday and threatened to kill me. Beth, Hachi, and Danny scared her off. I said. Thinking of Danny hurt a little, but I ignored it. We rode back home in silence. When we got home, I said good night to Moonlight, Aisling, Roxy, and Starla and went to bed.Chapter 6I woke up the next morning extremely sore. I didnt know why until I was fully awake and remembered everything that had happened the previous day. I got dressed and went down to breakfast to find I was the first one there for once. When Beth showed up she knew something was wrong.You okay Des? She asked as she sat next to me in Dannys old spot.Im fine, just sore from yesterday. Im going to work Moonlight today so if you want to work your horse with us you can I said.Sure. She said. We sat in silence until everyone else came in and all started chatting. When I finished eating, I went out to the barn and started brushing Moonlight when I got a feeling that someone was watching me. I turned and scanned the perimeter of the stables and sure enough, I found a mortal girl standing at the entry way.Gwen? What are you doing here? I asked her in shock.We had off from school and I was scoping an area and then somehow ended up here. She said. I used the gift that grandma had given me to read her mind and the area she was scoping was my old bus stop and I knew how she got here.Gwen, I should be mad that youre here, but I need to know whats happening at school. I told her. She walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder.A whole lot has happened since you left Des. Danny has totally forgotten you and all your friends who came here with you, everyone thinks hes crazy. He asked me out just yesterday and I told him Id think about it. I was scoping your bus stop because I needed to find you. I wanted to ask you if I should say yes or no. She said.I erased his memory so he could have a normal life. I wanted him to grow old and have children and a life he couldnt have if he stayed here. I say that you should say yes because you two are perfect for each other and I really need you and everyone at school to not say anything about me around him. If he remembers everything before the right time, it could fry his brain and I dont want that. I said.I told everyone since he didnt remember to just forget you even existed and they did. I care about him like you did, but I dont know if Im right for him. She said.You two are perfect for each other, I was only a bridge-way leading him to you. When I erased his memory, I planted certain thoughts in his head so his life would get back on track smoothly and it would be as if I never existed to him. All the memories he had of me became a dream and I dont exist to him anymore. I said with a tear in my eye.You must have really cared about him enough to let him go and date other girls and him think you never existed. She said noticing the tear.I did, I let him go so I could protect him. Someone will come along that Ill want to be with forever and I wont be able to do this again. I said.Des, Ive always admired you because you werent afraid to be who you really are and because you had the strength to take on anything. I never knew that any of this was possible, but it is and it happened to you for a reason and Im not sure I could ever do this. She said. I smiled at her.Really? I asked.Yeah, and I never thought Id say this, but Ive always been jealous of you because youre beyond beautiful, youre smart, talented, and you have friends who would do anything for you. She said. I smiled. I remembered when Beth said the same things and called me every guys dream.Hey I need connections to the school, you think you could visit often to keep me posted on whats new? I asked her.Sure, hey Im gonna go back and tell Danny that Ill go out with him, see ya later. She said before running off. I went back to brushing my horse and for a while, I felt relaxed and content. I was happy that Danny was gonna have a normal life and that I still could keep updated on everything that went on at school. As I was tacking Moonlight, Aisling walked in.Hey, whats up? She asked.Nothing, how about you? I asked.Nothing, I know you had someone else here a while ago. She said.Gwen found her way here because she was scoping my old bus stop. She wanted to talk to me because Danny was acting weird. I told her everything and she is now my only link back into my old life. I said.Oh, so how is he doing? She asked.Hes back to normal with no memory of me or Ally and Jonathan. He asked Gwen out and she didnt know what to say so when she told me that I said she should say yes. I said. She only nodded and finished tacking Fame. We went to the arena and I saw Dana there giving lessons. She saw us then.Good morning Des and Aisling, how was breakfast? She asked us.Morning Dana and breakfast was great. Im guessing it was your morning to cook. I said.It was, would you two like to help teach todays lessons? She asked us. I looked at Aisling.Sure, I have to work my mare any way and this will help. She replied. I smiled and nodded.Okay, now, when you come around that final barrel, you want to let your horse go at full speed. Aisling, would you demonstrate? Dana asked. Aisling did the barrel pattern and when she rounded the third barrel she let Fame go at full speed and her time ended up being sixteen seconds on the mark.Brava, now its Dess turn. See if you can beat Aislings time. Dana said. I ran the pattern as Aisling had done, and when I came around the final barrel, I let moonlight go at full speed. She had some of the fastest horses alive in her ancestry so she could go pretty fast. My time was fifteen seconds exact.Incredible! How can she run so fast? Aisling asked in amazement.She is a Secretariat and Man O War granddaughter. Her dad had Man O War and her mother had Secretariat on her dads side and on her moms side she had Ribbon Page. I said proudly.Are you serious? Thats such an amazing bloodline that I cant even believe its real! She said.It is real. I was there when Moonlight was born. We saw she had the black star and everyone except for Lilita and I backed away in fear. Her mother was very protective of her until she died a few hours later. Moonlight was bottle raised and she turned out to be an amazing mare. If she sires her line, the bloodline would be worth millions. I say that she just needed a chance and we gave her that. She now belongs to someone who knows how to take care of her and will love her no matter how she looks or acts. Dana said smiling at me. I smiled back.Wow, a Secretariat, Man O War and Ribbon Page baby. Thats the most amazing horse ever. Aisling said.Yes she is and shes all mine. I said petting her neck. We let the students run the pattern a few times before ending the lessons. When we put the horses away, I decided to take a trip to my sanctuary.

Chapter 7I stood on the cliff overlooking the water of the lake. The water sparkling an icy blue color as the sun rose higher in the sky. I was thinking about what Gwen said that morning. Danny didnt remember a thing and he took the thought I planted in his head. Now all that needed to happen was for time to move faster. Still thinking about what I said this morning? I heard a voice say at the bottom of my cliff. I turned to see Gwen standing there.Yeah, its hard because I knew that planting that thought in his head would change his life forever and my plan might work. I said. I allowed her to pass onto my sanctuary so I could talk to her more easily.Yeah, I kind of guessed that. I always liked him and now my wish came true. I just didnt know what to think of it when it all first happened. She said standing beside me.My plan was for him to have a normal life and when his son was in his senior year of high school, I would reenter his life. I just dont know how itll all work out. I said looking back at the lake.How did you know whether he would have a son or daughter? She asked.Tara told me. She is the goddess with the prophecies. She just wouldnt tell me who his wife would be. The first person that came to mind was you and thats why when I planted the thought, I made sure it was you. I said.Des, I may not be able to see the future, but I know that someday, youll find who youre looking for, and when you do, hell be lucky to have you. When I decide who I want to be with in my future, Im gonna base it on how well they treat me, how well I treat them, how well I know them, how well they know me, and how much we love each other. When I saw you with Danny, I knew that you two werent meant to be, but I knew that someday your futures would come together and something would be different about it. She said.Live every day like its your last because it might just be. I knew when I made my decision, I would risk never seeing him again and I risked destroying myself as well. I wanted Earth to be safe and that was my only option. I now see that I may have been wrong. I said.You werent wrong. You made the right choice to save the world you grew up in. I now see you as a true queen and as one of my closest friends Des. She said. I smiled at her.I always saw you as a strong leader who will fight for what she believes in and wont let anything stand in her way. I still see that, but I also see another close friend in you. I said.Thank you Des. Youve made me see why I tried so hard my whole life to find what it is Im truly good at. She said.Im always here to help. I said.When I agreed to go out with him he was happy, but I saw something in his eyes fighting it. It was as if he were fighting himself. She said.Ill need to renew the spell. I was weak when I cast it so now that Im stronger I can make it last until the right moment. I said.Okay, Im just worried about him remembering before its time. She said. Then I felt someone watching us. I turned abruptly and scanned the area and I found a panther of darkness at the borders of my sanctuary.Gwen, stay here. I said walking down to the borders. The panther growled at me. I was ready to use my dispelling charm.Dont bother fighting him, hes my strongest one. A voice said stepping out from behind the trees.Diana, what the hell are you doing here? I asked in my usual icy voice I had whenever I saw her.Is that any way to speak to an old friend? I only wanted to come by and say hi. Well, I see Im not welcome here so Ill just leave my present here. She said before disappearing. I hated her so much. The panther growled more.What is that? Gwen yelled from the top of the cliff. I didnt have time to respond the panther lunged at me only to hit the barrier at the borders of my sanctuary.A Panther of Darkness, they serve Diana and if one bites or claws you, you could die or become one of them if Diana wants you to. I yelled back as the panther stood back up.Hey ugly, we meet again. I said to the panther. It growled and lunged again.Des, watch out! Gwen cried.Im fine; it cant hurt me if I stay behind my barrier. I said.Are you sure? She yelled back.Im positive; the Sanctuary Barrier only breaks if I die. I said. Then the creature stopped attacking the barrier and glared at me as if it were willing me to come out from behind the barrier. I glared back putting as much ice behind it as I could. Then something weird happened. It started to turn into a block of ice. First its feet hardened into ice and then it spread throughout his body, ending with the eyes, and he was an ice sculpture.How did you do that? Gwen asked shocked. I realized she had walked down to stand behind me.I dont know. I was glaring at it and then this happened. I said.When Diana came to the school, she said sometimes your glare was so cold it felt like you were freezing from the inside out, I guess you glared at it long and hard enough and it really froze. She said.Wow, I didnt know I could do that. I thought my powers only included fire and music and not ice. I said.I dont know, maybe you have more powers than you realize. Gwen said.Thats it. I do have more powers. Do you have time to help with research? I asked her.I have until nine tonight. She said.Perfect, Im gonna need help finding out the full history of the Flame of Harmony and the Gifts of Personality. I said. We went into the castle library to find Roxy, Aisling, Starla, Nyx and Airana all there discussing books.Ladies, we have research to do. I said.What for? Roxy asked.I need to know everything possible about my power. We need to research the history of the Flame of Harmony and the Gifts of Personality. I said.Why? Aisling asked.I just turned a Panther of Darkness into an ice sculpture by glaring at it. I said.Lets get cracking open some books. History books on the Flame of Harmony and the Gifts of Personality. Airana said. Then, dozens of books came down from shelves close to the roof.Its gonna take us forever to get through all of these. Gwen said.Then pick up a book, Starla said.And start reading. Nyx finished. We all got a book and started reading. I picked up a book on the Flame of Harmony and read in my head:The Flame of Harmony is as old as time itself. The power belonged to the mother of all dragons, Lucinala. Lucinala used her power to create an entire galaxy of her own. In this galaxy was the humble planet Earth. She filled the world with humans of all shapes and sizes. She decided they needed a place to go after they died so she created the Otherworld and she created the first Gods to look after her beloved realm of magic and, as humans would later call them, Mythical creatures. The two worlds lived in peace until one day while the majestic dragon was flying; she was attacked by Panthers of Darkness who were controlled by her three daughters who had turned against her. Her daughters Lindala, Dalia and Ashina wanted her power so they could rule over the galaxy she had created. Lucinala knew that if her daughters took control, they would destroy everything she had created. She disappeared and swore that when a worthy being was born, they would receive her power and look over her galaxy and destroy her daughters. The existence of the power became a rumor and then faded and was nothing more than a legend. The dragon was forgotten and her daughters never stopped searching. No one knows what happened to them or what became of the great Flame of Harmony.

Mom, I think I found something. I said. I read her the page and she took the book and read it over a few more times.So, the witches were the daughters of the great one. Des, you were the worthy being. You are the first and only one to possess the Flame of Harmony. Lucinala chose you and you are the one to look after the galaxy. Starla said.I guess, but it doesnt say anything about how she managed to escape the panthers. I said.We know plenty on the Flame of Harmony. Now we need to focus on the Gifts of Personality. Nyx said picking up another book. I picked up a book and opened it and read:The gift of Determination of Ice is one of pure power. It can turn living creatures into solid ice that will never melt. The gift also includes a glare so cold it will haunt you for the rest of your days. The gift holds a depth so old it can trace to the mother of dragons. When the first gods were created, one had the power of the seasons. She was the youngest and most foolish of them all and one day, she was strolling with her lover and a Panther of Darkness attacked her. She put up a barrier to protect herself and her love. She began glaring at the beast and soon realized that her glare was so cold, it was literally freezing the beast from the inside out. When she stopped glaring, the panther was nothing more than an ice sculpture of what it used to be. Her brothers and sisters had seen what she did and named her the first Queen of the Gods. Since her legacy lives on in some of the modern queens, she is remembered as the first and legendary. Some queens strive to be like her, but only few have succeeded.That explained how I froze the panther. Now I needed to know how my connection with animals worked. I set the book on the Determination of Ice down and picked up another one and read:The Care of Animals is a gift as old as the Determination of Ice. The first goddess of the animals was a kind and gentle soul. She loved animals and always helped them with anything. One day when she was riding her horse through the fields, she spotted a wounded dragon. She rode over to it and it looked her in the eyes and telepathically communicated with her. Please help me, I have been wounded by a hunter and I will die soon. I have a family to look after and they need me. Please help me sweet child. It begged. She got off her horse and examined the wound. She placed her hand on it and willed it to heal. Then the wounded dragon suddenly turned into the mother of all dragons and then said You are worthy of the love of my creatures. Your heart is pure and you care for them. Protect them and they will always protect you my first Queen of Animals. Then a few blue birds came and placed a crown made of sticks and vines and placed it on her head. When she returned to the castle, her family had heard of what happened to her and were so proud of her that they allowed animals to roam freely in the palace. She is remembered as the gentle one and the kind hearted one.That explained why I loved animals so much. How did I fit into the history of all of this? It seemed as if I was a part of all of the two and yet not. Gwen interrupted my thoughts.I have to get home, Ill be sure to come back tomorrow and help out more. She said.Ill walk you out. Nyx said. They left the room and the rest of us went back to research. I picked up another book and read:The Heart of the Night dates back to the first goddess of night. Her powers were very strong and she almost always was out at night. One night while she was out by the lake in the full moon, she felt a strange burning on her wrist and didnt know what it meant. She then heard a voice. Use the power of the full moon to guide you. Never let wisdom go without courage and always remember to use the wisdom and embrace everything that lives and breathes within you. Then when she looked at her wrist and smack in the center of her tattoos was the first crescent moon mark of a vampire. Surrounding it were the different phases of the moon. Her marks have never shown up on any other goddess. If the marks are to be repeated, that means that the next goddess or god of night will be one of the strongest yet.That explained nothing. I looked at the time.Im going to bed. Ill look more in the morning. Good night everyone. I said before leaving the library and heading to my room.

Chapter 8I woke up and found myself just wanting to stay in bed. I still had a whole lot of research left to do and I was so tired. I guess freezing the oldest Panther of Darkness left alive took a whole lot of energy out of me. I heard a knock on my door.Come in. I called.Hey, you doing okay? Aisling said as she came in.I dont know. Im pretty weak right now. I said.You dont know what today is? She asked.No clue. I said looking at her quizzically.Today three months ago you were marked and one month ago you totally destroyed the witches. Thats why you feel weak. She said.Oh, I totally forgot. I guess when Im here, I lose track of time. I said.Can I ask you something? She asked.Sure. I said.Im starting to miss my boyfriend and he misses me. I was wondering if it was okay if he came and stayed with me for a while. She said.Its fine with me and since Im currently the queen of the gods you dont need to ask anyone else. I said.Thanks, Ill call him later and tell him. She said before hugging me and then leaving so I could get dressed. While I was putting my make up on I was remembering the stories of the first gods I read last night. The one I related to the most was the one about the first queen of the gods. I went straight to the library to see Aisling there with some doughnuts and coffee. Hey, did you find anything new? I asked as I took a doughnut.No, I keep finding stuff on the first queen and it all just sounds the same just told differently. She said. I picked up a book and opened it up and read:The Voice of Nature is as old as the galaxy. It was said that in the Otherworld trees could move and talk like everyday humans. One day, the three witches came and the trees were frightened by them. They retreated within themselves and never moved or spoke again. The Mother of All Dragons decided the trees needed a way to speak to people so she gifted her third eldest son with the ability to speak to all plants in nature. One day while he was sitting by a tree, he saw someone cutting it down and in his head he could hear the tree screaming in agony. He walked over and demanded that he not cut down the tree. The man refused so the god summoned his power and used the trees branches to pick up the man and throw him into the lake where his youngest sister would deal with him. The tree grew into what is in modern day the biggest willow tree in the castle gardens in the Otherworld.That explained why I always heard trees talking to me. Now I knew I wasnt crazy. I knew I had to find out what all of them meant, but I already knew what all of them meant at the same time. I called off the research. I knew everything I needed to know.You want to go riding later? Aisling asked when we left the library.No, I think youll want time with your boyfriend for a while. I said.Actually, Im gonna move here. I love it here and I know Richard will agree so, can you help us pack and move our stuff to a house here? She asked. I smiled.Sure, and you can stay here with us, well take out all the other furniture and let you put your own in and the animals are always welcome here. I said. She hugged me.Thank you Des. I owe you big time. She said.No problem. Ill call in some movers to get rid of the furniture in your room now, or do you want to keep it for now and you and Richard decide later. I said.Keep it for now. Ill go and get him and the animals. She said.Take Dana with you! I called to her as she ran away. I wandered around for a while and found myself at the stables. I decided to take Moonlight out for a ride. I decided to take the trail that led to the village. We were half way there when I heard a mysterious sound in the trees. I got off of Moonlight and walked toward the sound. Out of nowhere two men jumped out weapons ready. Both had hoods on so their faces were shadowed. One had a pure black bow with arrows that had what looked like iron tips on them and the other had a sword made of iron.Stand down; I dont want to fight you. I said.Des, is that you? The one with the swords said.Yes, who are you? I replied. The one with the swords removed his hood and I was looking at a familiar face.Its me, Derek. He said.Derek as in my best friend from eighth grade Derek? How have you been, its been so long. I said. I was happy to see one of my best friends again.Yeah, what are you doing here? He asked. Moonlight came over to stand by me.I live here in the Otherworld. Im the last surviving child of the gods and now queen of the gods. What are you doing here? I asked.Its a really long story. This is my friend Erian, Erian; this is my best friend Destiny Emily Summers. Derek said.Nice to meet you, our story is long and hard and we dont discuss the matters where anyone can hear. Erian said.Then come back to the castle with me. You two must be starving. I said. We walked back to the stables where I untacked Moonlight and some of Danas helpers came and took her for her bath. Then Erian, De