book 3- the final stand

Prologue Thirty years ago on my fifteenth birthday, I was chosen by the crescent of the night and found out that my real mother was Starla, goddess of the stars and that the woman I thought was my mother wasn’t really. I learned that I’m a half vampire and half human because my body is mortal, but I am forever immortal. I defeated the three Ancient Witches of Vampirism and rescued my father from them in the Realm of Stone. A few months later my adopted mother gave birth to my little sister and died only a few minutes later. In the past thirty years I raised my little sister as if she were my own daughter and because of that, she is the immortal princess of our home kingdom called the Otherworld. I rule as queen with my grandfather. I’ve defended my kingdom against Diana, the apprentice of the three witches. Diana wants to take over the Otherworld and destroy my family and me. I will stop her no matter what. The Great Prophecy said that to stop her, I would die. I was willing to take that chance if it meant I could save my kingdom. I am Destiny Emily Summers and I say this as the Last Surviving Child of the Gods.

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Last book in the Legacy Series


PrologueThirty years ago on my fifteenth birthday, I was chosen by the crescent of the night and found out that my real mother was Starla, goddess of the stars and that the woman I thought was my mother wasnt really. I learned that Im a half vampire and half human because my body is mortal, but I am forever immortal. I defeated the three Ancient Witches of Vampirism and rescued my father from them in the Realm of Stone.A few months later my adopted mother gave birth to my little sister and died only a few minutes later. In the past thirty years I raised my little sister as if she were my own daughter and because of that, she is the immortal princess of our home kingdom called the Otherworld. I rule as queen with my grandfather. Ive defended my kingdom against Diana, the apprentice of the three witches. Diana wants to take over the Otherworld and destroy my family and me. I will stop her no matter what. The Great Prophecy said that to stop her, I would die. I was willing to take that chance if it meant I could save my kingdom. I am Destiny Emily Summers and I say this as the Last Surviving Child of the Gods.

Chapter 1Mom, can I go out and train with Derek? Stella asked.Sure, and tell Derek that he owes me for saving him last week. I said.No problem. She said before taking off.Des, its been thirty years, are you sure you want to do this? Starla asked.Yes, I promised myself I would do this thirty years ago and I never break my promises. I said.What if Danny recognizes you? She asked.Itll be fine, its the right time now and its also the right time to tell Stella. I said.Are you sure? She asked.Yes, shes thirty years old and she still acts like shes fifteen. I said.So do you, you both stopped aging at fifteen and so you both act like your fifteen. She said.But Im more mature now than I was then. I said.Yes because you grew into a beautiful young queen and a mother to her when hers died. She said.Thanks mama, I know I can always come to you. I said.You always can my sweet daughter. She said hugging me.I have to go back to the mortal world and make things right. I left a mess and Ive been avoiding it for thirty years. I cant avoid it any longer. I said.The school board members are in on the whole thing and you have the schedule you left off with and now Dannys son has the same schedule. She said.Perfect, I start tomorrow. I said.Yes and you tell Stella tonight. She said. I walked to the library and looked at the couch Roxy always used to love laying on when she read her books. I missed her so much. She raised me and in return I raised Stella.Hey, whats up? I heard a voice say.Hey Gwen, I was just thinking about how Im gonna tell Stella tonight. I said.When are you going back? She asked.Tomorrow, I guarantee Ill find him. I said.His name is Harry. He has beautiful emerald eyes and brown curly hair. She said.How did that happen? I asked.I dont know!. She said. Gwen married Danny ten years ago but before that, shed been married and had Harry. Gwen knew the prophecies so she knew what was going to happen.Does he know that Im an old family friend? I said laughing a little.Yes, and pretty soon Danny will remember everything. She said.Okay, is there a talent competition coming up soon? I asked.Yes, its the night before they go on Christmas break, auditions still open. She said.Perfect. I said. Gwen handed me a picture of him.This is the most recent picture of him. He was born on February first. She said.Wow, he has amazing eyes. I said. I noticed every detail easily these days.Yeah, he gets those from my side of the family. She said. I hugged her.Thanks Gwen, youve been an amazing friend all these years. I said.No problem, you help me with any of my problems. She said.And its no bother at all. I said.Well, all Danny and Harry know is that Im visiting a friend so I better get back. See ya. She said before leaving. After she left I went up to my room to grab the scrapbook I had been putting together of Roxy and me from the fifteen years I knew her. The last picture in the book was the last one ever taken of us, the one that was taken right after Stellas birth.Youre gonna tell her? I heard a voice say at the door.Yes Derek, Im gonna tell her in her room. I said.Okay, well shes there waiting for you. He said before leaving. I walked down the stairwell to Stellas room and knocked on the door.Come in. I heard her say. I opened the door and went in and sat down on her bed.Sit next to me sweetie. I said. She did as I told her as she has always done. These days I honestly felt like she was my daughter and not my little sister.Whats up mom? She asked.Im not your real mother. You know how I talk about my adopted mother a lot? I asked her.Yeah, Roxy, you said she dies from illness the day I was born. She said.She did die the day you were born, but it wasnt from illness. She died a few minutes after giving birth to you. Youre my little sister. I said. I opened the scrapbook to the first picture of Roxy holding me in front of our house a few days after I was born.Wow, so you raised me as your own as thanks to her? She asked.Yes, she always said that if she never lived to see her next child grow up the way I did that I would raise them for her. This was her original room; she gave birth next door because we had this room set up for you. I said as I turned the pages of the scrapbook.So Im really a mortal? She asked.Yes, but since you stopped aging at fifteen we think that being born and raised here may have caused you immortality. I said.What was my real mom like? She asked.She was smart, funny, talented, someone that I looked up to when I felt as small as a speck of dust because people were being assholes. She always protected me from the shit on Earth and when she came here, she finally relaxed and she learned to let her baby girl go. When we all found out she was pregnant with you, we got really worried because the chances were either you both died at your birth, or only Roxy did. My older sister, Melinda, offered to do a spell that would give her a guarantee pass to live, but Roxy said no. Then on December 27, 2011 at 12:27 a.m., you were born and at 12:35 a.m., she died. I was with her through your whole birth and I was the one she saw last before she closed her eyes forever. Her eyes were the exact same color yours are. I said as I turned the page to see the picture Airana took after Stella was born.This was when I was born? She asked.Yes, I promised her I would always protect you. I said.So in keeping that promise, you raised me as your own daughter. She said. I nodded as I began crying. Stella hugged me.All the stories I told you were the stories she told me growing up. I said.Ill always think of you as my mother because you raised me. She said.I said the same thing to Roxy when I became queen of the Otherworld. I told her I would always think of her as my mom because she raised me and protected me when Starla was unable to. I said.You never did tell me that story. She said.Remind me to tell you when this whole war is over. I said.I will, speaking of, when is Dianas next attack due? She asked.I dont know, but me going back to high school is the perfect opportunity for her to show up and make it worse for me. I said.Yeah. She said.It almost happened once and it wont happen again. I said.What? She asked.Its part of my story. I said.Oh, okay. She said. We heard a knock on the door.Come in. Stella said. Isaiah walked in with his daughter Melody.Did you tell her? He asked me.I just told her everything except who her real father was. I said.Who is it? Stella asked.Its Isaiah. He was Roxys boyfriend at the time and he is your biological father. I said. She stood up and hugged him.Ill go; you two have some catching up to do. I said.And you have some stuff to pack for the biggest challenge of all. She said.High School. We both said. I went up to my room and packed up all my stuff and laid out an outfit to ware. I went to bed early so I wouldnt hit snooze so many times and make myself late.

Chapter 2I woke up to my alarm on my cell phone and got ready. I remembered my last day at the high school, it was also the last day I ever saw Danny. Im just hoping Diana doesnt ruin it again. I went to the library and got the Goddess Evolution book. Then I went to the dining room where I saw Stella up and waiting.Good morning Mom. She said.You can start calling me Des if you want. I said.Only when guests are here. She said.I can live with that. I said hugging her.Now go, you dont wanna be late. She said.When did you become the mother? I asked.Ten seconds ago, now move it. She said. I walked down to the portal that led to my bus stop. I walked through and a couple minutes later a boy with emerald eyes and chocolate curls walked up.Hey, I havent seen you around here before, Im Harry. Whats your name? He asked me. I found Gwens son before we even got to school, BINGO.Im Destiny, but you can call me Des. I said.Wait, you probably know my mom, Gwen. He said.Yeah, she visits my mom a lot. I said.Cool, she talks about you a lot. She says shes known you for a while. He said.You could say that. I said making us both laugh. Then the bus pulled up. Harry got on first and I followed.Well, new student? The bus driver asked.Yes, my mom just transferred me in from home schooling. I said. The bus driver just nodded.Come sit back here with me. Harry said. I followed him to the middle of the bus and he sat in the same seat number that Lilly and I used to sit in. I sat down beside him.Hey, Harry. Whos the new, and hot, girl? One kid asked.Hey, Alex. This is Des. Harry said.Wow, like I said hot. Alex said.I also have a really bad temper. I said sweetly.Mom said that, she said your temper is really short and you get mad easily. Harry said.Yeah, its always been that way. I said.Okay, now that weve established that the new girl is hot, we now need to know if shes entering the talent show. Another guy said.I plan on it. I said.Whats your talent? Harry asked.Im a performer. I said.Translation. Another guy said.Singing, Dancing, Acting. I said.Hot tempered, you all need to up your vocabulary. Another guy said.Who cares? Alex said.Most girls like guys with intelligence. I said.What? Alex asked confused. I rolled my eyes and Harry laughed.Girls like guys who are smart. I said frustrated. Boys have gotten dumber in the past thirty years.The only two smart guys hare are Aaron and Harry. Alex said. I looked at him wide-eyed.My step-dad always told me that a good education and a good job can support me and my family in the future. He said.Your step-dads wise. I said. Then the bus slowed down.Dont tell me the bus broke down again. Alex said.What? I said confused.This bus is thirty years old. Its the same one my step-dad used to ride when he went to high school. Harry said. I was sitting in the same seat that Lilly and I used to sit in. Memories came flooding back.Bad news kids, the bus broke down again. The bus driver announced.Let me take a look at it. My dad taught me a lot about cars growing up. I said. The truth was that I used to fix this bus all the time because my grandpa taught me about them before he died.Okay, you go and see if you can fix this old piece of junk. The bus driver said. I off the bus and went around back to the engine. I took one look at it and I knew what was wrong.Just tighten this, loosen this, push this and it should start. I said thinking aloud as I worked. The engine started right away. Everyone on the bus cheered when I got back on and sat back down next to Harry.How did you know how to fix it? He asked.My dad works in an auto shop so I used to spend my summers with him and he taught me a few things. I said.Nice, girl who fixes cars. Alex said.Short temper means when I get mad I could rip your head off. I said sweetly. He backed off.So far youre the only girl who can put Alex in his place except for the teachers and his mother. Aaron said.I get it from my mom. I said. That was rue to a degree. I got my temper from Roxy and she was my adopted mother.My mom mentioned that too. She says youre a lot like your mother. Harry said. We arrived at school then.Ive got to go to the office and get my schedule. I said as I got off the bus.Ill go with you, see you guys later. Harry said.You dont have to come with me you know. I said.I know, I want to. He said.Ive been here before, a long time ago, but Ive been here before. I said.Youre defiantly different from all the other girls here. He said as we walked into the office.Ive been told that. I said as we walked up to the front desk.Hello, may I help you? The lady asked.My name is Destiny Summers. Im here to pick up my schedule. I said.Oh yes, its right here, and welcome Destiny. She said winking at me. I looked at my schedule as Harry and I walked toward the mathematics room.Whats your first class? He asked.Trigonometry, whats yours? I asked.Trigonometry, can I see your schedule for a minute? He asked.Sure. I said as I handed it to him. He went wide-eyed.I have the same schedule. He said.Huh, wired. I said.Yeah, my mom said she knew we had classes together but she didnt say anything about us having all our classes together. He said. I shrugged as we walked into the classroom. We were the first ones there.Welcome, youre early. The teacher said as we walked in.Thanks, my name is Destiny Summers, Im new here. I said.Oh yes, sit anywhere you like. She said.Thank you. I said smiling. I found a seat in the back and Harry sat next to me. I got out the Goddess Evolution book and started reading.Whats that? Harry asked.Its a book my mom gave me when I was little. I used to love looking at the pictures. Now that Im actually reading it, I kind of wish I hadnt been as dorky as I used to be. I said.Whats it about? He asked.Its about the different stages of a Goddess Evolution. I said.Why did you bring it rather than another one? He asked.I dont know, Ive been reading it lately because I read all my other ones so many times and I never really read this one when I was younger so I guess thats why I brought it. I said.Interesting. He said as the class began to file in. I put my book away and pulled out my notebook and my favorite pen.Good Morning class, we have a new student today. Her name is Destiny. Can we all say a big welcome to her? The teacher announced. My least favorite thing about being the new kid is the teachers announcing your arrival. Everyone mumbled hi and we went on with our math class. I knew all the things she was teaching so when she asked for answers I answered correctly. Then the bell signaled the end of class. I packed my stuff up quickly and Harry and I went to our next class. As before, we were the first ones there.Welcome, Im Mr. S. I presume you are Miss Destiny Summers. The teacher said as we walked into our advanced literature class.Yes I am. I said.Find a seat anywhere and make yourself comfortable. He said.Thank you. I said as I went to find another seat in the back.Why do you like sitting in the back? Harry asked.First day, new kid, everyone stares, its an instinct. I said.Lucky we dont have to sit in the same seats every day. He said.Yeah, Lit class is my favorite class. I said.Mine too, my step-dad sucked at lit but my mom loved it and she was in the advanced class with your mom. He said.Yeah, my mom always talked about this school and all her memories here. I said.So did my mom and step-dad. Des, why do you only talk about your mom? He asked.My dad grew up in Australia but he doesnt have an accent. I said.Yeah, my cousin has an accent though. He said.So, are you entering the talent competition? I asked him.Yeah, Im gonna sing, what about you? He asked.Im gonna sing a song my mom taught me. I said.What song? He asked.Cant tell you. I said. Then the bell rang and everyone filed in.Alright, today we are going to be reading the greatest work of Shakespeare. Can anyone tell me what it is? Mr. S asked the class. Mr. S was one of my teachers thirty years ago so I knew what he was talking about. When no one raised their hand I did. Miss Summers, He said.Romeo and Juliet, one of the most famous and well known pieces by Shakespeare. I said.Correct. He said before launching into the story. I sat there playing with my pen until a note fell onto my desk.How did you know what he was talking about?I looked over at Harry and he shrugged.My mom taught me about Shakespeare and that Romeo & Juliet was one of the most famous pieces he did.I handed him back the note and he nodded. I went back to messing with my pen until the bell rang. We all filed out and headed to our next classes. My next class was astronomy. I was an A student in astronomy because my mother was the goddess of stars and constellations. We walked into the planetarium to see the teacher at the control booth resetting everything.Welcome, please sit anywhere and my name is Mr. Davidson. He said. I nodded and found a seat in the middle of the room.I love the stars. Harry said sitting next to me.Me too, I go out every night and look at the constellations. Ive even made up a few. I saidWhats your favorite constellation? He asked.One a friend made up, it spells out my name. If you look at Dracos tail you can see the y. I said pointing it out.Wow, and a friend found that for you. He said. It wasnt a question but I answered any way.Yeah, you can add to it or change it in any way. I said.Look right below your name and you can spell out my name. he said.Endless interpretations, you can always make up constellations or you can go hunting for the original ones. I said. Then everyone filed in.Welcome class, today we will be studying the constellations. Mr. Davidson said. I smiled. Mr. Davidson launched into his lecture that I heard thirty years ago.I swear he repeats his lectures. Harry whispered to me.My mom gave me this same lecture before. I said.Miss Summers, what constellation is commonly referred to as the dragon? Mr. Davidson asked.The constellation commonly known as the dragon or serpent is called Draco the Dragon. I said.Correct. He said before continuing with his lecture.Easy questions. I said. The bell signaled the end of class and lunch hour. We went to the cafeteria and I saw an old friend.Des, I havent seen you in forever! I heard a voice say.Ally? I didnt know you went here. I said as she hugged me. As a shape shifter she aged like the vampires. Jonathan died a decade ago because of the dog years.Im guessing you know Ally. Harry said.Shes my cousin. I said.Whos the friend? She asked.Ally, this is Harry. I said.Oh, the smartest one in the group of dummies who need help with every little thing. She said before walking away.She dated Alex and she caught him cheating on her with the head cheerleader. Since then shes hated our group. Harry said.How long ago was this? I asked as I got my lunch (mostly fruits).Freshman year, the head cheerleader was open about it but Alex denied it because he knew how bad her temper was. She found out and shes hated him ever since. He said.She can hold a pretty long grudge. Her tempers almost as bad as mine, but I still beat her. I said.Yeah, she doesnt have anything against me, just the rest of the people in the group. He said as we sat down at a table with the group.You told her the Ally story didnt you? Alex said.Ally is my cousin. I said.I had to tell her. Harry said.No you didnt, you didnt have to say anything at all. Alex said.Unless you want me to announce it on the intercom, youll shut up. I said.Dont make her mad too. She can be a lot worse than Ally. Harry said.How do you know so much about her? Aaron asked.My mom knows her and her family real well so when she told me that Des was coming, she told me a lot about her. Harry said. Everyone nodded and went back to eating. After I was done, I went to find my locker. I had the same one as I did before when I went to the school.Right next to mine and Allys. Harry said as he came up. I smiled.Free period after lunch, I normally rehearse my music at home. I said.You still have to audition for the talent show. He said.Ill go do that now. I said. We walked to the auditorium to find our trig teacher there.Come to audition for the talent show Miss Summers? She asked.Yes, Im gonna sing. I said. She had Harry lead me to the stage.Sing the song youre planning to sing for the show. She said. The song was called Rodger Rabbit by Sleeping With Sirens. I started singing and everything cleared from my mind. The only thing that was in my head was the lyrics. I finished singing and Mrs. Renee gave me a standing ovation.Brilliant, amazing, Im speechless, the only thing I can say is you are in and you will be the last to perform. She said. I got off the stage and walked out of the auditorium.Des, wait up. Harry called from behind me.Singing that song makes me think of everything I went through growing up and it makes me extremely emotional. I said stopping at my locker.You were amazing. He said.Really? I asked.Yes, Ive never heard anyone sing like that in my life. He said. I smiled.Well, my mom always said I sing like an angel. I said.So true, do you want to hang out after school tomorrow? He asked me.Sure, Id love to. I said walking toward history class.

Chapter 3When I got back home, I was swarmed by a big ball of scales and smoke launching itself at me.Hey Suzy. I said petting her. The baby dragon from thirty years ago had grown up to be a fine young dragon. I was currently teaching her how to carry a rider.Welcome home mom. I heard a voice say.Hey sweetie. I said hugging Stella.How was school? She asked.Great, it was just as I remembered it. I said.Did you meet him? She asked.Starla told you, didnt she? I asked.Yes, so did you meet him? She repeated.Yes and already hes becoming a really close friend. I said.You did audition for the talent show, right? She asked.Yes and I made it in and she said I would be the guaranteed last performer and that I get my original song and I get to perform an extra song too. I said. We walked inside and Stella asked more questions.Des, Im worried about your father. Starla said as I walked past her.Whats wrong? I asked.His parents are coming and they dont know he has another daughter. They only knew about Melinda and theyre coming to see if hes ready to take the throne. She said.Are they coming tomorrow? I asked.Yes. She said.I should be in school by then, just have Stella stay in her room when theyre here. I said.But they expect to see mom here and she died thirty years ago. She said. I remembered well how my grandmother died. She died to protect me.Just say shes performing a spell and she cant be bothered for a few days. I said.Okay. She said.Ive got homework to do. I said before going to my room. I opened my music box and let the sweet melody play. I finished all my homework with my magic because I had a lot on my mind. Then someone knocked on my door.Come in. I said. Gwen walked in.Hey, Harry said he got to know you pretty well today. She said.Yeah, we had all our classes together and he encouraged me to audition for the talent show during free period. I said.I remember when I did the senior year talent show, I loved it. She said.I perform here all the time. I love sharing my gifts with everyone and I love seeing their reactions here. I said.Harry also mentioned you were an amazing singer. She said.Really? I asked.Yes, I think he likes you. He mentioned how you managed to put Alex in his place and how youre starting to mend their bonds with Ally. She said.Alex just needs a lesson or two from the queen of no-nonsense and I said Ally was my cousin so they liked her a little more and since Ally can tell that Im beginning to like Harry so she behaved herself. I said.Im glad, I really want him to know who you really are and I hope he does one day. She said.Soon, its been thirty years so that means that Diana is going to be her worst now. I said.Yeah, but promise me youll tell him by the talent show. She said.Ill tell him at the talent show. I said.Its November now, and the show is on December 23. She said.Thats when Danny will remember everything. I said.I cant wait for that. She said.You staying for a while or are you gonna go back and tell Harry that I said hi and Ill be at the bus stop first tomorrow. I said.Im gonna go back, I told them I was going to drop by and see how your first day went. She said before leaving. I went out to my balcony and looked at the ocean. I loved the way everything looked in the sunset hours.

Chapter 4Des, please watch out today, I have a bad feeling. Tara had said before I left for the bus stop. I knew that meant something really bad.Hey. Harry said as he walked up.Hey, whats up? I replied.I heard we were gonna have a guest come in and give a lecture for both first and second hour. He said.Wow, must be interesting then. I said. He smiled at me.Theres something different about you. Youre way different from everyone else in the school, but at the same time you seem familiar. He said.Some things are the way they are for a reason. Im different because I chose to be. In a crowd of straight lines, be a zigzag line. I saidIve always thought the same thing. He said as the bus pulled up. We sat in the same seat again and Alex tried flirting with me again.Alex, back off. You know you dont have a chance with a girl like her so why do you even bother? Harry asked.Never give up hope. Alex said.You have no idea how true that line is. I said.Huh? Harry said.Never give up hope. Its kind of like in all the books I read. The main character starts to give up all hope and then events turn and everything goes right again. I said.Oh. He said. I smiled.Des, do you have any idea whos coming to talk to the senior class today? Aaron asked.No clue, but it must be important if it takes up both first and second hour. I said.I thought the same thing. Harry said.Me too, maybe its another lecture on drugs. Aaron said.Those never get through to some kids. Alex said.Does that include you? I asked. Everyone laughed at him.No. He said trying to hide the fact that I was right.I can smell the alcohol on your breath like cat piss. I said. Everyone erupted into laughter and Alex turned red.Wow, Des, youre awesome. One guy said and everyone agreed. We arrived at school shortly after that. We were all herded to the auditorium as soon as we got off the bus. Harry and I took seats in the front. Principal Price appeared on stage then.Welcome everyone. We have a guest here from the Children of the Night. She is older than all of us so please show respect for the old traditions she demonstrates. Please help me welcome Diana. She said before getting off stage. I went wide-eyed. Diana did this to me before, why again?Thank you and hello. I have been the Head Vampire at C.O.N for forty years and I gave this same lecture to your parents. Thirty years ago on her fifteenth birthday, a girl was chosen by our crescent. A few hours later she fully accepted the crescent and found out that she was the last surviving child of the gods. My apprentice called her by her middle name, Emily. Emily also became a fairy and now reigns as Queen of the Gods of the Otherworld. Her mortal family has died off except for her little sister StellaRene. Both of them live in the Otherworld with a few of my former vampires. Emily has become a beautiful queen and is beloved by all. Also thirty years ago, Emily defeated the three ancient Witches of Vampirism. The witches no longer exist but what does exist, is the story of who they really were. Diana said holding up a copy of the history book in the library in the Otherworld.I dont trust her. Harry whispered to me. Diana began to read aloud:The Flame of Harmony is as old as time itself. The power belonged to the mother of all dragons, Lucinala. Lucinala used her power to create an entire galaxy of her own. In this galaxy was the humble planet Earth. She filled the world with humans of all shapes and sizes. She decided they needed a place to go after they died so she created the Otherworld and she created the first Gods to look after her beloved realm of magic and, as humans would later call them, Mythical creatures. The two worlds lived in peace until one day while the majestic dragon was flying; she was attacked by Panthers of Darkness who were controlled by her three daughters who had turned against her. Her daughters Lindala, Dalia and Ashina wanted her power so they could rule over the galaxy she had created. Lucinala knew that if her daughters took control, they would destroy everything she had created. She disappeared and swore that when a worthy being was born, they would receive her power and look over her galaxy and destroy her daughters. The existence of the power became a rumor and then faded and was nothing more than a legend. The dragon was forgotten and her daughters never stopped searching. No one knows what happened to them or what became of the great Flame of Harmony.This is the history of Emilys power. The witches only wanted what was theirs by birth right and Emily killed them before they could explain. Diana said. Then something silver glowed behind her and Starla, Nyx, Selrena, and my dad appeared.Diana, quit lying. You, Starla, Nyx, Michael, Emily herself and I all know that the witches were pure evil. Selrena said.Says the daughter of Dalia. Diana said.I rejected her and then you became the apprentice of the witches. Youre trying to destroy the Otherworld and we know it. Emily even had the dream. Selrena said.I allowed the crescent to choose you because I saw potential, potential that youre wasting trying to overthrow us. Nyx said.And my daughter will stop you. Starla said.If Emily rescued me from the witches and destroyed them, something all of the gods combined couldnt do, she will destroy you. Michael said.I will complete the task I was given. Diana said as her eyes turned a blood-thirsty red. Then Starla started singing the lullabyHush now my baby, be still love don't cry, sleep as you're rocked by the stream, sleep and remember my last lullaby so I'll be with you when you dream. Starla sang in her bell voice. Dianas eyes went back to normal, but she was angrier than ever.Zashina. Diana said. Starla fell to the ground and Nyx went to help her. Michael and Selrena fought off Diana.Reveal yourself Emily, we need you! Nyx called. When she said that, I began to glow the same silver color as my mother. Harry looked at me shocked.Diana, you shouldnt have done that. I said. I jumped up onto the stage with a dangerous aura swirling around me. You murdered my grandmother, you almost killed my sister, and you are not messing my life up again. I said.You know that you wont survive this battle. Give up now. She said.Never give up hope. I may not survive, but I know that I will protect my kingdom and that you will lose this war. I will make damn sure of that bitch! I said and with every step I took toward her, my power grew stronger and more dangerous.I will finish the task and you wont stand in my way child. She said before disappearing leaving only a panther in her place. I glared at the panther and it glared back until it was nothing more than an ice sculpture of what it once was. My glow disappeared and I collapsed.Des, you did it again. Nyx said.I know, that seems to be the only way I can destroy the strongest ones. I said sitting up. Everyone cheered.They think its a show. Principal Price whispered helping me up.I dont know, maybe theyre just thanking Des for saving their asses. Selrena said helping Starla up.Settle down everyone. Principal Price said. Starla, Nyx, Selrena and Michael disappeared as I went back to my seat. I used a spell to make everyone forget what just happened and we were dismissed to our third hour classes.Did you believe anything that Diana said? Harry asked me as we walked to our next class.I dont know, theres always a possibility. I said.I thought it was interesting, but I dont know if I believe her. He said.You never know. I said. We had another lecture on the stars and constellations in astronomy and at lunch we sat with our group of friends.Why do you only eat fruit? Alex asked.Its healthy and I dont like the food that schools cook. Thats one of the reasons I was home schooled. I said. I noticed Harry was the same way.We get it, Harry does the same thing. Dude, what did you think of Diana? Alex asked him.I thought she was boring. Harry said.I thought she was hot for an old lady. Alex said.Vampires age slower than humans. I said.How do you know? He said.I paid attention, dumbass. I said. Everyone tried (unsuccessfully) not to laugh.Whatever. Alex said acting as if he didnt care.We all know youre mad because Des can actually put Alex the Great in his place. Aaron said.Am not. Alex said defensively.Its obvious. Harry said. Alex ignored us for the rest of the day. On the bus, Harry asked me if I would meet him at the park later to help him with his performance for the talent show. I agreed. I got off the bus and went home to get changed.

Chapter 5I left the castle and hurried to the park. When I got through the portal, I found Gwen there.Going to meet Harry? She said.Yes, he wants me to help him with his talent show performance. I said before scampering off. I arrived only a couple minutes after Harry did.Hey. He said as I came up.Hey. I said.I wanted you to help me with the routine for my song choice. He said.Okay, what song are you performing? I asked.Kids In America. He said. He started singing and I was entranced at the angelic tone of his voice. I was already forming a routine in my head as I listened to him.Wow, your voice is amazing. I said.Youre an amazing singer, too. I loved the song you sang for your auditions. He said. I smiled and Im sure I blushed. Its been thirty years since Ive felt like this around a guy. I used my magic last night and made it reversed my age so I was fifteen again so it was easier to deal with what I was feeling for Harry.Im more the singer/songwriter. I only dance when Im performing or rehearsing. I used to dance, but I stopped. I said.Why? He asked.An old injury. If I push myself to hard, it hurts really badly. I said.Oh, mom mentioned that. He said.So, are we gonna work on the routine or not? I asked. We worked on it until he finally got it and then we walked back together. We saw Gwen at the bus stop.Im guessing you practiced everything you needed to. She said.Yes, I swear youre worse than my mom sometimes. I said.I know, and she just said something about Stella causing trouble while your grandparents were there. She said.What?! I asked.Yeah, she said that she yelled at them and pretty much made them mad over all. She said.Ugh, I told her to behave and she never listens. I said.Trouble much? Harry asked.You dont even know. I said.Ive gotta go cook dinner for the boys, see ya soon Des. Gwen said before leaving.I guess I have to go yell at Stella. I said.Okay, Ill see you tomorrow. Harry said before hugging me. I smiled at him as he jogged off toward his house. I walked through the portal to see Stella standing there.Hey, I know Gwen told you and I can explain. She said.Not right now, are they still here? I asked.Yeah, theyre in the ballroom. She said. I teleported to the door and walked in.Destiny, this is my mother Annabelle and my father Erandor. My dad said as I walked in.Pleased to meet you your majesties. I said bowing gracefully as I stood next to my mother.Likewise child. Annabelle said.Another child? How many children did you have? Erandor asked furiously.Two, Melinda and Destiny, During the war Des was sent to a mortal and Stella belongs to the mortal family. Des raised her because her mortal family died. Michael said.At least this one has respect, the other one had no respect at all. Erandor said.I did tell her to mind her manners but she didnt listen to me. I said.You were raised with proper manners and respect, teach that to Stella and maybe shell prove to be a decent princess. Erandor said.Yes your majesty. I said. Then Airana came in.Des, Beth said its urgent that you meet her at the beach. She said. I turned to face Annabelle and Erandor.Please excuse me your majesties, I have urgent business I must attend to. I said before bowing and following Airana down to the beach.

Chapter 6Hey Beth, whats up? I said as I came riding up on Moonlight. I dismounted and tied her to the post.Coral City has been attacked and all the survivors except for Crystal were taken prisoner. There was no sign of Ramallah. Beth said.Oh no, Im going down there right now to find her. I said before I began glowing.No, its part of Dianas plan to destroy you, theyll be freed when you kill Diana. She said. My glow faded and I mounted Moonlight.I will destroy Diana even if I have to die in the process. I said. I pulled Beth up behind me and we rode doubles back. When we gave Moonlight to Belinda, we went straight to the council room. Everyone was already there including Annabelle and Erandor. I took my seat as queen and Erandor and Annabelle looked shocked.Has anyone heard of Dianas most recent plan? I asked. No one spoke up.Ive just been informed that the City of Coral has just been attacked and all survivors except for Crystal were taken prisoner. Beth told me not to go after them because she thinks it might be a trap. I said.I agree, Dianas been planning everything out for thirty years so she might have planned this too. Selrena said.Agreed, and if Diana traps you, its game over. Michael said.Well just have to be extra careful. I already had to use the mind erase spell today because she showed up at school today and trust me, it wasnt fun. I said.Were all in agreement of keeping our guard up, meeting adjourned. Jesus said. We all went our separate ways. I went to my room and went straight to bed. A month passed and it was the day before the talent competition. I was first to the bus stop (as usual). Harry hugged me when he saw me.You ready for the show? He asked.Yeah, as ready as Ill ever be. I said.Des, remember youre on vocal rest. Starla said stepping out from behind the tree. I rolled my eyes.Im Starla, Dess mother. She said shaking Harrys hand.Nice to meet you, my mom talks about you a lot. Harry said. The bus pulled up then.Do me a favor and keep her on vocal rest please. Starla said.Sure, no problem. He said getting on the bus. We sat in our usual seat.Hey Des, whats up? Alex said as we sat down.Shes on vocal rest so lay off today. Harry said.Fine, but after the talent competition shes free right? Alex asked. Harry looked at me. I took out a whiteboard that Gwen gave me and wrote down my answer.She says maybe. He said reading my answer.Okay, and I still havent given up hope. He said. I rolled my eyes. We arrived at school and everyone who was in the talent show was herded toward the auditorium.I cant believe were so close to the show, a month passed by so fast. Harry said as we walked into the auditorium. I wrote down I know and to think Ive only been here a month and Ive already made such good friends.Yeah, and my dad is getting more curious about who you are. He said. Hell meet me tomorrow after the show. Im gonna have my aunt help me with an outfit for the show. Okay, and I cant wait to hear your voice again, its gonna be hard going through today without hearing your sweet voice. He said I smiled. Wed grown really close over the month. I knew he liked me and he wasnt sure that I liked him back.Okay, tomorrow night is the show, everyone must have a costume by tomorrow morning, if not, wear a decent shirt and a decent pair of jeans. Who are my singers? Mrs. Renee said. A few kids raised their hands including myself and Harry.All of you must go on a forty-eight hour vocal rest. That means no talking, singing, or anything that involves your voice. She said.Looks like well be using that whiteboard today and tomorrow. Harry whispered. I smiled at him and he smiled back. I knew that what was between us was stronger than anything, even what I had with Danny. Being fifteen again was amazing.All right, since you must prepare for the show, you dont have classes today or tomorrow, I have made sure that for the singers, there is a special lunch prepared. Mrs. Renee said. She dismissed us and we all hung out in the auditorium. Harry and I worked on his routine more and he helped me think of another song to sing. We decided that I would do House of Wolves by My Chemical Romance. Lunch came too soon. We got our lunch (fruits again) and sat down at our table.Did you two get called in for the talent show stuff? Alex asked as we sat down.Yeah and were on vocal rest for the next two days. Harry said. Alex started to laugh but I glared at him and he stopped.Thats a good thing, the singers need to rest their voices and make sure they can sing tomorrow in the show. Aaron said.Thats dumb. Alex said.Professional singers do the same thing. They do it to keep their voices perfect and if they blow them out, they cant sing and we wouldnt have live concerts anymore. Aaron said.Never thought of that. Alex said. Of course you didnt. You never think of things like that.Thats just screwed up. Alex said after he read aloud what I wrote down. I smiled innocently and the other guys started laughing. After Harry and I finished our lunch, we went back to the auditorium I sat on the stage going through the lyrics to my songs a few times when Harry came up. I wrote down: Could you play the guitar for me when I perform? He answered: Sure, I just have to learn the chords and we could work on it tomorrow during the day.I nodded my okay and he smiled at me. I went back to going over the lyrics and Harry worked more on the routine. The bell rang signaling the end of school. We got on the bus and I had to stay quiet the whole ride home. When the bus left, Harry hugged me and jogged off toward his house. I walked through the portal to see Starla there.Im proud of you, you stayed on vocal rest all day. She said. I rolled my eyes and went up to my room to see if I had anything to wear for the show tomorrow night. We were allowed to wear our costumes all day so we could get our performance set with them on. I decided I would just to see how Alex reacted.Starla told me to come help you find an outfit to ware for the show. Meladena said coming in with Stella.Im allowed to talk for now and I already know what Im wearing for the show. I said.It needs to be approved by me. She said.Is it that black corset with the black leggings, black boots and that short leather jacket? Stella asked.Yes. I said.Add some black lace gloved that have the fingers cut off and maybe Ill come by and do your hair. Meladena said.Perfect. Stella, can you get the guitar chords for Rodger Rabbit by Sleeping with Sirens and House of Wolves by MCR? I asked.Yeah, I can and you can even use your IPod to help with the melody. She said. I sent her off to go get the chords. And Meladena went to the store to find the perfect pair of gloves. I turned on my music box and went out to my balcony. Tomorrow Danny would remember everything and Harry would find out who I really was. Someone knocked on the door.Come in. I called.Youre supposed to be on vocal rest. Thats what Harry said. Gwen said as she walked over to join me.I need some time to talk. Ive been on it all day. I said.Hes excited for tomorrow and he told me to give you this. She said handing me an envelope. I took out the note. It read:I cant wait for tomorrow and I cant wait to hear you beautiful voice again. I know that youll perform amazingly. Wear this necklace for good luck. Mom gave it to me when I started High School and I want you to have it. 143 HarryI took out the necklace that was in the envelope. It was a pure silver moon and star symbol on a black, leather rope. I smiled. I put it on. The moon and star pendant was my insignia.I gave him that necklace on his first day of high school. He kept it with him all the time freshman year. He told me that when he met someone he would never forget no matter how hard he tried, he would give it to her. Gwen said.My last insignia got lost in battle. I havent seen it since. I said. I put a charm on the necklace so if I ever lost it, it would return to my neck seconds later.I have to go, I told him I was going to come over here and wish you good luck and thats why he told me to give that to you. She said before she left. I went to bed right after dinner. Meladena had everything set out for me so I could get ready easier tomorrow morning. I couldnt stop thinking about Harry. He gave me the necklace that he said he would give to someone he would never forget no matter how hard he tried. I guess he really cared about me. I fell asleep thinking about him.

Chapter 7I woke up and put my outfit on and looked in the mirror. I looked so different somehow. I had on the pendant that Harry gave me. I knew that today would change my life forever.You look beautiful. I heard a voice say at the door. I turned to see Starla there.Thanks mama, Im a little nervous but thats good. I said.I have something for you. She said lifting my wrist. She put on that bracelet that she wore to Goddesss funeral. It was silver and ice blue. It had a single snowflake charm on it and it was a crystal blue color.Its beautiful mama, I love it. I said hugging her.Youll do amazing. Meladena is gonna be there, I have to stay here with your father and do damage control. She said before hugging me and leading me down to Stellas room.You got the chords? I asked her as she came out.Yeah and Im going with you to the bus stop today to give them to him and Im gonna be there to see you perform. She said. I hugged her.Vocal rest begins now. Starla said. Stella and I walked to the bus stop and when we got there, she handed me the white board. Harry came jogging up and hugged me.Hey. He said.Hey. I said.Des, vocal rest, mom said so. Stella said. I rolled my eyes.Im Stella, Dess little sister. Stella said shaking his hand.Nice to meet you. Harry said.Heres the guitar chords for the songs and if you need help with the melody, just ask Des for her IPod. Stella said handing him the paper with the chords.Okay and are you coming to the show later? He asked.Yes, me and Aunt Meladena. Stella said. I put my head in my hands. Meladena was such a pain sometimes.Youre wearing it. He said when he saw the pendant around my neck.Yeah, I love it and the moon and star is actually my symbol. I said.Des, Vocal rest. Stella said as the bus pulled up. I hugged Stella and got on the bus. We sat in our normal seat and when Alex saw me he went wide-eyed.Whoa, Des, you look amazing. He said. I wrote down my answer and handed it to Harry so he could read it out loud.She says its what shes going to wear to the show tonight. The only thing missing is her hair style and her aunt is going to be at the school later to set it up. He read.Im defiantly going to the show tonight. Alex said.Im going to see all the talent people have. Aaron said.Im performing. Harry said.Whats your talent? Alex asked.Youll find out if you go. Harry said. I wrote down a comment and had Harry read it out loud.Des says shell be singing and that shes the last one to perform. Harry said. I smiled.I cant wait to hear that. Aaron said.Me either. Harry said. We arrived at school shortly afterward. Harry and I went to the auditorium.Welcome, you can rehearse and change anything you want to today but by the show everything has to be done. Mrs. Renee said as we walked in.Des wants me to play the guitar while she sings her first song, is it alright if we work on the chords and melody today? Harry asked.Perfectly fine with me. She said. I hadnt realized that Harry brought his guitar until now. We sat on the edge of the stage and started working right away. We listened to my IPod for the melody and Harry had it all memorized and was playing it without the IPod by the time we would normally be in second hour.That was beautiful you two, Des do you have a finalized outfit for the show? Mrs. Renee asked as she came over for costume check. I wrote down my answer and had Harry read it.She says shes wearing it and her aunt is coming over later to work on her hair. Harry said.Perfect, how about you Harry? Mrs. Renee asked.Yes, Ill be changing later. He said.Alright. Were all set, now we just have to get the stage set up. Since its the winter show, well make it look like a winter wonderland. Mrs. Renee said.Perfect, maybe during certain performances have snow falling. Harry said.Perfect idea. Maybe we could do that During Dess first song. Mrs. Renee said. I nodded and she walked away.I had to say that, I thought it would be a good idea. I nodded and smiled at him. The bell rang signaling lunch. We went and got our lunch and sat down with the group.Hey guys, how was rehearsals? Aaron asked.Great, weve got everything set up and Dess aunt should be here after lunch. Harry said.Great, are her parents coming? Aaron asked. I shrugged.She doesnt know. Harry said.Oh, well at least we know her aunt is coming. Alex said.Yeah. Harry said. We ate lunch and went back to the auditorium. When we got there, we saw the stage was totally decorated.Des, your Aunt, sister and cousin are amazing, they set this all up. Mrs. Renee said when she saw me.Wow. Was all Harry could say.They also said to meet them in your dressing room. Mrs. Renee said. Harry and I walked backstage and found my dressing room. Inside were Meladena and Stella.Des, youre officially off vocal rest. Stella said as I walked in.Finally, I cant stand being this quiet for so long. I said as I sat down so Meladena could work on my hair.Its great to hear your voice again. Harry said standing next to me.Before I get started, someone here wanted to talk to you. Meladena said turning my chair around so I could see.Beth, I cant believe you came! I said standing up to hug her.You said you were performing so I had to come see. She said as I sat back down.Youre the best. Beth, this is Harry, Harry, this is my cousin Beth. I said as Meladena turned my chair back around so she could start working on my hair.Nice to meet you. Harry said shaking Beths hand.Likewise. She said.Okay, I think just loose curls will suffice. Meladena said pulling out her curling iron.Okay, time to do warm ups. Stella said. When I finished vocal warm ups, Meladena had finished my curls and was doing my make-up Should we put tears of blood on her or no? She asked the others.I say no because her face is too pretty. Stella said.Yeah, and plus, thats my bit for our band. Beth agreed. Meladena put away all of her supplies as I rearranged my curls so they fell exactly right.Wow, you look amazing. Harry said.And look at the time, its time for Harry to go get ready and then come back here. Meladena said. Harry hugged me before leaving and then I looked at the mirror.Id say that my work is done. She said handing me my gloves. My gloves had the same floral pattern as on my corset, but you couldnt really see that unless you searched for it.You look like a fallen queen. Beth said.But shes not a fallen queen. Stella said and we all laughed.Sound check. Mrs. Renee called.Mrs. Renee, can I only do my first song? I asked.Sure, and you look amazing. She said. I smiled.Thank you, my Aunt Meladena did it. I said.Very fine work, and I love the curls. Mrs. Renee said.Its a simple placement thing. Meladena said.Interesting. She said walking away.Remember to hold a proper posture. Meladena said as I left. I found Harry in the hall. He had on black skinnies, a white v-neck, white vans and a blazer.Fancy. I said.Not as fancy as you, I think youre the most beautifully dressed here. He said as we took our places in line. He was two performances before me. Everyone performed and when it came to him, he did every move perfectly and the routine was amazing with the music added to it. He came backstage after his performance and got in line with me. You were amazing. I said.Youre gonna be even more amazing. He said. The next two performed and then it was my turn. I walked out on stage with Harry and we both had lights set up to look like I was glowing. I stood in front of my microphone and he stood back with the rest of the band. He started playing and the fake snow began to fall. I started singing and then everything suddenly seemed like a real winter wonderland. When I finished, everyone there erupted into applause and standing ovations. We bowed and exited backstage and Meladena got all the snow out of my hair.You were amazing. Harry said hugging me.So were you, to think you just learned those chords. It was incredible. I said.Almost like magic. Beth said.Exactly. I said. We went to my dressing room and hung out until it was time for the show. We all grouped up and stayed close to our friends and/or co-performers. Harry and I stayed in the back. Once you performed, you stayed on stage right with the exception of Harry because he was performing with me.Im on next. He said.Youll be amazing. I said. He hugged me and then went and took his position. He said his name and what he was performing before he started his performance. When he hit the end of the bridge of the song he waved for me to come out. When I refused to go out, the others pushed me out and I finished the routine with him. The crowd erupted into applause. We bowed and exited stage left.That was amazing. I said.I decided I couldnt finish the performance without you. He said hugging me.And I cant perform my songs without you. I said. Soon it was my turn. The curtain was closed when we took our places. The curtain opened and the lights came on.My name is Destiny and Ill be singing two song. My first one is called Rodger Rabbit. I said. Then Harry began playing. I sang the lyrics and the crowd started swaying to the melody. When I finished the first song, the crowd erupted into applause and standing ovations while the crew removed all the fake snow that fell during my performance. When the crowd calmed down I continued.My second song is called House of Wolves. I said as the music started. I had a little bit of a routine set to this song. When I finished, the crowd went crazy, standing ovations, whistling, applause, everything. I felt like a real superstar as I bowed and exited the stage. When I got backstage, Harry hugged me.That was beyond amazing, youre a real performer. He said.So are you, I couldnt have done my songs without you. I said.Alright, every year we decide a winner of our show, but this year, there were two acts that were crowd favorites. So we decided that there would be two first place winners. Mrs. Renee said.I didnt know they did winners. I said.This years Senior Talent Competitions winners are, Destiny Summers and Harry Styles! Mrs. Renee announced. Harry and I walked back out on stage and the crowd exploded with applause. Mrs. Renee handed us the trophy and we held it up so the whole audience would see. After that, most of the crowd left and didnt stay for the after party.I knew you were going to win. Harry said as we sat on the edge of the stage.I knew you were going to win, you nailed the routine. I said.Yeah, I guess, it was nothing compared to you though. He said.Des, Harry, Congrats. Gwen said as she came up.Thanks. I said getting off the stage to hug her.Im amazed, I never knew you could sing like that. She said.Its a gift. I said.She even picked the routine for my song. Harry said hugging his mom.Really? She said shocked.Yeah, he asked me to help so I did. I said.This is my husband Danny. Gwen said as Danny finally made it up to the front of the auditorium.Des, its been a while. Danny said with a familiar glow to his eyes.It has old friend. I said.After you performed Gwen told me everything. He said.I had to, dont blame me. I said.I understand it. He said.What are you talking about? Harry asked.Ill tell you later. I said.Des, you were amazing. I heard a voice say.Mom, you did come! I said hugging her.You didnt think I would miss it did you? She asked.You said you had damage control to do. I said.And we finished it early. She said as Michael came up behind her.And you were amazing, Im proud of you Des. He said.Thanks daddy. I said hugging him before going back and sitting next to Harry on the edge of the stage.Im just shocked that your hair managed to stay in place during the routine you did with Harry. Gwen said.Meladena did it. Shes the beauty queen of the family so it worked out perfectly. I said.I see she even used her favorite curling iron. Those curls are perfectly placed. Starla said.Yeah, well, I actually rearranged them. I said.And I say that everyone comes with us for our own after party. Starla said. We all agreed.Well go drop our car off at our house and then well meet you at the bus stop. Gwen said.Whos taking the trophy? Harry asked.You. I said.Why dont you, that way its on display at the party. He said before hugging me and then going to join his mom and dad. Starla, Michael, Meladena, Beth, Stella and I teleported to the Otherworld. I gave Stella the trophy and then I went through the portal to my bus stop. Shortly after Harry, Gwen and Danny showed up.Follow me. I said. We walked through the portal and Harry was totally shocked.Welcome to the Otherworld, home of the Gods and the Last Surviving Child of the Gods. Gwen said.The story Diana told us that day, its true? Harry asked.Yes, my full name is Destiny Emily Summers. I said.Its just as I remember it. Danny said.What? Harry asked him. Danny, Gwen and I told him the story.So youre really forty-five years old. Harry said to me.No, I used a spell and reversed my age. Im fifteen. I said.Oh, okay. He said.Come on, the partys starting. I said leading them to the grand ballroom.

Chapter 8I had to leave and get into position for the grand entrance. Once we entered, I found Harry.Wow, Im amazed, I never thought any of this was possible. He said.It is, Im the queen and I rule this land. I said.You guys can still throw a good party. Danny said. After being here for a while, he looked fifteen again.You look like you did thirty years ago. I said to him.So does Gwen. He said as she walked up.Yeah, I remember the first time I came here. She said.Yeah, it was totally accidental too. I said.I came here for the first time with Des. It was the day we looked up her story for the first time and it was also the second time she was seriously injured in battle. Danny said.And not long after, she fully lived here. I heard a voice say behind me. We all turned to see Melinda standing behind me.Hey Melinda, you remember Danny and Gwen. I said.Of course, who is the young one? She asked.This is Harry, Gwens son. I said.I am Dess older sister. Melinda said. Then the music stopped. We all looked at the stage and saw Beth and Hachi standing there.Id like to make an announcement. Hachi said. He turned to face Beth and got down on one knee. Bethany Marie Jones, will you marry me? He asked. I smiled and Beth looked totally shocked.Yes, I will Hachiko. She said. Everyone erupted into applause as the music resumed and Beth and Hachi hugged. I walked up to the stage.Congratulations you guys. I said hugging them.You were in on this werent you? She asked.Yes I was. I said.Youre the best friend ever. She said hugging me. I got off the stage so everyone else could go up and congratulate them.So shes not really your cousin? Harry asked.No, shes my best friend. Weve been friends since I was chosen. I said.Oh, and what am i? He asked curiously.Dont know yet. Come with me. I said leading him out of the ballroom. We walked through the garden and I took him to my Sanctuary.Wow, the view is amazing. He said looking at the sunset.It is, I come here when I need to think or perform important spells. One spell I did here nearly drained all my powers. I said.Was my dad here at that one? He asked.Yes, and thats when I decided I was going to let him go. I said.Why? He asked.Because I saw something that I knew would kill me if he stayed around me thirty years ago. I said. Then something flew up in front of us.What is that? Harry asked.Thats my dragon Lucy. She wants us to get on her back. I said climbing up onto her neck and sitting sidesaddle. I helped Harry get up behind me.Whoa, this is amazing. He said as he sat down and held onto me.Hold on. I said. That was Lucys cue to take off (and it wouldnt even mess up my hair). Lucy shot up into the sky. Once we were at a comfortable altitude, she slowed down enough for us to actually stand on her back.How do you do that? Harry asked.Years of practice. I said helping him up. He had balance, but he couldnt walk around like I could.Its amazing up here. He said.It is, and when its battle time, its way cooler, she flies full speed and even uses her fire breath. I said.Wow. He said. We sat back down for a while.Yeah, Lucy has a baby, but Suzy still needs to learn how to carry a rider. I said. Lucy started to drop altitude around my Sanctuary.Maybe I could help. Harry offered.No, youll get hurt, and youre taking all this surprisingly well just like your dad did. I said.I guess I kind of already knew it existed because mom used to tell me stories of this place. He said.Yeah, Gwen started visiting me not long after I erased your dads memory and I had to deal with everything alone. I said.You werent alone. He said.You know what I mean. I said.I honestly love it here, I used to love the stories and when I was younger I used to pretend I was in the Otherworld and I guess I already knew a lot about it. He said.You dont know everything from my point of view, I see this place differently. People here see a beautiful ocean, I see it as Taras domain and I see all the creatures there. People see the Great Crystal Palace, I see home, where I learned almost everything I know, where I raised my little sister as if she were my own daughter. Everyone else see a forest, I see a place where trail riding can be exciting and where Ive gone a few times to hide from all the stress, and where Diana hides when she plans attacks. I said.Speaking of, what is your story about her? Harry asked.When I was chosen and when I first arrived at C.O.N, she greeted me, showed me to my room and everything, after I stayed here, I learned that she was the apprentice of the witches and weve been enemies ever since. I said.Oh, so shes always been bat-shit-crazy. He said making us both laugh.This bracelet was my grandmothers. Diana killed her not long after I was here training. My grandma jumped in front of an attack meant to kill me and it killed her instead. Her last wish was for me to carry on as queen. I was crowned queen three days later. I said.Who threw the attack? He asked.Diana, I was talking with my friends and we had just reunited my mom and older sister when Diana appeared and then Grandma came up and then Di threw the attack and Grandma jumped in front of me and took the blast. I said.Wow, and this whole war was started because of you? He asked.Because of my power, the legendary Flame of Harmony. It belonged to the Mother of all Dragons. The witches were her daughters and they wanted the power so the Dragon disappeared and left the Otherworld to the Gods and she left the power to the most worthy being. I was born and the power chose me. The night I was born, the witches attacked and killed all my brothers, sister, and cousins. I was sent to a mortal body on Earth and was raised as a mortal. When I found out everything, I destroyed the witches and ever since Ive ruled as queen and protected my kingdom from any harm. I said looking out over the water. Lucy landed on my Sanctuary and we dismounted.Wow, so youre pretty much a legacy. Harry said as he slid off of Lucys back.Yeah, I am. I said.Ive been amazed by you since the moment I saw you. He said.Really? I asked.Yes, and I care about you, more than just a friend. I was wondering, He said.Yes? I prompted.Would you be my girlfriend? He asked. I smiled.Yes. I said, kissing his cheek. We smiled at each other.Des, Its Tara, shes hurt! I heard Selrena yell from the foot of the hill. I grabbed Harrys hand and used my teleportation spell. In seconds we were in the ballroom and I was running toward Tara.What happened? I asked.We had the ice sculptures out and one fell on her, we didnt see exactly what happened. Starla said. I glowed. Harry went wide-eyed and Danny just nodded. I put my hands on Taras and recited my new healing spell.Heal and repair, save what has been lost and restore the injured to full health. I said. Tara opened her eyes.What happened? I asked her.I was standing by the ice sculpture and it fell on me and then I blacked out. She said sitting up.I dont think the sculpture fell, I think it was pushed. I said walking over to the sculpture that some people moved off of Tara. I scanned it thoroughly and I found Dianas finger prints on the back of it.Did you find anything? Starla asked.Dianas finger prints, here and here. I said pointing them out.Youre right, this didnt fall. She pushed it. Starla said. Harry came up behind me to get a better look.Very good, youre learning more and more every day Destiny Emily. We heard a voice say. We looked up at the top of the stairs and there stood Diana.We meet again and as always, I will defeat you Diana. I said.You froze my left forearm and you will pay. She said summoning up a dark spell. I put up my strongest barrier.You wont win Diana. I said. I always win you stupid teenager. She said throwing her spell at me. It bounced off my barrier and hit her and she fell back.Not this time. I said.Just remember, the final battle has yet to come. She said before disappearing. I dropped the barrier and my glow faded.Just as stubborn and strong as ever. Danny said.Yeah, but being fifteen again, it means my anger is uncontrollable and that could be bad during the final battle. I said.Then lets start training soldiers. Selrena said.Later, I have something to do first. I said before leaving, Harry following me.Des, wait up. I slowed down so he could keep up.I have to look at the prophecies again and see if we missed something. I said. Suddenly I felt a stab of pain in my heart.You okay? Harry asked when I stopped for a second.Im fine. I lied. When we got into the library I asked Sapphire for Dereks notes. Sapphire is the librarian we recently hired. I called for the book of prophecies and it came to me.Wow, thats amazing. Harry said.It contains every prophecy ever spoken by the gods. Most of them were about the final battle and what would happen. I said going through it again.Wow, my mom mentioned the prophecy about the final battle and I always thought it would be between the strongest warrior from both sides. Harry said. I was reading faster than normal when I suddenly collapsed in agony.Not again. I said before I started screaming. The gods, Gwen and Danny appeared instantly.Evolution number two, be prepared for the worst Des. I heard Starla say. I couldnt pay attention, this felt worse than what happened during the eclipse. My throat burned as did the rest of my body. I screamed again. I felt Harry grab my right hand and Danny grab my left.I was here during her first evolution, she should black out any minute now. Danny said right before I blacked out. When I blacked out, I felt something, as if it were returning. When I woke up, I was on my bed with Harry sitting next to me.What happened? I asked.You blacked out during the evolution, but you still screamed a lot. Harry said.Oh my gods, her eyes. Gwen said.Theyve returned to their original color. Danny said.Really? They havent been the silver color in thirty years. I said. Meladena handed me a mirror.Its true, the eyes have returned. She said.Amazing, I never knew that after another evolution my eyes would be normal again. I said handing her back the mirror.The second had passed, now we must pass the third for her to have the evolution when needed. Nyx said.My little girls eyes are back. Starla said.Ive never seen eyes that color and I think its amazing. Harry said.Now Im stronger which means it might be easier to defeat Diana. I said looking at the ceiling.Start training your soldiers to fight panthers, I sense a really big battle coming. Selrena said.Rena, train my soldiers, Ive got a few new people to train. I said.No problem, they need some discipline. She said before her and the other gods disappeared.I still remember all my training. Danny said.You think you could train these two? I asked.Yeah, what are you gonna do? He asked.Im gonna train Suzy to carry a rider, find Derek and train these two, Im gonna work twice as hard. I said. I went into my closet, changed into jeans and a decent shirt (still wearing my boots) went out onto the balcony and whistled.Come on, Ill give you a ride. I said hopping onto Lucys back when she arrived. Harry sat behind me, Gwen sat behind him, and Danny sat behind Gwen.Im scared, you never let me ride Lucy before. Gwen said.Hold on then. I said as Lucy took off. She stopped at the battle fields where Derek was.Hey Des, whats up? Derek asked when he and Erian saw me.Help Danny train Gwen and Harry, Ive got a dragon to train. I said. When everyone was off, Lucy took off toward the field of Dragons. When we flew over, I whistled and three dragons responded. We circled around and went back to the battlefields where Danny, Derek, and Erian were training Harry and Gwen. I dismounted and two of Danas helpers came up.Hey Des. Belinda said. Belinda was Danas oldest and most experienced helper.Hey Belinda, you and Daniel ride Destrella and Juliana. Ill ride Suzy. I said.Still cant get her to carry a rider? She asked.Not yet, but I will. I said mounting.Good luck. Belinda and Daniel said as Suzy took off.Okay Suzy, steady, keep a balance, focus. I said. When she started to lose altitude I helped her find balance. Her right wing gave out and we crash landed, I jumped off at the last minute and rolled when I hit the ground.Des, you okay? I heard Belinda yell.Im fine. I yelled back as I stood up and brushed off the dirt. I walked over to Suzy and inspected her wing.I think the wing gave out because its weak. Derek said coming up behind me.No, shes perfectly fine, its just new to her and she needs practice at it, thats why Im training her and no one else. I said.Okay. He said walking away. Suzy got back up and allowed me to mount again. We got back up into the sky and then at the perfect altitude, Suzy flew perfectly.Good girl Suzy, just like that. I said. We managed to complete the whole obstacle course perfectly. I landed Suzy right next to where Harry and Gwen were training.Hey Des. Erian said.Give me an update. I said.Harry has it down, Gwen needs work. Derek said.I just finished training Suzy and she only crashed once. I said.We saw, you okay? Danny asked.Im fine, at first she crashed a lot and believe me, I was sore for a few days after that. After a while she got better, the only drawback was her right wing kept giving out until the last run. I said.Mind if I give her a ride? Derek asked.Go ahead, Ill take over here. I said.Okay see ya. He said. He took off on Suzy and that left me in charge of training Harry and Gwen.Okay, since Erian isnt the best swordsman, Harry, you get to fight Erian in a battle. I said.Okay, and if I beat him who do I battle next? He asked.You battle your dad, if you beat him, you fight Derek if he comes back otherwise you battle the master. I said.Okay. He said.Take your positions. I said. Erian and Harry stood opposite each other and the battle began. Erian made the first move and Harry blocked it. The battle went on the same way until Erian made the wrong move. Harry tripped him, stole his sword and pinned him.

Chapter 9Good, you saw the wrong move and you took advantage of it. Now you battle Danny, a decent swordsman back in the day. I said.And I can still fight. He said.Positions, and Begin. I said as the battle began. Danny made the first move and Harry blocked it. The battle went on that way until Danny made a wrong move. Harry brought his sword down and shattered Dannys blade.Whoa. Erian said. I nodded. Harry was an excellent swordsman. Derek came down from the skies then.My turn, see if you can beat me. Derek said. Danny finished picking up the pieces of his sword and got out of the way.Positions, and Begin. I said starting the battle. Derek made the first move and Harry blocked it. The battle went on until Derek made a wrong move. Harry stole his sword, tripped him, and pinned him.Harry wins again. Now its time you battle the master, better than the Goddess of war herself, me. I said taking my position with Excalibur in hand. Harry took his and the battle began. Harry made the first move and I blocked it. The battle went on until I saw an open maneuver. I took the opportunity. I faked stabbing one way and I tripped him, took his sword and threw it out of his reach and pinned him with the edge of Excaliburs blade right at his throat, nearly drawing blood.Des wins. Danny said. I took the blade away from Harrys neck and helped him up.Youre a talented swordsman, but no one can defeat me, so dont feel bad. I said.I dont, Im impressed. He said.Im the Queen of the Gods for a damn good reason. I said.Okay, Gwen you still need to work on not being afraid of the blade, use your own sword to block the opponents blade from hitting you. Erian said as he started helping Gwen.Okay, baby boy cant beat Des, but he can beat Derek, lets see if he can beat me. I heard a voice say. I turned to see Selrena and her boyfriend Keith standing a few yards away. Rena started dating Keith a few decades ago.Okay, Positions. I said getting out of the way as the battle began. Selrena made the first move and Harry blocked it. The battle went on that way for a while until Selrena made a wrong move. Harry caught it and tripped her, took her sword and threw it to me and pinned her like I had pinned him in our battle.Harry Styles Wins! Derek yelled. Harry unpinned Selrena and helped her up. I walked over and gave Rena back her sword.Good Battle, I see lots of potential in you. Selrena said to Harry.And to you, good battle. Harry said out of breath.Im proud of you, you got skills from somewhere. I said.I guess I did. He said.Am I allowed to ride the dragon again? Derek asked.Yes now get out of here. I said. Derek got on Suzys back and flew away.Danny, work more with Gwen, she needs it. I said.Okay. Danny said.Erian, Lets see how well Harry does on archery. I said.Okay, Ill take care of that. Erian said.Im gonna work on fighting from Lucys back. I said. I whistled and my dragon swooped down from the skies. I only had time to jump and land on her back (standing up) before she took off. Up in the sky, we saw Derek, Belinda, and Daniel.Formation thirty-nine. I yelled, Derek and Suzy on my left, Belinda and Destrella, and Daniel and Juliana on my right forming a check mark. We swooped down near the ground. Derek, Belinda, Daniel and I jumped off our dragons backs, flipped in mid-air, and landed on the ground swords ready to fight.Perfectly executed, next time do less fancy shit and more deadly shit. Selrena said from where she and the soldiers stood.No problem; and Derek isnt part of the actual battle plan. I said.I know. She said. The dragons circled around and landed. I walked over and started petting Lucys forehead.Were ready for battle arent we? I asked her. She nodded and her dangerous eyes appeared.Shes an amazing animal. I heard a voice say behind me.She is, and I love her for that. I said turning to face Harry.Nothing and no one is more amazing than you though. He said. I smiled.Im just worried. I said.About what? He asked.The prophecy said that I would die to save the Otherworld. I said.Youre worried that you cant change it. He guessed.Yeah, all the prophecies that talked about me winning the biggest battle in history said I would die. With so many odds against me, I dont think I can change it. I said.You wont truly die though, didnt they also say you would come back? He asked.Yes, but I dont want to die until its my time. I saidIts okay, Ill never leave your side. He said. I smiled at him.That means youre gonna have to learn how to ride a dragon. I said.Ill pick it up easily. He said.Even if youre riding the dragon that just graduated training? I asked.Yes. He said.Well see, Suzy can be very stubborn, especially when Dereks being annoying. I said as the dragon flew by with Derek trying to run after her.Suzy, come back! He called out of breath.Lucy, go get your daughter. I told my dragon. She nodded and took off.Ill be able to ride a dragon by sunset tomorrow. Harry said bringing my attention back to him.Maybe, well see what Suzy says. If you can hear her voice in your head, shes your dragon, if not, you wont be able to ride on your own. I said.Alright, we just have to wait for Lucy to bring Suzy back. Harry said.Alright, and since Lucys my dragon, shes the one youll be learning on. I said.But if Suzys my dragon, Ill learn on her. He said.Alright. I said. Then I turned around to see the dragons coming in formation thirty-nine. They circled and landed.Wow, and you can ride through that? Harry asked. I walked up to Suzy and Lucy and started petting them.Yes, now Suzy, try to talk to Harry, we want to see if youre his dragon. I said when I stopped petting her. She looked at Harry and their eyes locked.Holy shit, thats amazing. Harry said after a few seconds.Shes your dragon, youre lucky I just finished training her. I said mounting her.Yeah. He said as he climbed up behind me.Hold on, she goes up faster than Lucy does when shes playing around. I said before Suzy took off.Whoa. Harry yelled over the wind as Suzy was calculating the perfect altitude.Calm down, once you learn, youll be going higher than shes calculating. I said as Suzy found the perfect altitude.Wow, without the clouds, this view is amazing. He said once the wind stopped whistling and it became a light breeze.Okay, Im going to sit behind you and help you learn to balance and everything. I said.Okay. He said. I stood up, jumped behind him, and sat back down.Youre in control now. Find a spot where youre comfortable. I said. Harry scooted up so he was sitting exactly where I sat.Okay. He said when he was fully comfortable.Now feel your dragon, try to set on her thoughts and balance on that, and connect with her. I said. I put my hand on his shoulder and I felt him relax, he connected with Suzy.Whoa, everything looks different. He said.Now, tell her what you want her to do. I said.Drop by the battle fields so Des can get Lucy. Harry said. Suzy took a dip down so fast that I almost lost my balance, but Harry didnt. Suzy swooped by the fields and I jumped off and landed right on Lucys back.Pull up right next to Suzy. I said. Lucy shot up so fast that we caught up with Suzy easily. They stopped at the same altitude and I was able to talk to Harry.Hows it feel to ride a dragon alone? I asked him.Great, you think we could try some battle formations? He asked.Not yet, you have to get used to the speed and be able to stand up at the same time. I said.Fine, and I guess we work on that at lower altitude? He asked.Yeah, in case you fall. I said.Then lets get working. He said.No, soon youll have to go home and get some rest. I said.Ill go home so I can pack and stay here. He said.Stubborn. I said.Learned from the best. He said Lucy and I dropped our altitude and Suzy and Harry followed. I dismounted in battle form while Harry had to dismount the normal way.Okay, fine, go home with Danny and Gwen, pack, and then come back. Youll all be staying in my wing. I said.Okay, as long as Im near you, I dont care. He said. He reminded me a lot of how Danny used to be. I remembered it all so well and I realized that I didnt have the strength to let Harry go.Alright, Ill see you soon. I said glowing.Ill never get over how amazing you look. He said.A Goddess has that quality. I said.Youll never cease to amaze me. He said before I took off. I floated up to join Starla and her fairies.Fairies, battle sequence three, half follow Starla, Half follow me. I said when Starla joined us.Okay, nature fairies follow me, battle fairies follow Des. Starla said. We split and out target dummy appeared.Squad battle, attack from the dummys right and back. I said. We spread out and the nature fairies spread out where we didnt cover.Des, give the command. Starla shouted.Battle and Nature Fairies, Electric Spells GO, GO, GO! I shouted. All the fairies attacked with electricity, the nature fairies electricity was green while the battle fairies was the color of normal lightning. When the dummy exploded, we all landed and regrouped.Good job girls, now you may go work on individual spells. Starla said.Wow, Im so out of it, Ive been working on weapons so much that its not funny. I said.Work individually and maybe youll get it. She said before leaving.

Chapter 10Danny and Gwen, youll be staying in the room next to Stella, Harry, youre staying with me. I said as we walked down the hall that lead to the stairwell that leads to my tower.Okay. Danny said as he and Gwen went into their room.Im exhausted. Harry said as we were walking up the stairs.Told you, I was after my first day of training and so was your dad. The bad thing was, the next day Diana attacked during Goddesss funeral and I was so exhausted that she broke my barrier and sent me to the ground. I said.I remember you told me that. He said as we walked into my room. I went into my closet and put on a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt.Harry went into the bathroom. I heard a knock on my door.Come in. I said sitting on the edge of my bed.Hey, I wanted to get rid of your curls for you. Meladena said when she walked in.Okay, Im just so tired right now its not even funny. I said.I know, its been a big day for all of us. She said as she began straightening my hair.Yeah, well I know how big its been for Danny, Gwen and Harry. I said.Did someone say my name? Harry said coming out of the bathroom.There, all out. Rest up, its gonna be an even bigger day tomorrow. Meladena said before leaving my room. I walked out onto my balcony and looked out over the ocean.Its an amazing view from here. Harry said joining me.It is. For thirty years I looked out over these oceans and I always imagined what everything would be like when this war was over. Now that its so close, I look back and say that I should have been remembering everything that had happened and honoring the ones that died. I said.Growing up with the stories about this place, it still seems like a dream to me. He said.It wont seem like a dream when the battles start. I said.I dont know, I always told myself that one day, I would really be here and I always dreamed about it. Seeing it for real is better than anything I ever imagined, but being here with you makes it better than anything that I would ever imagine and Ill never forget it. He said. I smiled at him.Get some sleep, youll need it. I said.Look. He said pointing at the sky. I looked up and I saw the snowflakes coming down.Hi grandma. I whispered to myself.It looks like a shower of crystals. Harry said.The snow isnt due until Christmas, its my grandma doing this. I said. A group of snowflakes formed a figure and the figure became the ghost of my grandmother.Hello Destiny. She said.Hi grandma. I said.The war will be over soon. Destiny, remember all your training and remember the promise you made before I left here. She said.I will Grandma. I said.Thats my girl. She said. The ghost turned back into the group of snowflakes and the snowflakes fell.Whoa, that was amazing. Harry said.She was the queen before I was. I promised her before she died that I would defend the Otherworld no matter the price. That even included death. I said walking over to my bed.So, youre gonna keep that promise and when the war starts, youre gonna fight until its over. Harry said. It wasnt a question, but I answered it anyway.Yes, Ill keep my promise. I said lying down. Harry came over and laid down next to me.Get some rest. He said.You too. I said before falling asleep. I woke up to someone pounding on my door. I sat bolt upright in be.Des, open up. I heard Danny yell outside my door.Come in. I said laying back down.Des, Diana sent a note saying that if we dont surrender, shell Kill Ramallah. Danny said as he walked in. Harry and I both sat bolt upright.What?! I said. Danny handed me the note.She said that we either surrender or Ramallah dies at the dawn of the first battle. Danny said.Talk to Tara, see if we can find any way to buy time. Im going to go meet with the council of war. I said getting up and going into my closet. I put on jeans and I nice shirt and rang the bell for Meladena to come up.Okay, so Ramallah might die, what are we going to do? Harry asked groggily getting out of bed.Im meeting with the war council. I said. Meladena came in then.You rang? She asked.Curl my hair; Ive got to meet with the war council. I said sitting on the bench on my balcony. Meladena did my hair and put the Snowflake Tiara on my head.There you go, remember to say everything, they can sense when youre hiding something. She said.I know and thanks. I said as we left my room. Harry changed while Meladena was doing my hair.This is gonna be hard. Harry said.No, I just have to tell the war council everything I know and then we should be able to save the mermaids. I said. We walked into the council chamber.All rise in the presence of the queen. The announcer said. Everyone stood up. When I sat down, everybody else did.We just received a note from Diana saying that if we dont surrender, The Queen of Mermaids dies at the dawn of the first battle. I said.What? That bitch. Selrena said.I have the note right here. I said handing it to her. Its true and thats her signature and her seal at the bottom. Selrena said as she read the note.What should we do? One guy asked.Russell, what were gonna do is try to save the mermaids. I cant let them die, but if I go there to rescue them, Ill be trapped. I said. Harry tensed up at that thought.Okay, well send the service. Russell said. Everyone gasped.The service is only used when we really need them. Selrena said.This is one of those situations. We cant let the mermaids pay the price for our decisions to not surrender. Russell said.Keith, tell him hes crazy. Selrena said.He has a point. Keith said.I agree, if I cant go then we know its bad enough to use the service. I said.We cant win this war without Des and we cant risk sending her. Another guy said.Jack, I know that, why cant we just send some of our soldiers? Selrena said.Because we need every one of our soldiers ready and strong for the final battle. I said.Then its agreed, we send the service. Jack said. Everyone murmured their agreements.Okay, meeting adjourned. Russell, summon the service and give them their mission, I have students to train. I said. We all left the council chamber and scattered our separate ways.Tough crowd. Harry said when we were out in the fields.Theyre the war council for a reason. I said. I whistled and our dragons swooped down from the skies.You have to teach me that. Harry said.You just whistle. Okay, were gonna work on battle maneuvers today, you need to learn how to stand and walk freely around on your dragons back and how to dismount and start attacking. I said as I mounted Lucy. By the look on Suzys face, she understood everything. Harry mounted.Alright. He said before Suzy took off. Lucy and I followed. Suzy stopped at about a mile off the ground.Wow, shes being nice, Lucy took me three miles up. I said.Im only human. He said.If everything ends up like the prophecy says, youll be an immortal. I said.Nice. He said. I stood up on Lucys back.When you stand up, you have to keep the connection you have now and you have to have more balance. I said.Okay. He said. He focused on the connection he had with the dragon and found his balance and stood up.Perfect, think of it like youre skateboarding kind of. I said.Thats what I did. He said. I smiled.Perfect. Now when they start the speed you have to focus even more. I said as Lucy began to lose altitude quickly. When we were a few feet off the ground, I jumped off and landed ready for battle. I turned around and saw Suzy do the same thing Lucy did. Harry jumped off like I did and landed perfectly.Holy Hell, that was amazing. He said.Im so proud, youre the first student Ive ever had that picked it up that fast, even Derek took a full week to get it. I said hugging him.I guess it comes natural. He said.Harry, that was better than I ever did. Danny said jogging up. Hes become fifteen again.Damn, dad you look like your fifteen again. Harry said.The otherworld does that. Its the age that everyone here stopped aging at. Danny said.And I wont age anymore because Im the queen and Im a vamp. It would take centuries for me to age half a year. I said.Lucky. Danny said.If youre still mad at me, I dont care. I said whistling for the dragons to come back.Im not mad anymore, Im more confused. Danny said. The dragons came back and Belinda and Destiny and Daniel and Juliana came with them.Mount up Harry, were doing a sequence. I said jumping on Lucys back before she took off. Once we were above the snow clouds that my grandmother made last night, I started calling shots.Sequence thirty-nine. I said the dragons fell into their same order as they did yesterday, but reversed so Harry and Suzy were on my right. Belinda and Destrella, and Daniel and Juliana were on my left. We swooped down and when we were a few feet from the ground, we jumped off and landed ready for battle.Great job, you werent fancy that time. Selrena said from a few yards away.We had to; it was Harrys first time. I said. She rolled her eyes and I walked over to Harry and hugged him.That was awesome. He said.Youve officially become a warrior. I said.Good, now youre free to work on some of the sequences. Starla said. I began glowing as soon as the words left her lips.Battle Fairies. I ca