book of alternative services (bas). book of common praise cp · 5 diocesan prayer requests please...

2 Order of Service is followed in the (green) Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Hymns are found in the (blue) Book of Common Praise (CP). A baby room is located next to the sound board for those with infants. For children 1-3 years, a supervised nursery room is available—Resource Centre (Parish Hall). Children ages 4 to grade 5 are invited to Sunday School—Lower Hall (downstairs). Young people grades 6 and up are invited to Sunday School—Upper Room. THE GATHERING OF THE COMMUNITY Processional Come, O God of All the Earth............................... #589 CP The Penitential Rite .................................................................... p. 45 BAS Introductory Response ............................................................... p. 47 BAS Worship in Song Glory to God.................................................... #702 CP Psalm 67 1 May God be merciful to us and bless us, * show us the light of his countenance and come to us. 2 Let your ways be known upon earth, * your saving health among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise you, O God; * let all the peoples praise you. 4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, * for you judge the peoples with equity and guide all the nations upon earth. 5 Let the peoples praise you, O God; * let all the peoples praise you. 6 The earth has brought forth her increase; * may God, our own God, give us his blessing. 7 May God give us his blessing, * and may all the ends of the earth stand in awe of him. THE PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD First Reading (Truitt Wiensz) ........................ Deuteronomy 10:12-13, 17-21 Psalm 46 (refrain at start and after vs. 4,6,8,10,12) ................... p. 763 BAS Second Reading (Tara Gish) ............................................ Romans 8:31b-39 Gradual Hymn Blest Are the Pure in Heart................................ #439 CP Gospel Acclamation: Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ Gospel Reading ................................................................... Matthew 5:1-12 Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

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Page 1: Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Book of Common Praise CP · 5 Diocesan Prayer Requests Please include the following in your prayers November 11-17 The clergy, lay leaders, congregation


Order of Service is followed in the (green) Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Hymns are found in the (blue) Book of Common Praise (CP).

A baby room is located next to the sound board for those with infants. For children 1-3 years, a supervised nursery room is available—Resource Centre (Parish Hall).

Children ages 4 to grade 5 are invited to Sunday School—Lower Hall (downstairs). Young people grades 6 and up are invited to Sunday School—Upper Room.


Processional “Come, O God of All the Earth” ............................... #589 CP

The Penitential Rite .................................................................... p. 45 BAS

Introductory Response ............................................................... p. 47 BAS

Worship in Song “Glory to God” .................................................... #702 CP

Psalm 67

1 May God be merciful to us and bless us, * show us the light of his countenance and come to us. 2 Let your ways be known upon earth, * your saving health among all nations. 3 Let the peoples praise you, O God; * let all the peoples praise you. 4 Let the nations be glad and sing for joy, * for you judge the peoples with equity and guide all the nations upon earth. 5 Let the peoples praise you, O God; * let all the peoples praise you. 6 The earth has brought forth her increase; * may God, our own God, give us his blessing. 7 May God give us his blessing, *

and may all the ends of the earth stand in awe of him.


First Reading (Truitt Wiensz) ........................ Deuteronomy 10:12-13, 17-21

Psalm 46 (refrain at start and after vs. 4,6,8,10,12) ................... p. 763 BAS

Second Reading (Tara Gish) ............................................ Romans 8:31b-39

Gradual Hymn “Blest Are the Pure in Heart” ................................ #439 CP

Gospel Acclamation: Glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ

Gospel Reading ................................................................... Matthew 5:1-12

Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

Page 2: Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Book of Common Praise CP · 5 Diocesan Prayer Requests Please include the following in your prayers November 11-17 The clergy, lay leaders, congregation


Sermon (Ellen Redshaw)

Apostles’ Creed .......................................................................... p. 189 BAS

Intercessions and Thanksgivings (Rhoda Cairns)

Collect of the Day ....................................................................... p. 100 BCP Lord and everlasting Father, who wouldest have the kingdoms of the world become the kingdom of thy Son Jesus Christ: Bestow thy blessing, we beseech thee, upon all who labour for peace and righteousness among the nations, that the day may be hastened when war shall be no more, and thou shalt take the nations for thine inheritance; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Peace

Offertory “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” ............................................... page 7

Prayer over the Gifts

Almighty God, accept all we offer you this day, and give us generous hearts to serve you in all who claim our help. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Lord’s Prayer #1 .................................................................... p.54 BAS


Community Announcements


Recessional “To God Be the Glory” ................................................ #371 CP



Morning prayer at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday

Tuesday, November 13—Book Study at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 13—Youth Group at 6:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 14—Prayer Pilgrimage from 5:00-7:00 p.m. (come

and go as schedules allow) Wednesday, November 14—Choir practice at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, November 15—Order of St. Luke at 10:30 a.m. Thursday, November 15—Alpha at 6:00 p.m Sunday, November 18—Holy Eucharist at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. Sunday, November 18—Riverside Mission update lunch (see below)

Youth Group (Grades 6-12) Tuesday, November 13 at 6:00 p.m.

Senior Youth Pre-School Prayer Wednesday, November 14 at 7:07 a.m. (Starbucks)

Youth Room Complete (enough to use)!

Thank you to John Langford and the team (David, Tara, Jill, Gradyn, Brian, Dave, Jon, Stan) who renovated the youth room.

While this room will primarily be used for ministry to our youth and children, other groups are welcome to use it as well.

A visit to see the updated space is highly recommended!


Riverside Mission will be serving a soup and sandwich lunch at St. Aidan on Sunday, November 18th following the 10:30 service. "Riverside Mission’s goal is to offer care and compassion to our community’s less fortunate". You are all invited to have lunch and hear their message.

Parish Prayer Cycle

Please check the Prayer Cycle at the back of the church. If you are not listed or if the current information should be adjusted, please note the correct information on the sign-up sheet beside the booklet.

Don’t miss this significant opportunity to be prayed for regularly.

Page 3: Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Book of Common Praise CP · 5 Diocesan Prayer Requests Please include the following in your prayers November 11-17 The clergy, lay leaders, congregation


Diocesan Prayer Requests

Please include the following in your prayers November 11-17

The clergy, lay leaders, congregation and ministries of the parish of St Luke, Regina

The Principal, faculty, students and staff of the Vancouver School of Theology

Bishop Larry Robertson and the Diocese of Yukon Our ecumenical partnerships: the Evangelical Lutheran Church and the

Anglican-Roman Catholic Covenant Our companion dioceses of Lichfield, England and Muyinga, Burundi

Pray for those in need, especially:

Aaron, Chris, Dianne, Ev, Jenn, Joyce, Laura, Lori, Robin, Rose, Shelby NOTE: To include someone in this list, please contact the Prayer Chain leaders Linda Aird 692-7221 and Gwen Currie 693-3470, Fr. Dean, Deacon Arleen, or the church office .

In prayer we remember our parishioners in care homes: Alice, Amos, Barry, Bob, Bonnie, Carolyn, Ellen, Elsie, Faye, Flo, Florence, George, Gladys, Gloria, Gordon, Isabel, John, Linda, Maxine, Minnie, Phyllis, Thelma

Prayer Pilgrimage to Advent

Continue to join together for unstructured, resourced prayer gatherings in the chapel. We will bring our parish and personal needs to God in prayer. Come and go as schedules require.

5:00-7:00 p.m. Wednesdays, November 14, 28

2019 Leadership & Budget

Please pray for wisdom as priorities are set, budgets developed, and leaders recruited.

If you are interested in or would like to recommend someone else for a vestry position, please speak to one of the clergy or wardens.



Henri J.M. Nouwen focuses on Rembrandt’s painting, Return of the Prodigal Son, now at the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg (reproduced here in black and white).

Tuesday, November 13 at 2:00 p.m.

All are welcome.

Info: Sandra Warnock or Elsie Eade


Our annual (7th for the Parish; 22nd for the Pinters) Christmas Presence evening will occur on Gaudete Sunday. It is an evening of Story and Song along themes related to Advent and Christmas. If you are interested in offering a story (e.g., a reading, a poem, a dance) or song, please feel free to do so!

By way of help, if you are able to assist with food or with set up/clean up that would be MOST wonderful!

To participate in any of these ways, please speak with Fr. Dean.

Whatever else, please do come and, if you wish, bring a friend. It has proven to be a festive and fun tradition.

Page 4: Book of Alternative Services (BAS). Book of Common Praise CP · 5 Diocesan Prayer Requests Please include the following in your prayers November 11-17 The clergy, lay leaders, congregation


Great Is Thy Faithfulness

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God our Father,

There is no shadow of turning with thee;

Thou changest not, thy compassions they fail not;

As thou hast been thou forever wilt be.


Great is thy faithfulness; great is thy faithfulness,

Morning by morning new mercies I see;

All I have needed thy hand hath provided,

Great is thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me.

Summer and winter and spring-time and harvest,

Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,

Join with all nature in manifold witness

To thy great faithfulness, mercy and love. (Refrain)

Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth,

Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;

Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,

Wondrous the portion thy blessings provide. (Refrain)


Officiant Carla Hoffmann

Preacher Ellen Redshaw

Deacon Rev. Arleen Champion

Servers Brody Albers, Matthew Gobbett, Nora Hackney

Greeters Vicki Bode, Ken Deans, Ev Falk, Michelle Josefson, Pam Speir

Music and Sound Rhoda Cairns, piano; Jaymee Hitchen, sound; Myles Shaw, bellringer

Nursery Joyce Walters

Sunday School Teachers

Onyi Aghamelu, Tracey Friesen, Matthew Gobbett, Sarah Varey

Counters Lorraine Cushway, Carla Hoffmann


124 1st Ave NE, Moose Jaw, SK, S6H 0Y8 (306) 694-5445

[email protected] Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Ministry Intern Lowana Porter Music Ministry Ellen Redshaw, 306-692-6280

Parish Administrator Michelle Josefson 306-694-5445, [email protected] Pastoral Care Gwen Currie, 306-693-3470 Lorraine Cushway, 306-693-9725 Pastoral Emergencies Rev. Deacon Arleen, 306-631-1001 Prayer Chain Linda Aird, 306-692-7221 Spiritual Directors Michelle Josefson, Darlene Pinter, Catherine Reichel Vestry Brody Albers, Terry Dyck, Ian O’Brien, Myles Shaw, Truitt Wiensz, Stan Peters (Assistant to the wardens) Youth Ministry Shelby Piel 306-750-7768, [email protected]

ST. AIDAN CONTACTS Incumbent Rev. Dr. Dean Pinter 306-694-5445, [email protected] Associate Priests Rev. Dr. Cal Macfarlane 306-313-4684

Rev. Dr. Dustin Resch Deacon Rev. Deacon Arleen Champion 306-694-0705 Altar Guild President Elaine Deans

Bookkeeper Ellen Redshaw Church Wardens Ellen Redshaw, David Warnock Children’s Ministry Sarah Varey (Coordinator) 306-418-9025, [email protected] Diocesan Reader Carla Hoffmann Ecumenical Representative Ev Falk (Anglican-Roman Catholic)