book of proceedings - international urban design · book of proceedings non-peer reviewed....

Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed

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Book of ProceedingsNon-Peer Reviewed

Page 2: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed papers

ISBN 978-0-9808147-8- 1 Publisher Details Publisher Name: AST Management Pty Ltd Contact Name: Cindy Axisa Address Line : PO Box 29 City: Nerang State: QLD Postcode: 4211 Telephone: +61 7 5502 2068 Fax: +61 7 5273298 Email: [email protected]

Page 3: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

Table of Contents

Authors Title Page

Barker G. Opportunistic Urban Design: Three Angles & Two Examples –

Rottnest island, WA & Galiwin’ku, NT 4

Barr D Opportunity beckons – realising the potential of the Gold Coast post light rail and Commonwealth Games


Choi-Comer H Public Spaces in the Advanced Hi-technology infrastructure of the U-City: Lessons from Seoul


Frisk, R Temporary Use, A tool for planning and developing the new urban context


Jiang H & Liu, C Investigating spatial linkages of construction prices in Australia’s Regions


Jonas, M & Rahmann, H Interstitial Natures: the alternative production of space


Zadeh, M, Hashemi, E The Revival of Shirz Khoshk River as an Effective Cultural Historical Icon


Luke T & Omilian R Brush Park Gardens: A demonstration project in the City of Detroit


Parsons, L Urban Design Opportunity in the Spanish Planning System


Pholeros P Avoiding evidence making change?


Pocock, C The Carbon Landscape – Using the Free Market to Flight Climate Change


Robinson, F & Zoe Fehiberg

Slips of the Tongue: alternative occupations of power structures


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Rottnest Island,

PAbstract Mindful of the plethora of the design and developmeurban design” from 3 angle1. Where existing spaces2. Where an environme

might facilitate opportu3. In the diverse and opp

the urban environmentexpect/desire.

Two examples are explorewhere the development pnecessarily mutually exclus

Key Words: Place making, Design Appr

People are central to the p

objective of achieving a r

“wellbeing”. Achieving suc

impact of the place as well

is also about the process

flexibility or adaptability, th

angles to consider what w

demonstrate the achievem

Where Designers Use Or

Markus Miessen in his boo

suggests that as designers

and not hide behind comm

Opportunism in this case

take on challenges and d

existing spaces and places

Alex Steffen on the “World

Our city is full of vacant lots

abandoned strip malls and big

problems that prevent econom



Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for H


, Western Australia & Galiwin’ku, Northern TeGEOFF BARKER

PM+D Architects P/L, Perth, Australia

criteria, and contextual and locational factont of urban environments, this paper introdu

es: s and places are developed in innovative andnt is developed incorporating diversity and

unistic outcomes for people focused activitiesportunistic use of space and place that happet no matter what we as designers and decis

ed [Galiwinku Community, NT, and Rottnestprocess that was used suggests these thresive.

roaches, Public Participation,

purpose of urban development and/or creati

range of community benefits including the

ch objectives can variously be attributed t

as the relationship between people and pla

by which that place is developed, how it is

at are important. In terms of design outcome

we might label Opportunistic Urban Design

ent of the desired objectives.

Manipulate Existing and “Left-Over” Spac

ok The Nightmare of Participation [2010, Stern

s we need to get on with it, take responsibili

munity participation which is often a cop o

is from the perspective that designers and

deliver opportunistic uses, manipulations or

s in innovative, creative and successful ways.

Changing” website 14 Oct 2009 suggests:

and unused buildings: odd-shaped parcels, light

ig box stores. Many of these unloved spaces hav

mically viable development under current rules an

onscious Build” Urban l Ideas, Ca., U SA



Humanity, 2012. Page 1


ors we consider in ces “opportunistic

d creative ways. d flexibility which

s/passivities ens everywhere in sion makers might

t Island Mall, WA] ee angles are not

ng place, with the

enhancement of

to; the quality or

ce but I suggest it

managed and its

es there are three

n and how these

ces and Places.

nberg Press, Berlin]

ity for what we do

out for poor work.

d decision makers

r modifications of


t rail left-overs, half-

ve characteristics or

nd regulations.

athmandu infill - 1 oom wide


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Opportunities for innovatio

guidelines and deliver s

designers taking the lead, j

“Sky-Terra”: Evolo-2009: In

Opportunistic urban desig

dominant in the developme

people in the process in a

wellbeing might be debatab

The second angle is whe

and flexibility which migh

As designers we can effe

spaces and places withi

accommodated. These are

gathering spaces and thoro

a street performer, childre

where small singular activit

This is demonstrated in the

development in New York,

These types of projects of

and evidence suggests this

facilities. However signs su

us that the managers of su

the benefit they might affor


Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for H


on can start with insightful changes to de

pectacular interventions into the urban e

just as Miessen suggests.

nhabitat Website “Dystopian farm”. Evolo-200

n in this case is an example of the desig

ent process. The solutions can be innovative

an alternative praxis but their contribution t

ble from an holistic development point of view

ere an environment is developed incorp

ht facilitate opportunistic uses and outcom

ectively create and deliver specific and no

n which people focused activities and/o

e often designed with diversity of use in m

oughfares incorporate; open areas for group

en to play and perhaps more secluded cor

ties or passive seclusion take place.

e innovative use of left-over spaces such as

USA, and the recently awarded Clifton Hill P

ften include community engagement during

s has the potential to enhance the acceptan

uch as NO Skateboarding, NO Buskers and

uch facilities, in particular, wish to limit the u

rd to others, and this introduces the third ang


Humanity, 2012. Page 2

esign & planning

environment with

09: Inhabitat Website

gn outcome being

e and may involve

o community and


orating diversity


ot so specific-use

or passivities are

mind, where public

s to gather, watch

ners and retreats

s the High Line re-


the design phase

ce and use of the

NO Graffiti inform

use of spaces and



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DLYGAD – Design [or Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for Humanity, 2012. GEOFF BARKER © Page 3

Where people/users take control of space/place in an urban environment and use

or manipulate that space in ways that they determine.

The opportunistic and diverse creative use of space and place happens everywhere in

the urban environment no matter what we designers, developers or decision makers

might expect and/or desire. This often surprises and challenges us but can also inspire

us to consider the making of place incorporating more flexibility, adaptability and

temporary development in a contemporary and ever changing urban setting.

Typical uses include those shown below.

Protests Pop up cafes Mandela in Road intersection

Demonstrators, Occupiers & Squatters

Pop-up Cafes & Market Stalls

Tactical Urbanism: eg garden guerrillas

Buskers and Street entertainers

Street Art

Skate boarders & Fitness fanatics

Urban Free Jumpers or Freestylers

“Out of place” Activities eg Weddings

�These uses are not necessarily approved uses [or acceptable uses by many] but people

take control and challenge what may have been a physical manifestation of a specific

briefed purpose and demonstrate its flexibility and adaptability. In these examples people

generate the outcomes, take responsibility for the management of the activity or use [but

not necessarily the physical environment] and to some extent determine its transience.

Our work takes some inspiration from these refreshing and challenging uses to consider

options that go “beyond the physical” to offer places that have a strong socio-cultural

component suggesting the need for adaptability reflecting relevance to those who will

use them and are connected or embedded in the context in which they are located.

Two Examples

In both examples, at Galiwin’ku, NT and Rottnest Island, WA, the briefs contained

specific parameters, requirements and a tight budget which when combined presented

significant challenges; especially as we were looking for innovative and creative

solutions. However in both cases the brief was accompanied by guidelines that we

believed offered opportunities to develop something different and deliver places where

there were opportunities for; flexible use, interpretation, relevance and connection.


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DLYGAD – Design [or Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for Humanity, 2012. GEOFF BARKER © Page 4

The development process started with a clarification and dissection of the Brief with the

client, followed by a research process to identify the people with interests in the project

[the stakeholders] and an analysis of the overall context of the project.

People and the Context

The benefits to accrue to people and the broader community are the central focus of the

development process and are impacted by the context in which the project is to be

developed. There are 8 components that make up the context which need to be

addressed and understood, with special note of their impact on the development process,

what opportunities and constraints they throw up and ultimately what impact they might

have on the space/place that is to be delivered, used and managed.

Starting with people and their stories as the focus [including; heritage, user interests in

space and history] the 8 components which are not mutually exclusive includes; the

natural environment [including; climate, geography, gradients, drainage, vistas, fauna

and flora], culture [including; language, ceremonies and indigenous belonging],

physical [including; surrounding development, services and formal access ways], social

[including; community services, relationships, and existing interests in space], economic

[including; tenure, ownership, budgets, and business interests], management [including;

administration, operations and costs of R&M], aesthetic [including connections to

surrounding development, materials, potential for reuse, colours, atmosphere] and

Political [including; authority, decision making and governance].

How people with interests in the project and how an understanding of the context of the

project are combined in a development process determines the level of achievement of

the desired outcomes. Also where there is a strong socio-cultural component [or “layer”]

incorporating outcomes with a broad level of community benefit then a delivery process

with a comprehensive engagement and communication strategy is considered critical.

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The Process

Both projects had an obje

including broad community

determined that the engage

and the integrity of the e

desired outcomes. Experie

have the potential to contr

and they can become adv

involvement is embraced

solely as recipients of dev

where community and o

development of their proje

engagement process as we

Galiwinku, Elcho Island N

There are a plethora o

development of urban envi

that form a matrix of often

Indigenous Housing and I

new subdivision to accom

sought from this work

consideration of the 8 con

socio-economic, natural en

satisfy the objectives out

embedded within the proje

strategy was developed.

participative methodology

various locations identifying

Community identify potential area

1 Barker, G. 2008, A People F2 Information about SIHIP can


Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for H


ective to deliver outcomes beyond pure ph

y benefits including cultural connections. A

ement methodology, the quality of the comm

engagement work were prerequisites in ord

ence shows that the stakeholders and the p

ribute immeasurably to a project’s developm

vocates of the project, its facilitators and the

as participants in development rather than

velopment. The following section describes

other stakeholders were embraced as pa

ect and where the context of the developm

ell as the outcomes that were endorsed and

NT [a Town with a Predominantly Indigeno

f factors and constraints present when

ronments and these can be expressed as a

competing and opposing opportunities1. W

nfrastructure Program [SIHIP]2 we were brie

mmodate the expansion of the town. The

went beyond a pure physical output a

ntext components raised above; in particul

nvironment, ongoing management, and aes

lined in the brief it was critical that the ‘

ect. To this end a detailed engagement an

This included; inviting stakeholders to c

as well as the development process such

g opportunities for potential development.

as for development Investigating a greenfields si

Focused Design Process, Unpublished paper, PMn be obtained from the FAHCSIA or NT Governme


Humanity, 2012. Page 5

hysical outputs by

Accordingly it was

munity involvement

der to deliver the


ment and success

e process, if their

being considered

s the two projects

articipants in the

ment informed the


ous Population]

involved in the

series of continua

ithin the Strategic

efed to develop a

objectives being

and included the

lar; socio-cultural,

sthetic. In order to

‘community’ were

nd communication

contribute to the

as walks around

ite - sensitivities

M+D ent Website


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Through this engagement [

participants identified how

place” in which to live and

we were advised of the im

and in areas between build

these were managed by

addition there were specific

cater for functions, gatherin

When considering design

allowance for places, st

temporarily created by othe

The final approved prop

developments around retai

accommodating an array o


Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for H


[and background research sourcing previous

important it was to have family close by but

that variety and choice in place of living we

mportance of how various spaces around the

dings were used for cultural events and cer

specific members of the community from

c needs for safety, privacy and security arou

ngs, recreation, animal rearing and vegie-gar

options a number of previously prepared p

type subdivisions were

been submitted but n

example is shown]. The ge

was that this type of lay

the many needs/uses th

The challenge was

incorporate spaces fo

needs without necessa

understanding of what

might be, beyond

descriptions we had b

this suggested that we

tructures and activities that were either

ers at some future time.

posal ended up as a series of different

ned bush; an environment that could be used

f uses.

In physical

had; a high

efficient ret

and satisf

cultural and

priorities ide


result ha

received. In

live in the n

been overta


Humanity, 2012. Page 6

s studies and work]

having “their own

re important. Also

e existing townsite

remonies and that

time to time. In

und houses and to


proposals for grid-

e found that had

not approved [An

eneral consensus

yout did not satisfy

hat were expected.

then how to

or the identified

arily having a full

the various uses

the general

een given. All of

e look to making

permanently or

t sized clustered

d opportunistically,

terms the result

her density, more

ticulated services

fied the socio-

d other contextual

entified during the

nt process. The

as been well

nitial reticence to

new area has now

aken by demand.


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DLYGAD – Design [or Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for Humanity, 2012. GEOFF BARKER © Page 7

Rottnest Island

Another example of a development project in which the socio-cultural component was a

key factor in the project’s development process, acceptance and success is the upgrade

of various facilities on Rottnest Island just off the coast of Fremantle WA, an island with

many contextual layers underlying what is a popular holiday and tourist destination.

Thomson Bay and Arrival Area Project Area

This project started as a brief to improve the safety and amenity of the Mall and its

approaches. On further investigation it was clear that there were strong stakeholder

opinions about the poor status of the mall expressed in the following statements:

1. Safety risks: uneven surfaces & poor

traffic definition and management and

deteriorating surfaces and landscape

and run-down appearance

2. Lack of historical references and

deteriorating heritage assets

3. Poor Engineering services and

drainage causing flooding to mall and

into commercial outlets

4. Inadequate engineering services –

power, lighting and water reticulation,

5. Poor circulation and traffic paths

6. Confused objectives. Orientations,

uses, and links – difficult way-finding

7. Poor amenity and ambience: No clear

identification for different use areas

8. No reference to commercial outlets in

area or history of Island

Deteriorating Wall

of Heritage Building

Poor Drainage

Dangerous level


Poor way-finding

No Lighting

Dying tree



Obstruction +

Poor tree


Breaking +

Cracked bitumen


While the brief was specific about its two main objectives there was some flexibility to

deal with this group of statements provided there was due regard to the other major

considerations such as budget and approval by the Rottnest Island Board.


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DLYGAD – Design [or Create] Like You Give A Damn GEOFF BARKER

The contextual componen

people of the Perth regi

information and some of th

a period of engagement wo

other stakeholders such as

volunteers, Rottnest Island

work it was obvious that t

widely acknowledged or

indigenous life and death o

detainees, transported from

the state from the mid 19th

experienced harsh conditio

prisoners worked hard at s

Over the years the Island a

1. A “train line” transporte

2. A base for the “Pilots”

passage of Gage Road

3. A private destination “

some senior members

4. From the early 20th Ce

This latter use remained th

and to this end it still attrac

The research and stakeho

where improvements could

that could be unravelled, re

Old hay Shed

and Store

(now Shops)

Rail line

taking salt +

produce to


A select

3 The Rottnest Island AuthoritIndigenous people was suppo4The extent of the cemetery Island were being conducted


Design [or Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for Humanity


nts of Rottnest Island, named Wadjemup

on, were researched to bring to the sur

he more confronting history of the island. Thi

ork including conversations with Aboriginal p

s; historians, commercial property owners in

Board members and Rottnest Island Author

here were some underlying issues that wer

understood. The island has had a strong

over many years – the island had been a pri

m their traditional lands at the frontiers of devh Century3. The prisoners were isolated from

ons and many suffered and died4. Incarcer

upplying salt, grain, livestock and limestone t

accommodated other activities, uses and add

ed produce across the project area to stores

who guided ships into Fremantle Port throu

ds. A Ship’s Bell sounded regularly

“retreat” for the Governor of the Colony and

of the WA Colony, and

entury a balloted “holiday destination for every

he mantra for the island as a holiday or fun “d

cts visitors from all over the world.

older engagement had identified; the needs

d be made, the failings of the existing precin

espected and brought to the fore.

tion of historical features of Rottnest Island Mall

ty and staff were keen to have that remedied andorted as being fundamental in a process of reconc

and identifying the names and numbers of peat the same time as the Mall Upgrade & other im


Architecture for Humanity, 2012.

by the Noongar

rface background

s was followed by

people, as well as

the mall, visitors,

rity staff. From this

re at the time not

g connection with

ison for Aboriginal

velopment around

m familial contact,

ration also meant

to the mainland.

ditional purposes:

and wharf.

gh the dangerous

d State as well as


destination for all”

and opportunities

nct, and the layers

Moreton Bay figs

still line walkway

Area now called



Prison Cells

Crushed Limestone

and shell grit paving

Planting of Shrubs

the engagement of ciliation. eople buried on the

mprovement projects.


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DLYGAD – Design [or Create] Like You Give A Damn – Architecture for Humanity, 2012. GEOFF BARKER © Page 9

For example the original prison cells were located where there is now a group of shops,

and a remnant wall, of some early workshops, remained in poor condition. The

challenges were around accommodating the functional requirements, recognising the

history and heritage with some prominence, sticking within a tight budget, approvals,

delivery before the major holiday season, upgrading services, minimising inconvenience

to operating businesses and delivering improvements in amenity, way finding, and

places for a range of identified and non-identified passive uses and activities.


• Signage

• Raised podium for future uses

• Improved landscape

• Vista through to the sea

• Improved drainage and services

• Incorporation of Sitting areas

• Improved & consistent surfaces

• Incorporation of outline and wall

of previously removed Heritage

building into physical fabric

• Delineation of edges

• Installing bin enclosures and

bicycle racks

• The use of shellcrete based on

historical and more recent


The outcome has been sustained, the various objectives are being satisfied and the

places provided accommodate a variety of uses determined by individuals, management

and other users depending upon the time, day, month and season of the year. The place

is opportunistic in that a range of layers have been brought to the surface and its uses

are opportunistic in nature in that they occur as required within an adaptable place.


Every project comes with a different context, budget, brief and requirements. This need

not impede opportunistic design. This can be enhanced through the incorporation of

stakeholders as participants in projects to create and deliver relevant and flexible

spaces/places that facilitate people focused activities and/or passivities. The two project

examples have outcomes that incorporate; stakeholder engagement, the use of space

opportunistically, the use of contextual content opportunistically and facilitate the use of

space/place in an opportunistic way and thus display aspects of the three angles of

opportunistic design. No matter what the project we can all be driven by the Acronym...


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5th International Urban Design Conference Opportunistic Urban Design - 2012

Opportunity beckons – realising the potential of the Gold Coast post light rail and Commonwealth Games

Dan Barr Gold Coast City Council, Australia


The Gold Coast has arrived at a crucial point in its brief but industrious history with a chance to drive a unique urban design agenda combining urbanised beachside living with mass transit. This opportunity stems primarily from the delivery of the Gold Coast Rapid Transit (GCRT) system to be operational in 2014 and the City’s successful bid to host the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Both government, (at all levels) and the private sector agree that these two projects represent catalytic opportunity from the point of view of private investment, public realm delivery, lifestyle and city branding. However, whilst these two “city building” projects represent significant opportunity they have arrived at a time of dynamic political and particularly demanding economic times. This paper details the re-think on the implementation of the City’s urban design vision as a result of a shared view that “business as usual” will not be enough to fulfil the high expectations generated by Queensland’s first light rail system and the Games' legacy.

Keywords: light rail, Commonwealth Games, Gold Coast


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5th International Urban Design Conference – Melbourne Dan Barr


The city of the Gold Coast has grown dramatically over the past thirty years with the

largest growth in Queensland over the ten years to 2011, increasing by 129,700

people to 527,500 (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011). The Gold Coast Rapid

Transit (GCRT) system and the Commonwealth Games in 2018 are emblematic of

this growth and represent enormous opportunity for the City. As such both have been

labelled “city building” events and this paper details the significant legacy opportunity

to provide a new lifestyle benchmark of people living in vibrant beachfront urban

centres connected by a world class mass transit system.

1.1 GOLD COAST RAPID TRANSIT Passengers are scheduled to ride light rail on the Gold Coast from mid 2014. The

first stage is 13km long and has 16 stations. The majority of this first stage runs

through the most densely developed areas of the City and is predicated on the

concept that the majority of the patronage in 2014 will come from those within an

800m catchment of the stations. For this reason, significant attention has been

shown to the station settings and the “walk-up” to ensure that accessing light rail will

be an enjoyable experience offering amenity, activity and enjoyable places to stop, sit

and watch.

Public realm along the route is transforming from a vehicle-dominated space to an

increasingly pedestrian oriented one. This will be achieved through reduction of

vehicle lanes, traffic speeds and parking; the provision of pedestrian plazas, bike

cages and cycles ways and emphasising existing character through appropriate

architectural design, material use and vegetation selection.

However the first stage is more than one line offering mass transit to those living or

working close by – it represents the chance to reengineer the City’s entire public

transport network and reallocate the bus services that light rail will replace to other

areas. Five of the 16 stations have an interchange function providing seamless

integration with bus services going north, south and west. Particular attention has

been shown to ensuring that proximity between light rail and bus is minimal.

Delivering a successful public transport network presents challenges on the Gold

Coast as it is unlike any of the country’s other major cities in that it is linear and has

no defined centre or CBD. It is a series of centres running along 40km of beach. For


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5th International Urban Design Conference – Melbourne Dan Barr

the most part, residents and tourists prefer to live, work and play near the beach and

market forces and planning regulation have met this desire, as demonstrated by the

densely populated “strip” along the beach. This “strip” is in fact a series of nodes and

from 2014 these separate nodes, or “villages”, as they have been termed will be

connected by a mass transit system.

The route travels through 4 key precincts - the Knowledge Precinct (Gold Coast

University Hospital, Griffith University), Southport, Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach.

Each precinct has a unique character and demographic profile.

For example, Surfers Paradise is well known as the City's and perhaps the country's

preeminent entertainment district with over 2 million people walking through Cavil

Mall every year (Surfers Paradise Vision, 2011). This is in contrast with Southport

which has a limited night-time economy but is the traditional commercial heart of the


1.2 2018 COMMONWEALTH GAMES The majority of the Commonwealth Games venues are within walking distance of a

light rail station. This includes the three “live sites” which will act as the entertainment

focus outside the sporting events. These three “live sites” are located in Southport,

Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach. Each is situated on the waterfront in high-quality

public realm, purpose built to accommodate large crowds. The three sites are all

connected by a pedestrian mall that is well served by alfresco dining at ground level

before linking into a light rail station. This represents a significant opportunity to

continue to invest in public realm that will add value to the light rail system, the

Commonwealth Games experience and provide an ongoing legacy to the City.

Each of the precincts detailed above will play different roles during the Games’. For

example the Knowledge Precinct will accommodate the athletes during the Games

while Southport will host the most and highest profile events in the swimming,

marathon and triathlon.

Due to the city’s strong tourism sector there is an abundance of tourist

accommodation which is largely located in the GCRT Corridor and primarily Surfers

Paradise and Broadbeach. During the games, visitors to the City will have no need

for private vehicles to travel between events, entertainment and sleep.


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5th International Urban Design Conference – Melbourne Dan Barr

1.3 LEGACYDue to the timing of the City’s development over the past five decades it has been

designed around private vehicle travel and its roads, layout and built form are a

strong reflection of this. Delivery of the light rail is a “game-changer” which will

promote urbanity and connectivity in partnership with the natural assets that have

acted as an attractant to the City’s half a million residents and millions of annual


It will change the demographic profile of people living in the Corridor and the

activities that occur within it. It will increase productivity through proximity and

connectivity, deepen and broaden the City’s cultural agenda and provide a fertile

environment for all who choose to live, work and play in the Corridor.

The legacy of the Commonwealth Games is expected to encompass social benefits

such as city pride, improved population health; physical benefits such as the Athletes

Village and public realm improvements and economic benefits such as property

development and city image.


The following details some of the issues that are inhibiting the ability of government

and the private sector to optimise the “city building” opportunity presented by light rail

and the Commonwealth Games.

2.1 GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS Whilst Australia has fared better than most countries when it comes to the global

financial crisis (GFC) the Gold Coast has struggled more than other large cities

around the country. The principal reason behind this is over reliance on the tourism

and construction sectors (Gold Coast City Council, 2010). Both of these sectors have

experienced a downturn with tourism struggling due to the high Australian dollar and

the 2010 floods, and construction due to reduced funding access and a soft property


2.2 AUSTRALIA’S LARGEST REGIONAL CITY Whilst the Gold Coast has Australia’s sixth largest population ahead of Canberra and

Hobart it is not home to government offices which provide employment and economic

activity even during difficult economic times (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2011).


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5th International Urban Design Conference – Melbourne Dan Barr

The Gold Coast also does not yet attract the larger Global Head offices that capital

cities do and this impacts heavily on commercial floor space oversupply in a

depressed market. Commercial vacancy rates are still over 20% and remain ”the

highest in the country” (Property Council of Australia, 2012).

2.3 MINIMAL PRIVATE INVESTMENT The GFC has led to a tightening of funding from lenders with stringent requirements

for significant amounts of pre-sales on future developments. This low-risk approach

is partly due to the issue of property over-supply and a reduction of land values in the

GCRT corridor from pre-GFC times which negatively influences project feasibility. For

a city dependant on construction activity this has proved challenging.

2.4 REDUCED GOVERNMENT SPENDING Queensland State Government politics is in the process of significant change

following the resurgence of the Liberal National Party with a mandate to reduce debt

and government expenditure.

This is evidenced by the significant public sector job shedding that is underway at

State level. Of course, this is in part a reflection of the state of the economy with less

government revenue as a consequence of the depressed property market.


There is no silver bullet to ensure that the light rail and Commonwealth Game’s

potential is fully realised in the current economic and political climate. Detailed below

is the series of actions being progressed by Gold Coast City Council and its partners

to optimise the potential of these two “city building” projects.

3.1 POLICY & LEGISLATION Council has identified a number of policy and legislative opportunities requiring

change or development to facilitate the best outcomes for the GCRT corridor. These

are detailed below:

GCRT Corridor Study

This comprehensive planning and urban design study defines

the built form, street typologies and overarching public realm

that will add the greatest value to the light rail system and City.


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5th International Urban Design Conference – Melbourne Dan Barr

Planning Scheme

A process to subsume the GCRT Corridor Study outcomes into the Planning Scheme

is underway, recognising that the GCRT corridor is different to the rest of the city and

should be treated as such. Key to this will be reinforcing density along the light rail

route and the key east-west connectors.

Extra Powers

The provision of extra powers could be applied to the GCRT corridor to streamline

planning and development approval. Work continues at the State and local level to

understand the implications and potential benefits of increased legislative power to

facilitate development.

3.2 CATALYST PROJECTS A number of sites have been identified along the route which represent catalytic

opportunity. In this instance a catalyst project is one that:

� Increases the feasibility of development around it;

� increases density around stations;

� contributes to both light rail and Games’ outcomes

� Improves linkages between light rail and Games’ venues

� increases access to stations.

An example is the development of an exemplar transit oriented development at

Broadbeach South station (see Figure 1). This station will be the most highly

patronised station and also acts as a bus interchange. Development of mixed use

towers is expected on the State land with a strong emphasis being placed on

pedestrian access to the site through pedestrian bridges and high-quality public

realm along the water edge.

Catalyst projects like this represent opportunities for public private partnerships and

require significant coordination between government and the private sector to



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5th International Urban Design Conference – Melbourne Dan Barr

Figure 1. GCRT – Broadbeach South concept

3.3 LEGACY FOCUS There is a strong intent to plan for and deliver a holistic legacy from hosting the

Games’– socially, economically and physically. This is demonstrated by legacy

initiatives such as city branding, public realm improvement, integrated public

transport, community capacity building and sporting infrastructure detailed in the

Commonwealth Games bid book.

It will be these outcomes which remain long after the last dollar is spent and the

Games’ are over which will provide a true gauge of the success of the event in the

development of the City. This can only occur through detailed legacy planning which

is currently underway with local and State government working closely to align goals

and funding.

3.4 BRING FORWARD INVESTMENT It is important to strategically program and deliver projects that will provide the most

value for light rail, the Commonwealth Games and incentivise private sector


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5th International Urban Design Conference – Melbourne Dan Barr

investment. A process is underway to prioritise infrastructure, public realm, cultural

development, physical activity and economic development initiatives.

One example is the Corridor Access and Mobility Strategy (CAMS) which has

identified the key streets to access light rail stations and issues around level of

service, width, comfort etc. These streets are being designed and constructed to

ensure that the walk-up to the stations offers patrons a shaded, interesting

experience and contributes to the patronage success of the project.


It is clear that light rail and the Commonwealth Games are significant enablers in the

Gold Coast moving towards an emerging international regional city. The challenge is

to overcome the difficulties preventing the realisation of their full potential.

In fulfilling this potential it will be a series of actions such as legacy planning,

legislative change, catalyst project delivery and program re-prioritisation that drive

the success of the light rail system and the Commonwealth Games and ensure the

legacy of these “city building” projects is optimised.


1. 3218.0 - Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2011

2. 3218.0 - Regional Population Growth, Australia, 2011

3. Surfers Paradise Vision, Gold Coast City Council, 2011

4. Economic Development Strategy 2020, Gold Coast City Council, 2010

5. Gold Coast Office Market Report, Property Council of Australia, 2012


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Page 26: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 27: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 28: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 29: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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How did it become so popular? *������%�&������,������ &'��% �������%�����,�� ������������ ����� ���% �/�

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Page 30: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Who are the potential players? ��� ������ �� �����������%�&������%����������� �� ���������� ������ �� �

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Are there different types of temporary use? *����������%�&���������������������� ��������% �/�����������,�������� &�

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Page 31: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

What do we need to remember? �����)������)�������%�&������������% ����������������������)����� ����


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Page 35: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 36: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 37: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 43: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 44: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 45: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 46: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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5th International Urban Design Conference

Opportunistic Urban Design – 2012

Interstitial Natures: the alternative production of space

Marieluise Jonas

RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia

Heike Rahmann

The University of Melbourne, Australia

ABSTRACT As products of urban growth and decline, urban voids are spaces in transition from one stage of development to another. Their interstitial existence portrays a non-classifiable resistance and freedom to both social and ecological conventions of the city. The paper outlines the natures of urban vacant spaces in the context of growth and transformation in two cities. Here, traditional open space strategies focus on acquiring new land while little attention has been paid to the availability of temporary vacant space as alternative practice. Creative design interventions are discussed alongside topics of appropriation, informality, design strategies and ecological processes. We argue that urban voids have the capability to offer counter perspectives to homogenized and otherwise predictable urban landscapes and to contribute to the challenges of sustainable urban growth and regeneration. Keywords: voids, design, intervention, creative strategies, appropriation


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Opportunistic by their nature - as we argue in this paper - urban voids possess a

capacity to contribute to urban design strategies. However, they are not well enough

understood in their capacity as urban ecosystems and catalysts for creative uses.

We would like to build this argument through discussing urban voids through two

research projects, Melbourne Void and Tokyo Void, through the lens of landscape


01 Defining Urban Voids

The particularity of urban voids is rooted in their specific context and culture. De Solà-

Morales (1995) employs the expression of “strangeness” in uncovering the terrain

vague in the European context in the mid 1990s. These vague spaces are vacant,

unkempt, unused with no defined function, between stages of formal development,

sometimes indefinitely waiting for future use. Even though the non-places that have

been eroded or closed down and are caught in a state of uncertainty, may possess

potential, the vagueness of the spaces’ availability and function limits their

attractiveness for formal planning, design and development processes. The traditional

identification of urban space by status - legal, economical and functional - becomes

questioned by their complex ambiguity.

The otherness in the vague spaces might lay in the way we seek to see them. Here

detail is offering strangeness. Remnant broken floor tiles on otherwise vacant plots

relate back to the previous function of a space like faded building silhouettes on

adjacent walls. Intertwined with buildings in the urban structure, ubiquitous voids form

an integral part of a landscape of constant renewal. Urban voids are inseparably

connected to the organic structure of becoming, maturation and decay. Urban voids

can be read as transmitters of the ephemeral. Bleak illogical emptiness colonized by

patches of spontaneous vegetation, rainwater collecting on an abandoned pavement,

reflecting the humming air-conditioning units. The transient spaces serve no productive

purpose. They offer the possibility of accidental discoveries and non-productive

activities, experiences, which are unplanned and momentary. They offer, maybe, just a

glimpse of the unfinished.

Considering the contextual and cultural dimensions of the urban void spaces, how can

we define potential alternative scenarios of critical spatial practice for both a large

urban scale and an immediate small-scale context?


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The contextual situation in an urban setting, such as adjacent high-rise buildings,

oppress sites, emphasizing smallness and creating dark, narrow and damp niches

which do not support the growth of otherwise durable weeds and grasses or foster any

other quality associated with the potential of terrain vague. If we would like to include

these spaces in our compendium of sites, there might be an argument that there is a

need to search for a new paradigm of functions, occupation and activity. There might

even be the potential for these small spaces to induce their very own typology of


One aspect under which we might consider the potential of urban void spaces is

residing in a fragmented notion of smallness, proximity and fluctuating appearance and

disappearance of void spaces. Small spaces offer the clear advantage of multiplicity.

Where conventional parks and open spaces are fulfilling capacities for open space and

associated activities, often their centralized locations form an obstacle to integrating

these spaces into daily urban lives. Further the pressure of a large population on the

few large open spaces creates heavily regulated spaces, where behavior and access

are regimented.

We can speculate that small urban voids offer the potential of forming networks of

interconnected spaces, which have the capacity to offer sequential, simultaneous and

diverse types of uses or levels of interaction. Their often decentralized and dispersed

situation offers close proximity and variability. We can further speculate on the

possibility of a network of spaces that combine the practice of informal uses, widely in

place in Australian cities, with the necessity to address the lack of open and green

space and a perspective of the incomplete. Melbourne for example possesses number

of sites, which form examples of how an alliance between owners and a creative form

of use is framing the potential of an active use.

02 Tokyo Void

The Tokyo Void research project started out in 2004 to investigate utilization strategies

for Tokyo’s specific, dense urban condition of rapid transformation and growth.

Through out the project we have navigated between the platforms of formality,

informality and hybrid forms of interventions with their various expressions of

ownership, involvement and initiation. A central question here is how much control


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design can or should execute in order to generate successful outcomes. If we

understand the relation between spatial production and terrain vague we might be able

to redefine the role of the architect in the design process. In this, we have come to an

understanding that Tokyo’s Voids offer up multiple readings that might include

activation strategies on one end of the spectrum and passive eco- functions on the

other end.

Tokyo, synonym with extreme urban density, lack of green space and cultural practice

of strict maintenance regimes produces very few spaces of vegetation, fewer of

remnant or quasi-natural weed vegetation. Tokyo’s 14.6 million inhabitants have

access to less than 5m� of open space per capita on average (Tokyo Metropolitan

Government, 2007). In 2007, the total amount of parks, urban plazas, gardens and

other open space in Tokyo amounted to 6.3% of the total city area. In comparison, New

York recorded 24% of open green space in the same study. This figure includes most

vegetation such as street trees and vegetated river embankments, cemeteries, shrines

and temples and agricultural land. The average plot size in Tokyo of 150m2 for a single

facility dwelling reduces private gardens to centimetre wide strips of vegetation – if

existent at all. Informal roadside flowerpot gardens form the only green spaces in many

parts of the city.

In this context urban voids seem valuable as a spatial resource. The potential

activation of temporary urban void spaces, currently 3.1 per cent of Tokyo’s urban

area, holds the potential to immediately increase the total amount of open space by 50

per cent (Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Urban Land Use Statistics, 2007). This

substantial increase of open space by simply utilizing existing and available land offers

the possibility to create a flexible network of small and large open spaces that

accommodates to a large range of diverse uses and functions including public open

space, disaster prevention for earthquakes, natural habitat functions, energy

production, recreation or event spaces.

One of the key ambitions of the Tokyo Void project is to ascertain the distinct qualities

of the typologies of temporary vacant spaces, while considering the distinct

morphological and temporal qualities of the temporary vacant urban spaces in

development and design. Understanding what kinds of functions urban voids possess

is a vital aspect to their activation.

In this, five areas in Tokyo have been selected as case study areas. In each of these


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areas urban voids have been mapped and revisited in yearly intervals between 2009-

ongoing. In this we found that 80-90% of the voids remain vacant over longer periods

of time. Where a few developments take place and some vacant lots become

transformed into car parks, the vast majority remains in the state of void.

Most vacant lots function as temporary car parks and often support a distinct type of

vegetation of low grass and moss in damp areas. Another large amount of vacant lots

are hidden behind construction fences, white walls and remain inaccessible to the

public. Their sizes vary between a few square meters to large tracts of land in halted

urban redevelopment schemes such as the artificial island of Odaiba.

Linking site and potential

The Tokyo Void research project seeks to make this information available to potential

users through the website. There, potential users could see the pool of

available sites in their neighborhood.

One of the key challenges however has been to facilitate this link between owner and

potential user of the sites. This has been due to a range of reasons, let alone the fact

that the research team is now located in Australia.

In 2009, 2010 and 2011 the research team has conducted urban tag interventions in

which a number of sites were tagged with a designed QR code that would lead anyone

to the website who would scan the code. This was intended to bring

both owners and users to the web platform. Unfortunately no real response was

generated through this.

However two new avenues emerged and have been since developed in more depth.

The first avenue is the one of urban eco system capacity.

Through the mapping of voids we found a large number of plots which have been

undisturbed by human interference for a number of years and form an impressive

habitat for plants, birds, insects and small mammals. In these instances the value of

the undisturbed and forgotten becomes evident. French landscape architect Gilles

Clement discusses weeds and remnant vegetation in the idea of jardin planétaire – the

planetary garden- a non-defined left over space that allows for the existence of weeds

and becomes a “biological time capsule” for the future (Clement 2006). This “biological

time capsule” maintains often a greater biodiversity than the low maintenance,

maximum efficiency green provided by municipalities. If we consider the small pockets

of Tokyo that have been undisturbed by human interference for years, or in rare cases

decades, the potential of this biological time capsule manifests itself in the vegetation.


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Through vegetation, urban void spaces offer the capacity to substantially contribute to

sustainable urban regeneration through their potential for ecosystem functions. The

spaces potentially can function as microhabitats, buffers for urban heat islands and

mitigation of other extreme climate events. Considering the effects of urban vegetation

on CO2 absorption and air quality, water filter capacity – all well-known facts – current

practice of clearing sites from vegetation is to be questioned.

The second avenue we found is a localized approach to working with community and

larger public to pragmatically use vacant spaces – yet distinctively so not as a parking

space. One such example is the Kasu Harappa ONDI, literally a rental vacant space.

Situated in the quiet neighborhood of Yanaka, the site blends itself into the surrounding

amalgamation of low-rise residential housing, shops and temples. The owners of this

site deliberately set aside the financially lucrative coin-parking option. Instead, they

placed a higher value on the spatial quality of the neighborhood, appreciating its

tradition of cultural and creative richness exemplified by the increasing number of

galleries, workshops and cafes selling handicraft and artworks. The owners of the site

decided to contribute to the creative neighborhood atmosphere by providing a gallery

space that local artists, performers and other creative people could rent for events and

exhibitions at a minimal fee. Although the concept of a gallery space perfectly fits into

Yanaka’s creative atmosphere, Kasu Harappa ONDI is anything but an ordinary

gallery. Rather simple rules outline the terms of use, enabling prospective users to take

responsibility for their event while also providing maximum freedom as to how the

space can be used. This offers the possibility for a diverse mix of events, ranging from

performances, demonstrations, art exhibitions, and cultural celebrations to market

events and student workshops. The idea behind ONDI is to provide a space that

supports conversation and invites everyone to participate. The site transforms into an

open stage, without walls and roof, exposed to the elements. The street turns into a

theatre where strolling residents and visitors become part of the audience - participants

in the event, not just spectators.

03 Melbourne Void

The simple act of relocation meant to reflect on cultural and contextual condition of

urban voids for the research team. The findings of Tokyo’s specific urban density and

cultural conditions cannot be applied to any other context. However it becomes

possible to question urban voids as a resource more so from a perspective of scarcity,

which has been influenced by the Tokyo Void project.


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The Melbourne Void project approached the problem of linking potential through a

locally available avenue: developers that were clearly visible and contactable.

567 Collins Street, a long time urban void of 30 years, is a relict from a period of urban

restructuring following the decline of Melbourne’s manufacturing industry in the mid

1970s. The site in 567 Collins Street managed by APN Property Group and Colliers

International two real estate development corporations. A real estate developers’

interest clearly lies in developing sites –not urban voids- and re-integrating them into

the urban fabric as profitable entities as effectively as possible. In cases of long-term

vacancy the developer’s interest lies mainly in securing the property to prevent

dilapidation and value loss, clearing and fencing the property is standard practice.

Upon contact APN Property group has offered the site in 567 Collins Street to the

research team to work on the site as part of the ongoing research on urban voids.

For 130 RMIT University first year landscape architecture students, the site has

become an urban laboratory. Through site mappings, interventions and 1:1 design

experiments, students investigate microclimatic and vegetative conditions and work

with design interventions that capture the ephemeral nature of the site conditions. The

educational design research project was conducted in 2011 providing students with a

unique opportunity to actively work in a dynamic urban context. APN offered the site

generously, however asked all activities to cease in late 2011 due an immanent

development plan. This plan has not been executed on site, which remains vacant until

present (September 2012).

This leaves us with the question of how precisely we might be able to develop

strategies for interstitial uses that prove so valuable for public, recreational, artistic and

educational uses.

Still the question of stakeholders seems to be key: who provides the link between

owner and user? Who sees the potential and facilitates the connection? How can a

type of interstitial practice be developed that is both flexible but formal enough to

respond to the requirements of an owner?

And how can the opportunistic nature of urban voids be used to inspire uses that lie

outside of cycles of consumption and offer up engagement with types of urban natures?

Urban Design is at a key position to determine a possible future for cities and should in

our view embrace a transitory nature as well as a long term strategy that works with

flux and change of the urban fabric through spatial terms. �56

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References Cassegard, C. (2010). The Atelier and the Park. Retrieved 08/2011, from

City of Melbourne. (2011). Central City (Hoddle Grid) Built Form Review May 2011: Overview Report. Melbourne: City of Melbourne. Clement, G. and Rahm, P. (2007) Environ(ne)ment: Approaches for Tomorrow. Paris: Skira. Gissen, D. (2009). Subnatures: Architecture’s other environments.

New York: Princeton Architectural Press. Jonas, Marieluise and Rahmann, Heike. "Urban Voids: The Hidden Dimension of Temporary Vacant Spaces in Rapidly Growing Cities." In State of Australian Cities National Conference 2011, convened by The University of Melbourne, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, 2. December 2011. Lévesque, L. (2002). The ‘terrain vague’ as material - some observations. Retrieved 01/2011, from �Oswalt, P. (2005). Shrinking cities - Volume 1: International research. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje


Tokyo Void. Retrieved 29.08 2012 from Melbourne Void. Retrieved 29.08.2012 from �


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The Revival of Shiraz Khoshk River as an Effective Cultural Historical Icon

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Case study: Culture-led regeneration of Istanbul waterfront: Golden Horn Cultural Valley Project�

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Interview and Documentary research

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Result of data analysis:�Towards a framework for redesigning urban waterfronts��

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Conclusions �

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Page 65: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Urban design opportunity in the Spanish planning system


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Page 78: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 79: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 80: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 81: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 82: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Page 83: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Abstract Avoiding evidence and making change?

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Avoiding evidence and making change?

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Avoiding evidence and making change?

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Page 86: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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How many houses will have a working shower capable of washing an Indigenous child in 2018? (currently 35% function)



Page 87: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Losing the link between housing and health (deduct 2% = 33% function)

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Page 88: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

Loss of the National Indigenous Housing Guide (deduct 2% = 31% function)

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Losing quality control (deduct 2% = 29% function)

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Lack of infrastructure provision (deduct 1% = 28% function)


Page 89: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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How to move towards better housing and more working showers by 2018?

Reinstate a national Housing for Health program (this would lift the base score to 84% of houses having function)

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Applied research and development (add 2% = 86% function)

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Page 90: Book of Proceedings - International Urban Design · Book of Proceedings Non-Peer Reviewed. Conference Proceedings 5th International Urban Design Conference 2012 Non-Peer reviewed

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Reviewing the National Indigenous Housing Guide. (add 1% = 87% function)

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Using the National Indigenous Housing Guide. (add 1% = 88% function)

*���;���� ��� ��������B�������C�� ��)� �������%�,����������&�������������������� ��

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Infrastructure for health (add 2% = 90% function)

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5th International Urban Design Conference

Opportunistic Urban Design - 2012

The Carbon Landscape -Using the Free Market to Fight Climate Change

Craig Pocock

Pocock Design Environment Ltd, Christchurch, New Zealand


While the global community is redirecting its attention to the financial markets, the rate

of global warming is not slowing down. If the design industry acted as a collective and

concerned environmental client they could have a significant impact on the market

place and deliver a positive impact on the rate of global warming.

The research of “The Carbon Landscape-Managing the Carbon Impact in Landscape

Design,” suggests that the most significant carbon cost of design work is not in travel

or running an office but in the materials specified within a project resulting in 99% of

urban design negatively contributing to climate change. If the thousands of AILA

members used their collective voice to send a message to the manufacturing industry

that they wanted lower embodied energy products, it would have a significant flow on

effect on climate change, energy consumption, raw material consumption, water

consumption and pollution generated. I believe climate change is too complex an issue

to apply the “business as normal” model. If urban designers want to make a significant

positive impact on climate change then they have to be willing to use unconventional

tools, and design institutions need to reconsider their role within the economic

environment and bring their full weight to bear on the issue. An annual estimated

expenditure of over 270 million for hard landscape materials is a significant starting

point to start the conversation with the materials industry.

KEYWORDS: carbon, landscape, freemarket, sustainability, urban, design


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The carbon landscape: green assumptions vs. grey reality

Landscape Architecture is recognised and markets itself as the green design discipline

that enhances and protects the land and its natural resources, while creating

meaningful community spaces. With this type of reputation and branding it is not hard

to focus on the clean green environmental good that landscapes and urban design

achieve. But are we being lulled into a false sense of environmental confidence, is

there a grey heart beneath the green exterior of our landscapes?

Climate change has become more widely accepted as a real and scientifically credible

issue; hence the parameters of sustainability are becoming more focused on embodied

energy, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Many industries are now actively

engaging in identifying and managing their environmental and carbon footprints and

promoting their green credential based on these initiatives. So what would happen if

landscape architects included the carbon cost of their work as part of the final outcome

of a project? Would the project still have positive environmental and community


What is the carbon footprint of a landscape architect?

In 2007 Pocock Design Environment Ltd undertook a study of the company’s director to

see what the possible carbon foot print might have been for a landscape architect. We

recognised as a profession that we are responsible for creating a volume of carbon

dioxide through our design work. However, the planting within our design work also

sequesters carbon from the atmosphere. The questions for the study were 1) what is

the carbon footprint of my design work and it was it offset by my planting? 2) If not what

is the carbon debt and what would it take to pay off that carbon debt to make our work

carbon neutral?

To start the carbon landscape review process we reviewed 14 years of projects ranging

in location from the United States of America, India, New Zealand and Palestine, all of

which at face value would be considered within degrees of being sustainable. They

incorporated a sensitive approach to water, ecological communities and materials


We used a range of tools to work out the total carbon cost of my work: these included

web based carbon calculators for office and travel, international and domestic carbon

research on materials and tree sequestration. With these tools we were able to

calculate the approximate carbon cost of my work. The initial carbon value of my work

was high and a little concerning but we were hedging our bets on the assumption that


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seven years of large reforestations projects and the C02 sequestration value would

offset the high carbon cost of the materials specified.

We had assumed that my work would not be carbon neutral but we did think we would

not be too far over, we were wrong.

Diagram 1: The carbon footprint figure only uses the four most common categories, these include: materials specified, air miles, personal transportation and carbon cost associated with an office space.

You could say that I just happen to have a high carbon footprint and that these

calculations are rudimentary at best. This may be true but these calculations have to be

considered on the low side because the calculations don’t include the carbon cost of all

materials used, carbon cost of implementation or the on-going maintenance of the

projects. The real carbon figure should be a lot higher. My rudimentary numbers

illustrate the point that the average landscape architects or urban designer specifies

more CO2 in materials than their planting can offset. The ratio of concrete to trees is on

the wrong side of the carbon debt and it can’t be fixed by just planting more trees. We

have to change in a much more significant way if we want to reduce our carbon

footprint and be transparent leaders in landscape and urban design.

The detailed outcomes including materials qualities and final calculations and possible

solutions can be viewed in the article The Carbon Landscape (Topos #61 2007).

AILA carbon footprint

If my carbon footprint of 1100 ton per years was applied to an institute such as AILA’s

1127 members you could assume a basic carbon footprint for landscape and urban

design within Australia and the tree planting offset required.


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Diagram 2: AILA collectively would have to plant over 135 million trees to offset their annual carbon footprint.

Diagram 3: The land needed each year to offset urban and landscape design illustrates the point that offsetting the carbon cost of our profession is not the solution. The first step has to be to reduce both in design and material manufacturing, manage within implementation and maintenance and then offset where possible.

If we accept that, 1) that the most significant carbon cost of a landscape architect’s

work is not in the way they travel or run their office but in the materials they specify

and; 2) the current materials we have access to as designers come with inherent

environmental impacts and is the core issue of our own professional carbon footprint.

Then the question becomes: what is the best way to manage the damage?


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Tools for carbon reduction

In the following years since we first looked into the carbon impact of design on the

landscape we have researched a range of ideas looking for the best angle to manage

our carbon impact. This ranged from researching how to create a carbon calculator to

a focus on carbon focused education and how to strengthen the NZILA position to be

able to lobby government and the manufacturing industry. The conclusion we came to

was that economics was the most powerful tool we had if we want to make a fast and

significant impact. Of course none of these tools are mutually exclusive and any design

institute concerned with the environmental impact of their work should employ all tools

available to them. Our concern was to identify the tool most effective in the short term.

Why is the free market the best short term tool?

If we are trying to solve the environmental impact of our work then it hard not to look to

the economic free market for solutions and a recession might be a good time to test an

institute’s ability to use “marketplace economics,” to deliver a positive environmental


If the AILA worked as a collective and became a focused environmentally friendly

consumers how would the material industry react? First, we need to know what the

collective buying power of AILA is. We did not have access to this information but we

had the next best thing, information on the New Zealand Institutes market place value.

In 2009 we surveyed the New Zealand landscape institute to try and identify what the

buying power of the institute was. One of the weaknesses of the survey was that the

questions were only addressed to NZILA members who in reality only make up a

portion of the landscape and urban design market.

The idea was just to get a ball park number with the understanding that the numbers

would be conservative and very much on the low side. However it would be enough to

start looking at the relationship between NZILA and the materials market place, and

how that relationship could be used as a positive environmental tool.

We had 25 firms return the survey and identify the number of individuals in their firm,

the value of 12 months’ worth of work implemented and what percentage was hard

landscape materials versus planting. We then took the average of both the total value

of work; the average percentage of hard versus planted landscape and extrapolated

both numbers across the total membership of the New Zealand Landscape Institute.


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The numbers looked like this:

1. Range of annual landscape values implemented per LA $50.000 to 3,000,000.00.

2. Average of annual landscape values implemented per LA $677,738.00.

3. Average percentage of landscape budget that was hard landscape 53%.

4. The portion of hard landscape multiplied by number of NZILA members that

represents our market place value in the materials industry $116,381,169.00.

AILA market place value

If you extrapolate the NZILA market place value and applied it across AILA’s members

you could assume very basic view of what the market value of the AILA may be.

Diagram 4: The conservatively low figure of 316 million begs the questions, what if the AILA as a governing body harnessed that economic buying power and started to give its members regional and local driven direction on material selection with the focus of reducing the carbon impact of landscape design. Would it make the material manufacturing industry consider new directions for the management of the harvesting, production, manufacture and delivery processes? Would they start considering their materials’ abilities to be reused, recycled or bio degraded?


The potential negative impact of urban design is not solely focused on carbon.

However, carbon gives us an easy to define measuring unit for the amount of energy

used, pollution, waste created, and raw product consumed in the manufacturing of the

materials. If we can address carbon then we can address a range of other

environmental issues

We know from watching large corporations that traditional they have had little regard

for the environment or community in the past are now rebranding their products “green”

and produce environmental/sustainability policies. These companies do it because they

believe that an informed market place now exists and cares about the environmental

impact of their products and will make a decision to purchase products based on a


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brand’s environmental profile. It is a strong sign that informed market place choice can

effect positive change.

Design institutes have the ability to make a significant positive impact on climate

change if they are willing to use unconventional tools and reconsider their role within

the economic environment. An annual estimated expenditure of over 316 million is a

significant starting point to start the conversation with the materials industry.

More detailed information and the full versions of the carbon landscape articles are

available on the web site.


“The Carbon Landscape – Managing the Carbon Impact in Landscape Design”, Craig Pocock, Topos #61 2007 “The Carbon Landscape – Using the Free Market to Fight Climate Change”, Craig Pocock, Topos #70 2010


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