book of shadow "mastery of the arts"

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Enter into the Secret Mystery of Coven Arts, from a hidden secret natured Coven that has been around in the Shadows and in Self since the 10th century, though again this is only a look... the real secret is within... Art thou Prepared?


Book of Shadow

Magic(k) isn't what you think... It is composed of thought and dreams, A mythological story is based on this...but i'll tell you that later... Thought : the transmit-ion of an idea or image creating a picture or reflective transition....( the focal ) Inner sight,Psychic,Empathic, (thought is a form of emotional energy that a witches use to transfer, collect, and defend as a psychic will, the secret behind this is about 5,000 words long... Dreams : the power of dreams recreated in the mind, to enhance the body and the spirit, The grand scope of this is beyond a mere witch, and will be way beyond you after you are a witch or the equal too, The universe hides its secrets well, and this happens to be one place few can look, because reality shares a common place with the etherial and astral, that a form of bridge can be created...again the scope is way to big...(you could be writing forever) if only to talk about the doors... The Elements : 4 Fire,Earth,Water,Air ( most think this is mere psychology and personal being, but it isn't, its a truth greater then the truth of magic(k) The elements form the balance or chaos needed to transend the walls or gates of the above (thought/dreams) brief introduction: The body is the field of energy used to tap into the 4 based fields each field controlled by a key, and

controlling sygil (that the spirit has in it catalog of secret messages) Once opened forever will it remain open... Sygils/Glyphs : keys The written working of becoming are designed by the bodies secret language, that only the wise known of or even thought to explore, these symbol encircled with the field of energy create an abuilty to transend the being of the physical to the etherial...( to most is, just a prayer, or chant, the foolish wish of the novice ) chant or praying, was used to adopt a bigger field then ones own, like cheating, it gives you codes or keys, sygils or marking, but teaches you nothing, because you lose them after you have the ritual ended, so an educated or instructed wise person, sage or mage, learned how the pattern of these symbols took shape, and by what field it travels..... Markings : Ancient writing or script sygils, place on a surface, either flesh, or material, used as a way of identification of awareness or cursing others, (the being of a marking, refers to knowing about the emotion created by the one field, you may chosen to transend, in the realm of wisdom and magic(k) all beings have an identify-able sygil(sigil) The older the marking, only makes it more known, the more a sygil is un-seen, the more it could be quite powerful, because of its rare design, In magic(k) others try to make markings or base them on planets or items design, this makes them neither magic(k)al or well known, until they gain the reasoning of being a sygil, they are nothing but a set icon(a starting mark that has a basic imagery) (Anointing) Ever shadowed in the bond of oath, one devoted to there understanding, or path...sets up that they are joined and not just by contract or oral agreement, (this is the fruit of your study, as most are only novice until they anoint, then the growing of the spirit of witchcraft and magic(k) takes a diffrent form creating an unconscious reactional energy field... Bell: (ancient tones was believed to ring in spirits or expell them, this however is true, because the tone of magic(k) works on many fields, this creates the mystery of meditational tones and the sacred nature of the monk, the

witch cares nothing for this only that the flow is constant and reachable (the flow) is the building fileds of energy that move like the weather, and are shaped by the design of structor that a magic(k)user taps into...(witches use not bells but in certain magic(k) witches can charge the bell for a mage to stop fields of magic(k)... Broom: besom: Witches didn't use brooms nor will they ever, it is the image of the domestic woman as a witch, and her cleaning her home, not a magic(k)al endeavor...The powers of flight was of the witches abulity opon reaching the highest of all witching skill, and had nothing to do with brooming, ( the wedding use was used in the later days, as a once again sign of domestic being.... Hat: cone: (witches didn't wear hats, only ladies of the french design, and woman of foundation, the circular design was once again a joke, to make fun of witch, but later grew into a fad....) The modern hat of the fad witch design, isn't gifted in any power and only adds to the understanding of the fad... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Robes : dyr-treii (wearing is only to show silent nature and to remind you of your past, in the past those that was shuned, for being of the strange was made to wear clothing over the face or body, to be more social it was meant... (The self of Rob-ing was set by monk, priest and those of the religion arts.. (Witches only wear their robes as they wish, and only to reflect in this past, in rituals/working of charge you go without..) robes are set no higher then your head and sweep lightly the ground and one length farther the arm, color of the 3 powers that be of your making... green: for the silent, red/purple: for the powerful to be and blue: for those of the grave and stars... (black is but the image the dark gave there sight..)

Athame: ( shaldi-myket ) The blade of the witch was 2 sided, it was one long about two times the hand lenght, and was ribbed with lines burned in it, what your knife is doesn't truely matter, because it is only a tool to carve or cut, and to mark, its power will stop there, history it is the protector of the witch serves her as the guardian and gateway, this history is true....wood or metal or cloth handle need not matter as well, however a witch is a habit person so they try to keep to that which is of there own.... Bracelet: keu-theii (serving the powers that be require both the wisdom to draw and to reflect, with these braclets set on the body from the times of charge and growth, one can empower or reflect anothers magic(k) and can even do more, this being in combination with the oath of service as one of magic(k) silver, copper, gold, brass, silver in this order and understanding can only reflect even gravity, and grow or destroy living energy, (the powers of witchcraft are many, but the wisdoms are few...(The bondage of the chained goddess) is the legacy of the witches beginnings, but even bound she is still free.... Candle: tryi (powerful is the light of the candle, all inspiring, true to the light and shadow it shows, the candle serves only one purpose, to heat and thats what energy or magic(k) is an act of heating, but heating in a way to awaken the heat of the soul, and that being abit more mysterious in its powers, because this heat has no light inside the body, but when fully awakened not even the body can contain its light) The power of the spirit, is the refined yet un-seen image of the 5 (pentacle/pentagram) is the tool......the charging of the body is the key, the color the memories set, but in the end all is white......or apart of it... Talisman: (menket-teol) What you wear is sign of you, however in the witches world it is how you are charged as in your magic(k) as you progress in the ways, you will gather not from the pentacle/pentagram or any of its like, that is but the shadow to the witches power, your tools will enhance, develop, and change, these are designed to

balance it...( and they in the magic(k)al universe are the only thing that can sway it...( all of witch kind goes by the beginning energies, andthey are marked by the simplest symbols, then as the witch or user of magic(k) advances so to does the symbols......there are 5 the witch will encounter to the craft...of her art... Rope: rea-noxum (owing to no greatness, a simple lenght of string with the right words and methods, share a way to bind an spirit of time or etherial design, the witches secrets are well kept in the worlds between, and to those that begin a returning will occur, and the secrets will un-veil....lenght of 3 times your arm, silver or strand, knoted in the method of a loc, andun-veil ever month after your a priestess no more...(oil of sandle, myrrh a touch, and brich the sprig) Wood wand: bruk-sheii (find you when the time is right, you need not look, for a witches tools come but to be, and so shall your wand decorate it or not, matters little to the true, because a witches wand is but her bond to that which she serves, the greater is the connection as one grows to age, but isn't like the staff ( a staff is used in the different way of that which has the wand, only those who know not say otherwise, ) The has no power none will it share it is but a extention of the witches spirit, even the oldest of wands will have no power unless contained by sygil or fermentation..... Circle: dyr-shel-opel 3 times you enter the 4th time you stay as with all whom call, the first is to know, the second to grow, the third to be, return if you will cause when time starts standing still as it shall, the forth is to give back which is for all whom complete from where they began, (the circle is sacred and silent, as your working will be when full witch you see) 2 times your space, salt and angelica set, vervain and frank, if you call to the night...moon magnetic, sun repellsive, then equal they become, blade of the moon you carve, and in the fire you view, the day or night ends and time reflects a dream...

Scripts/scribe working: The secret of all witchcraft adepts, is the mysterious link between the grimore/Bos and the mage, all the advancing witches of magic(k) seek out the mastery, why its in their blood to desire the best of their art, just as it is the mage whom seeks the natures of witch to complete that invisible circle...... ------------------------------------------------------Nox em eturu How energy is formed in witch and witchcraft... candle light working : the abulity of channeling the heat and spirit of the candles internal energy into yourself and to direct it, the beginning of charge as in creating it....(3 fields) Shaldi walking the circle : Learning what the pentagram and circle are and how to use both and create the walls of the witches power in themselves via nature and the beginning of your iniational oath as witch.... Neytu-eu finding the hidden : the power of the witches charge is to feel what is out of place, missing, or losing energy in this lesson you learn how to gain this gift..... tempest : feeling the power of witch and witchcraft grow in your spirit and feeling those who are and are not what they claim, this is done on a more subconscious form and directed by your new nature as a witch to be Em-wago-canti the skyclad candle ; learning and using the color pattern of the witch as in witchcraft to create a spiritual doorway to the un-seen world, in this your past will return (physically) Tempest adv The Real Altar : the key symbols used as power and know throughout the world in both witch and general magic(k), and how to set them off next the Stone ring of perfection and trust : the first of 3 circles developed to gain personal magic and keys to the other 2 stone rings, the power of the walls given to you will increase at a faster rate, here next is be thee dawn or awaiting moon ; the power to gain

from any form of magic(k) you will encounter and even to reflect it and make it learn here Sha-ti vegra next theTurning the wheel : learn the real days used for gaining power and the places that one can gain more gifts by......not the sabat, ritual stuff next the mixing : now that your senses are awakening it is time to tune them and create an abulity to focus power from your very eyes....... (these are the beginning gifts of personal magic given to the ones who freely seek to know witch and witchcraft) Vah-su-rai-nem-thot Initiation : Witch The keep and the given nature: If you have gained all i said before then you are a witch and now it is your time to show it, and have it seen in you.....nature will now respond to your very huh, being witch : It is easy to wear some title and join some group, but being one takes a bit of a new twist, it will now as your skills increase start teaching you, (like so many said before you can only direct the witchself, not instruct) fostering : the abulity to channel energy and even protect using your own personal energy, many can do this naturally, but find it hard to control without instruction, it can be like a lightbulb awaiting to go out due to being off or on so long.... the unseen witchcraft, revealed (being touched) (this is the cool part. as you are becoming well the energies and images of witches will seek you out, so be not afraid, otherwise you might go mad....sorry, but yes) as you gain this lesson, you will learn things others hidden from you.........