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    515 Terrace Avenue

    Cincinnati, Ohio 45220



    2008. Gordon Barnhart. All rights reserved


    Roles and



    of the











  • 7/28/2019 Book_HeroicJourney.pdf









    Going Forth Together to Meet the Challenges of Our World






  • 7/28/2019 Book_HeroicJourney.pdf




    Gordon Barnhar

    515 Terrace Avenue

    Cincinnati, Ohio 45220



    2008. Gordon Barnhart. All rights reserved

    Illustrations by Jim Borgman


    Roles and


    Knowledgeof the











  • 7/28/2019 Book_HeroicJourney.pdf










































  • 7/28/2019 Book_HeroicJourney.pdf







    We are called to do things o importance as well

    as things o necessity. We are called to lead

    and we are called to ollow. The calls are many,

    they occur in dierent parts o our lives, they

    are complex, they are dicult, and they are usu-

    ally beyond the abilities o any one person. It is

    very easy to reuse the call. The inherent ques-

    tions are:

    Will we answer the call?

    What will we encounter?

    What qualities will be required o us and

    will we be ready and capable?

    What roles must we play and what

    strategies can we have condence in?

    With whom will we lead and ollow?

    On what oundation can we rely to see

    us through?


    For us as individuals, the heroic journey is the

    great adventure o lie. Although usually told

    on a larger than lie scale, it really is our story

    The organizational and community journeys

    o change in which we are involved join with

    our personal and amily changes to provide

    the opportunities or us to grow and discove

    our , become more whole, wiser, more resilien

    and truly alive. The heroic journey provides the

    guidance or us as individuals just as it does o

    our organizations and communities. We jus

    have to say yes to the journeys.

    The value o the heroic journey or leaders and

    ollowers who are called to lead major change

    is that it provides extraordinary guidance innding the answers

    to these questions.

    It provides guidance

    in both understand-

    ing what to expect

    and why things hap-

    pen as they do on the

    journey. It also pro-

    vides a ramework

    or planning what to

    do as well as how to

    respond to events asthey unold.



    I you are reading this you are probably experi

    encing one or more o the ollowing:

    You are heeding a call to go orth and do

    something that is o major importance to you

    and that will lead through signicant change

    The call may have been your own internal voice

    or an external voice or messenger to whom

    you listened and responded. Regardless o

    the voice, you are standing on the threshold

    or have already embarked on a journey.


    The challenge

    will be to fnd

    your call oropportunity even

    in the midst o

    having been

    thrown into



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    You are fnding that you have been lured

    intoa much bigger change than you at rst

    thought and the journey is appearing to be

    o a much more challenging nature than an-

    ticipated. What may have looked like a small

    change is much more challenging than it rst

    appeared to be, is requiring more o you, andwill involve more endings and new beginnings

    than at rst thought.

    You have been thrown into a major change

    by another person, a group, an organization,

    or a community. It may not eel like your

    choice, even i the envisioned outcomes are

    desirable, but you are on a journey o major

    change nonetheless. The challenge will be

    to nd your call or opportunity even in the

    midst o having been thrown into change.

    You have blundered into a major change

    challenge. This is an instance where a jour-

    ney or going orth was really necessary,

    but strongly resisted. The theory is that in

    such cases, when the conscious sel will not

    respond, the unconscious causes a person or

    group to mess up, ail, start something unan-

    ticipated, end up in crisis, or even be injured.

    In some orm a blunder occurs to begin the

    necessary journey or change process.

    These are the our classic ways to begin a he-

    roic journey (a major change). The changes

    may be personal, amily, group, or-

    ganizational or community in ocus

    or they may be a combination. The

    story ollows the same pattern in

    each case and the key questions are

    the same: Whats going on? and

    What are we going to do about


    Your role or roles may also vary. At

    times or in certain settings you may

    be in a leadership role and at other

    times or in other settings you may

    be in the role o a ollower. Even in

    the same change setting your role may shit

    over time, although the qualities and charac-

    teristics required or success in each role may

    be surprisingly similar. Regardless o the par

    ticular role, the heroic journey will t. It wil

    provide a ramework or understanding wha

    to expect on the journey as well as what to do

    to successully lead or ollow.



    The challenges presented us by our world keep

    changing. What worked beore in meeting

    those challenges oten no longer works. Old

    ways must be let behind and new

    ways must be ound. We must con

    sistently nd new levels o peror

    mance in our organizations or risk

    corporate decline or death. This is

    not a new scenario, although it is one

    that appears to be broader in scope

    and more rapid than in the past. This

    has always been true o our organizations as well as our communities

    The degree o impermanence now

    however, is changing the game dra


    More people are called to lead (together). We

    are being asked to perorm at high levels in


    The heroic is the

    level to which weneed to go to fnd

    sufcient strength,

    energy, wisdom,

    and courage to

    successully dealwith the amount

    and rate o

    change we ace





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    rapidly changing environments characterized

    by shiting requirements. And we are usually

    asked to do that in groups ranging rom a single

    team to extraordinarily complex organizations

    or communities.

    Not only are the perormance demands risingor leaders, but more and more people are be-

    ing called to lead. The challenges we ace re-

    quire increasingly sophisticated webs o leaders

    and eective ollowers.

    We are Cheated o the Heroic. The truth is that

    the heroic journey is whats required in cases

    o major individual, group, organizational or

    community change. Unortunately, the truth is

    usually not told. The complexity and diculty

    o change is undersold. People and what is re-quired o them are underestimated and, in re-

    turn, people underestimate themselves and the

    challenges and opportunities they ace. We are

    thus cheated o the truth and cheated o our


    The heroic is the level to which we need to go

    to nd sucient strength, energy, wisdom, and

    courage to successully deal with the amount

    and rate o change we ace; socio-political

    change, technological change, demographic

    change, the globalization o the economy, envi-ronmental change, and the resulting corporate

    and community changes.

    Its our world our choice. Both the health o

    the economy and the health o our social ab-

    ric (rom local to world) are going to require a

    signicantly dierent quality and quantity o

    leadership and ollowership than we have yet

    witnessed. The challenge is not or larger than

    lie heroics, but the reclaiming o the heroic

    journey as our story, the story o what is re-

    quired o us in change. The heroic journey must

    be embraced not only individually, but also col-

    lectively and it must become the norm rather

    than the exception.

    We are, however, usually let with the impres-

    sion that less will be sucient. We are also let

    to go orth without adequate guidelines about

    what to expect and what to do. We are let with

    out the truth that would help us understand the

    experience, choose how to deal with it, and be

    come more complete human beings in the pro





    What the heroic journey provides is a call to go

    orth to do things worth doing, quests worth ou

    eort and sacrice. It also provides guidance

    about the path required, a path known by al

    most all cultures throughout history. It provides

    guidance, a sense o hope and anticipation, asks

    or our best and it is ennobling by its very na

    ture. It also provides common ground or col

    lective action even among people with very di

    verse backgrounds, styles, capabilities, gender

    race or ethnicity. The path is known and others

    have gone beore. The experience, however, i

    dierent or each person and each challenge. I

    is thus both universal and intensely personal.

    The story o the heroic journey provides us with

    the knowledge o what to expect as we go orth

    as well as dening the leadership roles we need

    to play and the strategies we need to execute. Ialso naturally calls or our best in playing those

    roles. It provides us with the oundation blocks

    on which to base our leadership. It shows us

    what to expect, what the experience is likely to

    be or us as leaders as well as or those who wil

    ollow us.

    1What We Can Expect

    The Realities o Change

    We can plan our journeys eectively.

    We can prepare people to be successul.

    We will rarely be surprised by events as

    the journey unolds and can respond

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    quickly to unoreseen events and needs.

    We can act with condence and sureness

    because we can see how our actions

    match the requirements o the journey.

    2 What We Can Do The Leadership Roles There are six leadership roles to be

    played (Visionary, Architect, Catalyst,

    Guide, Builder and Integrator)

    Each role has three core strategies.

    The Visionary and Architect roles are

    played in the beginning (Act I o the


    The Catalyst, Guide, and Builder roles

    are played on the path (Act II)

    The Integrator role is played in

    completing the journey (Act II)

    These roles can be played by people at

    any level corporate, division,department, team and provide a

    coherent common model around which

    people can align.

    3 How We Can Do It How to Play the Roles Leadership Webs.

    In the heroic myths, heroes who go alone

    ail. This is also true in corporate or

    community change, which is why the

    roles are played by an array o leaders

    and leadership teams throughout the

    organization. This leadership web

    provides the reach, power and resilience

    to complete the journey.

    Our Signicance.

    The heroic naturally calls us to lead and

    ollow with a sense o our own purpose

    and signicance not boasting, but

    understanding that our actions make a


    Our Integrity.

    The heroic also calls or us to lead and

    ollow with integrity. Integrity that can

    have two denitions: either (a) matching

    our actions and our words and belies or

    (b) being whole, complete or unbroken.

    Beyond Sel.

    In playing these roles we need to look

    beyond ourselves, particularly to the

    mission and our ollowers. We need to bewilling to sacrice or others - not being

    reckless or sel destructive, but rom a

    posture o seeing leadership as service,

    not privilege.

    Our Courage.

    The leadership roles and strategies rely

    on our orms o leadership courage the

    courage to:

    See and speak the truth

    Create and champion a clear andspecic vision o the desired uture

    Persevere and hold the course

    Rely on others along the path



    People in communities and organizations who

    come alive through living heroically bring lieto the community or organization. That has

    been one o the classic unctions o the hero, to

    reinvest the community with lie energy or the

    divine. For individuals whose lie energy is re

    stricted and bound up in living inauthentic lives

    healing and release can be triggered by those

    living truly authentic lives, people living hero

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    ically and truly being the authors o their lives.

    Heroes may also be ounders or creators, per-

    haps o grand things or perhaps o small ones.

    The challenge in either case is the same; to

    leave the known and comortable world and go

    in search o the seed or germinal idea that canproduce that which is needed by the community

    or organization. In

    the classic journey it

    is a matter o nding

    the source o lie and

    allowing the old to

    die in order to be re-

    born to a richer uller

    way o being.

    This is a more lyricaldescription than nor-

    mal or organization-

    al and community change, but it is completely

    applicable. And more lyricism would probably

    result in better outcomes.

    The eect o a successul heroic journey is the

    unblocking and release o the fow o lie or

    creativity into the community or organization.

    Even a journey that is disappointing in specic

    outcomes can reinvigorate an organization or

    community and bring it more ully alive.

    Another critical unction o heroes is to provide

    images or models around which people in the

    community or organization can come togeth-

    er. Heroes provide a pulling together orce

    to counter the increasing orces pulling people


    People acting heroically serve as role models,

    modeling the best o the groups characteris-

    tics, ideals to be pursued, and demonstrating

    that the heroic is or us and not just or mythi-

    cal gures. The weaknesses, mistakes, ailures,

    and oibles o those acting heroically are oten

    as instructive as their strengths and successes

    and also serve to make the heroic human and




    Adopting a heroic approach to lie provides a

    path or ramework or exploring the basic chal

    lenges o major change, whether individualgroup, organizational or community. Such an

    approach is powerul because it is ennobling

    and implicitly asks or our best, whatever tha

    is at the time. This holds true or individuals

    (or amilies) in the midst o a corporate or com

    munity change or or the authorship o an indi

    vidual lie.

    Less than heroic dimin-

    ishes the individual.

    A less than heroic ap-

    proach also asks too

    little o the individual.

    It does not digniy the

    eort or give the mes-

    sage that the individ-

    ual can be ennobled

    in the response. People oten nd too little o

    themselves simply because they dont look o

    enough - the usual messages blind them to the


    The heroic journey is about searching or andmaniesting our best even i we dont know

    what that might be until we stumble upon it. It

    is about dening ourselves by how we relate to

    external circumstances, the challenges we en

    counter (What will I maniest today?). It does

    not provide specic answers, but provides a

    way to pursue those answers, including a way

    to understand events and experiences and to

    organize responses.

    The structure o the heroic journey can provide

    not only the proper perspective on the depth othe challenges, but also a ramework or think

    ing about the experience, understanding wha

    to expect, and choosing how to respond. It also

    challenges the individual to avoid or reject being

    a victim, even o imposed change, and choose

    instead to take as much responsibility and ex

    ercise as much infuence as possible in shaping

    People oten

    fnd too little

    o themselvessimply because

    they dont look

    or enough

    People in

    communities and

    organizationswho come alive

    through living

    heroically bring

    lie to the

    community ororganization

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    ?their experience. It is about reusing to be or

    stay victimized.

    The questions o lie. As individuals we all ace

    a set o basic questions about our lives. We can

    choose to answer or ignore them. The heroic

    journey provides a setting or answering thesequestions as well as living out the answers. It

    is always about what kind o a lie are we go-

    ing to create. Contemplating these questions

    is kind o like looking at the sun. You cant do

    it or long and its oten best to look indirectly

    you can clearly see the sun but dont get over-


    Note: Sometimes a heroic journey

    is about simple survival or getting

    by. Other times it allows more direct

    attention to these questions. Every

    journey, however, will provide more

    answers and lead to more maturity

    and wholeness even the journeys

    that dont bring the some o the out-

    comes that are desired.

    Who am I?

    How should I lead my lie?

    What is the nature o the universe and

    what is my place in it?

    What is my reason or being my purpose

    in lie?

    What are my gits and how do I bring

    them to my amily, organizations or


    The path is known. Throughout history in vir

    tually every culture heroes have let known

    worlds to venture into the unknown, ace trialsdiscover truths and revelations, experience var

    ious deaths and rebirths and return bringing

    something o value. Corporate and community

    change requires the same venturing orth into

    the unknown, the same trials and contests, the

    death o certain things and the rebirth or birth o

    others, and the return or arrival at a new state

    o being. The heroic journey o the myths is

    mirrored at the individual level in the midst o

    corporate or community change and is the best

    ramework or sel-management that we can




    We are not strangers to the heroic journey, al

    though it may seem strange to hea

    that. The lie o each individual is

    made up o many small (and some

    times some very large) heroic jour

    neys, each testing and developing us

    in dierent ways. Throughout oulives we are called at various times

    to go orth and do something o sig-

    nicance that requires major change

    o us.

    At other times we are thrown into

    journeys o change that we do not

    The lie o each

    individual is made

    up o many small

    (and sometimessome very large)

    heroic journeys,

    each testing and

    developing us in

    dierent ways

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    choose. We may also be lured into journeys that

    turn out to be much more challenging than we

    could have anticipated. At still other times we

    may blunder into a journey o change, making

    some mistake or ailing at something that opens

    surprising doors.

    In our organizations we are called, and very

    oten thrown, into major changes that all into

    an impressive array o categories. Changes

    include starting organizations, going through

    rapid growth, downsizing or ending the lie o

    organizations, merging with other organiza-

    tions (including by acquiring them or being

    acquired), and separating rom organizations.

    The heroic journey can mean acing changes

    in strategy, structure, roles, systems and tech-nologies, work processes, skills and compe-

    tencies required, standards and expectations,

    the nature o key relationships, career paths,

    and even values and belies.

    There are lots o people in a variety o roles

    or whom the heroic journey has particular

    importance. They may in leadership roles, ol-

    lower roles or, most likely, in both roles. For


    Executives senior managers

    Middle managers and supervisors likely

    to be caught in the middle o a change

    Management teams

    Project teams

    Change managers

    Change teams

    And individuals in any position that may

    be signicantly aected by a change

    In our communities we are called to make a

    dierence in an extraordinary range o issues.

    For instance, we may be called to make a di-

    erence in our educational system, the way we

    govern ourselves, how we develop our youth

    or how we maintain the health and well-being

    o the people in our communities. We may

    also be called to deal with issues o saety, jus

    tice, economic health, neighborhood develop

    ment, combating racism and other isms, o

    caring or the environment.

    As the denition o community gets larger

    the issues become increasingly complex and

    dicult, or instance the peaceul coexistence

    among nations and groups and the develop

    ment o a sustainable global economy.

    There are many possible positions in com

    munities that will call an individual to lead a

    heroic journey. Some o the natural positions

    are listed below.

    People in positions o leadership within


    People in positions o leadership in

    community organizations

    People who see a need and take action to

    change something or create something

    People involved in changes in service

    provision that ends the identity or lie oorganizations, associations, ways o

    doing things, etc.

    People taking an activist role when

    having no history o doing so

    People conronting the norm(s) o a

    group or community

    Each o these roles could be expanded and

    made much more specic, but these will serve

    the purpose o illustration. They can range

    rom local in scale to global. It will be eviden

    that some o these roles or positions are or

    mal leadership roles and some are not. They

    all require the traversing o a heroic journey

    sometimes in highly visible ways and some

    times in almost anonymous ashion.



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    Leadership atigue. As with most aspects o

    major change, nothing is as simple as it looks.

    Many people will look at the previous exam-

    ples and say, Yes, but Im not only in one

    o those roles, Im in our o those roles. It

    is sae to expect a good deal o role overlap,

    which is an increasingly common situation.Leadership atigue can set in i a person is in

    too many leadership roles or an extended pe-

    riod o time. This is another reason to ocus

    on creating webs o leaders and ollowers,

    so that the responsibility can be shared more




    Almost all o us, at various times in our lives,

    have taken the risk to be heroic(we said yes

    to the heroic journey). They were the times

    when we were conronted by one o these chal-

    lenges and responded in such a way that we

    went orth rom our

    known worlds or

    comort zones into

    unknown territory,

    were tested, saw cer-

    tain aspects o our

    lives end and new

    ones begin, and thus

    came away signi-

    cantly changed. We

    also came away more mature and more whole

    and with more to contribute, more to oer the

    world, although some or many o the learnings

    may have been bittersweet.

    Those challenges may have been solely person

    al or may have played out in amily, work, so

    cial, or community settings. In many cases they

    probably overlapped several o these settings.

    At other times in our lives we were not heroic

    Conronted by opportunities or major change

    we did not respond by saying yes to the he

    roic journey. We may have reused the oppor

    tunity or the call, choosing to not take the risk o

    leave our comort zone. We may have started

    out strongly and been turned back by ears, de

    spair, or mistakes or were simply worn down

    beore completing the journey. I thrown into

    a change, we may have taken the role o victimand made the best o it, which may or may no

    have been very good.

    Many o us have led changes where we have

    called others to ollow or thrown them into a

    journey. In some o those situations we have

    probably ollowed our own heroic journey and

    been able to guide others through the collective

    journey, whether organizational or community

    In other changes we probably did not choose

    to ollow the heroic pattern and, consequently

    could not truly guide others along the path.

    Our experience as ollowers has probably been

    similar. At times we have responded to a call o

    chosen the heroic path even when thrown into


    We are not talk-

    ing about being

    a grand hero,like the larger

    than lie fgures

    portrayed in the

    classic myths

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    the journey. We have actively supported (and

    possibly challenged) those in leadership roles,

    challenged and supported other ollowers, and

    managed our own journey. At other times we

    have also reused the call to go orth or perhaps

    chosen to be more victim than author when

    thrown or blundering into journeys.

    Few, i any, o us can honestly say that we have

    always lived heroically in our personal lives or

    that we have always led collective change hero-

    ically. The truth is probably that we have varied,

    perhaps radically, in our approach to change,

    whether in managing our own personal change,

    ollowing others, or leading others.


    Remember. We are not talking about being a

    grand hero, like the larger than lie gures

    portrayed in the classic myths. We are talking

    about living and leading heroically, ollowing

    the path o the heroic journey. We are talk-

    ing about the little

    h or daily heroism

    that is required and

    we have some very

    powerul guides that

    we can ollow.

    The heroic journey

    is the story o the

    change or growth

    process in its health-

    iest orm. It is about

    becoming increas-

    ingly competent, mature, wise, resilient, and

    able to meet the shiting challenges o the world.

    Almost all cultures have their own versions o

    the heroic journey to educate their members

    about whats required or the health o the com-munity as well as individuals.

    The Rewards. The rewards are many. In addi-

    tion to increased competencies, wisdom, resil-

    ience and condence, those ollowing the path

    o the heroic journey serve as models or their

    groups and inuse those groups with lie ener-

    gy. Groups and communities become stronger

    and better prepared or the next journey. Even

    when journeys arent completely successul

    most o the rewards can still be realized to a

    large degree.

    The Tests. The heroic journey is a time o end

    ings and beginnings and o the dicult terrainin between (inbetweenity). We may nd tha

    our tests are physical, intellectual, emotional, o

    spiritual and that our changes are, consequent

    ly, in one or more o those areas. Dierent jour

    neys pose dierent challenges and opportuni


    Some o the tests will be dealing with mistakes

    and ailures; avoiding the seductive lure o tak

    ing the easy way out; dealing with uncertainty

    doubt, and perhaps despair; and nding sourceso energy and renewal along the way.

    Heroes Dont Go Alone. Few (i any) people

    who cross the threshold have to ace the trials

    and tests alone, although the heroic journey is

    ultimately an individual one. On almost all jour

    neys there are helpers o various sorts who can

    provide direction, tools, challenge, encourage

    ment, and coaching in coping in the new envi-


    I alert, we may nd companions with whom we

    can travel or parts o our journey. Other char

    acterstricksters, jokers, allies, enemies, oppo

    nents, and suchmay also be encountered.

    It is about




    mature, wise,resilient, and able

    to meet the shit-

    ing challenges o

    the world.

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    The heroic journey plays out in three distinct

    acts. Each act comes with its own challenges

    and opportunities.

    Act I Beginnings. The classic heroic journey

    begins with the crossing o a threshold, leaving

    a known world or comort zone. We may heeda call, be thrown into the journey, be lured in,

    or blunder in. The rst challenge is getting past

    the guardians o the threshold. The guard-

    ians are inner doubts or external orces that try

    to turn us back right at the beginning. They are

    the rst test.

    Many journeys are ailures because we neve

    really leave the known world we leave a oo

    on either side o the threshold. We never truly

    let go and, thereore, can never really discove

    the new truths, the revelations, and the new lie

    that are possible.

    Act II - On the Path. When we do cross the

    threshold and move through the land that lies

    on the other side we are aced with tests and

    trials that usually require new or altered ways

    o perceiving, thinking, relating and acting. For

    our organizations and communities we also

    see changes in structure, processes, roles,

    technologies and even strategies or compet-

    ing or lie or position. What worked beoreneeds to be honored, but may no longer be

    eective and may even be counter-productive

    or dangerous.

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    Act III Completions. For those who success-

    ully meet the challenges o the journey the

    nal phase is some orm o return or comple-

    tion. We return with the gits that we have

    discovered, whether new knowledge or truths,

    new abilities, new ways or technologies, or

    new opportunities.

    The heros return may be the most dicult

    part o all. The heroic individual or group will

    be changed and that will require changes in

    others, or it will change the nature o relation-

    ships and alignments o various kinds. Those

    changes can ripple out in many directions and

    or long distances. The gits o the hero can

    easily threaten the status quo. Again, this is

    as relevant or communities and organizations

    as it is or individuals. Heroic individuals orgroups must approach the completion o a

    journey with their eyes open.




    We have lost sight o the act that the heroic

    journey is our story as human beings. The

    relevance o heroism or most people, their abil

    ity to see themselves as heroic in any signican

    way, has been severely limited by how it has

    been portrayed in myths, stories, and the popu

    lar media.

    There are three common portrayals o the hero

    ic journey that have been particularly limiting:

    Larger than Lie Portrayals. Seeing the he

    roic as the grand event or achievement o

    as restricted to larger than lie gures.

    Aw Shucks. The Aw Shucks phenom

    enon and the individuals collusion with the

    group to diminish the heroic

    Excluding the Feminine. The portrayal o

    heroism rom an almost totally classica

    masculine perspective (conquering,

    slaying, deeating, rescuing damsels,

    acquiring, etc.)

    The result is to make it exceptionally dicul

    or many people to personally relate to heroism

    and the heroic journey. Our story has been

    taken rom us and we need to take it back and

    enrich it in order to meet the challenges that lie

    is presenting to us. It is not about being a grand

    hero, but about living heroically.

    #1 BARRIERThe Larger than Lie Portrayalo the Heroic

    Real heroes are not the gods and demi-

    gods o mythology. The adventures o

    those gures are told in larger than lie

    scale because it makes or a better story.




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    It makes or a better story around the camp-

    re and it certainly sells more books and

    movie tickets.

    But the story o the heroic journey is really

    our story. The gods, demigods, and action

    heroes, are us. The heroic journey is achallenge beore all o us, though not all o

    us will answer the call or respond heroically

    when thrown into a journey. Their jour-

    neys may be grand and public, while most

    (but not all) o our journeys will be small-

    er and quieter and less public. The story,

    however, will have the same orm.

    Part o the necessary challenge o reclaim-

    ing the heroic journey as our story is over-

    coming this larger than lie telling o thestory, our own discomort with living hero-

    ically, and the skeptical responses o others.

    Our challenge is to make the heroic much

    more common in accepting it ourselves and

    encouraging others to go with us on the


    #2 BARRIERThe Aw Shucks PhenomenonThis is the deceptively eective barrier.

    Aw shucks, Im not heroic has been a

    common reaction o people when asked to

    apply the concepts o heroism to their own

    lives. Many people have a great deal o

    trouble seeing the heroic elements o their


    There is a scarcity theory in regard to

    heroism, which says that we can only have

    a ew heroes because heroism isnt or

    everyone. Heroism, however, is a challenge

    that is open to everyone even i many peo-

    ple requently do not accept the challenge.

    There are ar more heroes in every organi-

    zation and community than we credit.

    Hiding From the Heroic Challenge

    Aw shucks is a way to hide rom the chal-

    lenge. When challenged, this aw, shucks

    it couldnt be me approach to heroism

    appears to be less o an indication o hu-

    mility than it is a way to avoid taking the

    journey, o directly taking responsibility

    or heeding or ignoring the call. There is,

    however, the legitimate danger o othersseeing our stance o trying to live heroically

    as sel-glorication or being better than.

    Their responses o who do you think you

    are? or youre no hero can reinorce our

    own uneasiness with being heroic and can

    undermine the journey even at the begin-

    ning. It is oten hard to remember that such

    responses are refections o others discom-

    ort with the prospect o the heroic journey

    and the implicit challenge o our own heroic


    Colluding With Others to Avoid the Heroic

    The barrier o the individual aw shucks

    response is magnied by the collusion

    between society and individuals. In that

    collusion (usually unconscious), which is

    designed to suppress the heroic approach

    to lie, each party gains in comort - or so it

    seems at rst glance - but loses in creativ-

    ity, power, and eectiveness.

    What society gets out o this collusion isthat institutions and systems - the status

    quo - are not threatened by many people

    acting creatively and powerully, taking

    risks, and bringing about change. Change

    may be required or the health o the insti-

    tution or community, but there is always

    resistance to those trying to bring it about.

    What individuals get out o this collusion

    is the avoidance o taking ull responsibil-

    ity or their lives and their choices. This

    does not mean that individuals dont have

    the impulse to ollow the heroic path to

    ull maturity and wholeness just that hu-

    man nature comes with this rst test to be

    passed on the heroic journey.

    One counter to this collusion is a question

    asked in dierent traditions in dierent

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    ways, but is essentially, I not me/us, then

    who and i not now, then when?


    The heroic myths are grand and our own

    heroism is mostly, though not always,lived out in our daily lives and seems

    unremarkable in comparison.

    The heroic myths tell about occasional

    journeys and our own journeys are

    surprisingly requent and even

    overlapping at times.

    Most o the heroic gures in the myths

    are larger than lie whereas we, with

    some exceptions, are ordinary peopledoing what we need to do to make a


    #3 BARRIERThe Exclusion o Womenand the Feminine

    The traditional telling o the heroic jour-

    ney is rom an overwhelmingly masculine

    perspective. In the traditional telling heroesgo orth aggressively to conquer, to kill, to

    rescue, to ght, to deeat, to dominate. In

    short they go orth to have power over oth-

    ers. This makes or exciting stories, but it

    obscures not only the eminine aspects o

    lie, but also the real purpose and message

    o the heroic journey.

    Men are Aected Also.

    This phenomenon not only tends to exclude

    women, but also tells men that qualities

    that are seen as primarily eminine are not

    or them and are not to be included in their

    heroic quest. This simply makes no sense

    or a journey that is about the search or

    wholeness and integration and complete-


    The Increasing Need or Feminine Qualities

    The exclusion o the eminine in portrayals

    o the heroic is increasingly dysunctional in

    a world that more and more requires quali-

    ties that are traditionally seen as eminine.

    It can be argued that previous environ-

    ments required characteristics o heroes

    that were more masculine, or instancedirect, aggressive, oten violent action that

    was individually ocused.

    Todays environment, however, clearly

    requires new characteristics and an integra-

    tion o traditionally eminine and masculine

    traits. There is a growing need or this inte-

    gration o qualities and competencies that

    are usually considered to be more eminine,

    or instance the ability to orm and maintain

    relationships and to act in a collective man-ner, being open and receptive, or the abil-

    ity to quietly persevere with patience and


    Another set o qualities and competencies

    could include a strong ocus on lie; the

    ability to create, to nurture and care or,

    to develop, and to protect lie. Emotional

    competency and the ability to attend to the

    emotional lives o others is yet a third set o

    characteristics that needs to be integrated

    into how we look at heroism.

    Its About Wholeness

    Kathleen Noble, in The Sound o a Silver

    Horn, also addresses questions o dier-

    ences and similarities. In a chapter titled

    Toward a New Mythology o Heroism

    she conronts the need or wholeness or

    completion rom the standpoint o the

    emale hero. Not surprisingly, this attention

    to integration or usion is just as applicable

    or men.

    ...she must use the best attributes o

    emininity and masculinity and so create

    a new archetype o heroism that speaks to

    both women and men. This usion would

    make her: independent without being

    alienated; courageous without being

    contemptuous o the weak; powerul

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    The Heroic Challenge or Followers

    For ollowers the challenge is to take ull per

    sonal responsibility or their actions and choic

    es, understanding and accepting the impact o

    those choices and actions on others, including

    those leading. This is a natural consequence o

    being part o the required web o leaders and

    ollowers. The responsibility naturally ollows

    the signicance o the role.

    The challenge or ollowers includes such tests

    as accepting and acilitating empowerment, be

    coming partners with others in the web o lead

    ers and ollowers, taking considered risks, making the leap o aith to trust and the eort and

    commitment to be trustworthy, and to exert the

    extra eort required. The tests also include be

    ing honest and orthcoming in communicating

    outward and in providing eedback, providing

    support and guidance and care to others as wel

    as taking care o onesel. Part o the authorship

    and partnership is in sharing in the shaping and

    championing o the purpose and design o the

    organization and being willing to wisely sacri

    ce or the greater good.

    For both leaders and ollowers a prooundly im

    portant aspect o the heroic challenge is the abil

    ity to act rom three sources o power: a sense

    o signicance, a sense o integrity and the will

    ingness to look beyond ourselves and sacrice

    when necessary or the others.

    without dominating or exploiting others;

    rational without suppressing or abandoning

    eeling and intuition; autonomous within

    interconnected, interdependent, and equal

    relationships; nurturing without denying

    or sacrifcing her own needs; and androgy-

    nous without compromising the bestattributes o emaleness but afrming the

    wholeness inherent in all. (p. 194)

    It is clearly not an either/or question, but

    one o completing the person o the hero to

    incorporate both masculine and eminine

    characteristics. This is not an indictment

    o old myths nor a statement that the older

    orms are no longer relevant. In many

    cases, or men and or women, the more

    traditional and more masculine heroic pat-tern is the one that is required. In many,

    and an increasing number o cases, howev-

    er, the traditionally masculine model alone

    is just not what is required. It is simply not



    For both leaders and ollowers the heroic chal-

    lenge is a dual one: conducting their own in-

    ternal journeys as well as playing their part

    in the journey o the group. Both leaders and

    ollowers are inherently challenged to manage

    themselves in order to play eective roles in the

    leadership web.

    The Heroic Challenge or Leaders

    For those o us leading a major change the chal-

    lenge is to be worthy o ollowers; their belie,

    hope, trust, personal investment and eort, their

    sacrice, and the risks they take regarding job,

    career, amily, and place in the world.

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    Honoring Our Signifcance

    It is much easier to meet the heroic challenge or

    leaders or or ollowers, easier to nd our best,

    i we have a sense o signicance. This does

    not mean sel-glorication or hubris, but rather

    an honest sense o our gits and the dierence

    we make. When we understand the value that

    we add, it gives meaning to our actions. It alsohighlights the consequences o our actions or

    our lack o action. We are then challenged to

    honor our signicance through our behavior. It

    is our git and it naturally makes demands on


    Acting with Integrity

    People have oten asked, Isnt the heroic jour-

    ney really about integrity? The answer is

    yes. The heroic journey is about deepening

    sel knowledge, discovering our purpose and

    the dierent aspects o ourselves and integrat-ing those parts, becoming whole. That happens

    as we discover who we are and match our be-

    havior to that understanding. It happens over

    the course o multiple journeys, the spiral o

    journeys that we experience in a lie. The bene-

    ts o previous journeys are brought to the next

    journey as we create our lie.

    The same principles and concepts can be ap

    plied to groups, organizations, and communi

    ties as they discover who they are and strive

    to match their behaviors and cultures with tha


    The basic reality o the heroic journey and itsunction or people, both individually and col

    lectively, matches the dictionary denitions o

    integrity very closely: The state or quality o

    being complete, whole, entire, unbroken, sound

    To integrate means to make whole or complete

    by adding or bringing together parts, to uniy.

    Stephen L Carter, in his book Integrity, agrees

    but also sees integrity reerring to a sense o

    right and wrong and a matching o behaviors to

    those belies. He sees integrity requiring threesteps: (1) Discerning what is right and what is

    wrong; (2) acting on what you have discerned

    even at personal cost; and (3) saying openly tha

    you are acting on your understanding o righ

    and wrong. (p. 7)

    Looking Beyond Sel

    There is a moral aspect to the heroic journey

    and that centers on the willingness and ability

    o the leader to think beyond themselves, to be

    willing to sacrice or others or or principles

    This is the dierence between heroes and pirates, adventurers or terrorists. They may al

    have courage, be willing to take risks, be talent

    ed, learn rom experience, have vision, and be

    successul, but they are not the same.

    Heroism will inevitable involve sacrice. Sacri

    ce can be dened as giving up something o

    something o greater value. In a way sacrice

    is like net prot. It requires a cost, but results

    in more benets. It diers rom loss in that loss

    may simply be the giving up o something. The

    heros sacrices and acts have traditionally rein

    vigorated the community, re-inusing the divine

    or lie energy.

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    Courage is rightly esteemed the frsto human qualities because it is the

    quality which guarantees all others.

    Winston Churchill

    In leading heroic journeys there are our orms

    o courage upon which leaders can draw. These

    orms o courage are both challenging and

    sources o great power. They are natural chal-

    lenges in leading journeys o change and cannotreally be avoided without signicant damage to

    leadership credibility. At the same time, when

    leaders accept the challenge and draw on these

    sources o power, journeys are usually success-


    Courage is the quality or characteristic that is

    most oten called upon in major journeys o

    change. Courage comes rom Latin and French

    roots, meaning heart. In its simplest orm it

    has to do with an attitude or response o acing

    or engaging with something that is perceived asdangerous, painul, or dicult. Courage is not

    the absence o ear or anxiety, but the willing-

    ness to move ahead in spite o it.

    Courage can come in many orms, but there are

    our orms that are at the heart o the ability to

    meet the heroic challenges posed or leaders

    and ollowers. Each may be obvious, but the

    depth o courage required is surprising. They

    are also linked and support each other. They

    also rely on each other, or none will have mucho an eect without the others.



    Seeing the truth can result in some very uncom-

    ortable eelings, including eeling the need to

    act, anger at a situation or group, eeling pow

    erless or eective or alone in the ace o issues

    being araid o how others might respond, etc

    Speaking the truth makes a person or group vis

    ible to others, challenges others, and is a orm

    o commitment by stepping out o the shadows

    Many people do not want to see or hear the truthand truth-tellers are oten not welcome.

    Seeing and speaking the truth also has some

    extraordinary benets, but they are not realized

    unless sucient courage is present. Those ben

    ets can include eeling authentic rather than

    living a lie, increased vitality due to acting and

    living consciously and not needing to be de

    pressed to avoid seeing the truth, etc.

    There are risks, there are dangers and there arecosts to pay. But there are extraordinary re

    wards to be gained and there are, in many cas

    es, ar higher risks or not nding the courage to

    see and speak the truth.

    Lie shrinks or expands inproportion to ones courage.

    Anais Nin


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    This sounds easy, but it is not. Creating a vi-sion o the desired state requires stating what

    is desired and, thereore, what is not desired. It

    involves making choices and commitments and

    saying yes to some things and no to many

    things. Many o those choices will be conus-

    ing, involve many points o views, lack su-

    cient data to point to a clear answer, and touch

    on values, preerences, and belies that may be

    extremely important to people.

    Creating a vision o a desired state also implieschange rom current reality and, thereore,the

    inevitable endings/losses, ears, uncertainties,

    and doubts o the change process. It also shows

    the gap between current reality and the desired

    state and that gap is oten very dicult to live


    The question then becomes, Do we hold on to

    the vision and let go o current reality or hold on

    to current reality and let go o the vision? The

    tension that is naturally created by the gap will

    resolve one way or the other.

    Holding orth the vision o the desired state

    means providing something to be held account-

    able or, states what an individual, group, orga-

    nization, or community stands or, and deepens

    the commitment to it, which can be painul when

    progress is not being made or the transition e

    ort ails.

    Heroism is not just aboutfnding a new truth, but

    also having the courage toact on that vision

    Carol Pearson,

    Awakening the Heroes Within




    Getting rom current reality to the desired real

    ity at the end o a journey is usually a relatively

    long process and one that never goes smoothly

    It is messy at times, is ull o uncertainty and

    doubt, involves all kinds o unoreseen actors

    and events, takes a great deal o energy, involve

    mistakes and ailures, gets very conusing and

    disorienting at times, and costs more resources

    (rom human to nancial) than anticipated.



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    It is oten impossible to know exactly what is

    going on, exactly what to do about it, and what

    the consequences are going to be. The un-

    known is a requent companion. Oten the

    only thing that leaders o change can hang onto

    is the courage to persevere, to keep putting one

    oot in ront o the other, to reuse quit, and tokeep nding ways to reorient and renew the e-

    ort (and themselves).

    Courage is more exhilaratingthan ear and in the long run it

    is easier. We do not have to become heroesover night. Just a step at a time, meeting

    each thing that comes up,seeing it is not as dreadul as it

    appeared, discovering we have the strengthto stare it down.

    Eleanor Roosevelt




    Collaborating with others is always a leap o

    aith. Depending on others over whom werarely have control, or success when it matters

    is never easy. Will they have what we need?

    When we need it? Will we measure up when

    they need us? Who will play which roles, exer-

    cise what infuence and add what value? Who

    will benet rom the collaboration and how?

    Will collaboration take too much time? Will we

    get the innovation we need or will we get lowest

    common denominator outcomes?

    Those are tough questions when important mat-

    ters are on the line. Because o the potential con-

    sequences, positive and negative, the courage

    to make the leap o aith to trust and collaborate

    with others must be joined with the skill to col-

    laborate eectively or courage easily becomes

    oolishness. A lot o us have had disappointing

    experiences with collaborative eorts and know

    that we need to have the right partners with the

    right understandings and the right skills. Bu

    the key is the courage to invest in and rely on

    others to really make a dierence.

    This is not a new or trendy truth. Heroes have

    never gone alone and been successul in the

    myths, nor do leaders go alone in corporateor community change and achieve sustainable

    outcomes. We are truly interdependent on the

    journey, whether we like it or not. So we eithe

    nd the courage and skill to depend upon, and

    support, others or we simply wont have the

    reach and the power and the resilience to sus

    tain the eort.


    Heroes, however, do not leave known worlds

    travel the trail o tests, and reach c o m

    pletion without at times losing their courage. I

    just isnt human. This is one o the reasons why

    heroes do not go alone. Sometimes courage is

    recovered without help, but oten it is the inter

    vention, support or belie o others that enables


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    us to rediscover our courage. At other times it

    is a matter o acting courageously even when

    the eelings o courage just arent present.

    Some days it is a heroic actjust to reuse the paralysiso ear and straighten up

    and step into another day

    Edward Albert




    The heroic is being asked o us by our organi-

    zations and our communities. Not on a grand

    scale, but on a daily and a personal scale. It

    may play out at work or in communities rom

    neighborhoods to our global community. It is

    also the great story o creating a worthwhile

    and rewarding lie. We can say yes or we can

    say no or we can pretend we didnt hear the


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    Gordon Barnhar

    515 Terrace Avenue

    Cincinnati, Ohio 45220



    2008. Gordon Barnhart. All rights reserved

    Illustrations by Jim Borgman




    Roles and


    Knowledgeof the











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    DenialAngerBargainingDepressionAcceptanceGuidelines or LeadershipEndings and Creation OverlapACT II: THE CHALLENGEOF MASTERY 16Lie Giving Creation and MasteryCreationNew DiscoveriesLearning and MasteryBarriersModels o MasteryThe Mastery Force-FieldLearning to Love the PlateauThe Inevitable Perormance Dips

    and Senior Management Psychosis

    ACT II: THE CHALLENGEOF BEING IN-BETWEEN 20Encountered Dynamic TensionsThe Known and UnknownOrder and Disorder

    Place and DisplacementConnection and DisconnectionHope and Belie and Doubt and DespairExcitement, Anticipation, Fear, and AnxietyMeaning and Loss, or Lack or MeaningOrientation and DisorientationIntegration and DisintegrationACT III: COMPLETINGJOURNEYS: INTEGRATINGAND EMBEDDING 23The Central Test at the Completion

    o Journeys

    The Impact on Others and Their OtenSurprising Responses

    The Four Classic Responses o OthersEasing the Return Preparing the WayFitting Everything Together Alignment

    and Attunement

    Knowledge o the Journey DontLeave Home Without It

    KNOWLEDGE IS POWER 3OVERVIEW OF THEHEROIC JOURNEY 3The RewardsAct I: BeginningsAct II: On the PathThe TestsHeroes Dont Go AloneAct III: CompletionsBASIC PRINCIPLES OFHEROIC JOURNEYS 5Always Two Journeys or Individuals

    An Internal and an ExternalWe Spiral Through JourneysPersonal Levels o Challenge (PIES)Ripple EectsThe Scale o TestsPositive and Negative TestsTHE HEROIC JOURNEY A STORY IN THREE ACTS 8The Five Challenges at the

    Heart o the Journey

    ACT I: BEGINNINGS GOING FORTH 8How Journeys Begin. It Matters a LotHeeding a CallBeing Thrown Into a JourneyBeing Lured Into a JourneyBlundering Into a JourneyThe Nature o ThresholdsGuardians o the Threshold and

    the Reusal o the Journey

    Dancing Around the ThresholdACT II: THE CHALLENGEOF ENDINGS 12The Essential EndingsAnticipatory LossSacrice Vs. Simple LossManaging the Stages o Dealing

    with Endings


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    Part One:Setting The Stage

    Knowledge is Power

    There are two reasons to pay attention to the reali-

    ties o the heroic journey.

    1. As leaders, this is the path we will travel and

    the tests we will encounter personally and in

    our leadership roles. The heroic journey tells

    us what we can expect as well what leadership

    roles to play and the strategies that make them

    work. It also provides guidance in managing

    our selves so that we can eectively lead others.

    2. This is the path that we will be asking our

    ollowers to travel. We need to be ready to

    orient and prepare them or these experiences

    so that they can sel-manage as well as possible.

    By bringing this base o knowledge to our

    ollowers it also helps them understand how we

    are leading and makes it easier or them to align

    with us and each other.

    Knowledge is truly power and power is required rom

    the beginning to the end in journeys o change. That

    power needs to be exercised by a surprisingly large

    number o people who are aligned in their eorts.

    This is power with vs. power over as part o the

    Leadership Web.

    The old phrase, Power corrupts and absolute power

    corrupts absolutely, is a wise warning, but its oppo-

    site is much more in play in the heroic journey. On

    journeys o change a lack o power will corrupt lead-

    ership eorts and result in an unsuccessul journey.

    In the case o knowledge as power, a lack o knowl-

    edge about what to expect and what to do can leave

    people earul, hesitant, uncertain, reactive, oten

    passive, mistrustul and resistant in general.

    On the other hand, with sucient people prepared

    well the likely scenario is one o more excitementthan anxiety, more trust than mistrust, a posture o

    sel-management vs. dependence, an investment

    o sel vs. withholding, and an increasing sense o

    condence and esprit de corps as challenges are met

    and overcome.

    Overview ofthe HeroicJourney

    The heroic journey pro-

    vides a trustworthy map

    or leaders. It is the story

    o change and growth in

    its healthiest orm. It is

    about becoming increasingly

    competent, mature, resilient,

    and able to meet the shiting

    challenges o the world. Almost

    all cultures have their own versions

    o the heroic journey to educate their

    members about whats required or the health o the

    community as well as creating meaningul lives. The

    journey plays out in three acts.



    heroicjourney is

    the story o

    change and

    growth in its





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    The Rewards

    In addition to achieving increased competencies,

    wisdom, resilience and condence, when we ollow

    the path o the heroic journey we serve as models

    or our groups and inuse those groups with lie

    energy. Groups and communities become stronger

    and better prepared or the next journey. Even when

    journeys arent completely successul, most o the

    rewards can still be realized to a surprisingly large

    degree. Most o us can look back on experiences

    that werent particularly successul, but rom

    which we grew in important ways.

    One o the reasons that the long

    term benets are so important

    is that the heroic journey is a

    cyclical or spiral experience.As individuals and orga-

    nizations we go through

    multiple journeys over

    the course o a lietime.

    Each journey, thereore,

    builds on past journeys

    and sets the stage or

    uture journeys.

    Act I: Beginnings

    The classic heroic journeybegins with the crossing o a

    threshold, leaving a known world or

    comort zone. We may (a) heed a call to

    go orth, (b) be thrown into the journey, (c) be lured

    in, or (d) blunder in. The rst challenge is getting

    past what are called the guardians o the threshold.

    These guardians take the orm o such things as inner

    doubts or external orces that try to turn us back right

    at the beginning. They are the rst test and chal-

    lenge our readiness and worthiness to go orth.

    Many journeys have the seeds o ailure sown rightat the beginning because we never really leave the

    known world we leave a oot on either side o the

    threshold. We can, thereore, never really discover

    the new truths, the revelations, and the new lie that

    are possible. Beginnings matter a lot.

    Act II: On the Path

    When we do cross the threshold and move through

    the land that lies on the other side we are aced with

    tests and trials that usually require new or altered

    ways o organizing ourselves in groups, thinking,

    relating and acting. What worked beore needs to be

    honored, but may no longer be eective. Old pat-

    terns and approaches may even be counter-produc-

    tive or dangerous.

    The Tests

    The heroic journey is a time o endings and begin-

    nings and o the dicult terrain in between. We may

    nd that our tests are physical, intellectual, emotiona

    or even spiritual and that our changes are, conse-

    quently, in one or more o those areas. Dierent

    journeys pose dierent challenges and opportunities

    and result in dierent areas o growth.

    The journey will oten require letting go o many,

    though certainly not all, old ways in order to give

    birth to the new. For instance, even a change in one

    key process in an organization can require comple-

    mentary changes in roles, skills, relationships, tech-

    nologies, physical space or equipment. It can also

    aect a persons sense o identity, place or the mean-

    ing and satisaction ound in their work.

    A second set o challenges and tests, oten the most

    deceptively dicult, takes the orm o discovering

    new ways and persevering in mastering the skills

    they require. The challenge o mastery may be the

    single biggest, and least appreciated, o the tests

    on a journey. A third set o tests will involve dealing

    with the uncertainty, occasional disorientation, and

    ambiguity o the land between endings and begin-

    nings (inbetweenity). Helping people stay oriented

    and balanced and connected is central to success in

    dealing with this in-between state.

    Heroes Dont Go AloneFew (i any) o us who cross the threshold have to

    ace the trials and tests alone. On almost all journeys

    there are helpers o various sorts who can provide

    direction, tools, challenge, encouragement, and

    coaching to better cope with the new environment.



    lenge o

    mastery may

    be the single big-

    gest, and least

    appreciated, o

    the tests on a


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    These supporters come in many orms rom amily

    members and colleagues to various advisors and vet-

    erans o the heroic journey who share their wisdom

    and encouragement. Actively developing a support

    network o these helpers is a critical task in manag-

    ing ourselves to lead others.

    Act III: CompletionsWhen we successully meet the challenges o the

    journey the nal phase is some orm o return or

    completion. We return with the gits that we have

    discovered, whether new knowledge, new abilities,

    new ways o working and relating or new technolo-

    gies. That triggers the nal set o challenges.

    The heros return may be the most dicult part o

    all. Whether individually or as a group, we will be

    changed. That will require changes in others, or

    it will change the nature o relationships and align-

    ments o various kinds. Those changes can ripple

    out in many directions and or long distances. The

    gits o the hero can easily threaten the status quo.

    Once again, this is as relevant or communities and

    organizations as it is or individuals. We must ap-

    proach the completion o a journey with our eyes

    open. In act, we should have been preparing to deal

    with this ripple eect rom the middle o the journey

    as soon as we could project the likely ripples o our

    emerging changes.

    Basic Principles ofHeroic JourneysAlthough every heroic journey will be unique, there

    are some principles that are common to all journeys

    and add some interesting dimensions to the basic

    story just described. Six principles are presented

    here and each will be a actor in every journey. Each

    will oer leadership a potential edge in understand-

    ing their own experience as well as that o those who

    ollow and, thus, guidance in how to respond.

    1. Always Two Journeys or anIndividual an Internal andan External Journey

    The tests on a heroic journey or any individual will

    be both internal and external and those two types

    may be prooundly dierent. This is why there are

    really two journeys to manage. The external journey

    will relate to the changes underway in the organiza-

    tion or community. We may be leading or ollowing,

    but we will be engaged in all the elements o theclassic heroic journey. We will also see changes in

    ourselves as we traverse that external path.

    Some external journeys precipitate big internal

    journeys o change and some only precipitate little

    changes, but there will always be something going

    on or us personally. And there will always be oppor-

    tunities or us to grow and become more mature and

    whole i we pay attention.

    Even when the external journey is disappointing or

    ull o loss, the internal journey may be richly reward-

    ing, particularly in the long run. We dene ourselves

    by how we respond to the external challenges and

    can, thereore, build new skill sets and dene our

    character and best qualities - even in an unsuccessul

    external quest.

    The external challenges are usually more obvious

    and get most o the attention, although they are oten

    not the most dicult nor the most important tests.On the other hand, we usually have more infuence

    over the management o our internal journeys.

    2. We Spiral Through Journeys

    The lie o each individual, organization or community

    is made up o many small (and sometimes some very

    large) heroic journeys, each testing and developing

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    us in dierent ways. The image o the spiral nature

    o the heroic journey is important or several reasons:

    The spiral denotes the lie-long nature o the

    series o heroic journeys in which we are likely

    to engage. It does not represent an event or one

    journey standing alone. Each journey can beseen as one more cycle o the spiral, each build-

    ing on those that have come beore and leading

    to the next.

    Lie doesnt happen in a straight line. A straight

    path through lie would be too steep and too

    dangerous. Lie is just too interesting and twist-

    ing as well as dicult. A direct linear path would

    be like driving straight up (or down) a mountain.

    The spiral path allows a more gradual ascent with

    twists and turns.

    The spiral also allows a shiting ocus among

    the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual

    planes precipitated by the longing or wholeness

    and integration. It allows any particular journey

    to bring progress in one or more areas even

    while there may be regression in other areas. It

    acknowledges that people change on dierent

    levels at dierent times. The danger comes

    when growth in any particular area is blocked or

    too long. A crisis, however, will probably occur

    to break the logjam, although the crisis may notlook like a good thing at the time.

    3. Personal Levels o Challenge(PIES)

    There are always our potential levels o challenge in

    any heroic journey (PIES).

    Our Physical lie Our Intellectual lie

    Our Emotional lie Our Spiritual lie

    Some challenges along the journey will be primarily

    physical in nature, some intellectual, some emotional,

    and some spiritual. Some will be more important

    than others and some will be answered more eec-

    tively than others. Dierent journeys will challenge

    us on dierent ways. It is important, however, to re-

    member that the heroic journey can touch all o those

    levels and in many ways.

    Physical challenges, or example, can range rom

    injury or illness to demands or more sustained eort

    or extended travel, or exposure to danger and the

    required heightened alertness. Physical states can

    vary rom energized and revitalized to exhausted and

    burned out. Physical capabilities can be enhancedor damaged. Over the course o a journey both en-

    hancement and damage can be expected to varying


    Intellectual challengesoten involve new ways o

    thinking or conceptualizing ranging rom how com-

    munities are organized or interact to how a person

    sees her or himsel (sel image), to new ideas about

    the nature o relationships, to how work is organized.

    Emotionssuch as ear, anxiety, depression, despair,

    disconnection, disorientation, and alienation can be

    mixed with eelings o joy, exhilaration, excitement,

    calm, wonder, connection, hope, and inspiration.

    Emotions can be ully experienced or repressed and

    they can shit rapidly depending on circumstances

    and a persons physical, intellectual, and spiritual


    We will be challenged to trust, risk, depend on others

    maintain a sense o hope and condence, and draw

    on our sources o courage. The deepening o emo-

    tional competence can be one o the great challengesand great benets o the journey.

    Taken to its deepest level, the heroic journey is ul-

    timately a spiritual journey. That can be dened in

    many ways, but in general terms has to do with con-

    nection and relationship beyond sel, to a connec-

    tion to a higher being, to the common ground o lie,

    to the divine, to the universe. Questions o purpose,

    meaning, and creativity or generativity also requent-

    ly come into play.

    4. Ripple EectsEects in one area will ripple out through the other

    areas. For example

    An external intellectual challenge such as a

    change in required management or leadership

    style may provide major internal emotional chal-

    lenges such as ear o ineectiveness or a loss

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    o power, a shit in identity or esteem, loss o a

    sense o orm or order, or simply anxiety about

    the unknown.

    Similarly, an emotional shock, such as losing a

    position or job may result in physical challenges

    o increased stress and decreased support, intel-lectual challenges to rethink careers or amily lie

    styles, and may even result in rethinking ones

    place in the universe or larger scheme o things.

    Challenging community norms may bring chal-

    lenges on all our levels. Physical saety may be

    challenged and emotional well being can easily

    be shaken by being threatened or shunned or

    simply doubted by others. Intellectual capacity

    can be strained trying to gure out whats going

    on, what the desired state might look like, and

    what might be required to get there. Spiritu-

    ally, relationship beyond sel may undergo major

    challenges and rethinking or may be powerully


    Oten, where there is a threat on one level, there

    are opportunities on another, although those op-

    portunities may be less obvious. The change in a

    persons leadership style that was noted above may

    be experienced with a great deal o ear or anxiety,

    but it may also result in increased sel-knowledge,

    maturity, fexibility and condence. The loss o a jobmay cause a needed re-evaluation o career, liestyle

    or amily relationships or even a deeper sense o


    5. The Scale o Tests

    The scale o tests rom individual to communi-

    tyTests can occur on a community, organizational,

    group or individual basis (COGI). One o the surpris-

    ing things about the classic heroic journey is that it

    is as valid or group, organizational, or community

    change as it is or individual change. It becomesmuch more complex, but the pattern holds its value

    even with large scale communities.

    The kinds o tests that challenge across an

    organization include such things as changes in

    strategy, processes, technology, ownership, roles

    and relationships, structure, competency require-

    ments, etc.

    Communities are conronting challenges o gov-

    ernance, diversity, economic health, educational

    systems and systems o healthcare.

    Part o the test in organization-wide or community

    change is guring out how everything ts re-align-

    ment ater the changes have been made in keyareas. A complementary challenge is determining

    which groups and individuals are signicantly aect-

    ed by the changes and how to help them deal with

    that impact.

    Even in organization and community change where

    a great deal o systemic change might be involved,

    much o the leadership ocus must be on individual

    and group change. As organizational lie becomes

    more fuid, groups must orm and reorm (oten

    across many boundaries) and morph to meet the eve

    changing requirements. Community and organiza-

    tional change does not happen without change in a

    surprising number o people and the groups in which

    they work.

    Thats One o the Dierences Between the Classic

    Heroic Stories and Our Current Reality. We now have

    whole communities and organizations needing to

    go orth on heroic journeys with large numbers o

    people taking on the heroic role. The heroic stories

    still work, particularly or all those people that are

    thrown into journeys, but our stories are the individu-al journeys on a larger scale.

    6. Positive and Negative Tests

    Some tests will appear to be negative, or instance

    job loss, illness, loss o a relationship or a decrease in

    infuence. Some tests, however, will appear in more

    positive orms, or instance promotions, marriage,

    new work relationships, or increased infuence or


    It should not be assumed that tests that take a morenegative orm will be more dicult or result in less

    desirable outcomes. In act, it is oten the case that

    the tests that have been the most shocking or trau-

    matizing or caused the biggest initial sense o loss

    were the tests that resulted in the most valuable


    These principles are very eective guides in pre-

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    land o inbetweenity that lies between end-

    ings and beginnings.

    5. Integrate, deepen, and protect what has

    developed - starts early on the journey and

    continues or quite a while ater the journey

    appears to be over.

    These are our challenges and they will play out on the

    ollowing journey. These challenges will play out di-

    erently on each journey. Some journeys will require

    a major ocus on dealing with endings and loss. Oth-

    ers will come with a major ocus on discovery and

    mastery. Still others may see a prolonged period o

    inbetweenity. And any mix is possible, which is why

    leadership is such an art orm and requires that we

    continuously evolve personally and proessionally.

    Act I: Beginnings Going Forth

    OK Im in a leadership posture and ready to be the

    author vs. a victim. Im at the threshold. What can I


    How JourneysBegin It Matters a Lot

    How journeys begin is one o the most deceptively

    important issues in the heroic journey and it has ma-

    jor implications or leadership. There are our ways

    that heroic journeys can begin and most o us have

    each experienced each type in the course o our lives

    These our beginnings are dramatically dierent.

    Heed a call to go orth (internal or external voice)

    Be thrown into a journey by others

    Be lured into a journey

    Blunder into a journey

    paring or a heroic journey, whether in a leader or

    ollower role. They are also extremely useul as the

    journey progresses to make sense out o the experi-

    ence to normalize it as well as point to where the

    opportunities lie, even in the toughest settings.

    Part Two: The HeroicJourney A Story inThree ActsThe heroic journey can be seen as a three act play.

    Act I requires ast action to achieve the right type o

    beginning or the journey. Act II requires persever-

    ance and resilience to hold the course over a longer

    period o time. And Act III requires the discipline tonot let up beore the journey is really complete and

    the gains ully realized and not vulnerable to back-


    The Five Challenges at theHeart o the Journey

    The nature o the tests we know we will encounter

    and their likely impact on our sense o well being

    and our ability to perorm at high levels lead natu-

    rally to ve core challenges that we must meet. Theadvantage o knowing these challenges is that we

    can ocus our attention and energy on them with the

    condence that these are the areas that will make the


    1. Be the author o the experience to the greatest

    extent possible - begins at the beginning with

    more challenges throughout the journey.

    2. Let go o old ways and relationships that no

    longer work and deal with those endings and


    3. Discover and master new ways, developing

    new knowledge, new skills, and new qualities

    and capabilities or deepening old ones.

    4. Manage the uncertainty, unknown,

    conficting emotions, and shiting reality o the

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    Heeding a Call

    We can heed a call to go orth and do something that

    needs to be done. The call may be our own voice or

    it may be an external voice. We might respond to the

    rst call or the third or the twentieth. The key char-acteristic o beginning a journey by heeding a call is

    that we begin already in the position o author. It is

    our choice to go orth, so we have already adopted a

    posture o responsibility. The journey will also have

    begun on our timerame, or the most part.

    Being Thrown Into a Journey

    This is currently the most common beginning be-

    cause o the amount o organizational change that is

    taking place. Senior leaders might be heeding a call

    that says the organization must go orth, but most

    o its people will experience the beginning as being

    thrown. The exception is where leadership is skill-

    ul enough to communicate the need or going orth,

    how it will play out and leaderships commitment in

    such a way that people hear the call and accept it.To be air to senior leaders, there are many settings

    that simply dont allow that approach and people are

    simply going to eel thrown.

    The key characteristic in being thrown is the lack o

    authorship and responsibility as well as the requent

    shock and potential immediate losses that occur.

    This is a prooundly dierent way o beginning a

    journey and the challenge or leader-

    ship is to help people deal with the

    impact and, as quickly as pos-

    sible, get into a posture o

    sel-management as well

    as appropriately author-

    ing the journey expe-rience. That could

    mean joining the web

    o leaders with clear

    roles and commit-

    ment or simply ollow-

    ing as eectively as


    Responding to the experi-

    ence o being thrown into a

    journey is one o the highest

    leverage points that leadership

    will have.

    Being Lured Into a Journey

    This experience is a blend o heeding a call and be-

    ing thrown into the journey. A requent statement

    is, Wait a minute, I thought we were just There

    are lots o ways this can happen. A requent one is

    implementing a technology that seems to have a lim-

    ited scope o impact and nding that the ripple aect

    involves many more people, roles, relationships, pro-

    cesses and skills than anticipated. What looked like a


    ing thresh-

    olds brings

    with it risk and

    danger, but it also

    brings the po-

    tential to ulfll



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    journey o one scale suddenly becomes a journey on

    a much larger scale.

    While less challenging or leadership than where

    people are simply thrown into a journey, the respons-

    es may be quite similar. This is because people can

    eel deceived or surprised by the shit in degree ochallenge pull their commitment back until they eel

    like they have gured out this shit in reality.

    Blundering Into a Journey

    Blunders seem to be the deault way to begin a

    journey. They happen when we really need to go ona journey o change, but have not heeded a call or

    a journey, have not been thrown into such a journey

    and havent even been lured in. The theory is that,

    when we dont consciously go orth to do what needs

    to be done, our unconscious causes us to blunder in

    some way that launches us. These are usually pain-

    ul beginnings, but they are beginnings i we respond

    by continuing the journey.

    Common examples or individuals

    are ailing at a job and losing it,

    being injured or simply col-

    lapsing rom chronic stress,

    losing a key relationship,

    funking out o school orbeing arrested. Its usu-

    ally a sense o being vic-

    timized and the key is to

    avoid taking on a victim

    posture and instead go

    orth to ace the de