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  • 8/7/2019 BOOMSevenChoicesSummary


    SUCCESS PointsThis book will teach youhow to:

    Make the seemingly

    most mundane job


    Place service over


    Take risks and accept

    the possibility of


    Increase your success

    by empowering others

    to achieve

    Thomas Nelson Inc. 2007, Freibergs.comISBN: 9781595551160286 pages, $26.99 SUCCESS BOOK SUMMARIPage 1

    The Freedom to ChooseDiscover the power of living and

    working as if every day were your last.

    QUICK OVERVIEWOne person can make a signicant impact. In Boom! Seven Choices for Blowing the Doors

    O Business-as-Usual, Kevin and Jackie Freiberg outline how you can be that person,

    regardless of your title or position within an organization. Unfortunately, most people

    are disengaged, or dead people working, as the Freibergs call them. This doesnt

    necessarily mean the majority of people are lazy; rather, it just means no one has taught

    them or given them the opportunity to excel, take their gloves o and get inspired bytheir working lives.

    By outlining seven choices everyone can make to reinvigorate their work and life, the

    authors show that boredom and disengagement can be overcome. The key is choosing to

    make a dierence and focusing on taking charge instead of levying blame and playing

    it safe.

    APPLY AND ACHIEVEThe Freibergs point out that courage takes practice. Leading by example, you can

    empower others to voice their opinions, to work with and on behalf of others, and to

    cultivate their unique talents. Doing so requires that you step out of your comfort zoneand risk failure and rejection. Consider the authors following comments, which could

    reawaken dormant desires and spur you on to greater achievement.

    What are your gifts? How deeply have you pushed your dreams and desires away

    from the daily grind of work? There is an adventure with your name on it, waiting for

    you to step in and assume your role. It will take you places youve never been, places

    that will give you an opportunity to accomplish things you never dreamed are possible.

    If you step into it, you will most assuredly get in touch with some of your deepest fears.

    You will also get in touch with what really makes you come alive. What hangs in the

    balance is the quality of your life.

    Your life is now; what are you waiting for?

    BOOM!Seven Choices for Blowing the

    Doors Off Business-as-Usualby Kevin and Jackie Freiberg

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    BOOM! Seven Choices for Blowing the Doors Off Business-as-Usual


    Put 50 people in a room, and ask them to identify the

    movers and shakers in their organizations and what

    these individuals have in common. We guarantee that

    there will be at least one common denominator that

    uts across every person: They believe in the power ofone person

    o make a dierence, to be a force for positive change.

    These people are fully present and thoroughly engaged in what

    hey are doing. They dont let unfortunate circumstances or

    mitations drag them down, and they dont let negative people

    nuence how they are going to act. These people have chosen

    o use their gifts and talents and life experiences to make a

    mark in the world. The dierence between ordinary people and

    xtraordinary people is choice.

    The freedom to choose may be the most powerful attribute

    nd precious resource you have in your life. It shapes who you

    ecome, how you express yourself, the success you achieve and

    he inuence you have in the world.

    In an age of victimization, entitlement and excuse making,

    eople have di culty seeing that they are free. The problem is

    hat we often disconnect cause and eect. That is, we fail to link

    he consequences of our actions back to choices weve made. Andhe choices you freely make do not always lead to freedom.

    By rationalizing that you have no choice, you are choosing not to

    ecognize legitimate alternatives that are yours for the taking. You

    re stuck in a comfort zone of inaction that is functional and safe,

    ut that leaves you dead and disengaged, perhaps even anxious

    nd stressed. Your choice, while seemingly benign, comes with an

    unhealthy price tag, one that could cost you more than the price

    ou wouldve paid for constructive confrontation or moving on.

    We call people like this dead people working. They are

    hysically present, but they are psychologically, emotionally andntellectually checked out!

    There are seven choices waiting to be made. These choices will

    etermine the quality of your life and the signicance of your

    ontribution to the world in which you work. Boom! was written

    o help you embrace your freedom to choose. Its about avoiding

    he snares of indierence and victimization by embracing the

    God-given freedom inherent in all of us. Its your wake-up call

    o be a leader, to create a community of purpose-driving people

    who, together, will create organizations that can move mountains.

    Make no mistake: In the end, how you live your life is your choice.


    A BYSTANDERTo be a player is to have a voice, to have inuence. It is to speak upand shape policies and practices that support a work environment

    where people are fully awake, completely alive and entirely

    engaged. Players inuence the cultures in which they live and

    work. Secure and optimistic, they have a strong sense of who they

    are, what they stand for and how they want to live. Players rarely

    get derailed by circumstances that frequently hold victims back.

    To make a dierence, you must focus on what you can control.

    Focusing on the things you cannot control is a waste of your limited

    resources. It depletes your reservoir and leaves you with less

    Learn to LookOptimistically to the FutureStrategy No. 1: Give Complaining a Permanent Rest

    The root of most complaining is entitlement. Wecomplain because we arent getting something we

    think we deserve. Complaining is often just another

    form of procrastination that prevents you from getting

    to a solution.

    Strategy No. 2: Nourish New IdeasThe Scarier

    the Better

    Embrace people who dont think like you do. Newideas raise the heartbeat, increase the blood

    pressure and give the organization an adrenaline

    rush. They are crucial to the growth of any business,

    and they are the lifeblood of your career.

    Strategy No. 3: Look for the Best Ideas in

    Unlikely Places

    Skepticism is often presumed to be based on logicalthinking and anchored in an objective evaluation of

    factual data. Radical innovations are only rational

    in hindsight.

    Strategy No. 4: Remember, You Are Drinking from

    Wells Dug by Others Gratitude stems from a sense of indebtedness, from

    the acknowledgement that we have not arrived at

    where we are solely on our own.

    An ungrateful heart always sees what is wrong with the

    world and cynically makes nothing out of something.

    Gratitude, on the other hand, sees what is right with

    the world and usually nds something meaningful

    in nothing.

  • 8/7/2019 BOOMSevenChoicesSummary


    BOOM! Seven Choices for Blowing the Doors Off Business-as-Usua


    time and energy to focus on the things you cancontrol. Players

    recognize that gaining traction toward a desired outcome is the

    result of choosing wisely between the two. They ignore the things

    they cannot do anything about. They simply dont let things outside

    their control take up too much mental space, or they concentrate

    on bringing things outside their control into their control.

    You can control your eectiveness by orders of magnitude by

    simply asking yourself the question, Right now, at this moment,

    given this situation, am I focused on something I can control, or

    obsessing over something I cant control?

    Assess your own situation and then decide what you caninuence and what you cant. The more you focus on the

    things you are worried about but cant control, the more you

    disempower yourself. The more you focus on what you can

    control, the more freedom you have to take a stand!

    Develop the discipline to ask these four simple but very

    powerful questions in every situation and boom, you will take a

    huge step away from helplessness and a powerful step toward

    becoming more in control.

    What do I desire most? What do I want to create?

    What part of the problem do I own?

    To what part of the solution can I contribute? What about me must change?

    At rst, these questions may make you uncomfortable because

    they wont let you o the hook. But dont give up. Over the long

    haul, these questions will absolutely energize you by giving you

    the authority to act, the power to eect change and the freedom

    to stay the course. You will feel more at liberty to follow your

    dreams for being a most valuable player!

    The challenge were laying down starts with each of us having

    the courage to ask, What am I doing thats meaningful? How am

    I adding value? What does it mean to be a person who literally

    creates my own success? And how do I become this person?

    CHOICE NO. 2: BE ACCOUNTABLEOnce youve decided to be a player, you have to know who

    youre playing againstand here comes a big surprise: For most

    of your life, were willing to bet, youve been playing against

    yourself! All these years, while youve been blaming themThey

    wont let me grow; Theyhold me back; Theydont care about

    my success. You never knew that there is no they. Theres only

    you and me, and no one can stop us but ourselves.

    Do you know who they are? Have you met them? The

    mysterious they lurks in every organization.

    Being a victim is a choice, much of which hinges on our fail

    to be accountable for our own outcomes in life. Instead, we bothers for getting in the way of our progress. Dont wait for o

    to show you the wayblaze the trail yourself.

    If we truly believe that leadership is inuence, and that any

    within an organization can inuence others, then doesnt it m

    sense to expect more leadership from ourselves and to stop

    searching for it in others?

    Blaming is a defense tactic for those who desire to take the

    spotlight o of themselves and shift the problem to someone e

    Instead of asking, What have I done to cause the situation Im

    the question becomes, Why are theydoing this to me?

    If you want to blow the doors o business as usual, take sominitiative; stop waiting for guidance. It just may be that no one

    better understanding of the problem and how to x it than you


    When your contribution takes the form of service to other

    your work suddenly starts to come alive with meaning. But

    service is more than helping others, because being of service i

    greatest gift you can give yourself. As Gandhi said, The fragr

    always remains on the hand that gives the rose.No matter what part of the world you are from, what you d

    for a living, how much money you make, or what you value an

    believe in, we all share a common interest: self-interest. We a

    come into this world narcissistic and self-centered. This natur

    focus on self-interest is a basic human trait, and it is deeply

    ingrained in who we are.

    When self-indulgence becomes the norm, our egos become

    the center of the universe and feeding them becomes priority

    No. 1. The problem is that when we equate happiness with

    self-indulgence, we develop a chronic egocentricity. But a me

    Your work matters. And thesooner you realize that, the sooneyou can begin to change your life

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    ttitude rarely delivers the expected outcome. Focusing on our

    wn happiness to the detriment of otherswhether employees,

    ssociates, customers, clients, friends or familydoes not

    ecessarily bring us the deep-seated, long-term happiness we desire

    r think we deserve. After working so hard to feed our egos, we

    till end up empty and unfullled.

    Are you here to serve or be served? If you want to make a

    ierence in the world, its only going to happen through service,

    nd its only going to happen if you make it happen. Were only

    ruly happy when were serving someone else.

    The aim of purely motivated, unadulterated service is to createetter individuals, better organizations, better societies, and

    ltimately a better world. That is why people get such a charge out

    f being part of world-class service. Its gratifying to know that we

    re part of something that encompasses more than ourselves, yet

    omething that would not be complete without our contributions.

    Consider this: People are more willing to follow you, cooperate

    with you and support your ideas when you serve their needs. When

    ou serve my needs so profoundly that I become empowered by

    our actions, I will naturally be predisposed to follow you. Why

    would I do anything else?

    CHOICE NO. 4: FOCUS FORWARDWhere you focus your energy and attention determines what you

    ee, and what you see has a dramatic eect on your attitude, your

    emeanor and your eectiveness. If your focus is backward, on why

    t cant be done, what isnt working, whats wrong, what couldve

    een done but wasnt, ruminating on the problem and whos to

    lame, your chances of being negative, cynical, helpless, indierent

    nd unmotivated are pretty high. That is the recipe for becoming a

    ictim, a dead person working.

    If your focus isforward, on how it can be done, whats workingwell, what you want to achieve, whats right, whats happening

    hat gives you momentum and how you are going to be part of the

    olution, you will be more positive, hopeful, self-reliant, energetic,

    oncerned and motivated. This is the recipe for being fully alive and

    ully engaged.

    Where you focus can also become a self-fullling prophecy.

    ocus backward long enough, and your victimized thinking will

    rive you toward behaviors that are counterproductive. Ruminate

    n your problems long enough, and your problems will get bigger.

    pend enough time blaming others, and the bad guys will get

    worse, and you will develop a spirit of self-righteous indignation

    that kills the very teamwork you need to get results. What we dwell

    on gets in us, and whats in us spills out of us.

    Develop a habit of focusing forward andboomyou will

    engage in more activities that support your goals. Spend more time

    thinking about solutions, and your problems will become more

    manageable. Look for the good, the giftedness that God has built

    in others, and you will appreciate them more. Do this with enough

    people, and you will develop an appreciation for co-workers who

    are dierent from you. Your associates will become less obstructive

    and more cooperative. All of this increases the likelihood of gettingthe results you want, which, in turn, motivates you to stay focused

    in the right direction.


    Your work matters. And the sooner you realize that, the sooner

    you can begin to change your life. If you dontplan for your life to

    matter, guess what? It wont, at least not to the extent you wish it

    did. The work you doin fact, everything you dois a statement

    about who you are.The ability to create something valuable, making the world a

    better place, acting courageously to serve others, is what it means to

    be human. Deny this, and you run the dangerous risk of becoming

    dehumanized, empty, unfullled, a dead person working.

    Work has always been one of the most important places where

    we seek a sense of meaning and identity. Finding meaning in the

    work we do is essential because work is a central activity in our

    lives. When our work becomes meaningful, its usually because it

    has become a channel through which we can express the gifts and

    talents God originally built into us. Discipline and opportunity

    enable us to develop our gifts and talents. The question is, doesthe work in which we are engaged allow us to do what weve been

    designed to do? Further, does it contribute to something larger

    than ourselves? Does it fully engage us? When the answer to these

    questions is yes, signicance will follow.

    Dilbert has become the iconic spokesperson for dead people

    working. The cartoon character Scott Adams created wouldnt

    enjoy such huge success if we didnt identify with his cynicism and

    futility at some level.

    Do a mental survey of the businesspeople you know personally

    who get great pleasure out of their work. What do they have in

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    BOOM! Seven Choices for Blowing the Doors Off Business-as-Usual SUCCESS BOOK SUMMARIPage 5

    common? In our experience with businesspeople in dierent

    positions and dierent industries around the world, we have

    found that it is a sense of fulllment. Most people who are happyin life spend time doing things they are gifted at, tasks they are

    genetically, psychologically, emotionally and spiritually engineered

    to excel at. These gifts and talents express who we really are and

    make a valuable contribution to others.

    Here are some questions that may help you nd your talents:

    1. What have you done that felt eortless? That came easily to you?

    2. When have you felt like you were grinding your gears in

    hopeless work?

    3. If you asked 10 people who know you well what youre good

    at, what would they say?

    4. What do you get a rmed for?If you want your life to matter, thenyou have to transform your

    work into something you are turned on about.

    CHOICE NO. 6: GET IT DONEDo people like to be around you? In our experience, far too

    many people talk about what they shoulda, woulda, or coulda done.

    MVPsget it done. There are a lot of ways to expand your inuence,

    but you must rst believe that it starts withyou, that you are

    personally and professionally accountable for leading where you are

    planted and causing your inuence to grow. Here are a few ideas.Create vitality, energy and buzz. What happens when you

    create vitality, energy and buzz in an organization? Well, you are

    certainly more visible, and you have more of a voice than others.

    Your ideas will carry more weight and have more inuence on the

    business. That means you have a better shot at getting other people

    to rally around your ideas.

    Give people a voice. When you create room for people to

    weigh in with their ideas, you value themeven if you disagree

    with them. When we are valued, we feel more vital to the

    organization. One of the greatest ways we can energize people is

    by asking for their insight, listening without distraction and act

    upon what we learn.

    Break the back of entitlement. What happens to a socie

    which rights and responsibilities are out of balance, a culture w

    people focus more on what they are owed than on what they ow

    Entitlement is grounded in the belief that if I make a sacrice fo

    you or for the organization, then, guess what? You owe me, bab

    Life is so much more fullling when we are called togive!

    CHOICE NO. 7: RISK MORE,GAIN MOREIf you were to discover at breakfast that tomorrow will be yo

    last day on earth, would that news have some eect on how you

    lived your day? You know it would. So heres the question: If lif

    is the only game in town, then why arent you playing like theres


    You cant innovate without experimenting, you cant experim

    without making mistakes, and you cant make mistakes unless

    are willing to risk failure and rejection. Do you have the courag

    to try new things, test new ideas and challenge the status quo?

    The problem for many of us is that we think playing it safe (doinnothing) is safe, when, in reality, safe is often risky.

    What makes you stand out in the eyes of your co-workers, yo

    boss, your customers? You become unforgettable when you lev

    your unique gifts, perspectives and voice to make a dierence.

    Of course, this assumes that you have the courage to risk, to st

    through the door of uncertainty to seize an opportunity.

    Its not the absence of fear that makes players successful; it is

    their ability to step through fear that makes the dierence. No

    is exempt from fear; it is deeply rooted in the human condition

    In fear, we hesitate, procrastinate, rationalize, make excuses an

    ultimately end up living smaller, less-fullling lives. Yet fear alwconfronts us with a choice. We can do the thing we fear, or we

    give in to it by not taking the risk. If we choose to face it and st

    through it, fear loses its stronghold.

    Courage takes practice. Practice comes from putting yoursel

    in challenging situations that activate fear. Fear is challenged

    through action. Action has the potential to impassion others. T

    courageous step you take today might be a gift to someone who

    inspired to take bold action tomorrow. You might be surprised

    how many people would follow you if you would just lead the w

    and do something now.

    Courage takes practice. Practicecomes from putting yourselfin challenging situations thatactivate fear.

  • 8/7/2019 BOOMSevenChoicesSummary


    2010 SUCCESS Media. All rights reserved. Materials may not be reproduced in whole or in partin any form without prior written permission. Published by SUCCESS Media, 200 Swisher Rd.,Lake Dallas, TX 75065, USA.

    Summarized by permission of the publisher, Thomas Nelson, Inc. PO Box 141000, Nashville, TN37314. Boom! Seven Choices for Blowing the Doors Off Business-as-Usualby Kevin and JackieFreiberg. 2007 by, a San Diego Consulting Group Inc. company.

    BOOM! Seven Choices for Blowing the Doors Off Business-as-Usual


    ACTION STEPSGet more out of this SUCCESS BookSummary by putting what youve learnednto action. Here are a few questions andhoughts to help you get started.

    What about you must change in order for you to attain1.the results you desire?

    Are you playing it safe? What have you been avoiding2.

    that could move you toward greater achievement?Determine today to take responsibility for yourself3.

    and the impact you have on your team members,organization and customers.

    Seek to serve. What can you do today to improve4.

    someone elses life?

    Are you allowing yourself to be dragged down by5.

    negative commentary on why things wont work orcant be done? Shake things up by listing positive

    possibilities on how you can improve the situation.

    Evaluate and use your talents. Ask yourself the6.

    questions the authors pose: What have you done that felt effortless? That came

    easily to you?

    When have you felt like you were grinding your gears

    in hopeless work?

    If you asked 10 people who know you well what

    youre good at, what would they say?

    What do you get affirmed for?

    Dont rest on your laurels. Remember, innovation and7.growth require taking risks. What are you doing to

    make yourself and your product memorable?

    About the Authors

    Well-known motivational speakers, Kevin and Jackie Freiberg

    have written a number of international best-sellers on how to change

    corporate culture, increase personal success and grow a business

    through the development of its people. Their publication credits

    include Nuts! Southwest Airlines Crazy Recipe for Business and

    Personal Successand Guts! Companies That Blow the Doors Off

    Business-as-Usual. The couple has appeared on CBSs 60 Minutes,

    CBS Morning NewsandCNBC. The pair has been recognized

    among the Top 30 Best Minds on Leadership by Leadership


    Kevin is the founder and CEO of the couples professional

    speaking and consulting firm,, while Jackie serves

    as owner and managing partner. has worked with

    companies all over the United States as well as in Europe, Japan,

    India, and Central and South America to help them grow their bottom

    lines by growing their people. Clients have included American

    Express, Caterpillar, Century 21, Bank of America, GE, Merill Lynch

    and Universal Studios.

    A former professor at the University of San Diego and San Diego

    State University, Kevin has a masters in communication and a

    Ph.D. in educational leadership. Jackie holds a masters in speech

    communication and a Ph.D. in leadership.

    The Freibergs live in San Diego with their three children.

    Recommended Reading

    f you enjoyed Boom! Seven Choices for Blowing

    he Doors Off Business-as-Usual, check out:

    The Carrot Principle by Adrian Gostick and Chester Elton

    Three Feet from Gold: Turn Your Obstacles intoOpportunities! by Sharon L. Lechter and Greg S. Reid

    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill