borderline personality disorder, co-occurring substance use, and

BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER, CO-OCCURRING SUBSTANCE USE, AND AUTONOMIC DYSREGULATION by DAVID EDDIE A dissertation submitted to the Graduate School – New Brunswick Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey In partial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Program in Psychology Written under the direction of Marsha E. Bates And approved by __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ New Brunswick, New Jersey October, 2016

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A dissertation submitted to the

Graduate School – New Brunswick

Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Program in Psychology

Written under the direction of

Marsha E. Bates

And approved by





New Brunswick, New Jersey

October, 2016






Borderline Personality Disorder, Co-occurring Substance Use,

and Autonomic Dysregulation


Dissertation Director

Marsha E. Bates, Ph.D.

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex disorder characterized by intense and

rapidly shifting affective states, instability in self-image, chronic feelings of emptiness, and

dissociation. Individuals with BPD commonly engage in substance use, and self-injurious

and suicidal behaviors as a way to manage intolerable affect. To date, the cognitive

components of emotion dysregulation in BPD have received much research attention. The

collateral psychophysiological processes, however, remain poorly understood. Because

emotion regulation is mediated by both cognitive and physiological processes, this

knowledge gap may be limiting progress in the treatment of BPD. Thus, this investigation

sought to comprehensively assess psychophysiological differences between individuals with

BPD and healthy controls, and examine whether a loss of flexibility in fundamental

autonomic nervous system (ANS) processes may contribute to the emotion dysregulation

observed in BPD. Psychophysiological differences between individuals with BPD and

healthy controls were assessed at rest, during exposure to emotionally evocative images

selected from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS), and during a post cue

exposure recovery period, with additional tests for the effects of dissociative tendencies on





cue reactivity, and substance use on cue exposure recovery. Indices of heart rate variability

(HRV), electrocardiogram (ECG) derived measures of neurocardiac signaling, as well as

continuously recorded blood pressure (BP) and skin conductance (SC) were used to

operationalize modulation of psychophysiological arousal. At baseline, the BPD group

showed significantly higher heart rate (HR) and greater skin conductance variance (SCV)

compared to the control group, but were similar on measures of HRV and blood pressure

variability (BPV). Across tasks, there were significant main effects of group and time (cue

reactivity and cue recovery) on HR and SCV, and a main effect of time for HRV. However,

no interaction effects were observed, suggesting groups were not different in how they

responded to or recovered from exposure to emotionally evocative stimuli. This was in

spite of the fact that participants with BPD rated the images as subjectively more arousing

than controls. Notably though, a posteriori analyses found that BPD severity moderated

psychophysiological response to, as well as recovery from, exposure to emotionally

evocative images. In addition, analyses for the effects of trait dissociative tendencies on cue

reactivity showed trait dissociation moderated change in HRV and BPV from baseline to

cue exposure. Analyses for the effects of substance use on cue exposure recovery, however,

were limited by unanticipated low levels of past month and past year substance use within

the BPD group, though past month alcohol use negatively impacted systolic arterial blood

pressure variability during recovery from exposure to emotionally evocative images. Results

are discussed within the context of polyvagal theory and future research directions are







This project would not have been possible without the assistance of a number of important

people who have afforded me so much help in the preparation and completion of this

study. First, it is with immense gratitude that I acknowledge the support and help of my

advisor, Professor Marsha E. Bates, who, in addition to being the director of the Cardiac

Neuroscience Laboratory at the Center of Alcohol Studies where this study was conducted,

has persevered with me through the development of this dissertation, and offered me

much timely advice through its many iterations. Further, I would like to thank Professor

Evgeny Vaschillo for unreservedly sharing with me his exhaustive knowledge of

psychophysiology and providing me much technical support. I would also like to thank

Professors Shireen Rizvi and Paul Lehrer for serving on my dissertation committee and

providing me with valued feedback during the development of this study. In addition, I am

extremely grateful for Professor Bronya Vaschillo for her technical assistance and hands on

support. I would also like to acknowledge the incredibly hard work of Michelle Retkwa

who worked tirelessly through the course of this study, as well as Michael Miuccio for all

his assistance post-processing physiological data. Finally, I would like to thank my parents

for their indefatigable support through the years—I am eternally grateful.



Table of Contents

Abstract ii

Acknowledgments iv

Table of Contents v

List of Tables vi

List of Figures vii

Introduction 1

Study Rationale 31

Hypotheses 32

Materials & Methods 36

Results 53

Discussion 63

References 84

Tables 99

Figures 109

Appendix 111





List of Tables

Page 99 Table 1. Participant characteristics

Page 100 Table 2. Psychosocial measures by group showing means, standard deviations, and between group differences

Page 101 Table 3. Alcohol use in the past month and past year, and lifetime alcohol dependence diagnosis, by group, with between group differences

Page 102 Table 4. Drugs other than alcohol use in the past month and past year, and lifetime drug dependence diagnosis, by group, with between group differences

Page 104 Table 5. Baseline physiological measures by group showing means, standard deviations, and between group differences

Page 106 Table 6. Average scores with standard deviations for physiological indices by group at baseline, during cure exposure, and during the recovery period, as well as results from mixed models testing for main effects of group, time, and their interaction on measures of physiology

Page 107 Table 7. Combined groups’ physiological means and standard deviations by task, showing results for least square means post hoc tests

Page 108 Table 8. Relationships between borderline personality disorder severity and change in physiology from baseline to cue exposure, as well as from cue exposure to recovery period, in participants with borderline personality disorder





List of Figures

Page 109 Figure 1. Associations between borderline personality disorder (BPD) severity and heart rate, root of the mean squared differences of successive normal-to-normal intervals (RMSSD), percent of normal-to-normal adjacent intervals greater than 50ms (pNN50), as well as high frequency heart rate variability (HF HRV) during exposure to emotionally evocative images. BPD severity is expressed as z-scores (standardized units); positive values reflect greater BPD severity while negative values reflect lesser BPD severity. Physiological measures are expressed as residuals (i.e., change scores derived from regressing cue exposure physiology values onto their respective physiology value during baseline). Positive values for physiological measures reflect increases in that measure from baseline to cue exposure, while negative values reflect decreases in that measure from baseline to cue exposure.

Page 110 Figure 2. Associations between borderline personality disorder (BPD) severity and heart rate (HR), root of the mean squared differences of successive normal-to-normal intervals (RMSSD), percent of normal-to-normal adjacent intervals greater than 50ms (pNN50), as well as high frequency heart rate variability (HF HRV) during recovery from exposure to emotionally evocative images. BPD severity is expressed as z-scores (standardized units); positive values reflect greater BPD severity while negative values reflect lesser BPD severity. Physiological measures are expressed as residuals (i.e., change scores derived from regressing recovery period physiology values onto their respective physiology value during cue exposure). Positive values for physiological measures reflect increases in that measure from cue exposure to the recovery period, while negative values reflect decreases in that measure from cue exposure to the recovery period.





Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a complex disorder characterized by

intense and rapidly shifting affective states, impulsivity, and instability in self-image

(Bender & Skodol, 2007; Koenigsberg et al., 2002; Links, Heslegrave, & van Reekum,

1999). Individuals with BPD commonly report feelings of profound emptiness, shame,

loneliness, panic, and rage, and are particularly sensitive to feelings of rejection, isolation,

and perceived failure (Lieb, Zanarini, Schmahl, Linehan, & Bohus, 2004; Linehan, 1993;

Rizvi, Brown, Bohus, & Linehan, 2011). This pervading constellation of aberrant states

often manifests in an intense fear of abandonment, self-injurious and suicidal behaviors,

and in some instances, psychotic symptoms (Rizvi & Salters-Pedneault, 2013; M. Z.

Rosenthal et al., 2008).

Because BPD symptomology makes it difficult to respond appropriately to stressors,

persons with this disorder tend to experience a wide variety of social challenges, including

difficulties maintaining close relationships and employment, and poor academic

performance (Austin, Riniolo, & Porges, 2007). To complicate matters further, BPD is

highly comorbid with other conditions associated with problems of affect regulation,

including anxiety disorders (Grant et al., 2008). Further, many individuals with BPD turn

to alcohol and other drugs in an effort to self-regulate highly labile emotion and aversive

mood states (Trull, Sher, Minks-Brown, Durbin, & Burr, 2000). As such, substance use

disorders are also highly comorbid with BPD, and may play a role in maintaining BPD

symptomology, complicate treatment outcomes, and exacerbate already strained




interpersonal relations (Axelrod, Perepletchikova, Holtzman, & Sinha, 2011; Dimeff,

Rizvi, Brown, & Linehan, 2000; Kruedelbach, McCormick, Schulz, & Grueneich, 1993).

While the cognitive components of emotion dysregulation in BPD have received

much research attention, the collateral psychophysiological processes remain poorly

understood. This gap may be limiting progress in the treatment of BPD because emotion

regulation is mediated by both cognitive and physiological processes supported by the

central autonomic network (CAN; Benarroch, 1997), a brain system that integrates

cerebral and limbic neural signaling, and modulates physiological activity and reactivity

(Benarroch, 1997; Hagemann, Waldstein, & Thayer, 2003; Thayer & Lane, 2000, 2009).

Central autonomic network control of physiological processes via the autonomic

nervous system (ANS) reflects an important component of integrated brain-body

communication that supports adaptability to changing environmental and internal

demands (Damasio, 2001; Thayer, Hansen, Saus-Rose, & Johnsen, 2009). Autonomic

rigidity impairs the capacity to generate and alter physiological responses in synchrony with

emotional or environmental challenges (Appelhans & Luecken, 2006), and may result in

emotional arousal being maintained longer than is optimal, leading to negative

psychosocial consequences (McEwen & Gianaros, 2010). Substance use may further

undermine such processes (Bates, Bowden, & Barry, 2002; Bates & Buckman, 2013;

Eddie, 2012). The broad goal of the present study, therefore, was to examine whether a loss

of flexibility in fundamental ANS processes may contribute to the symptomology observed

in BPD (Stiglmayr et al., 2005), and to investigate the effects of co-occurring substance use.




Because the CAN effects adaptability to environmental and internal demands

primarily through its modulation of the cardiovascular system, indices of neurocardiac

processes provide informative, objective, and reliable measures of dynamic emotion

regulation processes (Hagemann et al., 2003; Task Force, 1996; Thayer & Lane, 2009).

Heart rate variability (HRV), variability in R-spike to R-spike intervals in the

electrocardiogram (ECG) signal, reflects fine-grained, moment-to-moment changes initiated

by the CAN in response to interoceptive and environmental stimuli. Similarly, heart rate

(HR), blood pressure (BP), blood pressure variability (BPV), and skin conductance variance

(SCV) reflect shifts in autonomic balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic

branches of the ANS. As such, these measures form critical markers of neurovisceral

integration and an individual’s ability to self-regulate affect (Appelhans & Luecken, 2006;

Kemp & Quintana, 2013; Thayer et al., 2009).

The present investigation thus had the following aims: 1) To assess

psychophysiological differences between individuals with BPD and healthy controls at rest,

2) to assess psychophysiological differences between individuals with BPD and healthy

controls during exposure to International Affective Picture System (IAPS; Lang, Bradley, &

Cuthbert, 2005) pictures selected by expert consensus to be evocative to individuals with

BPD (Sloan et al., 2010), 3) to assess psychophysiological differences between individuals

with BPD and healthy controls during a post cue exposure recovery period, and 4) to

investigate the effects of co-occurring substance use on psychophysiological processes in

individuals with BPD during the post cue exposure recovery period.




Borderl ine Personality Disorder — Theoretical Perspectives

Through the years, a number of theories have attempted to explain BPD’s etiology

and expression. Early psychoanalytic theory (e.g., Kernberg, 1967; Meissner, 1978; Settlage,

1977) considered BPD pathology to lie on the ‘borderline’ of neurotic and psychotic

personality organization, arising from childhood experiences with unempathic, unavailable,

or abusive parents who failed to help their children self-regulate emotion. As a result,

children who eventually go on to develop BPD were believed to form representations

characterized by withdrawal or attack in response to their legitimate expressions of needs

and affects. They subsequently play out many of these relationship paradigms in their adult

lives, and are unable to self-sooth by drawing on memories, images, or experiences of

soothing others. Immature, maladaptive defenses, and ways of regulating emotion, as well

as an inability to form complex, integrated representations of others, further contributes to

interpersonal instability. Kernberg, a progenitor of psychoanalytic theories pertaining to

BPD, described his patients with BPD as having “non-specific ego weakness”, that is

multiple deficits in the psychological practices fostering adaptive functioning, including

poor impulse control, low anxiety tolerance, and disordered thinking (Kernberg, 1975).

More recently, Linehan proposed a biosocial theory of BPD (Linehan, 1993). This

framework has some important commonalities with the psychoanalytic perspective; for

instance, it recognizes the gravitas of an invalidating environment in childhood. However,

Linehan’s biosocial theory goes further in that it attempts to explain how an individual’s

biological traits may interact with an invalidating environment to produce BPD

symptomology. While psychodynamic theories of BPD emphasized the importance of




emotion dysregulation, in the biosocial model, this is a core feature of BPD (Koerner,

2007). Emotion dysregulation is viewed as a joint outcome of biological disposition,

environmental context, and their interaction during development. The dispositional

factors include: 1) emotional vulnerability, defined as high sensitivity to emotional stimuli,

2) very intense response to emotional stimuli, 3) slow return to baseline once emotional

arousal has occurred, and 4) maladaptive emotion modulation strategies (Linehan, 1993).

In Linehan’s model, emotion dysregulation associated with BPD is the

combination of an emotional response system that is over-sensitive and over-reactive,

coupled with an inability to modulate the resulting strong emotions and reactions.

Evidence suggests that individuals with BPD experience more frequent, more intense, and

longer lasting aversive emotional states (Stiglmayr et al., 2005). As a result, individuals with

BPD tend not to effectively inhibit inappropriate behavior related to strong emotions, and

experience difficulty organizing themselves for coordinated action in the service of external

goals. A growing body of literature supports these postulates (e.g., Dixon-Gordon, Gratz,

Breetz, & Tull, 2013; Ebner-Priemer et al., 2007; Glenn & Klonsky, 2009; Gratz,

Rosenthal, Tull, Lejuez, & Gunderson, 2006).

Linehan (1993) frames difficulty regulating affect as a bipartite problem, possessing

components of high baseline negative emotional intensity, and high emotional reactivity to

emotionally evocative stimuli. These factors may be both the precursors, and maintaining

elements of an escalating pattern of maladaptive behavior that occurs in BPD. For instance,

Linehan noted that individuals with BPD commonly experience greater than usual

emotional distress in response to a stressor—distress that the individual often struggles to




regulate effectively. In response to this distress, the person with BPD may engage in

impulsive or aberrant coping behaviors to relieve or ameliorate their discomfort, such as

self-harm or substance use. These behaviors frequently give rise to feelings of shame and

guilt (Rizvi et al., 2011), which may feed ever-stronger urges to engage in behaviors to

relieve the resulting emotional distress. These behaviors are prone to being negatively

reinforced (Haines, Williams, Brain, & Wilson, 1995; Wise & Koob, 2014), and as a result

can become conditioned automatic responses to emotional stressors. As such, acute

stressors, even when relatively innocuous, can be problematic for individuals with BPD, as

they have been shown to lead to a cascade of escalating dysregulation that over time may

become ensconced (Selby, Anestis, Bender, & Joiner Jr, 2009; Selby & Joiner Jr, 2009).

Emerging evidence suggests that individuals with BPD experience more frequent and

longer lasting aversive states (Selby et al., 2009; Stiglmayr et al., 2005), and that problems

in ANS functioning may contribute to these difficulties in emotion regulation (Corrigan,

Davidson, & Heard, 2000; Ebner-Priemer et al., 2005; Juengling et al., 2003; Leichsenring,

Leibing, Kruse, New, & Leweke, 2011).

Borderl ine Personality Disorder and Co-occurring Substance Use

BPD frequently co-occurs with substance use disorders (SUDs; Dimeff et al., 2000;

Eddie, Hunter–Reel, Epstein, & Cohn, 2015; Grant et al., 2008; Regier et al., 1990), and

is associated with poorer short- and long-term treatment outcomes for these respective

disorders (D. A. Dawson et al., 2005; Hilsenroth, Holdwick Jr, Castlebury, & Blais, 1998;

Hunter-Reel, Epstein, McCrady, & Eddie, 2014). Additionally, SUDs are thought to

exacerbate BPD symptomology (Axelrod et al., 2011; Links, Heslegrave, Mitton, van




Reekum, & Patrick, 1995). While Kreek and Koob (1998) posit that affective and

emotional instability is a common precursor to SUDs in all people, others argue that

affective and emotional volatility characteristic of BPD make this population particularly

prone to “self-medication” (Trull et al., 2000).

Healthy individuals are generally able to regulate emotional responses to

environmental challenges, and recover quickly after emotional arousal (Gratz, Rosenthal,

Tull, Lejuez, & Gunderson, 2010; M. Z. Rosenthal et al., 2008). On the other hand, as

already noted, those exhibiting symptoms characteristic of BPD often demonstrate

hypersensitivity to perturbation by interoceptive or exteroceptive cues (e.g., Ayduk et al.,

2008; Lynch et al., 2006). One result is affective instability due to a marked reactivity of

mood, resulting in emotional responses in individuals expressing high levels of BPD

symptoms that are likely to be inappropriate in content, magnitude, and/or duration that

is ultimately indicative of a loss of behavioral flexibility (Donegan et al., 2003; Ebner-

Priemer et al., 2007). Diminished behavioral flexibility commonly leads to individuals with

BPD resorting to aberrant emotion regulation strategies such as substance use (Gratz &

Tull, 2010).

Although acute substance use may to a certain extent reduce negative affect in the

moment (Cox & Klinger, 2011), chronic, heavy substance use tends to add negative affect

and reduce biobehavioral flexibility, while impairing neural (Koob & Le Moal, 2001) and

physiological control of affective states (Eddie et al., 2013; Ingjaldsson, Laberg, & Thayer,

2003; Mehta et al., 2001; Quintana, McGregor, Guastella, Malhi, & Kemp, 2013), leading




to a vicious cycle that contributes to the escalating nature of substance use problems in

individuals with BPD.

Emotion as a Biobehavioral Construct

Emotion has been conceptualized as a complex expression of allostatic regulation,

that is, the capacity to achieve homeostasis through psychophysiological change (Lehrer &

Eddie, 2013; McEwen & Wingfield, 2003; Sterling & Eyer, 1988). Hagemann and

colleagues (2003) considered emotion “… an organismic response to an environmental

event that facilitates rapid mobilization for action”, noting that, “This response involves

multiple systems of the organism, such as cognitive, behavioral, and autonomic sub-

systems.” (p. 80) This conceptualization is in line with current theories of emotion (e.g.,

Izard, 2009; Thayer & Lane, 2000). Emotion and its antecedents are complex

biobehavioral phenomena, which play a crucial role in a myriad of cognitive processes.

In terms of in-the-moment behavior, the cognitive components of emotion, and

their concomitant physiological processes allow an individual to function effectively in the

world by regulating processes such as dynamic hematic perfusion of muscles and organs,

and the appropriate release of hormones such as norepinephrine and cortisol (Thayer &

Lane, 2000). When these systems are working well, it affords an individual flexible

adaptability to changing environmental demands (Damasio, 2001; Thayer & Lane, 2009).

Psychopathological states, on the other hand, may represent a loss of flexibility in

such processes. Thayer and Lane (2000) assert that disorders of affect, such as generalized

anxiety disorder and major depression, are distorted emotional state-spaces in which

individuals are unable to appropriately shift interoceptive resources in response to




moment-to-moment environmental demands. In essence, an individual is unable to express

an appropriate response (e.g., chronically blunted affect in depressive disorders), or is

unable to inhibit an inappropriate response (e.g., chronic hyper-arousal in anxiety

disorders). Further, attendant autonomic rigidity is characterized by impaired capacity to

generate or alter physiological responses in synchrony with emotional or environmental

challenges (Appelhans & Luecken, 2006). This may result in emotional arousal being

maintained longer than is optimal, leading to stress of underlying autonomic processes

(McEwen, 2000).

The breakdown of effective emotional responding may result in behaviors that

further exacerbate and maintain regulatory dysfunction (Lehrer & Eddie, 2013; Strauman,

2002). For instance, an inability to respond appropriately to social cues may lead an

individual to feel social anxiety, resulting in isolation behaviors (Kikusui, Winslow, &

Mori, 2006). In turn, isolation behaviors may lead to a weakening of emotion regulation

systems because these systems are not being appropriately stimulated and exercised (Thayer

& Lane, 2000).

The same theoretical framework can be applied to BPD. For instance, challenges

regulating emotion commonly result in emotional outbursts, which may serve to exact

significant strain on interpersonal relationships (Lieb et al., 2004). When relationships

disintegrate, feelings of loss, loneliness and guilt further destabilize the individual with

BPD, leading to greater negative emotional loading and possibly co-occurring physiological

dysregulation. As a result, emotion regulation becomes all the more difficult.




The Autonomic Nervous System

Physiological components of emotion regulation may be studied objectively

through careful observation of biological functions. Although much previous research on

emotion has sought to elucidate the neural pathways in the central nervous system that

mediate this capacity, a growing body of work also is seeking to identify emotion regulation

processes embedded in the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

The ANS is subdivided into the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches, which

innervate all the visceral organs. With regards to emotion regulation, however, its

innervation of the cardiovascular, pulmonary, and endocrine systems is of greatest import

(Card & Sved, 2011; Hagemann et al., 2003; Iversen, Iversen, & Saper, 2000). These

branches work in an antagonistic, yet complementary fashion. The sympathetic branch is

responsible for the rapid mobilization of resources to prepare the individual to respond to

a stressor or task (Bates & Buckman, 2013). Increases in HR, and BP are characteristic of

sympathetic arousal (Kemeny, 2003). The parasympathetic branch, in contrast, performs an

inhibitory role, reducing metabolic output and bringing systems back to resting baseline

during periods of safety and stability (Saper, 2002).

Porges (2001) has theorized that the human ANS evolved in three stages, each

typified by the acquisition of an autonomic structure that plays a specific role in affective

and social processes. He speculates that early in human evolution, we acquired slow

responding, unmyelinated, parasympathetic nerves that supported simple immobilization

behaviors such as freezing in response to a threat, mainly through parasympathetic

inhibition of HR via the dorsal vagal complex. He proposed that the capacity for




mobilization responses associated with the sympathetic nervous system evolved later, and

that fast acting, myelinated, parasympathetic nerves in the were acquired most recently.

This most recent acquisition, which he termed the ventral vagal complex, has afferent

fibers terminating in the nuclei of the facial nerves that are also responsible for head

turning, listening, vocalization, facial expression, and other socially important behaviors.

Porges’ polyvagal theory posits that the ability of the ventral vagal complex to

withdraw its inhibitory influence allows humans to rapidly engage and disengage, as

necessary, with their exteroceptive milieu, without the metabolic cost of activating the

sympathetic nervous system. As such, sympathetic activation is only engaged when

parasympathetic withdrawal is insufficient to meet the demands of a task. Porges also noted

the importance of dual innervation of the heart by the disparate branches of the ANS, and

how the nervous system’s regulation of facial expression, vocalization, and socially

important behaviors, are closely intertwined through shared nerve fibers, with the ANS

pathways that regulate HR and BP (Porges, 2003, 2009). The interconnectedness of these

systems make HRV and BPV particularly useful biomarkers of emotion regulation,

especially because specific indices associated with these phenomena differentially reflect

sympathetic and parasympathetic activity (Vaschillo, Vaschillo, Buckman, Pandina, &

Bates, 2011).

The Central Autonomic Network — Structures

The central autonomic network (CAN)—a key component of the ANS—is a

collection of neural structures distributed throughout the brain, but most concentrated in

the diencephalon, mesencephalon, and brainstem (Standring, 2008). The CAN plays a




pivotal role in the regulation of biobehavioral functions such as the moment-to-moment

modulation of HR, BP, and respiration, which underlie goal directed behavior and

adaptability. Further, it is responsible for the integration of both interoceptive and

exteroceptive information related to affective arousal (Benarroch, 1993; Hagemann et al.,

2003; Thayer & Brosschot, 2005).

Figuratively, the CAN can be thought of as a processing hub that integrates

cognitive information from higher brain areas such as the prefrontal cortex, with affective

information from lower brain regions such as the midbrain and brainstem, as well as

afferent information from the viscera. The CAN processes information from these sources

and effects changes throughout the brain and body by efferent signaling, and in doing so,

actively modulates physiological arousal in accordance with changing situational demands

(Hagemann et al., 2003).

Anatomically, the CAN comprises the insular and medial prefrontal cortices,

anterior cingulate cortex, the central nucleus of the amygdala, the bed nucleus of the stria

terminalis, the hypothalamus, the periaqueductal gray matter in the midbrain, the

parabrachial complex in the pons, the nucleus of the tractus solitarius, as well as the

medullary intermediate reticular zone, and the ventral tegmental area in the ventrolateral

medulla (Benarroch, 1993). Parallel processes between CAN components allow for

multiple avenues for a given autonomic response (e.g., increased parasympathetic or

decreased sympathetic activity; Hagemann et al., 2003).

Though there is reciprocal interconnection and parallel organization between CAN

structures, as well as crossover in their functionality, most CAN areas have primary roles.




For instance, the central nucleus of the amygdala and the bed nucleus of the stria

terminalis form the extended amygdala, which effects autonomic expression of emotional

states (Herpertz et al., 2002). These areas lie proximal to, and are heavily interconnected

with the hypothalamus (mainly the paraventricular nucleus and lateral hypothalamic areas),

which initiates coordinated autonomic, neuroendocrine and biobehavioral responses

critical for homeostasis and allostasis, particularly through the action of secreted hormones

released into the blood.

The anterior cingulate cortex is an important integration place of visceral,

attentional and affective information that is critical for adaptive self-regulation (Benarroch,

1993). Moreover, this area is thought to be involved in the conscious experience of

emotion, attentional response to stressors, inhibition of excessive emotion, and the process

of self-monitoring of emotional states (Hazlett et al., 2005), making it of particular import

to the study of BPD. This is also thought to be a key brain area for the facilitation of

emotion based decision making (Etkin, Egner, & Kalisch, 2011; Reiman, 1997).

The paraventricular nucleus provides highly specialized innervation of autonomic

relay centers through descending nerve fibers (Li & Kirouac, 2012). The paraventricular

nucleus’ autonomic outputs are fundamental to coordinated visceromotor,

neruoendocrine and behavioral hypothalamic effector mechanisms that control

vasopressin, oxytocin, and corticotrophin producing neurons in glands in the brain and

viscera (Kc & Dick, 2010). In addition, neurons projecting to the dorsal horn are involved

in the processing of physical and psychological pain (Eippert, Finsterbusch, Bingel, &

Büchel, 2009).




Other CAN areas, however, are more prominently involved in the processing and

relay of afferent signals coming into the brain from the viscera. The nucleus of the tractus

solitarius forms an important junction of viscerosensory afferent signals travelling up to the

brain via the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (Damasio, 2003), and also serves a number

of key functions in emotion responding because it is the site of reflexes that control HR,

BP, and respiration (Benarroch, 1993). Some afferents from the viscera terminate in

subnuclei involved in reflexive adjustments of the heart and other organs, while other

afferents project to higher CAN areas to initiate integrated autonomic and endocrine

biobehavioral responses (Thayer & Lane, 2000). The nucleus of the tractus solitarius

initiates multiple medullary reflexes that control cardiovascular, pulmonary, and endocrine

functions, while also feeding this information forward to other CAN areas for further

processing (Benarroch, 1993; Porges, 2001). Importantly, this locus also processes afferent

signals from baroreflex stretch receptors in visceral artery walls, which are responsible for

relaying information about arterial blood pressure to the brain, to ensure appropriate

perfusion of blood and allow neurons to function optimally (Andersen & Kunze, 1994).

The combined roles of the nucleus of the tractus solitarius in blood perfusion, and

integrated autonomic and endocrine biobehavioral responses make this brain structure

integral to emotion regulation.

The Central Autonomic Network — Role in Cardiovascular Regulation

While the CAN effects biobehavioral adjustments to affective challenges in a

number of ways, its principal effects are mediated by the cardiovascular system (Hagemann

et al., 2003). Sympathetic preganglionic CAN neurons synapse onto the stellate ganglia,




which projects to the heart via the thoracic visceral nerve. Sympathetic activation of cardiac

function unfolds relatively slowly, usually over the time course of seconds, while

myelinated, parasympathetic CAN neurons descend directly to the heart via the vagus

nerve, and have a very short latency of response, usually in the order of milliseconds

(Berntson et al., 1997; Pumprla, Howorka, Groves, Chester, & Nolan, 2002). Autonomic

nervous system dysregulation can be mediated by either of these two pathways. Pathology

may arise with parasympathetic withdrawal, or sympathetic over activation. One of the

goals of the present investigation is to parse out these differential effects as they might

pertain to BPD pathology, with the ultimate goal of enhancing and developing targeted

treatments for BPD.

Both sympathetic and parasympathetic efferents converge on the heart’s central

pacemaker nuclei, the sinoatrial, and atrioventricular nodes, serving to either increase or

decrease HR. While sympathetic innervation of the heart is tonically active (i.e., relatively

constant), parasympathetic tone is constantly modulated to offset sympathetic effects.

Thus, the amount of time, or period, between each pair of successive heartbeats is

continually changing depending on the balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic input

being received by the heart (Thayer & Brosschot, 2005). This constant flux in neural

signaling to the heart contributes to HRV, that is, fine-grained changes in HR in response

to interoceptive and environmental stimuli. When working well, such responses are rapid,

and appropriate in magnitude.

The viscera’s feedback to the CAN through mechanisms such as the baroreflex

further contributes to HRV in a continuous loop of modulation (Vaschillo et al., 2011).




Autonomically mediated cardiovascular variability is thus a critical marker of neurovisceral

integration and an individual’s ability to self-regulate (Appelhans & Luecken, 2006).

Relative reduction in vagally mediated HRV is consistent with the cardiac symptoms of

panic disorder (H. Cohen et al., 2000; McCraty, Atkinson, Tomasino, & Stuppy, 2001), as

well as the psychological symptoms of poor attentional control (Hansen, Johnsen, &

Thayer, 2003), ineffective emotion regulation (Fabes & Eisenberg, 1997; Hagemann et al.,

2003; Ruiz-Padial, Sollers, Vila, & Thayer, 2003), and behavioral inflexibility (Fuller, 1992;

Pauls & Stemmler, 2003; Sgoifo et al., 2003). Impaired HRV has also been observed in

affective pathologies such as anxiety disorders (Kemp, Quintana, Felmingham, Matthews,

& Jelinek, 2012; Thayer, Friedman, & Borkovec, 1996; Yeragani et al., 1993) and major

depression (Agelink, Boz, Ullrich, & Andrich, 2002; Nahshoni et al., 2004; Udupa et al.,

2007). These observations formed the impetus for the present investigation as individuals

with BPD struggle with emotion regulation and behavioral flexibility, and commonly

experience marked anxiety and depressive symptomology.

Effects of Parasympathetic Vagal Withdrawal

While sympathetic over-excitation can lead to cardiac complications (Esler & Kaye,

2000), reduced vagal tone resulting in disinhibition of sympathetic innervation of the

heart, presents a higher risk for numerous cardiac problems (Juster, McEwen, & Lupien,

2010; Thayer, Yamamoto, & Brosschot, 2010). In addition, because parasympathetic vagal

tone is responsible for the fine-grained changes in HR from moment-to-moment, when this

component of innervation is impaired, the ability for the CAN to affect rapid responses to

environmental demands is reduced. As a result, an individual may struggle to respond




appropriately to a stressor, and once aroused, may have difficulty returning to baseline in a

timely fashion, as is commonly observed in individuals with BPD (Selby & Joiner Jr, 2009,

2013). Ruiz-Padial and colleagues (2003) tested this postulate using a well established

affective-startle response paradigm. They found that participants with low basal levels of

high frequency HRV (HF HRV)—an index understood to reflect parasympathetic

activation—reacted to neutral, harmless stimuli, as well as positive stimuli, as if they were

aversive or threatening. Additionally, they showed evidence of hypervigilance and

activation of the defensive behavioral system in response to non-threatening stimuli.

Conversely, participants with high basal levels of parasympathetically mediated HF HRV

showed responses that were appropriate to the experimental stimuli.

Substance Use, Heart Rate Variabi l i ty & Affect ive Control

Both acute (Bates & Buckman, 2011; Bennett et al., 2001; Koskinen, Virolainen,

& Kupari, 1994) and chronic substance use reduces basal HRV (Eddie et al., 2013;

Ingjaldsson, Laberg, et al., 2003; Malpas, Whiteside, & Maling, 1991), possibly through

impairment of higher cortical and midbrain processes that affect cardio-dynamics, and

through cardiovascular changes that compromise brain-heart communication. In parallel to

the depression literature (Chambers & Allen, 2002), HRV has been shown to increase

spontaneously with successful SUD treatment (Minami et al., 2002; Weise, Müller, Krell,

Kielstein, & Koch, 1986).

The direct pharmacological effects of substance use may impair neural control of

affective states, leading to the escalation of BPD symptomology (Links et al., 1995). Thus,

difficulty in regulating affective states may both predispose an individual to use substances




to cope emotionally (Bradley, 2003; Kruedelbach et al., 1993), and as a consequence of

substance use, affective regulation may become further impaired. As such, an investigation

of the relationship between BPD and autonomic functioning ought to consider substance

use. Thus, the present investigation tested whether quantity and frequency of past month

and past year substance use, as well as SUD diagnosis, affects autonomic activity at

baseline, during a stressor, or during recovery from a stressor, and whether these factors

differentially affect individuals with BPD and controls.

Autonomic Functioning in Border l ine Personality Disorder

To date, six studies have investigated resting HRV and/or SC in individuals with

BPD, compared to non-BPD controls. Most of these studies also included a stressor or cue

reactivity component. These investigations produced somewhat mixed findings for HRV at

rest, as well as during cue exposure paradigms, although a general pattern of autonomic

dysregulation is apparent.

Austin et al. (2007) assessed respiratory sinus arrhythmia HRV (a measure of vagally

mediated HRV; Task Force, 1996) in 9 treatment seeking women with BPD not taking

medication, and 11 healthy controls matched for age and education at resting baseline, and

in response to a films depicting interpersonal conflict. Women with comorbid

psychopathology were excluded from the study. The authors found participants with BPD

showed a trend towards lower baseline HRV than controls. The non-significant effect,

however, may have been attributable to their small sample size.

Notably, the authors also observed that HRV in the BPD group decreased during

viewing the films depicting interpersonal conflict, while HRV increased in the control




group. Austin and colleagues (2007) interpreted this observation through Porges’ polyvagal

perspective. They inferred that the BPD group was exhibiting a physiological state of

preparedness for defensive behaviors, while viewing the conflict films, as evinced by lower

HRV resulting from vagal withdrawal. Controls, on the other hand, were exhibiting a

physiological state that would support social engagement behaviors, such that they

demonstrated increased HRV in response to viewing conflict. The authors posited that

increased vagal influence of the heart would support spontaneous social engagement

behaviors. The singular HRV measure utilized in that study, however, makes the clear

interpretation of results problematic. It is not clear, for instance, how activity in the

sympathetic nervous system may have influenced their findings.

Ebner-Priemer et al. (2007) conducted a quasi-experimental, ambulatory study in

which they monitored HRV in 50 treatment-seeking women and men with BPD (mean age

= 31.3; SD = 8.1) and 50 healthy controls (mean age = 27.7; SD = 6.8) over a 24-hour

period using mobile HRV recording devices, and ecological momentary assessment.

Medication was not exclusionary. As predicted, the authors observed that participants with

BPD experienced significantly more negative affect than controls during the 24-hour

ambulatory period, in terms of frequency of negative emotions, as well as their intensity

(see Ebner-Priemer et al., 2008 for detailed discussion of these effects).

In terms of cardiac indices, there were significant differences within the BPD

sample, such that participants on medication evinced lower HR and lower high frequency

HRV (HF HRV; a measure understood to reflect vagally-mediated, parasympathetic

influence on the heart) over the 24-hour recording period (after controlling for movement




and exercise) than BPD participants not on medication. These effects were maintained

during the night when participants were asleep, suggesting these differences are directly

pharmacologically mediated, rather than being secondary effects of the medication on

mood and/or cognition. In addition, there was no significant difference between

medicated and non-medicated BPD participants on self-reported emotions. As a result of

the differences between these BPD sub-groups, the investigators’ limited their investigation

to BPD participants not on medication and controls, in doing so reducing their power to

detect significant differences between BPD and control participants. They found BPD

participants not on medication had higher ambulatory HR than controls, though these

groups were not significantly different in terms of HRV.

Kuo and Linehan (2009) assessed differences in resting HRV, as well as skin

conductance response—a measure of sympathetic activity—in 20 treatment seeking women

with BPD (mean age = 23.6), 20 age matched women with social anxiety disorder as an

affective control group (mean age = 23.1), and 20 age matched healthy females as a control

group (mean age = 23.3). Groups were compared on these measures at resting baseline, as

well as in response to emotionally arousing cues. Medications other than SSRIs were


Each study volunteer participated in two sessions. In one session, after baseline

physiological and psychological assessment, participants were exposed to a series of

emotionally evocative stimuli—films shown to evoke either sadness, anger, or fear. A

neutral film was also included as a control in their counter-balanced design. In another

session, participants were exposed to their self-written, personally relevant imagery scripts




after being instructed to write about a vivid or recent event in which they felt sad, afraid,

angry, or as a control, emotionally neutral. When in the experimental session, these scripts

were read back to them, and they were asked to imagine themselves back in the described


As predicted, questionnaire measures capturing baseline emotion regulation

difficulties indicated participants with BPD experienced significantly more emotion

dysregulation than participants in either control group, as measured by the Difficulties in

Emotion Regulation Scale (Gratz & Roemer, 2004), the State-trait Anger Inventory

(Spielberger, Jacobs, Russell, & Crane, 1983). In addition, the BPD group had lower HF

HRV at baseline compared to the control groups. BPD participants also demonstrated

higher resting skin conductance response levels than controls, indicating greater baseline

sympathetic activation. However, BPD participants and social anxiety disorder controls

were not significantly different in terms of basal levels of skin conductance response,

suggesting that individuals with social anxiety disorder experience similar resting levels of

sympathetic arousal to individuals with BPD.

Notably though, in contrast to Austin et al.’s (2007) findings and the authors’

predictions, there were very few significant between group differences in terms of

physiological change from baseline to the emotionally evocative cues. One significant

difference was, while viewing the sad film, BPD participants showed an increase in HRV

and decrease in skin conductance response, while social anxiety disorder controls evinced

the opposite effect. Compared to healthy controls, BPD participants showed the same

pattern of divergent skin conductance response responding, but no difference in HRV




responding. The authors speculated that this may be attributable to BPD participants

engaging in cognitive emotion regulation strategies during the sad film. Overall though,

participants with BPD did not demonstrate substantively greater physiological responses to

emotional stimuli.

Taken together, these findings offer partial support for Linehan’s biosocial theory

of BPD. In keeping with current theories of psychophysiological emotion regulation, lower

baseline HRV in participants with BPD is indicative of vulnerability to emotion

dysregulation. Participants with BPD also indicated greater self-reported baseline negative

emotionality, which the authors suggest is a corollary of higher baseline skin conductance

response levels in this group. Though this link is plausible, they did not provide empirical

evidence to support this claim, as they did not report a correlation between these two

measures. Regardless, these findings suggest that individuals with BPD are not generally

more physiologically reactive to emotionally evocative stimuli than controls. Moreover, the

extreme intensity of negative emotionality associated with BPD may be better accounted

for by higher baseline levels of negative affect, and impaired at-rest autonomic regulation.

Around the same time, Weinberg et al. (2009) assessed respiratory sinus arrhythmia

HRV at resting baseline, and during an arithmetic stress paradigm intended to frustrate

participants and elicit an emotional response. Their sample was 72.5% female, and

included 12 individuals from an introductory psychology course who were deemed likely to

have BPD based on their scores on the McLean Screening Instrument for BPD (Zanarini et

al., 2003), and 28 individuals who scored very low on the instrument (mean age = 19.9; SD

= 5.0). The authors used a McLean Screening Instrument cutoff score of 5 out of 10 to




determine likely BPD. This may have been an intuitive decision based on the fact the

DSM-IV-TR requires 5 BPD symptoms be present to diagnose this disorder. The McLean

Screening Instrument’s authors, however, recommend a minimum cutoff score of 7 out of

10, based on their study of the measure’s diagnostic efficiency (Zanarini et al., 2003). It is

possible then that Weinberg et al.’s BPD sample included individuals who were likely sub-

threshold for BPD.

As predicted, the authors found that the participants scoring high on the BPD

screening questionnaire self-reported greater frustration during the arithmetic task. They

also exhibited lower parasympathetically mediated HRV at baseline, during the stressor

task, and during a recovery period compared to controls with fewer BPD symptoms. In

addition, participants high on BPD symptomology displayed a differing pattern of

autonomic activation through the course of the study. Although they demonstrated

significantly higher sympathetic activation compared to controls during each task,

including during baseline assessment, they also evinced a pattern of increasing sympathetic

arousal (reflected by the cardiac sympathetic index; Toichi, Sugiura, Murai, & Sengoku,

1997) from the first to second half of the stressor task. Controls, on the other hand,

demonstrated a pattern of reducing sympathetic arousal. The authors inferred that

participants with BPD were becoming increasingly aroused during the stressor, and were

more inclined than controls to revert to a phylogenically older fight-or-flight response.

Controls, on the other hand, appeared to be habituating to the task. Contrary to their

expectations, the authors found no differences in parasympathetically mediated HRV

through the course of the stressor task, suggesting sympathetic activation, and not vagal




withdrawal was driving increasing arousal in the BPD group. It may be that stress tasks

elicit different autonomic responses than affectively evocative cues that elicit emotions such

as sadness, fear, and anger.

More recently, Dixon-Gordon and colleagues (2011) assessed HRV and skin

conductance response in an study primarily investigating the role of negative emotions and

social problem solving in BPD. Their sample consisted of 87 female university students

under 60 years of age with high (n = 26), medium (n = 32), or low (n = 29) levels of BPD

features according their scores on the Personality Assessment Inventory – Borderline

Features Scale (PAI-BOR; Morey, 1991). High scorers returned PAI-BOR scores typically

found in individuals with a formal BPD diagnosis, low scorers had scores at or below the

average for college students, as reported by Morey (1991), and medium scorers returned

scores between these two groups. The total sample’s mean age was 21.6 (SD = 5.6).

Participants HRV and skin conductance response were recorded across seven, five-

minute tasks. These included, 1) a true baseline, 2) a vanilla baseline (Jennings, Kamarck,

Stewart, Eddy, & Johnson, 1992), 3) presentation of three randomly selected means-ends

problem-solving test procedure scenarios (MEPS; Platt, Spivack, & Bloom, 1975), a test

designed to assess individuals’ ability to successfully resolve interpersonal problems, 4) a

second vanilla baseline task, 5) a negative emotion induction procedure in which

participants listened to a recording of interpersonal conflict, and were asked to imagine

themselves in that scenario, 6) three more randomly selected MEPS scenarios, and 7) a

final true baseline. Participant medications and substance use were not controlled for. Due




to technical errors and artifact, HRV data from 13 participants, and SC data from 20

participants was lost.

The authors did not observe any significant group, or group x time effects for

respiratory sinus arrhythmia HRV. Though their non-significant omnibus test precluded

post hoc tests for baseline between group differences in HRV, their results suggested a

linear relationship between BPD symptomology and HRV, such that the group high in

BPD features had the lowest HRV at baseline, while the group low in BPD features had the

highest HRV, and the medium group had HRV levels in between the high and low groups.

Main effects of group and time for skin conductance response were observed,

although post hoc test results for these main effects were not reported. Though the group ×  

time interaction omnibus test for skin conductance response was not significant, the

authors reported that the group high in BPD features showed significantly more skin

conductance response during the emotion induction compared to baseline, while the

group low in BPD features showed no significant changes in skin conductance response

from baseline to emotion induction.

Interpreting Dixon-Gordon et al.’s results is made challenging by the omission of

certain post hoc test results from the paper. In addition, their complex paradigm utilizing

multiple stressors may have not been ideal for the psychophysiological component of their

study, and could have potentially confounded results. Though their figures suggested a

linear relationship between BPD symptomology and baseline levels of HRV, the results

reported do not formally afford this interpretation. In addition, while they reported




significant post hoc test results for skin conductance response, the non-significant omnibus

test for the group × time interaction means these post hoc results may not be valid.

Most recently, Gratz and colleagues (2013) assessed emotion regulation capacity

and HF HRV in women 18-60 years of age with BPD (n = 26; mean age = 24.9, SD = 11.3),

BPD and co-occurring avoidant personality disorder (AVPD; n = 13; mean age = 24.6, SD =

8.8), and as controls with psychiatric difficulties but not BPD, women reporting mood,

relationship, and/or impulse control difficulties (n = 18; mean age = 24.1, SD = 11.5).

Participants were assessed at resting baseline, and during a modified version of the Paced

Auditory Serial Addition Task (PASAT-C; Lejuez, Kahler, & Brown, 2003), a stress

paradigm that tests individuals willingness to experience distress in order to pursue goal-

directed behavior. Participants using psychotropic medications other than anti-depressants

were excluded, as were participants experiencing manic, hypomanic, or depressive mood

episodes in the past two weeks, as well as active substance use problems, and primary


As predicted, both BPD groups showed a general pattern of lower, self-reported

emotion regulation capacity in comparison to the non-BPD controls, as measured by the

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation (DERS; Gratz & Roemer, 2004) subscales. Although

results did not reveal general, significant differences in emotion regulation difficulties

between BPD participants with and without AVPD, BPD participants with (versus without)

AVPD reported greater difficulties accessing effective emotion regulation strategies.

With regards to the psychophysiological outcomes, at resting baseline, the authors

did not find significant differences in HF HRV between participants with BPD (with and




without co-occurring AVPD), and non-BPD controls. Notably however, in response to the

PASAT-C stressor task, participants with BPD (and not AVPD) and non-BPD controls

demonstrated an increase in HF HRV, whereas BPD participants with AVPD exhibited a

decrease in HF HRV. In line with Porges’ poly-vagal theory, the authors interpreted

increased HRV in the BPD without AVPD and non-BPD control groups as an adaptive

emotional response, while the reduced HRV response in the BPD with AVPD group to be

indicative of poor emotion regulation capacity.

The heterogeneity of the samples utilized in these investigations may explain some

of the divergent findings between studies. Austin et al. (2007) used an all female treatment-

seeking sample but excluded individuals with co-occurring psychopathology, or who were

taking medication. Ebner-Priemer (2007, 2008) tested a mixed sex sample, excluding more

severe comorbid psychopathology, and controlling for medication in their analysis. Kuo

and Linehan (2009) tested an all female, treatment-seeking sample, and allowed for

comorbid psychopathology, as well as some medications. Weinberg et al. (2009) assessed a

non-treatment seeking sample of female and male college students suspected of having

BPD, without formally diagnosing BPD with a clinical interview, or screening for comorbid

psychopathology and medication. Dixon-Gordon et al., (2011) also assessed a non-

treatment seeking sample of female and male college students suspected of having BPD,

and allowed for comorbid psychopathology, and medications. Finally, Gratz et al., (2013)

assessed an all female sample, excluding participants using psychotropic medications other

than anti-depressants, and with certain co-occurring, active psychological disorders.




The relative merit of these respective tacts has been argued in the literature.

Borderline personality disorder is highly comorbid with a number of other psychological

disorders (Glenn & Klonsky, 2009), so it has been suggested that allowing for comorbidity

in study samples gives researchers a better representation of the population. The present

investigation excluded volunteers with active psychosis, although comorbid disorders

associated with anxiety, depression or substance use were not exclusionary, as these

represent important potential moderators of the relationship between groups in the

present study.

The question of whether to examine a single sex, or a mixed male and female

sample also bore consideration. At least one group measuring mean SC in individuals with

BPD has found significant differences between sexes in sympathetic responding to

negatively valenced picture cues. Herpertz’s group found women, but not men with BPD

demonstrated hypoarousal to negatively valenced cues, though it should be noted that the

men were from a psychiatric prison population, while the women were treatment seekers in

the community (Herpertz et al., 2002; Herpertz, Kunert, Schwenger, & Sass, 1999;

Herpertz et al., 2001). Although the majority of individuals with BPD are female, and an

all female sample may seem desirable, such samples are not truly representative of the BPD

population. As such, this investigation tested women and men with BPD in approximate

proportion to their representation in the general population. Additionally, controls were

sex matched to experimental group participants.

The issue of medication effects on psychophysiological measures must also be

addressed. Previous studies have shown approximately 75% of individuals with BPD utilize




psychotherapeutic mediations (Zanarini, Frankenburg, Hennen, & Silk, 2004). Excluding

persons with BPD on medication may inadvertently exclude individuals with more severe

BPD, who are more likely to be on medication (Sansone, Rytwinski, & Gaither, 2003).

Ebner-Priemer et al.’s (2007) finding that BPD participants on medication were

significantly different in terms of HRV to those not on medication indicates the

importance of considering this factor. The present study thus retained volunteers on

psychiatric medications, although participants were strategically scheduled to reduce

medication effects, and medications known to affect the cardiovascular system, such as

hypertension medications, were exclusionary.

Another point bearing consideration is that the studies reviewed here assessed for

BPD in different ways, that is, some utilized clinical interview while others relied on self-

report questionnaires. In addition, the majority of the reviewed studies did not directly

report BPD severity in their samples. Because BPD is a heterogeneous disorder that varies

in severity from person to person (Lieb et al., 2004), the present investigation considered

BPD severity in its analyses.

Notably, with the exception of an early study by Herpertz et al. (1999) that

measured HR and SC, none of the studies using treatment-seeking BPD participants

attempted to control for participant time in treatment. This is an important consideration.

A participant nearing the end of a one-year course of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy may

be far less affectively dysregulated than someone just beginning treatment, or may self-

report quite differently. For instance, Ebner-Priemer et al. (2007) found that BPD

participants in ongoing Dialectical Behavioral Therapy were better at identifying emotions




than participants about to start treatment. The present study, therefore, explored potential

effects of time in treatment.

Age is another factor that must be taken into consideration when studying

autonomic measures, given age is negatively correlated with autonomic functions such as

HRV (Agelink et al., 2001; Lehrer et al., 2006). Although the majority of psychophysiology

studies reviewed here had fairly youthful samples with relatively low variance in age, age

remains an important consideration. As such, the present study age matched controls to

the BPD group.

Given large inter-individual differences in physiology, and the commonness of

cardiac abnormalities, statistical outliers are also an important consideration when studying

autonomic process like HRV. Failure to appropriately deal with outliers can produce

spurious results. It is possible that sub-group differences may have been due to a small

number of very low, or very high scores. The present study included careful visual and

statistical inspection of all data to appropriately consider potential outlier effects.

It also should be noted that the emotion evoking stimuli varied across studies. The

problem of reliably evoking an affective response across different individuals is well known

(Herpertz et al., 2002; Sloan et al., 2010). It is therefore possible that differences in

findings between the aforementioned studies may be related to differences in the stimuli

used. It is currently unknown whether some types of stressors differentiate BPD better than

others. A stimulus that taps into multiple BPD sensitivities may be most useful in cue

reactivity paradigms in individuals with BPD (Herpertz et al., 2002). The present




investigation thus utilized a stimulus set that was designed to engage multiple BPD

sensitivities (Sloan et al., 2010).

Ebner-Priemer and colleagues’ (2005; 2009) finding that individuals with BPD

reporting high state dissociation showed lower electromyographic acoustic startle response

than those reporting low dissociation highlights an important consideration for the present

investigation. Ebner-Priemer’s observation could explain some of the divergent findings in

stressor response in the BPD psychophysiology literature, and may be a corollary of Porges’

proposed vagal freeze-response (Porges, 2003). It is possible that there are distinct sub-

groups of response types amongst individuals with BPD. As such, the present investigation

assessed dissociative symptomology as a potential moderator of cue reactivity.

Finally, because respiration influences HRV (Vaschillo et al., 2011), the present

investigation also considered respiration in its analyses.

Study Rationale

Flexible ANS functioning is an important component of emotion regulation, yet

the role of autonomic activity in BPD, a disorder characterized by emotion dysregulation, is

not well understood. While the findings in the aforementioned literature offer preliminary

evidence indicating that individuals with BPD are different than controls on a number of

important autonomic measures, it remains to be seen whether attenuated vagal tone, vagal

hyporeactivity or potentiated sympathetic activation, or a combination thereof are the

primary autonomic underpinnings of the chronic, emotion dysregulation associated with

BPD. As such, examination of indicants of autonomic regulation such as indices of heart

rate variability (HRV), blood pressure (BP), blood pressure variability (BPV), and skin




conductance variance (SCV) has the potential to contribute significantly to our

understanding of affective dysregulation in BPD.

The present investigation extends previous work by examining autonomic

functioning in individuals with BPD, using a comprehensive spectrum of HRV indices, as

well as BPV, in addition to previously reported measures such as HR and SC. Moreover, it

is the first such study to investigate the effects of chronic substance use on autonomic cue

reactivity in individuals with BPD, while controlling for time in treatment, using a mixed

male and female sample representative of the BPD population.

This was achieved by comparing individuals with BPD, with differing substance use

histories, to healthy controls at three time points, 1) at resting baseline while engaged in a

low cognitive demand task, 2) during exposure to emotionally evocative pictures, and 3)

during a naturalistic post-perturbation recovery period.


Preliminary Between-group Psychosocial Comparisons

Participants with BPD, compared to healthy controls, were predicted to have

greater basal levels of anxiety and depression, more negative and less positive affect, greater

emotion dysregulation, and dissociative symptomology. Participants with BPD were also

hypothesized to report greater past month and past year substance use, and have higher

rates of lifetime substance dependence.

Associations Between Anxiety and Depression, and Baseline Physiological Measures

Numerous studies have found trait anxiety and depression to be negatively

correlated with indices of HRV characterizing parasympathetic activation (e.g., Chang et




al., 2012; Eddie, 2012; Miu, Heilman, & Miclea, 2009). Therefore, within the BPD group,

trait anxiety and depression severity were expected to be negatively associated with HRV

measures believed to reflect parasympathetic tone, such as the percent of adjacent normal-

to-normal intervals greater than 50 milliseconds (pNN50), the root of the mean squared

differences of successive normal-to-normal intervals (RMSSD), and high frequency HRV


Baseline Physiological Between-Group Differences

The majority of work to date suggests individuals with BPD have lower resting

parasympathetically mediated HRV, and/or higher HR than controls (Austin et al., 2007;

Ebner-Priemer et al., 2007; Koenig, Kemp, Feeling, Thayer, & Kaess, In press; Kuo &

Linehan, 2009; Weinberg et al., 2009). As such, it was hypothesized that participants with

BPD would have lower resting HRV expressed by standard deviation of all normal-to-

normal intervals (SDNN), pNN50, RMSSD, HF HRV, and higher HR during baseline

assessment. Although previous psychophysiological investigations of BPD have not

included BP indices, because dynamic BP (i.e., BPV) is regulated by the baroreflex

mechanism, which is also a key determinant of HRV, it was predicted that participants

with BPD would exhibit lower basal, resting systolic blood pressure (SAP) variability,

expressed as the standard deviation of SAP (SAPD). In addition, previous work has

suggested individuals with BPD have higher resting sympathetic activation than controls

(Kuo & Linehan, 2009; Weinberg et al., 2009). As such, participants with BPD were

expected to express greater sympathetic activation at rest, compared to controls, as shown

by SCV measures.




Between-group Differences During Cue Exposure

To date, Kuo and Linehan (2009) have provided the most thorough investigation

of autonomic functioning during emotionally evocative cue exposure in individuals with

BPD. In line with Kuo and Linehan’s (2009) finding that individuals with BPD reported

greater subjective arousal to emotionally evocative stimuli than controls, participants with

BPD were predicted to rate the stimuli as more subjectively arousing than their control

counterparts. Yet, based on their finding that participants with BPD were not different

than controls in terms of change in autonomic activity from baseline to cue exposure,

between group differences were not anticipated here.

In contrast, previous findings have shown neurocardiac responses to visual stimuli

including positive, negative and neutral pictures, as well as footage of interpersonal

conflict, across a range of non-BPD samples, tend to be characterized by decreased

parasympathetically mediated HRV (Austin et al., 2007; Bates et al., 2011; Vaschillo et al.,

2008). As such, participants in both groups were predicted to respond to the emotionally

evocative picture cues with decreased SDNN, HF HRV, and SAPD.

Between-group Differences During the Post-cue Exposure Recovery Period

A growing literature suggests that once perturbed, individuals with BPD experience

more pronounced and sustained negative affective states (e.g., Glenn & Klonsky, 2009;

Selby et al., 2009; Stiglmayr et al., 2005) than individuals without psychopathology, and

that chronic substance use may exacerbate this effect (Axelrod et al., 2011; Links et al.,

1995). Based on these findings, it was postulated that this pronounced and sustained

negative affective state co-occurs with sustained autonomic activation. As such, participants




with BPD were predicted to demonstrate sustained increases in HR and SCV, and

decreases in SDNN, HF HRV, and SAPD during the post-stimulus exposure period, while

control group participants were predicted to return to basal levels of HR, SDNN, HF

HRV, SAPD, and SCV during this task.

Effects of Substance Use in Participants with Borderline Personality Disorder

Because chronic, heavy substance use is negatively associated with HRV (Eddie et

al., 2013; Ingjaldsson, Thayer, & Laberg, 2003; Quintana et al., 2013), substance use

measures such as frequency of past month and past year substance use, as well as quantity

of alcohol consumed in a typical week in the past month, were expected to be negatively

associated with basal measures of HRV in the BPD sample.

Substance use may lead to the impairment of neural control of affective states, and

thus exacerbate BPD symptomology (Axelrod et al., 2011; Kruedelbach et al., 1993; Links

et al., 1995). If this is the case, individuals reporting greater substance use may experience

larger autonomic responses to stressors, and slower return to autonomic baseline following

perturbation. Thus, within the BPD group, substance use was hypothesized to positively

predict cue exposure response, such that greater past month and past year substance use

would predict greater autonomic responses to emotionally evocative pictures. Further, it

was hypothesized that substance use would be negatively associated with cue exposure

recovery, such that greater substance use measured by quantity and frequency of past

month and past year use would predict less autonomic recovery from exposure to

emotionally evocative pictures.




Materials & Methods


Fourteen of 22 study participants with BPD were recruited from the Dialectical

Behavior Therapy Clinic at Rutgers University (DBT-RU), an outpatient program at the

Graduate School for Applied and Professional Psychology (GSAPP) that provides

comprehensive Dialectical Behavior Therapy services to individuals in the community, as

well as Rutgers University students. DBT-RU provides care to adults who meet criteria for

BPD and have a history of self-injurious or suicidal behavior. DBT-RU diagnoses

psychopathology using the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV, text-

revision (DSM-IV-TR), and assesses incoming patients for psychopathology using the

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR, Sections I & II (SCID-I & SCID-II; First,

Gibbon, Spitzer, Williams, & Benjamin, 1997; First, Spitzer, Gibbon, & Williams, 2002).

These diagnostic data were utilized in the present investigation.

Eight of 22 study participants with BPD were recruited from other Dialectical

Behavior Therapy clinics in central New Jersey. These participants were formally assessed

for BPD using the BPD section of the SCID-II, and were also administered the SCID-II

screener (First, 1997). To minimize participant burden based on the amount of

compensation provided, these participants were asked to self-report current and previous

psychiatric diagnoses aside from BPD, rather than undergo the full SCID-I and SCID-II


Control group participants (N = 22) were recruited from the Rutgers, and broader

central New Jersey community via flyers, and were matched on sex and mean age to BPD




participants. Potential control group participants were screened for psychopathology using

the SCID-I and SCID-II screeners in combination with a brief, structured clinical

interview. Participants demonstrating any indication of psychopathology were thanked for

their time and not invited to participate in the study.

Study inclusion criteria for BPD participants were a DSM-IV-TR (2000) diagnosis

of BPD confirmed by clinical interview using the SCID-II. Co-occurring personality

disorders were allowed for BPD participants. Any DSM-IV-TR disorder diagnosis was,

however, exclusionary for control participants. Serious medical or neurological conditions

and active psychosis and medications directly affecting the cardiovascular system (such as

hypertension medicines) were exclusionary for both groups. For participants with BPD,

psychiatric medications were allowed.

All study participants were required to be over 18 years of age.

Background Information Measures

An in-laboratory questionnaire was administered to assess participant demographics

including race, ethnicity, income, and marital status. This questionnaire also assessed time

in Dialectical Behavior Therapy treatment, and total lifetime psychological treatment

received, as well as current medications.

Psychological Measures

A battery of questionnaires was utilized to assess current BPD symptomology,

substance use, as well as anxiety, and depression. Because state dissociation has been found

to affect startle response (Ebner-Priemer et al., 2005; Ebner-Priemer et al., 2009), a

questionnaire on trait dissociative tendencies was also administered. Furthermore, because




health behaviors such as exercise may affect physiological indices, exercise behaviors were

also assessed.

Acceptance and Action Questionnaire II (AAQ–II)

The AAQ–II (Bond et al., 2011) is a 10-item self-report measure of acceptance,

experiential avoidance and psychological inflexibility. Higher scores suggest greater

psychological flexibility. The AAQ–II has satisfactory structure, reliability, and validity,

with an alpha coefficients ranging from .78 - .88, and the 3- and 12-month test-retest

reliability of .81 and .79 respectively, and adequate discriminant validity (Bond et al.,


Beck Depression Inventory (BDI)

The BDI (Beck, Steer, & Brown, 1986) is a 21-item self-report instrument used to

assess depression. The BDI uses a 4-point Likert-type scale. Higher scores indicate greater

depression. The BDI has high internal consistency (alpha = .81) with test-retest reliability of

.96 (Beck, Steer, & Carbin, 1988; Sprinkle et al., 2002), and high content validity (Richter,

Werner, Heerlein, Kraus, & Sauer, 2000).

Borderline Symptom List 23 (BSL-23)

The BSL-23 (Wolf et al., 2009) is a 23-item self-report questionnaire that assesses

BPD symptom expression. Participants rate the degree to which they experienced listed

symptoms using a scale from 0 (Not at all) – 4 (Very strong). An additional 11 items ask

participants to report BPD associated behaviors using a scale of 0 (Not at all) – 4 (Daily or

more often). The BSL-23 has high internal consistency (alpha = .95), and has established

discriminant validity (Bohus et al., 2008).




Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)

The DERS (Gratz & Roemer, 2004) is a 36-item self-report instrument designed to

measure multiple aspects of emotion regulation. Higher scores suggest greater challenges

with emotion regulation. The DERS provides six subscales, including non-acceptance of

emotional responses, difficulties engaging in goal directed behaviors, impulse control

difficulties, lack of emotional awareness, limited access to emotion regulation strategies,

and lack of emotional clarity. It has high internal consistency, with alphas ranging from .80

to .89. In addition, the DERS has good test-retest reliability, and adequate construct and

predictive validity (Gratz & Roemer, 2004).

Dissociative Experiences Scale-II (DES-II)

The DES-II (Carlson & Putnam, 1993) is a 28-item self-report measure of the

frequency of dissociative experiences. Higher scores indicate greater dissociative tendencies.

The scale has very good internal consistency with an alpha of .92 (Zingrone & Alvarado,

2001), and has shown acceptable construct validity (Frischholz et al., 1992).

Exercise and Sleep Questionnaire

An in-lab exercise and sleep questionnaire developed by the Cardiac Neuroscience

Laboratory was used to assess participant sleep hygiene and exercise patterns (Udo et al.,


Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)

The PANAS (Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988) is a 20 item self-report instrument

that measures current positive and negative affect using a 5-point Likert-type scale. The

PANAS can be used to assess present moment affect, or past week affect, depending on the




instructions given. For the present investigation, participants were given the following

instructions, “Indicate to what extent you feel this way right now, that is, at the present

moment”. The PANAS has high internal consistency with alphas ranging from .86 to .90,

with test-retest reliability ranging from .68 to .71 (Watson et al., 1988).

State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Form Y (STAI-Y)

The STAI-Y (Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983b) assesses both

state and trait anxiety using 40 questions. All items are rated on a 4-point scale (e.g., from

“Almost Never” to “Almost Always”). Higher scores indicate greater anxiety. Internal

consistency coefficients for the scale have ranged from .86 to .95; test-retest reliability

coefficients have ranged from .65 to .75 over a 2-month interval (Spielberger, Gorsuch,

Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983a). Test-retest coefficients range from .69 to .89.

Considerable evidence attests to the construct and concurrent validity of the scale (Barnes,

Harp, & Jung, 2002).

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR – Section I (SCID-I)

The SCID-I (First et al., 2002) assesses lifetime and current DSM-IV-TR Axis I

psychopathology. Good inter-rater reliabilities have been reported for the SCID-I, with

kappas from .84 to 1.00 (Schneider et al., 2004). Overall inter-rater reliability for the

alcohol modules of the SCID-I has been reported in the range of kappa = .65 to .75

(Lobbestael, Leurgans, & Arntz, 2011; Williams et al., 1992).

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR – Section II (SCID-II) Screener

The SCID-II screener (First, 1997) measures the presence of lifetime and current

personality disorder symptomology, using a series of brief questions requiring a yes or no




response. It is used as a screening tool to determine the necessity of administering the full

SCID-II diagnostic interview battery (First et al., 1997) for specific personality disorders.

The SCID-II screener is well validated (Jacobsberg, Perry, & Frances, 1995). It has high

inter-rater reliabilities with kappas of .77 to .93 (Jane, Pagan, Turkheimer, Fiedler, &

Oltmanns, 2006; Schneider et al., 2004) and good test-retest reliability (Zanarini &

Frankenburg, 2001; Zanarini et al., 2000).

Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR – Section II (SCID-II)

The SCID-II (First et al., 1997) assesses lifetime and current Axis II personality

disorder psychopathology. Good inter-rater reliabilities have been reported for the SCID-II

personality disorder diagnoses, with kappas of .89 to .98 (Maffei et al., 1997; Schneider et

al., 2004). The SCID-II was only administered if individuals’ scores on the SCID-II

screener suggested personality disorder pathology.

Substance Use Measures

Participants with BPD recruited from DBT-RU had been previously screened for

substance use disorder status using SCID-I interview (First et al., 2002), while participants

with BPD recruited from Dialectical Behavior Therapy clinics other than DBT-RU were

asked to self-report any history of substance use disorders during screening. Control

participants were screened for substance use disorders using the SCID-I screener (First,

1997) and excluded if a substance use disorder was deemed possible.

Immediately before the experimental session, self-report questionnaires were

administered to assess all participants’ past month and past year substance use (Buckman,

White, & Bates, 2010; Udo et al., 2009). An alcohol use questionnaire asked such




questions as, “How often did you drink any alcoholic beverage within the past month?”

and “Over the past year, how many drinks did you usually (more than half of the time)

have per occasion?” The drug use questionnaire asked such questions as, “Have you used

[the following drugs] in the past thirty days?” and “How many/much did you use per day?”

Although self-reporting about potentially sensitive issues such as substance use

seems intuitively problematic (Tourangeau & Yan, 2007), self-report methods have

consistently been shown to be a reliable and valid approach for measuring alcohol and

drug consumption in both treatment seeking, and non-treatment seeking samples

(Calhoun et al., 2000; Del Boca & Darkes, 2003; Winters, Stinchfield, Henly, & Schwartz,


Emotional Picture Stimuli

Sloan and colleagues (2010) generated a stimulus set pertinent to core themes

frequently noted in clinical observations (e.g., Lieb et al., 2004; Rizvi & Salters-Pedneault,

2013) and self-report studies (e.g., Herpertz et al., 1997; Yen, Zlotnick, & Costello, 2002)

of individuals with BPD. The set was developed by having 19 clinicians and clinical

researchers who were expert in BPD rate IAPS pictures on how self-referential they

imagined they would be to an individual with BPD. Images were judged in terms of how

much they depicted or readily implied a situation that a person with BPD would identify as

relevant to their experience. Pictures were ranked by level of self-reference. Sloan and

colleagues’ (2010) top 36 ranked pictures were selected for use in the present study.

However, because eight of these images are similar in that they depict interpersonal

violence, three of which contain the same actors in different poses, four of these images




(image numbers 6530, 6540, 6550 & 6560) were replaced by other highly ranked, self-

referential pictures from the same picture set (images, 2053, 2271, 2800 & 9405). The

final BPD specific IAPS picture set is noted in Appendix A.

Physiological Assessment

Electrocardiogram, SC and respiration data were continuously recorded at a rate of

2000-Hz by a Powerlab Acquisition system (ADInstruments, Colorado Springs, CO), while

beat-to-beat BP was continuously recorded using a Finometer MIDI (Finapres, Amsterdam).

Respiration sensors were calibrated pre-session by having subjects inflate and deflate an 800

ml breathing bag 5 times. Sequences of heart beat-to-beat intervals (RR) were recorded and

exported to a WinCPRS software program (Absolute Aliens Oy, Turku, Finland) for

analyses and calculation of HRV indices, as well as mean HR. After cubic interpolation of

the non-equidistant waveform, the RR sequence was checked for artifacts and irregular

beats. Because respiration influences HR and HRV (Berntson et al., 1997), mean

respiration frequency was calculated from the thoracic respiration record. All physiological

measures were calculated separately for the each task, and then analyzed using time and

frequency domain methods. For frequency domain HRV indices, RR spectra were

calculated through Fourier analysis (Cooke et al., 1999; Taylor, Carr, Myers, & Eckberg,

1998). Heart rate—expressed as beats per minute—was derived by calculating the average

number of R-spikes in the ECG signal occurring each minute during each 6-minute

recording period.




Controlling for Substance and Medication Use

Participants were instructed to abstain from alcohol, and other drugs during the 24

hours prior to the laboratory session, as well as to refrain from taking caffeine, or over-the-

counter medications on the day of the session. Participants were also instructed not to use

products containing nicotine for at least two hours before coming into their session. When

individuals were prescribed medications pro re nata (as needed) that might affect

psychophysiological measures, it was agreed we would reschedule experimental sessions if

they needed to take these medications the day of their participation. To ensure participant

safety, BPD group volunteers were instructed not to deviate from regular medication

regimes. In instances when a participant took a regular daily dose of a prescribed

medication that could possibly affect physiology (e.g., a benzodiazepine), sessions were

scheduled to allow at least four hours of washout time to minimize acute drug effects.


Before phone screening, all interested inquirers were asked to provide oral

informed consent. Once oral consent was obtained, the phone screen interview collected

basic contact and demographic information, and inquired about exclusionary criteria such

as pre-existing medical or neurological conditions. In addition to the phone screen

interview given to all potential participants, potential control group participants were

administered the SCID-I screener for Axis I pathology (First et al., 2002) in addition to a

brief clinical interview. If volunteers were determined eligible to participate in the study, an

appointment time was scheduled.




Upon arriving at the Cardiac Neuroscience Laboratory at Rutgers University,

eligible volunteers were asked to provide written informed consent. Once informed

consent was obtained, control group volunteers completed the SCID-II screener to screen

for personality disorder pathology. Relevant sections of the SCID-II interview were

administered if necessary to rule out personality disorders. BPD group volunteers coming

from treatment sites other then DBT-RU were also administered the SCID-II screener

(volunteers from DBT-RU complete the SCID-II screener during admission to DBT-RU).

Volunteers found to be ineligible for any reason were compensated at a prorated amount

of $10 per hour.

All eligible participants then completed the psychosocial questionnaire battery that

took approximately 45 minutes. After completing questionnaires, participants were seated

in a comfortable chair located 2.5 meters in front of a large computer screen in a sound

attenuated, dimly lit room. Dermal ECG electrodes were placed laterally below the deltoid

muscles on the right and left arms, as well as in a lateral position above the left ankle. A

respiration belt was placed across the chest to capture thoracic breathing. Continuous

blood pressure was measured using a cuff attached to the middle finger on the right hand.

Electrodermal activity was measured using two stainless steel electrodes affixed to the

thenar eminence and hypothenar eminence of the palm of the right hand.

Participants first performed a standardized low-demand “vanilla” task (Jennings et

al., 1992) for 6 minutes, wherein they viewed colored rectangles on a computer screen

while silently counting the number of blue rectangles. This procedure provided the basal

HRV measures for the study. Following this, participants viewed 36 pictures from the BPD




IAPS picture set for a total of 6 minutes. During this task participants viewed each image

for 5 seconds (order counterbalanced), followed by 5 seconds of black screen at which time

they verbally reported their subjective arousal to each image using the Self-assessment

Manikin, a standardized 9-point Likert scale, where 1 represents lowest arousal, and 9

represents greatest arousal (Lang, Bradley, & Cuthbert, 2001). Immediately following the

picture set presentation, participants engaged in a 6-minute post-stressor recording period

where they were asked to sit still while their physiology was recorded. In order to reflect a

‘real life’ post-stressor recovery period, no specific instructions were given during this task.

Following this, both groups again engaged in the standardized low-demand “vanilla” task

for 6 minutes. The entire HRV recording procedure took approximately 30 minutes, and

was administered by the principal investigator, and a post-baccalaureate research assistant.

Analysis of Heart Rate, Blood Pressure Variability, and Skin Conductance Variance

HRV is defined as changes in time interval from R-spike to R-spike (RR) in an

ECG signal, where the R-spike represents a single contraction of the heart’s ventricles.

Changes in the RR interval capture moment-to-moment, fine-grained perturbations in the

heart’s rhythm that reflect subtle changes in the central and autonomic nervous systems.

This may be analyzed in a number of different ways. For example, time domain indices are

derived from direct measurement of sequential RR intervals obtained from the ECG signal

with manual corrections for artifacts and irregular beats, also referred to as normal-to-

normal (NN) intervals:

𝑅𝑅 =  𝑅𝑅! + 𝑅𝑅!…𝑅!

𝑁 =  1𝑁   𝑅𝑅! 𝑚𝑠;−,𝑚𝑠






The standard deviation of all NN intervals (SDNN) is a commonly utilized time

domain index used to gauge general autonomic regulatory activity.

𝑆𝐷𝑁𝑁 =  1𝑁 𝑅𝑅! − 𝑅𝑅 !




In addition, the root of the mean squared differences of successive NN intervals (RMSSD),

as well as the number of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 50ms

throughout a recording (NN50), which is typically expressed as the percentage of NN50

count divided by the total number of NN intervals (pNN50), closely reflect

parasympathetic vagal activity (Task Force, 1996). SDNN and RMSSD are expressed in

milliseconds (ms), while pNN50 is expressed as a percentage.

𝑅𝑀𝑆𝑆𝐷 =  1

𝑁 − 1 𝑅𝑅!!!  –𝑅𝑅! !




𝑁𝑁50 =   𝑅𝑅!!! − 𝑅𝑅! >  50!" 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡;−!


𝑝𝑁𝑁50 =  𝑁𝑁50𝑁   ∙ 100 %;−  

Alternatively, HRV may be assessed in the frequency domain using power spectral

density analysis, which provides information about how power distributes as a function of

frequency (Task Force, 1996). By convention, frequency domain indices are divided into

high frequency (HF: 0.15-0.4 Hz), low frequency (LF: 0.04-0.15 Hz), and very low frequency

(VLF: 0.005-0.04 Hz) domains. HF HRV activity is primarily parasympathetically mediated

by vagal activity (Berntson et al., 1997; Task Force, 1996). HF HRV is the most widely




studied aspect of HRV because it captures fine-grained changes in parasympathetic

activation. Of the spectral HRV indices, it is most indicative of a well-functioning ANS and

general health, and is commonly affected in cases of pathology (e.g., Appelhans &

Luecken, 2006; Eddie, 2012; Hughes & Stoney, 2000). LF HRV reflects both

parasympathetic and sympathetic influences, such that it captures the dual action of the

baroreflex system as it affects both HRV and vascular tone (Cevese, Gulli, Polati, Gottin, &

Grasso, 2001; Vaschillo et al., 2011). Finally, though not well understood, VLF HRV is

thought to reflect fluctuations in the ANS (Berntson et al., 1997) that mediate baroreflex

control of vascular tone (Vaschillo et al., 2011). Spectral indices are expressed as ms^2.

Blood pressure characterizes pressure exerted on arterial walls by ventricular

ejection of blood from the heart, and is commonly expressed as systolic arterial blood

pressure (SAP; arterial pressure during systolic contraction of the heart) and diastolic

arterial blood pressure (DAP; arterial pressure during ventricular relaxation between heart

contractions). Derived from the vascular pressure waveform, measures of BPV characterize

baroreflex mediated moment-to-moment changes in SAP and DAP that are indicative of

autonomic flexibility and adaptability (Vaschillo et al., 2011; Voss, Boettger, Schulz, Gross,

& Bär, 2011). Blood pressure variability is expressed in the present investigation as the

standard deviation of systolic blood pressure (SAPD), and the standard deviation diastolic

blood pressure (DAPD). Overall blood pressure may be expressed by mean arterial pressure

(MAP; the average blood pressure of an individual that considers both SAP and DAP), and

its standard deviation (MAPD; Parati et al., 2001). All BP indices are expressed in

millimeters of mercury (mmHg).




𝑆𝐴𝑃𝐷 =  𝑆𝐴𝑃  –  𝑆𝐴𝑃 !

𝑁  – 1  

𝐷𝐴𝑃𝐷 =  𝐷𝐴𝑃  –  𝐷𝐴𝑃 !

𝑁  – 1

𝑀𝐴𝑃𝐷 =  𝐷𝐴𝑃 + 13 𝑆𝐴𝑃–𝐷𝐴𝑃  –   𝐷𝐴𝑃 + 13 𝑆𝐴𝑃–𝐷𝐴𝑃


𝑁  – 1

Skin conductance measures, which reflect sympathetically mediated fluctuations in

sweat gland activity are widely used physiological indicants of affective processing and

responding (Boucsein, 2012, p. 3-7; M. E. Dawson, Schell, & Filion, 2007) that are

especially sensitive to aversive stimulation and perceived threat (Fowles, 1988). Here SC is

expressed as the standard deviation of SC measured in milliseconds, referred throughout

this dissertation as SVC. Because sweat gland activity also reflects thermoregulatory

processes (Bini, Hagbarth, Hynninen, & Wallin, 1980), low frequency changes in raw SC

that reflect slow responses to ambient temperature (0.01 – 15Hz) were filtered out prior to

the calculation of SCV. Notably, because SC measures reflect sympathetically mediated

fluctuations in sweat gland activity, lack of perspiration, or sweat gland saturation can

reduce the sensitivity of these measures. SCV is expressed in microseconds (µS).

𝑆𝐶𝑉 =  𝑆𝐶  –  𝑆𝐶 !

𝑁  – 1

Respiration measures were calculated from the thoracic respiration record and are

expressed as breathing frequency in hertz (Hz), and tidal volume in milliliters (ml).





Data Distribution and Outlier Analyses

Preliminary visual inspection and univariate analysis were used to check for

normality for each psychological measure. Variables that with skew or kurtosis >1 were

subjected to logarithmic transformation (i.e., logarithm/reflect and logarithm).

Mahalanobis distance was used to detect multivariate outliers (de Maesschalck, Jouan-

Rimbaud, & Massart, 2000).

Associations Between Anxiety and Depression, and Baseline Physiological Measures

Anticipated associations between trait anxiety and depression, and baseline

physiological indices within the BPD group were examined using Pearson’s correlation


A Priori Hypothesis Testing

A priori hypotheses were tested using repeated measures mixed models with

unstructured covariance matrix (Wolfinger & Chang, 1995) to examine the effect of group

(BPD, control), experimental task (baseline, cue exposure, recovery period), and their

interaction on target physiological indices including HR, SDNN, HF HRV, LF HRV,

SAPD, and SCV, with model level Bonferroni correction (6 tests, a’= .008) to control for

alpha level inflation. To check for possible respiration effects on HRV, these models were

also tested with respiration frequency included as a covariate.

Main effects of group are indicative of differences between the BPD and control

groups on target physiological measures across experimental tasks. Main effects of time are

indicative of change from baseline to cue reactivity, from cue reactivity to the recovery




period, and from baseline to the recovery period on each target index, in the combined

groups. The group × time interaction effects were indicative of whether the groups differed

in the way they changed from baseline to cue reactivity, and from cue reactivity to the

recovery period, on each of the target physiological indices. When indicated by significant

main or interactions effects, post hoc least square means difference tests were conducted.

Tests for Effects of Substance Use in Participants with Borderline Personality Disorder

Within the BPD group, the effects of chronic substance use on baseline physiology,

change in physiology in response to cue exposure, and change in physiology from cue

exposure to the recovery period were assessed. To test this, two sets of residual change

scores were derived by regressing HR, SDNN, HF HRV, LF HRV, SAPD, and SCV scores

during cue exposure onto their respective scores during baseline, and by regressing post-cue

exposure recovery period scores onto their respective measure during cue exposure.

Residuals represent the error in the regression model and are calculated by subtracting the

model’s predicted values from the observed values (i.e., e = y – ŷ), and are preferable to

utilizing raw change scores because they account for effects of regression to the mean.

Residual scores were subsequently tested for association with substance use measures using

general linear models.

Exploratory Analyses

Post Cue Exposure Recovery Latency

A more fine-grained analysis of latency of recovery from cue exposure was

accomplished by separating the recovery period into a first and a second 3-minute interval.

Mixed models for HR, SDNN, HF HRV, LF HRV, SAPD, and SCV were used to examine




between group differences in change in from cue exposure, to the first and second halves

of the recovery period, with model level Bonferroni correction (6 tests, a’= .008) to control

for alpha level inflation.

Dissociative Tendencies as a Moderator of Psychophysiological Cue Reactivity

Previous work has shown individuals with BPD who report high levels of state

dissociative tendencies tend to be less psychophysiologically responsive to startle (Ebner-

Priemer et al., 2005; Ebner-Priemer et al., 2009). As such, in participants with BPD,

dissociative tendencies measured by the DES-II, were posited to moderate the relationship

between psychophysiological indices at baseline and during cue exposure. Partial least

squares path modeling (Henseler & Fassott, 2010) was employed to parse out the possible

effects of trait dissociation on cue reactivity, by regressing covaried baseline HR, SDNN,

pNN50, HF HRV, LF HRV, SAP, SAPD, or SCV (exogenous variable), continuous DES-II

score (moderator variable), and HR, SDNN, pNN50, HF HRV, LF HRV, SAP, SAPD, or

SCV × DES-II score (interaction term), onto HR, SDNN, pNN50, HF HRV, LF HRV,

SAP, SAPD, or SCV during cue exposure (endogenous variable).

Expression of Effect Sizes

For consistency, effect sizes were expressed as Cohen’s d throughout, with d = .20

interpreted as a small effect, d = .30 interpreted as a medium effect, and d = .50 interpreted

as a large effect (J. Cohen, 1988). Effect sizes for means tests were calculated using Cohen’s

standard formula (J. Cohen, 1988, p. 274). For regression analyses, eta-squared effect sizes

were converted to d per Cohen’s algorithm (1988, p. 281), while for correlation analyses,




Pearson’s r was converted to d using Rosenthal’s formula (R. Rosenthal, 1994, p. 239). For

chi-square analyses, χ2 was converted to d per Ellis’ formula (Ellis, 2015).


Data Distribution and Outlier Analyses

Variables including SDNN, RMSSD, HF HRV, LF HRV, VLF HRV, and SCV

were excessively skewed or kurtotic and were thus logarithmically transformed. The

remaining physiological indices, HR and pNN50, did not require transformation.

The Mahalanobis distance test detected one multivariate outlier in the baseline task

(a BPD group participant), and one outlier in the recovery period task (a control group

participant). These participants were subsequently excluded from analyses involving

baseline and/or recovery period physiological measures, respectively. A separate test for

multivariate outliers using the change scores from baseline to cue exposure, and cue

exposure to recovery period did not reveal any outliers.

Sample Characteristics

Groups did not differ significantly on sex, age, and body mass index (all p > .05; see

Table 1). In the BPD group, 16 participants identified as White/European American, 2 as

Asian, and 4 as other/mixed race. In the control group, 16 participants identified as

White/European American, 5 as Asian, and 1 as other/mixed race.

Participants with BPD reported significantly more lifetime months of therapy (see

Table 1). Modal income for participants with BPD was < $15,000, while the modal income

for controls was bifurcated between two income brackets, < $15,000, and > $90,000. In the

BPD group, 4 participants were married, 17 had never been married, 1 was divorced, and 1




was separated, while in the control group, 5 participants were married, 16 had never

married, and 1 was widowed.

Characterization of BPD Group Participant Psychiatric Comorbidity

As anticipated, participants with BPD exhibited a high degree of psychiatric

comorbidity. Nineteen of 22 participants had a co-occurring psychological diagnosis or

diagnoses. The count of various DSM-IV-TR Axis I diagnoses were as follows: 11 major

depressive disorder, 10 generalized anxiety disorder, 7 panic disorder, 7 social anxiety

disorder, 5 bipolar disorder (4 type II, and 1 type I), 4 post-traumatic stress disorder, 4

obsessive compulsive disorder, 4 eating disorder not otherwise specified, 2 anxiety disorder

not otherwise specified, 2 specific phobia, 2 body dysmorphic disorder, 1 bulimia nervosa,

1 hypochondriasis, 1 somatization disorder, and 1 agoraphobia.

There was also considerable personality disorder comorbidity. The count was as

follows: 4 avoidant personality disorder, 2 obsessive compulsive personality disorder, 2

dependent personality disorder, 2 paranoid personality disorder, 1 antisocial personality

disorder, and 1 histrionic personality disorder.

Participant Medications

Fourteen of 22 participants in the BPD reported current use of prescribed

medications that could potentially affect psychophysiological measures, including 7

participants taking an antipsychotic or mood stabilizers (i.e., aripiprazole, lithium,

lurasidone, olanzapine, risperidone), 4 taking a benzodiazepines (i.e., alprazolam,

clonazepam), 3 taking a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic or sleep aid (i.e., buspirone,

zolpidem), 6 taking a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (i.e., citalopram, escitalopram,




fluoxetine, sertraline), 3 taking a serotonin agonist / reuptake inhibitors (i.e., trazodone), 1

taking bupropion, and 2 taking a stimulant for ADHD (i.e., lisdexamfetamine,


Control group participants reported no medications that are known to affect

physiological measures.

Preliminary Between-group Psychosocial Comparisons

Between groups comparisons of self-reported psychosocial measures are reported in

Table 2. As predicted, participants with BPD, compared to healthy controls, reported

greater state and trait anxiety (STAI-Y scores), greater depression (BDI scores), more

present moment negative affect (PANAS scores), greater emotion dysregulation (DERS and

AAQ-II scores), and greater dissociative symptomology (DES-II scores). Contrary to

hypotheses though, groups were not different in terms of present moment positive affect as

measured by the PANAS.

Groups did not differ in terms of frequency of past year exercise, or average length

of exercise sessions (p > .05). Groups did differ, however, on sleep measures. Participants

with BPD reported significantly more trouble initiating sleep and falling back to sleep

compared to controls, χ2 (1, N = 44) = 11.2, p < .05, d = 1.17, although ultimately the

groups did not differ on average hours of sleep per night (p > .05).

Substance Use

As predicted, the BPD group had higher rates of lifetime alcohol and other drug

dependence (see Table 3 & 4), however, contrary to predictions, groups were not different




in terms of past month and past year drinking behaviors (see Table 3), or drug use

behaviors aside from nicotine (see Table 4).

One BPD participant was in recovery from alcohol dependence and was abstinent

from alcohol in the past year, and 3 control participants endorsed trying alcohol, but never

becoming drinkers. For individuals in each group that endorsed drinking in the past year,

results showed that BPD and control group participants initiated drinking at a similar age,

had a similar number of drinking days in a typical week in the past month, drank similar

quantities in the past month, and were similar in terms of drinking during their heaviest

drinking week in the past month. Additionally, a non-significant chi-square test (p > .05)

indicated groups drank at similar frequencies in the past year.

Participants in the BPD group used nicotine more frequently in the past month

and past year compared to participants in the control group (see Table 4).

The groups, however, were similar in terms of their use of drugs other than alcohol

or nicotine. There were no between group differences in frequency of drug use in the past

month (measured as number of days of use in the past month) or frequency of drug use

over the past year (measured as average times using per week during the past year) for

amphetamines, cannabis, cocaine, or opiates (see Table 4). Notably, for these drug classes,

both groups reported very little past month and past year use.

Subjective Arousal to Emotionally Evocative Pictures

As predicted, participants with BPD reported significantly more subjective arousal

to emotionally evocative pictures during the cue exposure component of the experimental

session, t(42) = 2.03, p <.05, d = .63, scoring an average arousal rating of 5.02 (SD = 1.33),




with a total arousal rating of 180.8 (SD = 47.9), while control group participants scored an

average arousal rating of 4.21 (SD = 1.33), and a total arousal rating of 151.5 (SD = 47.9).

Within the BPD group, BPD severity, as measured by the combined standardized

scores of the Borderline Symptom List and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale, was

not significantly associated with mean subjective arousal, p > .05.

Associations Between Anxiety and Depression, and Baseline Physiological Measures

The hypothesis that trait anxiety and depression would be negatively associated

with parasympathetically mediated HRV within the BPD group was partially supported.

Trait anxiety (total STAI-Y trait score) was negatively associated with pNN50, r(19)

= –.46, p < .05, d = 1.04, while directionally concordant large effect sizes that did not reach

statistical significance were observed for SDNN, r(19) = –.43, p = .05, d = .95, RMSSD,

r(19) = –.43, p = .05, d = .95, and HF HRV, r(19) = –.38, p > .05, d = .82. Depression (total

BDI score), however, was not associated with HRV.

A Priori Hypotheses Tests

Hypothesis 1, that relative to controls, participants with BPD would show lower

baseline levels of parasympathetically mediated neurocardiac flexibility and greater

sympathetic activation was partially supported. Participants with BPD did exhibit greater

HR and SCV at resting baseline, however, groups were not significantly different on other

measures reflecting neurocardiac flexibility including SDNN, RMSSD, pNN50, HF HRV,

LF HRV, and SAPD (Table 5). Further, groups were similar on measures of respiration

(Table 5).




Hypothesis 2, that participants with BPD would report greater subjective arousal

than controls, but that both groups would exhibit similar parasympathetic withdrawal and

increased sympathetic activation in response to cue exposure, was partially supported.

Participants with BPD reported greater subjective arousal to the picture stimuli. In

addition, as shown by a main effect of time (Table 6) and subsequent post hoc least square

means tests (Table 7), the combined groups demonstrated increased sympathetic activation

from baseline to cue exposure as evinced by an increase in SCV. Similarly, both groups also

demonstrated an increase in HR in response to cue exposure, which may be indicative of

increased sympathetic activation, decreased parasympathetic activation, or a combination

of both. The combined groups also demonstrated an increase in SDNN from cue exposure

to cue recovery period, although after respiration frequency was included as model

covariate, this effect was no longer statistically significant. Overall, however, there was no

significant change in parasympathetic activation in response to cue exposure, as indicated

by a null main effect for HF HRV.

Hypothesis 3, that during the post-cue exposure recovery period participants with

BPD would show continued parasympathetic withdrawal and sympathetic activation, while

the control group would return to their pre-challenge physiological baseline, was not

supported. Contrary to predictions, no interaction effects were observed on any target

physiological index, suggesting groups did not differ in their physiological change between

these tasks. A main effect of time, however, indicated that the combined groups

demonstrated a decrease in SCV from cue exposure to the post-cue exposure recovery

period (Table 7).




A Posteriori Hypothesis Tests

Because of BPD’s complex polythetic presentation, and the varying degrees of

severity among individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for BPD (Crowell, Beauchaine, &

Linehan, 2009; Gunderson & Links, 2009), BPD severity had been highlighted a priori as

a potential factor to consider in the present analyses, though no specific hypotheses were

made. With this in mind, it was thus tentatively hypothesized that individual differences in

BPD severity may be driving the observed null effects for cue exposure recovery on target

physiological measures. To more fully characterize the potential effects of BPD severity on

responses to emotional stimuli, the potential moderating effects of BPD severity on cue

reactivity were also tested.

To do this, first a measure of BPD severity was calculated by combining individuals’

standardized total scores (z-scores) on the BSL-23 and DERS, two correlated measures (r =

.77, p < .05, d = 2.41) reflecting BPD symptomology (standardized total scores were used to

give the two questionnaires equal weighting). Then, BPD severity scores were regressed

onto residualized physiological change scores (previously derived by regressing HR, SDNN,

HF HRV, LF HRV, SAPD, and SCV scores during cue exposure onto their respective

measure during baseline, and by regressing recovery period scores onto their respective

measure during cue exposure). To more fully characterize the potential role of

parasympathetic factors, pNN50 and RMSSD scores were also included in these a

posteriori analyses because, like HF HRV, they are understood to reflect parasympathetic





The a posteriori hypothesis was supported. In terms of physiological change from

cue exposure to recovery period, lower BPD severity within the BPD group predicted

significant decreases in RMSSD, pNN50, and HF HRV from cue exposure to the recovery

period, while higher BPD severity scores predicted significant increases in RMSSD,

pNN50, and HF HRV (Table 8 & Figure 2). In addition, SDNN evinced a large effect size

trend that was directionally concordant with results for RMSSD, pNN50, and HF HRV.

With regard to physiological change from baseline to cue exposure, within the BPD

group, BPD severity was negatively associated with pNN50, such that lower BPD severity

predicted increases in pNN50 from baseline to cue exposure, while greater BPD severity

predicted decreases in pNN50 from baseline to cue exposure (Table 8 & Figure 1). Large

effect sizes following the same directional pattern were observed for SDNN, RMSSD, HF

HRV, and LF HRV, though these results did not reach statistical significance (Table 8 &

Figure 1).

Mean HR also evinced a large, but non-significant effect size, trending in the

opposite direction (Table 8 & Figure 1). Specifically, lower BPD severity predicted

decreases in HR from baseline to cue exposure, while greater BPD severity predicted

increases in HR from baseline to cue exposure.

Similarly, a large, but non-significant effect size was observed for SCV, such that

greater BPD severity was associated with increases in SCV from baseline to cue exposure

(Table 8). Careful slope inspection, however, indicated the majority of participants (16 of

22) showed slight to moderate reductions in SCV from baseline to cue exposure.




Respiration frequency was not correlated with BPD severity, or any physiological

measure change score, suggesting participants’ respiration did not influence these results.

Tests for Effects of Substance Use in Participants with Borderline Personality Disorder

The low numbers of participants with BPD endorsing past month, and past year

amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine, opiate, and nicotine use, as well as lifetime histories of

alcohol and other drug dependence, precluded analysis for these measures. As such, tests

for the effects of substance use in participants with BPD focused on past month and past

year alcohol use.

The hypothesis that frequency of past month and past year alcohol use, as well as

quantity of alcohol consumed in a typical week in the past month would be negatively

associated with basal levels of target HRV measures in the BPD sample, was not supported,

all p > .05.

The hypothesis that substance use would predict cue exposure response, specifically

that greater past month and past year substance use would predict greater autonomic

responses to emotionally evocative pictures, was not supported. All analyses for associations

between alcohol use and change in physiology from baseline to cue exposure were non-

significant, p > .05.

Hypothesis 4, that greater substance use would predict less autonomic recovery

after perturbation was partially supported. Quantity of alcohol consumed in a typical week

in the past month was negatively associated with change in SAPD, F(1, 20) = 5.53, p < .05,

d = 1.05. Slope inspection revealed that greater alcohol use predicted either decreases, or

very small increases in SAPD from cue exposure to the recovery period, while those who




drank less or not at all were more likely to experience larger increases in SAPD. All other

analyses for associations between past month and past year alcohol use and change in

physiology from cue exposure to the recovery period were non-significant, p > .05.

Post Cue Exposure Recovery Latency Analysis

An exploratory analysis of latency of recovery from cue exposure was carried out by

separating the recovery period into a first and a second 3-minute interval. Mixed models

for HR, SDNN, HF HRV, LF HRV, SAPD, and SCV were used to examine between group

differences in change in from cue exposure, to the first and second halves of the recovery

period. Analyses did not produce any significant interaction effects, all p > .05, suggesting

groups did not differ in terms of their temporal patterns of recovery.

Dissociative Tendencies as a Moderator of Psychophysiological Cue Reactivity

Partial least squares path modeling was used to test if dissociative tendencies—

measured by participants’ total score on the DES-II—moderate psychophysiological cue

reactivity. Results indicated a significant moderating effect of dissociative tendencies on

pNN50, β = –0.4, SE = 0.0, z = –4.3, p <.05, and SAPD, β = 1.3, SE = 0.0, z = 3.2, p <.05.

Slope inspection showed that greater trait dissociation reflected by total DES-II scores

predicted decreases in pNN50 from baseline to cue exposure, while lower levels of trait

dissociation predicted increases in this HRV index. Slope inspection also revealed that

greater trait dissociation was associated with increases or little change in SAPD from

baseline to cue exposure, while lower trait dissociation predicted decreases in SAPD.

Moderation effects for HR, SDNN, HF HRV, LF HRV, and SAP did not reach statistical




significance. Including respiration frequency as a covariate in the models did not affect

these results.

Checks for Effects of Medication, Time in Treatment, and Age on Physiological Measures

T-tests showed participants in the BPD group taking medication were not different

from those not taking medication on physiological measures at baseline, during cue

exposure, or during the recovery period, all p > .05. Further, initial results for between

group differences in baseline physiology were not changed by removing BPD participants

on medication, or not on medication, from the analysis. Similarly, the results of the a

priori hypothesis tests were not affected by excluding BPD participants on medication, or

not on medication, from the analysis.

For participants with BPD, general linear models showed that time in Dialectical

Behavior Therapy and total lifetime psychological treatment were not associated with basal

levels of physiology, nor were they predicted by BPD severity, all p > .05.

In the combined sample, participant age predicted SDNN, F(1, 41) = 7.47, p < .05,

d = 0.85, however, all other associations between age and physiological indices at baseline

were non-significant, p > .05. Adding age to the a priori hypothesis tests models did not

change their results.


BPD is a complex psychiatric condition characterized by intense and rapidly

shifting emotional states, impulsivity, and instability in self-image (Glenn & Klonsky,

2009). Its sequelae include intense feelings of emptiness, shame, loneliness, panic, and

rage, which lead to behaviors such as substance misuse, non-suicidal self-injury, and suicide




(Gunderson & Links, 2009; Leichsenring et al., 2011). To date, the cognitive components

of emotion dysregulation in BPD have received much research attention. The collateral

psychophysiological processes, however, remain poorly understood. Because emotion

regulation is mediated by both cognitive and physiological processes (Benarroch, 1997;

Hagemann et al., 2003), this knowledge gap may be limiting progress in the treatment of

BPD. As such, this investigation sought to comprehensively assess psychophysiological

differences between individuals with BPD and controls, and examine whether a loss of

flexibility in fundamental ANS processes may contribute to the emotion dysregulation

observed in BPD. To accomplish this, psychophysiological differences between individuals

with BPD and healthy controls were assessed at rest, during exposure to emotionally

evocative images, and during a post cue exposure recovery period. Additionally, because

substance use disorders are highly comorbid with BPD, and may interact with and

exacerbate BPD pathology (Axelrod et al., 2011; Dimeff et al., 2000; Kruedelbach et al.,

1993), this study also investigated the effects of co-occurring substance use on

psychophysiological processes in individuals with BPD.

As hypothesized, between group psychophysiological differences were observed at

baseline showing greater HR and SCV in participants with BPD, compared to controls,

however, contrary to predictions, there were no significant between group differences in

HRV at baseline. Main effects of group and time were found in response to, as well as in

recovery from exposure to emotionally evocative images on HR and SCV, while a main

effect of time was observed for SDNN. Specifically, the main effects of group indicated

participants with BPD had greater HR and SCV when all three tasks were considered




together. A main effect of time for HR, SDNN, and SCV, and subsequent post hoc

analyses showed the combined groups demonstrated increases in HR and SCV in response

to exposure to emotionally evocative images, a decrease in SCV during recovery from image

exposure, and an increase in SDNN from baseline to the recovery period. No group × time

interaction effects were observed, suggesting the groups were not different in terms of how

they responded to or recovered from exposure to emotionally evocative stimuli. This was in

spite of the fact that participants with BPD rated the images as subjectively more arousing

than controls. The absence of observed interaction effects led to speculation that BPD

symptom severity may be influencing results. This postulate was supported by a posteriori

analyses, which found that within the BPD group, BPD severity moderated physiological

response to, as well as recovery from exposure to emotionally evocative images.

Associations between physiological measures and substance use behaviors were also

investigated within the BPD group. Contrary to expectations, however, participants with

BPD generally reported relatively low levels of substance use, and fewer than expected

participants had lifetime histories of substance dependence. This precluded the planned,

in-depth analyses, although associations between alcohol use and physiology were

investigated. Hypotheses about the effects of alcohol on physiology in participants with

BPD, however, were largely unsupported.

Preliminary Between-group Psychosocial Comparisons

As anticipated, participants with BPD, compared to controls, reported greater state

and trait anxiety, greater depression, more present moment negative affect, greater emotion

dysregulation, greater dissociative symptomology, and more difficulty initiating sleep and




falling back to sleep. This is in line with a large literature showing individuals with BPD

experience higher rates of problems in these areas than non-clinical samples (see

Leichsenring et al., 2011 for review).

Contrary to hypotheses, groups were not different in terms of present moment

positive affect, as measured by the PANAS. Though this finding ran contrary to what was

hypothesized, it is not without precedent. Levine et al. (1997) also found that individuals

with BPD experience greater negative affect to non-psychiatric controls, but similar levels of

positive affect. Although negative affect, per se, is not a diagnostic marker of BPD in either

the DSM-IV-TR (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) or ICD-10 (World Health

Organisation, 1992) classifications, heightened negative affect, and not reduced positive

affect, may be an important marker of BPD pathology, especially considering negative

affect is positively associated with BPD traits and features (Cheavens et al., 2005; M. Z.

Rosenthal, Cheavens, Lejuez, & Lynch, 2005).

Substance Use

Participants with BPD were more likely to have a lifetime diagnosis of alcohol and

other drug dependence, however, contrary to predictions, groups were not different in

terms of past month and past year alcohol or other drug use behaviors, aside from nicotine.

The low rates of substance use in the present sample was surprising given the usually high

rates of substance use in individuals with BPD (Trull et al., 2000). This may be explained

by the fact that all study participants with BPD were receiving Dialectical Behavior Therapy

at the time of their participation in the present investigation. In most instances, patients

engaged in Dialectical Behavior Therapy for BPD who also have co-occurring substance use




problems are encouraged or required to stop substance use while in treatment, as this

behavior typically interferes with treatment goals and precludes reliance on more effective,

skill-based coping strategies (Linehan, 1993, 2014). It is therefore possible that in the

present sample, the relatively low rates of substance use in participants with BPD may be

accounted for by their active participation in treatment.

The fact, however, that participants with BPD reported similar substance use to

controls in the past year runs contrary to this postulate. Though it is possible they were

engaged in other therapies prior to beginning Dialectical Behavior Therapy, on average,

participants with BPD had only received an average of approximately three months of

lifetime Dialectical Behavior Therapy at the time they participated in the study.

Subjective Arousal to Emotionally Evocative Pictures

As anticipated, participants with BPD reported significantly more subjective arousal

to emotionally evocative pictures during the cue exposure component of the study. The

difference between the BPD and control groups was, however, not especially robust, as

evinced by a small effect size difference in arousal ratings. This relatively small effect size

difference and the lack of a relationship between subjective arousal and BPD severity

within the BPD group, suggests images depicting interpersonal and social content taken

from the IAPS may not sufficiently target BPD sensitivities at a level of intensity that is

optimal for BPD cue reactivity studies. For instance, images depicting abandonment, non-

suicidal self-injury, and suicide do not feature heavily in the IAPS and thus were not well

represented in the set formed in Sloan et al.’s (2010) study. This suggests that the

development of an effective BPD specific picture set may require the collection and




validation of a corps of novel images that closely focus on key BPD themes such as frantic

efforts to avoid abandonment, unstable interpersonal relationships, transient dissociative

episodes, non-suicidal self-injury, and suicide.

Associations Between Anxiety and Depression, and Baseline Physiological Measures

Previous investigations have shown trait anxiety and depression are inversely related

to indices of HRV characterizing resting parasympathetic activation (e.g., Chang et al.,

2012; Eddie, 2012; Miu et al., 2009). As such, within the BPD group, greater levels of trait

anxiety and depression were expected to predict lower basal levels of pNN50, RMSSD, and

HF HRV. This postulate was partially supported.

In participants with BPD, trait anxiety was significantly negatively associated with

pNN50. Parallel large effect size associations were observed between anxiety and SDNN,

RMSSD, and HF HRV, although these did not reach statistical significance. This is in line

with psychophysiological perspectives on anxiety, which hold that chronic anxiety is related

to a loss of biobehavioral flexibility reflected in, or resulting from a loss of vagal tone

(Friedman & Thayer, 1998; Thayer et al., 1996; Thayer & Lane, 2000).

Contrary to predictions, however, depression did not predict HRV in the present

BPD sample. Notably, the majority of studies investigating the relationship between

depression and HRV have studied individuals with primary depressive disorders, with little

or no psychiatric comorbidity. These populations are different from the present sample of

individuals who have a primary diagnosis of BPD. It is possible that there are differences in

autonomic system involvement in primary depressive disorders and depression occurring

secondary to BPD or other mental disorders. Future studies should investigate these




potential differences, by comparing individuals with primary depressive disorders and

individuals with secondary depressive disorders on psychophysiological measures.

A Priori Hypotheses Tests

Hypothesis 1 predicted that relative to controls, participants with BPD would show

lower baseline levels of HRV, and greater sympathetic activation. This was partially

supported. Participants with BPD did exhibit greater HR and SCV at resting baseline,

however, groups were not significantly different at resting baseline on measures of HRV, or


This finding is concordant with Ebner-Priemer et al.’s (2007) observation of greater

resting HR in individuals with BPD compared to healthy controls, as well as Ebner-Priemer

et al. (2007), Austin et al.’s (2007), and Gratz et al.’s (2011) null finding for between group

differences in resting HRV. It is also consistent with Kuo and Linehan’s (2009) observation

of greater resting levels of skin conductance response in individuals with BPD. The current

findings are, however, discordant with results published by Weinberg et al. (2009), and

Kuo and Linehan (2009), who observed lower resting levels of parasympathetically

mediated HRV in individuals with BPD, compared to healthy controls.

The heterogeneity of the samples utilized in these investigations may explain some

of the divergent findings across studies. Further, though this investigation recruited a

naturalistic sample that minimized and/or controlled for potential confounds associated

with participant age, time in treatment, diagnosis of BPD, medication, and psychiatric

comorbidity, some of these factors may have nevertheless influenced results.




For instance, psychiatric comorbidity is typical in BPD samples, and may influence

psychophysiology in unpredicted ways. While excluding study volunteers with comorbid

disorders may seem prudent, omitting such individuals can reduce ecological validity by

inadvertently excluding people with more severe BPD who commonly have affective

disorders secondary to BPD (Comtois, Cowley, Dunner, & Roy-Byrne, 1999). Thus,

whether including or excluding co-occurring mental disorders, comorbidity remains a key

issue that bears consideration whenever interpreting psychophysiological results in studies

of BPD.

As previously noted, medications can also affect physiology, and may in part

account for the equivocal findings in differences in basal HRV between individuals with

BPD and controls across the studies reviewed here, and the present investigation. Notably

however, checks for effects of medication in the present study showed no differences in

psychophysiology between BPD participants taking medication and those not taking

medication. Further, results for between group differences in baseline psychophysiology

and results of the a priori hypotheses tests were not affected by including or excluding BPD

participants on medication, or not on medication.

While ideally studies such as this would utilize samples free of medication,

excluding volunteers because of medication also threatens ecological validity as participants

with greater BPD severity are also most likely to be on medication (Sansone et al., 2003).

The present investigation anticipated this problem and included individuals on

medications, while making marked efforts to reduce potential effects of medication by

selectively excluding volunteers taking certain pharmaceuticals known to directly affect the




cardiovascular system, and strategically scheduling session times to reduce acute medication

effects. This factor, nevertheless, could have influenced results.

Another possible explanation for these equivocal findings is participant BPD

severity, both within samples and between studies. As discussed below, BPD severity had a

moderating effect on response to, and recovery from emotionally evocative images in the

present sample. This finding speaks to the possibility that within sample differences in

BPD severity may have undermined tests for between group differences in basal physiology,

although null associations between BPD severity and basal physiology within the BPD

group suggest otherwise.

Future studies will ideally utilize large samples so that possible moderating effects of

psychiatric comorbidity, medication, and BPD severity on ANS processes can be parsed

out. Larger samples will afford strategies such as within group tests for moderation, as well

as assessment of physiological differences between individuals with psychiatric comorbidity

versus no psychiatric comorbidity, more versus less severe BPD, and those on medication

versus those not on medication.

Hypothesis 2, predicted that compared to controls, participants with BPD would

report greater subjective arousal to the emotionally evocative images, while both groups

would exhibit similar reductions in parasympathetic tone, and increased sympathetic

activation in response to the images. This hypothesis was partially supported. Participants

with BPD reported greater subjective arousal to the picture stimuli. Further, consistent

with findings by Weinberg and colleagues (2009) who challenged volunteers with a social

stressor, both groups demonstrated increased sympathetic activation from baseline to cue




exposure as evinced by an increase in SCV. Similarly, both BPD and control groups also

demonstrated an increase in HR in response to cue exposure, which may be an effect of

increased sympathetic activation, decreased parasympathetic activation, or a combination

of both. Overall, however, consistent with Weinberg et al.’s findings, there was no

significant change in parasympathetic activation in response to cue exposure in either

group. These results suggest groups were similar in their response to emotionally evocative

images in that they both demonstrated increases in sympathetic activation, but no

significant changes in parasympathetic tone.

A posteriori analyses, however, highlighted an important factor not considered in

previous studies. Within the BPD group, BPD severity moderated cue reactivity, such that

participants with greater BPD severity tended to show decreases in HRV and SCV in

response to cue exposure, while individuals with lower BPD severity tended to show

increases in HRV. This is a key finding as it demonstrates for the first time differing

patterns of psychophysiological responding to emotional stimuli within a group of people

with BPD. Specifically, individuals with lower BPD severity were shown to exhibit

physiological responses similar to controls, whereas individuals with higher BPD severity

exhibited the opposite response.

This finding shares important commonalities with Gratz et al. (2013) who observed

that participants with co-occurring BPD and AVPD demonstrated decreases in HRV in

response a distress tolerance task, while participants with BPD but not AVPD, and non-

BPD controls showed increases in HRV. Their findings for between group differences in

emotion regulation difficulties, as measured by DERS subscales, suggest the BPD with co-




occurring AVPD group represented a more severely disordered sub-group of individuals

than the group of participants with BPD but not AVPD. It is possible that Gratz et al.

(2013) and the present study both captured a moderating effect of BPD severity on HRV,

though the two studies captured BPD severity in different ways.

The present finding for a moderating effect of BPD severity on cue reactivity is also

consistent with Austin et al.’s (2007) observation that participants with BPD showed

decreases in HRV during exposure to emotionally evocative stimuli, while controls showed

increases in HRV. Austin and colleagues interpreted their results in terms of Porges’

polyvagal theory. They inferred that the BPD group was exhibiting a physiological state of

preparedness for defensive behaviors characterized by vagal withdrawal during exposure to

emotionally evocative stimuli, (i.e., a fight or flight response). Controls, on the other hand,

demonstrated increased vagal activation in response to emotionally evocative stimuli,

which the authors posited would support spontaneous social engagement behaviors.

Taken together, these findings suggest individuals with more severe BPD mount a

physiological response that goes above and beyond what is called for in the moment. This

supports work that suggests individuals with BPD are more sensitive to perceived threat

(Dixon-Gordon et al., 2013; Donegan et al., 2003; Lynch et al., 2006), and may help

explain why once emotionally dysregulated, people with BPD have difficulty returning to

an affective baseline (Glenn & Klonsky, 2009; Selby et al., 2009; Selby & Joiner Jr, 2013).

Additionally, these findings may begin to explain the differing results across studies

investigating psychophysiological cue reactivity in BPD. Future psychophysiological BPD

studies should report, and control for BPD severity. Perhaps most importantly, this finding




highlights the necessity of considering multiple domains of functioning when attempting

to understand BPD pathology.

These findings also speak to the discourse on dimensional versus categorical

diagnostic systems for BPD. Many have argued that dimensional classification of BPD is

more reliable and valid than the current categorical classification systems used in DSM-5

and ICD-10 (e.g., Conway, Hammen, & Brennan, 2012; Trull, Widiger, & Guthrie, 1990).

The present findings support the use of a dimensional diagnostic system because they show

that there are important autonomic differences in how individuals with varying degrees of

BPD severity respond to emotionally evocative stimuli.

Notably, there was a non-significant, large effect size relationship between BPD

severity and BPD participants’ subjective arousal to the emotionally evocative images. This

finding makes it difficult to determine whether the observed physiological responses to the

images are indicative of underlying neurological differences in the CAN in individuals with

BPD, or a corollary of consciously perceived threat. Future studies will need to disentangle

this relationship. A first step toward this end might be to test whether physiological

reactivity in individuals with severe BPD changes through the course of treatments such as

Dialectical Behavior Therapy to become more similar to healthy controls, or whether it

stays the same even as BPD severity ameliorates with treatment.

Hypothesis 3, that during the post-cue exposure recovery period participants with

BPD would show continued reductions in parasympathetic tone, and sustained

sympathetic activation, while the control group would return to their pre-challenge




physiological baseline, was not supported. Groups appeared to be similar in terms of how

they recovered from cue exposure.

The aforementioned a posteriori analyses, however, also highlighted a key

consideration in terms of understanding recovery from emotional stimuli in individuals

with BPD. It was evident that within the BPD group, BPD severity moderated recovery

from exposure to emotionally evocative stimuli, such that participants with greater BPD

severity tended to show increases in HRV during cue exposure recovery, while individuals

with lower BPD severity tended to show the opposite recovery response, that is, decreases

in HRV. It is possible that this reflects natural rebound effects from autonomic

perturbation during cue exposure. The large effect sizes for the relationships between BPD

severity and parasympathetically mediated HRV from cue exposure to the recovery period,

coupled with the small effect size, negative relationship between BPD severity and change

in SCV during cue exposure, and during cue exposure recovery, suggests that

parasympathetically mediated processes may be more strongly implicated in BPD affective

reactivity than sympathetic processes.

Tests for Effects of Substance Use in Participants with Borderline Personality Disorder

The low numbers of participants with BPD endorsing past month, and past year

amphetamine, cannabis, cocaine, opiate, and nicotine use, as well as lifetime histories of

alcohol and other drug dependence meant planned analysis for these measures could not

be carried out. As a result, tests for the effects of substance use in participants with BPD

focused on measures for which there was sufficient data to conduct analyses, that is, past

month and past year alcohol use.




The hypothesis that frequency of past month and past year alcohol use, as well as

quantity of alcohol consumed in a typical week in the past month would be negatively

associated with basal levels of target HRV measures in the BPD sample, was not supported.

This is perhaps not surprising given the relatively low levels of drinking in the BPD sample,

and that moderate alcohol consumption is not known to appreciably affect HRV (Janszky

et al., 2005).

The hypothesis that substance use would predict cue exposure response, specifically

that greater past month and past year substance use would predict greater autonomic

responses to emotionally evocative pictures, was not supported. All analyses for associations

between alcohol use and change in physiology from baseline to cue exposure were non-

significant. Again, the relatively low levels of alcohol consumption in participants with

BPD may account for these null effects.

Hypothesis 4, that greater substance use would predict less autonomic recovery

after perturbation was partially supported. Quantity of alcohol consumed in a typical week

in the past month was negatively associated with change in SAPD. Slope inspection

revealed that greater alcohol use predicted either decreases, or very small increases in SAPD

from cue exposure to the recovery period, while those who drank less or not at all were

more likely to experience larger increases in SAPD. This finding suggests even at relatively

low levels, past month alcohol use may affect dynamic recovery of SAP in response to





Dissociative Tendencies as a Moderator of Psychophysiological Cue Reactivity

Path modeling was used to test if dissociative tendencies moderate

psychophysiological cue reactivity. Dissociative tendencies were found to moderate change

in pNN50, and SAPD from baseline to cue exposure. Careful slope inspection indicated

that greater trait dissociation was associated with decreases in pNN50 from baseline to cue

exposure, while lower levels of trait dissociation predicted increases in pNN50. Further,

greater trait dissociation predicted increases or little change in SAPD from baseline to cue

exposure, while lower trait dissociation predicted decreases in SAPD.

Previously, Ebner-Priemer et al. (2005) showed that individuals with BPD reporting

high levels of state dissociation demonstrated lower orbicularis oculi electromyographic

response to acoustic startle compared to individuals reporting low levels of state

dissociation, although notably they found no response differences in terms of HR or mean

SC. More recently, in a classical conditioning paradigm, Ebner-Priemer et al. (2009) found

differences in mean SC response between individuals expressing high versus low levels of

state dissociation during exposure to a conditioned stimulus that had been paired with an

aversive sound. That is, participants with BPD who had low levels of state dissociation

demonstrated significant increases in mean SC in response to the conditioned stimulus

during the extinction phase of the study, while participants with high levels of state

dissociation showed no change in mean SC.

Although the current investigation assessed the effects of trait and not state

dissociation, and utilized emotionally evocative images rather than auditory stressors, the

present findings thematically extend Ebner-Priemer and colleagues’ previous work by




showing for the first time that greater dissociative tendencies predict lower HRV, and

greater BPV in response to an emotionally evocative stressor. It is possible that these results

reflect dampening of emotional responding through the ventral vagal complex, a

parasympathetic CAN structure that plays a central role in the coordination of sensory

perception, affective expression, and cardiac modulation through innervation of the

sensory organs, facial and vocalization muscles, and heart (Porges, 2001). So, while the

present study showed individuals with BPD reporting low trait dissociation responded to

the emotionally evocative stimuli with increased vagal activation in the same way as

controls—a response that would support social engagement and behaviors—participants

high in dissociative tendencies responded with decreased vagal tone, which would

ultimately undermine adaptive responses.

It is noteworthy that this moderation pattern for dissociative tendencies closely

reflects the moderation pattern seen in the a posteriori analyses reported above for BPD

severity. That is, change in pNN50 from baseline to cue exposure was shown to be

negatively associated with BPD severity, just as with dissociative tendencies. This is perhaps

not surprising, given dissociation is a diagnostic marker for BPD, and is generally greater in

individuals with more severe BPD. Moreover, in the present sample there was a trend

toward a positive association between the BPD severity measure (which did not contain any

direct measures of dissociation) and DES-II scores used to characterize dissociation (r = .41,

p = .06, d = .90). Nevertheless, this finding supports the notion that dissociation is a key

feature of BPD, such that it is intertwined with BPD pathology at an autonomic level.




Notably, Ebner-Priemer et al. (2005) and the present investigation both found null

effects for mean HR, which at face value may suggest that HR is not especially influenced

by dissociative tendencies. This conclusion, however, would be premature. It is possible

that the stressors used in Ebner-Priemer et al. (2005) and the present investigation were not

of sufficient magnitude to elicit a cardiac response from the sympathetic nervous system, or

dorsal vagal complex. So, while the stimuli may have been sufficient to engage the ventral

vagal complex with its fast acting, myelinated, parasympathetic fibers that predominantly

influence HRV, it may not have been sufficient to engage the sympathetic pathway

innervating the heart, with its attendant capacity to significantly increase HR. Moreover,

the stimuli used in these studies certainly was not of the magnitude necessary to engage the

dorsal ventral complex, which is capable of effecting a freeze response, characterized by

dramatic drop in HR, and is typically only activated in situations of extreme perceived

threat, or hypoxic crisis (Porges, 2001).

Understanding the moderating effect of dissociation on SAPD cue reactivity is

more challenging given the present study is the first to investigate the relationship between

dissociation and dynamic BP, and little is understood about the role of dynamic blood

pressure in emotion regulation. As such, there is little precedent to draw upon. This

finding, however, suggests future research on the psychophysiological processes attendant

with dissociation will do well to consider indices of BPV.


While the present investigation had many methodological strengths including

recruiting an ecologically valid sample, matching groups based on sex and age, checking for




effects of medication, time in treatment, and dissociation, and ensuring BPD participants

met DSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteria for BPD, some limitations should be noted.

While the majority of BPD participants (14 of 22) were recruited from DBT-RU

where they had been comprehensively assessed for Axis I and Axis II disorders, eight BPD

participants not recruited from DBT-RU were asked to self-report current and previous

psychiatric diagnoses (other than BPD) to reduce participant burden. It is possible that

some Axis I and II diagnoses may have been missed in these participants.

In addition, while a priori power analyses (not reported) suggested groups of 18

would be sufficient to find extant group differences on physiological measures, many large

effect size results were observed that did not reach statistical significance, suggesting a larger

sample size was called for.

Another factor to consider is that while the IAPS images used to evoke an

emotional response in the present investigation had been selected by expert consensus, and

characterized a range of BPD sensitivities, the image set had not previously been validated

with individuals with BPD, and did not evoke an especially powerful subjective response in

the present sample.

It should also be noted that while allowing for psychiatric medications within the

BPD group reduced the risk of excluding participants with more severe BPD, it may also

have affected results in unpredictable ways. It is not clear to what extent differing

medication regimes across participants with BPD who were on medication may have

affected their physiology at baseline, or in response to and recovery from cue exposure.




Further, it is not clear to what extent medication may have affected individuals’ subjective

experience of the images.

Similarly, while allowing for comorbidity in the BPD group reduced the likelihood

of excluding individuals with more severe BPD, who are more likely to meet criteria for

other psychological disorders, this may have also affected results in unpredictable ways.

Though the BPD severity measure investigated may have captured some of this variance,

and to some extent assuages these concerns, it is not clear to what extent co-occurring

disorders may have affected results.

Finally, the rate if substance use in the BPD group was markedly lower than

anticipated. This largely precluded planned hypothesis tests concerned with the effects of

substance use on ANS processes in individuals with BPD.

Conclusions and Future Directions

The present investigation sought to comprehensively assess psychophysiological

differences between individuals with BPD and controls, and examine whether a loss of

flexibility in fundamental ANS processes may contribute to the emotion dysregulation

observed in BPD. Distinct between group differences were observed at baseline on

measures influenced by the sympathetic branch of the ANS, while resting differences in

parasympathetic activation were not observed. A priori analyses did not find predicted

between group differences, however a posteriori analyses revealed an important moderating

effect of BPD severity. The importance of this finding cannot be stressed enough. It speaks

to the heterogeneity in BPD pathology observed by clinicians, and suggests that within

BPD populations there are fundamental differences in how individuals respond




physiologically to emotionally valenced stimuli, and that this difference is related to BPD

severity. This finding also supports the case for moving away from categorical diagnosis of

BPD towards dimensional diagnostic systems. Additionally, this finding may begin to

explain why individuals with BPD, especially severe BPD, often become dysregulated when

confronted with relatively low level stressors, and commonly have great difficulty returning

to affective baseline once dysregulated.

Further, no previous study investigating psychophysiological processes in BPD has

actively controlled for BPD severity. It is possible that equivocal results in previous studies

may have been driven in part by this factor. If this is in fact the case, studying BPD

pathology at the level of the mean is inappropriate as it fails to appreciate important inter-

individual differences. Future studies should consider and report measures of BPD severity

and will benefit from utilizing person-centered, rather than variable-centered analytic

strategies (e.g., Bates, Buckman, Eddie, Voelbel, & Freeman, 2013).

Although low levels of substance use in the present BPD sample precluded planned

analyses to test for effects of co-occurring substance use on target physiological indices at

resting baseline, during cue exposure, and during recovery from cue exposure, recent

alcohol use was implicated in changes in SAP variability during recovery from exposure to

emotionally evocative images. Future studies using samples of people with BPD and co-

occurring, active substance use disorders should attend especially to the effects of alcohol

on blood pressure dynamics and the systems that regulate these processes, including the





The picture stimulus set was rated as significantly more arousing by participants

with BPD, however, the mean between groups difference was not especially robust. Though

the IAPS picture set offers advantages, including being well validated in a variety of clinical,

and non-clinical samples, the present findings suggest a more targeted BPD specific image

set may be indicated for cue-reactivity studies with people with BPD.

In sum, this investigation supports the postulate that BPD pathology manifests in,

or is affected by dysregulation of ANS processes, both at rest, and in response to stimuli.

Further, BPD severity appears to be a key factor associated with individuals’ responses to

emotionally evocative stimuli, and may represent an important, hitherto unrecognized

psychophysiological component implicit in BPD heterogeneity.





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Table 1. Participant characteristics by group

BPD Group Mean/Frequency

n = 22

Control Group Mean/Frequency

n = 22

t/χ2 d

Sex (number female) 18 18 0.00 0.00

Age 27.9 (8.1) 27.1 (7.7) 0.33 0.10

Body mass index 24.4 (5.9) 23.0 (4.3) 0.87 0.27

Previous DBT (months lifetime) 3.5 (3.5) 0.0 (0.0) — —

Previous therapy (months lifetime) 70.6 (77.4) 2.6 (6.7) 4.10* 1.24

Notes: Standard deviations in parentheses; BPD = Borderline personality disorder, DBT = Dialectical

Behavior Therapy; d = Cohen’s d effect size estimate; * p < .05.




Table 2. Psychological measures by group showing means, standard deviations, and between

group differences

BPD Group Mean n = 22

Control Group Mean n = 22

t/χ2 d

Acceptance & Action Questionnaire

25.4 (5.7) 29.4 (3.7) –2.73* 0.91

Beck Depression Inventory 24.0 (10.8) 4.1 (4.0) 8.13* 2.51

BPD Severity (BSL - 23 + DERS)^ 143.3 (41.3) 65.6 (16.8) 8.16* 2.52

Borderline Symptom List 40.3 (21.8) 6.8 (8.8) 6.66* 2.53

Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale

103.0 (22.1) 58.8 (10.6) 8.46* 3.09

Dissociative Experiences Scale 55.8 (40.5) 15.7 (10.2) 4.51* 1.86

Positive & Negative Affect Schedule

Positive affect 27.5 (8.2) 27.4 (8.0) 0.04 0.01

Negative affect 19.4 (9.8) 11.4 (3.2) 3.85* 1.52

State/Trait Anxiety Inventory

State anxiety 38.5 (7.6) 26.9 (5.9) 5.70* 1.76

Trait anxiety 47.1 (6.8) 31.6 (6.3) 7.85* 2.42

Notes: Standard deviations in parentheses; BPD = Borderline personality disorder; d = Cohen’s d

effect size estimate; * p < .05; ^ BPD severity expressed here as raw, combined Borderline

Symptom List (BSL - 23) and Difficulties in Emotion Regulation (DERS) scores, however to

ensure equal weighting of these measures, BSL - 23 and DERS z-scores were used to calculate

BPD severity for all analyses.




Table 3. Alcohol use in the past month and past year, and lifetime alcohol dependence diagnosis, by group,

with between group differences

BPD Group Mean/Frequency

n = 22

Control Group Mean/Frequency

n = 22

t/χ2 d

Age initiating drinking^ 17.1 (3.3) 18.0 (1.8) –1.15 0.35

Total number of drinking days in a typical week in the past month^

1.3 (1.8) 1.8 (2.0) –0.95 0.29

Total number of drinks in a typical week in the past month^

3.3 (5.3) 3.8 (4.1) –0.35 0.11

Number of drinking days in the heaviest drinking week in the past month^

1.95 (2.5) 2.1 (2.0) –0.20 0.06

Total number of drinks in heaviest drinking week in the past month^

5.2 (7.6) 5.8 (5.6) –0.27 0.08

Number of participants with lifetime diagnosis of alcohol dependence

7 0 8.32* 0.97

Notes: Standard deviations in parentheses; BPD = Borderline personality disorder; d = Cohen’s d effect size

estimate; ^Analyses conducted using participants who reported past year drinking. One BPD participant

was in recovery from alcohol dependence and was abstinent from alcohol in the past year, and 3 control

participants endorsed trying alcohol, but never becoming drinkers.




Table 4. Drugs other than alcohol use in the past month and past year, and lifetime drug dependence

diagnosis, by group, with between group differences

BPD Group Mean n = 22

Control Group Mean n = 22

t/χ2 d

Frequency of drug use in past month as number of days

Amphetamines✜ 0.00 (0.0) 0.05 (0.2) — —

Cannabis 2.95 (7.2) 0.18 (0.5) 1.79 0.78

Cocaine 0.00 (0.0) 0.00 (0.0) — —

MDMA 0.00 (0.0) 0.00 (0.0) — —

Nicotine☨ 7.41 (12.8) 0.09 (0.3) 2.67* 0.82

Opiates∞ 0.05 (0.2) 0.00 (0.0) — —

Frequency of drug use over the past year as average number of times using per week

Amphetamines✜ 0.41 (1.5) 0.00 (0.0) — —

Cannabis 1.21 (2.1) 0.36 (1.1) 1.69 0.52

Cocaine 0.14 (0.6) 0.00 (0.0) — —

MDMA 0.05 (0.2) 0.00 (0.0) — —

Nicotine☨ 21.41 (42.7) 0.36 (1.5) 2.31* 0.71

Opiates∞ 0.23 (1.1) 0.05 (0.2) 0.78 0.33

Number of participants with lifetime diagnosis of drug dependence^

5 0 5.64* 0.77

Notes: Standard deviations in parentheses. d = Cohen’s d effect size estimate; Use frequency includes

individuals who report no lifetime use. BPD = Borderline personality disorder; MDMA =




Methylenedioxymethamphetamine; * p < .05; ✜ Methamphetamine & prescription amphetamines

combined, ☨Cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco combined, ∞ Heroin, methadone, and

prescription opioids combined, ^ Reflects dependence to drugs other than alcohol and nicotine.




Table 5. Baseline physiological measures by group showing means, standard deviations, and

between group differences


BPD Control t d

Heart Rate

Heart Rate (mean) 74.2 (8.4) 68.2 (9.0) 2.25* 0.70

Heart Rate Variability

SDNN† 49.2 (22.7) 55.4 (27.8) –0.77 0.24

RMSSD† 41.8 (28.2) 48.8 (31.1) –1.12 0.35

pNN50 17.8 (20.1) 25.7 (19.3) –1.31 0.41

High Frequency HRV† 650.6 (941.1) 858.1 (1431.0) –0.84 0.26

Low Frequency HRV† 844.7 (732.9) 984.3 (1158.0) –0.34 0.12

Very Low Frequency HRV† 646.4 (523.7) 691.6 (698.0) –0.18 0.06

Blood Pressure

SAP 123.7 (16.5) 128.1 (15.4) –0.91 0.28

DAP 64.3 (10.9) 64.8 (10.3) –0.15 0.05

MAP 83.3 (12.4) 84.4 (11.3) –0.30 0.09

Blood Pressure Variability

SAP Deviation 5.5 (2.0) 5.9 (2.4) –0.59 0.18

DAP Deviation 3.2 (0.9) 3.3 (0.8) –0.60 0.19

MAP Deviation 3.7 (1.1) 3.8 (1.0) –0.45 0.14

Skin Conductance Variance

SC Deviation† 0.52 (0.48) 0.21 (0.18) 2.74* 1.02


Respiration Frequency 0.30 (0.06) 0.28 (0.06) 0.98 0.30

Tidal Volume (mean) 350.4 (292.2) 248.1 (136.6) 1.49 0.46




Notes. Standard deviations in parentheses; d = Cohen’s d effect size estimate; SDNN = Standard

deviation of all normal-to-normal intervals, RMSSD = Root of the mean squared differences of

successive normal-to-normal intervals, pNN50 = percent of normal-to-normal adjacent intervals

greater than 50ms, HRV = Heart rate variability, SAP = Systolic arterial pressure, DAP =

Diastolic arterial pressure, MAP = Mean arterial pressure, SC = Skin conductance; * p < .05;

† Logarithmically transformed data used for t-tests. BPD group n = 21 (after one influential

outlier was excluded), control group n = 22.




Table 6. Average scores with standard deviations for physiological indices by group at baseline, during cure

exposure, and during the recovery period, as well as results from mixed models testing for main effects of group,

time, and their interaction on measures of physiology

Notes. Standard deviations in parentheses; BPD = Borderline personality disorder, SDNN = Standard deviation of

all normal-to-normal intervals, HRV = Heart rate variability, SAP = Systolic arterial pressure, SC = Skin

conductance; * p < .05; § denotes significant difference in physiology between groups at baseline, p < .05; Main

effect group df = 1, 42, Main effect time df = 2, 42, Interaction term df = 2, 42.

Baseline Cue Exposure Recovery Period Main Effect Group


Main Effect Time


Group x Time

Interaction F

Heart Rate (mean) 4.72* 5.01* 1.72 BPD 74.2 (8.4)§ 74.6 (8.5) 74.9 (8.2) Control 68.2 (9.0) 70.0 (8.2) 68.8 (9.1)

SDNN 0.22 4.37* 0.77 BPD 49.2 (22.7) 50.7 (19.9) 55.2 (21.0) Control 55.4 (27.8) 55.5 (31.2) 56.4 (26.2)

High Frequency HRV 0.15 0.38 1.12 BPD 650.6 (941.1) 696.7 (819.9) 718.9 (736.4) Control 858.1 (1431.0) 945.1 (2021.8) 944.0 (1747.3)

Low Frequency HRV 0.00 1.12 1.00 BPD 844.7 (732.9) 925.5 (911.3) 1030.8 (992.7) Control 984.3 (1158.0) 1096.6 (1332.0) 893.7 (837.8)

SAP Variability 0.02 1.64 2.06 BPD 5.5 (2.0) 5.5 (2.7) 6.3 (2.7) Control 5.9 (2.4) 5.5 (2.2) 6.0 (3.1)

SC Variance 7.05* 4.43* 0.05 BPD 0.52 (0.48)§ 0.75 (0.90) 0.62 (0.84) Control 0.21 (0.18) 0.34 (0.35) 0.22 (0.34)




Table 7. Combined groups’ physiological means and standard deviations by task, showing

results for least square means post hoc tests

Notes. Standard deviations in parentheses; SDNN = Standard deviation of all normal-to-

normal intervals, HRV = Heart rate variability, SAP = Systolic arterial pressure, SC = Skin

conductance; * Denotes significant change from baseline to cue exposure, p < .05; ‡ Denotes

significant change from cue exposure to recovery period, p < .05; ⨍ Denotes significant

change from baseline to recovery period, p < .05.


n = 43

Cue Exposure

n = 44

Recovery Period

n = 43

Heart Rate (mean) 71.1 (9.1) 72.3 (8.6)* 71.9 (9.1)

SDNN 52.4 (25.3) 53.1 (26.0) 55.8 (23.9)⨍

High Frequency HRV 756.8 (1206.9) 820.9 (1529.9) 828.9 (1318.3)

Low Frequency HRV 916.1 (965.0) 1011.1 (1131.2) 963.8 (912.0)

SAP Variability 5.7 (2.2) 5.5 (2.5) 5.9 (2.5)

SC Variance 0.37 (0.4) 0.55 (0.7)* 0.43 (0.7)‡




Table 8. Relationships between borderline personality disorder severity and change in physiology

from baseline to cue exposure, as well as from cue exposure to recovery period, in participants

with borderline personality disorder

Change from Baseline — Cue Exposure

Change from Cue Exposure — Recovery Period

r d r d

Heart Rate (mean) .38 0.81 –.13 0.27

SDNN† –.34 0.72 .27 0.56

RMSSD† –.29 0.60 .44* 0.98

pNN50 –.61* 1.54 .60* 1.48

High Frequency HRV† –.36 0.78 .45* 1.01

Low Frequency HRV† –.33 0.70 –.03 0.06

SAP Deviation .12 0.25 .14 0.28

SC Variance† –.26 0.53 –.10 0.21

Notes. d = Cohen’s d effect size estimate; SDNN = Standard deviation of all normal-to-normal

intervals, RMSSD = Root of the mean squared differences of successive normal-to-normal

intervals, pNN50 = Percent of normal-to-normal adjacent intervals greater than 50ms, HRV =

Heart rate variability, SAP = Systolic arterial pressure, SC = Skin conductance; * p < .05;

† Logarithmically transformed data used for general linear model; N = 22.



Figure 1. Associations between borderline personality disorder (BPD) severity and heart rate, root of the mean

squared differences of successive normal-to-normal intervals (RMSSD), percent of normal-to-normal adjacent

intervals greater than 50ms (pNN50), as well as high frequency heart rate variability (HF HRV) during

exposure to emotionally evocative images. BPD severity is expressed as z-scores (standardized units); positive

values reflect greater BPD severity while negative values reflect lesser BPD severity. Physiological measures are

expressed as residuals (i.e., change scores derived from regressing cue exposure physiology values onto their

respective physiology value during baseline). Positive values for physiological measures reflect increases in that

measure from baseline to cue exposure, while negative values reflect decreases in that measure from baseline

to cue exposure.




Figure 2. Associations between borderline personality disorder (BPD) severity and heart rate (HR), root of the

mean squared differences of successive normal-to-normal intervals (RMSSD), percent of normal-to-normal

adjacent intervals greater than 50ms (pNN50), as well as high frequency heart rate variability (HF HRV) during

recovery from exposure to emotionally evocative images. BPD severity is expressed as z-scores (standardized units);

positive values reflect greater BPD severity while negative values reflect lesser BPD severity. Physiological measures

are expressed as residuals (i.e., change scores derived from regressing recovery period physiology values onto their

respective physiology value during cue exposure). Positive values for physiological measures reflect increases in

that measure from cue exposure to the recovery period, while negative values reflect decreases in that measure

from cue exposure to the recovery period.




Appendix A.

International Affective Picture System (IAPS) images by image number (Sloan et al., 2010).

IAPS Picture Number

1. 20252. 20533. 21004. 21105. 21206. 21307. 21418. 22509. 227110. 227211. 227612. 239913. 241014. 244115. 259516. 270217. 271018. 271519. 274520. 275221. 280022. 281023. 290024. 302225. 462126. 463527. 465028. 466029. 631130. 631331. 631532. 635033. 636034. 656135. 904136. 9405