botika ng barangay

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Botika Ng Barangay (BnB) I. What is Botika ng Barangay? BotikangBarangay(BnB)-refers toadrugoutletmanagedbyalegitimatecommunityorganization (CO)/non-governmentorganization(NGO)and/ortheLocalGovernmentUnit(LGU),withatrainedoperator and a supervising pharmacistspecifically established in accordance with this Order. The BnB outlet should be initially identified, evaluated and selected by the concerned Center for Health Development (CHD), approved by the PHARMA 50 Project Management Unit (PMU) and specially licensed by the Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) tosell,distribute,offerforsaleand/ormakeavailablelow-pricedgenerichomeremedies,over-the-counter (OTC)Drugsandtwo(2)selected,publicly-knownprescriptionantibioticsdrugs(i.e.Amoxicillinand Cotrimoxazole). The establishment of the Botika ng Barangay (BnB) in the communities, including the insurgent areas, ensures accessibility oflow-pricedgenericover-the-counterdrugsandeight(8)prescriptiondrugsasrecommendedbytheNationalDrugFormulary Committee. Under Memorandum # 31 and its amendment, as much as 40 essential medicines that address common diseases can be made available in BnBs depending on the morbidity and mortality profiles of the community. And the policies surrounding the BnB (AO 144) ensure that such can be sustained in the medium term. II. Objectives The objectives of this Order are as follows: 1.To promote equity inhealth by ensuring the availability and accessibility of affordable,safe and effective,quality essential drugs to all, with priority for marginalized, underserved, critical and hard to reach areas. 2.TointegrateallrelatedissuancesoftheDOHthatprovidesrulesandregulationsintheestablishmentandoperationsof BnBs; and 3.TodefinetherolesandresponsibilitiesofthedifferentunitsoftheDOHandotherpartnersfromthedifferentsectorsin facilitating and regulating the establishment of BnBs. III. Status of the Program VariantsoftheBnBsincludeBotikaBinhi(fundedbythemembersofthePesoforHealthwithcounterpartfromthelocal government unit), Health Plus (funded by the GTZ), Botika sa Parokya (funded by DOH and Office of the President) and the Botika ng Bayan (BNB) express under PITC/ PITC Pharma Inc. At present, about 16,350 BnB outlets have been established in the country. The initial target was to establish 1 BnB to serve 3 adjacent Barangays. However, due to the immensity of Barangays, and the need for more than 1 BnB in some poor adjacent barangays to better provide for the service, the target were changed to 1:1. SinceabsorptivecapacityfortheDOH-CHDstoestablishBnBsisalsolimitedduetoresourceandtimeconstraints,theinitial phasing of the target to achieve 1:1isbeingdone. Thus, for the next two(2) years, the target would beinitially1:2 except for selectareasthathavehighpovertyincidence,conflictorGeographicallyisolatedareas,andthelikewherethetargetwouldbe 1:1. Sourcing of medicines for the initial seed capital of these medicines is done through PITC Pharma Inc. Issuances about Botika ng Barangay IssuancesDateTitle Department Memorandum No. 2011-0022 January 26, 2011 Moratorium on the Establishment of Botika ng Barangay (BnB) Nationwide Department Memorandum No. 2010-0033 February 12, 2010 Submission of Reports for the Impact Assessment of Maximum Drug Retail Price (MDRP) / GovernmentDepartment Memorandum No. 2008-0038 February 21, 2008 Amendment to Memorandum No. 31 s. 2003 dated 17 February 2003 re: Drugs to be sold in Botika ng Barangays (BnBs) Department Memorandum No. 2005-0046 April 5, 2005 Utilization of Slow-Moving Pharma 50 Botika ng Barangay (BnB) Drugs and Medicines Administrative Order No. 2005-0011 April 4, 2005 SupplementalGuidelinestoAdministrativeOrderNo.144 series2004,entitled:"GuidelinesfortheEstablishment andOperationsofBotikangBarangays(BnB)and PharmaceuticalDistributionNetwork(PDNs)"relativeto theinclusionofotherdrugswhichareclassifiedas Prescription Drugs and other related matters Department Memorandum No. 118 s. 2004 November 22, 2004 Botika ng Barangay Performance Monitoring Reports and Routine Schedule of Submissions Administrative Order No. 144 s. 2004 April 14, 2004 Guidelines for the Establishment and Operations of Botika ng Barangays (BnB) and Pharmaceutical Distribution Network (PDNs) Memorandum No. 31 s. 2003 February 17, 2003 Drugs to be sold in Botika ng Barangays (BnBs)

Breastfeeding TSEK OnFebruary23,2011,theDepartmentofHealth(DOH)launchedtheexclusivebreastfeedingcampaigndubbed Breastfeeding TSEK: (Tama, Sapat, Eksklusibo). The primary target of this campaign is the new and expectant mothers in urban areas. Thiscampaignencouragesmotherstoexclusivelybreastfeedtheirbabiesfrombirthupto6months.Exclusive breastfeeding means that for the first six months from birth, nothing except breast milk will be given to babies. Moreover, the campaign aims to establish a supportive community, as well as to promote public consciousness on the healthbenefitsofbreastfeeding.Amongthemanyhealthbenefitsofbreastfeedingarelowerriskofdiarrhea,pneumonia,and chronic illnesses. Blood Donation Program Republic Act No. 7719, also known as the National Blood Services Act of 1994, promotes voluntary blood donation to provide sufficient supply of safe blood and to regulate blood banks. This act aims to inculcate public awareness that blood donation is a humanitarian act. The National Voluntary Blood Services Program (NVBSP) of the Department of Health is targeting the youth as volunteers in its blood donation program this year. In accordance with RA No. 7719, it aims to create public consciousness on the importance of blood donation in saving the lives of millions of Filipinos. Based from the data from the National Voluntary Blood Services Program, a total of 654,763 blood units were collected in 2009. Fifty-eight percent of which was from voluntary blood donation and the remaining from replacement donation. This year, particular provinces have already achieved 100% voluntary blood donation. The DOH is hoping that many individuals will become regular voluntary unpaid donors to guarantee sufficient supply of safe blood and to meet national blood necessities. Mission: y Blood Safety y Blood Adequacy y Rational Blood Use y Efficiency of Blood Services Goals:The National Voluntary Blood Services Program (NVBSP) aims to achieve the following: 1. Development of a fully voluntary blood donation system; 2. Strengthening of a nationally coordinated network of BSF to increase efficiency by centralized testing and processing of blood; 3. Implementation of a quality management system including of Good Manufacturing Practice GMP and Management Information System (MIS); 4. Attainment of maximum utilization of blood through rational use of blood products and component therapy; and 5. Development of a sound, viable sustainable management and funding for the nationally coordinated blood network. Child Health and Development Strategic Plan Year 2001-2004 Introduction The Philippine National Strategic Framework for lan Development for CHildren or CHILD 21 is a strategic framework for planning programs and interventions that promote and safegurad the rights of Filipino children. Covering the period 2000-2005, it paints in broad strokes a vision for the quality of life of Filipino children in 2025 and a roadmap to achieve the vision. Children'sHealth2025,asubdocumentofCHILD21,realizesthathealthisacriticalandfundamentalelementinchildren's welfare.However,healthprogramscannotbeimplementedinisolationfromtheothercomponentthatdeterminethesafetyandwell being of children in society. Children's Health 2025, therefore, should be able to integrate the strategies and interventions into the overall plan for children's development. Children's Health 2025 contains both mid-term strategies, which is targeted towards the year 2004, while long-term strategies are targeted by the year 2025. It utilizes a life cycle approach and weaves in the rights of children.Thelife cycle approach ensures that the issues, needs and gaps are addressed at the different stages of the child's growth and development. The period year 2002 to 2004 will put emphasis on timely diagnosis and management of common diseases of childhood as well as disease prevention and health promotion, particularly in the fields of immunization,nutrition and the acquisisiton of health lifestyles. Also criticalforeffectivepallningandimplementationwouldbeaddressingthecomponentsofthehealthinfrastructuresuchashuman resource development, quality assurance, monitoring and disease surveillance, and health information and education. The successful implementation of these strategies will require collaborative efforts with the other stakeholdres and also implies integration with the other developmental plan of action for children. Vision A healthy Filipino child is: yWanted, planned and conceived by healthy parentsCarried to term by healthy motherBorn into a loving, caring. stable family capable of providing for his or her basic needsDelivered safely by a trained attendant yScreened for congenital defects shortly after birth; if defects are found, interventions to corrrect these defects are implemented at the appropriate time yExclusively breastfed for at least six months of age, and continued breasfeeding up to two yearsIntroduced to compementary foods at about six months of age, and gradually to a balanced, nutritious dietProtected from the consequences of protein-calorie and micronutirent deficiencies through good nutrition and access to fortified foods and iodized salt yProvided with safe, clean and hygienic surroundings and protected from accidentsProperly cared for at home when sick and brought timely to a health facility for appropriate management when needed.Offered equal access to good quality curative, preventive and promotive health care services and health education as members of the Filipino society yRegularly monitored for proper growth and development, and provided with adequate psychosocial and mental stimulationScreened for disabilities and developmental delays in early childhood; if disabilities are found, interventions are implemented to enabled the child to enjoy a life of dignity at the highest level of function attainable yProtected from discrimination, exploitation and abuse yEmpowered and enabled to make decisions regarding healthy lifestyle and behaviors and included in the formulation health policies and programsAfforded the opportunity to reach his or her full potential as adult Current Situation Deaths among children have significantly decreased from previous years. In the 1998 NDHS, the infantmortality rate was 35 per 1000 livebirths, while neonatal death rate was 18 deaths per 1000 livebirths. Among regions IMR is highest in Eastern Visayas and lowest in Metro Manila and Central Visayas. Death is much higher among infants whose mothers had no antenatal care or medical assistance at the time of delivery.Top causes of illness amonginfants are infectious diseases (pneumonia,measles, diarrhea,meningitis, septicemia), nutritional deficiencies and birth-realted complications. Theprobabilityofdyingbetweenbirthandfiveyearsofageis48deathsper1000livebirths.Thetopfiveleadingcausesof deaths (which make up about 70%) of deaths in this age group) are pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, meningities and malnutrition. About 6% die of accidents i.e. submersion, foreign bodies, and vehicular accidents. The declineinmortality ratesmay be attributed partly to the Expanded Program of Immunization (EPI), aimed toreduce infant andchildmortalityduetosevenimmunizablediseases(tuberculosis,diptheria,tetanus,pertussis,poliomyelities,HepatitisBand measles). ThePhilippineshasbeendeclaredaspolio-freedruingtheKyotoMeetingonPoliomyelitiesEradicationintheWesternPacific RegionlastOctober2000.This.however,isnotareasontobecomplacent.Theriskofimportingthepoliovirusfromneighboring countriesremainshighuntilglobalcertificationofpolioeradication.Thereisanurrgentneedforsustainedvigilance,whichincludes strengthening the surveillance system, the capacity for rapid response to importation of wild poliovirus, adequate laboratory containment of wild poliovirus materials, and maintaining high routine immunization until global certification has been achieved. Malnutrition is common among children. The 1998 FNRI survey show that three to four out of ten children 0-10 years old are underweight and stunted. The prevalence of low vitamin A serum levels and vitamin A deficiency even increased in 1998 compared to 1996 levels as reported by FNRI. Vitamin A supplementation coverage reached to more than 90%, however, a downward trend was evident in the succeeding years from as high as 97% in 1993 to 78% in 1997. Breastfeeding rate is 88% (NSO 2000 MCH Survey), with percentage higher in rural areas (92%) than in urban areas (84%). Exclusive breastfeeding increased from 13.2% to 20% among children 4-5 mos of age (NDHS). Several strategies were utilized to omprove child health. THe Integrated Management of Childhood Illness aims at reducing morbidity and deaths due to common chldhood illness. The IMCI strategy has been adopted nationwide and the process of integration into the medical, nursing, and midwifery curriculum is now underway. The Enhanced Child Growth strategy is a community-based intervention that aims to improve the health and nutritional status of children through improved caring and seeking behaviors. It operates through health and nutrition posts established throughout the country. Gaps and ChallengesMany Local Health Units were not adequately informed about the Framework for Children's Health as well as the policies. There is a need to disseminate the two documents, CHILD 21 and Children's Health 2025 to serve as the template for local planning for childrens health. There is also the need to update and reiterate the policies on children's health particularly on immunization, micronutrient supplementation and IMCI. LGUsexperiencedproblemsintheavailabilityofvaccinesandessentialdrugsandmicronutrientsduetoweaknessinthe procurement, allocation and distribution. Pocketsoflowimmunizationcoverageisattributedlargelytotheirregularsupplyofvaccinesduetoinadequatefunds.Moreover, there is a need to revitalize the promotion of immunization. Goal The ultimate goal of Children's Health 2025 is to achieve good health for all Filipino children by the year 2025. Medium-term Objectives for year 2001-2004 Health Status Objectives 1. Reduce infant mortality rate to 17 deaths per 1,000 live births 2. Reduce mortality rate among children 1-4 years old to 33.6% per 1000 livebirths 3. Reduce the mortality rate among adolescents and youths by 50% Risk Reduction Objectives 1. Increse the percentage of fully immunized children to 90% 2. Increase the percentage of infants exclusively breastfed up to six months to 30% 3. Increase the percentage of infants given timely and proper complementary feeding at six months to 70% 4. Increase the percentage of mothers and caregivers who know and practice home management of childhood illness to 80% 5. Reduce the prevalence of protein-energy malnutrition among school-age children 6. Increase the health care-seeking behavior of adolescents to 50% Services and Protection Objectives 1. Ensure 90% of infants and children are provided with essential health care package 2. Increase the percentage of health facilities with available stocks of vaccines and esential drugs and micronutrients to 80% 3. Increase the percentage of schools implementing school-based health and nutrition programs to 80% 4. Increase the percentage of health facilities providing basic health services including counseling for adolescents and youth to 70% Strategies and Activities * Enhance capacity and capability of health facilities in the early recognition, management and prevention of common childhood illness This will entail improvements in the flow of services in the implementing faciities to ensure that every child receive the essential services for survival, growth and development in an organized and efficient manner. Facilities should be equipped with the essential instruments, equipment and supplies to provide the services. Health providers shall have the knowledge and skills to be able to provide quality services for children. Existing child health policies, guidelines and standards shall be reviewed and updated, and new ones formulated and disseminated to guide health providers in the standard of care. * Strengthening community-based support systems and interventions for children's health Notable community-based projects and interventions, such as the health and nutrition posts, mother support groups, community financing schemes shall be replicated for nationwide implementation. Model building and dissemination of best practices from pilot sites has proven effective in generating support and adoption in other sites. More of these shall be initiated particularly for developing interventions to increase care-seeking and prevention of malnutrition in children. * Fostering linkages with advocacy groups and professional organizations and to promote children's health Collaboration with the nongovernment sector and professional groups shall: * Conduct national campaigns on children's health * Conduct and support national campaigns for children * Initiate and support legislations and researches on children's health and welfare * Development of comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system for child health programs and projects CHD Scorecard CHD Scorecard shall reflect performance of the CHD as extension producers of the DOH in its mandate and function of steering and leading the national health system.Performance indicators shall include extent and quality of goods and services desired by the local health systems in the regional coverage area, and prescribed by DOH management, along the 4 main strategies of F1. Performance indicators shall also include satisfaction of clients with CHD services and products. Committee of Examiners for Undertakers and Embalmers Rationale Embalming is the funeral custom of cleaning and disinfecting bodies after death. It has been part of the funeral parlors so with our lives. Forthepastdecades,embalminghasbeenundergoingprofoundtransformationalevents,notonlyinthePhilippinesbutworldwide. Today,embalmingisalsoconsideredanart.Itisdonetopreservethedeadbodyfromnaturaldecompositionandforrestorationfora more pleasing appearance. Likewise, the procedure is significant for restoration of evidences such as in medico-legal cases. These changes were made possible by the multitudes of forces converging in the national as well as the local levels, which is impacting on the quality of embalming practice in the country. Embalmers today should therefore, be looked up to, because of the significant manifold tasks they are rendering including the counseling assistance they are providing the bereaved parties. Objective: The Department ofHealth(DOH) created the CEUE to regulate embalmingpractice inthecountry.The creation wasmade possible by Presidential Decree (PD) No. 856"Code of Sanitation of the Philippines" Chapter XXI"Disposal of Dead Persons" and Executive Order No. 102 s. 1999 "Rationalization and Streamlining Plan of the DOH". Strategies: To ensure that only qualifiedindividuals enter the regulated profession and that the care and services which the embalmers provide are within the standards of practice, the DOH-CEUE created: 1. CEUE Resolution No. 2011-001 - Three Year Transition Period for Compliance of Administrative Order No. 2010-0033. 2.MemorandumdatedAugust10,2010-totheCentersforHealthDevelopment(CHDs)HumanResourceDevelopmentUnits(HRDUs) regarding Updates on the Committee of Examiners for Undertakers and Embalmers (CEUE) Program. 3. Administrative Order No. 2010-0033 - Revised Implementing Rules and Regulations of PD 856 Chapter XXI Governing Disposal of Dead Persons 4. CEUE Resolution No. 2010-001 - Adoption of the Code of Ethics for Embalmers in the Philippines 5.CEUE Resolution No. 2009-001 - Creation of the Committee for Continuing Embalmers Education Council (CEEC) 6. CEUE Resolution No. 2008-001 - Conduct of Licensure Examination for Embalmers in Centers for Health Development (CHDs) to conduct a simultaneous licensure examination in the Central Office and the CHDs with a minimum of 50 examinees for cost effectiveness. 7. Department Memorandum No. 2008-0009 - Designation of DOH Human Resource Development Units (DOH-HRDUs) as Coordinators for Embalmers Program" to facilitate immediate response to queries and complaints regarding the embalming practice.8.CEUEResolutionNo.2008-001-AccreditedTrainingInstitutionsandTrainingProvidersforEmbalmersforCY2008-2011toregulate existing and potential training providers and training institutions for embalmers for the enhancement and maintenance of its professional standards. 9. CEUE Resolution No. 2008-002 - Extension of Moratorium as per CEUE Resolution No. 2007-001. 10. CEUE Resolution No. 2007-001 - Moratorium on the Non-renewal of Licenses of Embalmers for the past five (5) years and over with the aim of providing chance to licensed embalmers who were unable tio renew their licenses for the past five years and over. 11.AdministrativeOrderNo.2007-0020-PoliciesandGuidelinesfortheAccreditationofTrainingInstitutions,TrainingProgramsand Training Providers for Embalmers in the Philippines with the aim of institutionalizing the continuing education program for embalmers in the country. Hence, to ensure the maintenance of efficient, ethical and technical, moral and professional standards in its practice, taking into account the quality of care to be rendered to respective clientele. At the same time, the regulation ensures the global competitiveness of the Filipino embalmers. 12. Department Circular No. 2007-0139 - Reiteration on the observance of precautionary measures in the disposal of dead persons. ChapterXXI"DisposalofDeadPersons"mandatetheCEUEtomonitorandenforcequalitystandardsofembalmingpracticeinthe Philippinesandexercisethepowersnecessarytoensurethemaintenanceofefficient,ethicalandtechnical,moralandprofessional standards in its practice, taking into account the quality of care to be rendered to respective clientele. At the same time, the regulations ensure the global competitiveness of the Filipino embalmers. Program Status Nationwide information dissemination of the following: yAdministrative Order No. 2010 - 0033 (Disposal of Dead Persons) yCurriculum for licensure examinations yManuals for Licensure Examinations yCode of Ethics 1. March 25, 2011 - National Capital Region 2.May 3, 2011 - Visayas Region (Iloilo City) 3.May 13, 2011 - Mindanao Regions (Cagayan de Oro City) 4.June 30, 2011 - Butuan City (upon request) 5.August 25, 2011 - Aklan (upon request) Committee of Examiners for Massage Therapy (CEMT) Rationale Traditionalmedicinethroughouttheworldrecognizesthesignificanceoftherapeuticmassageinmanagingstress,illnessorchronic ailments.Massagetherapyisconsideredtheoldestmethodofhealingthatappliesvarioustechniqueslikefixedormovablepressure, holding,vibration,rocking,friction,kneadingandcompressionusingprimarilythehandsandotherareasofthebodysuchasthe forearms, elbows or feet to the mascular structure and soft tissues of the body.Massage therapy can lead to significant biochemical, physical, behavioral and clinical changes in massage as well as the person giving the massage.Itcontributestoahighersenseofgeneralwell-being.Recognizingthis,manyhealthcareprofessionalshavebegunto incorporatemassagetherapy as a complementtotheirroutine clinicalcare.Efficacy ofmassagetherapyinpatientranges frompretern neonates to senior citizens. Although the country has the training standards and regulations through theTechnical Education and Skills DevelopmentAuthority(TESDA),itlackscontrol/regulationsoverthetraininginstitutions,thus,anyonewhocallshimself/herselfa massage therapist is one, regardless of training or experience. Objective: The Department of Health created the Committee of Examiners for Massage Therapy (CEMT) to regulate the practice of massage therapy in accordance to the provisions of the Sanitation Code of thePhilippines(PD 856) and Executive Order No. 102 s. 1999,Reorganization andStreamliningoftheDepartmentofHealth.ItprovidestheCEMTthefunctiontoensurethatonlyqualifiedindividualsenterthe regulated profession and that the care and services which the massage therapists provide are within the standards of practice. Strategies: Toensurethatonlyqualifiedindividualsentertheregulatedprofessionandthatthecareandserviceswhichthemassagetherapists provide are within the standards of practice, the DOH-CEMT created: 1.CEMT Resolution No. 2011-001 - Three-Year Transition Period for Compliance to Administrative Order No. 2010-0034. 2.Memorandum dated August 10, 2010 - to the Centers of Health Development (CHDs) Human Resource Development Units (HRDUs) regarding Updates on the Committee of Examiners for Massage Therapy (CEMT) Program 3.AdministrativeOrderNo.2010-0034 -RevisedImplementingRulesandRegulationsofPD856ChapterXIIIGoverningMassage Clinics and Sauna Establishments 4.CEMT Resolution No. 2010-001 - Adoption of the Code of Ethics for Massage Therapists in the Philippines.5.CEMT Resolution No. 2009-001 - Creation of Committee for Continuing Massage Therapy Education Council (CMTEC) 6.CEMTResolutionNo.2008-001 -ConductofLicensureExaminationforMassageTherapistsinCentersforHealthDevelopment (CHDs) to conduct a simultaneouslicensure examinationin the Central Office and the CHDs with aminimum of 50 examineesfor cost effectiveness. 7.DepartmentMemorandumNo.2008-0009 -DesignationofDOHHumanResourceDevelopmentUnits(DOH-HRDUs)as CoordinatorsforMassageTherapyProgramtofacilitateimmediateresponsetoqueriesandcomplaintsregardingthemassage therapy practice. 8.CEMT ResolutionNo. 2008-001 - Accredited traininginstitutions and training providers formassage therapists for CY 2008-2011 toregulateexistingandpotentialtrainingprovidersandtraininginstitutionsformassagetherapistsfortheenhancementand maintenance of its professional standards. 9.CEMT Resolution No. 2008-002 - Extension of Moratorium as per CEMT Resolution No. 2008-00110.CEMTResolutionNo.2008-001 -MoratoriumontheNon-RenewalofLicensesforEmbalmersforthepastfive(5)yearsandover with the aim of providing chance to licensed embalmers who were unable to renew their licenses for the past five years and over 11.Administrative Order No. 2008-0031 - Policies and Guidelines for the Accreditation of Training Institutions, Training Programs and Trainining Providers forMassage Therapists in the Philippines with the aim of institutionalizing the continuing education program for massage therapists in the country. Hence, to ensure the maintenance of efficient, ethical and technical, moral and professional standardsinitspractice,takingintoaccountthequalityofcaretoberenderedtorespectiveclientele.Atthesametime,the regulation ensures the global competitiveness of the massage therapists. Chapter XIII "Massage Clinics and Sauna Establishments mandate the CEMT to monitor and enforce quality standards of massage therapy practiceinthePhilippinesandexercisethepowersnecessarytoensurethemaintenanceofefficient,ethicalandtechnical,moraland professional standards in its practice, taking into account the quality of care to be rendered to respective clientele. At the same time, the regulations ensure the global competitiveness of the Filipino massage therapists. Program Status Nationwide information dissemination of the following: yAdministrative Order No. 2010-0034 (Massage Clinics and Sauna Establishments) yCurriculum for Licensure Examinations yManuals for Licensure Examinations yCode of Ethics 1. March 25, 2011 - National Capital Region 2. May 3, 2011 - Visayas Regions (Iloilo City) 3. May 13, 2011 - Mindanao Region (Cagayan de Oro City) 4. June 30, 2011 - Butuan City(upon request) 5. August 25, 2011 - Aklan (upon request) Dental Health Program Oral disease continues to be a serious public health problem in the Philippines. The prevalence of dental caries on permanent teeth has generally remained above 90% throughout the years. About 92.4% of Filipinos have tooth decay (dental caries) and 78% have gum diseases (periodontal diseases) (DOH, NMEDS 1998). Although preventable, these diseases affect almost every Filipino at one point or another in his or her lifetime.

Table 1: Prevalence of the Two Most Common Oral Diseases by Year, Philippines YEARPrevalence Dental CariesPeridontal Disease 198793.9%65.5% 199296.3%48.1% 199892.4%78.3%

The oral health status of Filipino children is alarming. The 2006 National Oral Health Survey (Monse B. et al, NOHS 2006) investigated the oral health status of Philippine public elementary school students. It revealed that 97.1% of six-year-old children suffer from tooth decay. More than four out of every five children of this subgroup manifested symptoms of dentinogenic infection. In addition, 78.4% of twelve-year-old children suffer from dental caries and 49.7% of the same age group manifested symptoms of dentinogenic infections. The severity of dental caries, expressed as the average number of decayed teeth indicated for filling/extraction or filled permanent teeth (DMFT) or temporary teeth (dmft), was 8.4 dmft for the six-year-old age group and 2.9 DMFT for the twelve-year-old age group (NOHS 2006). Table 2 - Dental caries Experience (Mean DMFT/dmft), per age groups, Philippines Age in Years NMEDS 1982 NMEDS 1987 NMEDS 1992 NMEDS 1998 NMEDS 2006 68.4 dmft 126.395.525.434.582.9 15-19 8.518.256.335-4414.1814.8214.4215.04 Filipinos bear the burden of gum diseases early in their childhood. According to NOHS, 74% of twelve-year-old children suffer from gingivitis. If not treated early, these children become susceptible to irreversible periodontal disease as they enter adolescence and approach adulthood. In general, tooth decay and gum diseases do not directly cause disability or death. However, these conditions can weaken bodily defenses and serve as portals of entry to other more serious and potentially dangerous systemic diseases and infections. Serious conditions include arthritis, heart disease, endocarditis, gastro-intestinal diseases, and ocular-skin-renal diseases. Aside from physical deformity, these two oral diseases may also cause disturbance of speechsignificant enough to affect work performance, nutrition, social interactions, income, and self-esteem.Poor oral health poses detrimental effects on school performance and mars success in later life. In fact, children who suffer from poor oral health are 12 times more likely to have restricted-activity days (USGAO 2000). In the Philippines, toothache is a common ailment among schoolchildren, and is the primary cause of absenteeism from school (Araojo 2003, 103-110). Indeed, dental and oral diseases create a silent epidemic, placing a heavy burden on Filipino schoolchildren. VISION: Empowered and responsible Filipino citizens taking care of their own personal oral health for anenhanced quality of life MISSION: The state shall ensure quality, affordable, accessible and available oral health care delivery. GOAL: Attainment of improved quality of life through promotion of oral health and quality oral health care. OBJECTIVES AND TARGETS: 1.The prevalence of dental caries is reduceAnnual Target : 5% reduction of the prevalence rate every year 2.The prevalence of periodontal disease is reduced Annual Targets : 5% reduction of the prevalence rate every year 3.Dental caries experience is reduced Annual Target : 5% reduction of the mean dmft/DMFT for 5/6 years old and 12 years old children every year 4.The proportion of Orally Fit Children (OFC) 12-71 months old is increasedAnnual Targets : Increased by 20% yearly

The national government is primarily tasked to develop policies and guideline for local government units. In 2007, the Department of Health formulated the Guidelines in the Implementation of Oral Health Program for Public Health Services (AO 2007-0007). The program aims to reduce the prevalence rate of dental caries to 85% and periodontal disease by to 60% by the end of 2016. The program seeks to achieve these objectives by providing preventive, curative, and promotive dental health care to Filipinos through a lifecycle approach. This approach provides a continuum of quality care by establishing a package of essential basic oral health care (BOHC) for every lifecycle stage, starting from infancy to old age. The following are the basic package of essential oral health services/care for every lifecycle group to be provided either in health facilities, schools or at home. LIFECYCLE TYPES OF SERVICE (Basic Oral Health Care Package)Mother(Pregnant Women) ** yOral Examination yOral Prophylaxis (scaling) yPermanent fillings yGum treatment yHealth instruction Neonatal and Infants under 1 year old** yDental check-up as soon as the first tooth erupts yHealth instructions on infant oral health care and advise on exclusive breastfeeding Children 12-71 months old ** yDental check-up as soon as the first tooth appears and every 6 months thereafter ySupervised tooth brushing drills yOral Urgent Treatment (OUT) - removal of unsavable teeth - referral of complicated cases - treatment of post extraction complications - drainage of localized oral abscess yApplication of Atraumatic Restorative Treatment(ART) School Children (6-12 years old) yOral Examination ySupervising tooth brushing drills yTopical fluoride theraphy yPits and Fissure Sealant Application yOral Prophylaxis yPermanent Fillings Adolescent and Youth (10-24 years old)** yOral Examination yHealth promotion and education on oral hygiene, and adverse effect on consumption of sweets and sugary beverages, tobacco and alcohol Other Adults (25-59 years old) yOral Examination yEmergency dental treatment yHealth instruction and advice yReferrals Older Person (60 years old and above)** yOral Examination yExtraction of unsavable tooth yGum treatment yRelief of Pain yHealth instruction and advice STRATEGIES AND ACTION POINTS: 1.Formulatepolicy and regulations to ensure the full implementation of OHP a. Establishment of effective networking system (Deped, DSWD, LGU, PDA, Fit for School, Academe and others) b. Development of policies, standards, guidelines and clinical protocols- Fluoride Use - Toothbrushing - Other Preventive Measures 2. Ensure financial access to essential public and personal oral health services a. Developan outpatient benefit package for oral health under the NHIP of the government b. Develop financing schemes for oral health applicable to other levels of care ( Fee for service, Cooperatives, Network with HMOS) c. Restoration of oral health budgetline item in the GAA of DOH Central Office 3. Provide relevant, timely and accurate information management systemfor oral Health. a. Improve existinginformation system/data collection (reporting and recording dental services and accomplishments ) - setting of essential indicators - development of IT system on recording and reporting oral health service accomplishments and indices - Integrate oral healthin every family health information tools, recording books/manuals b. Conduct Regular Epidemiological DentalSurveys every 5 years4. Ensure access and delivery of quality oral health care servicesa. a. Upgrading of facilities, equipment, instruments, supplies b. Develop packages of essential care/services for different groups (children, mothers and marginalized groups) -revival of the sealant program for school children - toothbrushing program for pre-school children - outreach programs for marginalized groups c. Design and implement grant assistance mechanism for high performing LGUs- Awards and incentives - Sub-allotment of funds for priority programs/activities d. Regular conduct of consultation meetings, technical updates andprogram implementation reviews with stakeholders 5. Build up highly motivated health professionals and trained auxilliaries to manage and provide quality oral health care a. Provision of adequate dental personnel b. Capacity enhancement programs for dental personnel and non-dental personnel Current FHSIS Indicators/parameters: a)Orally Fit Child (OFC) Proportion of children 12-71 months old and are orally fit during a given point of time. Is defined as a child who meets the following conditions upon oral examination and/or completion of treatment a) caries- free or carious tooth/teeth filled either with temporary or permanent filling materials, b) have healthy gums, c) has no oral debris, and d) No handicapping dento-facial anomaly or no dento-facial anomaly that limits normal function of the oral cavity b)Children 12-71 months old provided with Basic Oral Health Care (BOHC) c)Adolescent and Youth (10-24 years old) provided with Basic Oral Health care (BOHC) d)Pregnant Women provided with Basic oral Health Care (BOHC) e)Older Persons 60 years old and above provided with Basic Oral Health Care (BOHC) Policy/Standards/Guidelines formulated/developed: a.AO. 101 s. 2003 dated Oct. 14, 2003 National Policy on Oral Health b.AO 2007-0007 Dated January 3, 2007 Guidelines In The Implementation Of Oral Health Program For Public Health Services In The Philippines c. AO 4-s.1998 Revised Rules and Regulations and Standard Requirements for Private School Dental services in the Philippines d.AO 11-D s. 1998 Revised Standard Requirements for Hospital Dental services in the Philippines e.AO 3 s. 1998 - Revised Rules and Regulations and Standard Requirements for Occupational Dental services in the Philippines f.AO 4-A s. 1998 Infection Control Measures for Dental Health Services Trainings/Capacity Enhancement Program: a.Basic Orientation Course on Management of Public Health Dentist The training program was designed with the Public Health Dentists (PHDs) as the main recipients of the Basic Course on the Management of Oral Health Program.The training is expected to provide an in-depth understanding of the different roles and functions of the PHDs in the management and delivery of Public Health Services. A training module was developed for the basic course.Researches: a.National Monitoring Evaluation Dental Survey (NMEDS). The Department of Health (DOH) has been conducting nationwide surveys every five years (1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, and 1998) to determine the prevalence of oral diseases in the Philippines. Data gathered provide continuous information that enables planners to update data used in planning, implementation and evaluation of existing oral health programs. The latest NMEDS was conducted in 2011. Results will be available on the 1st quarter of 2012.Existing Working Group for Oral Health: National Technical Working Group (TWG) on Oral Health (DPO 2005-1197) Member Agencies: Department of Health (NCDPC, HHRDB, NCHP) DOH- Center for Health Development for NCR, Central Luzon and Calabarzon Philippine Dental Association Department of Education Up- College of Public Health Department of Interior and Local Government Department of Social Welfare and Development Local Government Units ( Makati, Quezon City) Print materials: 1.Leaflets (Malakas ang dating Buo ang Ngipin) for Children, Adolescent, Pregnant Women and Older Person 2. Training Module on Basic Course on Management of Oral Health Program Non-Government Organization Major Partners: Philippine Dental Association Fit for School, Inc. Program Managers/Coordinators: Dr. Manuel F. Calonge Chief Health Program Officer National Oral Health Program Coordinator National Center for Disease Prevention and Control Department of Health Manila, Philippines (632) 651-7800loc. 1726-1730 E-Mail : [email protected]


Dr. Flora B. Pelingen [email protected] CHD FOR ILOCOS San Fernando, La Union (Region 1) Dr. Artemio R. Licos [email protected] CHD FOR CAGAYAN VALLEY Tuguegarao, Cagayan (Region 2) Dr. Josefino Flores [email protected] CHD FOR CENTRAL LUZON San Fernando, Pampanga (Region 3) Dr. Blessilda Sanchez [email protected] CHD FOR SOUTHERN TAGALOG (Calabarzon-A) Project 4, Quezon City (Region 4) Dr. Edwina Go [email protected] CHD FOR SOUTHERN TAGALOG (Mimaropa-B) Project 4, Quezon City Dr. Maria Gracia S. Gabriel [email protected] CHD FOR BICOL Lagaspi City, Albay (Region 5) Dr. Elena Cortez [email protected] CHD FOR WESTERN VISAYAS Mandurriao, Iloilo City (Region 6) Dr. Clodualdo B. Divinagracia Jr. [email protected] CHD FOR CENTRAL VISAYAS Cebu City (Region 7) Dr. Expedito Medalla/Dr. Phillip Yray Jr. [email protected]

CHD FOR EASTERN VISAYAS Tacloban City (Region 8) Dr. Ma. Vilma Estorba [email protected] CHD FOR ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA Zamboanga City (Region 9) Dr. Manuel Isagan 09172063878 CHD FOR NORTHERN MINDANAO Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City Dr. Fe Paler [email protected] (Region 10) CHD FOR DAVAO REGION Bajada, Davao (Region 11) Dr. Memory Padua [email protected] Ms. Ma. Theresa Ronquillo [email protected] SOCCKSARGEN Cotabato City (Region 12) Dr. Anna Liza Alo [email protected] FOR CARAGA Butuan City (CARAGA) Dr. Ma. Carmela Mary Beltran [email protected] FOR METRO MANILA Welfareville Subd., Mandaluyong City (NCR) Dr. Alexander Alberto 09158801332

AUTONOMOUS REGION FOR MUSLIM MINDANAO (ARMM) Cotabato City Dr. Shalmalynne Ampatuan [email protected] Diabetes Mellitus Prevention and Control ProgramDiabetesMellitus,achronicdisablingdisorder,becomesamajorpublichealthproblemasitisoneofthetoptenleadingcausesof mortality in the country. Inaccordancewiththe42nd WorldHealthAssemblyResolutiononDiabetesMellitusandtheRepublicActNo.8191ortheNational Diabetes Act of1996,theDepartmentofHealth(DOH)implementedanationwideDiabetesMellitusPreventionandControlProgram.It shall aim to reduce morbidity and mortality from diabetes and its complications. It utilizes all levels of preventive care in the community and hospital settings.Program Strategies/Components: The program has five components health promotion and education, manpower development and capabilities strengthening, service delivery, monitoring/evaluation, and research. 1. Health Promotion and Education Intersectoral collaboration is necessary to educate the public on the nature and extent of diabetes, including its risks factors, complications and the need for early detection and management. 2. Manpower Development and Strengthening of existing diabetes management capabilities Continuing training and education shall be provided to core trainers and implementers. This also includes strengthening of existing diabetes treatment/management capabilities of medical clinics. 3. Service delivery/Integration of diabetes prevention and control at the community level The program shall provide for the integration and provision of services at the lowest possible level of community health care interventions, from primary to tertiary prevention. 4. Monitoring/Evaluation A periodic process and impact evaluation shall be conducted every year and five years thereafter and/or depending on the need of the program. 5. Research The program shall support research/studies in the clinical, behavioral, and epidemiological areas. Partner Organizations/Agencies: Aside from the DOH, the following institutions take part in achieving the goals of the program: yDiabetes Philippines yDiabetes Center (Philippines Center for Diabetes Education Foundation) yInstitute for Studies on Diabetes Foundation , INC (ISDFI) yPhilippine Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (PSEM) yPhilippine Association of Diabetes Educators (PADE) yAmerican Association for Clinical Endocrinology (AACE), Phil Chapter yAssociation of Diabetes Nurse Educators Philippines (ADNEP) yAssociation of Municipal Health Officers of the Philippines (AHMOP) yDepartment of Education (DepEd) y(Philippine) Food and Drug Authority (FDA) yFood and nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) y Nutritionists and Dieticians Association of the Philippines (NDAP) yPhilippine Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP) yPhilippine Association of Medical Technologists (PAMET) yPhilippine College of Occupational Medicine (PCOM) yPhilippine College of Physicians yPhilippine Heart Association (PHA) yPhilHealth (NON-VOTING) yPhilippine Lipid and Atherosclerosis Society (PLAS) yPhilippine Medical Association (PMA) yPhilippine Obstetrics and Gynecology Society (POGS) yPhilippine Pediatric Society (PPS) yPhilippine Society of Hypertension (PSH) yPhilippine Society Of Nephrology (PSH) Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Disease Program Emerging and re-emerging infections (e.g., SARS, meningococcemia, Avian Influenza or bird flu, A (H1N1) virus infection) threaten countries all over the world. In 2003, SARS affected at least 30 countries with most of the countries from Asia. In response to its sudden and unexpected emergence, quarantine and isolation measures and rapid contract tracing were carried out. The Philippines was able to minimize the impact of SARS through effective information dissemination, risk communication, and efficient conduct of measures. The unexpected and unusual increase in cases of meningococcal disease (meningococcemia as the predominant form) in the Cordillera Autonomous Region resulted to at least 50% of cases in the early stage of occurrence. In 2009, the influenza A (H1N1) virus infection led to global epidemic, or most popularly known as pandemic. On June 11, 2009, a full pandemic alert was declared by the World Health Organization (WHO). However, some local health offices from many provinces were not able to respond effectively and rapidly. With the lack of strong linkages and coordinating mechanisms, the Department of Health (DOH) hopes to further improve the functionality and effectiveness of local response systems.Efforts to prepare for emerging infections with potential for causing high morbidity and mortality are being done by the program. Applicable prevention and control measures are being integrated while the existing systems and organizational structures are further strengthened. Goal: Prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging infectious disease from becoming publichealth problems. Objectives: The program aims to: 1.Reduce public health impact of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases; and 2.Strengthen surveillance, preparedness, and response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases. Program Strategies: The DOH, in collaboration with its partner organizations/agencies, employs the key strategies: 1. Development of systems, policies, standards, and guidelines for preparedness and response to emerging diseases; 2.Technical Assistance or Technical Collaboration; 3.Advocacy/Information dissemination; 4.Intersectoral collaborations; 5. Capability building for management, prevention and control of emerging and re-emerging diseases that may pose epidemic/pandemic threat; and 6.Logistical support for drugs and vaccines for meningococcemia and anti-viral drugs and vaccine for Pandemic Influenza Preparedness.

Partner Organizations/Agencies: The following organizations/agencies take part in achieving the goal of the program: yWorld Health Organization (WHO) yUnited Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) yDepartment of Interior and Local Government (DILG) yDepartment of Education (DepEd) yUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID) yAsian Development Bank (ADB) yPhilippine Health Insurane Corporation (PhilHealth) yDepartment of Agriculture-Bureau of Animal Industry (DA-BAI) Environmental Health Environmental Health is concerned with preventing illness through managing the environment and by changing people's behavior to reduce exposure to biological and non-biological agents of disease and injury.It is concerned primarily with effects of the environment to the health of the people. Program strategies and activities are focused on environmental sanitation, environmental health impact assessment and occupational health through inter-agency collaboration.An Inter-Agency COmmittee on Environmental Health was created by virute of E.O. 489 to facilitate and improve coordination among concerned agencies.It provides the venue for technical collaboration, effective monitoring and communication, resource mobilization, policy review and development.The Committee has five sectoral task forces on water, solid waste, air, toxic and chemical substances and occupational health. Vision Health Settings for All Filipinos Mission Provide leadership in ensuring health settings Goals Reduction of environmental and occupational related diseases, disabilities and deaths through health promotion and mitigation of hazards and risks in the environment and worksplaces. Strategic Objectives 1.Development of evidence-based policies, guidelines, standards, programs and parameters for specific healthy settings. 2.Provision of technical assistance to implementers and other relevant partners 3.Strengthening inter-sectoral collaboration and broad based mass participation for the promotion and attainment of healthy settings Key Result Areas yAppropriate development and regular evaluation of relevant programs, projects, policies and plans on environmental and occupational health yTimely provision of technical assistance to Centers for Health Development (CHDs) and other partners yDevelopment of responsive/relevant legislative and research agenda on DPC yTimely provision of technical inputs to curriculum development and conduct of human resource development yTimely provision of technically sound advice to the Secretary and other stakeholders yTimely and adequate provision of strategic logistics Components yInter- agency Committee on Environmental Health yIACEH Task Force on Water yIACEH Task Force on Solid Waste yIACEH Task Force on Toxic Chemicals yIACEH Task Force on Occupational Health yEnvironmental Sanitation yEnvironmental Health Impact Assessment yOccupational Health Essential Newborn Care Profile/Rationale of the Health Program The Child Survival Strategy published by the Department of Health has emphasized the need to strengthen health services of children throughout the stages. The neonatal period has been identified as one of the most crucial phase in the survival and development of the child. The United Nations Millennium Development Goal Number 4 of reducing under five child mortality can be achieved by the Philippines however if the neonatal mortality rates are not addressed from its non-moving trend of decline, MDG 4 might not be achieved. Vision and Mission: None to mention as these are inclusive in the MNCHN Strategy and NOH 2011-2016 Goals: To reduce neonatal mortality rates by 2/3 from 1990 levels Objectives: 1.To provide evidence-based practices to ensure survival of the newborn from birth up to the first 28 days of life 2.To deliver time-bound core intervention in the immediate period after the delivery of the newborn 3.To strengthen health facility environment for breastfeeding initiation to take place and for breastfeeding to be continued from discharge up to 2 years of life 4.To provide appropriate and timely emergency newborn care to newborns in need of resuscitation 5.To ensure access of newborns to affordable life-saving medicines to reduce deaths and morbidity from leading causes of newborn conditions 6.To ensure inclusion of newborn care in the overall approach to the Maternal, Newborn, Child Health and Nutrition StrategyStakeholders: 1. Both public and private sector at all levels of health service delivery providing maternal and newborn services 2. Health Professional Organizations and their member health professionals a. Pediatricians/neonatalogists of the Philippine Pediatric Society (PPS) and the Philippine Society of Newborn Medicine (PSNbM) b. Obstetrician-Gynecologists of the Philippine Obstetrical and Gynecological Society (POGS) c. Perinatologists of the Perinatal Association of the Philippines, Inc., (PAPI) d. Anesthesiologists and obstetric anesthesiologists of the Philippine Society of Anesthesiologists (PSA) and the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia of the Philippines (SOAP), e. Family medicine specialists of the Philippine Academy of Family Physicians (PAFP) f. Nurses, Maternal and child nurses, intensive care nurses of the Philippine Nurses Association and its affiliate nursing societies g. Midwives of the Integrated Midwives of the Philippines (IMAP), Philippine League of Government and Private Midwives, Inc. (PLGPMI), Midwives Foundation of the Philippines (MFP) and Well Family Midwives Clinic 3. Government regulatory bodies e.g. Professional Regulations Commission 4. Academe - professors and instructors from members schools and colleges of: a. Association of Philippine Medical Colleges (APMC) b. Association of Deans of Philippine Colleges of Nursing (ADPCN) c. Association of Philippine Schools of Midwifery 5. Hospital, health care administrator and infection control associations a. Philippine Hospital Association (PHA) b. Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines (PHAP) c. Philippine College of Hospital Administrators d. Philippine Hospital Infection Control Society 6. Local government units - local chief executives and LGU legislative bodiesBeneficiaries: a. Newborns all over the country b. Parents c. communitiesProgram Strategies: 1. Health Sector Reform a. Policy and Guideline Issuance i) Administrative Order 2009-0025 - Adopting Policies and Guidelines on Essential Newborn Care - December 1, 2009 ii) Clinical Pocket Guide on Essential Newborn Care b. Aquino Health Agenda and Achieving Universal Health Care - Administrative Order 2010-0036 c. PhilHealth Circular 2011-011 dated August 5, 2011 on Newborn Care Packaged. Development of Operationalization of Essential Newborn Care Protocol in Health Facilities 2 Identification of Centers of Excellence - Adoption of essential newborn care protocol(including intrapartum care and the MNCHN Strategy) 3. Curriculum Reforms - Curriculum integration of essential newborn care (including intrapartum care and the MNCHN Strategy) in undergraduate health courses - Integration and revision of board exam questions in licensure examinations for physicians, nurses and midives 4. Social Marketing - Development of social marketing tools - Unang Yakap MDG 4 & 5 Major Activities and its Guidelines: a.Conduct of one-day orientation-workshop on essential newborn care (including intrapartum care and the MNCHN Strategy) b. Regional MNCHN Conference for CHDs and LGUs including DOH-retained hospitals and LGU hospitals

b.Current Status of the Program A. What have been achieved/done 1. Policy was issued in December 1, 2009 2. DOH/WHO Scale-up Implementation was done in 11 hospitals 3. Advocacy Partners Forum on essential newborn care (including intrapartum care and the MNCHN Strategy) 4. One-day orientation-workshop on essential newborn care (including intrapartum care and the MNCHN Strategy) among health workers in different health facilities 5. Inclusion of dexamethasone and surfactant as core medicines in the essential medicines list for children in the Philippine National Formulary B. Statistics Early outcomes of EINC implementation has shown reduction on neonatal deaths in select DOH-retained hospitals including deaths from neonatal sepsis and complicatons of prematurity

Partner organizations/agencies: yNational Nutrition Council yPopulation Commission yWHO yUNICEF yUNFPA yAusAID yUSAID yhealth professional and academic organizations mentioned above. Family Planning Brief Description of Program A national mandated priority public health program to attain the country's national health development: a health intervention program and an important tool for the improvement of the health and welfare of mothers, children and other members of the family. It also provides information and services for the couples of reproductive age to plan their family according to their beliefs and circumstances through legally and medically acceptable family planning methods. The program is anchored on the following basic principles. yResponsible Parenthood which means that each family has the right and duty to determine the desired number of children they might have and when they might have them. And beyond responsible parenthood is Responsible Parenting which is the proper ubringing and education of chidren so that they grow up to be upright, productive and civic-minded citizens. yRespect for Life. The 1987 Constitution states that the government protects the sanctity of life. Abortion is NOT a FP method: yBirth Spacing refers to interval between pregnancies (which is ideally 3 years). It enables women to recover their health improves women's potential to be more productive and to realize their personal aspirations and allows more time to care for children and spouse/husband, and; yInformed Choice that is upholding and ensuring the rights of couples to determin the number and spacing of their children according to their life's aspirations and reminding couples that planning size of their families have a direct bearing on the quality of their children's and their own lives. Intended Audience: Men and women of reproductive age (15-49) years old) including adolescents Area of Coverage: Nationwide Mandate: EO 119 and EO 102 Vision: Empowered men and women living healthy, productive and fulfilling lives and exercising the right to regulate their own fertility through legally and acceptable family planning services. Mission The DOH in partnership with LGUs, NGOs, the private sectors and communities ensures the availability of FP information and services to men and women who need them.Program Goals: To provide universal access to FP information, education and services whenever and wherever these are needed Objectives General To help couples, individuals achieve their desired family size within the context of responsible parenthood and improve their reproductive health.Specifically, by the end of 2004: Reduce yMMR from 172 deaths 100,000 LB in 1998 to less than 100 deaths/100,000 LB yIMR from 35.3 deaths/1000 livebirths in 1998 to less than 30 deaths/1000 live births yTFR from 3.7 children per woman in 1998 to 2.7 chidren per woman Increase yContraceptive Prevalence Rate from 45.6% in 1998 to 57% yProportion of modern FP methods use from 28>2% to 50.5%Key Result Areas 1.Policy, guidelines and plans formulation 2.Standard setting 3.Technical assistance to CHDs/LGUs and other partner agencies 4.Advocacy, social mobilization 5.Information, education and counselling 6.Capability building for trainers of CHDs/LGUs 7.Logistics management 8.Monitoring and evaluation 9.Research and development Strutegles 1.Frontline participation of DOH-retained hospitals 2.Family Planning for the urban and rural poor 3.Demand Generation through Community-Based Management Information System 4.Mainstreaming Natural Family Planning in the public and NGO health facilities 5.Strengthening FP in the regions with high unmet need for FP: CAR, CHD 5, 8, NCR, ARMM 6.Contraceptive Interdependence Initiative

Major Activities I. Frontline participation of DOH-retained hospitals yEstablishment of FP Itinerant team by each hospital to respond to the unmet needs for permanent FP methods and to bring the FP services nearer to our urban and rural poor communities yFP services as part of medical and surgical missions of the hospital yProvide budget to support operations of the itenerant teams inclduing the drugs and medical supplies needed for voluntary surgical sterilization (VS) services yPartnership with LGU hospitals which serve as the VS site II. Family Planning for the urban and rural poor yExpanded role of Volunteer Health Workers (VHWs) in FP provision yPartnership of itenerant team and LGU hospitals yProvision of FP services III. Demund Generutlon through Communlty-Bused Munugement Informutlon System yIdentification and masterlisting of potential FP clients and users in need of PF services (permanent or temporary methods) ySegmentation of potential clients and users as to what method is preferred or used by clients IV. Mainstreaming Natural Family Planning in the public and NGO health facilities yOrientation of CHD staff and creation of Regional NFP Management Committee yDiacon with stakeholders yInformutlon, Educutlon und counsellng uctlvltles yAdvocacy and social mobilization efforts yProduction of NFP IEC materials yMonitoring and evaluation activities V. Strengthening FP in the regions with high unmet need for FP: CAR, CHD 5, 8, NCR, ARMM y)leld of ltlnerunt teums by retulned hospltuls to provlde VS servlces neurer to the communlty yInstallation of COmmunity Based Management Information System yProvision of augmentation funds for CBMIS activities VI. Contraceptive Interdependence Initiative yExpansion of PhilHealth coverage to include health centers providing No Scalpel Vasectomy and FP Itenerant Teams yExpansion of Philhealth benefit package to include pills, injectables and IUD ySocial Marketing of contraceptives and FP services by the partner NGOs yNational Funding/Subsidy VIII. Development /Updutlng of )3 CLlnlcul Stundurds IX. Formulation of FP related policies/guidelines. E.g. Creation of VS Outreach team by retained hospitals and its operationalization, GUidelines on the Provision of VS services, etc. X. Production and reproduction of FP advocacy and IEC materials XI. Provision of logistics support such as FP commodities and VS drugs and medical supplies

Other Partners 1. Funding Agencies yUnited States Agency for International Development (USAID) yUnlted Nutlons )unds for 3opulutlon Actlvltles (UN)3A) yManagement Sciences for Health (MSH) yEngender Health yThe Futures Group 2. NGOs yReachout foundation yDKT yPhilippine Federation for Natual Family Planning (PFNFP) yJohn Snow Inc. - Well Family Clinic yPhlippine Legislators Committee on Population Development (PLPCD) yRemedios Foundation yFamily Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) yInstitute of Maternal and Child Health (IMCH) yIntegrated Maternal and Child Care Services and Development, Inc. yFriendly Care Foundation, Inc. yInstitute of Reproductive Health 3. Other GOs yCommission on Population yDILG yDOLE yLGUs Food and Waterborne Diseases Prevention and Control Program The program covers diseases of a parasitic, fungal, viral, and bacteria in nature, usually acquired through the ingestion of contaminated drinking water or food. The more common of these diseases are bacterial in nature, the most common of which are typhoid fever and cholera. These two organisms had been the cause of major outbreaks in the Philippines in the last two years. Parasitic organisms are also an important factor, among them capillariasis, Heterophydiasis, and paragonimiasis, which are endemic in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. Cysticercosis is also a major problem since it has a neurologic component to the illness. The approaches to control and prevention is centered on public health awareness regarding food safety as well as strengthening treatment guidelines. Goal and Objectives: The program aims to: 1.Prevent the occurrence of food and waterborne outbreaks through strategic placement of water purification solutions and tablets at the regional level so that the area coordinators could respond in time if the situation warrants; 2.Procure Intravenous Fluid solutions, venosets and IV cannula for adult and pediatric patients in diarrheal outbreaks and to be stockpiles at the 17 Centers for Health Development (CHD) and the Central Office for emergency response to complement the stocks of HEMS; 3.Place first line and second line antimicrobial and anti-parasitic medicines such as albendazole and praziquantel at selected CHDs for outbreak mitigation as well as emergency stocks at the DOH warehouse located at the Quirino Memorial Medical Center (QMMC) compound; 4. Increase public awareness in preventable food-borne illnesses such as capillaria, which is centered on unsafe cultural practices like eating raw aquatic products; 5. Increase coordination between the National Epidemiology Center (NEC) and Regional epidemiology surveillance Unit (RESU) to adequately respond to outbreaks and provide technical support; 6. Procure Typhidot-M diagnostic kits for the early detection and treatment of typhoid patients; 7. Procure Typhoid vaccine and oral cholera vaccine to reduce the number of cases seen after severe flooding; 8. Provide training to local government unit (LGU) laboratory and allied medical personnel on the Accurate laboratory diagnosis of common parasites and proper culture techniques in the isolation of bacterial food pathogens; and 9. Provide guidance to field medical personnel with regard to the correct treatment protocols vis--vis various parasitic, bacterial, and viral pathogens involved in food and waterborne diseases.

Beneficiaries/Target Population: The Food and Waterborne Disease Control Program targets individuals, families, and communities residing in affected areas nationwide. For parasitic infections, endemic areas are more common.Strategies/Management: CasemonitoringismaintainedthroughthePhilippineIntegratedDiseaseSurveillanceandResponse(PIDSR)frameworkofNECandthe sentinelsitesoftheRESU.Toaddto that,quarterlyreports oftheregionalcoordinatorssupplementthedata andtheregularupdating from NEC Outbreak Surveillance. Outbreaks are being prevented though public education in print and radio stations. The need for safe food and water intake by adequate cooking and boiling of drinking water is inculcated to the public. Multi-drugresistantcasesoftyphoidaremonitoredthroughreportsfromthehospitalsentinelsiteandthedatafromtheResearch Institute of Tropical Medicines Antibiotic Resistance & Surveillance Program. Partner Organizations/Agencies: The following organizations and agencies take part in the achievement of program objectives: yUniversity of the Philippines-National Institutes of Health (UP-NIH) yDepartment of Agriculture-National Meat Inspection Service (DA-NMIS) yAsia Centric Disease Bureau yWorld Health Organization-Western Pacific Regional Office (WHO-WPRO) yWorld Health Organization-Southeast Asia Regional Office (WHO-SEARO) Food Fortification Program Objectives: 1. To provide the basis for the need for a food fortification program in the Philippines: The Micronutrient Malnutrition Problem 2. To discuss various types offood fortification strategies 3. To provide an update on the current situation of food fortification in the Philippines Fortification as defined by Codex Alimentarius the addition of one or more essential nutrients to food, whether or not it is normally contained in the food, for the purpose of preventing or correcting a demonstrated deficiencyof one or more nutrients in the population or specific population groups Vitamin A, Vitamin A Deficiency (VAD) and its Consequences yVitamin A - an essential nutrient as retinol needed by the body for normal sight, growth, reproduction and immune competence yVitamin A deficiency - a condition characterized by depleted liver stores & low blood levels of vitamin A due to prolonged insufficient dietary intake of vit. A followed by poor absorption or utilization of vit. A in the body yVAD affects childrenspropergrowth, resistancetoinfection, and chances of survival (23 to 35% increased child mortality), severe deficiency results to blindness, night blindness and bitots spot Prevalence of Vitamin A Deficiency: 1993, 1998, 2003, 2008 (DOST FNRI, NNS) Physiological State1993199820032008 6 months - 5 yrs.35.338.040.115.2 Pregnant16.422.217.59.5 Lactating16.416.520.16.4 WHO Cut off Point to be considered a public health problem = >15% Iron and Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) and its consequencesyIron - an essentialmineral and is part of hemoglobin, the red protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs to the cells yIron Deficiency Anemia - condition where there is lack of iron in the body resulting to low hemoglobin concentration of the blood yIDA results in premature delivery, increased maternal mortality, reduce ability to fightinfection and transmittable diseases and low productivityPrevalence of anemia by age, sex and physiologic state: Philippines, 2008 Source: NNS:FNRI Iodine and Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD)yIodine -a mineral and a component of the thyroid hormones yThyroid hormones - needed for the brain and nervous system to develop & function normally yIodine Deficiency Disorders refers to a group of clinical entities caused by inadequacy of dietary iodine for the thyroid hormone resulting into various condition e.g. goiter, cretinism, mental retardation, loss of IQ points Progress in the Philippines towards the Elimination of IDD, 1998-2008 IndicatorGoal* Achievements 199820032008 Proportion of Households using Iodized Salt, %>909.7 56.081.1 Median Urinary Iodine, ug/L 6-12 yrs.100-20071201132 Lactating Women100-200-11181 Pregnant Women150-249-142105 Proportion < 50g/L, % < 206-12 yrs.35.811.419.7 Lactating Women -23.734.0 Pregnant Women -18.025.8 *ICC-IDD 2007 Policy on Food Fortification yASIN LAW Republic Act 8172, An Act Promoting Salt Iodization Nationwide and for other purposes, Signed into law on Dec. 20, 1995 yFood Fortification Law Republic Act 8976, An Act Establishing the Philippine Food Fortification Program and for other purposes mandating fortification of flour, oil and sugar with Vitamin A and flour and rice with iron by November 7, 2004 and promoting voluntary fortification through the SPSP, Signed into law on November 7, 2000 Status of the Philippine Food Fortification Program Status and Recommendations for the Sangkap Pinoy Seal Program yThere are 139 processed food products with SangkapPinoySeal with 83% with vitamin A, 29% with iron and 14% with iodine (2008) y37% of the products are snack foods yMost of the products FDA analyzed are within the standard yBased on 2003 NNS Households awareness of SPS- and FF-products is 11% and 14%, respectively, in 2008 awareness is 11.6% yAlthough awareness is low, usage of SPS-products is 99.2% Recommendations: yReview voluntary fortification standards as standards were developed prior to mandatory fortification yConduct in-depth analysis ofthe coverage of SangkapPinoySeal of the 2008 NNS yUpdate list of Sangkap Pinoy Seal products as some companies have stopped using the seal in their products yIntensify promotions of Sangkap Pinoy Seal Status and Recommendation on Flour Fortification with Vitamin A and Iron Status: yBased on FDA monitoring all local flour millers are fortifying with vitamin A and iron y94% and 92% of all samples tested by FDA in 2009 were fortified with vitamin A and iron respectively while 77% and 99% were fortified with vitamin A and iron respectively. In 2010 decrease in vitamin A due to non-fortified imported and market samples flour. y58% of samples from local mills for vitamin A and 67% of imported flour for iron were fortified according to standards. Recommendations: yReview fortificantsfor iron and possible other micronutrients to be added to wheat flour yContinue monitoring wheat fortification yAssist flour millers to improve quality of fortification yNeed to show impact of flour fortification Status and Recommendations on Mandatory Fortification of Refined Sugar with Vitamin A Status: yNon fortification by industry due to the unresolved issue of who will bear the cost of fortification brought about by the quedansystem of transferable certificates of sugar ownership.yLack of premix production yFortification of refined sugar would benefit mainly those in the high income group. Recommendations: yContinue discussions with sugar industry to explore a compromise for fortification ie. fortification of washed sugar yReview policy on mandatory fortification of refined sugar Status and Recommendations on Rice Fortification with Iron Status: yNFA is fortifying 50% of its rice in 2009 and 2010yWith the non fortification of NFA rice, private sector has an excuse for non fortification of its rice. yThere is limited commercial/private sector iron rice premix and iron fortified rice production and distribution mostly in Mindanao (Region XII and XI) with Gen San having the only commercial iron rice premix plant in the Philippines and Davao City implementing mandatory rice fortification in food outletsyNFA conducted communications campaign for its iron fortified rice thru the so called I-rice campaign though issues remain on the acceptability of its product Recommendation: yReview of mandatory fortification of rice with iron Status and Recommendations on Cooking Oil Fortification with Vitamin A Status: yBased on the samples analyzed by FDA in 2009 and 2010, more than 90% are fortified (91% in 2009 and 94% in 2010)ySamples monitored were labeled and packed yFDA is not monitoring "takal" Recommendations: yTo increase frequency of monitoring by FDA and other agencies such as PCA and LGUs, to ensure all oil refiners and repackersare monitored at least once a year yMonitoring of takal oil, use of test kit yMonitoring imported oil, FDA and BOC to coordinate yReview policy of mandatory fortification of oil to possibly limit to those mostly used by at risk population (coconut and palm oil)Status and Recommendations on Salt Iodization Status: yBased on the 2008 NNS, 81.1% of households were positive for iodine using Rapid Test Kit (RTK) yIn the same survey for Region III, 55.7% were positive for RTK but only 34.2% and 24.2% have iodine content >5ppm and >15ppm respectivelyusing WYD Tester yFor FDA monitoring in 2010, 88% were >5ppm while 44% were >15ppm yFDA started implementing localization of ASIN Law with General Santos City as the 1stto have a MOA with FDA on localization Recommendation: yFDA to expand localization of ASIN Law ySet up iodine titration for testing iodine in salt yContinue to intensify monitoring particularly imported and takal salt Food Fortification Day Theme 2010: EO 382 declares November 7 as the National Food Fortification Day

Garantisadong Pambata The Mandate: A.O. 36, s2010 Aquino Health Agenda (AHA): Achieving Universal Health Care for All Filipinos Goal yAchievement of better health outcomes, sustained health financing and responsive health system by ensuring that all Filipinos, esp. the disadvantaged group (lowest 2 income quintiles) have equitable access to affordable health care Universal Health Care Strategies: yFinancial risk protection. yImproved access to quality hospitals and facilities yAttainment of health-related MDGs by: yDeploy CHTs to actively assist families in assessing and acting on their health needs yUtilize life cycle approach in providing needed services: FP, ANC, FBD, ENC, IPP, GP for 0-14 years old yAggressive promotion of healthy lifestyle change yHarness strengths of inter-agency and intersectoralcooperation with DepEd, DSWD and DILG EXPANDED GARANTISADONG PAMBATA Comprehensiveandintegrated packageofservicesandcommunicationonhealth,nutritionandenvironmentforchildrenavailable everyday at various settings such as home, school, healthfacilities and communities by government and non-government organizations, private sectors and civic groups. Objectives: yContribute to the reduction of infant and child morbidity and mortality towards the attainmentof MDG 1 and 4. yEnsure that all Filipino children, especially the disadvantaged group (GIDA), have equitable access to affordable health, nutrition and environment care.Rationale for the New GP Design

Partner Agencies: yDepartment of Education yDepartment of Social Welfare & Development yDepartment of Interior and Local Government yDepartment of Health yUSAID yUNICEF yWorld Health Organization ySave the Children yFit for School yWorld Vision yPlan Foundation yPhilippine Dental Association GP Services Package Age by Year Health NutritionEnvironment 0-1 Maternal health care Essential newborn care Immunization Maternalnutrition Iron supplementation Vitamin A Early &exclusive breastfeeding Complementary feeding Water Sanitation Hygiene promotion Oral health Child injury prevention Treated bednets Smoke-free homes 1-5 Immunization Deworming IMCI Breastfeeding Complementaryfeeding Vitamin A Iron supplementation Iodized salt at home 6-10 Deworming Booster immunization(Screening) Proper nutrition Iodized salt at home

11-14 Deworming Booster immunization (Screening) Physical activity (Healthy lifestyle) Proper nutrition Iron supplementation Iodized salt at home

Vitamin A Supplementation Policy remains the same for giving Vitamin A capsules: Routine: - every 6 months for 6-59 months preschoolers Therapeutic: - 1 capsule upon diagnosisregardless of when the last dose ofVAC for preschoolers with measles - 1 capsule upon diagnosis except when child was given Vitamin A was given less than 4 weeks for preschoolers with severe pneumonia, persistent diarrhea, severely underweight - 1 capsule immediately upon diagnosis, 1 capsule the next day and another capsule after 2 weeks after for preschoolers with xerophthalmia( Please refer to your MOP for other target groups) Recording/Reporting: yFHSIS Records and Reports yGP Forms submitted to NCDPC thru CHDs yApril preschoolers 6-59 months given VAC from November of past year to April of the current year October preschoolers 6-59 months given yVAC from May to October Core Messages per Gateway Behavior MAGPASUSO (Newborn to 6 mos)Pasusuhin ng gatas ni Nanay lang (6 mos to 2 years old)Magpasusoat bigyan ng (mga masustansiyang ibat-ibang pagkain) ibang pagkain (pampamilyang pagkain). Bumili/ Gumamit ng mga produktong may SANGKAP PINOY seal sa pagluluto. MAGPABAKUNA Siguraduhing kumpletoang bakuna ni babybago siya magdiwang ng unang kaarawan. Pabakunahan ng MMR ang mga batang 1 taon hanggang1 taon at 3 buwan. Ito ay laban sa tigdas, beke at rubella (German Measles) MAGBITAMINA A Siguraduhing mabigyan (mapatakan) ng Bitamina A kada anim (6) na buwan ang inyong mga anak na edad 6 na buwanhanggang 5 taon MAGPURGA Siguraduhing mapurga ang inyong mgaanak na edad 1 hanggang 12 na taonggulangkada anim na buwan. GUMAMIT NG PALIKURAN Gumamit ng kubeta o palikuran sa pagdumi at pagihi. MAGSIPILYO Wastong pagsisipilyo ng ngipin ngdalawang beses sa isang araw, lalo na bago matulog. MAGHUGAS NG KAMAY Maghugas ng kamay bago kumain at matapos gumamit ng kasilyas. Ugaliin din ang paghuhugas ng kamay matapos maglaro o humawak ng maduduming bagay.

Human Resource for Health NetworkThe Department of Health (DOH) spearheaded the creation of Human Resource for Health Network (HRHN), which is a multi-sectoral organization composed of government agencies and non-government organizations. The network seeks to address and respond to human resource for health (HRH) concerns and problems. HRHN was formally established during the launching and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding among its member agencies and organizations held on October 25, 2006. This network was grounded on the Human Resources for Health Master Plan (HRHMP) developed by the DOH and the World Health Organization (WHO). The HRHN was conceived to implement programs and activities that require multi-sectoral coordination.

Vision: Collaborative partnerships for a better, more responsive and globally competitive HRH.

Mission:The HRHN is a multi-sectoral organization working effectively for coordinated and collaborative action in the accomplishment of each member organizations mandate and their common goals for HRH development to address the health service needs of the Philippines, as well as in the global setting.

Values:Upholds the quality and quantity of HRH for the provision of quality health care in the Philippines. Objectives: The objectives of the HRHN are as follows: 1.Facilitate implementation of programs of the HRHMP that would entail coordination and linkage of concerned agencies and organizations; 2.Provide policy directions and develop programs that would address and respond to HRH issues and problems; 3.Harmonize existing policies and programs among different government agencies and non-government organizations; 4.Develop and maintain an integrated database containing pertinent information on HRH from production, distribution, utilization up to retirement and migration; and 5.Advocate HRH development and management in the Philippines. Projects: During its first year of implementation, the HRHN has the following priority projects and activities: 1. Review and Harmonization of HRH Related Policies; 2. Development of HRHN Website; 3. Conduct of Capability Building Activities; and 4. Conduct of the National HRH Forum. Health Development Program for Older Persons - (Bureau or Office: National Center for Disease Prevention and Control ) Bureuu or Offlce: Nutlonul Center for Dlseuse 3reventlon und Control Program Briefer Cognizantofits mandateandcrucialrole,thePhilippineDepartmentofHeallth(DOH) formulatedtheHealthCare Program for Older Persons (HCPOP) in 1998. The DOH HCPOP (presently renamed Health Development Program forOlderPersons)setsthepolicies,standardsandguidelinesforlocalgovernmentstoimplementtheprogramin collaboration with other government agencies, non-government organizations and the private sector. The program intends to promote and improve the quality of life of older persons through the establishment and provision of basic health servicesforolderpersons,formulationofpoliciesandguidelinespertainingtoolderpersons,provisionofinformationandhealth education to the public, provision of basic and essential training ofmanpower dedicated to older persons and, the conduct of basic and applied researches. Target Population/Clients 1. Older persons (60 years and above) who are: a. Well and free from symptoms b. Sick and frail c. Chronically ill and cognitively impaired d. In need of rehabilitation services 2. Health workers and caregivers 3. LGU and partner agencies Area of Coverage Nationwide Mandate International: y Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing yGeneral Assembly Resolutions Local: yPhilippine Constitution (Article XIII, Section XI) yRepublic Act 7876 - Senior Citizens Center Act of the Philippines yRepublic Act No. 7432 - An Act to Maximize the Contribution of Senior Citizens to Nation Building, Grant Benefits and Special Privileges and for Other Purposes yProclamation No. 470 - Declaring the 1st week of October every year as "Elderly Filipino Week" yPhilippine Plan of action for Older Persons (1999-2004) Vision Healthy ageing for all Filipinos. Goal A healthy and productive older population is promoted. Health Development Program for Older Persons - R.A. 7876 (Senior Citizens Center Act of the Philippines) REPUBLIC ACT NO. 7876 AN ACT ESTABLISHING A SENIOR CITIZENS CENTER IN ALL CITIES AND MUNICIPALITIES OF THE PHILIPPINES, AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR. Sec. 1. Title. This Act shall be known as the "Senior Citizens Center Act of the Philippines." Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. It is the declared policy of the State to provide adequate social services and an improved quality of life for all. For this purpose, the State shall adopt an integrated and comprehensive approach towards health development giving priority to elderly among others.chan robles virtual law library Sec. 3. Definition of Terms. (a) "Senior citizens," as used in this Act, shall refer to any person who is at least sixty (60) years of age. (b) "Center," as used in this Act, refers to the place established by this Act with recreational, educational, health and social programs and facilities designed for the full enjoyment and benefit of the senior citizens in the city or municipality. Sec. 4. Establishment of Centers. There is hereby established a senior citizens center, hereinafter referred to as the Center, in every city and municipality of the Philippines, under direct supervision of the Department of Social Welfare and Development, hereinafter referred to as the Department, in collaboration with the local government unit concerned. Sec. 5. Functions of the Centers. The centers are extensions of the fourteen (14) regional offices of the Department. They shall carry out the following functions: (a) Identify the needs, trainings, and opportunities of senior citizens in the cities and municipalities;chan robles virtual law library (b) Initiate, develop and implement productive activities and work schemes for senior citizens in order to provide income or otherwise supplement their earnings in the local community; (c) Promote and maintain linkages with provincial government units and other instrumentalities of government and the city and municipal councils for the elderly and the Federation of Senior Citizens Association of the Philippines and other non-government organizations for the delivery of health care services, facilities, professional advice services, volunteer training and community self-help projects; and (d) To exercise such other functions which are necessary to carry out the purpose for which the centers are established. Sec. 6. Center Workers. The Secretary of the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) may designate social workers from the Department as the workers of the centers: Provided, however, That the Secretary may appoint other personnel who possess the necessary professional qualifications to work efficiently with the elderly of the community. The Secretary may also call upon private volunteers who are responsible members of the community to provide medical, educational and other services and facilities for the senior citizens. Sec. 7. Qualification/Disqualification. A senior citizen who suffers from a contagious disease, or who is mentally unfit or unsound or whose actuations are inimical to other senior citizens as determined by the DSWD on the basis of an appropriate certification by a qualified government or private volunteer physician, may be denied the benefits provided in the Center. However, the center shall refer the senior citizen concerned to the appropriate government agency for the needed medical care or confinement. Sec. 8. Exemptions of the Center. The Center shall be exempted from the payment of customs duties, taxes and tariffs on the importation of equipment and supplies used actually, directly and exclusively by the Center pursuant to this Act, including those donated to the Center. Sec. 9. Rules and Regulations. Withinsixty (60) days from the approval of this Act, the DSWD, in coordination with other government agencies concerned, shall issue the rules and regulations to effectively implement the provisions of this Act. Any violation of this section shall render the concerned official(s) liable under Republic Act No. 6713, otherwise known as the "Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees" and other existing administrative and/or criminal laws. Sec. 10. Coordination of Government Agencies. The DSWD, in coordination with the Department of Health and other government agencies and local government units, shall assist in the effective implementation of this Act and provide the necessary support services. Sec. 11. Appropriations. The amount necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act shall be included in the General Appropriations Act of the year following its enactment into law and every year thereafter. The sum necessary for the continuous operation of the centers shall be subsidized in part by the DSWD and in part by the local government units concerned. Sec. 12. Repealing or Amending Clause. All laws, decrees, executive orders, and rules and regulations, which are not consistent with this Act, are hereby modified, amended or repealed accordingly.chan robles virtual law library Sec. 13. This Act shall take effect fifteen (15) days after its publication in two (2) newspapers of general circulation. Approved: February 14, 1995 Health Development Program for Older Persons (Global Movement for Active Ageing (Global Embrace 1999)) The Global Movement for Active Ageing, which was conceived by the World Health Organization (WHO), will need the collaboration of many different partners from all over the world. Active ageing is the capacity of the people, as they grow older to lead productive and healthy lives in their families, societies and economies. The Global Movement will be a network for all those interested in moving policies and practice towards Actives Ageing. It will provide models and ideas for programme and projects that promote active ageing. The key messages of the Global Movement are: 1. CELEBRATE Celebrate ageing ; getting older is good; the alternative dying prematurely is not 2. A SOCIETY FOR ALL Active ageing is key for older persons continuing to contribute to society; all dimensions for being active should be taken into account : the physical, mental, social, and spiritual 3. INTEGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY Older persons should not be marginalized: reflecting the theme of the UN International Year of Older Persons, towards a society for all ages What is the Global Embrace 1999? The Global Embrace, which will mark simultaneously the launching of Global Movement for Active Ageing 1999 International Year for Older Persons, is exactly as the title implies, a series of walk events embracing the globe: in time zone after time zone, ageing will be celebrated in cities around the world, through these walk events. The walk will start in countries in the Pacific, where the date line marks the start of a new day. Thus, the first walk will be in New Zealand .. followed by Australia, then Japan, Korea, China, Thailand, the Philippines, Indonesia and India.. Always at a set time, a group of cities, within the same time zone, will be starting their celebration