bottled water strategy in uk

Marketing Management. Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and Value addition evaluation. Date: 14 – May - 2013 Table of Contents EXECT!VE "MMA#Y $....................................................................................... 3 MA#%ET!N& 'E(!NE'$....................................................................................... 3 MA#%ET!N& )#*CE""........................................................................................ 4 Plans Oriented for Marketing ‘Demand’ trategy :.............................................. 4 !on"e#t of #rod$"tion............................................................................... % !on"e#t of #rod$"t:.... ............................................................................... % !on"e#t of selling:.................................................................................... % !on"e#t of mark eting......... ....................................................................... % !on"e#t of o"ietal Marketing................................................................... % MA#%ET!N& "T#ATE&Y $..................................................................................... & 1. Mark et egmentation................................................................................... & 2. Mark et ' argeting.... ...................................................................................... ( 3. Mar ke t Po sitio ning and Di)e re ntiat ion.. .................................................. .....( MA#%ET!N& M!X$................................................................................................ ( Pro d$"t......... ...................................................................................................... * Pri"e................................................................................................................... + Pla"e...... ............................................................................................................. + Promotion........................................................................................................... + C*M)ET!T*# ANA+Y"!"$.................................................................................. 10 C*M)ET!T!VE "T#ATE&Y $................................................................................11 Por ter’s ,eneri" Model for !om#etitie danta ge:.........................................12 !om#etitie adanta ge strategy #$rs$ed at '/ ' n Porter ’s ie:....... ..12 !om#etitie adantage strategy #$rs$ed at '/ ant in nso)’s ie:..........13 nso) #rod$"t mark et grot5 matri6:...... ........................................................ 13 78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 1

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Page 1: Bottled Water strategy in UK

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

Table of ContentsEXECT!VE "MMA#Y$.......................................................................................3

MA#%ET!N& 'E(!NE'$....................................................................................... 3

MA#%ET!N& )#*CE""........................................................................................4

Plans Oriented for Marketing ‘Demand’ trategy:..............................................4

!on"e#t of #rod$"tion...............................................................................%

!on"e#t of #rod$"t:...................................................................................%

!on"e#t of selling:....................................................................................%

!on"e#t of marketing................................................................................%

!on"e#t of o"ietal Marketing...................................................................%

MA#%ET!N& "T#ATE&Y$.....................................................................................&

1. Market egmentation...................................................................................&

2. Market 'argeting..........................................................................................(

3. Market Positioning and Di)erentiation.........................................................(

MA#%ET!N& M!X$................................................................................................(

Prod$"t............................................................................................................... *


Pla"e................................................................................................................... +

Promotion........................................................................................................... +

C*M)ET!T*# ANA+Y"!"$..................................................................................10

C*M)ET!T!VE "T#ATE&Y$................................................................................11

Porter’s ,eneri" Model for !om#etitie dantage:.........................................12

!om#etitie adantage strategy #$rs$ed at '/ ' n Porter’s ie:.........12

!om#etitie adantage strategy #$rs$ed at '/ ant in nso)’s ie:..........13

nso) #rod$"t market grot5 matri6:..............................................................13

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 1

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

TEC,N*+*&!CA+ 'EVE+*)MENT" !N T,E (!E+' *( MA#%ET!N&$............14

1. o"ial Media:..............................................................................................14

2. nterest 8ased adertising 8e5aio$ral 'argeting:...................................14

3. Mo<ile adertising......................................................................................1%

4. Marketing M= Modelling............................................................................1%




EXECT!VE "MMA#Y$O$tstanding marketers and organi>ations s5are a "ommon goal?

"ons$mers m$st <e "onsidered as t5e 5eart of marketing. 'oday@

Marketing is all a<o$t "reating and maintaining "ons$mer al$e and

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 2

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

e6"5ange of #roAta<le relations5i#s. '5e in"e#tion "om#lies ario$s

"on"e#ts and $nderstandings s$"5 "ons$mer ants and needs@ eal$ating

market targets@ "reating al$e #ro#osition@ and #roAta<le e6"5anges.

 'oget5er@ t5ese <$ilding aria<les ill sere market s5are@ "$stomer and

eB$ity and #roAts to organi>ations. '5e #$r#ose of t5is re#ort is to

e6e"$te a "riti"al analysis on t5e key marketing a"tiities and

"ontri<$tions of t5e marketing de#artment to TY Nant1@ one of t5e

leading s$##liers in t5e <ottled ater ind$stry. n addition@ t5e s"o#e of 

t5is re#ort is to reie '/ ant’s marketing o#erations to date and to

deelo# t5e <$siness for t5e f$t$re. C$rt5er to t5e eal$ation@ t5is re#ort

ill s$mmari>e f$t$re deelo#ments in t5e Aeld of marketing t5ro$g5


MA#%ET!N& 'E(!NE'$nlike many <$siness f$n"tions@ marketing deals it5 "$stomers.

ttra"ting ne "$stomers <y deliering s$#erior al$e and en5an"ing

"$rrent "$stomer satisfa"tion are to of t5e main folds of marketing. Cor-

#roAt and not – for #roAt organi>ations s$"5 as ,oogle and m$se$ms

res#e"tiely@ aim in im#lementing so$nd marketing to attain "riti"al

s$""ess in t5e organi>ation. Eotler and rmstrong 2012 f$rt5er ela<orate

marketing to <e Fne sense of satisfying "$stomersG. n s$##ort@ 8$rnett

200* re-instated t5at t5e Faim of marketing is to make selling

$nne"essaryG and t5at adertising and selling are only a se"tor of t5e

marketing mi6. H5ile terming Marketing mi6@ it is a set of a##roa"5es t5at

f$n"tion toget5er to en5an"e "$stomer demand and satisfa"tion. On a

"om#re5ensie note@ marketing is to <e $nderstood as t5e managerial and

so"ial #ro"ess <y 5i"5 <ot5 organi>ations and indiid$als o<tain t5eir

o<Ie"tie <y deelo#ing and e6"5anging al$e. n a narro "onte6t@

marketing is em#iri"al inoled in #roAt deelo#ment on a al$e added

1 5tt#:JJ.tynant."

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 3

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

#ro"ess. '5$s@ deAning marketing as a #ro"ess t5ro$g5 5i"5

organi>ations "reate al$e and en5an"e "$stomer satisfa"tion in order to

s$<stantiate demand for t5e organi>ation.

MA#%ET!N& )#*CE""$ 

do#ted from Eotler and rmstrong 2012

 '5e Ag$re a<oe re#resents a sim#le Ae ste# model of marketing

#ro"ess. O<sera<ly@ t5e Arst fo$r ste#s dis"$ss a<o$t "reating "$stomeral$e and strong "$stomer relations5i#s 5ile t5e last #ro"ess solely

dis"$sses a<o$t "a#t$ring "$stomer al$e in ret$rn. H5ile generalising

ea"5 "on"e#t "o$ld get "om#le6 and "om#re5ensie@ t5is re#ort ill s"o#e

its #arameters to marketing management orientation 5i"5 is an integral

element to #lan and synt5esi>e "$stomer demand.

Plans Oriented for Marketing ‘Demand’ Strategy:

ss$ming t5at a maIor deriation of "ons$mer and market#la"e 5as <een

#rod$"ed@ marketing management eal$ates "$stomer oriented marketing

strategy. Organi>ations Arst m$st target its "$stomers <y market

segmentation 5ere market is diided into segments of "lients@ and

sele"ting 5i"5 segments it s5o$ld f$rt5er #$rs$e on@ 5i"5 is also knon

as market targeting. Organi>ations m$st also deAne systemati" a##roa"5

in di)erentiating and #ositioning itself in t5e market ery@ et al.@ 2012.

long it5 t5is@ organi>ations m$st look into "5oosing a al$e #ro#osition.

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 4

Investigate customer 

demand and marketplace

Initialize plans for demand

oriented marketing

Implement an



strategy to deliver 


Construct protable

relationships and customer 

 Acquire customer 

value and customer 

equity to enhance


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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

7ere@ t5e organi>ations de"ide t5e a##roa"5 it s5o$ld $ndertake to

delier #ros#e"tie "$stomer satisfa"tion and al$e #ro#osition. n order

to <$ild t5is@ Marketing m$st design stratigies t5at ill <$ild #otential

relations5i#s it5 its targeted "lients and "$stomers. '5ere are Ae

essentials "on"e#ts $nder 5i"5 marketing management orientation is

deelo#ed Eotler rmstrong@ 2012:

Concept of production$ Often a reason for Marketing

Myopia2  dmans@ 200+@ t5is "on"e#t "onstit$tes t5e idea

t5at "ons$mers ill fao$r #rod$"ts t5at are 5ig5ly aaila<le

and a)orda<le.

Concept of product$  '5is "on"e#t "onstit$tes t5e idea of 

"ontin$o$s #rod$"t deelo#ment@ 5ere t5e organi>ation

targets t5ose "ons$mers t5at fo"$s on #rod$"ts t5at o)er t5e

most in #erforman"e@ innoation@ feat$res and B$ality.

Concept of selling$  '5is "on"e#t generali>es t5e idea t5at

"ons$mers ill not fao$r t5ose #rod$"ts $ntil t5ey are

generated from a large s"ale and #romotion e)ort.

Concept of marketing$ Often "onsidered as a #5iloso#5y@

marketing "on"e#t infers itself to "onsider marketing

strategies s$"5 as targeting@ di)erentiating and #ositioning.

Concept of "ocietal Marketing$ De"isions and ideas

oriented toards "ons$mer’s reB$irements@ "ons$mer’s long

r$n interests and so"iety’s long r$n interests.

ss$ming t5at a detailed s$mmary 5as <een #roided@ t5is re#ort ill no

ga>e $#on t5e marketing management orientation '/ ' #$rs$es.

2 Often a mistake made <y sellers. ellers #ay more attention to s#e"iA" #rod$"ts

"ontri<$ted t5an to its <eneAts andJ or e6#erien"es o)ered.

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page %

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

Organi>ations Arst de"ide 5i"5 "ons$mers it ill sere Market 

segmentation and Market targeting8  and 5o ill t5ey sere Market 

di9erentiation and Market positioning. n s5ort@ organi>ations m$st diide

t5e total market in <est segments and design a strategy to im#lement a

#roAta<le relations5i# Eotler rmstrong@ 2012.

1. Market Segmentation:  '5e #ro"ess of <reaking t5e total

market into distin"t gro$#s of "ons$mers 5o #ossess indiid$alisti"needs@ #ersonalities and indiid$als 5o may reB$ire distin"t

#rod$"ts andJor marketing #rograms. '/ ant segments its market

to distin"t "ons$mers. ts #rod$"t are drone to satisfy 5ig5 end

#roAles and l$6$ry oriented "ons$mers. C$rt5ermore@ its distri<$tors

are "lassiAed into t5e l$6$ry gro$#s@ t5ere<y making '/ ant’s

market segmentation o<sera<ly.

2. Market Targeting: noles eal$ating distin"t demand in ea"5

market segments and making a narro a sele"tion "riteria to enter.

"om#any it5 limited reso$r"es may "5oose #arti"$lar segments

to en5an"e #roAt relations5i#s. '/ ant targets its market in terms

of so"ial and e"onomi" lifestyle. '/ ant targets its 5ig5 end #roAles

<y #resenting its aest5eti" a##eal to attra"t t5e segmented


3. Market Positioning and Dierentiation: Positioning is t5e

#ro"ess 5ere t5e organi>ation #ositions its #rod$"t in a #la"e

5ere it #rod$"es an aest5eti"@ desira<le and disting$is5ed a##eal

to t5e targeted "ons$mers from its "om#etitors 5ereas

di)erentiation is t5e #ro"ess 5ere t5e organi>ation de"ides to

al$e add its #rod$"t making aaila<le to "ons$mers for a)orda<le

"ost and 5ig5 B$ality 5en "om#ared it5 its "om#etitors. '/ ant

#ositions itself as a l$6$ry #rod$"t. C$rt5ermore@ '/ ant’s #rod$"t

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page (

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

deliers a de"laration of "5oi"e for "ons$mers 5o re 5ealt5

"ons"io$s and 7alo minded. '/ ant 5as also #ositioned itself in t5e

i"5e Markets $"5 as $6$ry 5otel and resta$rants 'y ant@ 2013.

n addition@ '/ ant 5as no entered into t5e retail se"tors t5ere<y

"reating f$rt5er al$e into t5eir #rod$"t@ t5ere<y di)erentiating t5eir

market HalesOnline 2012

MA#%ET!N& M!X$ss$ming t5at an in"entie marketing strategy 5as <een #rod$"ed@ '/

' m$st f$rt5er #lan t5e ni"eties of t5e marketing mi6. Marketing mi6

is often referred as tools of marketing t5at me"5ani>es t5e marketing

strategy. More "ommonly@ marketing mi6 "an <e f$rt5er $nderstood in t5e

traditional fo$r Ps@ e6#lained in t5e Ag$re <elo:

do#ted from Eotler rmstrong@ 2012


78 79 !7; P134*(% Page *










8rand ame


ist Pri"e
















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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

its "or#orate #roAle reeal t5at #reio$sly '/ ' segmented its market

to 5ig5 #roAle "ons$mers@ t5ere<y ass$ming a a<oe aerage #ri"ing


Place$ s mentioned earlier@ '/ ' 5ad its distri<$tion ranged at

feat$red o$tlets@ 5oeer ales online 2011 restates t5at '/ ' no

fo$"$ses its distri<$tion to retail o$tlets as ell. Ce of t5e o$tlets in E 

5o distri<$te '/ ' ater are '!O Hales only@ Haitrose@ains<$ry@ O"ado@ 7arey "ols@ and 7arrods. C$rt5ermore@ t5e

distri<$tion leel 5as a orldide #arameter@ distri<$ting to "o$ntries

s$"5 as @ 8elgi$m@ '5ailand@ !anada@ Natar@ E$ait et".

Promotion$ ny a"tiities t5at inQ$en"e t5e merit of t5e #rod$"t and

attra"t larger "ons$mers "an <e termed as #romotion. Potentially@ a large

organi>ation like '/ ' is to <e "onsidered to inest 5ig5 in

adertisement of its #rod$"ts. C$rt5ermore@ o<sering its "$rrent #reio$s

"$stomers@ '/ ' 5as s5on s$<stantial #rogression in <$ilding <rand

indentity and re"ognitiion. Hit5 its i"oni" #rod$"t range@ '/ ' 5as

o<tained a orldide re"ognition of t5e $limate stylis5 refres5ment.

sso"iations it5 #$<l$"ations@ Alm@ media and asi#irational eents

f$rt5er ela<orates its #romotional s"5emes in order to e6tent its market

segment #arameters to <road leel. Cor e6am#le@ Per e’s@ a orld

renoned l$6$ry resta$rent in e /ork 5as "om#limented '/ ' to

ell synt5esi>e its #remi$m #ositioning. '5e "om#any also sells ario$s

mer"5andises in order to #romote t5e al$e of t5eir #rod$"t to t5e

targeted "$stomers.

C*M)ET!T*# ANA+Y"!"$m#lementing "om#etitie adantage "an alays reer< from t5e

fo$ndation of marketing strateigies. sim#le t5ree ste# model "an

#rod$"e a <reif $nderstanding 5o "om#etitor analysis <egin.

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 10

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

<een s$""essf$l.

Voss 6orld Higly induced marketingsegmentation! Onlinecor"orate trans"arency!#orld#ide distri$ution

)otential treat in attractingte market segments. CurrentMarket segment for V*"" asbeen targeted to potentialconsumers suc as <lmindustries and celebrities. ,iginvestment in promotion andcorporate marketing. *nlinecorporate transparency to gainmore customer e=uity.

C*M)ET!T!VE "T#ATE&Y$fter t5e #ossi<le re"ognition of t5e omni#otent "om#etitors@

organi>ations m$st no im#lement strategies in order to "onsolidate its

o<Ie"ties it5 t5e strategi" goals of t5e "on"erned organi>ation. '5e

$ltimate #$r#ose of t5is is to ra"e its marketing #otentials from t5e

"om#etitors. fter all@ t5e $ltimate #$r#ose of t5e marketing "on"e#t is to

inQ$en"e #roAta<le <eneAts <y ind$"ing al$e #ro#osition and "$stomer

satisfa"tion. ;e"onsidering t5e <ottled ater ind$stry@ seeral

entre#rene$rs 5ae ada#ted t5e $iche market ? segmentation toards t5is

se"tor@ "reating dynami" yet "om#le6 #arameters in a"5ieing

"om#etitie adantage. C$rt5er to t5is@ t5is re#ort ill state t5e marketing

strategy of '/ ' in a s$mmarised #attern folloing "on"ise yet

s$mmarised models of Porter and nso). Dis#layed <elo is Porter’s

generi" model for "om#etitie adantage as "ited in Ormanid5i

tringa@ 200*. ""ording to t5e #orter analysis@ Mi"ro and Ma"ro analysis

of t5e enironment is to <e deelo#ed in order to "reate t5e rig5t target

and #ositioning. '5ro$g5t t5e amalgation of t5ese of aria<les

systemati"ally@ "om#etitie adantage@ 5oeer in a "om#le6 nat$re@ is


4 $<set of t5e market on 5i"5 target of t5e s#e"iA" #rod$"t is de#loyed. n s5ort@ t5ese #rod$"ts satisfy

s#e"iA" "ons$mer needs and market demands. 

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 12

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

Porter’s %eneric Model for &om"etiti'e (d'antage:

do#ted from Porter 1+*%

&om"etiti'e ad'antage strategy "ursued at T) *(*T +InPorter’s 'ie#,:

 Assumption derived from!

"# $A$"% 2&'&http!(()))*+,-I,+(-I,(/0"",12&3A",2&,40"2&52&"#2&$A$" 

2&+"I2&52&,$6I+7.41- .

 '/ ant 5as s$<stantiated its "om#etitie adantage t5ro$g5

di)erentiation fo"$s in t5e E and $ro#ean Markets. legan"e and design

5as <een one of t5e noti"ea<le ariants f$sing its "om#etitie adantage.

H5ile '/ ant’s distri<$tors 5ae 5ig5 end #roAles@ it sim$ltaneo$sly

a"5ieed aards and re"ognition for its e6"ellen"e in design and

elegan"e. n 2003@ '/ ant introd$"ed its #rod$"ts to retail o$tlets.

7oeer@ '/ ant 5as a##lied a distin"t strategy for its international

o#erations. Cor instan"e@ '/ ant a"B$ired a grot5 of 3%R in t5e

market des#ite of re"ession "laims HalesOnline@ 2011@ making it

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 13

  *niqueness perceived by customer A  o) cost


  '!((E#ENT!AT!*N C*"T+EA'E#",!) *# +*6E# C*"T




Page 14: Bottled Water strategy in UK

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

o<sera<le t5at '/ ant im#lemented "ost and di)erentiation strategy to

attain s$"5 #rogress.

&om"etiti'e ad'antage strategy "ursued at T) *ant +in

 (nso’s 'ie#,:

Most "ommonly@ nso)’s #rod$"t market grot5 matri6 is an ideal

re#resentation to determine t5e grot5 and deelo#ment of t5e

"on"erned organi>ation. '5e matri6 is deised into fo$r "ol$mns tagged as

Market deelo#ment strategies@ diersiA"ation strategies@ Market

#enetration strategies@ #rod$"t deelo#ment strategies.

 (nso "roduct market gro#t matri-:

78 79 !7; P134*(% Page 14

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

do#ted from !5a)ey@ 2011

 '/ ant 5as e6tra"ted to "on"ise strategies from t5e matri6 a<oe. '5is

deriation 5as <een im#lemented from t5e geogra#5i" targets aro$nd t5e

organi>ation. '/ ant $ses #rod$"t deelo#ment strategies to ela<orate

t5eir market segmentation. ""ording to a re"ent "ase st$dy

H<admorgan@ 2012@ '/ ant deelo#s a al$e added #ro#osition to its

#rod$"t in terms of its mer"5andise@ elegan"e@ design and distri<$tors.

;e"onsidering its o#erations@ '/ ant distri<$tes its #rod$"t to 3&

"o$ntries aro$nd t5e orld@ o<sera<ly #erforming market deelo#ment

strategy '/ ant 2013. 7oeer@ '/ ant 5as not s5on o<sera<le

#rogress in $ro#ean and domesti" markets@ 5ile its sales in"lined to

%0R to international markets. '5is reass$res t5at '/ ant 5as deelo#ed a

s$""essf$l market #enetration strategy in international markets.

TEC,N*+*&!CA+ 'EVE+*)MENT" !N T,E (!E+'*( MA#%ET!N&$nnoations 5as alays <een t5e dominant #5enomenon in glo<al

<$siness markets. Most "ommon medi$m of "omm$ni"ation are '@ radio@

internet and is$als. Progression in te"5nology 5as <een inQ$ential to all

t5e organi>ations e6#anding t5eir market to seeral segmentations@

#ress$ring marketers to im#lement strategies for t5eir #rod$"ts to

#osition t5emseles in an o#timal media mi6 dertising ge@ 2010.

Colloing #oints ill 5el# '/ ' to en5an"e t5eir marketing t5ro$g5

te"5nologi"al as#e"ts.

1. Social Media: l$sie Ford of mo$t5G #5enomenon 5as alays

<een t5e 5$rdle adertisers so$g5t a ay. o"ial media makes an

immediate medi$m of lie "ons$mers’ res#onse. '5is allos

marketers t5e o#tion to monitor f$rt5er and "ontri<$te more

eS"iently. '5e im#a"t of so"ial media 5as <een s$<stantial as its5ifts t5e "onersation to t5e "ons$mers at an $n#re"edented leel

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

of "ontrol oer ea"5 <rands@ eent$ally making t5em as t5e <est

adertisers of t5e <rand.

2. Interest .ased ad'ertising +.ea'ioural Targeting,:

8e5aioral targeting is #ers$asie for many "$stomers. '5is trend

5as deelo#ed a 5ig5 leel of #re"ision. 7oeer@ t5e leel of 

"a$tion to <e o<sered 5ere is t5at "ons$mers are s$s#i"io$s of 

<eing at"5ed on t5e e<. t is to <e $nderstood t5at self-reg$latory#rin"i#les 5ae already <een in legislation #rote"ting stat$tory

rig5ts in ad-s$##orted a"t@ 5ere t5e "ons$mers 5ae t5e rig5t to

allo s$"5 ads to <e is$ali>ed it5o$t t5eir #ersonal "onsent and


3.  Mo$ile ad'ertising$ !onsidering t5is trend "an <e <eneA"ial

for '/ ant. ""ording to dertising age 2012@ mo<ile adertising

ind$stry is e6#e"ted to <e T1.%& <illion in 2013. nternet reeals t5e

#otential $sers for ea"5 market alloing t5em to deelo# an

integrated marketing strategy.

4. Marketing MI/ Modelling$  '5is #arti"$lar trend #roides

analysts it5 o##ort$nities to t5ink more #re"isely a<o$t integrated

marketing. nnoation in te"5nology 5as fo$nd ays to "reate 5ig5ly

#rod$"tie media-de"ision models <y intertining analyses of 

"ons$mer sensitiity to a <randUs media #latforms. '5is me"5ani>es t5e

o##ort$nity to in"rease and en5an"e marketing #lan 5ile red$"ing

oerall "osts and <$dgets.

C*NC+"!*N$n "om#arison it5 t5e Anan"ial data ;efer ##endi"es@ it as o<sered

t5at '/ ant’s gross #roAt 5ad a de"line along it5 t5e ann$al t$rnoer.

One #ossi<le deriation from t5is is t5at '/ ant’s #rod$"tion 5as gonedon 5i"5 mig5t 5ae o""$rred d$e to fall in sales. C$rt5ermore@ as

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Marketing Management.

Critical Analysis of current practices in TY NANT and

Value addition evaluation.

Date: 14 – May - 2013

analysed a<oe@ '/ ant 5as not s5on o<sera<le #rogression in t5e

domesti" market. Hit5 t5e in"rease in "om#etitors in t5e same se"tor@

a$stere goernmental reforms and legislations makes t5e market

#enetration een narroer. ""ording to C 200(@ t5e fair trade trinity

reform o<ligates t5e reg$lation t5at <ottled ater ind$stry o#erations 5as

to follo <ot5 domesti" and e$ro#ean reg$altions. C$rt5er to t5e

o<seration in t5e Anan"ial data@ t5e "ost of sales 5as s5oen s$<stantial

in"rease d$e to #romotional "one#ts a##lied to #romote t5eir #rod$"t. t is

also o<sered from t5e analysis and data #roided t5at '/ ant sells most

of its #rod$"t to international markets d$e to ta6 <eneAts and #ri"ing

strategies. '5is interestingly seemed <$ild #roAta<le relations5i#s for '/


#ecommendations$• n"rease t5e sales of t5e "om#any in t5e domesti" market

t5ro$g5 strignent market #enetration strategies.

• !onider t5e si>e of t5e target market. '/ ant m$st s$<tantiate

its a##roa"5es to retailer se"tor and "om#ete in normal #ri"e


•  'ry inesting in a s$< "om#any to "om#ete it5 t5e retail se"tor.

 '5is ill en5an"e t5e market segementation for '/ ant.

•   '/ ant "an s$<tantiate "om#etite #ri"ing strateigies and

"on"entrate more on <oosting t5e sales ol$me so as to in"rease

t5e #roAts.

-ibliograpydertising ge@ 2010. '& "echnological Advances Marketers Can@t ive 3ithout.


aila<le at: 5tt#:JJadage."omJarti"leJ"mo-strategyJ<o<-liodi"e-10-te"5-

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