boudreau #czc2014 - educating the public panel

The Role of Social Media Paul Boudreau, Senior Research Fellow International Ocean Institute

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The Role of Social Media

Paul Boudreau, Senior Research Fellow

International Ocean Institute

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Personal Confession:I am a technophileEmail since 1994 - Facebook user since 2007

Presently Use:FacebookTwitterLinkedin

LanyrdYoutubeTumbrEtc., etc., etc.

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Social Media Implementations

FacebookTwitterLinkedinYoutubeWikipediaTED Talks

Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)Etc.Etc.Etc.

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Key Aspects (generally)FreeUniversally accessibleRequires content and contactSocial – everyone can participate

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The Power of Social Media:Its Social!

WE NEED: Facts and figures BUT: Humans are social by nature.

We are influenced by what other humans do.

SO: Social media allows one to overcome barriers:Geograhic separation - connect around the worldSocio-econmomic separation - connect with academics, managers, fishers, 1st Nations, etc., etc., etc.Language differences

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TED TalksTechnology, Entertainment, DesignVideo deliver of short presentationsWatched one billion times worldwideEngaging, entertaining, accessibleBUT:

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Are TED Talks Working?Benjamin Bratton,

Associate Profesor of Visual Arts, University of Califoria, San Diego

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Can Social Media Play a Role?Maybe Yes:

Deliver facts, figures, pictures, videos etc.Connects people

Maybe No:Risks being just entertainment without impactNeeds content and engagementCan it influence people to change?????

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Social media – needs to be Social

Content Distribution PEOPLE participating