bourbon news. (paris, ky) 1900-01-02 [p 7]. · 2017-12-15 · children and babies than in any other...

srgr vT5 T SeT f r pY vf fffg S V JF THE BOURBON r i k c I 1 1 k r w AR1A K T JESDAYJ NU Y2 1 1900 Getting In Fanlilon der why sIte is so offended he iaffite becawse of the letter sent ec replied her dearest friend cdofi- Wfcy there was nothing in that to ffo i her he protested in it b t on the envelope ex gitofaiti ker eaest friend ad fired it to atfcK Mary Smith Well i at the her wane Ttt Md to be bvt now its Mayrye Scaly Fellow There had bees a robbery at the cOMKidh while tWT feral services wore Sa dress ad the suspected perso- na tafeaager who had seemed deply af Seeied had got away Osa you describe him asked the detective Kes aaswe ed the victim He was cairxTfakg a small alligator grip and fshoMtBg large crocodile tears Chi cap Trfbrae ONCE MORE you ih Dy H Poet Rhapsody kick t a mule WII 7tMI mace OM dad BaIat seen atm r mL wit You tkOkiotg BlIlvillian Tlie stance kicked anneal Atlaata Coettttetlon- M Bv Fiddle D Daniel was QM into a den of lions but not one of them dared touch him Paptt scornfully Aw dats nuth Sri 1 eeea a duck do dat act in de cir etc ass jear Chicago Inter Ocean Understands His Business Aa ttMiertaker Mow for Wow Agfct TWdld badly pa out 31wt wfcea It cotes te boxing though H TO Matty lay his man eut The Difference Cbere Is one difference said old Me Xweldagbara between our son and ipoor rwle Whats that his wife asked A poor rule wont work both ways ether wont work cog Her Wterary Pretense Did ever ead Grays Elegy in a Cowrtrj Church yard The fair young girl looked puzzled Yes indeed sJsc asrwered J have read it la a country churchyard and lots of other ptaeei Washington Star Experts So we are goiag to take a census of OK I understasid that onehalf the pp a4foa of Chioago have applied for tie J h BroAki jx JAfe JAr JJBMSP Tve been ejected to the of- fice f iBTincible high protector of the sanctuary im my His Wife What are the duties Mr Jb cr I have to ward the outer door Chicago Trtbwae- HJs Kejvard of Merit was o on at M AuMtra- lBeeavoe from aztr ywit- hHxajiiait it Ajrfaauihad tftte candid man CHAXGB JDF MKSIL t t t How- e ya Jlttte 4 r any wayChi you bat e ty Nos Ne Te he- JtUJeIrs DYe j 17 The TIzees Herald fr Aaomeat Onba Dignity lodge- S v There a l a1ws3 k 3dae ¬ do JOB wamtT I want er hot bird an er large cold bottle bat I kin git erlong wid some hard eWer a f er pumpkin pie if yer got baiady Y Bveningr JournaL Like Some Girls he ate a rubber shoe i d seitly he would hum B arfi raa dotes nothing Fm simply chewing sum I rem The goat n w Dally News 1 What fL Chicago First Lady What New Years pres eat are you going to give to your hus- band Second Lady A hundred cigars First Lady nd what did you paj for them Second nothing For the last few months I have taken one or two out of Jacks box every day He hasnt noticed it and will be pleased with my the right quality oi Weekly We Can Wait Did she think that the world was eagerly waiting for that first poem of hers Evidently She got me out of bed to make a copy of it on the typewriter- and then sent it to the editor by special delivery That was 18 months ago and the poem has never Press Revenge Voice from the top you see the sign in the hall ped dlers allowed in this building Answering Voice at other end of speaking tube loud enough to be heard through the aint a ped dler maam Im the boy from the den tists with your new Tribune Another War Victim war has caused a pile of suffering has indeed I have suf- fered terribly from it myself you didnt go to the war did you Tubbs No but I married the widow of a man who did Town Topics No Harm Done The Parson I understand you brought your dog to church with you Sunday Thomas Thomas Yes your reverence but he went to sleep as soon as you began- to preach like the rest of us and dis turbed no one sir SFonkoisS States A Plain Proposal Im a plain man Miss Timmins You are Mr Barclay Can I make myself any plainer Impossible 2ilr Barclay Then your answer in plain words In one plain word Mr Barclay Plain Dealer Alas She seemed to treat me like a dog There isnt any doubt Except there is no chance now of A Moens taking out N Y World DIDNT ADMIRE THE EXERCISE A Thoughtful Wife LadyOh cigarsColliers appearedDetroit- Free fiatCant thereno buildingI teethChicago HubbsThis TubbsIt HubbsWhy man yesCleveland t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Mrs Morton has no piano in her new house Mrs shes a little sen- sitive about pianos Mrs Brush Why Mrs Crandall Well she was Mr Mor tons stenographer before they were Life Dogs Delight Never mind the small pup when his howl ings begin He bowls to get out Just to howl to get in Chicago Record A Possible Explanation Harold I think Algys engagement with Miss Van Swelle must be broken off I never see them together any more they are married N Y Journal A Bad Lot Harold Hot a bit particular whether you get married or not Why some girls pray for men Grace Witmer Well you cant blame them for men need praying for Puck Physical Impossibility Nell I wouldnt be in yoar shoes BeUe sweetly You couldnt get into them my Obstinate Women Clara when you are in the wrong Yes I will only Im never in the vtronf Chicago Record Ills Pa Explains Tommy Pa is the buby crying be cause any teeth Father No my son hes crying be- cause h going to have some Puck The of All Bill There is a handorgan trust now Jill Another grinding monopoly Yonkers Statesman BrushMrs CrandallNo marriedHarlem PercyPerhaps ProudfootWhat thatthe for- D wyt ing dearTitBits you never wIll acknowledge it hAsnt Worst z 7 c t i he ¬ = < PRACTICAL PHILANTHROPY- A Most Worthy Cincinnati Enterprise That Should Be Generally Known Who has not heard of those hotels in New York and other Eastern cities in which people who have 110 homes and whose means are limited find a substitute for a home so far as com- fort is concerned Much has been written in praise of these hotels and the good they have accomplished Perhaps few are aware that a mod el hotel of this kind has opened its doors in Cincinnati to young men without homes which compares most favorably with the Eastern hotels of this character The hotel is called the Colum bian located at the corner of Long worth and Elm streets It is the property of one of the most prom inent citizens of Cincinnnati who makes the investment not for profit but to help those in need of such ac commodations without having to fall- back on the The basement of the sixstory struc ture devoted to this enterprise is fitted out with baths nicely and con- veniently arranged which are free to its patrons There is also a small hall in the basement where games such as cards dominos chess etc add to an evenings amusement and affords pasttime On the second floor tine find the reading room where the most prom inent newspapers and periodicals are distributed for the use of the guests The other floors are laid out in lodging rooms containing bed chairs and hooks fastened to the wall to hang garments Cleanliness reigns supreme and is indeed exemplary and be it said to the credit of the es establishment that even the most fas tidious housewife could not find cause for complaint on this score The beds are iron and the linen is changed daily so that each guest at evening finds a freshly covered bed Wardrobes are placed in those rooms which are particularly set apart for guests who live for any length of time at the hotel On each floor there are also several marble wash stands and other necessary apart ments As before stated everything- is thoroughly neat and clean There are accommodations for about two hundred guests The price for lodgings is 25 cents per night with the use of the bath and this price holds good whether the lodger be a guest of the hotel for one night only or for any length of time The rooms are heated by steam and the hotel is lighted by electricity throughout A commodious elevator connecting several stories is another great convenience of the hoteL The building is constructed of iron and stone and is therefore as fireproof as can be made Further more easy of aqcessiEoin all parts of the building make the ex- it in case of fire an easily matter The whole is a model institution and offers to its guests at a very rea- sonable price many of the comforts- of home To a great many men this hotel has indeed proven a great blessing and deserves the fullest The undertaking is a philanthropic- one the cause good and although not proclaimed from the housetops the establishment fulfills all expecta- tions and if these lines bring to a wider circle of acquaintance this Model Hotel they serve a good pur pose NURSERY CARS Here Is a Wail from a Bachelor Who IB Particular About Companion The innovation of a nursery car upon our at any rate upon the longdistance be an in stitution hailed with delight by all men and most women says the Cincinnati Enquirer How many men who do not them- selves smoke invariably travel in a smoking carriage because there they feel more secure from an invasion of children and babies than in any other part of the train Babies form a class entirely by them selves in the category of unpleasant traveling companions and there are probably few who at some time in their lives have not had experience of the noisy peppermint sucking dear little children who tram- ple on your toes and deposit luscious halfsucked gobs of taffy on your trous- ers in their endeavors to reach the win dow to put their heads out whence they are promptly hauled back by anx- ious mothers or nurses and cry or the babies in arms who placidly assimilate milk from a bottle until jolt of the train makes them choke having at that moment more nourishment than they can possibly deal with or the inquir- ing child who plays with the hinges of the door until the guard slams it or the child who is perpetually feeding and throughout the journey sits in a state sucking oranges the allpervading odor of which fills the car riage Babies are all very well but a baby In a railway carriage like a burl in china shop is out of place How Things Worked New shoes make old ones last bet ter What do you mean When you know you have a new pair in your closet you feel like wearing the old ones a while longer Chicago Record A Similar Feeling Galloway I dont suppose any man can realize how Dewey feels with all the honors that are being showered upon bim T dont know Weve get a l2ponriat aby at ourhoase N Y World 1 railwaysor trainswould semi torpid a 1 WicksleyOh j ii j ii4 I i saloon t perfect- ly ire escapgs accom- plished rec- ognition Travel- ing sticks fingered ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Latest tn Advertising- A new scheme of advertising was resorted- to by a progressive firm in a pros in The junior of the firm swore out a warrant for the ar- rest of the senior partner on the ground that he was selling cost firm ccnstaaUy losing money The case came up in court and the coun for the senior partner asked fora post ponement in order to more time to case The judge granted re bail was fixed mem- ber released As he left the courtroom the junior partner arose and esdahned If the sacrifice will on The aews soon spread and the firm did a better business When the case was again caned firm had succeeded in their object advertisement Philadelphia Call MormoRlsm This is a question that should interest one a our fair land a symptom of governmental illhealth The act as speedily upon it as Hostetters Stomach con stipation or dyspepsia would it out restore healthy a this is what the for the hu man constitution It makes the stomach strong by curing indigestion biliousness and EqualIty of the Sexes Woman certainly stands at last upon a footing more equal with that instance she may no entree into the column of the literary mag- azines merely murdering has as her go in search of centuries upon a bicycle etc Boston Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as will destroy the sense of smell and completely whole sys tem when it through the mucous surfaces Such articles never be used on prescriptions from reputable physicians as they ten fold to the you can possibly derive from them Halls manufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo 0 contains no mercury is taken the blood and mucous surfaces of the system In buying Halls Catarrh Cure be sure you the uine It is taken internally and made Toledo Ohio by F Co Testi- monials free by Druggists 7oc bottle Halls are best Time and Money Miss The foreign nobility having nothing to do must Miss I notice those who come over never seem to have any Standard and Tunes The Best Prescription for Chills and Fever is a bottle of GKOVES TASTRU- Cn ILL Toxic Its simply iron and quinine in utnsteess form cure no pay Mr Zweipiggiesteinstopper is the of a located in this city The other morning a morning I vas glad to see you but I mention your name Im shortness of breathe dis Jofiet Ill Star 20 Per Week We pay 20 week and expenses for man with introduce our Mixture Send for terms Excelsior Mfg Co Parsons Kans Charitable man Jenks is Really treet today and asked us him the price of a meal I gave him a dime Press Crying Babies Are the ones who take for Group Pneumonia and Diphtheria Hox number of artiolss left on the pawnbrokers hands proves that there arc a world without a redeeming quality Elliott Magazine The Queen Crescent Only through Pullman line to Florida The Crescent only through car line to Asheville Popularity often makes a man believe isnt true Chicago Daily News To Cure a Cold In One rako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund money to cure 25c A man who is in the habit of telling every he hears soon doesnt soon very la Democrat Pisos Cure 29 J Ohio Ave Allegheny Pa March 10 W The hungry mendicant prefers the cold ham Daily News PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not tain tbo hands or spot the kettle Sold by ill druggests The virtue is industry all the other follow in its Globe THE MARKETS Cincinnati Dec 30 LIVE STOCK Catte comn 3 50 1 33 Select butcher 5 00 CALVES Extra 750 825 HOGS Choice packers 4 40 4 45 176 G 135 5 GO d o FLOUR Winter nt 825 3 ffe 2 red JOJ4 No 3 red g 2 mixed 2 mixed 9 26- DO NT 1 1116 pork Lard HAy Choice tnvjtlty BUTTER Choice dairy 16 Choice APPLES Chohti to fancy 3 POTATOES Per brl CHICAGO FLOUR Winter patent 3 40 3 53 SB AIN WheatNo 2 red OT 4 No 3 spring W GUVs CORNNO ST v i a S4- PORKMefei 8 86 LARD Steam 530 o B7 NEW YORK FLOT Winter patent 3 55 3 75 VHEATNo 2 rwU g 5vi CORN No 2 4W- RT13 g OATSMixed PORKMes 10 5Q LARDSteam 5 9a BALTIMORE FLOUR Family S2 J o GRAIN WheatNo 2 red Southern BS TO 71Js 30 2 white 30 ii- Hyo No 2 w to 57 CAjrrLE First quality i 75 0 5 25 IOGSWetern 4 40 INDIANAPOLIS GRAIN 69 Corn No 2 mixed 3 V6 2 mixed 3i patent 3 45 3W BRAIN Wheat No 2 red 71 72 Corn Mixed Oats aiixed 28 0950 LARD Steam WK pre- pare ased plaintiff appeared and the was every quickly man the north pole or to consecutive an in price mo- notonous KostiqueYes changeCatholic him in n Good ill starn A stepped us on Jenks did better him a tooth pickPhiladelphia roup Cure is safe sure ro eta The I j ay I mUchWashington After six years suffering I was cured n at on 4 W 1 Mixed packets 430 LIght 3 SI 4 10 LAMBSExtra i5 tt GRAINWheatNo CornNo OatsNo PROVISIONSMess 1 Uo 350 tI 0 t mixed ot 29 10 I U CornMixed OatsNo 450 I OatsNo LOUISVILLE FLOURWinter it h G PORKMess 6 SO- i j t 2 there- by an a op b as ride Jour- nal inter- nally as rice50c nei rig t r es felow s thin 440 shippers 4 4 334a 54 75 IS creamery 26 0 OATS No rsQe i 0 790 pia tF may ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < > > < < > U S SENATOR ROACH Says Peruna the Catarrh Cure Gives Strength and Appetite Hon w N Roach United States Senator From North Dakota N Roach United States Senator from North Dakota personally endorses Peruna the great catarrh cure and tonic In a recent fo The Peruna Medicine Company at Columbus Ohio written from Washington IX d Senator Roach says Persuaded By a friend I have used Peruna as a ionic to testify that it has greatly helped me in strength vigor and appetite Y have Been advised by friends that it is remarkably efficacious as a cure far the almost universal complaint of catarrh Senator Roachs home address is Larimore North Dakotas Peruna is not a guess nor an experiment it is an absolute scientific Peruna cures catarrh wherever located Peruaa has no sabatitatear no rivals Insist upon having Peruna Let no one persuade that some other remedy will do nearly as welL There is no other remedy for catarrh but Peruna Address the Peruna Medicine Company Columbus Ofclo for free book on catarrh written by Dr Hartman Star tin tags showing small stars printed on under side of tag Horse Shoe Good Luck Cross and Drummond Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal valuein Every man woman and child can find something on the list that they would like to have and can have TAOS I TABS 1 Match Box 35 23 dock Calendar Thonnom 2 KnVe one blade cood steel 25 Bro eier MO 4 Child Set Knife Fork and Spoon 25 j 25 Revolver aatomaUc decide 5 Sat Pepper Set one each 32 or 38 caliber 6 French Briar Wood 25 681 7 Razor hollow ground tine English 37 Set decorated porcelain steel SO W Butter Knife triple plate best 23 Remington Rifle No 4J12r Meal 8OT quality CQ stiver roll jeweled 1069 9 tnple best 66 30 Dress Case leather handsome 10 Stamp Box sterling silver 70 1008 11 two blades 75 31 Sewing Machine first class with 12 Bntcher Knife Keen gutter Sin 18 blade 75 S2 Revolver Celts 33calibor blued IS Keen Kutter 8incn 75 steel 109 14 Nut Set Cracker and Picks sliver S3 Colts lSsh t22 aUberl0 80 34 WaahbHra r sewe ai 15 BaU Association best laid 3NO 16 Alarm Clock nickel 150 as Mamk Hn YHIP i n uni MM 17 Six Genuine Rogers Teaspoons best 18 Watch nickel stem wind and set 200 aees 19 Carvers good steel bucJcborn 37 ham handles a merShotGnnlfl0rl2saBgo 21 50 r 22 Six each Genuine Rogers Knives rel haaamerleas 3660 and Forks beet plated goods 500 40 Regina Mask Box 15Jf iaah Disa J08P j THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30m 1900 n Vt- ZTBEAR MIND that a worth of STAR PLUG TOBACCO trill laxt longer and Word pleasaro than a other bi and I Hop W I and g n i 1 SAVE STAR YOUR U U J T U U II tt securing presents mentioned below and may be assorted J E t day eter S inches Gun leather no made anti on metal Tool Set net sat real 9 qUA aad X D u atbcluaents hears G JI1ttcd lie 38 Repeating Sket Gen RemID n 20 Siz Ro ors Table Spoons 38 Bleyele standard make ladles se best plated Six buck horn handles doable liar Special Notlce P11 n Stu Tin Ta tJaat Star tJa tap With no l on under side ot ta Are not but Will be for In CASH OR the bails ftRbJI hundred If on r before I9U ogre or ary MAKE THE TEST end tags to CO St Louis Min lam certain- ty Boyd i E E 8 Set sore 434 25 24 better 6 tad 50 26 tools quit durable O 6 Ride Baa Winchester E gauge W 9001 Genuine goo each and Furks 960 gen 39 Gun stars id twesj p recd yv nr Xech ht LEI dunes dimes Wert i CON TIOiENT L TOB3000 > >> << + have been troubled a deal wIth a torpid liver which produces constipa tion I found CASG ARETS to be all you claim Tor them and secured such relief the tlrst trial that I purchased another supply and was com I shall only be too glad to rec ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity Is presented J A Susquehanna Ave Philadelphia Pa CANDY CATHARTIC Palatable Potent Taste Good Do Never Sicken Weaken or 25cS6c CURE CONSTIPATION HOTOBAG The best remedy for Grippe cough Croup Small doses sure results Constipation DlSCOTEBTt gives qackrcSlef md mrt worst rases Book of testimonial and 10 treaua at Free r H OKlXNS SOJiS Box l Atlanta tia Liver- I rea GOOd Gripe 1 c cupur C21Jcaco Sold and guaranteed by all drug rB1111sI C h oug Consumption S Cong Y r u P ncss Asthma sCTe TrialJ z fTJCe DROPSY Y I ifr5 I JIi r TRADE MART RM1islIRtD stern Remedy itatrrat Sew York 760 II itato i 1 ¬ ¬ < > < JO 5 i 0 sotbu most iy over ea SttM and kigte or L Daw 1Htdec at and Ie U near oae esprees ze Ri READERS OF THis I TO IN ITS SHOULD UPON ALL SUDSTlTLTBS 0 V r asar VIRGINIA FARMS load da09Is exsntRNet lapHaI wttite L lepe It IBe LC12- A N KE WRITING TO please Wet aaf the till I 1 7t1 as wit g to eaa be tine elegant ease extra g euua oNt assa airy pet I o q equal to say tt1rtgit with uses r h l 4 ur goose tit a reed vs wt1- p totree aaS press adRes w WSt b D- oWitt t eua pay zpre o5and airgsa ails f you w L ae r UaITIf nori a nat tatiewli t7a PAPt3- RDMU G agr AIIYTEIXG- ADYBUTEED CQLG3tIig I5NS1ST 3LtViall- WUAT TBLEY ASK 1T1g16 ARTEffZii- y stale Thu fore ran i0t Good rrNe arset healthy dNmatefree f Low asd y terse u n aCayn aco k 1194W- ILENY AHVEBTIsr Susie yen Atir tEaer neat is paper = = = + + +

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Page 1: Bourbon News. (Paris, KY) 1900-01-02 [p 7]. · 2017-12-15 · children and babies than in any other part of the train Babies form a class entirely by them selves in the category of

srgr vT5 T SeT f r pY vf fffg S V JF


r ik c


1 1 k r

w AR1A K T JESDAYJ NU Y2 11900

Getting In Fanlilonder why sIte is so offended he

iaffitebecawse of the letter sent

ec replied her dearest friend cdofi-

Wfcy there was nothing in that toffo i her he protested

in it b t on the envelope exgitofaiti ker eaest friend adfired it to atfcK Mary Smith

Well i at the her waneTtt Md to be bvt now its Mayrye

Scaly FellowThere had bees a robbery at the

cOMKidh while tWT feral services woreSa dress a d the suspected perso-na tafeaager who had seemed deply afSeeied had got away

Osa you describe him asked thedetective

Kes aaswe ed the victim He wascairxTfakg a small alligator grip andfshoMtBg large crocodile tears Chicap Trfbrae






Rhapsodykick t a mule

WII 7tMI maceOM dad

BaIat seen atmr mL





annealAtlaata Coettttetlon-


Bv Fiddle D Daniel wasQM into a den of lions but not oneof them dared touch him

Paptt scornfully Aw dats nuthSri 1 eeea a duck do dat act in de ciretc ass jear Chicago Inter Ocean

Understands His BusinessAa ttMiertaker Mow for Wow

Agfct TWdld badly pa out31wt wfcea It cotes te boxing though

H TO Matty lay his man eut

The DifferenceCbere Is one difference said old

Me Xweldagbara between our son andipoor rwleWhats that his wife askedA poor rule wont work both ways

ether wont workcog

Her Wterary PretenseDid ever ead Grays Elegy in a

Cowrtrj Church yardThe fair young girl looked puzzled

Yes indeed sJsc asrwered J haveread it la a country churchyard and lotsof other ptaeei Washington Star

ExpertsSo we are goiag to take a census of

OK I understasid that onehalf thepp a4foa of Chioago have applied fortie J h BroAki jx JAfe

JAr JJBMSP Tve been ejected to the of-

fice f iBTincible high protector of thesanctuary im my

His Wife What are the dutiesMr Jb cr I have to ward the outer

door Chicago Trtbwae-

HJs Kejvard of Meritwas o on at M AuMtra-

lBeeavoe from aztr ywit-hHxajiiait it Ajrfaauihad tftte candid man



t tHow-




4 rany wayChi


bat e ty

Nos Ne

Te he-JtUJeIrs




TheTIzees Herald

fr Aaomeat




v There al

a1ws3 k3dae


do JOB wamtTI want er hot bird an er large cold

bottle bat I kin git erlong wid somehard eWer a f er pumpkin pie if yer got

baiady Y Bveningr JournaL

Like Some Girlshe ate a rubber shoe

i d seitly he would humB arfi raa dotes nothingFm simply chewing sum



The goat

n w

Dally News

1 What


First Lady What New Years preseat are you going to give to your hus-band

Second Lady A hundred cigarsFirst Lady nd what did you paj

for themSecond nothing For the

last few months I have taken one ortwo out of Jacks box every day Hehasnt noticed it and will be pleasedwith my the right quality oi


We Can WaitDid she think that the world was

eagerly waiting for that first poem ofhers

Evidently She got me out of bedto make a copy of it on the typewriter-and then sent it to the editor by specialdelivery That was 18 months ago andthe poem has never


RevengeVoice from the top you

see the sign in the hall peddlers allowed in this building

Answering Voice at other end ofspeaking tube loud enough to be heardthrough the aint a peddler maam Im the boy from the dentists with your newTribune

Another War Victimwar has caused a pile

of sufferinghas indeed I have suf-

fered terribly from it myselfyou didnt go to the

war did youTubbs No but I married the widow

of a man who did Town TopicsNo Harm Done

The Parson I understand youbrought your dog to church with youSunday Thomas

Thomas Yes your reverence buthe went to sleep as soon as you began-to preach like the rest of us and disturbed no one sir SFonkoisS States

A Plain ProposalIm a plain man Miss TimminsYou are Mr BarclayCan I make myself any plainerImpossible 2ilr BarclayThen your answer in plain wordsIn one plain word Mr Barclay

Plain Dealer

AlasShe seemed to treat me like a dog

There isnt any doubtExcept there is no chance now of

A Moens taking outN Y World


A Thoughtful Wife















Mrs Morton has nopiano in her new house

Mrs shes a little sen-sitive about pianos

Mrs Brush WhyMrs Crandall Well she was Mr Mor

tons stenographer before they wereLife

Dogs DelightNever mind the small pup when his howl

ings beginHe bowls to get out Just to howl to get in

Chicago Record

A Possible ExplanationHarold I think Algys engagement

with Miss Van Swelle must be brokenoff I never see them together anymore

they are marriedN Y Journal

A Bad LotHarold Hot a bit

particular whether you get married ornot Why some girls pray for men

Grace Witmer Well you cant blamethem for men need prayingfor Puck

Physical ImpossibilityNell I wouldnt be in yoar shoes

BeUe sweetly You couldnt getinto them my

Obstinate WomenClara when you are in the wrong

Yes I will only Im never in thevtronf Chicago Record

Ills Pa ExplainsTommy Pa is the buby crying be

cause any teethFather No my son hes crying be-

cause h going to have some Puck

The of AllBill There is a handorgan trust

nowJill Another grinding monopoly

Yonkers Statesman







for-D wyt ing


you never wIll acknowledge it




7 c t i



= <


A Most Worthy Cincinnati EnterpriseThat Should Be Generally Known

Who has not heard of those hotelsin New York and other Eastern citiesin which people who have 110 homesand whose means are limited find asubstitute for a home so far as com-fort is concerned Much has beenwritten in praise of these hotels andthe good they have accomplished

Perhaps few are aware that a model hotel of this kind has opened itsdoors in Cincinnati to young menwithout homes which compares mostfavorably with the Eastern hotels ofthis character

The hotel is called the Columbian located at the corner of Longworth and Elm streets It is theproperty of one of the most prominent citizens of Cincinnnati whomakes the investment not for profitbut to help those in need of such accommodations without having to fall-back on theThe basement of the sixstory struc

ture devoted to this enterprise isfitted out with baths nicely and con-veniently arranged which are free toits patrons There is also a small hallin the basement where games suchas cards dominos chess etc add toan evenings amusement and affordspasttime

On the second floor tine find thereading room where the most prominent newspapers and periodicals aredistributed for the use of the guests

The other floors are laid out inlodging rooms containing bed chairsand hooks fastened to the wall tohang garments Cleanliness reignssupreme and is indeed exemplaryand be it said to the credit of the esestablishment that even the most fastidious housewife could not findcause for complaint on this scoreThe beds are iron and the linen ischanged daily so that each guest atevening finds a freshly covered bedWardrobes are placed in those roomswhich are particularly set apart forguests who live for any length oftime at the hotel On each floorthere are also several marble washstands and other necessary apartments As before stated everything-is thoroughly neat and clean

There are accommodations forabout two hundred guests The pricefor lodgings is 25 cents per nightwith the use of the bath and thisprice holds good whether the lodgerbe a guest of the hotel for one nightonly or for any length of time

The rooms are heated by steamand the hotel is lighted by electricitythroughout A commodious elevatorconnecting several stories is anothergreat convenience of the hoteL

The building is constructed of ironand stone and is therefore as

fireproof as can be made Furthermore easy of aqcessiEoinall parts of the building make the ex-it in case of fire an easily

matterThe whole is a model institution

and offers to its guests at a very rea-sonable price many of the comforts-of home To a great many menthis hotel has indeed proven a greatblessing and deserves the fullest

The undertaking is a philanthropic-one the cause good and althoughnot proclaimed from the housetopsthe establishment fulfills all expecta-tions and if these lines bring to awider circle of acquaintance thisModel Hotel they serve a good pur



Here Is a Wail from a Bachelor WhoIB Particular About


The innovation of a nursery car uponour at any rate upon thelongdistance be an institution hailed with delight by all menand most women says the CincinnatiEnquirer

How many men who do not them-selves smoke invariably travel in asmoking carriage because there theyfeel more secure from an invasion ofchildren and babies than in any otherpart of the train

Babies form a class entirely by themselves in the category of unpleasanttraveling companions and there areprobably few who at some time in theirlives have not had experience of thenoisy peppermintsucking dear little children who tram-ple on your toes and deposit luscioushalfsucked gobs of taffy on your trous-ers in their endeavors to reach the window to put their heads out whencethey are promptly hauled back by anx-ious mothers or nurses and cry or thebabies in arms who placidly assimilatemilk from a bottle until jolt of thetrain makes them choke having at thatmoment more nourishment than theycan possibly deal with or the inquir-ing child who plays with the hinges ofthe door until the guard slams it orthe child who is perpetually feedingand throughout the journey sits in a

state sucking oranges theallpervading odor of which fills the carriage

Babies are all very well but a babyIn a railway carriage like a burl inchina shop is out of place

How Things WorkedNew shoes make old ones last bet

terWhat do you mean

When you know you have a newpair in your closet you feel like wearingthe old ones a while longer ChicagoRecord

A Similar FeelingGalloway I dont suppose any man

can realize how Dewey feels with all thehonors that are being showered uponbim

T dont know Weveget a l2ponriat aby at ourhoase NY World







j ii jii4 I i

saloon t


ire escapgs


























Latest tn Advertising-A new scheme of advertising was resorted-

to by a progressive firm in a prosin The junior

of the firm swore out a warrant for the ar-rest of the senior partner on the groundthat he was selling cost

firm ccnstaaUy losing moneyThe case came up in court and the coun

for the senior partner asked fora postponement in order to more time to

case The judge granted rebail was fixed mem-

ber released As he left the courtroom thejunior partner arose and esdahned If

the sacrifice will on Theaews soon spread and the firm did a betterbusiness When the case was again caned

firm had succeeded in theirobject advertisement Philadelphia Call

MormoRlsmThis is a question that should interest

one a our fair landa symptom of governmental illhealth The

act as speedily upon it asHostetters Stomach constipation or dyspepsia would

it out restore healthy athis is what the for the human constitution It makes the stomachstrong by curing indigestion biliousness and

EqualIty of the SexesWoman certainly stands at last upon a

footing more equal with thatinstance she may no entree

into the column of the literary mag-azines merely murderinghas as her go in search of

centuries upon a bicycle etc Boston

Beware of Ointments for CatarrhThat Contain Mercury

as will destroy the sense ofsmell and completely whole system when it through the mucoussurfaces Such articles never be used

on prescriptions from reputablephysicians as they

ten fold to the you can possiblyderive from them Hallsmanufactured by F J Cheney Co Toledo0 contains no mercury is taken

the blood andmucous surfaces of the system In buyingHalls Catarrh Cure be sure you theuine It is taken internally and madeToledo Ohio by F Co Testi-monials free

by Druggists 7oc bottleHalls are best

Time and MoneyMiss The foreign nobility

having nothing to do must

Miss I notice those whocome over never seem to have any

Standard and Tunes

The Best Prescription for Chillsand Fever is a bottle of GKOVES TASTRU-Cn ILL Toxic Its simply iron and quinine inutnsteess form cure no pay

Mr Zweipiggiesteinstopper is theof a located inthis city The other morning a

morning I vas glad to see you but Imention your name Im shortness of

breathe dis Jofiet Ill Star

20 Per WeekWe pay 20 week and expenses forman

with introduce our MixtureSend for terms Excelsior Mfg CoParsons Kans

Charitable man Jenks is Really

treet today and asked us himthe price of a meal I gave him a dime


Crying BabiesAre the ones who take forGroup Pneumonia and Diphtheria Hox

number of artiolss left on thepawnbrokers hands proves that there arc a

world without aredeeming quality Elliott Magazine

The Queen CrescentOnly through Pullman line to Florida

The Crescent only through carline to Asheville

Popularity often makes a man believeisnt true Chicago Daily


To Cure a Cold In Onerako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Alldruggists refund money to cure 25c

A man who is in the habit of telling everyhe hears soon doesnt soon very

la Democrat

Pisos Cure 29J Ohio AveAllegheny Pa March 10 W

The hungry mendicant prefers the coldham DailyNews

PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do nottain tbo hands or spot the kettle Sold byill druggests

The virtue is industry all the otherfollow in its Globe


Cincinnati Dec 30LIVE STOCK Catte comn 3 50 1 33

Select butcher 5 00CALVES Extra 750 825HOGS Choice packers 4 40 4 45

176 G 135

5 GO d oFLOUR Winter nt 825 3 ffe

2 red JOJ4No 3 red g

2 mixed2 mixed 9 26-

DO NT 1 1116


HAy Choice tnvjtltyBUTTER Choice dairy 16

ChoiceAPPLES Chohti to fancy 3POTATOES Per brl

CHICAGOFLOUR Winter patent 3 40 3 53

SB AIN WheatNo 2 red OT 4No 3 spring W GUVs

CORNNO ST v ia S4-

PORKMefei 8 86LARD Steam 530 o B7

NEW YORKFLOT Winter patent 3 55 3 75

VHEATNo 2 rwU g 5viCORN No 2 4W-RT13 gOATSMixedPORKMes 10 5Q

LARDSteam 5 9a


GRAIN WheatNo 2 redSouthern BS TO 71Js

302 white 30 ii-

Hyo No 2 w to 57CAjrrLE First quality i 75 0 5 25

IOGSWetern 4 40


Corn No 2 mixed 3 V6

2 mixed 3i

patent 3 45 3 WBRAIN Wheat No 2 red 71 72

Corn MixedOats aiixed 28

0950LARD Steam




plaintiff appeared and the was




the north pole or to consecutive







him in n Goodill


A stepped us on

Jenks did better him a toothpickPhiladelphia

roup Cure is safe sure ro eta





After six years suffering I was curedn


4 W

1Mixed packets 430LIght

3 SI 4 10

LAMBSExtra i5tt














h G


i j t 2


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es felow



440shippers 4 4





OATS No rsQe



790 pia
















<< >

U S SENATOR ROACHSays Peruna the Catarrh Cure

Gives Strength and Appetite

Hon w N Roach United States Senator From North DakotaN Roach United States Senator from North Dakota personally

endorses Peruna the great catarrh cure and tonic In a recent fo ThePeruna Medicine Company at Columbus Ohio written from Washington IX dSenator Roach says

Persuaded By a friend Ihave used Peruna as a ionicto testify that it has greatly helped me in strength vigor and appetite Yhave Been advised by friends that it is remarkably efficacious as a cure farthe almost universal complaint of catarrh

Senator Roachs home address is Larimore North DakotasPeruna is not a guess nor an experiment it is an absolute scientific

Peruna cures catarrh wherever located Peruaa has no sabatitatear norivals Insist upon having Peruna Let no one persuade that some otherremedy will do nearly as welL There is no other remedy for catarrhbut Peruna Address the Peruna Medicine Company Columbus Ofclo for freebook on catarrh written by Dr Hartman

Star tin tags showing small stars printed on under sideof tag Horse Shoe Good Luck Crossand Drummond Natural Leaf Tin Tags are of equal valuein

Every man woman and child can find something on the listthat they would like to have and can have

TAOS I TABS1 Match Box 35 23 dock Calendar Thonnom2 KnVe one blade cood steel 25 Bro eier MO

4 Child Set Knife Fork and Spoon 25 j 25 Revolver aatomaUc decide5 Sat Pepper Set one each 32 or 38 caliber6 French Briar Wood 25 6817 Razor hollow ground tine English 37 Set decorated porcelain

steel SO WButter Knife triple plate best 23 Remington Rifle No 4J12r Meal 8OTquality CQ stiver roll jeweled 1069

9 tnple best 66 30 Dress Case leather handsome10 Stamp Box sterling silver 70 100811 two blades 75 31 Sewing Machine first class with12 Bntcher Knife Keen gutter Sin 18

blade 75 S2 Revolver Celts 33calibor bluedIS Keen Kutter 8incn 75 steel 10914 Nut Set Cracker and Picks sliver S3 Colts lSsh t22 aUberl080 34 WaahbHra r sewe ai15 BaU Association best laid 3NO16 Alarm Clock nickel 150 as Mamk Hn YHIP i n uni MM17 Six Genuine Rogers Teaspoons best18 Watch nickel stem wind and set 200 aees19 Carvers good steel bucJcborn 37 hamhandles a merShotGnnlfl0rl2saBgo


50r 22 Six each Genuine Rogers Knives rel haaamerleas 3660

and Forks beet plated goods 500 40 Regina Mask Box 15Jf iaah Disa J08Pj THE ABOVE OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30m 1900



ZTBEAR MIND that a worth of

STAR PLUG TOBACCOtrill laxt longer and Word pleasaro than aother bi and


Hop W

Iand g




U U J T U UII tt

securing presents mentioned below and may be assorted

J E tday

eterS inches Gun leather no made

antion metal Tool Set net sat real


aadX D

u atbcluaentshears


JI1ttcd lie 38 Repeating Sket Gen

RemID n

20 Siz Ro ors Table Spoons 38 Bleyele standard make ladles sebest platedSix buckhorn handles doable liar

Special Notlce P11 n Stu Tin Ta tJaat Star tJa tap With no lon under side ot ta Are not

but Will be for In CASH OR the bails ftRbJIhundred If on r before I9U

ogre or aryMAKE THE TESTend tags to CO St Louis Min



Boyd i

E E8

Set sore 434 25 24 better 6

tad50 26 tools



6 RideBaa

WinchesterE gauge

W 9001Genuine

gooeach and Furks

960 gen39 Gun

starsid twesj p

recd yv nr Xech htLEI dunes

dimes Werti






have been troubled a dealwIth a torpid liver which produces constipation I found CASG ARETS to be all you claimTor them and secured such relief the tlrst trialthat I purchased another supply and was com

I shall only be too glad to recommend Cascarets whenever the opportunityIs presented J A

Susquehanna Ave Philadelphia Pa


Palatable Potent Taste Good DoNever Sicken Weaken or 25cS6c



The best remedy for


cough Croup Small doses sure resultsConstipation

DlSCOTEBTt givesqackrcSlef md mrt worst

rases Book of testimonial and 10 treaua atFree r H OKlXNS SOJiS Box l Atlanta tia

Liver-I rea

GOOd Gripe 1 c

cupur C21Jcaco

Sold and guaranteed by all drug

rB1111sIC houg Consumption

S CongY ru P ncss Asthma

sCTe TrialJ z fTJCe



ifr5 I




stern Remedy itatrrat Sew York 760

II itato







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