bourke public school newsletter

Bourke Public School, Green Street Bourke NSW 2840 Ph: 68 722 051 Fax: 68 722 278 Email: [email protected] Website: 2017 Attendance Target Monday 16 th October 2017, Term 4 Week 2 BOURKE PUBLIC SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Bourke Public School Calendar of Events Excursion to Lake Keepit – Monday 16 th to Friday 20 th October. 2018 Kinder Information Night – Tuesday 17 th October. AECG AGM Wednesday 18 th October. Primary Assembly this week – Thursday 19 th October. Primary Scripture this week - Thursday 19 th October. 2018 EYTC Information Night – Tuesday 24 th October. P&C Halloween Disco – Tuesday 31 st October. Combined Reference Group Meeting with BHS & BPS – Tuesday 31 st October. Mid-Term Break – Friday 10 th & Monday 13 th November. Reference Group Meeting – Wednesday 15 th November. Musica-Viva – Monday 20 th November. Year 6 Farewell – Tuesday 21 st November. Presentation Night – Deputy Principal - Miss Margaret Gordon Welcome to Week 2, this term is going to go very fast. The Primary Excursion is underway this week at Lake Keepit, I hope they all have a wonderful time and enjoy all opf the activities that are planned for the week ahead. Congratulations to the students who received the Week 10 Fortnightly 100% Attendance Reward. This term, the students will be enjoying a soft serve icecream as their reward if they have 100% attendance during the fortnight. Congratulations to all of the students who had 100% Attendance in Term 3 and received their award of Assembly this morning. An afternoon at the pool will happen this term as your reward for coming to school everyday. week. Week 1 91% OUR GOAL 93% Welcome to week 2 at Bourke Public School. 48 students and 7 staff left Bourke this morning just after 6am to head to Lake Keepit for our 2017 major excursion. I’m sure all students and staff will have a great time at the Sport & Recreation camp. Good Luck to Kruz who competes at Homebush this week at the State Athletics Carnival. Kruz will compete in the shot put, 200 metres, the 100 metres and the discus. Our 2018 Kindergarten Information Night is this week (Tuesday 17 October). Please come along and find out what Bourke Public School can provide for your child. Parents and carers still have this week to complete the Tell Them From Me Survey (it closes Friday 20 th October). The survey asks parents and carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement. Please also note it is totally anonymous and you are not able to be identified. Please go to the following address: During term 4 the Connected Communities Stategy will continue to be evaluated. All 15 schools will participate and parents/carers, students, staff, agencies and community members will be evaluated. The evaluation team will be visiting Bourke from Monday 4 th to Friday 8 th December to meet all stakeholders. If you would like to contribute to the Connected Communities evaluation please contact the school. Have a super week! Kylie Pennell PRINCIPAL’S AWARD Term 4 Week 1 2017 goes to Taekiijah Parmont

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Bourke Public School, Green Street Bourke NSW 2840 Ph: 68 722 051 Fax: 68 722 278 Email: [email protected] Website:

2017 Attendance


Monday 16th October 2017, Term 4 Week 2


Bourke Public


Calendar of Events Excursion to Lake

Keepit – Monday 16th to Friday 20th October.

2018 Kinder Information Night – Tuesday 17th October.

AECG AGM – Wednesday 18th October.

Primary Assembly this week – Thursday 19th October.

Primary Scripture this week - Thursday 19th October.

2018 EYTC Information Night – Tuesday 24th October.

P&C Halloween Disco – Tuesday 31st October.

Combined Reference Group Meeting with BHS & BPS – Tuesday 31st October.

Mid-Term Break – Friday 10th & Monday 13th November.

Reference Group Meeting – Wednesday 15th November.

Musica-Viva – Monday 20th November.

Year 6 Farewell – Tuesday 21st November.

Presentation Night – Tuesday 5th December.

Deputy Principal - Miss Margaret Gordon Welcome to Week 2, this term is going to go very fast. The Primary

Excursion is underway this week at Lake Keepit, I hope they all have

a wonderful time and enjoy all opf the activities that are planned for

the week ahead. Congratulations to the students who received the

Week 10 Fortnightly 100% Attendance Reward. This term, the

students will be enjoying a soft serve icecream as their reward if they

have 100% attendance during the fortnight. Congratulations to all of

the students who had 100% Attendance in Term 3 and received their

award of Assembly this morning. An afternoon at the pool will

happen this term as your reward for coming to school everyday.


Week 1




Welcome to week 2 at Bourke Public School. 48 students and 7 staff left Bourke this morning just after 6am to head to Lake Keepit for our 2017 major excursion. I’m sure all students and staff will have a great time at the Sport & Recreation camp. Good Luck to Kruz who competes at Homebush this week at the State Athletics Carnival. Kruz will compete in the shot put, 200 metres, the 100 metres and the discus. Our 2018 Kindergarten Information Night is this week (Tuesday 17 October). Please come along and find out what Bourke Public School can provide for your child. Parents and carers still have this week to complete the Tell Them From Me Survey (it closes Friday 20th October). The survey asks parents and carers questions about different factors that are known to impact on student wellbeing and engagement. Please also note it is totally anonymous and you are not able to be identified. Please go to the following address: During term 4 the Connected Communities Stategy will continue to be evaluated. All 15 schools will participate and parents/carers, students, staff, agencies and community members will be evaluated. The evaluation team will be visiting Bourke from Monday 4th to Friday 8th December to meet all stakeholders. If you would like to contribute to the Connected Communities evaluation please contact the school. Have a super week! Kylie Pennell


Term 4 Week 1 2017 goes to

Taekiijah Parmont


1D- Miss Duiz This week students are continuing to work on writing persuasive texts trying to convince an audience (reader) on a topic. In the afternoon sessions students will be continuing to work on the Weather unit learning about seasons and climates. Don’t forget to continue bringing in Swimmers on Friday for sport!

1B- Miss Bradley & Miss Cook

Infants News

Stage 1 AP- Miss Duiz I hope all Year 2 and Primary students who are going on the excursion to Lake Keepit have a wonderful trip this week! Thank you to all students who bought snow cones from Stage One last Thursday for us to raise money to attend the PCYC to pariticipate in Gymnastics and Athletics style activities. Have a great week!


Year 6 Graduation – Tickets are now on sale and can be purchased at the school office for $25.00.

Any Parents/Carers or community members wanting the BPS newsletter emailed to them weekly please contact the school.

Facebook - Bourke Public School has a very active facebook page. Like our page so you can follow all the exciting things that are happening at our school.

Website – Bourke Public School has an active website that provides up to date information.


Early Stage 1 AP- Miss Mowbray

Welcome to Week 2. Tomorrow night (Tuesday 17th October) is our Kindergarten Information Night. For all EYTC parents it is a wonderful opportunity to come along and talk to other school executives, kindergarten teachers and myself about all things Bourke Public School. Hope to see you there.

KF- Miss Finch Welcome to week 2. It was great to see so many students participating in swimming for sport last Friday. Don’t forget your swimmers, a towel, goggles and anything else you need for the pool this week. This week we are continuing to focus on the text ‘Why I love Australia’ and writing why we love Australia. Have a great week.

Welcome to Week 2! This week in English we will continue to look at different persuasive texts. In Maths we will continue to develop our addition and subtraction skills. In Visual Arts the students will be creating a still life of flowers. Remember each Friday we do swimming for sport don’t forget your swimmers or money! Have a nice week!

KM- Miss Mowbray Last week KM created some extremely amazing writing about the text Ten Scared Fish. We have been working hard using topic words in our writing. Our text this week is called ‘The Cocky, the Crow and the Hawk’. Our topic words for writing this week are birds, hunting, bush, black, white and feathers. Don’t forget swimming on Friday!

1C- Miss Cook What a great start to Term 4! This week we are editing and publishing our persuasive writing for ‘Hey Little Ant’. During maths, we are learning to use our maths brain to find different ways to answer questions and solve problems. We are working on our Push Pull science unit and using the computers to create an advertisement poster. Don’t forget to bring a labelled towel and swimmers on Friday.


3H- Miss Heaney I hope all students attending the Lake

Keepit excursion have a fun and enjoyable

week! 3H are enjoying reading ‘The 13-

Storey Treehouse’ as our literature unit

this term. During Maths this week we are

looking at using different strategies to

solve multiplication and division problems.

Could year 6 students please bring in a

baby photo to school ASAP for the year 6

graduation which is fast approaching.

Remember it is important to arrive at

school on time! Have a great week!

2D- Miss Dorrington This week we have begun studying the book The Shop at Hoopers Bend. This story takes us on a journey with an eleven year old girl as she discovers her past and meets new friends. We were very lucky to meet the Tour de Country team on Thursday. This session was lots of fun and guided the students towards healthy lifestyles. Remember swimming is every Friday.



Primary News

Positive Behaviour for Learning Patience

Appreciation Bourke Public School’s Motto for 2017

3W- Miss Wilson

Week 2 already! This week 3W are going to be looking at the solar system in Science. We are creating a display of the planets, moons and stars in our classroom. We hope visitors can pop in for a look a bit later in the term. We are continuing on with yourself and peer editing in English and are hoping to publish our Narratives. Don’t forget your swimmers and a towel for sport every Friday. Have a top week

Stage 3 AP- Miss Wilson Welcome to Week 2! This morning some BPS students were up very early to catch the bus to the Kale Keepit excursion. Students will be sailing, kayaking, abseiling and completing monkey climbs. We are sure everyone will have a great week! Stage 3 remaining at school will be taking part in some fun Science and Geography activities. Remember to purchase your tickets for the Year 6 Farewell at the office. Have a wonderful week!

3B- Miss Buckley Welcome to Week 2! This week is the excursion to Lake Keepit, I hope everyone attending has a fantastic time. In English this week 3B will be learning about different types of Dinosaurs and starting to write our factual reports. In Mathematics we will be revising Long Division strategies we have learnt to help us solve problems. Remember to come to school on time everyday to be eligible for the Attendance Reward.

Stage 2 AP- Miss Griffiths It’s finally here – the Lake Keepit excursion!! Everyone will have a fantastic week. Students will spend the week participating in a number of activities including kayaking, abseiling, archery, canoeing, sailing and a giant swing. Pictures will be on our Bourke Public School Facebook page for parents to keep updated on their childs week.

2B- Mr Dewberry This week I am honoured to be on the

Lake Keepit excursion with a great group

of students. Everyday is full of fun

activities which I am sure will have us

exhausted at the end of the day.

This term our attendance party for

excellent attendance will be at the

swimming pool! Included will be hot chips

and a drink! To be included you can not

miss more than 3 days which includes

partials. Have a lovely week.

2G- Miss Griffiths We have made a great start to Term 4 in all key learning areas. In English, the class is concentrating on our writing. In particular we are focusing on our planning and editing of our own work. Attendance is continuing to be a big push for our class/stage. Last term we achieved 100% once. I would love to see a whole week of 100% attendance. This means that we need everyone on time to school by 9:00am sharp. English is very important and starts straight after roll call each day. Have a great week everyone!

Merit System


BRONZE LEVEL: Lamar Monaghan-Niki Lewis Monaghan-NIki Harmony Kelly

SILVER LEVEL: Joshua Knight Robert Johnston

GOLD LEVEL: Lakayla Leahy Janah Hull Shaunee Elwood Taylor Robb Danni-Lee Dennis Caleb Rowland Mahkita Kelly Finley Doughty James Hatch Jakarl Vincent Jarryd Granquist Cooper Gunn Jannali Smith Maxwell Hatch Valentine Orcher

DIAMOND LEVEL: Kaleb Lollback Edie Crain Queneshia Orcher

PLATINUM LEVEL: Jaszanna Smith

KM- Dakota Johnson

KF- Zuleika Edwards

1B- Letaliah Burford

1D- Harmony Kelly

1C- Latayah Towney

K-3W- Kayden



President – Lisa Rankmore Have you tried our new soft serve ice cream? If not you can buy them at lunch time.

The next P&C meeting is on Tuesday 14th November at 6pm at school. It is nearly time for the Halloween disco… I hope you have your costume ready!

Miss McKechnie

Welcome to Week 2 in the

EYTC. This week our students

are going to continue learning

about Australia. Students will

explore the world map as well as

the habitats of some Australian

animals. The Dingoes and

Wombats are also transitioning

into Kindergarten for a Literacy

session this week.

3-6L- Miss Wade Welcome to Week 2! Last week we started to look at all our new topics for Term 4 and are excited to be learning about Day and Night in Science. In Geography we will be working with Miss Peterson to develop our understanding of Natural Environments. Don’t forget each week for Sport we have Swimming in Term 4, so please bring your swimmers, a towel and 50c. 3-6L would like to wish Kruz good luck at the State Athletics Carnival in Sydeny this week! Go Kruz!

AEO Caught Being

Good Awards

Lacey Rowland &

Emily Hopley

Early Years Transition

Centre News


Leaders News

Bourke Public School

P&C News

Support Classes News

Miss Bartley & Mrs Roe

Encourage your child to write on every possible occasion. Give him/her paper when you are writing so that she/he can write beside you. Make real reasons for writing such as greeting cards, letters, lists, messages etc. Always accept and value the writing.

Support AP- Miss Nixon Last week all K-6 students received a note about an Intensive Swimming Scheme that Bourke Public School will be running in weeks 7, 8 and 9 of this term. Infants will be attending in weeks 7 and 8 and Primary students will be going in week 9. Please return your child’s note and money ASAP to secure their position in the scheme, as there will be limited positions available. I hope that all the students going on the Lake Keepit excursion have a great week!

K-3W - Mrs Wood Welcome to Week 2! Last week we enjoyed reading ‘A sick day for Amos McGee’. We had some great discussions about why it is important to have friendships and how we can look after our friends. Last week we had our first week of swimming for weekly sport. Please remember to bring swimmers, a towel and 50c entry for the pool each Friday. Have a lovely week

2-6N- Miss Nixon Week 2 already! Last week 2-6N had a fantastic week. We wrote Information Reports on Tasmanian Devils and created artworks to match. This week in Science and Technology we will be making ‘ice cream in a can’ and creating ‘rainclouds in a jar.’ We will also be visiting the PCYC this week to participate in gymnastics activities. Please remember to send in a towel and swimmers on Friday’s.