bourne abbey magazine 12

Parish Magazine Abbey & parish church Of St. peter & st. paul Serving the communities of Bourne, cawthorpe, dyke, twenty With church & parish news december 2014 St Peter St Paul

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Abbey & parish church


St. peter & st. paul

Serving the communities of

Bourne, cawthorpe, dyke, twenty

With church & parish news

december 2014

St Peter St Paul

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Every Sunday

8am Said Eucharist

(Common Worship. Traditional language)

10am Sung Eucharist

(Common Worship. Modern language)

6.30pm Evensong

For Youngsters

9.45am Youngbournes Currently not running due

to lack of support.

Any volunteers please contact Lisa Buckley on


For all the Family

11.45am Family Service on the last Sunday of each



10am The Communion (1662)

Weekdays (Except Thursdays)

8.30am Morning Prayer

5.15pm Evening Prayer

Father Chris would be glad to be informed of sick people

and others who would appreciate a pastoral visit.

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PE10 9UQ

Tel. 422412 Dear Friends,

We have grown used to being swamped with Christmas advertising from the middle

of November onwards. Indeed, many of you will be familiar with the Sainsbury

seasonal advert which links in Christmas with the unofficial truce in no-man’s land

and which lasted for a couple of days over Christmas in 1914. It was a powerful

story which started with the singing of Christmas carols being sung from both sets of

trenches, and led to a very unofficial football match between German and British

troops in no man’s land.

The advert portrays chocolate being exchanged between two soldiers: German and

British. To their credit, although Sainsbury’s are marketing similar chocolate in their

stores this Christmas, they will be donating half the £1 price of the chocolate bar to

the British Legion. The final scene is a caption on the screen, which reads in part:

‘Christmas is for Sharing.’ Quite so.

But sharing is not the reason for Christmas; it is the expression of it. The reason for

Christmas is the incarnation, of God coming amongst his people in the form of a

new-born child so that He could be with us – flesh of our flesh, and blood of our

blood. It is this birth that we celebrate, with the word ‘Christmas’ itself making this

point: Christ-mass – an act of worship, where first and foremost we give thanks for

God’s gift of himself to us in this little child, who is our hope, our salvation.

It is from this celebration festival that having received God’s love in this wonderful

gift, our hearts are lifted to return that love to God. And this is where the ‘sharing’

comes. For in opening our hearts to God, we are inspired to open them to others. So

we express that love by sharing it with loved ones, family, and friends by eating

together, spending time together and offering gifts which are further tangible

expressions of love and generosity.

So let’s not put the cart before the horse. Sharing is an expression of what a

Christian understands is the point of Christmas. It is not the reason for Christmas.

That is why so many people continue to come to Midnight Mass and to services on

Christmas day, because they know from experience that the sharing that follows is

much more satisfying if it is an expression of the festival itself.

As we share gifts with each other at Christmas, so we remember that the love we

express one to another is an expression of the love that God shared with us at

Bethlehem on Christmas Day in the morning over two thousand years ago.

May you share a happy and blessed Christmas.

Your Friend and Vicar,

Fr. Chris.

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Churchwardens Chat

We had a problem with our new boiler at the church. Two pipes in the boiler

room had slight leaks which caused the water pressure to drop and the boiler

automatically shut down, the leaks were repaired so the water pump broke

down. The water pump has been replaced. At the time of writing all the

radiators and the associated hot water pipes are very hot. Long may they

continue to be hot!

Beltisloe Deanery held another successful Youth Day on 22nd November at

Witham on the Hill; the theme was Getting Ready to Welcome Jesus. After the

energetic morning workshop large quantities of hot dogs were consumed to

provide the energy for the afternoon presentation for parents and friends. The

day ended with a Taize service.

At the time of writing the Deanery is short of four priests through retirement

and illness. Bourne Abbey’s clergy, therefore, have to take additional services

in those benefices in addition to their normal workload. That is the reason why

they are either difficult to reach, or look tired and drawn. Please remember

them in your daily prayers.

The Bishop of Lincoln, Bishop Christopher, presided at Our Confirmation

Service held on Sunday 23rd November, and Bishop Christopher confirmed ten

candidates. Sunday 23rd November - the Feast of Christ the King- was an

incense day. The Bishop was very generous with the incense!

Sunday 30th November is Advent Sunday and part of the Sung Eucharist will be

based on the Taize format. This will be led by the young people of Bourne

Abbey, under the watchful eye of Rev Sheena. We have heard that Fr Chris

might be allowed to play his guitar! Bourne Abbey’s Advent Carol Service will

be at 6.30 p.m. that day.

Other Christmas Services are December 14th - Christingle service at 3.30 p.m.

24th December - Crib and Carol service at 5.30 p.m. and Midnight Mass on 24th

December at 11.30 p.m. Christmas Day 8.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. We hope that

you will be able to come to some of these.

Finally, we wish all of you a Happy and Holy Christmas.

Merryn & Dudley

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Thought for December

“God so loved the world , that he gave His only begotten Son, to the end that all believe in him should not perish,

but have everlasting life.” John 3. v 16

Please note that there is no longer a telephone line to the former Church

Office. Points of contact for Church matters are the Clergy and





Sunday 14th December Christingale & Carol Service 3.30pm

Sunday 21st December Abbey Carol Service 6.30pm

Wednesday 24th December Crib & Carol Service 5.30pm

(Christmas Eve) Midnight Mass 11.30pm

Tuesday 25th December Said Euchar ist 8.00am

Sung Eucharist 10.00am




CHURCH HALL 10.0a.m.-12 noon

Stalls to include £1 parcel, chocolate tombola, hamper raffle, jewellery, Christmas

gift stall, homemade craft and homemade card stall. Refreshments - coffee and

mince pies. Any suitable items for the named stalls would be most appreciated.

We start off the New Year with our popular Books, Bric-a brac and Bacon Baps.

This will take place in the Abbey Church Hall on Saturday 24th January 2015.

10.00.a.m. – 1.30.p.m.

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When I was a churchwarden of a small parish church in Northamptonshire, I

went to church as normal, for the 10 o’clock service. Everything was fine and

normal-we had the Christingle scheduled for 3pm that afternoon. I was looking

forward to it, until…….. at lunch time, the vicar’s wife rang to say that the

vicar had laryngitis and therefore had lost his voice “SO YOU will have to do

the Christingle Service!” she said.

Being young, quiet and shy, I couldn’t imagine trying to control a church full of

noisy, excited and unruly children. I had trouble in controlling my Sunday

School class of four children!

The afternoon arrived and as I got to church, it was filling up with children,

their parents and relatives. The aisles were filling up, they were standing on the

belfry steps and with queues outside the church porch. PANIC!!!

“How can I cope with this?” I thought! Then I realised, “I am in Church”. I

went into the vestry and prayed my heart out. It must have been God who

suggested that I put on my ‘coat of armour’- my choir black cassock – it

worked wonders and seemed to give the children my ‘authority.’ – What a


The diocesan secretary of ‘The Childrens Society’ gave her talk and had us all

enthralled – it was fantastic! All I had to do was to conduct the service, without

microphones – of course! I had to yell to announce the carols and songs and

scream at them to “shut-up” and be quiet for the prayers.

The most horrific time was when we processed around the church, with our

burning candles just two inches from the child in front. Health and safety rules

were invented then!.........Everything went well!

When I got home, at about 5 o’clock, I was absolutely exhausted and even

thought of missing Evensong (unthinkable for me!). The phone rang again,

“You’ll have to do Evensong because he (the vicar) still can’t speak. “Me” I

gasped “Why can’t the Rural Dean provide someone”. “Because” she said,

“there is no one available”.

I went to church, used the Evening Prayer from the old prayer book, read the

appointed lessons and we sang the hymns, psalms, magnificat and Nunc

dimittis. At the end of the service everyone thanked me as they said “Good

night”. Perhaps they didn’t even notice that we didn’t have a vicar, or were just

pleased to not have a sermon.

Canon David Staples was, I think a Rural Dean in Northamptonshire at that

time. If you were David where were you when I needed you most!

Philip Pettitt.

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Gaining Back Some Independence.-Part 2

Now we come to the weather? Let’s face it we have plenty of variety there. Let me

introduce you to the hazards of gales and raid. (As yet I haven’t had to tackle snow or

ice, but I’ll let you know when I do).

Gales are another great adventure for Scooter M. Gripping onto the handles and with

half closed eyes I’m determined not to let the gales thwart my newly found

independence. Setting off a slow pace of 4mph, yes back to my favourite speed, I

struggle against this new obstacle. Riding along and feeling confidant I have

mastered it, whoosh. Where did that sudden gust of wind come from? Feeling

Scooter M shudder at the impact, I am left with a choice, either become a Mary

Poppins, or turn Scooter M into a smaller Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Not keen on

either, I took my speed down to 2mph. I am now beginning to panic (just a little) and

starting to talk to Scooter M. I speak calmly and assure M all will be well. At that

moment I’m not worried if anyone has overheard me, I just hope that a certain van

won’t be waiting for me when I get home. Thankfully it wasn’t, that’s why I’m able

to tell you what happened.

Next experience, rain. Now, I’m not fortunate to have one of those luxury covers, so

‘him indoors’ offers to buy me one of those water proof covers you throw over

yourself. (No, I wasn’t hinting for a luxury cover, or was I). Hesitating before

answering, I thought back to the gales, which makes me wonder if I had one of those

items would the gales have won and sent me off into the air!

Not wanting to deny ‘him indoors’ of treating me to a cover to keep me dry, we set

off once again to the mobility shop. Well! That’s an experience to behold. As the

assistant produces this particular item, I took one look at the picture on the package

and all I can see is this thing bellowed out like a balloon. I couldn’t stop laughing, as

I could see myself looking like an Aunty Sally in a tent. Yes you guessed it; I took up

the courage and said, “No thank you, I will manage with the coat I’ve got.”

Driving home, and lucky for me ‘him indoors’ having the same humour as myself,

we laughed heartily most of the way home. I’m sure to this day many a driver must

have wondered if we were insane or perhaps with a kinder thought, they might have

liked to know what we were laughing at.

Let’s now take you into the world of nice people.

Firstly ‘him indoors’ who is quick to remind me not to speed, as I have finally

reached my goal of 10mph. Riding along without much care in the world (no, I

haven’t forgotten the tree roots and pot holes) I enjoy greeting passers-by with a good

morning, or good afternoon. Sometimes a little wave and a smile is enough to get a


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If I am lucky some-one will stop and chat, as I look in the shop windows. Many

pedestrian will obligingly let me pass, which I might add I always thank them. I am

seldom in a hurry so I am happy to hang back and wait my turn to chug along the

pavement. Whenever I smile or say ‘hello’ to the children, they look at me in

amazement. To them I might seem like a funny old lady passing by on something

bigger than their pushchairs or tiny cycles, or could they possibly think an ‘alien’ has


Family, let’s not forget my wonderful family. Fortunately for me, our family have a

great sense of humour, and I guess to some degree they have come to accept me as

being an odd granny. Bring it on, I love it.

However, I think one of my oddities was confirmed when I was making my way

along the pavement with my daughter and granddaughter. I love to smell the flowers

that reach out over the walls and hedges. On this particular occasion I couldn‘t resist

the temptation to smell the beautiful roses that hung over the fence. Not thinking

anyone would notice, I suddenly hear my granddaughter say, with a more than a hint

of surprise, “Granny, what are you doing?” “Just smelling these lovely flowers,

dear,” I tell her, as I continue to sniff the fragrant flowers. Hearing their silent

laughter behind me, I chose to ignore them.

This is the one advantage to being up higher, than when I’m in my wheel chair. I take

full advantage of being able to see the beautiful variety of lowers in peoples’ gardens.

No I’m really not being nosy.

Suddenly, I have a terrible thought, “What if these house owners think I am casing

the joint?” I soon reassure myself, by telling myself I have witnesses to prove it’s

only the flowers I’m interested in.

When I have any more adventures on my beautiful Scooter M, I will let you know.

I would like to thank the lady who sent me this article for the Parish magazine, and

look forward to the next instalment. Editor.

The Editor and Committee would like to

Wish You A Very Happy Christmas

and Prosperous New Year.

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. Parochial Church Council News

Instead of publishing a summary of the Parochial Church Council minutes members

will be invited to write a short report about the previous meeting. Here is the report

written by Jonathan Smith.

The PCC met on Thursday, November 6, at The Vicarage, to discuss a full agenda.

Matters discussed included:

The restoration scheme – There finally seems to be progress. Amended proposals for

the new boiler house, toilets, servery and choir vestry are now acceptable to the

consultees, including English Heritage, South Kesteven District Council conservation

department and the Diocesean Advisory Committee. The PCC gave unanimous

approval for the architect to prepare detailed drawings and specifications for the

building which will replace the existing boiler house and toilets on a larger footprint.

Quinqennial report – Every five years, the church architect prepares a report of all the

work he considered necessary over three time periods: short term - within a year;

medium term - over the following five years (ie 2015-2019) and long term, (2019

onwards). The immediate repairs are all fairly minor, including repairs to the

stonework and roofs and a handrail to the tower staircase – estimated cost of £3,000

plus fees and VAT. Medium term repairs including repairs and overhauling of the

guttering and replacement of the plastic downpipes with cast iron – estimated cost

£10,000 plus fees and VAT. Long term work included masonry work, including to

some of the buttresses.

It was noted the church wall and roof were generally in good condition.

Insurance – The church and its contents will continue to be insured at 100 per cent of

the full repair/replacement cost. The decision was unanimous.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 4.

A message from Alison and Philip Pettitt.

Since 2006 we have organised a Christmas Dinner in the Abbey Church Hall.

We have been well supported by various organisations and generous people

over the years and we send them our grateful thanks.

The helpers have been fantastic and we have made many good friends and

have lots of happy memories. Sadly this year we are not able to arrange a

Christmas Celebration due to my dear Mum’s health problems.

Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all our Abbey Family.

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Bourne Abbey’s Travelling Crib.

The Travelling Crib begins its journey around the parish on Advent

Sunday, 30th November 2014, after being Blessed by Fr Chris at the

10am Sung Eucharist on that day. Inside the crib are knitted Christmas

figures and a book that you can use to share the Christmas story with

your children/grandchildren. If your family would like to give a home

to a crib for one night please ring Jean Fownes on 01778 423395 to

arrange a convenient date. The crib will be back in church for the Crib

and Carol Service on 24th December. There will be full instructions in

the crib to ensure a smooth handover to each family.

The Children’s Society

The Children’s Society boxes will be received, opened and counted at a COFFEE

MORNING at the Abbey Church Hall in FEBRUARY (date to be confirmed).

If any box holder has difficulty with this they can be brought to my home – 5 PINEWOOD

CLOSE, BOURNE or telephone me on 422823 to arrange collection.

Philip Pettitt

Area Secretary

The Children’s Society.

We are now on the web.

The new website is now live and you will find it on

do take time out to look at it, Lisa will be pleased to have your comments. If

you have any news, events or anything you would like to share please contact


You will find a NEW facebook page, search for Bourne Abbey Church where

Lisa will post the latest news as well as on the news page on the website. It

is on the news page of the website that you will find the magazine this will be

on the website as soon as Lisa receives it from me, a few days before the

printed one is out.

The website will be an evolving site where we continue to add, change and

update continually. For this to work please make sure that you keep the

updates coming in. Lisa looks forward to hearing from you her contact phone

number is 01778 700475.

[email protected]


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Tickets are on sale for the Wednesday Singers concert on Saturday 13th

December 2014 at 3 pm at the Church of St James the Great, Aslackby.

This will be a Christmastide Concert, with popular songs, carols and

Christmas music, followed by a delicious afternoon tea, with home-made

cakes and scones.

The Wednesday Singers is a popular local choir with members from

Dunsby, Bourne and the surrounding villages. The choir was founded in

2006, in response to demand from local singers, and has given many

concerts in south Lincolnshire in the last eight years, raising money for

various good causes, village halls and local churches, such as All Saints’

Dunsby, Christchurch Pointon, St Faith’s Wilsthorpe, St Andrew’s

Horbling, and Bourne Methodist Church, as well as entertaining groups

such as the Petticoat Club, Helpringham.

The choir are delighted to be singing in Aslackby. St James’ is a church

with excellent acoustics and modern facilities, including a kitchen,

toilets and comfortable chairs. Aslackby PCC are renowned for the

excellence of their home-made teas, so there is a treat in store for

everyone who attends this concert. The choir will be singing a variety of

seasonal music, with several well-known and much loved items, and

opportunities for audience participation.

Unlike other choirs who usually need to raise funds from ticket sales for

their running costs, the Wednesday Singers anticipate that ALL

proceeds from the sale of tickets for this concert will be given to

Dementia Support South Lincs, a registered charity (working in

association with Evergreen Care Trust) which supports people living with

dementia and their families in The Deepings, Stamford, Bourne and the

surrounding villages. Anyone who has had a family member who has

suffered from dementia will know how important is the work which this

charity does, and this charity is currently very underfunded and

welcomes, and needs, support from donations.

Tickets, to include the concert and the tea which will follow, will cost

£10, and are available from Kate Marshall (DSSL) 01778 440153, choir

members (including Pamela Oldreive on 01778 440234), from Hoppers

Jewellers Bourne and at the door on the day. Please come along to

support a very good cause while having a thoroughly enjoyable afternoon!

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Christmas Health and Safety Alert

All employees planning to dash through the snow in a one horse open sleigh,

going over fields and laughing all the way are advised that a Risk Assessment

will be required addressing the safety of an open sleigh for members of the

public. This assessment must also consider whether it is appropriate to use only

one horse for such a venture, particularly where there are multiple passengers.

Please note that permission must also be obtained in writing from landowners

before their fields may be entered. To avoid offending those not participating in

celebrations, we would request that laughter is moderate only and not loud

enough to be considered a noise nuisance.

Benches, stools and orthopaedic chairs are now available for collection by any

shepherds planning or required to watch their flocks at night. While provision

has also been made for remote monitoring of flocks by CCTV cameras from a

centrally heated shepherd observation hut, all users of this facility are reminded

that an emergency response plan must be submitted to account for known risks

to the flocks. The angel of the Lord is additionally reminded that, prior to

shinning his/her glory all around, s/he must confirm that all shepherds are

wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment to account for the harmful

effects of UVA, UVB and the overwhelming effects of Glory.

Following last years well publicised case, everyone is advised that Equal

Opportunities legislation prohibits any comment with regard to the redness of

any part of Mr R Reindeer. Further to this, exclusion of Mr R Reindeer from

reindeer games will be considered discriminatory and disciplinary action will be

taken against those found guilty of this offence.

While it is acknowledged that gift bearing is a common practice in various parts

of the world, particularly the Orient, everyone is reminded that the bearing of

gifts is subject to Hospitality Guidelines and all gifts must be registered. This

applies regardless of the individual, even royal personages. It is particularly

noted that direct gifts of currency or gold are specifically precluded, while

caution is advised regarding other common gifts such as aromatic resins that

may evoke allergic reactions.

Finally, in the recent instance of the infant found tucked up in a manger without

any crib for a bed, Social Services have been advised and will be arriving



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The Julian Meetings

The music and readings for December's Julian Meeting have been chosen by

Sue Skinner.

Music: ‘Pie Jesu’ (Faure) from Lincoln Cathedral Choir Deep Peace CD.2

Reading: Far too many people live too much in their head. The head is not

a very good place for prayer. It is not a bad place for starting

your prayer. But if your prayer stays there too long and doesn’t

move into the heart, it will gradually dry up and prove tiresome

and frustrating. You must learn to move out of the area of thinking

and talking and move into the area of feeling, sensing, loving,

intuiting. That is the area where contemplation is born and prayer

becomes a transforming power and a source of never-ending

delight and peace.

Anthony de Mello.

Silence: We spend half an hour in silent prayer.

Music: ‘Gaelic Blessing’ (Rutter) from the above CD.


The love that God most high has for our soul is so great that it

surpasses understanding. No created being can comprehend

how much, and how sweetly, and how tenderly our maker loves

us. Our in-born will is to have God, and the goodwill of God is to

have us.

Julian of Norwich.

Grace: We finish our time of prayer by saying The Blessing.

The date for December's Julian Meeting is Monday 1st at 10.00am.

Contact: Sue Skinner. Tel. 01778 344802. Everyone welcome.

If you would like to come along and try this way of praying, please come and join

us on the first Monday of the month in the Abbey.

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Bourne Abbey Church of England Primary Academy


On the 23rd November we arrived at Bourne Abbey Church excited and a little

nervous as it was going to be our confirmation.

As the church filled up we became more excited about meeting Bishop

Christopher and wondered what he would be like. We didn’t have to worry as

he was very kind and made us all feel very special.

As we went up to receive our blessing we felt really proud as we remembered

all the things we had learned with Reverend Sheena and we knew that we had

really become part of God’s family. We felt so happy and honoured to be

allowed to be able to be confirmed.

Daniel, Shane and Noah

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My first impression was that more supported the formal events than previously.

I assume that this was because it was the centenary of 1914. Certainly the bus

station was well filled prior to the march, there were plenty of people lining the

route of the procession which stretched from the Bus Station to the saluting

base at the Town Hall. I am told that there were more than a thousand people

around the War Memorial and the service register at the Abbey gave the

number attending the service there as 410. Thank you to all.

The variety of people was impressive, from small children to aged veterans and

included some serving military personnel. Thank you to all.

Two things come to mind. We often wrongly assume that Remembrance Day,

or Armistice Day are about what happened in that World War which began in

1914 and was continued in 1939. The mass of medals worn with pride

reminded us that there has only been one year since 1945 when there were no

British fatalities. Also it is not meant to be celebration, as one misguided TV

commentator called it. How can the death and suffering in war over 100 years

be described like that? It was a remembrance, a solemn bringing to mind of the

cost of man’s inhumanity to man and a determination to be better at peace in

the future. This is as necessary now as it ever was. The War which was

supposed to end all wars and which started a hundred years ago did not fulfil

that optimistic expectation. In many ways what the many who supported

Remembrance in Bourne and elsewhere were not just looking at history but to

the future, even if they did not recognize it at the time.

David Staples.



MEET WEDNESDAY 9.30a.m to 11.30a.m.

(During term-time only)

All welcome- pre-school age, including grandparents, aunties etc.

£1.50 per session for family.

Refreshments at 10.15 a.m.

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The Goodbye Letter

A father, home from work, could not find his son. On looking round the house he passed his son’s

bedroom and was astonished to see the bed neat and tidy.

There were no shoes or anything on the floor and then he saw an envelope propped up on the pillow.

It was addressed to ‘Dad’. Fearing the worst, he opened the envelope and read the letter. It read:

“Dear Dad it is with great regret and sorrow that I’m writing to you. I had to elope with my

new girlfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Mum and you.

I’ve been finding real passion with Stacy and she is so nice. But I knew you would not approve of her

because of all he piercings, tattoos, tight clothes and because she is so much older than I am. But,

Dad, it’s not only the passion – she’s pregnant. Stacy said that we will be very happy; she owns a

caravan in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the whole winter.

We share a dream of having many more children. Stacy has opened my eyes to the fact that marijua-

na doesn’t really hurt anyone. We’ll be growing it for ourselves and trading it with our friends for all

the cocaine and ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we’ll pray that science will find a cure for AIDS

so that Stacy can get better. She sure deserves it! Don’t worry Dad, I’m 15 and know how to take

good care of myself.

I’m sure we’ll be back some day for a visit so you can get to know your grandchildren.

Love, your son, John.

PS: Dad, none of the above is true. I’m over at Tommy’s house. I just wanted to remind you that

there are worse things in life than the school report that is in centre desk drawer. I love you!

Please phone when it is safe for me to come home.

Bourne Choral Society

celebrates with a programme of

Advent and Christmas Music on

Saturday, December 6th 2014 at 7.30 pm


Bourne Abbey Church

Please come along to celebrate the start of the

Christmas season.

Admission by programme at the door, £7 to

include refreshments.

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Parochial Church Council News

Instead of publishing a summary of the Parochial Church Council minutes

members will be invited to write a short report about the previous meeting.

Here is the report written by Jonathan Smith.

The PCC met on Thursday, November 6, at The Vicarage, to discuss a full


Matters discussed included:

The restoration scheme – There finally seems to be progress. Amended pro-

posals for the new boiler house, toilets, servery and choir vestry are now ac-

ceptable to the consultees, including English Heritage, South Kesteven District

Council conservation department and the Diocesean Advisory Committee. The

PCC gave unanimous approval for the architect to prepare detailed drawings

and specifications for the building which will replace the existing boiler house

and toilets on a larger footprint.

Quinqennial report – Every five years, the church architect prepares a report of

all the work he considered necessary over three time periods: short term - with-

in a year; medium term - over the following five years (ie 2015-2019) and long

term, (2019 onwards). The immediate repairs are all fairly minor, including re-

pairs to the stonework and roofs and a handrail to the tower staircase – estimat-

ed cost of £3,000 plus fees and VAT. Medium term repairs including repairs and

overhauling of the guttering and replacement of the plastic downpipes with cast

iron – estimated cost £10,000 plus fees and VAT. Long term work included ma-

sonry work, including to some of the buttresses.

It was noted the church wall and roof were generally in good condition.

Insurance – The church and its contents will continue to be insured at 100 per

cent of the full repair/replacement cost. The decision was unanimous.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, December 4.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A couple were Christmas shopping. The shopping centre was packed - as the

wife walked through one of the malls she was surprised when she looked

around to find her husband was nowhere to be seen.

She was quite upset because they had a lot to do. She became so worried that

she called him on her mobile phone to ask him where he was. In a quiet voice

he said, “Do you remember the jewellers we went into about five years ago

where you fell in love with that diamond necklace that we couldn’t afford, and I

told you that I would get it for you one day?”

The wife choked up and started to cry and said, “Yes, I do remember that


He replied, “Well, I’m in the pub next door.”

Page 19: Bourne abbey magazine 12


Knit & Sew Friendship Group

Christmas is approaching and our last meeting of 2014 will be on Wednesday

17 December from 2.00-4.00pm in the Church Hall. There will be some

special refreshments on offer and the traditional raffle so try not to miss this

one! Everyone welcome to join in.

Many thanks to all those kind people out there who have supported us

throughout the year with gifts of wool, patterns, fabric pieces , buttons etc. all

used creatively with some stunning results.

Rosie Cudmore`423569

Bourne Abbey Mother’s Union.

At our November meeting, Mrs. E. Page led “Thought for the day” and asked

us to pray for Christian families in Iraq, Nigeria and the West Indies. All of

whom are suffering from persecution and oppression either from Islamic State

or Boka Haram. After a short business meeting, members enjoyed making

Advent Wreaths, they were ably led by Mrs A.Northen, Mrs. M.Woodland and


On the following day Thursday 6th November at the Mothers’ Union Corporate

Communion Service. Father Chris Atkinson dedicated two Silver Cruets, which

were purchased in memory of Mrs. Christina Lyon.

Saturday 15th November Mrs .E. Page attended the Winter Council, which was

held at Horncastle.

You are all cordially invited to our Annual Advent Carol Service to be held in

Bourne Abbey Church on WEDNESDAY 3rd

DECEMBER commencing at


The Mothers’ Union is running the £1 parcel stall at the Christmas Fayre on

Saturday 6th December.

Subscriptions are due in January 2015, but Treasurer Mrs.M.Woodland would

appreciate them by the end of December please. members £20.50. or Diocesan

Membership, which includes Families Worldwide and Diocesan News. £24.

Ann Northen

Page 20: Bourne abbey magazine 12




Up to November 2013

The Foodbank provided 223

adults and children with food

for three meals for three days.

This equalled 2007 meals

Up to November 2014

The Foodbank provided 969

adults and children with food

for three meals for three days.

This equals 8721 meals!

Our heartfelt thanks go out to all the churches, primary schools, community groups

and individuals in and around Bourne who have so generously provided all this food

and other necessities!

Last winter we experienced a high demand and we presume that it will be the same

this year. Likewise Christmas will be really difficult for many individuals and


so we are repeating last year’s Christmas wish list:

Christmas Shopping List

Tinned Ham

Christmas Pudding

Christmas Cake

Box of Biscuits

Children’s Selection Box

Box of Chocolates

Large Bar of Chocolate (150/200g)

Snacks and Nibbles

Christmas Crackers


UHT Milk

Fruit Juice

We hope that when you do your weekly shop, you will be able to purchase an extra

item for the foodbank and pop it into the box provided at the rear of the church and

then you will know that you have helped to “make Christmas happen” for so many

needy people!

Thank you so much for your wonderful support!

Page 21: Bourne abbey magazine 12


A Christmas Recipe of the Month

A recipe from Marita for this festive season.

Scottish Shortbread

This keeps well for a couple of weeks in an air-tight tin, but can also be frozen.

When thawed, it is full of flavour and beautifully crisp.


4oz plain flour

2oz cornflour

4oz butter

2oz castor sugar

Little extra castor sugar

Sift together flour and cornflour. In another bowl cream butter until soft. Beat

in sugar. Blend in flour mixture a tablespoon at a time. Knead together. Place in

a 7” x 11” swiss roll tin and roll out or press out flat with your hand. Prick well

with a fork. Sprinkle extra castor sugar over the surface. Chill in fridge for

15 mins, then bake 170c – Gas mark 3 for 35 mins, or until pale golden-brown.

Cool for a few minutes in tin – then mark into slices and finish cooling on a

wire rack.

January 2015 Magazine

Contributions for the January magazine should be with Carol Atkins by

lunch-time on Sunday 14th December. They can be given to her at church, or

sent to—10 Broadlands Avenue or sent as an email attachment, preferably as

a Word document to: [email protected]

Page 22: Bourne abbey magazine 12









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Page 23: Bourne abbey magazine 12


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Page 24: Bourne abbey magazine 12



Look for the hidden animals in the phrases below. e.g. I wonder iF ROGer is at home. Answer: FROG

1. Take the calico with you. 2. Your new hairdo gives you a youthful look. 3. John abhors every kind of joke. 4. On the level, I only wish to help you. 5. You can’t learn this game unless you go at it more vigorously. 6. I’d rather not be prime minister. 7. Is this all the help I get? 8. We were invited to a dinner on Friday. 9. If you wish to gain prestige, remember your manners. 10. I hope you will try to be a very good boy.

Look for the hidden flowers in the phrases below.

1. After you’ve washed the pans, you may prepare the lunch. 2. I have taken part in many races in this car, national and international. 3. Did Chopin know Beethoven? 4. If this car goes any faster, I will fall out. 5. The plane is now dropping food to the marooned people. 6. Before we knew it, the rhinoceros entered the water. 7. I believe this is the best plane money can buy. 8. This cow slips through the water like a seal. 9. I understand that the panda is your favourite animal. 10. Is your porch identical with ours?

Answers to last month’s quiz.

1. woodwork 11. crosswords 2. baking 12. sailing 3. tapestry 13. bridge 4. bingo 14. pontoon 5. painting 15. badminton 6. board games 16. hiking 7. rugby 17, skating 8. judo 18, crochet 9. hockey 19. keep fit 10. aerobics 20. ballet

Apology I am sorry, I inadvertently gave the answer to number 13 instead of the question. It should have read:- ‘for crossing the river’, to which the answer is ‘bridge’.

Page 25: Bourne abbey magazine 12


Margaret’s Page.

Some of you will know the Canticle called the Benedicite, which begins with the words ‘O all ye works of the Lord, bless ye the Lord.’ Some years ago Fr. Peter (before he was ordained) and his wife Pauline wrote a Lincolnshire version of it, which I first heard on a Rogation Sunday walk with them. I was so impressed with it that I asked Fr. Peter if I could use it in this month’s September magazine, and to my surprise he said he would prefer not as they were in the process of having it published. It has now been published by Warners of Bourne as a small booklet with delightful illustrations by Chris Moxley, whom many of you will know. It is excellent value at £3.75 per copy, available from Fr. Peter, Pauline or Chris, or any church member would be able to obtain a copy for you. I can heartily recommend it and it would make an ideal Christmas present for any Christian friends you may have. As some of you know I used to help with the sale of charity Christmas cards when I lived in Stamford and for a few years after my move to Bourne. The cards are still sold at St. John’s Church in Stamford. The shop is called ‘Cards for Good Causes’ and is open from Monday to Saturday from 9.30. to 4.30. until 17

th December. It is easy to find as it

is right at the end of the main shopping street near the pedestrian crossing, in Red Lion Square. Over 25 charities are represented and they also sell wrapping paper and stocking fillers, many of them traditional games unobtainable anywhere else. If you haven’t stocked up with Christmas cards yet I can heartily recommend it. Finally, thank you for reading my page throughout this year. I hope you have found it of interest and an especial thank-you to those who have kindly commented on it. I am grateful to those who have given me quizzes for the Quiz Page, for which I am always happy to receive contributions as it is difficult to keep coming up with new ideas.

I wish you all a very peaceful Christmas

and a happy and healthy New Year.

Margaret Shephard

Page 26: Bourne abbey magazine 12


Peter Berry & Co

Chartered Certified Accountants

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Page 27: Bourne abbey magazine 12


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Cherry Holt Road

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Ongoing sale of surplus linen stock.


Bourne Corn Exchange Invites you to

Christmas Party

Wednesday 17th December 7.30pm start

With Elizabeth Harrison

Members £4.00 Non-members £5.00

Tickets available at the door or from John & Linda Wass-01778 424947

also Neal’s Hairdressers South Street, Bourne

Page 28: Bourne abbey magazine 12


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Page 29: Bourne abbey magazine 12



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Page 30: Bourne abbey magazine 12


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Page 31: Bourne abbey magazine 12



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Page 32: Bourne abbey magazine 12


Nature Notes from Bourne Woods- December 2014

Silently, falling like golden snowflakes, the spent larch needles cascade from

the upper branches, covering the paths with a glowing carpet of autumn

colours. The outlines of the rough green grasses of the verges add to the

contrast between path and forest floor. The beauty of the scene is further

enhanced when shafts of sunlight filter through the trees, giving a soft warm

glow to an otherwise cold scene. It may be nearing the official winter season

but the woods still have their autumnal beauty. The hazel leaves seem to have

more light green and pale yellow tinges whereas the oak leaves have more

shades of browns and gold. The silver birches are acquiring a purple haze

whilst their bark reflects with a silvery light. So many colours to enjoy!

Although spring may seem distant, the woods are getting ready to erupt again

when the warmth and stronger sunlight returns. The hazel catkins are closed

tightly but it will only be a few weeks until they elongate and dance in the

wind. There are no signs of the bluebells but the bulbs can be seen to be

sprouting, sending their shoots up to the surface where it is disturbed by the

deer and badgers. It will not be long until they penetrate the mulch of fallen

leaves and bracken fronds and we can enjoy them again. In the meantime it is

best to wear wellies or walking boots. That way the mud can be left in the

porch on returning home. Unfortunately my dog does not have any such

removable footwear. When she wanders around and then shakes in the kitchen

the tiles acquire a natural colour resembling the forest floor! Time to get out

the brush and mop again!

Our next event is a winter Bird Walk on Saturday December 27th at 10am from

the main car park. We hope for a frosty bright morning to see lots of local

birds and perhaps some winter migrants. Donation of £1 appreciated. For

more information contact 07760468052.

What is a grandparent?

A grandfather is a man and a grandmother is a lady!

When they take us for walks, they slow down past things like pretty leaves

and caterpillars.

Page 33: Bourne abbey magazine 12



The Butterfield Centre 2 North Road, Bourne. Reg. Charity No. 517390

Day Care for the Older Person...and so much more

Mobile Meals delivered to your home

Domestic Help Service

Day Care (at the Centre)

Call manager Debbie Hague 01778 421422 for further information.

Page 34: Bourne abbey magazine 12


Bishop of Lincoln’s

December Letter 2014.

I write to you just after Remembrance Day this year, which was for many

particularly poignant in this year as we marked the outbreak of the First World

War 100 years ago. Already, the symbols of remembrance that have been

around us have given way to signs that Christmas is on its way. Even the

television advertisements have started, designed to encourage us to dig deep in

search of the perfect Christmas.

Christmas advertisements are fast becoming a television genre in their own

right. Many have taken a familiar approach - 'tis the season to spoil yourself,'

we're told in one - but one supermarket chain has, more controversially, used

the trenches of the First World War as the setting for its Christmas advert. It is

unsurprising that this has generated much comment in the media. Despite its

endorsement by the Royal British Legion, the advert is seen by some as an

unashamed (and inaccurate) romanticisation of the horrors of the grim and

bloody battlefields of Northern France, with one commentator describing it as

a “dangerous and disrespectful masterpiece”.

However, the advert does remind us of the remarkable moment when unofficial

truces were spontaneously declared at Christmas in 1914. In the weeks leading

up to Christmas Day, soldiers from both sides heard each other singing the

same carols until, on the day itself, they laid down their weapons and climbed

out of the trenches, met each other, exchanged gifts, buried their dead and,

famously, played football together. Some stopped for worship together.

Those truces began with the singing of Christmas carols, songs that celebrate

the birth of Jesus, the one who is the Prince of Peace. If you catch sight of that

advert on television this Christmas, pause for a moment and give thanks for the

birth of the Prince of Peace. The birth of Jesus is our ultimate hope and vision

for a world founded on love, marked by compassion, and governed by the true

and lasting peace of which the angels sang, and for which we long.

I wish you a happy and a holy Christmas.

Bishop Christopher

Page 35: Bourne abbey magazine 12


BALDOCKS MILL/HERITAGE CENTRE Baldocks Mill, 21 South Street, Bourne, PE10 9LY Tel 01778 424740

Once a working watermill, powered by the

Bourne Eau. Now a Heritage centre

displaying information and artefacts

relating to the town and Raymond Mays.

Exhibitions on three floors.

Charles Worth Gallery now open.

OPENING TIMES: Saturdays, Sundays

and Bank Holidays 2- 4pm

All year round.

ADMISSION: Free of charge.

LOCATION: On A15, 200 metres south of town centre, near Red Hall.


No Meeting in December.

Thinking of making or up-dating your will?

If so, please consider bequeathing a gift to Bourne Abbey.

A legacy would help to secure the future of the church and its

work with future generations. Don’t forget that legacies to charities are free of

Inheritance Tax. Thank you.

The Abbey Church Hall

With a well-equipped kitchen, the Hall is available for hire at very reasonable

rates for all regular groups such as Weightwatchers, karate, yoga and dancing,

table-top and jumble sales, tea dances, coffee mornings, talks, slide shows and

art exhibitions, lunches, anniversaries, receptions etc.

Children’s parties are very popular at £30 for 4 hours.

For more details of Hall charges and to make a booking, contact:

Churchwarden Merryn Woodland 01778 423232

Hall Caretaker Janet Stubbs 01778 422304

Page 36: Bourne abbey magazine 12



MONDAY Weightwatchers 9.30—11.00a.m.

(Every Monday except Bank Holidays)

Fit Steps 1.30-2.30pm Tel 07730223557

Karate 5.30-7.30pm (tel. 01780 762261)

Zumba Dancing 8.15—9.15pm (01780 480507)

TUESDAY U3A Art 9.00—11.30am

Extend (Exercise) 12-1pm Tel 01780 470221

Slimming World 7-8pm—01529 497274

WEDNESDAY Toddler Group 9.30—11.30am

Mothers’ Union 2.15—4.00 pm (1st Wed. in month)

Knit & Sew Friendship Group 2.00—4.00p.m.

(3rd Wed. in month) 01778 423569

Royal Naval Association (2nd Wednesday Afternoon)

Weightwatchers 5.30-7.30 pm

THURSDAY Garden Club 7.30pm—9.00pm (3rd Thursday in month)

Whist Drive 7.30pm-10pm (Last Thursday in month)

Nubourne WI 7.30pm (1st Thursday in the month)

FRIDAY Extend Exercise 10.30-11.30am Tel 01780 470221

Gateway Leisure Club 7-9pm

Bookings for the Hall contact Merryn Woodland 01778 423232

Caretaker:- Mrs Janet Stubbs 01778 422304

If you would like to have a copy of the magazine delivered regularly to your

house please fill in the form below and return it to one of the churchwardens

or the Verger.

Please put me on the list for monthly delivery of the magazine.

Names (please pr int) ………………………………………………..

Address ……………………………………………………………..

Telephone (optional) ……………………………………………….

Page 37: Bourne abbey magazine 12



Celebration Cakes

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Our website contains information on

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Please phone, email or ar range to

meet us at offices in Oakham or

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Phone 01572-756666

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Find us at

Page 38: Bourne abbey magazine 12




12th October Oliver Munton

Marriages None


13th October Rebecca Adnitt

17th October Annie (Nancy) Wherry

Happy Birthday to

2nd Miss C Woolf 25th David Smith

4th Sean Casey 28th Edwina Richards

7th Jean Livesey In Memory

12th Lily Scarlett Casey 3rd Amelia Rolt

12th David Tabor 22nd Henry Norman Rose

24th Joyce Reason 24th Eva Frazer


High Altar December 24th - Mrs. W. Moody

Lady Chapel December 24th – Mrs. A. Northen

St. Pauls Chapel December 24th –Mrs. M. Woodland.

Window Arrangements – Mrs.A.Northen and Mrs. M. Woodland.

My many thanks to all the flower arrangers during the past year and for the

many donations to the flower fund.


Mrs Laura Brooks


John & Judy Smith

In memory of Rebecca.

Page 39: Bourne abbey magazine 12





are by arrangement with Father Chris….01778 422412



Mrs A Northen 24, Fir Avenue……………………………….01778 423353


Merryn Woodland …………………………………………… 01778 423232


Mrs Carol Atkins, 10 Broadlands Avenue…………………….01778 425760

Sub Editor

Margaret Shephard, 12 Baldwin Grove……………………….01778 425778


Lisa Buckley….email - [email protected] …………..01778 700475


Mr J. Warner 134 Beech Avenue ………. ……………………01778 421465


Mrs A. Northen, 24, Fir Avenue ………………………………01778 423353


Mr A.G.Payne, Oldhall Farm House Wilsthorpe.……………...01778 560633


Mr D.A. Read, 48 George Street. ……………………………..01778 422717


Clair Carter, 5 Poppy Place, Bourne…………………………..01778 394230


Lisa Buckley………………………………………………….. 01778 700475

Page 40: Bourne abbey magazine 12




The Revd Father Chris Atkinson, The Vicarage, Church Walk 01778 422412


The Revd Father Peter Lister, Associate Priest, 4 Linden Rise, 01778 423730

The Revd Sheena Cleaton, Assistant Curate, 20 Tilia Way……01778 395626


Mr. D. Guppy…16 Gladstone Street……. ……………………01778 423873

Mrs Merryn Woodland, 26 Harvey Close, Bourne……………01778 423232


Mr. A. Lightfoot, 29A West Street, Bourne…………...……….07557027210


John Saunders, Mellstock, Bourne Road, Essendine………….01780 480479

Deputy Organist

Peter Page, 48 Grosvenor Avenue, Bourne, PE10 9HU……….01778 393031


Mrs. C Guppy, 16 Gladstone Street Bourne………………...…01778 423873


Mr A. G. Payne, Oldhall Farm House, Wilsthorpe …………...01778 560633


Mr D.H.Page, 3 Sycamore Close …………………………...01778 422512


Mrs C. Guppy, 16 Gladstone Street……………………………01778 423873

Mr & Mrs J Smith, 60 Gladstone Street ……………………...01778 422219


Mr D M Harding 72 Station Road Morton. …………………01778 570177


Mrs C Guppy, 16 Gladstone Street, Bourne, PE10 9AX………01778 423873