bowling at the bay #5

Bowling at the Bay # 5 May 2012

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The new season at Wear Bay Bowls Club


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Bowling at the Bay

# 5 May 2012

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Who’s Who for 2012?

Officers elected at the Bi-Annual General Meeting in October

President Doug Hunter - Life

Chairman Jim Wraight

Vice - Chairman Alan Pierce

Secretary Julie Baker

Treasurer Geoff Fisher

Captain - Ladies Val Murton

Vice - Captain - Ladies Maureen Richards

Captain - Men Ken Watkin

Vice - Captain - Men Bob Baker

Junior Vice - Captain - Men Mike Burn

Men’s Match Secretary Peter Fagg

Maintenance Co-ordinator Jim Quaife

Bar Steward Ken WatkinMagazine Editor Mike Burn

Social Members’ Representative Cliff Greeley

Additional Committee MembersAdditional Committee MembersAdditional Committee MembersAdditional Committee MembersAdditional Committee MembersTony BroughTony Brough Peter CatonPeter Caton

Wendy GreeleyWendy Greeley Kate WatkinKate Watkin


Don’t forget we have a Clubhouse !

Ken Watkin or one of his merry gang of helpers is waiting ready to serve you .

Your support will be much appreciated, and is of great help to the club.


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Bowling at the Bay From our Chairman... Jim Wraight

As your Chairman for the coming year may I welcome existing and new members to a new bowling season at Wear Bay. I would like to thank Barbara Mills for her sterling work during her term of office as chairman. She will be a hard act to follow. Captain Ken will be part of a team of three as both friendly match and league selectors. I know from experience that this is not an easy task, please give them your support. To thrive as a club we need fixtures to be honoured. When team sheets are displayed on the fixture board, please put your name down, even though you may not be competitive, or not as competitive as some, the friendly games are a lot of fun and gives one the opportunity to meet new faces and clubs in the area. Remember the committee are there to help you and we are all approachable. So, if you have a good idea – or even a gripe, let one of us know in writing, and it will be discussed at the next committee meeting. Wishing you all an excellent season of bowls. Jim Wraight [[[[[ Contents: Issue #5 May 2012

3 Notes from Captain Ken 4 Steve Boorn 5 Editor’s Blog 6 Annual Dinner 7 Annual General Meeting 9 “When We Were A Little Older” 11 First Fixtures 12 Ladies Lunch Party 13 Social Report, Letter from Dave Chantry 14 The Kingfisher. A farewell to Steve.


Just In -

It was learnt only recently that Jim Hall, well known to all of us, is not at all well. He was taken ill in February, admitted to the William Harvey hospital, then moved to the Kent and Canterbury, and is now in The Victoria hospital Deal. Jim is, alas, now on permanent dialysis, and we sadly may not be seeing him at our ‘Roll-Ups’ this summer. We extend our best wishes to you Jim, if you are reading this, and truly hope that a full recovery is not too far away. We will raise our glasses to you and drink to your health in the clubhouse after the roll-ups this summer, where we know you like to sup a pint or two after the game... If you can make it there, we will be delighted to see you !

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Notes from Captain Ken...

Greetings fellow bowlersI I hope that you have all had a healthy and restful winter, and are raring to go for the new summer season. We have a few new bowlers who have

joined the club this year, please make them welcome and enjoy their bowling with us.

There are a few changes on the committee, and also the fixture list, changes which I feel sure will benefit us all. Please remember that the committee is there for your benefit, if you have any ideas, complaints or problems don’t hesitate to contact one of us, and we will sort it !

I hope that all of you will give your support to the club, by putting your names forward for selection for at least our some of the many games that are arranged, as our failing to put out a team and fulfilling our obligations will put future fixtures in jeopardy.

Finally, I am hoping that we can maintain our reputation as ‘The Friendliest and most sociable club in Shepway’, and wish you all a healthy and successful bowling season. Enjoy your bowling, and enjoy being a member of the Wear Bay Bowls Club !

Ken [[[[[[[[[

It’s The Way We Tell’em!

We aren’t getting any younger ! When you get old, your secrets are safe with friends. They will never divulge them because they can’t remember them...

I’m done with wild oats - now I am only into prunes and bran...

I knew I was getting balder because it was taking longer and longer to wash my face...

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Obituary Steve Boorn 12 April 1955 - 20 January 2012

Men’s Captain 2010 and 2011

Members were greatly saddened to hear of the loss of Steve Boorn in January, who had been a popular captain for two years, although having to pull out mid season last year with failing health. Always handicapped with problems that would have deterred most men from accepting the challenge of captaincy, Steve threw himself into the job with great enthusiasm, and introduced some innovative ideas into the programme, not least that of bowling ʻFootballʼ, and last year, he arranged a visit from the bowling team from the hospital that gave him a new heart over twenty years ago, Harefield.

Before entering the world of bowling, only four years ago, Steve was a well known name in the field of philately. It might be difficult for some of you to visualise competition in ʻstamp collectingʼ, but there is - and every bit as fiercely fought as in bowling ! Steve represented England in the course of his involvement with the hobby on many occasions, travelling to several countries, and won four gold medals and other prizes at international level.

The funeral, at the Parish church and then at Hawkinge, was well attended by our members, and after the services and committal, a final toast to Captain Steve at the Indoor Bowling Club, where Steve would keep in trim over the winter months. His team mates from the Kingfishers Indoor triples team were present, and it was obvious that at the occasion Steve had received the respect, and good will and farewell that he richly deserved from some one hundred friends and relatives.

Our deepest condolences to his wife Bernice, son and daughter Mark and Leanne, and the family. # # # # # # # # Mike Burn

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Editor’s Blog.

Another year, some new faces at the helm, and our hopes high as we head towards the sun drenched green that we know as home... perhaps that is a hope a little too high, but whatever the weather, we will enjoy ourselves.

As always, the same old pleas have to be made yet once again; Please support the club by putting your name down for matches; don’t use the excuse of telling yourself that you ‘aren’t really good enough to play in competitive matches’. I know the feeling - as a beginner, I steered clear of playing for some time, but once I tried it - it is catching ! If it is of any consolation, all the clubs we play are in the same situation - you are not going to find yourself disgraced on the green, there are players just like you out there ! What is important, and more so than winning or losing, is that the game gets played. Our own ‘In House’ games are important too - particularly the Chris Butler Trophy, which is an evening competition over twelve weeks, and is designed to give any member, gentleman or lady, a good chance of securing a cash winning top place ! Split into triples and /or pairs, each match has teams drawn out of the hat on the evening after the Skips have been allocated to the number of rinks to be used. The best eight results are used to calculate each players points awarded in each game at the end of the season to assess the winner.. Geoff Fisher is in charge - come along on Thursday evenings and join in ! The bacon butties after the game are worth coming along for - ask Mike Johnson !

That’s the bowling covered... Captain Ken has addressed the problem in his ‘Blog’ - please give him the support he deserves, and also Bob Baker and myself who will be aiding and abetting him as his vice-captains. Chairman Jim also had some words to say on the subject. This also of course applies equally to you ladies - Val especially needs your support whilst she has to sit on the bench.

My next request is that we are beginning to run short of contributions for future issues of “Bowling at the Bay”, and really need some help again. The ladies must have just as many

interesting reminiscences as the men that could be shared, why not have a chat with me if you would like to help? This magazine is for everybody in the club, not just the men.

Good Bowling ! Mike

You can contact me on 01303 251693,

or by e-mail [email protected]

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Annual Dinner and Presentation Members and guests gathered at the Folkestone indoor club last November for the annual dinner and presentation of prizes.Our grateful thanks to those who worked so hard to organise the evening, Julie, Barbara, Kate, and others who ‘mucked in’ on the night.

Top to bottom, left to right. All the winners with their trophies

Ron Butcher at large !

Don Firkins exercises his charms upon the ladies... Evelyn Alexander and her cousin, with Win Marshall on the right. Hope you had some mistletoe with you, Don !

President Doug Hunter addresses the diners

Val Whibley and Captain Steve

Barry Pape receives his trophy from Sandra Tutt, whilst supervised by husband Roy !

Kate Watkin oversees the raffle.

Photos courtesy of Barry Pape and his cell phone - many thanks, Barry !

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In the Men’s Room …and the Dolls’ House !

The Annual General Meeting, 2012.A good attendance of 37 were present on the 20 March at this year’s AGM and were welcomed by Jim Wraight, the new Chairman elect in the absence of Barbara Mills who unfortunately had other commitments. After the customary minute’s silence remembering those no longer with us, he voiced his gratitude, and that of the club, to Barbara for her services over the years.

Secretary Julie Baker read the lady captain’s report for Val Murton, who could not be present. Val was delighted with the ladies’ performance last year, with them having won the majority of their friendly games, and also in the Shepway Ladies League. The highest point of the season was the winning of the Easton Cup, when they beat Folkestone Parks for the trophy.

Val is unable to play again this season, due to ill health, but will be very involved as a non-playing captain.

Roy Tutt spoke for the Captain’s report, as Dave Chantry, who took over after the sad retirement of Captain Steve Boorn, was no longer in the country. The season was somewhat mixed in terms of success, but, ‘We did not come last in the League!’

Julie Baker then presented the secretary’s report, and stated that the membership now stood at 48 men, and 19 ladies. She commented on the rise in green fees, imposed by the Shepway Council, which we were obliged to pay.

Mention was made of our new Maintenance officer, Jim Quaife, who was taking over from Tom Leftley. Members were asked to give Jim their help and support when needed.

Julie also emphasised the need for members to support the club in the clubhouse as well as the Green, as that was where most of the money for club funds was raised. She mentioned the social activities that take place over the winter, and in the summer on occasions like the weekly Chris Butler Trophy, which also needed more support. If insufficient players join in this year, it may be the last.

The only coach trip for an away game this year will be the Tovil fixture.

“Paying Up” night is to be Monday 16 April.

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Treasurer Geoff Fisher presented the accounts, which had been previously circulated, and which showed that we were still in a healthy position financially. Tony Brough, as auditor, had approved the accounts. They were duly approved and accepted by members present. It was agreed at the previous committee meeting, prior to the AGM, that two long serving members Sandra Tutt and Alan Pierce should have their efforts recognised and rewarded by being accorded Life Members status. This was approved by the members, along with Barbara Mills, and Jean Tilley who were also added. Tony Brough suggested that another name should be added - that of Roy Tutt, who had worked hard for years, deputising for the captain, particularly when Steve Boorn was ill, and had also been captain himself several times. The meeting agreed, and 5 more worthy members join the Life members list.bers list.

The meeting was formally closed, and an ‘Open Forum’ started.Ken Watkin outlined some of the season’s games ahead, including the new “Inners and Outers”. He mentioned also the agreement to pay those who performed the tea duties at weekend games the sum of four pounds, plus two free raffle tickets. He urged members to support the games, both friendlies, and League.

The problem of parking was raised, and Ken produced a plan which he would ask all members to adhere to when parking. It essentially involves parking as many cars as is possible on the left as one enters the car park, and avoiding the right hand side nearest the clubhouse as much as possible. This area will be reserved for visitors.

Ken also asked what members thought of engaging the services of a coach for the club. He is to look further into the possibility.

The formal procedures completed, members enjoyed some socialising at the bar, after what was a pleasant evening without a single controversial topic.

or in this case, the Clubhouse !

Geoff Fisher, Jim Wraight and Julie Baker

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When We Were a Little Older... (Continued) Harold Francis

In 1955 I had a couple of trials for the England team, and was short listed. It turned out that my name was even printed on the team sheet in the programme. This was for a World Cup tournament to be played in Italy. However in 1956 I was picked to play in the “B”side for a tour of France. This was a real treat with two club games to be played, finishing with an international in Paris against a French team. The two clubs were one in Nantes and the other in Bordeaux. In Nantes we were entertained by the French club and were given a really slap up meal, and the wine flowed. In Bordeaux we had to visit the Mayor in his chambers and sample some of his best wine. Since then it has been a standing joke about the time I had wine with the Mayor of Bordeaux.

The trip to Paris was the highlight as we had three days to spend there so we made the most of it, including Mont Mart. We were promised by the manager that if we won this international he would treat us all to an evening at The Casino de Paris.(next best thing to the Follies Bergere). This we did so we had a good night out. I managed to save seven penalties that game. We also won the other two games making three in all, this was the first time it had been achieved.

In May of that year I was picked for the England team to play in the World Series in Porto which was a ten game tournament. The National Roller Hockey Association were a bit hard up for money so we had to travel overnight by train.There were eleven countries involved in the competition including one from Brazil.On this occasion we finished joint third but finished up fifth on goal average

I also played again for England in 1958 this was again in Porto, I think we finished up about in the same position that year.

I was the first player from Folkestone ever to be picked for the England Team, but there were several others from Folkestone later on.

I carried on playing for Folkestone for a few more years and had my last game in 1969 when we were Runners Up in The National Cup. It was to be a few more years before I moved on to bowls.


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Page 11: Bowling At The Bay #5

What’s fifty years between friends?

Two of Harold’s medals

FOLKESTONE ROLLER HOCKEY TEAM 1960(Standing) Stan Darby, Harold Francis, Derek Butcher. Frank Barham Derek Tredget.

Sadly Stan died on the Herald of Free Enterprise in 1987. Frank is still around in Folkestone, and we other three are living in Capel-le-Ferne


It’s the way we Tell’em !

Three more of our older men were talking on the green one roll-up morning. One remarks to another ‘Windy, isn’t it?’ The second bowler replies ‘No, it’s Thursday’. Upon which the third man, Mike, nods in agreement ‘So am I. Let’s go and see Ken in the clubhouse’...

Two more of our male members, one of whom stutters quite a bit, were chatting in the clubhouse about the team selections... The stutterer started ‘I’mmm down tttto pppplay at Ffffffff.. ... ‘Faversham ?, said his friend helpfully. ‘Nnnnnoooo, Ffffff....’ Folkestone? came another suggestion...Nnnnnoooo, ‘Fffflippin’ Parks’..... (Submitted by one of the new Life members... Ed.)


Our new Life Members..

Roy Tutt Sandra Tutt Barbara Mills Jean Tilley Alan Pierce

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The Season‘s First Matches..

Venue DressDate Venue Fixtures Time Rinks DressAPRIL

SA 28 A Lyminge 2.30 M 6T WSU 29 H Captain/Vcaptain 2.30 mxd W

MAYTu 1 A Hythe 2.30 L 3T WFr 4 H New Romney 2.30 L 3T WSA 5 H V.Captain's Choice 2.30 TBA WSU 6Mo 7 Bank HolidayTu 8 A Cheriton 2.30 L 3T WTu 8 H Cheriton (ML) 6.00 M 4T GWe 9 H Hythe (LL) 6.00 L 2T GSA 12 H Inners v. Outers 2.30 TBA WSU 13 A Hythe 2.30 M 6T WMo 14 A Folkestone (ML) 6.00 M 4T GTu 15 A Betteshanger 2.30 L 3T WWe 16 A Barham (LL) 6.00 L 2T GSA 19 A Kearsney 2.30 M6T WSU 20 H IMPACT TROPHY 2.30 Mxd WMo 21 H Hythe (ML 6.00 M4T GTu 22 A Lyminge 2.30 L 2T WWe 23 H Lyminge (SL) 6.00 L 2T GFri 25 A Barham 2.30 L 3T WSA 26 H Barham 3.00 mxd6T WSU27 H Vice Captain’s Choice 2.30 TBA WMo 28 A New Romney (ML) 6.00 M 4T GWe 30 A Ashford (SL) 6.00 L 2T G

Get your name up on the team sheets ! [[[[[[

Thought for today...

If a man is standing in the middle of the forest speaking and there is no woman around to hear him... is he still wrong?

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Lady Bowlers’ Lunch Party

8th March 2012 Wear Bayʼs Lady Bowlers, past and present, enjoyed a fantastic lunch put on by the catering students of the Academy, Folkestone.  The meal was planned, prepared and served by the pupils in a very pleasant dining room at the school with a wonderful view of the hills.  There were choices from the three

course menu and we were able to take some wine with us. Val Murton, Lady Captain, presented each one of us (18  in all) with an angel pendant displayed in a pretty box made by Val.  It is nice

to see Val back to her old self and we look forward to her being our Captain again this year. Thanks also to Sandra Tutt for arranging the get together.  Julie Baker   [[[[[[[[[

Potters Bowling Tournament October 2011

44 bowlers from the Shepway area with family and friend travelled to Potters Leisure in Norfolk for a midweek bowls tournament where there were in excess of 100 teams. The ‘Shepway Bowlers’ consisted of 11 teams and each team played 4 games making a total of 44 and won 30. Joyce Carpenter – lead; Liz Foord – two; Mike Johnson – three and Bob Baker – skip; got through to the quarter finals but were beaten 10 -14. The teams were made up with members from Cheriton, Folkestone, Parks, Wear Bay, Hythe, Lyminge, Sellindge and included representatives of Aylesham and Sandwich Clubs. Many of the group when not playing bowls enjoyed games such as badminton, knurling, archery and rifle shooting gaining medals and prizes.

I have organised another trip this year, Monday 8th to Friday 12th 2012, if you would like to join us please contact me. Julie Baker 

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The Social Side... Cliff Greeley

Here we are, nearly at the end of the winter season, and it has been a good one so far. A few members have not been able to attend this year through ill health, and I wish them all well, and restored to good health soon.

There have been some good darts (although not from me though!) and I would like to thank all the social members that have helped to keep the club going, with special thanks to Ken again, and Julie for the good work they have put in. Also my thanks to the others who have helped, not least Alan, Thelma and Wendy.

Now we look forward to the annual dinner and presentation evening onThank you all for your support this year... Cliff

[[[[[A Letter from Dave

Happy New Year to all my friends at Wear Bay. I'm sure you're all champing at the bit to get out into the fresh air again. I really miss the camaraderie and banter of the club. So far I have not yet joined a bowls club because I am still battling to get a Permanent Residents Visa and this is taking all of my spare time when I'm not painting the house, getting the garden ship shape and doing that never ending 'honey-do' list.

We have just returned from Isabel's family game farm and walking around with giraffe, buffalo, wilderbeest (Gnu) and numerous other wild animals never loses its fascination for me. Fortunately as we head towards winter your weather will be hopefully improving. Here in winter it gets chilly at night from mid May to Mid August but the days are always sunny as winter is the 'dry season' so the daytime temperatures are cold for the locals but I won't find 75 F too hard to bear although they will all be wearing coats! Hopefully by August 31st I will have jumped through all the hoops and have a visa so things can return to normality. The bowls clubs here don't close over winter although few people play when it's only 75. I hardly know how to explain playing bowls on a great summers day in Wear Bay with the rain teaming down sideways thanks to a stiff chilly breeze. Hopefully there won't be too many this year. If they had weather even closely resembling those wet days these bowlers would definitely be in the bar-speaking of which Ken would love the prices here. In my local bar a pint of draught lager is 80p and a bottle of Guinness blows the budget at 99p! A scotch like Bells is 1.35 for 25ml and brandy is 1.20 for a tot. Mixers are 70p which just goes to show beer is good for you! (or your pocket). I'm told club prices are cheaper but have yet to experience them-I'll fill you in later in the year. I wish you all a very successful season and may the weather be kind to you all. We are going to Namaqualand for the wild daisy bloom in July-August and then to Mozambique to do some deep sea fishing and enjoy the end of a tropical winter where the temperatures will still be in the 80's. It's 600 miles one way but at 95p a litre of diesel it doesn't cost much. I haven't been fishing yet although I have my new boat as I am still working on a 'Skippers ticket' which has become mandatory since we left. All in all a very busy few months for the Chantrys but it has been great so far. I will send some photos via Mike Burn after I get back from my travels.

My kindest regards to all Dave & Isabel Chantry.

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The Kingfisher, by William Henry Davies

It was the Rainbow gave thee birth, And left thee all her lovely hues; And, as her mother’s name was Tears, So runs it in my blood to choose For haunts the lonely pools, and keep In company with trees that weep. Go you and, with such glorious hues, Live with proud peacocks in green parks; On lawns as smooth as shining glass, Let every feather show its marks; Get thee on boughs and clap thy wings Before the windows of proud kings. Nay, lovely Bird, thou art not vain; Thou hast no proud, ambitious mind; I also love a quiet place That’s green, away from all mankind; A lonely pool, and let a tree Sigh with her bosom over me.

This poem was included in Steve Boorn’s Funeral Order of Service at the request of his wife Bernice, to reflect his association with his friends in the Indoor Bowling team of that name.


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Designed, Edited, printed and Compiled by Mike Burn, on behalf of the Wear Bay Bowls Club, for the benefit of all members, and with much assistance from Julie Baker providing facts and photos. Contact details : 01303 251693, e-mail [email protected]