bowman woods news - linn-mar high school · second graders have started logging into our new...

BOWMAN WOODS NEWS October 2016 STOMP OUT Bullying Monday, 10-3-16 is BLUE SHIRT DAY ® WORLD DAY OF BULLYING PREVENTION™. Let’s go BLUE in solidarity & STOMP Out Bullying EVERYWHERE! Join us as we stand together to get rid of bullying and make 10-3-16 the day that bullying prevention is heard around the world! Please wear a BLUE shirt on Monday. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our school raised $17,238.32 from the One and Done Fundraiser, Bowman Blast! Awesome Job!!!!! PICTURE RE-TAKE DAY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18th Lifetouch Photographers will be at Bowman Woods on Tuesday, October 18th. All new students to Bowman Woods, or those students that were absent on the original picture day, will be photographed for school records and a class composite. If you would like to order pictures, please contact Mrs. Matthews in the office for an order envelope. If you would like to have your student’s picture re-taken, please send the original picture package with your student on picture re-take day. If you have any further questions, please contact Lifetouch at 1-800-472-1998. Class Parties and Fall Costume Parade Our parade and parties are scheduled for Oct. 28 th at the end of the day. Each class will get a chance to be in the parade, weather permitting. More information and parade route will be coming home soon with your student.

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STOMP OUT Bullying


Let’s go BLUE in solidarity & STOMP Out Bullying EVERYWHERE!

Join us as we stand together to get rid of bullying and make 10-3-16 the day that bullying prevention is heard around the world! Please

wear a BLUE shirt on Monday.


Our school raised $17,238.32 from

the One and Done Fundraiser,

Bowman Blast! Awesome Job!!!!!


Lifetouch Photographers will be at Bowman Woods on Tuesday, October 18th. All new students to Bowman Woods, or those students that were absent on the original picture day, will be photographed for school records and a class composite. If you would like to order pictures, please contact Mrs. Matthews in the office for an order envelope. If you would like to have your student’s picture re-taken, please send the original picture package with your student on picture re-take day. If you have any further questions, please contact Lifetouch at 1-800-472-1998.

Class Parties and Fall Costume Parade Our parade and parties are scheduled for Oct. 28th at the end of the day. Each class will get a chance to be in the parade, weather permitting. More information and parade route will be coming home soon with your student.

Halloween Costumes:

As you are looking for the ideal costume to wear to school for our costume parade this year, please keep in mind the following requirements:

No weaponry of any kind. No blood or gore (i.e. guts hanging out) No inappropriate language (i.e. Suicide Squad) No make-up or hair coloring for school

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Val Lawrence, (319) 447-3208 or [email protected]


was a HUGE success!! Our Bowman Blast was a huge success thanks to our amazing

coordinator, Misty Holzwarth, and the crew of dedicated

volunteers who made this a very special day for our children.

Not only was it a day for fabulous fitness, but we surpassed our

fundraising goal! We are so fortunate to be able to use these

funds for educational field trips, technology and classroom

enrichment. Because we surpassed our goal, the funds will also

sponsor a roller skating unit that will come to the school for PE.

Special thanks to Camille Lindsay & Beth Morrissey for lining up

the volunteers, and Layce Fillner for managing all of the money

and matching funds. Thanks to PTO for buying the yummy

popsicles and giving every child a fun.

Thanks you to Ms. Morosky for being the spirited MC, Mr.

Lehman for being such a good spirit with the dodgeball, Mrs.

Krause for spirit extraordinaire and Mrs. Simons for her

photography spirit throughout the event.

Thanks again for making this such an awesome event. Mrs.

March is lining up the last few promised activities for meeting

our fundraiser!

Library News!

We are all SUPER READERS at Bowman Woods and that means checking out books that we love and enjoy reading. Just 15 minutes of daily independent reading can boost a child’s reading skills. This 15 minutes not only helps enrich vocabulary, but build a greater ability to understand what is being read; especially if someone asks questions about what is being read. We are very lucky to have great resources given to us by Grant Wood AEA online. Students love exploring these safe sites when given the chance. To access these fun sites you will need to use the school login of 3715bowm and password: aea10 Kindergarteners and first graders just got done reading about cardboard creations in the stories; Big Friends by Linda Sarah, The Big Brown Box by Marisabina Russo, and Not a Box by Antoinette Portis. After reading these stories and thinking about what each of us would do with a giant box, students helped create a cardboard structure to have in the library as a Super Reader Box! We now have houses, one of which has wings because it is a “flying house”, unique castles and a robot that make up the Super Reader Box selection. Second graders have started logging into our new computers and logging into the Type 2 Learn program. We are practicing the routine for a few classes in a row, so it becomes easier each time. The students are doing a wonderful job with this! Third-fifth graders were able to do an iPad scavenger hunt called “Where in the Library did the Pokemon Go?” The scavenger hunt used the iPad app called Aurasma, so when a picture of a Pokemon is found, a video created by Mrs. Clanin tells the student the section of the library and the points awarded for finding it. Students were able to explore areas of the library and collect points. Then they used their math skills to add up the total from finding as many Pokemon as they could find. Mrs. Clanin is reading the story “I Survived the Chicago Fire of 1871” by Lauren Tarshis. This story kindles great discussions about what makes a story historical fiction. To fourth graders, Mrs. Clanin is reading “The Monster’s Ring” by Bruce Coville and fifth graders are being read “Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library” by Chris Grabenstein. Visit the Bowman Woods Symbaloo to see what websites students are accessing.

Fall Scholastic Book Fair is October 3-7. Come and check it out before or after your parent/teacher conferences.

BW volunteer coordinator will email all registered volunteers when help is needed for any occasion.

Attendance/Lunch Line ---- 447-3242

REDEMPTION NEWS Our current contest, Bowman Woods Box Tops/Hy-Vee GO!, is underway and there are several homerooms who have caught a couple Pokémon characters on the lunchroom bulletin board already. Again, for every 200 Box Tops or Hy-Vee receipts a homeroom brings in, their homeroom’s Poké Ball will catch another character on the board. Let’s try to catch them all—keep collecting! And don’t hoard them at home. Even if you only have a few Box Tops or Hy-Vee receipts, have your student bring them in! New Box Tops Bonus App! Earn even more cash to help our school get what it needs through the Box Tops for Education Bonus App. Turn your everyday receipts into cash for our school. Best of all…it’s easy and it’s free! See attached flyer for more details.


Please make sure all baggies with redemption items have your student’s name and homeroom written legibly on them. No name/homeroom = no credit for any contest.

The Campbell Soup Company is ending its long-running Labels for Education Program. Our school is no longer accepting these LFE logo labels as part of our redemption program. Those turned in will not be counted toward any contest.

ATTENDANCE/LUNCH PROCEDURE If your student will be absent or late from school, please call Mrs. Matthews at 447-

3242 as soon as possible. Please include the following information on your student when leaving a message:

1. Student’s name

2. Teacher’s name 3. Reason for absence/late arrival. If the absence is due to an illness, please

include symptoms your child is experiencing or any diagnosis the doctor has informed you of. If they will be arriving late, please include whether they want main or alternate for their lunch choice.

4. Leave your name and phone number we can reach you at if we would have questions.

When your student arrives late or leaves early, parents/guardians must stop in at the office to sign them in/out.

Your student’s teacher appreciates a note or phone call ahead of time if your child will be leaving early. We will call your student to the office when you

arrive and not before. Please plan accordingly.

News from Mrs. Wiley’s Office

Greetings BW Families! We are getting back into the swing of things now that we are nearing October. We have been working on respect and empathy in the classrooms as well as skills to be respectful learners. We continue to work on PBIS throughout the building and in classrooms. Don’t forget that during conference week the Costume Swap will be going on outside of my office. If you have any old costumes to donate, please bring them in and see the note below. Happy Fall!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Costume Swap

Do you have costumes at home that you are not using? Do you need a costume? During conference week- Oct. 4 & 6 (evening hours), Mrs. Wiley will have a rack outside of her office where you can come take a costume, leave a costume, or trade a costume just in time for Halloween. But first I need your help. Please check and see if you have any costumes that your children have outgrown or do not use. Send them to school with your child anytime between now and Oct. 4th. If you have a dancer who has old costumes those would be great as well. Ask friends, neighbors, anyone who would like to donate their old costumes. Costumes can be left with Mrs. Matthews in the main office. Please make sure they are clean and in good condition. Thanks, Mrs. Wiley

Bowman Woods joins together to help flood victims in our community by bringing in nonperishable food items and bottled water. These items will be delivered to the Red Cross and/or food pantries to distribute as needed. Thank you!!!!!

Notes from Music

Miss Morosky


Early Birds practice will begin on September 28th

, 2016 at 7:45 a.m. Early birds is Bowman’s

morning choir open for 4th

and 5th

grade singers. I have received so many sign-ups, the

group is going to be loud and full of sound. I cannot wait to get started!


First graders are excited to show their friends and family the goofy songs we have been

practicing in the music room. The event is on October 27th

, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. Our concert

is called “Paws and Tails” and will feature instrument playing, dancing, laughter, and of

course a lot of singing! A note will be sent home as a reminder. First graders are asked to

bring one pair of sunglasses to the concert for our jazzy song…that would be purr-fect!

A Note from the Orchestra Director ~ Mrs. Kelly Vieth ~

The 5th Grade Orchestra members have been working very hard on reading notes and rhythms in preparation for our very first concert on Thursday, October 27th in the High School Auditorium beginning at 6:00 PM. All family and friends are encouraged to attend!!! Students will receive more information about our performance later this month.

Attention All Adopt-a- Beginners…. All students who signed up for this year’s Adopt-a-Beginner Program will be finding out who their High School practice buddy will be very soon! Students accepted into the program will have the chance to meet and greet their buddy at our annual Adopt-a-Beginner Pizza Party, which will take place before our concert on October 27th. More details to come Keep up the hard work, orchestra students! Go Lions!!! ~ Mrs. Vieth ~

Thank you! Dear Parents,

Words cannot express the gratitude I feel for everything you did during our spirit week for the “Only One”

fundraiser. We raised an astonishing amount of funds for our Bowman students. You helped your child find

socks, hats, pj’s, in addition to sending money and supporting the Bowman Blast. The children have already

been treated to tap dancing by Mrs. Wiley, Ms. Morosky and me, tricycle riding by staff, outrageously dressed

staff, an all school chicken dance, and will soon have an extra recess and teacher incentive. We will also be

producing a staff surprise dance video to be unveiled at the February School Dance. Thank you for the many

ways you helped make this a huge success!

A special thanks to Misty Holzwarth, Layce Fillner, Doug White, Beth Morrisey, and Camille Lindsay, and to

our many volunteers who volunteered during the Blast. Your help made it all happen. The lion volunteers

rocked! Thank you to 5th Grade Volunteers - Becky Decious, Cathy Bordignon, Jessie Hunt, Julie Cihla, Julie

Wesselink, Kim Carney, Namira Romero, Tracy Clair, Jennifer Baide (Lion); 4th Grade Volunteers - Angie

Krueger, Bonnie Jessen, Jill Groezinger, Kimberly Bennett, Namira Romero, Terri Fritcher, Becky Decious

(Lion); 3rd Grade Volunteers - Barb Thompson, Becky Bolsinger, Brianna Peterson, Diane McPeek, Jaci

Denny, Kimberly Bennett, Lorene Anderson, Renee Miles, Toni Bergen, Tracey Chesmore; 2nd Grade

Volunteers - Amy Sickels, Angie Krueger, Elizabeth Strimple, Erin Wittkowski, Namira Romero, Sherlyn

Lindeman, Tara Erickson, Vijayasarath, Heather Lampe (Lion); 1st Grade Volunteers - Angie Krueger, Anne

Bass, Elizabeth Strimple, Julie Wesselink, Kristal Long, Madhavi M, Renee Miles, Stephanie Kathmann,

Terri Fritcher, Christine Lehman-Engledow (Lion); Kindergarten Volunteers - Barb Thompson, Becky

Bolsinger, Brook McDonald, Christine Lehman-Engledow, Dixie Albertson, Elizabeth Strimple, Jill

Groezinger, Mary Schroeder, Renee Miles, Ryan Cooper, Becky Decious (Lion).

We have an outstanding group of volunteers!

Thank you to the following volunteers who provided delicious apple treats to staff for Apple Harvest

Day. They are Ofelia Baez-Perez, Angie Krueger, Ruth Schroeder, Brianna Peterson, Cathy

Bordignon, Amanda Johanson, Becky Decious, Brittany Grindeland, Beth Morrissey, Heather Lampe,

Becky Bolsinger, and Denise Jones.

Thank you to the Volunteer Workshop Group - Angie Krueger, Anne Bass, Janet Masters, Laura

Nordine, Stephanie Kathmann, Lorene Anderson, Kristal Long, Mary Hutton, Suzanne Thurman,

Christine Hanson, Craig Hansen, Ruth Schroeder, Deepthi Bhupathiraju, Lynne Kendrick, R. Delaney,

Cara Lausen, Paula Moran, Beth Morrissey, and Camille Lindsay.

Thank you to the volunteers for Kindergarten Literacy – Char Weuve, Betty Cote, Carol Wesselink,

Elizabeth Strimple, Ruth Schroeder, Heather Wade and Beth Morrissey.

Picture Day volunteers – Elizabeth Strimple and Camille Lindsay.

Apple Orchard Field Trip Volunteers - Dawn Ovel, Becky Bolsinger, Mary Schroeder, Christine

Lehman-Engledow, Janet Liu, Brianna Peterson, Eric Groezinger, Tara Erickson, and Misty Holzwarth.

Lunchroom Helpers – Danean Kirchner, Paula Moran, Suzanne Thurman, Angie Krueger, Kristi

Whitham, Becky Bolsinger, Linda Hasson and Elizabeth Strimple.

Thursday, October 20th

Celebrating reading! AMERICA READS to Mark 20th Year The AMERICA READS: Reading is Contagious event is celebrating its 20th year this fall. The program is designed to shine a spotlight on the importance of reading to young children to improve literacy and demonstrate the joy of reading through collective citizen involvement. In the Cedar Rapids metro area, it has become an annual fall tradition, bringing hundreds of volunteers into area schools to share a favorite book with students. AMERICA READS: Reading Is Contagious 2016 will be held Oct. 20-21. Developed and launched in 1997, the initiative is a collaborative effort between the Cedar Rapids Community, College Community, Linn-Mar, Marion Independent, and Xavier Catholic school districts, as well Summit School and the five public libraries: Cedar Rapids, Ely, Fairfax, Hiawatha, and Marion. Local businesses and organizations provide financial support. More than 2,500 guest readers visited elementary schools over the two-day period in October 2015. Some 16,000 students benefited from exposure to the enthusiastic readers. Volunteer readers include everyone from parents and middle, high school and college students to school neighbors, senior citizens, business people and local “celebrities”. The community readers share their love of reading by doing just that—each volunteer read a favorite story to a child, a small group of children or to an entire classroom of students. Numerous studies indicate that children who have been read to on a regular basis are the ones who become good readers. Reading just 30 minutes a day with a child can significantly increase a child’s reading ability. By sharing a story, AMERICA READS volunteers also celebrate their own love of reading with students. That special book might just become someone else’s favorite! After all, reading is contagious!” Register by Oct. 1 for AMERICA READS: Reading is Contagious 2016 -

Volunteering in Bowman Woods

All volunteers must be registered before volunteering per Linn-Mar policy. IT IS EASY!! It is just necessary if you want to be a volunteer in the classrooms, for field trips, class parties, special projects, Bowman Blast, Co-op Day, and the list could go on and on.

All Volunteer opportunities for Bowman Woods will come by email from [email protected]. You will only receive these emails if you have gone through the process of becoming an active volunteer. Here is what you need to do to be an active volunteer.

For NEW volunteers, fill out the ‘Linn-Mar Volunteer Application Form 2016 -17’. Once you have done that, return it to the school office. You will then be contacted by Karla Terry via e-mail, to set up a short one-on-one meeting with her (or attend an evening group session).

If you have been an ‘active’ volunteer in the past, each year you need to sign a ‘Disclosure Form’. Turn it in and you are good until the following school year, when you will need to sign the form again. If you have questions about this, you can e-mail at [email protected] or Karla Terry at [email protected]

Volunteer Workshop is scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 8:45 – 10:45. The dates are: October 11, November 8, December 13, January 10, February 14, March 7, April 11 and May 9. Volunteer Workshop is a great way to meet other volunteers and ask questions and get your cutting and tracing fix. Younger children are welcome to attend Volunteer Workshop with you. We are all busy, so if you want to attend but have a limited time, that is fine, stop by for the entire time or a smaller amount of time. Any and all help is appreciated.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all you volunteers who have stepped up to the plate to make amazing things happen for Bowman Woods in September! Bowman Blast was a huge success thanks to you! Not only did you jump in to help, many of you went the extra mile doing additional shifts, wearing the Lion Costume, and cheering our students on that day. Our volunteers have also made significant contributions this past month by helping in the lunchroom, going on field trips, coming to volunteer workshop, and helping in the classrooms. WE APPRECIATE YOU! FAQs...

Why do we need to record hours? It's important for several reasons. It helps our school district, our school, and our students. Often these numbers are used when trying to quantify parent/community support for grant applications. THANKS TO ALL OF YOU WHO ARE DOING THIS! YOU'VE CAUGHT THE VISION!

How do I record my hours? Go to this link: What if I don't remember my username and password, or what if I have never received a

username/password? Go to the link previously mentioned, and click on the "forgot password or user name" button. Give the same email that you gave when you signed up to be a volunteer. If you're still not sure, you can email Casey Fasselius at [email protected].

What if it's been more than 2 weeks since my volunteering happened? You can email Casey about those items as well! Of course we do advocate getting those hours recorded asap; however, Casey is very responsive about helping you record your time if more than 2 weeks have lapsed.

How do I know if I am an "active" volunteer or if I am a "registered" volunteer? You can always check with us if you're not sure. Active volunteers receive our emails and find out what volunteer opportunities are available. Registered volunteers have filled out the paperwork but have not attended an orientation session yet, OR they were an active volunteer last year but have not filled out the paperwork for this year. Registered volunteers are not eligible to volunteer yet, but they are super close to finishing the process.

How do I get one of those cool Linn-Mar lanyards with my name on it? Linn-Mar likes to specially recognize volunteers that have recorded 100 or more volunteer hours by giving them a Linn-Mar lanyard with their name printed on it. You need to have recorded 100 hours of volunteer time within the district by May. It resets each year, so the hours do not continue to add upon past years. Volunteers that have given 100 or more hours are also treated to a special luncheon at the end of the year. Linn-Mar loves their volunteers!

Camille Lindsay & Beth Morrissey Bowman Woods Volunteer Coordinators

October 2016

Early Birds – 5th, 7th, 12th, 14th, 19th, 26th, & 28th, 7:45-8:20 am

Orchestra – Tuesday’s @ 7:45-8:20 am & Thursday’s @ 3:20-3:50 pm Band – Thursday’s @ 7:45-8:15 am

Bowman Woods Event Calendar:

BW Volunteer Web Site:

To view the entire newsletter online go to:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 4

5 6


Book Fair 8-4

Orch AM

Book Fair 8-7

Early Birds

Book Fair 8-4 Book Fair 8-7

Early Birds

Conf. Night

3:30-8 pm K Field Trip

Conf. Night

3:30-8 pm

Cycle Day (4)

(5) (6) (7) (8)

10 11 12 13 14

4th Gr.


Orch AM

Vol. Wkshp.

8:45-10:45am Early Birds

Band AM

4th Gr.


Early Birds

K Field Trip

1 Field Trip

4th Gr. Swimming Mock Newberry


4th Gr.

Swimming 4th Gr State Fair

Cycle Day (1)

PTO Meeting-6 (2) (3)

Orch PM (4) (5)

17 18 19 20 21

4th Gr.


Orch AM

BW Night 5-8

Picture Re-takes

Early Birds

LEO Field Trip

Band AM

America Reads

5th Gr Field Trip

Orch PM


Cycle Day (6) (7) (8) (1)

24 25 26 27 28


Orch AM

Early Birds

Band AM Early Birds

Pride Day



Mock Newberry Club (2) (3)

Fall Orch.

Concert @ 6 pm

HS Aud.

1st Gr Music

Concert – 6:30 (4)

Fall Parties Parade – 2:10



EB Choral

Workshop @

Prairie H.S.

Cycle (6)