boxify: full-fledged app sandboxing for stock android

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 24th USENIX Security Symposium August 12–14, 2015 • Washington, D.C. ISBN 978-1-931971-232 Open access to the Proceedings of the 24th USENIX Security Symposium is sponsored by USENIX Boxify: Full-fledged App Sandboxing for Stock Android Michael Backes, Saarland University and Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS); Sven Bugiel, Christian Hammer, Oliver Schranz, and Philipp von Styp-Rekowsky, Saarland University

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Page 1: Boxify: Full-fledged App Sandboxing for Stock Android

This paper is included in the Proceedings of the 24th USENIX Security Symposium

August 12–14, 2015 • Washington, D.C.

ISBN 978-1-931971-232

Open access to the Proceedings of the 24th USENIX Security Symposium

is sponsored by USENIX

Boxify: Full-fledged App Sandboxing for Stock Android

Michael Backes, Saarland University and Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS); Sven Bugiel, Christian Hammer, Oliver Schranz,

and Philipp von Styp-Rekowsky, Saarland University

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USENIX Association 24th USENIX Security Symposium 691

Boxify: Full-fledged App Sandboxing for Stock Android

Michael BackesCISPA, Saarland University & MPI-SWS

[email protected]

Sven BugielCISPA, Saarland University

[email protected]

Christian HammerCISPA, Saarland [email protected]

Oliver SchranzCISPA, Saarland [email protected]

Philipp von Styp-RekowskyCISPA, Saarland University

[email protected]

AbstractWe present the first concept for full-fledged app

sandboxing on stock Android. Our approach is basedon application virtualization and process-based priv-ilege separation to securely encapsulate untrustedapps in an isolated environment. In contrast to allrelated work on stock Android, we eliminate the ne-cessity to modify the code of monitored apps, andthereby overcome existing legal concerns and deploy-ment problems that rewriting-based approaches havebeen facing. We realize our concept as a regular An-droid app called Boxify that can be deployed withoutfirmware modifications or root privileges. A system-atic evaluation of Boxify demonstrates its capabilityto enforce established security policies without incur-ring a significant runtime performance overhead.

1 Introduction

Security research of the past five years has shown thatthe privacy of smartphone users—and in particular ofAndroid OS users, due to Android’s popularity andopen-source mindset—is jeopardized by a numberof different threats. Those include increasingly so-phisticated malware and spyware [63, 39, 62], overlycurious libraries [25, 32], but also developer negli-gence and absence of fail-safe defaults in the AndroidSDK [33, 29]. To remedy this situation, the develop-ment of new ways to protect the end-users’ privacyhas been an active topic of Android security researchduring the last years.

Status quo of deploying Android security ex-tensions. From a deployment perspective, the pro-posed solutions followed two major directions: Themajority of the solutions [26, 44, 45, 16, 21, 64, 52, 56]extended the UID-centered security architecture ofAndroid. In contrast, a number of solutions [38,59, 23, 49, 22, 15] promote inlined reference moni-

toring (IRM) [28] as an alternative approach thatintegrates security policy enforcement directly intoAndroid’s application layer, i.e., the apps’ code.

However, this dichotomy is unsatisfactory for end-users: While OS security extensions provide strongersecurity guarantees and are preferable in the long run,they require extensive modifications to the operatingsystem and Android application framework. Sincethe proposed solutions are rarely adopted [54, 53] byGoogle or the device vendors, users have to resort tocustomized aftermarket firmware [4, 6] if they wishto deploy new security extensions on their devices.However, installing a firmware forms a technologicalbarrier for most users. In addition, fragmentation ofthe Android ecosystem [46] and vendor customiza-tions impede the provisioning of custom-built ROMsfor all possible device configurations in the wild.

In contrast, solutions that rely on inlined referencemonitoring avoid this deployment problem by mov-ing the reference monitor to the application layerand allowing users to install security extensions inthe form of apps. However, the currently availablesolutions provide only insufficient app sandboxingfunctionality [36] as the reference monitor and theuntrusted application share the same process space.Hence, they lack the strong isolation that wouldensure tamper-protection and non-bypassability ofthe reference monitor. Moreover, inlining referencemonitors requires modification and hence re-signingof applications, which violates Android’s signature-based same-origin model and puts these solutionsinto a legal gray area.

The sweet spot. The envisioned app sandboxingsolution provides immediate strong privacy protec-tion against rogue applications. It would combine thesecurity guarantees of OS security extensions withthe deployability of IRM solutions, while simultane-ously avoiding their respective drawbacks. Effectively,

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such a solution would provide an OS-isolated refer-ence monitor that can be deployed entirely as anapp on stock Android without modifications to thefirmware or code of the monitored applications.

Our contributions. In this paper we present anovel concept for Android app sandboxing based onapp virtualization, which provides tamper-protectedreference monitoring without firmware alterations,root privileges or modifications of apps. The key ideaof our approach is to encapsulate untrusted apps in arestricted execution environment within the contextof another, trusted sandbox application. To establisha restricted execution environment, we leverage An-droid’s “isolated process” feature, which allows appsto totally de-privilege selected components—a fea-ture that has so far received little attention beyondthe web browser. By loading untrusted apps into ade-privileged, isolated process, we shift the problemof sandboxing the untrusted apps from revoking theirprivileges to granting their I/O operations wheneverthe policy explicitly allows them. The I/O opera-tions in question are syscalls (to access the file system,network sockets, bluetooth, and other low-level re-sources) and the Binder IPC kernel module (to accessthe application framework). We introduce a novelapp virtualization environment that proxies all syscalland Binder channels of isolated apps. By interceptingany interaction between the app and the system (i.e.,kernel and app framework), our solution is able to en-force established and new privacy-protecting policies.Additionally, it is carefully crafted to be transparentto the encapsulated app in order to keep the appagnostic about the sandbox and retain compatibilityto the regular Android execution environment. Byexecuting the untrusted code as a de-privileged pro-cess with a UID that differs from the sandbox app’sUID, the kernel securely and automatically isolatesat process-level the reference monitor implementedby the sandbox app from the untrusted processes.Technically, we build on techniques that were foundsuccessful in related work (e.g., libc hooking [59])while introducing new techniques such as Binder IPCredirection through ServiceManager hooking. We re-alize our concept as a regular app called Boxify thatcan be deployed on stock Android. To the best of ourknowledge, Boxify is the first solution to introduceapplication virtualization to stock Android.In summary, we make the following contributions:

1. We present a novel concept for application virtual-ization on Android that leverages the security pro-vided by isolated processes to securely encapsulateuntrusted apps in a completely de-privileged exe-cution environment within the context of a regular

Android app. To retain compatibility of isolatedapps with the standard Android app runtime, wesolved the key technical challenge of designing andimplementing an efficient app virtualization layer.

2. We realize our concept as an app called Boxify,which is the first solution that ports app virtual-ization to the Android OS. Boxify is deployableas a regular app on stock Android (no firmwaremodification and no root privileges required) andavoids the need to modify sandboxed apps.

3. We systematically evaluate the efficacy and effi-ciency of Boxify from different angles includingits security guarantees, different use-cases, perfor-mance penalty, and Android API version depen-dence across multiple Android OS versions.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows.In §2, we provide necessary technical backgroundinformation on Android. We define our objectivesand discuss related work in §3. In §4, we present ourBoxify design and implementation, which we evaluatein §5. We conclude the paper in §6.

2 Background on Android OS

Android OS is an open-source software stack (see Fig-ure 1) for mobile devices consisting of a Linux ker-nel, the Android application framework, and systemapps. The application framework together with thepre-installed system apps implement the Androidapplication API. The software stack can be extendedwith third-party apps, e.g., from Google Play.

Android Security Model. On Android, each ap-plication runs in a separate, simple sandboxed envi-ronment that isolates data and code execution fromother apps. In contrast to traditional desktop operat-ing systems where applications run with the privilegesof the invoking user, Android assigns a unique Linuxuser ID (UID) to every application at installationtime. Based on this UID, the components of theAndroid software stack enforce access control rulesthat govern the app sandboxing. To understand theplacement of the enforcement points, one has to con-sider how an app can interact with other apps (andprocesses) in the system:

Like any other Linux process, an app process usessyscalls to the Linux kernel to access low-level re-sources, such as files. The kernel enforces discre-tionary access control (DAC) on such syscalls basedon the UID of the application process. For instance,each application has a private directory that is notaccessible by other applications and DAC ensures

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Application Framework App (UIDApp)

Linux Kernel

Binder IPC Module

Service / System App(Platform Permissions) Components

Syscall API(DAC + MAC)

Native Libs

SyscallBinder IPC

Figure 1: High-level view of interaction between apps,application framework, and Linux kernel on Android.

that applications cannot access other apps’ privatedirectories. Since Android version 4.3 this discre-tionary access control is complemented with SELinuxmandatory access control (MAC) to harden the sys-tem against low-level privilege escalation attacks andto reinforce this UID-based compartmentalization.

The primary channel for inter-application com-munication is Binder Inter-Process Communica-tion (IPC). It is the fundamental building block fora number of more abstract inter-app communica-tion protocols, most importantly Inter-ComponentCommunication (ICC) [27] among apps and the ap-plication framework. For sandboxing applications atthe ICC level, each application UID is associated witha set of platform permissions, which are checked atruntime by reference monitors in the system servicesand system apps that constitute the app framework(e.g. LocationService). These reference monitorsrely on the Binder kernel module to provide the UIDof IPC senders to the IPC receivers.

In general, both enforcement points are imple-mented callee-sided in the framework and kernel,and hence agnostic to the exact call-site within theapp process. This means that enforcement appliesequally to all code executing in a process under theapp’s UID, i.e., to both Java and native code.

Additionally, Android verifies the integrity of ap-plication packages during installation based on theirdeveloper signature. The corresponding developercertificate is afterwards used to enforce a same-originpolicy for application updates, i.e., newer app ver-sions must be signed with the same signing key asthe already installed application.

Isolated Process. The Isolated Process, introducedin Android version 4.1, is a security feature that hasreceived little attention so far. It allows an app de-veloper to request that certain service componentswithin her app should run in a special process thatis isolated from the rest of the system and has nopermissions of its own [2]. The isolated process mech-anism follows the concept of privilege separation [48],which allows parts of an application to run at dif-ferent levels of privilege. It is intended to provide

an additional layer of protection around code thatprocesses content from untrusted sources and is likelyto have security holes. Currently, this feature is pri-marily geared towards web browsers [35] and is mostprominently used in the Chrome browser to containthe impact of bugs in the complex rendering code.

An isolated process has far fewer privileges than aregular app process. An isolated process runs undera separate Linux user ID that is randomly assignedon process startup and differs from any existing UID.Consequently, the isolated process has no access tothe private app directory of the application. Moreprecisely, the process’ filesystem interaction is lim-ited to reading/writing world readable/writable files.Moreover, the isolated process’ access to the An-droid middleware is severely restricted. The isolatedprocess runs with no permissions, regardless of thepermissions declared in the manifest of the appli-cation. More importantly, the isolated process isforbidden to perform any of the core Android IPCfunctions: Sending Intents, starting Activities, bind-ing to Services or accessing Content Providers. Onlythe core middleware services that are essential torunning the service component are accessible to theisolated process. This effectively bars the processfrom any communication with other apps. The onlyway to interact with the isolated process from otherapplication components is through the Service API(binding and starting). Further, the transient UID ofan isolated process does not belong to any privilegedsystem groups and the kernel prevents the processfrom using low-level device features such as networkcommunication, bluetooth or external storage. Asof Android v4.3, SELinux reinforces this isolationthrough a dedicated process type. With all theserestrictions in place, code running in an isolated pro-cess has only minimal access to the system, makingit the most restrictive runtime environment Androidhas to offer.

3 Requirements Analysis and Exist-ing Solutions

We first briefly formulate our objectives (see §3.1)and afterwards discuss corresponding related work(see §3.2 and Table 1).

3.1 Objectives and Threat ModelIn this paper, we aim to combine the security benefitsof OS extensions with the deployability benefits ofapplication layer solutions. We identify the followingobjectives:

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O1 No firmware modification: The solutiondoes not rely on or require customized Androidfirmware, such as extensions to Android’smiddleware, kernel or the default configurationfiles (e.g., policy files), and is able to run onstock Android versions. This also excludesavailability of root privileges, since root can onlybe acquired through a firmware modificationon newer Android versions due to increasinglystringent SELinux policies.

O2 No app modification: The solution does notrely on or require any modifications of monitoredapps’ code, such as rewriting existing code.

O3 Robust reference monitor: The solutionprovides a robust reference monitor. Thisencompasses: 1) the presence of a strongsecurity boundary, such as a process boundary,between the reference monitor and untrustedcode; and 2) the monitor cannot be bypassed,e.g., using a code representation that is notmonitored, such as native code.

O4 Secure isolation of untrusted code: Thisobjective encompasses fail-safe defaults andcomplete mediation by the reference monitors.The solution provides a reference monitor thatmediates all interaction between the untrustedcode and the Android system, or, in caseno complete mediation can be established,enforces fail-safe defaults that isolate the appon non-mediated channels in order to preventuntrusted code from escalating its privileges.

Threat model. We assume that the Android OS istrusted, including the Linux kernel and the Androidapplication framework. This includes the assumptionthat an application cannot compromise the integrityof the kernel or application framework at runtime.If the kernel or application framework were com-promised, no security guarantees could be upheld.Protecting the kernel and framework integrity is anorthogonal research direction for which different ap-proaches already exist, such as trusted computing,code hardening, or control flow integrity.

Furthermore, we assume that untrusted third-partyapplications have full control over their process andthe associated memory address space. Hence theattacker can modify its app’s code at runtime, e.g.,using native code or Java’s reflection interface.

3.2 Existing SolutionsWe systematically analyze prior solutions on appsandboxing.

Application Framework App (UIDApp)

Linux Kernel

Binder IPC Module

Service / System App(Platform Permissions) Components

Syscall API(DAC + MAC)

Native Libs

SyscallBinder IPC

Service / System App

Syscall API

New Reference Monitor added

Figure 2: Instrumentation points for operating sys-tem security extensions.

Objectives OS







O1: No system modification � � � �

O2: No application modification � � � �

O3: Robust reference monitor � � � �

O4: Secure isolation of untrusted code � � � �

�= applies; �= does not apply.

Table 1: Comparison of deployment options for An-droid security extensions based on desired objectives.

3.2.1 Android Security Extensions

Many improvements to Android’s security modelhave been proposed in the literature, addressing avariety of shortcomings in protecting the end-user’sprivacy. In terms of deployment options, we can dis-tinguish between solutions that extend the AndroidOS and solutions that operate at the applicationlayer only.

Operating system extensions. The vast major-ity of proposals from the literature (e.g. [26, 44, 45,16, 21, 58]) statically enhance Android’s applicationframework and Linux kernel with additional refer-ence monitors and policy decision points (see Fig-ure 2). The proposed security models include, forinstance, context-aware policies [21], app developerpolicies [45], or Chinese wall policies [16]. More re-cent approaches [52, 43, 56] avoid static changes tothe OS by dynamically instrumenting core systemservices (like Binder and Zygote) or the Androidbootup scripts in order to interpose [47] untrustedapps’ syscalls and IPC. Since in all approaches thereference monitors are part of the application frame-work and kernel, there inherently exists a strongsecurity boundary between the reference monitorand untrusted code (O3: �). Moreover, this en-tails that these reference monitors are by design partof the callee-side of all interaction of the untrustedapp’s process with the system and cannot be by-

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Application Framework App (UIDApp)

Linux Kernel

Binder IPC Module

Service / System App(Platform Permissions) Components

Syscall API(DAC + MAC)

Native Libs

SyscallBinder IPC

Components Native Libs

Rewritten / Reference Monitor added

Figure 3: Instrumentation points for application coderewriting and inlining reference monitors.

passed (O4: �). On the downside, these solutionsrequire modification of the Android OS (image) orroot privileges to be deployed (O1: �; O2: �).

Additionally, a number of solutions exist that par-ticularly target higher-security deployments [17, 51,40, 13], such as government and enterprise. Commer-cial products exist that implement these solutionsin the form of tailored mobile platforms (e.g., Black-phone1, GreenHills2, or Cryptophone3). These prod-ucts target specialized user groups with high securityrequirements—not the average consumer—and arethus deployed on a rather small scale.

Application layer solutions. At the applicationlayer, the situation for third-party security extensionsis bleak. Android’s UID-based sandboxing mecha-nism strictly isolates different apps installed on thesame device. Android applications run with normaluser privileges and cannot elevate to root in order toobserve the behavior of other apps, e.g., like classicaltrace or anti-virus programs on desktop operatingsystems [31]. Also, Android does not offer any APIsthat would allow one app to monitor or restrict theactions of another app at runtime. Only static infor-mation about other apps on the device is available viathe Android API, i.e., application metadata, such asthe package name or signing certificate, and the com-piled application code and resources.Consequently,most commercially available security solutions arelimited to detecting potentially malicious apps, comparing metadata with predefined blacklistsor by checking the application code for known mal-ware signatures, but they lack the ability to observeor influence the runtime behavior of other applica-tions. As a result, their effectiveness is, at best,debatable [50, 62].

Few proposals in the academic literature [38, 59,23, 49, 15] focus on application layer only solutions(see Figure 3). Existing systems mostly focus onaccess control by interposing security-sensitive APIs


App Framework Zero-Perm App (UIDApp)

Linux Kernel

Binder Module

Service / System App(Platform Permissions)

Syscall API(DAC + MAC)

SyscallBinder IPC

Mr. Hide Native Libs

Rewritten / Reference Monitor added

Dr. Android

Ref. Monitor

Figure 4: Dr. Android and Mr. Hide approach [38].

to redirect the control flow to an additionally in-lined reference monitor within the app (e.g., Aura-sium [59], I-ARM-Droid [23], RetroSkeleton [22],AppGuard [15]). DroidForce [49] additionally pre-processes target apps with static data flow analysisto identify strategic policy enforcement points andto redirect policy decision making to a separate app.

All these systems are based on rewriting the appli-cation code to inline reference monitors or redirectcontrol flows, which works without modificationsto the firmware and is thus suitable for large-scaledeployment (O1: �; O2: �). However, app rewrit-ing causes security problems and also a couple ofpractical deployment problems. First, inlining thereference monitor within the process of the untrustedapp itself might be suitable for “benign-but-buggy”apps; however, apps that actively try to circumventthe monitor will succeed as there exists no strongsecurity boundary between the app and the moni-tor. In essence, this boils down to an arms race be-tween hooking security critical functions and findingnew ways to compromise or bypass the monitor [36],where currently native code gives the attacker theadvantage (O3: �; O4: �). Moreover, re-writing ap-plication code requires re-signing of the app, whichbreaks Android’s signature-based same origin policyand additionally raises legal concerns about illicittampering with foreign code. Lastly, re-written appshave to be reinstalled. This is not technically possi-ble for pre-installed system apps; other apps have tobe uninstalled in order to install a fresh, rewrittenversion, thereby incurring data loss.

Separate app. Dr. Android and Mr. Hide [38] (seeFigure 4) is a variant of inlined reference monitoring(O1: �; O2: �) that improves upon the security ofthe reference monitor by moving it out of the un-trusted app and into a separate app. This establishesa strong security boundary between the untrustedapp and the reference monitor as they run in separateprocesses with different UIDs (O3: �). Additionally,it revokes all Android platform permissions from theuntrusted app and applies code rewriting techniquesto replace well-known security-sensitive Android APIcalls in the monitored app with calls to the separate

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reference monitor app that acts as a proxy to theapplication framework. The benefit of this design isthat in contrast to inlined monitoring, the untrusted,zero-permission app cannot gain additional permis-sions by tampering with the inlined/rewritten code.However, this enforcement only addresses the plat-form permissions. The untrusted app process stillhas a number of Linux privileges (such as access tothe Binder interface or file system), and it has beenshown that even a zero-permission app is still capa-ble of escalating its privileges and violate the user’sprivacy [30, 33, 19, 18, 60, 42, 11, 12] (O4: �).

3.2.2 Sandboxing on traditional OSes

Restricting the access rights of untrusted applicationshas a longstanding tradition in desktop and serveroperating systems. Few solutions set up user-modeonly sandboxes without relying on operating systemfunctionality by making strong assumptions aboutthe interface between the target code and the sys-tem (e.g., absence of programming language facilitiesto make syscalls or direct memory manipulation).Among the most notable user-space solutions are na-tive client [61] to sandbox native code within browserextensions and the Java virtual machine [5] to sand-box untrusted Java applications.

Other solutions, which loosen the assumptionsabout the target interface to the system rely on op-erating system security features to establish processsandboxes. For instance, Janus [31], one of the ear-lier approaches, introduced an OS-supported sandboxfor untrusted applications on Solaris 2.4, which wasbased on syscall monitoring and interception to re-strict the untrusted process’ access to the underlyingoperating system. The monitor was implemented asa separate process with necessary privileges to moni-tor and restrict other processes via the /proc kernelinterface. Modern browsers like Chromium [9, 3, 8]employ different sandboxing OS facilities (e.g, sec-comp mode) to mitigate the threat of web-basedattacks against clients by restricting the access ofuntrusted code.

App virtualization. Sandboxing also plays arole in more recent application virtualization solu-tions [34, 10, 20, 41], where applications are trans-parently encapsulated into execution environmentsthat replace (parts of) the environment with emu-lation layers that abstract the underlying OS andinterpose all interaction between the app and theOS. App virtualization is currently primarily used toenable self-contained, OS-agnostic software, but alsoprovides security benefits by restricting the interfaceand view the encapsulated app has of the system.

Isolated App A(Target)

SyscallBinder IPC

Isolated App B(Target)

Processboundaries Broker (Reference Monitor)

Shim Shim

Linux Kernel

Binder Module Syscall API(DAC + MAC)

App Framework


Service / System App(Platform Permissions)


Figure 5: Architecture overview of Boxify.

Similarly to these traditional sandboxes and inparticular to app virtualization, Boxify forms a user-mode sandbox that builds on top of existing operatingsystem facilities of Android. Thereby, it establishesapp sandboxes that encapsulate Android apps with-out the need to modify the OS and without the needto make any assumptions about the apps’ code.

4 Boxify Architecture

We present the Boxify design and implementation.

4.1 Design OverviewThe key idea of Boxify is to securely sandbox Androidapps, while avoiding any modification of the OS anduntrusted apps. Boxify accomplishes this by dynami-cally loading and executing the untrusted app in oneof its own processes. The untrusted application isnot executed by the Android system itself, but runscompletely encapsulated within the runtime environ-ment that Boxify provides and that can be installedas a regular app on stock Android (see Figure 5).This approach eliminates the need to modify thecode of the untrusted application and works withoutaltering the underlying OS (O1: �; O2: �). It thusconstitutes the first solution that ports the conceptof app virtualization to the stock Android OS.

The primary challenge for traditional applicationsandboxing solutions is to completely mediate andmonitor all I/O between the sandboxed app and thesystem in order to restrict the untrusted code’s priv-ileges. The key insight for our Boxify approach is toleverage the security provided by isolated processesin order to isolate the untrusted code running withinthe context of Boxify by executing it in a completelyde-privileged process that has no platform permis-sions, no access to the Android middleware, nor theability to make persistent changes to the file system.

However, Android apps are tightly integratedwithin the application framework, e.g., for lifecycle

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management and inter-component communication.With the restrictions of an isolated process in place,encapsulated apps are rendered dysfunctional. Thus,the key challenge for Boxify essentially shifts fromconstraining the capabilities of the untrusted appto now gradually permitting I/O operations in acontrolled manner in order to securely re-integratethe isolated app into the software stack. To thisend, Boxify creates two primary entities that run atdifferent levels of privilege: A privileged controllerprocess known as the Broker and one or more isolatedprocesses called the Target (see Figure 5).

The Broker is the main Boxify application processand acts as a mandatory proxy for all I/O operationsof the Target that require privileges beyond the onesof the isolated process. Thus, if the encapsulated appbypasses the Broker, it is limited to the extremely con-fined privilege set of its isolated process environment(fail-safe defaults; O4: �). As a consequence, theBroker is an ideal control-flow location in our Boxifydesign to implement a reference monitor for any priv-ileged interaction between a Target and the system.Any syscalls and Android API calls from the Targetthat are forwarded to the Broker are evaluated againsta security policy. Only policy-enabled calls are thenexecuted by the Broker and their results returned tothe Target process. To protect the Broker (and hencereference monitor) from malicious app code, it runsin a separate process under a different UID than theisolated processes. This establishes a strong secu-rity boundary between the reference monitor and theuntrusted code (O3: �). To transparently forwardthe syscalls and Android API calls from the Targetacross the process boundary to the Broker, Boxifyuses Android’s Binder IPC mechanism. Finally, theBroker’s responsibilities also include managing theapplication lifecycle of the Target and relaying ICCbetween a Target and other (Target) components.

The Target hosts all untrusted code that will runinside the sandbox. It consists of a shim that is ableto dynamically load other Android applications andexecute them. For the encapsulated app to interactwith the system, it sets up interceptors that interposesystem and middlware API calls. The interceptors donot form a security boundary but establish a compat-ibility layer when the code inside the sandbox needsto perform otherwise restricted I/O by forwardingthe calls to the Broker. All resources that the Targetprocess uses have to be acquired by the Broker andtheir handles duplicated into the Target process.

By encapsulating untrusted apps and interposingall their (privileged) I/O operations, Boxify is able toeffectively enforce security- and privacy-protectingpolicies. Based on syscall interposition, Boxify has

Target (Isolated Process)

Untrusted App Code





Binder IPC Interceptor Syscall Interceptor

SyscallBinder IPCCon




Shim code


Figure 6: Components of a Target process.

fine-grained control over network and filesystem op-erations. Intercepting Binder IPC enables the en-forcement of security policies that were so far onlyachievable for OS extensions, but at application layeronly.

Moreover, with this architecture, Boxify can pro-vide a number of interesting novel features. Boxifyis capable of monitoring multiple (untrusted) appsat the same time. By creating a number of Targetprocesses, multiple apps can run in parallel yet se-curely isolated in a single instance of Boxify. Sincethe Broker fully controls all inter-component commu-nication between the sandboxed apps, it is able tonot only separate different apps from one another butalso to allow controlled collaboration between them.Further, Boxify has the ability to execute apps thatare not regularly installed on the phone: Since Boxifyexecutes other apps by dynamically loading theircode into one of its own processes and handles all theinteraction between the sandboxed application andthe OS, there is no need to register the untrusted appwith the Android system. Hence, applications canbe installed into, updated, or removed from Boxifywithout involving the PackageInstaller or havingsystem privileges. A potential application of thesefeatures are application containers (e.g., enterpriseapp domain, see §5.4).

4.2 TargetThe Target process contains four main entities(see Figure 6): The SandboxService (1) provides theBroker with a basic interface for starting and termi-nating apps in the sandbox. It is also responsible forsetting up the interceptors for Binder IPC (2) andsyscalls (3), which transparently forward calls issuedby the untrusted application to the Broker.

1) SandboxService. Isolated processes on Androidare realized as specifically tagged Service compo-nents (see §2). In Boxify each Target is implementedas such a tagged SandboxService component of theBoxify app. When a new Target should be spawned, anew, dedicated SandboxService is spawned. The Sand-

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boxService provides an IPC interface that enables theBroker to communicate with the isolated process andto call two basic lifecycle operations for the Target:prepare and terminate. The Broker invokes theprepare function to initialize the sandbox environ-ment for the execution of a hosted app. As partof this preparation, the Broker and Target exchangeimportant configuration information for correct op-eration of the Target, such as app meta-informationand Binder IPC handles that allow bi-directional IPCbetween Broker and Target. The terminate functionshuts down the application running in the sandboxand terminates the Target process.

The biggest technical challenge at this point was“How to execute another third-party application withinthe running isolated service process?” Naïvely, onecould consider, for instance, a warm-restart of the appprocess with the new application code using the execsyscall. However, we discovered that the most elegantand reliable solution is to have the Broker initially im-itate the ActivityManager by instructing the Targetprocess to load (i.e., bind) another application to itsprocess and afterwards to relay any lifecycle eventsbetween the actual application framework and thenewly loaded application in the Target process. Thebind operation is supported by the standard Androidapplication framework and used during normal appstartup. The exact procedure is illustrated in Fig-ure 7. The Broker first creates a new SandboxServiceprocess ( 1 ), which executes with the privileges of anisolated process. This step actually involves multiplemessages between the Broker process, the Target pro-cess and the system server, which we omitted here forthe sake of readability. As a result, the Broker processreceives a Binder handle to communicate with thenewly spawned SandboxService. Next, the Broker usesthis handle to instruct the SandboxService to preparethe loading of a sandboxed app ( 2 ) by setting upthe Binder IPC interceptor and syscall interceptor(using the meta-information given as parameters ofthe prepare call). The SandboxService returns theBinder handle to its ApplicationThread to the Bro-ker. The application thread is the main thread of aprocess containing an Android runtime and is usedby the ActivityManager to issue commands to An-droid application processes. At this point, the Brokeremulates the behavior of the ActivityManager ( 3 )by instructing the ApplicationThread of the Targetwith the bindApplication call to load the target appinto its Android runtime and start its execution. Bydefault, it would be the ActivityManagerServiceas part of the application framework that uses thiscall to instruct newly forked and specialized Zygoteprocesses to load and execute an application that

System Server Broker Target







System creates isolated processand starts SandboxService

IPC & Syscallinterceptions are set up

Activity is started

System allocates Activityresources

Untrusted applicationis started

Create MappingBroker Activity <-> Target Activity

Resolve MappingBroker Activity <-> Target Activity





Binder SandboxService


Binder ApplicationThread











Figure 7: Process to load an app into a Target processand to launch one its Activities.

should be started. After this step, the sandboxedapp is executing.

As an example how a sandboxed app can be used,we briefly explain how an Activity component ofthe sandboxed app can be launched, e.g., as resultof clicking its entry in a launcher. As explainedin §4.3, the Virtualization Layer creates a mappingfrom generic Boxify components to Target compo-nents. In this case, it maps the Activity compo-nent of Target to an Activity component of Boxify.The Broker requests the Activity launch from theActivityManager in the SystemServer ( 4 ), whichallocates the required resources. After allocation,it schedules the launch of the Activity componentby signaling the ApplicationThread of the targetedapp ( 5 ), which in this case is the Boxify app. Thus,the Virtualization Layer resolves the targeted Activitycomponent and relays the signal to the correspondingTarget process ( 6 ).

2) Binder IPC Interceptor. Android applicationsuse the Binder IPC mechanism to communicate withthe (remote) components of other applications, in-cluding the application framework services and apps.In order to interact via Binder IPC with a remotecomponent, apps must first acquire a Binder han-dle that connects them to the desired component.

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To retrieve a Binder handle, applications query theServiceManager, a central service registry, that al-lows clients to lookup system services by their com-mon names. The ServiceManager is the core mech-anism to bootstrap the communication of an ap-plication with the Android application framework.Binder handles to non-system services, such as ser-vices provided by other apps, can be acquired fromthe core framework services, most prominently theActivityManager.

Boxify leverages this choke point in the BinderIPC interaction to efficiently intercept calls to theframework in order to redirect them to the Bro-ker. To this end, Boxify replaces references to theServiceManager handle in the memory of the Targetprocess with references to the Binder handle of theBroker (as provided in the prepare function). Thesereferences are constrained to a few places and can bereliably modified using the Java Reflection API andnative code. Consequently, all calls directed to theServiceManager are redirected to the Broker pro-cess instead, which can then manipulate the returnedBinder objects in such a way that any subsequent in-teractions with requested services are also redirectedto the Broker. Furthermore, references to a few coresystem services, such as the ActivityManager andPackageManager, that are passed by default to newAndroid app runtimes, need to be replaced as well.By modifying only a small number of Binder handles,Boxify intercepts all Binder IPC communication. Thetechnique is completely agnostic of the concrete inter-face of the redirected service and can be universallyapplied to all Binder interactions.3) Syscall Interceptor. For system call inter-ception, we rely on a technique called libc hook-ing (used, for instance, also in [59]). Applicationsuse Android’s implementation of the Standard Clibrary Bionic libc to initiate system calls. Withlibc hooking, we efficently intercept calls to libcfunctions and redirect these calls to a service clientrunning in the Target process. This client forwardsthe function calls via IPC to a custom service compo-nent running in the Broker. Due to space constraints,we refer to [7] for a detailed technical explanation oflibc hooking.

In contrast to the IPC interception, which redirectsall IPC communication to the Broker, the syscall in-terception is much more selective about which callsare forwarded: We do not redirect syscalls that wouldbe anyway granted to an isolated process, becausethere is no security benefit from hooking these func-tions: a malicious app could simply remove the hookand would still succeed with the call. This exceptionapplies to calls to read world-readable files and to

Target A

SyscallBinder IPC

Target B



Core LogicLayer


Process boundaries

IPC Receiver


Srv Stub(AMS)

Syscall Recv

Srv Stub(Location)...





Component Broker


Figure 8: Architecture of the Broker.

most system calls that operate purely on file descrip-tors (e.g. read, write). Naturally, by omitting theindirection via our Broker, these exempted calls per-form with native performance. However, Boxify stillhooks calls that are security-critical and that are notpermitted for isolated processes, such as system callsto perform file system operations (e.g. open, mkdir,unlink) and network I/O (socket, getaddrinfo). Fora few calls, such as file operations, whose successdepends on the given parameter, the syscall intercep-tion is parameter-sensitive in its decision whether ornot to forward this operation to the Broker.

4.3 BrokerThe Broker is the main application process of Boxifyand is thus not subject to the restrictions imposed bythe isolated process. It holds all platform permissionsassigned to the Boxify app and can normally interactwith the Android middleware. The Broker acts asa mandatory proxy for all interactions between theTarget processes and the Android system and thusembodies the reference monitor of Boxify. Theseinteractions are bi-directional: On the one hand, theuntrusted app running in the Target process issuesIPC and syscalls to the system; on the other hand,the Android middleware initiates IPC calls to Target(e.g., basic lifecycle operations) and the Broker hasto dispatch these events to the correct Target.

The Broker is organized into three main layers(see Figure 8): The API Layer (4) abstracts from theconcrete characteristics of the Android-internal IPCinterfaces to provide compatibility across differentAndroid versions. It bridges the semantic gap be-tween the raw IPC transactions forwarded by theTarget and the application framework semantics ofthe Core Logic Layer (5), which implements the funda-mental mechanics of the virtual runtime environmentthat Boxify provides. All interaction with the systemhappens through the Virtualization Layer (6), whichtranslates between the virtual environment inside of

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Boxify and the Android system on the outside. In thefollowing, we will look at every layer in more detail.4) API Layer. The API Layer is responsible forreceiving and unwrapping the redirected syscall pa-rameters from the Syscall Interceptor in the Targetand relaying them to the Core Logic Layer for monitor-ing and execution. More importantly, it transformsthe raw Binder IPC parcels received from the IPCInterceptor into a representation agnostic of the An-droid version.

In order to (efficiently) sandbox applications atthe Binder IPC boundary, Boxify must semanticallyinterpret the intercepted Binder parcels. However,intercepted parcels are in a raw representation thatconsists only of native types that the kernel mod-ule supports and the sender marshalled all higher-level objects (e.g., Java classes) to this representa-tion. This impedes an efficient sandboxing. To solvethis problem, Boxify leverages the default Androidtoolchain for implementing Binder-based RPC pro-tocols: To ensure that sender and receiver can actu-ally communicate with each other, the receiver mustknow how to unmarshal the raw parcel data (exactlylike Boxify). Android supports the developers inthis process through the Android Interface DefinitionLanguage (AIDL), which allows definitions of Binderinterfaces very similar to Java interfaces, includingthe names and signatures of remotely callable func-tions. The Android SDK toolchain generates therequired boilerplate marshalling code from AIDL def-initions both for the receiver (Stub) and the sender(Proxy). For system services, these Stubs are auto-matically generated during system build and Boxifyuses the generated Stubs (which ship with AndroidOS and are conveniently accessible to third-partyapplication) to unmarshal the raw Binder IPC parcelback to their application framework semantic (i.e.,Java objects, etc). In essence, this allows us to gen-erate the API layer of the Broker in an almost fully-automatic way for each Android version on whichBoxify is deployed. Since Boxify is in full control ofthe Binder handles of the encapsulated app (i.e., callsto the ServiceManager, ActivityManager, etc.), itcan efficiently determine which Binder handle of theapp addresses which system service and hence whichStub must be used to correctly unmarshal the rawBinder parcel intercepted from each handle.

However, the exact structure of the unmarshalleddata and the functions (name and signature) dependentirely on the AIDL file. Since the system serviceinterfaces describe the internal Android API, theseinterfaces change frequently between Android ver-sions. Hence Boxify would have to implement eachpossible version of a Stub for every available Android

version. Since this Stub implementation, in contrastto the marshalling logic, can not be automated, thiscomplicates efficient sandboxing of apps across multi-ple Android versions. Consequently, it is desirable totransform the unmarshalled IPC data into a version-agnostic representation and then implement eachStub once and for all for this version. To accomplishthis in Boxify, we borrow ideas from Google’s pro-prietary SafeParcel class: In contrast to the regularBinder parcel, the SafeParcel carries structural in-formation about the data stored in it, which allowsthe receiver of an IPC request to selectively readparts of the payload without knowing its exact struc-ture. We achieve the same result by transformingthe version-dependent parcel into a version-agnostickey-value store (where keys are the parameter namesof methods declared in the interface definitions) andadapting the Core Logic Layer and Stub implementa-tions to work with these version-agnostic data stores.Thus, while the API layer is version-dependent andautomatically generated for each Android version,the remaining layers of Broker are version-agnosticand implemented only once.5) Core Logic Layer. The Core Logic Layer pro-vides essential functionality required to run apps onAndroid by replicating a small subset of the func-tionality that Android’s core system services pro-vide. Most prominently, this layer provides a mini-mal implementation of the PackageManager, whichmanages the packages installed into the Boxify en-vironment. Every call to a system service that isnot emulated by the Core Logic Layer is passed onto the Virtualization Layer and thus to the underly-ing Android system. Other system services, suchas the LocationManager, which are not necessarilyrequired, can be instantiated at this layer as well,in case encapsulated apps are supposed to use thelocal, Boxify service implementation instead of thepristine Android service (e.g., servicing sandboxedapps with fake location data [64]). Hence, this layerdecides whether an Android API call is emulatedusing a replicated service or forwarded to the sys-tem (through the Virtualization Layer). This layer istherefore responsible for managing the IPC communi-cation between different sandboxed apps (abstractlylike an “ICC switch”).

Furthermore, the Core Logic Layer implements thepolicy enforcement points (PEP) for Binder IPC ser-vices and syscalls. Because the API Layer alreadybridges the semantic gap between kernel-level IPCand Android application framework semantics, thisremoves the burden for dealing with low-level seman-tics in the IPC PEPs. We emulate the integration ofenforcement points into pristine Android services by

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integrating these points into our mandatory serviceproxies. This allows us to instantiate security modelsfrom the area of OS security extensions (see §3.2), butat the application layer. One default security modelthat Boxify provides is the permission enforcementand same origin model of Android. For instance, thereplicated ActivityManager will enforce permissionson calls between components of two sandboxed apps.We present further security models from related workon OS security extensions that we integrated at thislayer in §5.4 and for future work we consider a pro-grammable interface for extending Core Logic Layersecurity in the spirit of ASM [37] and ASF [14]. Forcalls that are not protected by a permission, the Bro-ker can also choose to enable direct communicationbetween the target app and the requested Androidsystem service. This can improve performance fornon-critical services such as the SurfaceFlinger (forGUI updates) at the cost of losing the ability to me-diate calls to these services.

The syscall PEP enforces system call policies in thespirit of [47] with respect to network and filesystemoperations. Its responsibilities are twofold: First,it functions as a transparent compatibility layer byemulating the file-system structure of the Androiddata partition (e.g., chroot of sandboxed apps byemulating a home directory for each sandboxed app4

within the home directory of the Boxify app). Second,it emulates the access control of the Linux kernel, i.e.,compartmentalization of sandboxed apps by ensuringthat they cannot access private files of other appsas well as enforcing permissions (e.g., preventing asandboxed app without Internet permission fromcreating a network socket).6) Virtualization Layer. The sandbox environ-ment must support communication between sand-boxed apps and the Android application framework,because certain system resources cannot be efficientlyemulated (e.g., SurfaceFlinger for GUI) or not em-ulated at all (e.g., hardware resources like the cam-era). However, the sandbox must be transparent tothe Target and all interaction with the applicationframework must appear as in a regular app. At thesame time, the sandbox must be completely opaqueto the application framework and sandboxed appsmust be hidden from the framework; otherwise, thisleads to inconsistencies that the framework considersas runtime (security) exceptions.

In Boxify, the Virtualization Layer is responsiblefor translating the bi-directional communication be-tween the Android application framework and the

4Recall that sandboxed apps are not installed in the systembut only in the Boxify environment, and hence do not have anative home directory.

Target. It achieves the required semi-transparent com-munication with a technique that can be abstractlydescribed as “ICC Network Address Translator” : Onoutgoing calls from Target to framework, it ensuresthat all ICC appears as coming from the Boxify appinstead of the sandboxed app. As described earlier,all Binder handles of a Target are substituted withhandles of the Broker, which relays the calls to thesystem. During relay of calls, the Virtualization Layermanipulates the call arguments to hide componentsof sandboxed apps by substituting the componentidentifiers with identifiers of components of the Box-ify app. On incoming calls from the framework, theVirtualization Layer substitutes the addressed Boxifycomponent with the actually addressed componentof the sandboxed app and dispatches the call. Inorder to correctly substitute addressed components,the Virtualization Layer maintains a mapping betweenTarget and Boxify component names, or in case theTarget component is not addressed by a name but aBinder handle that was given prior to the framework,the mapping is between the released Binder handleand its owning Target component.

A concrete example where this technique is appliedis requesting the launch of a Target Activity compo-nent from the application framework (see Figure 7).The Virtualization Layer substitutes the Activity com-ponent with a generic Activity component of Boxifyif a call to the ActivityManager occurs. When theservice calls back for scheduling the Activity launch,the Virtualization Layer dispatches the scheduling callto the corresponding Target Activity component.

Lastly, we hook the application runtime of Boxify’sBroker process (using a technique similar to [55]) inorder to gain control over the processing of incomingBinder parcels. This enables the Broker to distinguishbetween parcels addressed to Boxify itself and thosethat need to be forwarded to the Target processes.

4.4 System IntegrationLastly, we discuss some aspects of integrating sand-boxed apps into the default application framework.

Launcher. Since sandboxed apps have to be startedthrough Boxify (and are not regularly installed onthe system), they cannot be directly launched fromthe default launcher. A straightforward solution isto provide a custom launcher with Boxify in formof a dedicated Activity. Alternatively, Boxify couldregister as a launcher app and then run the defaultlauncher (or any launcher app of the user’s choice)in the sandbox, presenting the union of the regularlyinstalled apps and apps installed in the sandbox envi-ronment; or Boxify launcher widgets could be placed

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Table 2: Microbenchmarks Middleware (200 runs)API Call Native on Boxify Overhead

Open Camera 103.24 ms 104.48 ms 1.24ms (1.2%)Query Contacts 7.63 ms 8.55 ms 0.92 ms (12.0%)Insert Contacts 66.49 ms 67.51 ms 1.02 ms (1.5%)Delete Contacts 75.86 ms 76.81 ms 0.95 ms (0.9%)Create Socket 120.83 ms 121.58 ms 0.75 ms (0.6%)

on the regular home screen to launch sandboxed appsfrom there.

App stores. Particularly smooth is the integrationof Boxify with app store applications, such as theGoogle Play Store. Since no special permissions arerequired to install apps into the sandbox, we cansimply run the store apps provided by Google, ven-dors, and third-parties in Boxify to install new appsthere. For example, clicking install in the sandboxedPlay Store App will directly install the new app intoBoxify. Furthermore, Play Store (and vendor stores)even take care of automatically updating all appsinstalled in Boxify, a feature that IRM systems haveto manually re-implement.

Statically registered resources. Some resourcesof apps are statically registered in the system dur-ing app installation. Since sandboxed apps are notregularly installed, the system is unaware of theirresources. This concerns in particular Activity com-ponents that can receive Intents for, e.g., contentsharing, or package resources like icons. However,some resources like Broadcast Receiver componentscan be dynamically registered at runtime and Boxifyuses this as a workaround to dynamically registerthe Receivers declared statically in the Manifests ofsandboxed apps.

5 Evaluation

We discuss the prototypical implementation of Boxifyin terms of performance impact, security guarantees,and app robustness, and present concrete use-casesof Boxify. Our prototype comprises 11,901 lines ofJava code, of which 4,242 LoC are automaticallygenerated (API Layer), and 3,550 lines of additionalC/C++ code. All tests described in the followingwere performed on an LG Nexus 5 running Android4.4.4, which is currently the most widely used versionin the Android ecosystem.

5.1 Performance ImpactTo evaluate the performance impact of Boxify onmonitored apps, we compare the results of common

Table 3: Microbenchmarks Syscalls (15k runs)Libc Func. Native on Boxify Overhead

create 47.2 µs 162.4 µs 115.2 µsopen 9.5 µs 122.7 µs 113.2 µsremove 49.5 µs 159.6 µs 110.1 µsmkdir 88.4 µs 199.4 µs 111.0 µsrmdir 71.2 µs 180.7 µs 109.5 µs

Table 4: Benchmark Tools (10 runs)Tool Native on Boxify Loss

CF Bench v1.3 16082 Pts 15376 Pts 4.3%Geekbench v3.3.1 1649 Pts 1621 Pts 1.6%PassMark v1.0.4 3674 Pts 3497 Pts 4.8%Quadrant v2.1.1 7820 Pts 7532 Pts 3.6%

benchmark apps and of custom micro-benchmarksfor encapsulated and native execution of apps.

Table 2 and Table 3 present the results of our micro-benchmarks for common Android API calls and forsyscall performance. Intercepting calls to the appli-cation framework imposes an overhead around 1%,with the exception of the very fast Query Contacts(12%). For syscalls, we measured the performance ofcalls that request file descriptors for file I/O in pri-vate app directories (or external storage) and that areproxied by the Broker. We observe a constant perfor-mance overhead of ≈ 100µs, which corresponds to therequired time of the additional IPC round trip for thecommunication with the Broker on our test platform.However, the syscall benchmarks depict a worst-caseestimation: The overall performance impact on appsis much lower, since high-frequent follow up opera-tions on acquired file descriptors (e.g., read/write)need not to be intercepted and therefore run withnative speed. We measured the overall performancepenalty by excecuting several benchmarking apps ontop of Boxify, which show an acceptable performancedegradation of 1.6%–4.8% (see Table 4).

5.2 Runtime RobustnessTo assess the robustness of encapsulated apps, weexecuted 1079 of the most popular, free apps fromGoogle Play (retrieved in August 2014) on top ofBoxify. For each sandboxed app we used the mon-keyrunner tool5 to exercise the app’s functionality byinjecting 500 random UI events. From the 1079 apps,93 (8.6%) experienced a crash during testing. Man-ual investigation of the dysfunctional apps revealed


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Table 5: Android versions supported by Boxify.Version < 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5.0 5.1

Supported �† � � � � � �

�: supported; �: not supported†: no isolated proccess

that most errors were caused by apps executing ex-otic syscalls or rarely used Android APIs which arenot covered by Boxify yet and thus fail due to thelack of privileges of the Target process (fail-safe de-faults). This leads to a slightly lower robustness thanreported for related work (e.g., [59, 15]) where by-passed hooks do not cause the untrusted app to crashbut instead silently circumvent the reference monitor.The remaining issues were due to unusual applica-tion logic that relies on certain OS features (e.g., theprocess information pseudo-filesystem proc), whichthe current prototype of Boxify does not yet support.However, all of these are technical and not concep-tual shortcomings of the current implementation ofBoxify.

5.3 PortabilityTable 5 summarizes the Android versions currentlysupported by our prototypical Boxify implementa-tion. Our prototype supports all Android versions4.1 through 5.1 and can be deployed on nine out often devices in the Android ecosystem [1]. Androidversions prior to 4.1 are not supported due to thelack of the isolated process feature.

5.4 Use-casesBoxify allows the instantiation of different securitymodels from the literature on Android security ex-tensions. In the following, we present two selecteduse-cases on fine-grained permission control and do-main isolation that have received attention before inthe security community.

Fine-Grained Permission Control. TheTISSA [64] OS extension empowers users to flexi-bly control in a fine-grained manner which personalinformation will be accessible to applications. Wereimplemented the TISSA functionality as an exten-sion to the Core Logic Layer of the Boxify Broker.To this end, we instrumented the mandatory prox-ies for core system services (e.g. LocationManager,TelephonyService) so that they can return a fil-tered or mock data set based on the user’s privacysettings. Users can dynamically adjust their privacypreferences through a management Activity added

to Boxify. In total, the TISSA functionality requiredadditional 351 lines of Java code to Core Logic Layer.

Domain Isolation. Particularly for enterprise de-ployments, container solutions have been broughtforward to separate business apps from other (un-trusted) apps [56, 17, 53].

We implemented a domain isolation solution basedon Boxify by installing business apps into the sand-box environment. The Broker provides its own ver-sion of the PackageManager to directly deliver inter-component communication to sandboxed applicationswithout involving the regular PackageManager, en-abling controlled collaboration between enterpriseapps while at the same time isolating and hidingthem from non-enterprise apps and the OS.

To separate the enterprise data from the user’sprivate data, we exploit that the Broker is able torun separate instances of system services (e.g., Con-tacts, Calendar) within the sandbox. Our customActivityManager proxy now selectively and trans-parently redirects ContentProvider accesses by en-terprise apps to the sandboxed counterparts of thoseproviders.

Alternatively, the above described domain isolationconcept was used to implement a privacy mode forend users, where untrusted apps are installed intoa Boxify environment with empty (or faked) systemContentProviders. Thus, users can test untrustedapps in a safe environment without risking harm totheir mobile device or private data. The domainisolation extension required 986 additional lines ofcode in the Core Logic Layer of Boxify.

5.5 Security DiscussionOur solution builds on isolated processes as funda-mental security primitive. An isolated process is themost restrictive execution environment that stockAndroid currently has to offer, and it provides Boxifywith better security guarantees than closest relatedwork [38]. In what follows, we identify differentsecurity shortcomings and discuss potential future se-curity primitives of stock Android that would benefitBoxify and defensively programmed apps in general.

Privilege escalation. A malicious app could by-pass the syscall and IPC interceptors, for instance,by statically linking libc. For IPC, this does notlead to a privilege escalation, since the applicationframework apps and services will refuse to cooperatewith an isolated process. However, the kernel is un-aware of the concept of an “isolated process” and willenforce access control on syscalls according to theprocess’ UID. Although the transient UIDs of isolated

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processes are very restricted in their filesystem access(i.e., only world readable/writable files), a maliciousprocess has the entire kernel API as an attack vectorand might escalate its privileges through a root orkernel exploit. In this sense, Boxify is not more securethan existing approaches that rely on the assumptionthat the stock Android kernel is hardened againstroot and kernel exploits.

To remedy this situation, additional layers of se-curity could be provided by the underlying kernelto further restrict untrusted processes. This is com-mon practice on other operating systems, e.g., onmodern Linux distributions, where Chromium—theprimary user of isolated process on Android—usesthe seccomp-bpf facility to selectively disable syscallsof renderer processes and we expect this facility tobecome available on future Android versions withnewer kernels. Similarly, common program tracingfacilities could be made available in order to interposesyscalls more securely and efficiently [31, 47, 52].

Violating Least-Privilege Principle. The Brokermust hold the union set of all permissions requiredby the apps hosted by Boxify in order to successfullyproxy calls to the Android API. Since it is hard topredict a reasonable set of permissions beforehand,this means that the Broker usually holds all availablepermissions. This contradicts the principle of leastprivilege and makes the Broker an attractive targetfor the encapsulated app to increase its permissionset. A very elegant solution to this problem would bea Broker that drops all unnecessary permissions. Thisresembles the privilege separation pattern [48, 57]of established Linux services like ssh, which dropprivileges of sub-processes based on setting theirUIDs, capabilities, or transitioning them to seccompmode. Unfortunately, Android does not (yet) providea way to selectively drop permissions at runtime.

Red Pill. Even though Boxify is designed to beinvisible to the sandboxed app, it cannot excludethat the untrusted app gathers information aboutits execution environment that allow the app to de-duce that it is sandboxed (e.g., checking its runtimeUID or permissions). A malicious app can use thisknowledge to change its runtime behavior when beingsandboxed and thus hide its true intentions or refuseto run in a sandboxed environment. Prevention ofthis information leak is an arms race that a resoluteattacker will typically win. However, while this mightlead to refused functionality, it cannot be used toescalate the app’s privileges.

6 Conclusion

We presented the first application virtualization so-lution for the stock Android OS. By building onisolated processes to restrict privileges of untrustedapps and introducing a novel app virtualization envi-ronment, we combine the strong security guaranteesof OS security extensions with the deployability ofapplication layer solutions. We implemented our so-lution as a regular Android app called Boxify anddemonstrated its capability to enforce established se-curity policies without incurring significant runtimeperformance overhead.

Availability and Future Work. We will makethe Boxify source code freely available. Beyond theimmediate privacy benefits for the end-user presentedin this paper (see §5.4), Boxify offers all the securityadvantages of traditional sandboxing techniques andis thus of independent interest for future Androidsecurity research. As future work, we are currentlyinvestigating different application domains of Box-ify, such as application-layer only taint-tracking forsandboxed apps [24], programmable security APIs inthe spirit of ASM [37]/ASF [14] to facilitate the ex-tensibility of Boxify, as well as Boxify-based malwareanalysis tools.

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