boys' clothing. saturday specials. hosiery sale. · 2017-12-12 · tweeds and cheviots....

FRIDAY EVENINO, .**** -< •?*».**c &... *" The Tea Room and Restaurant is the finest from all points—cuisine, service and furnishings—in the Northwest and equalled by but few in the country. It is a delightful place for a luncheon—especially for particular people. Fourth Floor. Strangers in the city can make this store their headquarters. We check all pack- ages, bundles and 'wraps free of charee; and when you are through shopping we will send your baggage and bundles to the railroad sta- tion in time for your train, also without costtoyou. '•'-.'' BOYS' CLOTHING. Our Second floor department is daily getting the confidence of those who want the latest styles for their boys. You are invited to look through the department whether you wish to buy or not, we may be able to furnish you with an idea and perhaps tempt you with some of these Saturday bargains. $7.00 Suits, $4.98—Russian and Eaton Blouse Suits, 2i to 10 years, large as sortment of our latest arrivals in blues browns and fancy mixtures, with Knickerbocker pants, white collar and silk ties. All of those $7.00 auits shown this season. Saturday only $4.98 Saturday Specials. music. I4c Donaldson's Special Norfolk or 2-piece, 7 to 16 years, in blue serges and fancy mixtures with double knee and seat clear across, actually worth $6.50. Saturday ^fi^. Oft Boys' Long Pants Suits for Confirmation, in black or blue worsteds, with broad Military shoulders and peg top trous- ers, sell regular at $9.00. Saturday &^ BStffe only M* A siOlf Boys' and Youths' Long Pant Suits in single or double breasted styles, this make of suits is handled by our Boys' Department exclusively and are equal to tailor made. Blues, blacks and fancy mixtures that sell at £4|| Atffe $12.50 and $13.50. Saturday only .... H> • **• V V The newest March Funny Folks. Get in line and buy Funny Folks. Other pieces and many of the most popular. 4Tfn Saturday W i %* Big list jof choice titles—not a lot of old chestnuts that can be bought at 3c apiece, but good copyright stuff, such as you pay the other fellow 23c for. Choice, Saturday FUR STORAGE. We will store your furs and guaran- tee them against damage by moths, lire, thieves, etc. Telephone and we will send our wag- on. VISIT BASEMENT SATURDAY WASH GOODS. 200 pieces cotton canvas cloth in tan, gray, blue and green mixtures 27-in. wide. Just the thing for Shirtwaist Suits; made to sell for 15c, cut special for Saturday only, per T^C* yard .............. «2« Cot»t>on Voiles — 42-inch Cotton Voiles, in plain tan, cream, navy and black, spec- ial for Saturday, only, per yard .... DRUG DEPT. Great bargain in Red Rubber Household Gloves These gloves have just been received and will be offered as a Saturday- special, at, per pair, 48c FLOWERS AND PLANTS 1 BASEMENT LEATHERGOODS Greatest Bargains Ever—On our counters Saturday will be displayed the greatest as- sortment of WriBt Bags, Hand Peggy from Paris, straps or braided handles, all shapes and colors, and look at the price Guess now's your time. Surely I will buy- A gooc Pocket Books—sold 25c, for..- regularly at 98c ay— 19c Finest Cowhide Suit Cases in brown and tan with shirt fold— linen lined, better than others ask $6.50 to $7.50, our special price Saturday Leather Pocketbooks. Our regular 50c kind and they are better values than most people give at twice the money Now this is where we can do you lots of good—we will show you more styles and smaller prices than all the others put to- gether. Come in and see them. 25c, 48c, 98o, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Certainly they are good values. $4.50 39c MEN'S BELTS SALE OF STATIONERY Lake and forest resorters—when away from civilization you should prepare your- selves so you may keep in touch with your friends. We will give you the opportunity. Hurd's and Whiting's finest stationery, that sells by us every day in the year at: One quire of 65c paper and envelopes to match.. 4Co One quire of 60c paper and envelopes to match.. 3Bo One quire of 50c paper and envelopes to match.. 3 0 o One quire of 40c paper and envelopes to match.. 25o This takes Whiting's French Organdies— This takes Hurd's Linen Lawns— This takes Hurd's Linen Grenadines— This takes Hurd's Panama Fiber— This takes Whiting's Hand Made Organ- dies, (ragged edge.) Tally Cards—More styles to select from than the combined Showing of Twin Cities —and at half price Saturday. ENGRAVING You must all stock up now on your calling cards. No other sale until February of next year will equal this—now note close- ly the prices— ; 60 cards and plate, scrip type ..... ~~-.65o 100 cards and plate, scrip type 90o 50 cards from your plate 26 O 100 cards from your plate BOo Every additional line 15c extra. 100 cards and Old English plate .... $2.S0 Address, per line extra 75o Our Engraving Department is not equalled in the Northwest. All work guaranteed satisfactory or you don't take it. A Sale of Women's Shoes that Will Appeal to Every Eco- nomical Buyer. Our buyer while in Rochester, N. Y. the other day was able to purchase over a thousand pairs of Women's Shoes and Oxford Ties from one of the leading manufacturers. The lot includes patent colt skin, vici kid and tan leathers; all this season's styles, every size and width, $2.50 and $3.00 grades, at— Send Home a Plant if you want to brighten thfe home at little cost. Our own hot houses supply you with any- thing you want Cut Flowers delivered when you want them. VISIT BASEMENT SATURDAY HOSIERY SALE. Ladies' fine regular 50c im- ported fast black lisle and cot- ton hose, rib and welt top, high; heel, .double sole andgtoe. Special Saturday OR 4* while they last for.. « • " V. Boys' extra fine heavy four thread fast black cotton ribbed hose, very strong and durable, all sizes. Special val- ^ C ^ Two pairs. . . .2@e LADIES' KMT UNDERWEAR Ladies' fine white ribbed cotton vests, high neck AfTp and long sleeves, finished seams throughout <"'iv Ladies' fine white Swiss ribbed Lisle Vests, low ne«&, no sleeves, plain or fancy and finely lace trimmed, silk taped neck and arm hole; a very large assortment. A ff)E#| bargain for Saturday taO v Ladies' fine Swiss ribbed knee lace trimmed um- brella pants, special. Three for $ 1.00 35c MAIL ORDERS FILLED. MAIL ORDERS FILLED. AGENTS FOR DR. REED'S CUSHION SHOES. SHIRT WAISTS—SKIRTS—APRONS. Representative Bargains for Saturday, Match them if you can. Come Early. Black and white polka dot madras Shirt Waist—shield front with tucking at side—dainty stock— Cfef&r* worth $1.25, a f ••• 5FOU Handsome Shirtwaist in white lawn—front trimmed with tucking and eight rows faggot stitching—sleeves also trimmed with faggot stitching— tfl* -fj gl«l $2.50 waist at iJJ • O 1 0 Fine Muslin Skirt—deep flounce, trimmed with £ Q A hemstitching, extra dust ruffle, worth 69c •*€»!# Fine Cambric Skirt, deep lawn flounce trimmed with two wide Lace Insertions and French tucking, ruffle on bottom trimmed with tucking and wide lace edge. Extra-dust ruffle, worth $2.00, at Maids' Apron in white lawn, hem- stitched hem and bib, wide ties, worth 39c, at $7.50 SPECIAL TRUNK SALE. BASEMENT. A Minneapolis Trunk Manufacturer sold us a lot of 25 High Grade Traveling Trunks at half the regular cost. They are well made in every way, full linen lined throughout, rivets bured on the inside, heavy straps around top, front and back, deep tray and extra tray. The best trunk special offered by anybody this year. They will probably all be sold on Saturday. See them. Size 32-in. 34-in. 36-in. 38-in. 40-in. Regular Price $10.00 $10.50 $11.00 $11.50 $12.00 Saturday's Price.. 9S.50 $6 $6-50 $7 $7.50 JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. 0 3 ,H P Saturday Specials. American Watches—Special for Saturday, Women's hunting case 20-year goldfilledsmall size handsomely engraved Dueber case with Elgin movement, stem wind. I&O OR Regular $11.75, special *&%9m*9%M $9.00 boys' gold filled open face 12 size watch, American movement, good ftft RA timers vOiUU Women's gold filled chatelaine watches, American movements, open face Solid silver Swiss watches for chatelaines— $2.25 A fine 20 year new style open face gold filled Dueber case with 15 jewel Elgin movement, 12 size, the correct size for f£4 4 |)Cfe a gentlemen's watch N* • • W A superb line of watch fobs, the (4 AA fn d A A A newest patterns; each *P i W t0 V I %Mm VU Rogers' extra plate spoons, fancy handle. $1.00 Tea Spoons, set 50o $1.75 Dessert Spoons, set. , •... .OOo $2.00 Table Spoons, set , $ 1 -OO $3.00 Wm. Rogers' 12 dwt. standard plate Knives ^O OR 1 and Forks, dozen "*•*«•«** Great bargain in hollow handle 1847 Butter Spreads, fancy handle, reduced from $3.00 set. Set of g | 4 A A six, while they last. • w , w EXTRA SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN OUR HEN'S CLOTHING DEPT FOR SATURDAY. Men's Suits—Values $18 fl| i Q gf% to $20. Saturday's special Jk I "C f)|J price for ^K" W i W W These Suits are all new this season and consist of smooth and rough worsteds, tweeds and cheviots. Perfect infitand the greatest bargain you will be offered. Sat- urday at $13-50 KENSINGTON SUITS .At about one-half their regular price, tomorrow. Worth $20, $22.50, $25 to $35. We do this to introduce this brand of clothing to 1 you. We want you to know them as we do. No better ready-to-wear clothing in the world and seldom equaled by the most fashionable tailors. One look will convince you these are facts and a trial will make you an ever satisfied .Kensing- ton customer; that's why we are selling them at $16.00. SPECIAL HAT SALE SATDRDAY. ^fc 4 ti% Ef Wash Ve n sts,worthfl^ 4 E? £% SPECIALS IN MEN'S FURNISHINGS DEPT. $2.50 Hats, stiff or soft, at CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT This busy department, crowded all the time, a sure evidence of the bargains given in the past, offers these for Saturday: Ladies' Covert Jackets—They are silk and satin lined, tailor strapped, have the new sleeves, sold at $12.50 and $10.00— -J--™. Saturday, ^w^^srm Children's New Spring Jackets —4 to 12 years, plain box effects, and cape over shoulder. Some are lined throughout^ —our reg. $7.50; Sat. ALL ON THE Lot of Men's Fancy Hose just se- cured from a large importer. They come in fancy stripes and gray and tan mixtures also black lace; values up to 25c, Saturday 13c Q R A each,2for.. a^Olr Neckwear Specials, in Pour-in- Hands, Tecks, English Squares of our regular lines where lots are broken. Not a scarf in the ORfv lot worth less than 50c. •»<»•* w 50c 50c MAIN FLOOR. Donaldson's famous Neck- wear in new rich silks .... Donaldson's Famous Hosi- ery, extra values at 25c & Men's Negligee Shirts made madras cloths in fancy figures, stripes and plain white; cuffs at- tached and detached; val- C R*t ues 75c. Saturday ...... »*mJt# Extra fine Shirts at <fe4 A A $2.00, $1.50 a n d ..... *P •1F1I MENS UNDERWEAR Men's fine light or medium weight natural wool Undershirts and Draw- ers, extra well made and finished throughout, our regular $1.00 OAp quality. Special for Saturday *P5FO Men's fine 50c Jersey ribbed Balbriggan Undershirts and Drawers, Drawers made with large double seat and gusset. Saturday's O R A special. ».•..••««••»«•»«•••«»••••««•••••»•»•••. •*•••.•••••••••• ^^ FANCY GOODS. Special Saturday Prices. Teneriffe Doilies, 6- t 4 ( • ^ inch, regular 25c g Q R value, special, each, m ^^ Hemstitched and Stamped Lin- ens 18x27 tray wA g%^ cloths and 18 and 20 J Jfl" in. doilies, spec, ea., m ^^^^ Tapestry Pillow Slips, fine quality all finished for pil- tM f%^ low, with tasBel | Mils corners, each m "•"•»•»* *••*•»» Spachtal Dresser Scarfs and Shams, plain white and with colored stitching, a • £ » • regular 25c value, g Bigg choice ^*** N HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS—BASEHENT. Yusca Mantles Welsbachmake —sold e v e r y - where at 35c. Saturday, each 28©. Welsbach Cap Mantle—No. 19 7 pattern- sold elsewhere at 30c. Satur- day, each 2 0 o . Welsbach Cap Mantle—No. 2 pat- tern—sold everywhere at 20c. Sat- urday, each 15c. Shelf Paper—10 yards lace edge Shelf Paper, white or colored, Sat'y, 3c. Mica Canopies—for tops of gas chim- neys,, usual price 10c; Saturday, each, Bo. Mica Chimneys—for drop lights or incandescent gas lamps, value 15c; each lOo. Toilet* Paper & Rack —6 rolls of good paper and rack complete, at 25o. Floor Brooms—good c o r n floor b r o o m , medium size and weight; Sat'day 1 5o. Whisk Brooms—Good corn whisk broom, medium size—Saturday lOo Bracket Lamp—Com- plete with reflector and burner Saturday, at 22c. %r ff> Bath Room Fixtures —^Nickel plated towel bar, soap dish and tumbler holder, each at 10c. Clothes Pins—Hardwoed, first qual- ity, full size, Saturday, per hun- dred, 10c. Curtain Stretcher— The best made, has movable pins, Satur- day, $1.69. Chair Seats—Per- forated, veneered, your choice of any size, each 8Cu Scouring Soap—Large cake of good scouring soap—Saturday each 2c House Paints—Extra good quality house paints—all colors—Saturday, quart can 2 8 « La u n d r y Soap- Large cake of good laundry soap, Sat., 15 25c. Garden Hose—50 feet guaranteed Hose, with reel and nozzle, com- plete, $5.00. The Wilson Toaster— Toasts bread and boils at the same time. For oil or gas stoves. Each, 25c. Jh Poultry Netting—By the full roll;* BOo per hundred square feet; cut in less quantity, per square foot, 1c. EEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. George M. Gillette and wife to John L. Ames; lot S, Mock 15, St. Anthony City. $1,000. John W. Wotherspoon and wife to Joseph U. Barnes; part lots 3, 4 and 5, block 224, Brown & Jacklns' addition, $600. Minnesota Debenture company to City of Min- neapolis; part lot 12, block 47. Groveland addi- tion, $292. Nannie Nichols to City of Minneapolis; part lot 12, block 47, Groveland addition, $747. Cedar Lake Ice company to City of Minne- apolis; lots 4 und 9. block 6, Groveland addition, $5,808. Charles K. Sherburne and wife to City of Min- neapolis; lot 29, Auditor's Subdivision No. 20, $2,730. - John W. Patton and wife to Albert J. Dftvles; part lots 56, 57 and 58, block 3, Oak Lake ad- dition, $4,000. Martin A. Thompson and wife to Arthur Dunn; part lot 8, block 8, „ Wright's addition, $2,300. Charles W. Cole and wife to Great Western Construction company; lots 10 and 11, block 10, Wyoming Park addition. $300. Peter Faber and wife to Great Western Con- struction company; lots 23 and 24, block 8, Pros- pect Park Second Division revised, $250. Samuel B. Appleton and wife to Lena S. Grose, lot 7, Robinson's addition, $3,600. Minneapolis Trust company to Charles F. Hedin, lot 331, Supplement Plat of Minnetonka Beach, $250. *.ow. •"?""*» v«~"., , Mike Briarty and wife to James Harding, part lot 9, bloct 1. Walton's rearrangement, $150. Alvln W. Krech and wife to Amanda*.A. Holm, lot 14, block 4, Clinton Avenue addition, $400. John S. Hooper and wife •• to Ella B. Jordan, lots 1 to 15, block a Lake Harriet park, $1,100. Edward S. Molan to Rosie S. Molan, in section 14-119-23 $1 000. Rachel'C. Chapman and husband, to Andrew Q. Nordholm, In section 4-117-23, $750. Altonia H. Mortimer and husband to Laura R. Jon*>s, lots 1 and 2. block 83, West Minne- apolis Center, $300. Greenleaf Clark to Algot Johnson, lota 9 and 10, block 1* Carlisle Park. $300. Charles B. Layman and wife to Martin. G. Lay- man, part of lot 4, block 1, Layman's fourth ad- dition, $1,800. Peter Berentsen and wife to John J. Molen, east half lot 8, block 181. Town of Minneapolis, $2,500. Zephrine L. Brash and wife to Jules R. Ray- mond, lot 10, block 6, City of Attraction, $330. Nettle M. Gates et al. to William Sanger, lot 2, Seallutn Gates' third addition, $100. Jane Poien and husband to Edith A. Sawyer et al., lot 10, block 2, French's addition, $300. ' Mathias Dresen and wife to Henry J. Storms, lot 8, block 4, Marshall Street addition, $180. .Mary D. C. Demlng and husband to John Strom and wife, lot 10 and part lot 12, Deming's Polk street rearrangement, $2,«00. Sarah A. Dunsmoor and husband to Alma V. Tuscany, lot 4, block 16, Remington's third ad- dition. $825. Simon McNulty and wife to James Tyro, lot* 11 and 12. block 80, West Minneapolis, second di- vision, $450. Arabella Watson to Harry B. Watson, east half of lot 4, block 60, Village of Champlin, $400? Twelve* minor deeds, $73. Total. 41 feeds. $34,640. W i mj^ggf~> 31

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Page 1: BOYS' CLOTHING. Saturday Specials. HOSIERY SALE. · 2017-12-12 · tweeds and cheviots. Perfect in fit and the greatest bargain you will be offered. Sat urday at $13-50 KENSINGTON


.**** -< •? *».**c &... *"

The Tea Room and Restaurant is the finest from all points—cuisine, service and furnishings—in the Northwest and equalled by but few in the country. It is a delightful place for a luncheon—especially for particular people. Fourth Floor.

Strangers in the city can make this store their headquarters. We check all pack­ages, bundles and 'wraps free of charee; and when you are through shopping we will send your baggage and bundles to the railroad sta­tion in time for your train, also without costtoyou. '•'-.''

BOYS' CLOTHING. Our Second floor department is daily getting the confidence of those who want the latest styles for their boys. You are invited to look through the department whether you wish to buy or not, we may be able to furnish you with an idea and perhaps tempt you with some of these Saturday bargains. $7.00 Suits, $4.98—Russian and Eaton Blouse Suits, 2i to 10 years, large as sortment of our latest arrivals in blues browns and fancy mixtures, with Knickerbocker pants, white collar and silk ties. All of those $7.00 auits shown this season. Saturday only $4.98

Saturday Specials. music.


Donaldson's Special Norfolk or 2-piece, 7 to 16 years, in blue serges and fancy mixtures with double knee and seat clear across, actually worth $6.50. Saturday ^ f i ^ . O f t

Boys' Long Pants Suits for Confirmation, in black or blue worsteds, with broad Military shoulders and peg top trous­ers, sell regular at $9.00. Saturday & ^ BStffe only M* A s i O l f Boys' and Youths' Long Pant Suits in single or double breasted styles, this make of suits is handled by our Boys' Department exclusively and are equal to tailor made. Blues, blacks and fancy mixtures that sell at £ 4 | | Atffe $12.50 and $13.50. Saturday only.... H> • * * • V V

The newest March

Funny Folks. Get in line and buy Funny Folks.

Other pieces and many of the most popular. 4 T f n Saturday W i %* Big list jof choice titles—not a lot of old chestnuts that can be bought at 3c apiece, but good copyright stuff, such as you pay the other fellow 23c for. Choice, Saturday

FUR STORAGE. We will store your furs and guaran­tee them against damage by moths, lire, thieves, etc. Telephone and we will send our wag­on.


WASH GOODS. 200 pieces cotton canvas cloth in tan, gray, blue and green mixtures 27-in. wide. Just the thing for Shirtwaist Suits; made to sell for 15c, cut special for Saturday only, per T^C* y a r d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . « 2 « Cot»t>on Voiles — 42-inch Cotton Voiles, in plain tan, cream, navy and black, spec­ial for Saturday, only, per yard.. . .

DRUG DEPT. Great bargain in Red Rubber Household Gloves These gloves have just been received and will be offered as a Saturday-special, at, per pair,




Greatest Bargains Ever—On our counters Saturday will be displayed the greatest as­sortment of WriBt Bags, Hand Peggy from Paris, straps or braided handles, all shapes and colors, and look at the price

Guess now's your time. Surely I will buy-

A gooc Pocket Books—sold 25c, f o r . . -

regularly at

98c ay—


Finest Cowhide Suit Cases in brown and tan with shirt fold— linen lined, better than others ask $6.50 to $7.50, our special price Saturday

Leather Pocketbooks. Our regular 50c kind and they are better values than most people give at twice the money

Now this is where we can do you lots of

good—we will show you more styles and smaller prices than all the others put to­gether. Come in and see them.

25c, 48c, 98o, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 Certainly they are good values.



SALE OF STATIONERY Lake and forest resorters—when away from civilization you should prepare your­selves so you may keep in touch with your friends. We will give you the opportunity. Hurd's and Whiting's finest stationery, that sells by us every day in the year a t : One quire of 65c paper and envelopes to match.. 4 C o

One quire of 60c paper and envelopes to match.. 3 B o

One quire of 50c paper and envelopes to match.. 3 0 o One quire of 40c paper and envelopes to match.. 2 5 o

This takes Whiting's French Organdies— This takes Hurd's Linen Lawns— This takes Hurd's Linen Grenadines— This takes Hurd's Panama Fiber— This takes Whiting's Hand Made Organ­dies, (ragged edge.) Tally Cards—More styles to select from than the combined Showing of Twin Cities —and a t half price Saturday.

ENGRAVING You must all stock up now on your calling cards. No other sale until February of

n e x t year will equal this—now note close­ly the prices— ; 60 cards and plate, scrip type. . . . .~~- .65o 100 cards and plate, scrip type 9 0 o 50 cards from your plate 2 6 O 100 cards from your plate BOo

Every additional line 15c extra. 100 cards and Old English p la t e . . . . $ 2 . S 0 Address, per line extra 7 5 o

Our Engraving Department is not equalled in the Northwest. All work guaranteed satisfactory or you don't take it.

A Sale of Women's Shoes that Will Appeal to Every Eco­nomical Buyer.

Our buyer while in Rochester, N. Y. the other day was able to purchase over a thousand pairs of Women's Shoes and Oxford Ties from one of the leading manufacturers.

The lot includes patent colt skin, vici kid and tan leathers; all this season's styles, every size and width, $2.50 and $3.00 grades, at—

Send Home a Plant if you want to brighten thfe home at little cost. Our own hot houses supply you with any­thing you want Cut Flowers delivered when you want them.


HOSIERY SALE. Ladies' fine regular 50c im­ported fast black lisle and cot­ton hose, rib and welt top, high; heel, .double sole andgtoe. Special Saturday O R 4* while they last for.. « • " V. Boys' extra fine heavy four thread fast black cotton ribbed hose, very strong and durable, all sizes. Special val- ^ C ^

Two pairs. . . .2@e

LADIES' KMT UNDERWEAR Ladies' fine white ribbed cotton vests, high neck A f T p and long sleeves, finished seams throughout < " ' i v Ladies' fine white Swiss ribbed Lisle Vests, low ne«&, no sleeves, plain or fancy and finely lace trimmed, silk taped neck and arm hole; a very large assortment. A f f ) E # | bargain for Saturday taO v Ladies' fine Swiss ribbed knee lace trimmed um­brella pants, special.

Three for $ 1.00 35c





SHIRT WAISTS—SKIRTS—APRONS. Representative Bargains for Saturday, Match them if you can. Come Early.

Black and white polka dot madras Shirt Waist—shield front with tucking at side—dainty stock— Cfef&r* worth $1.25, a f ••• 5FOU Handsome Shi r twais t in white lawn—front trimmed with tucking and eight rows faggot stitching—sleeves also trimmed with faggot stitching— tfl* -fj g l « l $2.50 waist a t i JJ • • O 1 0 Fine Muslin Skirt—deep flounce, trimmed with £ Q A hemstitching, extra dust ruffle, worth 69c • * € » ! # Fine Cambric Skirt, deep lawn flounce trimmed with two wide Lace Insertions and French tucking, ruffle on bottom trimmed with tucking and wide lace edge. Extra-dust ruffle, worth $2.00, at

Maids' Apron in

white lawn, hem­

stitched hem and bib, wide

ties, worth 39c,

a t


SPECIAL TRUNK SALE. BASEMENT. A Minneapolis Trunk Manufacturer sold us a lot of 25 High Grade Traveling Trunks at half the regular cost. They are well made in every way, full linen lined throughout, rivets bured on the inside, heavy straps around top, front and back, deep tray and extra tray. The best trunk special offered by anybody this year. They will probably all be sold on Saturday. See them. Size 32-in. 34-in. 36-in. 38-in. 40-in. Regular Price $10.00 $10.50 $11.00 $11.50 $12.00 Saturday's P r i c e . . 9 S . 5 0 $ 6 $ 6 - 5 0 $ 7 $ 7 . 5 0

JEWELRY DEPARTMENT. „0 3,HP Saturday Specials.

American Watches—Special for Saturday, Women's hunting case 20-year gold filled small size handsomely engraved Dueber case with Elgin movement, stem wind. I & O O R Regular $11.75, special *&%9m*9%M $9.00 boys' gold filled open face 12 size watch, American movement, good ftft R A timers vOiUU

Women's gold filled chatelaine watches, American movements, open face Solid silver Swiss watches for chatelaines— $ 2 . 2 5 A fine 20 year new style open face gold filled Dueber case with 15 jewel Elgin movement, 12 size, the correct size for f £ 4 4 |)Cfe a gentlemen's watch N* • • • W A superb line of watch fobs, the ( 4 A A f n d A A A newest patterns; each *P • i W t 0 V I %Mm V U Rogers' extra plate spoons, fancy handle. $1.00 Tea Spoons, set 50o $1.75 Dessert Spoons, set. , • . . . .OOo $2.00 Table Spoons, set , $ 1 -OO

$3.00 Wm. Rogers' 12 dwt. standard plate Knives ^ O O R 1

and Forks, dozen " * • * « • « * * Great bargain in hollow handle 1847 Butter Spreads, fancy handle, reduced from $3.00 set. Set of g | 4 A A six, while they last. ™ • • w , w



Men's Suits—Values $18 fl| i Q gf% to $20. Saturday's special J k I "C f ) | J price for ^K" W i W W These Suits are all new this season and consist of smooth and rough worsteds, tweeds and cheviots. Perfect in fit and the greatest bargain you will be offered. Sat­urday at $ 1 3 - 5 0

KENSINGTON SUITS .At about one-half their regular price, tomorrow.

Worth $20, $22.50, $25 to $35. We do this to introduce this brand of clothing to1

you. We want you to know them as we do. No better ready-to-wear clothing in the world and seldom equaled by the most fashionable tailors. One look will convince you these are facts and a trial will make you an ever satisfied .Kensing­ton customer; that's why we are selling them at $16.00.

SPECIAL HAT SALE SATDRDAY. ^ fc 4 ti% E f Wash Vensts,worthfl̂ 4 E ? £%


$2.50 Hats, stiff or soft, at

CLOAK AND SUIT DEPARTMENT This busy department, crowded all the time, a sure evidence of the bargains given in the past, offers these for Saturday: Ladies' Covert Jackets—They are silk and satin lined, tailor strapped, have the new sleeves, sold at $12.50 and $10.00— - J - - ™ . Saturday, ^w^^srm

Children's New Spring Jackets —4 to 12 years, plain box effects, and cape over shoulder. Some are lined throughout^ —our reg. $7.50; Sat.


Lot of Men's Fancy Hose just se­cured from a large importer. They come in fancy stripes and gray and tan mixtures also black lace; values up to 25c, Saturday 13c Q R A each,2for.. a ^ O l r Neckwear Specials, in Pour-in-Hands, Tecks, English Squares of our regular lines where lots are broken. Not a scarf in the O R f v lot worth less than 50c. •»<»•* w

50c 50c

MAIN FLOOR. Donaldson's famous Neck­wear in new rich silks.... Donaldson's Famous Hosi­ery, extra values at 25c & Men's Negligee Shirts made o£ madras cloths in fancy figures, stripes and plain white; cuffs at­tached and detached; val- C R * t ues 75c. Saturday...... »*mJt# Extra fine Shirts at <fe4 A A $2.00, $1.50 and. . . . . *P • • 1 F 1 I

MENS UNDERWEAR Men's fine light or medium weight natural wool Undershirts and Draw­ers, extra well made and finished throughout, our regular $1.00 O A p quality. Special for Saturday *P5FO Men's fine 50c Jersey ribbed Balbriggan Undershirts and Drawers, Drawers made with large double seat and gusset. Saturday's O R A special. ».•..••««••»«•»«•••«»••••««•••••»•»•••. •*•••.•••••••••• ^^

FANCY GOODS. Special Saturday Prices.

Teneriffe Doilies, 6- t 4 ( • ^ inch, regular 25c g Q R value, special, each, m ^ ^

Hemstitched and Stamped Lin­e n s 18x27 t r a y wA g%^ cloths and 18 and 20 J J f l " in. doilies, spec, ea., m ^ ^ ^ ^

Tapestry Pillow Slips, fine quality all finished for pil- tM f%^ low, with tasBel | M i l s corners, each m "•"•»•»* *••*•»»

Spachtal Dresser Scarfs and Shams, plain white and with colored stitching, a • £ » • regular 25c value, g B i g g choice ^***

N HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS—BASEHENT. Yusca Mantles Welsbachmake —sold e v e r y ­where a t 35c. Saturday, each 28©. Welsbach Cap M a n t l e — N o . 19 7 p a t t e r n -sold elsewhere at 30c. Satur­day, each 2 0 o .

Welsbach Cap Mantle—No. 2 pat­tern—sold everywhere at 20c. Sat­urday, each 1 5 c . Shelf Paper—10 yards lace edge Shelf Paper, white or colored, Sat'y, 3 c .

Mica Canopies—for tops of gas chim­neys,, usual price 10c; Saturday, each, Bo.

Mica Chimneys—for drop lights or incandescent gas lamps, value 15c; each l O o .

Toilet* Paper & Rack —6 rolls of good paper and rack complete, at 25o. Floor Brooms—good c o r n floor b r o o m , m e d i u m s i z e a n d weight; Sat'day 1 5 o .

Whisk Brooms—Good corn whisk broom, medium size—Saturday l O o

Bracket Lamp—Com­plete with reflector and burner Saturday, at 22c.

%r ff> Bath Room Fixtures —^Nickel plated towel bar, soap dish and tumbler holder, each at 10c.

Clothes Pins—Hardwoed, first qual­ity, full size, Saturday, per hun­dred, 1 0 c .

Curtain Stretcher— The best made, has movable pins, Satur­day, $1.69.

Chair Seats—Per­forated, veneered, your choice of any size, each 8Cu

Scouring Soap—Large cake of good scouring soap—Saturday each 2 c House Paints—Extra good quality house paints—all colors—Saturday, quart can 2 8 «

L a u n d r y S o a p -Large cake of good laundry soap, Sat., 1 5 25c.

Garden Hose—50 feet guaranteed Hose, with reel and nozzle, com­

plete, $ 5 . 0 0 .

The Wilson Toaster—

Toasts bread and boils a t the same time. For oil or gas stoves. Each,

2 5 c .


Poultry Netting—By the full roll;* BOo per hundred square feet; cut in less quantity, per square foot, 1 c .

EEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. George M. Gillette and wife to John L. Ames;

lot S, Mock 15, St. Anthony City. $1,000. John W. Wotherspoon and wife to Joseph U.

Barnes; part lots 3, 4 and 5, block 224, Brown & Jacklns' addition, $600.

Minnesota Debenture company to City of Min­neapolis; part lot 12, block 47. Groveland addi­tion, $292.

Nannie Nichols to City of Minneapolis; part lot 12, block 47, Groveland addition, $747.

Cedar Lake Ice company to City of Minne­apolis; lots 4 und 9. block 6, Groveland addition, $5,808.

Charles K. Sherburne and wife to City of Min­neapolis; lot 29, Auditor's Subdivision No. 20, $2,730. -

John W. Patton and wife to Albert J. Dftvles; part lots 56, 57 and 58, block 3, Oak Lake ad­dition, $4,000.

Martin A. Thompson and wife to Arthur Dunn; part lot 8, block 8, „ Wright's addition, $2,300.

Charles W. Cole and wife to Great Western Construction company; lots 10 and 11, block 10, Wyoming Park addition. $300.

Peter Faber and wife to Great Western Con­struction company; lots 23 and 24, block 8, Pros­pect Park Second Division revised, $250.

Samuel B. Appleton and wife to Lena S. Grose, lot 7, Robinson's addition, $3,600.

Minneapolis Trust company to Charles F. Hedin, lot 331, Supplement Plat of Minnetonka Beach, $250.

* . o w . „ •"?""*» v«~"., ,

Mike Briarty and wife to James Harding, part lot 9, bloct 1. Walton's rearrangement, $150.

Alvln W. Krech and wife to Amanda*.A. Holm, lot 14, block 4, Clinton Avenue addition, $400.

John S. Hooper and wife •• to Ella B. Jordan, lots 1 to 15, block a Lake Harriet park, $1,100.

Edward S. Molan to Rosie S. Molan, in section 14-119-23 $1 000.

Rachel'C. Chapman and husband, to Andrew Q. Nordholm, In section 4-117-23, $750.

Altonia H. Mortimer and husband to Laura R. Jon*>s, lots 1 and 2. block 83, West Minne­apolis Center, $300.

Greenleaf Clark to Algot Johnson, lota 9 and 10, block 1* Carlisle Park. $300.

Charles B. Layman and wife to Martin. G. Lay­man, part of lot 4, block 1, Layman's fourth ad­dition, $1,800.

Peter Berentsen and wife to John J. Molen, east half lot 8, block 181. Town of Minneapolis, $2,500.

Zephrine L. Brash and wife to Jules R. Ray­mond, lot 10, block 6, City of Attraction, $330.

Nettle M. Gates et al. to William Sanger, lot 2, Seallutn Gates' third addition, $100.

Jane Poien and husband to Edith A. Sawyer et al., lot 10, block 2, French's addition, $300. ' Mathias Dresen and wife to Henry J. Storms, lot 8, block 4, Marshall Street addition, $180.

.Mary D. C. Demlng and husband to John Strom and wife, lot 10 and part lot 12, Deming's Polk street rearrangement, $2,«00.

Sarah A. Dunsmoor and husband to Alma V. Tuscany, lot 4, block 16, Remington's third ad­dition. $825.

Simon McNulty and wife to James Tyro, lot* 11 and 12. block 80, West Minneapolis, second di­vision, $450.

Arabella Watson to Harry B. Watson, east half of lot 4, block 60, Village of Champlin, $400?

Twelve* minor deeds, $73. Total. 41 feeds. $34,640. W i
