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Bpkihs MCQs boost. IOM MD/MS Entrance 2069 1) Fracture of the base of skull of motorcyclist includes: Pond fracture Depress ed fracture Hinge fracture Comminuted fracture Ans: c 2) Most common complication of neck of femur fracture in a 60 yrs oldfemale: Non union Mal union? ? Ans: a 3) Most common congenital dislocation: Shoulder Hip Clavicle ? Ans: b 4) A patient with fracture shaft of femur is referred from Pokhara to Kathmandu. The best splint that is to be applied in this patient is Thomas splint Bohler Br aun splint Cock up splint Dennis Brown splint Ans: a 5) The histolopathology of retrobulbar mass shows many spindle shaped cells, som e tadpole cells, multinucleated giant cells with interspersed striated cells and immature mitotic figures. The most likely condition is: Leiomyosarcoma Rhabdomy osarcoma Glioma Meningioma Ans: b 6) (?)Best Indication of nasotracheal intubation: Patient without spontaneous re spiration Patient with suspected cervical spine injury Patient without suspected cervical injury ? Ans: 7) Shortest acting mydriatic & cycloplegic: Tropicamide Atropine Cyclopentolate Homatropine Ans: a 8) The fundal examination shows arterial narrowing, flame shaped hemorrhage, cot ton wool spots and ? waxy exudates. The most likely diagnosis is: Arterioscleros is Chronic Hypertension Diabetes ? Ans:b 9) Juvenile Rheumatoid arthritis is associated with Pan uveitis Anterior uveitis Posterior uveitis Sympathetic ophthalmia Ans: b 10) Most common cause of treatable blindness world wide Cataract Glaucoma Optic atrophy ? Ans: a 11) Vitamin A deficiency can be identifiedby Bitots spot Problem in visual adapta tion ? ? Ans:a 12) Feature of megaloblastic anaemia Neutropenia and thrombocytopenia Increasedb ilirubin .? . ? Ans: a 13) A vitamin that is found in green leaves, yeast & liver that help in formatio n of base nucleotide thiamine is Vit C Vit A Vit K Folic acid Ans: d 14) Scurvy is related to Vit Cdeficiency Beri beri Pellagra Scarlet fever Ans: a 15) Intrinsic factor helps in absorption of Vit B6 Vit B12 Vit A Vit C Ans: b 16) Green House gas Keeps the earth warm Radiates heat of earthto atmosphere Low ers the temperature of earth Absorbs harmful rays Ans: a 17) Vitamin K causes activation of clotting factors by Oxidation carboxylation H ydroxylation ? Ans: b 18) A 3years old child with high fever, increased salivation and ulcer in palato faucial region. Most likely diagnosis is Measles Infectiosus mononucleosis Herpa ngina Acute tonsillitis Ans: c

19) Decreased C3 level is found inMembranoproliferative Disease Membranous GN Mi nimal change disease Mesangio proliferative GN Ans: a 20) Cavitary lesion in lungs is found in Staphylococcal pneumonia Pnemoconiosis Primary tuberculosis ? Ans: a 21)Non cardiogenic pulmonary oedema( NCPE) is asso ciated with Diffuse alveolar infiltrates Peripheral oedema Increased JVP A norma l A-a gradient Ans:d 21) The principal artery supplying tonsil is Tonsillar branch of ascending phary ngeal Dorsal lingual branch Tonsillar branch of facial artery Ascending pharynge al artery Ans: c 22) Most common age group for Tinea capitis is 30 y rs Ans: a 23) Male sex hormone is synthesized by Follicles Seminal vesicle Epidi dymis Interstitial cells Ans: d 24) CS is mandatory in Transverse lie Hydrocephalus Mentoanterior position Frank breech Ans: a 25) Multiple sclerosis is associated with Optic atrophy Optic neuritis ?? Ans: b 26) Pseudobulbar palsy is associated with Demyelination Cerebrovascular disease Cerebral degeneration ? Ans: a 27) True about recurrent nerve palsy Complete palsy impairs adduction of vocal c ord Partial palsy impairs adduction of vocal cord Partial palsy impairs abductio n of vocal cord Partial palsy impairs tensor of vocal cord Ans: c 28) Whichof the following is not seen on horizontal section at thoracic inlet ? Superior venacava Arch of aorta Oesophagus Left atrium Ans:d 29) Which of the following is true about conducting system of heart? SA node is located on superior part of sulcus terminalis AV node is located on inferior par t of sulcus terminalis Right bundl e branch supplies ant wall of right ventricle by passing through supraventricular crest ? Ans: a 30) A small bluish transparent lesion is located on mucosal part of lip. Most li kely diagnosis Cystic hygroma Mucocele hemangioma ? Ans; b 31) Transudative pleural effusionis seen in Hypothyroidism Lymphoma SLE Mesothel ioma Ans: a 32) Surgical treatment of chronicconstrictive pericarditis Pericardiotomy Perica rdial window Pericardiectomy Pericaardiostomy Ans: c 33) A 2 year child with failure to thrive and sweating while breast feeding. On examination, the weight of baby is 8 kg, no cyanosis and tender hepatomegaly. Th e likely diagnosis is TOF TGV AS VSD Ans: d 34) Diastolic murmur is best heard in Atrial myxoma Acute rhematic carditis PDA ASD Ans: b 35) The most common valve involve in endocarditis in iv drug users Tricuspid Mit ral Aortic Pulmonary Ans: a 36) Metastasis in lymph node is characterized by Central necrosis Enhancement Ob long shape Adherent nodes Ans: 37) Which of the following lymphnodes are directly related to mammary gland? Ant

erior axillary Posterior axillary Central Infraclavicular Ans: a 38) One of the primary inspiratory muscles External intercostals Internal interc ostals Scalene Sternocleidomastoid Ans: a 39) Spleen is related to which ribs 8th-10th ribs 10th-12th ribs 9th-11th ribs 6 th- 8th ribs Ans: c 40) A 30 years man is brought in casualty with difficulty breathing after blunt chest trauma. On examination, resonant sounds on right side with decreased breat h sound and mediastinal shift. The immediate management is Wait for X ray Needle thoracostomy Tube thoracostomy Oxygen Ans: b 41) Thoracostomy in pneumothorax is done at 2nd intercostal space on mid clavicu lar line 4th intercostals space on mid axillary line 5th intercostals space on m id axillary line 8thintercostals space on posterior scapular line Ans: c 42) A 60 year old man is brought with painful pulsatile abdominal mass. The earl y management is Narcotic analgesic CT angiography Doppler USG"Open iv line and s end blood for cross matching" Ans: d 43) A left loin mass is seen ona 3 day old infant. USG shows hydronephrosis. The most common cause of hydronephrosis in this child is Vesicoureteric reflux Uret eropelvic junction narrowing Wilms tumor ? Ans:b 44) Both ascending anddescending tracts are involved in Amyotropic lateral scler osis Multiple sclerosis Poliomyelitis ? Ans:?b 45) Sensation from sensory axon is carried to Dorsal root ganglion Anteriorhorn cells Brain stem Dorsal horn Ans: d 46) When we talkabout anti anxiety drugs, we remember Mercury poisoning Hiroshim a bombing Chernovyl disaster Thalidomide poisoning Ans:d 47) Longest acting narcotic analgesic Morphine Pethidine Pentazocine Buprenorphi ne Ans: d 48) a 30 yr rikshaw puller with heroine toxicity with hypotension,pupillary cons triction,drug to be given immediately is Naloxone Flumazenil ? ? Ans: a 49) Drugof choice in Myasthenia Gravis Edrophonium Physostigmine Neostigmine? An s: c 50) Plasma drug levelis to be monitored in a.Lithium Ans: a 51) Nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor is Efavirenz Nevirapine Saquinavi r Lamivudine Ans: d 52) Which drug is effective n bird flu Oseltamavir AcyclovirZiduvudine ? Ans: a 53) Permanent discoloration of teeth occurs after treatmentby which antibiotic i n childhood Tetracycline Ans: a 54) Hemophilus influenza is treated by Erythromycin Azithromycin Cephalexin Cefa droxil Ans: b 55) Rapid healing of wound is by using a) Broad spectrum antibiotics b) Drain c) Preventing wound from water for 7 days d) Maintaining haemostasis Ans: d 56) Acute epiglottitis is caused by Hemophilus influenza Streptococcus Staphyloc

occus Ans: a 57) Before surgery, antibiotic is given 1 hour before incision 30 mins before in cision 15 mins before incison Just priorto incision Ans: d( Ref- Sabiston) 58) In general anaesthesia, nothing per mouth for 2 hrs 4 hrs 6 hrs?8hrs Ans: c 59) The first sensation that is list in spinalanaesthesia is Touch Temperature A utonomic Pain Ans: c 60) In cardiac arrhythmia, Lignocaine is used in Supraventricular tach ycardia V entricular tachycardia Supraventricularand ventricular tachycardia ?Ans: b 61)Which drug acts by inhibiting phosphodiesteraseAmiodarone Digoxin Isopretiren ol Dobutamine Ans: none but a may be the answer. Amrinone is PDE inhibitor. Amrino ne may have been mistakenly typed as Amiodarone) 62)Dopamine is used in critically ill patient because of following reason At hig h dose, it increases coronary blood flow At high dose, it increases ? At low dos e, it decreases splanchnic blood flow At low dose, it decreases heart rate Ans: 63)Norepinephrine is converted to epinephrine by Hydroxylation Carboxylation Oxi dative deamination N- methylation Ans: d 64) The required amount of fixative for tissue fixation Same volume 2 times 10 t imes 8 times Ans: 65) Characteristic of visceral pain loacalised Sharp and radiating At midline ca rried by spinal nerves Ans; d 66) Strepto pneumonia and Strepto viridians can be differentiated by Optochin se nsitivity Coagulase test Catalase test Haemolysis Ans: a 67) IMR (2011) of Nepal a. 63 b.57 c.46 d.51 Ans: 46 68) c wave in JVP is due to Atrial contraction Tricuspid valve closure Atrial fi lling with closed tricuspid valve Ventricular filling Ans: b 69)The action verb for objective in affective domainis best represented by LISTE NS ATTENTIVELY LISTS OUT THE equipments required DESCRIBES the method of Iv inje cton DEMONSTRATES THE METHOD OF immunization Ans: 70)Themost effective method to change the traditional belief without hurting the m is Exhibition Lecture Role play Demonstration Ans: c 71) What cannot be calculated in open class interval? Mean Median Mode quartile Ans: d 72) Which distribution is represented when mean is equal to variance Normal Gamm a Poisson ? Ans:c 73) Passive immunity by administration of Vaccine Immunoglobulin ? ? Ans: b 74) The duration of time from entry of organism to itsfirst detection: Incubatio n period Latent period ? ? Ans: b 75) Confirmatory test of HIV Elisa Western blot PCR ? Ans: b 76) Primary syphilis is best diagnosed by a. VDRL b. Wet mount c. TPHA d. TPPA A ns: d ( Ref: Harrison. The microhemagglutination assay for T. pallidum (MHA-TP) h

as been replaced by the Serodia TP-PA test (Fujirebio, Tokyo), which is more sen sitive for primary syphilis.) 77)Probability of a person without a disease having a test result negative is Po sitive predictive value Specificity Negative predictive value Sensitivity Ans; b 78)Relative risk is calculated from a.Cross sectional study without control b. c ross sectional study with control c. prospective study without control d. prospe ctive study with control Ans: c 79)Odds ratio indicates Statistical significance Causal association Relative ris k ? Ans; c 80)The best mass media in community Flash card Pamphlet Poster Graphic Ans: c 81) Class conflict is seen in Feud system Capitalistic system Primitive system M odern society Ans: b 82)Minamata disease is associated with Ar Pb Hg Gold Ans: c 83)Enamel of teeth is can be compared to Gold Diamond Platinum Iron Ans: c 84) The ominous feature of peripheral vascular disease of lower limb continous a nd sharp pain due to arterial embolus Intermittent muscular pain Numb pain of di gital gangrene skin ulcer with pain Ans: ?a 85)Which is true about binomial distribution Pq Sq root pq npq sq root npqAns: 86) Which muscle causesboth hip and knee flexion Biceps femoris Rectus femoris V astus medialis Sartorius Ans: d 87) First lower limb bone to ossify Upper end of tibia Lower endof femur Calcane um Neck of fibula Ans: b 88) CSF examination from a suspected meningitis case is done. Blood glucose is 1 20mg% and CSF glucose is 80mg%, The moat likely cause is a.Pyogenic b. viral c.T ubercular d. Fungal Ans: b 89) Alkaline phophatase is anisoenzyme due to Different subunit Difference in ca rbohydrate Difference in protein Different gene Ans: 90) Staining of triglyceride is by a.Filipini method b. ,,,,,,PASstain c.Haemati n