bradbury writing collection vol.1 issue 1


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Dear Readers, Welcome to the very first issue of the Bradbury Writing Collection. The inspiration for this publication came from all of the incredible writers that we have at Bradbury School. We felt that a public celebration of some of the great work that happens in our classrooms everyday was in order. This magazine contains writing from all of the year groups at Bradbury. Class teachers were each asked to submit work from two students. The writing was edited for spelling and punctuation by students in 5G, but the content and structure was left unedited. The illustrations were all done by students in 1N. We hope that you enjoy this glimpse into the literary life at Bradbury. Enjoy!

5G and 1N

Cover design by: Michelle Kung 5G. Sophia Li 5G, Ruby Shaw 1N and Warren Wong 1N

The Scary Forest

Bright shiny moon Scary dark forest Bats flying above Slithering snakes

Sneaky fox Drifting ghosts

Swooshing trees Mossy ground

Misty air

Written by Eveline Tobback 3V

Illustrated by Alana Mowser 1N

Wetlands Ecosystem

Wetlands are areas that have water. The water stays in the ecosystem because the moon’s gravity moves the water. Wetlands are also a habitat to a big amount of animals. In the wetlands there are decomposers, carnivores, omnivores, herbivores and producers that are using the sun’s energy to live. Mangroves are producers. Producers are plants and mangroves are producers that stick out of the water. Mangroves are homes to animals. The mangroves in the wetlands ecosystem make a big part. Without mangroves, more than 2 animals will not be in the wetlands ecosystem. Mangroves grow in brackish water, which is fresh and saltwater but together. Producers make sugar and oxygen by using water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide. Omnivores, like archerfish and mudskippers, eat both meat and plants. Archerfish and mudskippers live in mangrove swamps. The archerfish gets the bugs to eat by shooting water to them that are on leaves so they drop into the water for the archerfish to eat. Mudskippers, as you might think, skip on the muddy surface. They hunt on the mud and come underwater for most other occasions. When the mudskippers come up to the mud from the water their gills close! Fiddler crabs are herbivores. They are organisms that only eat producers. They live in mangrove swamps under the muddy surface. When it is high tide, the fiddler crabs usually hide underwater. They live under the mud, as well. They eat algae. Each crab has his or her area called a territory. Carnivores, like saltwater crocodiles and mangrove snakes, eat meat. They feed on omnivores and herbivores. Mangrove snakes eat fish and bugs. They are yellow and black. They live on mangroves and though someone thinks yellow and dark is easy to spot on mangroves, at night time it is hard to see the mangrove snake. They usually hunt at night. Saltwater crocodiles are good hunters. They eat fish and frogs. They are really good at camouflaging in between the leaves. They live in swamps. Now we know that wetlands are so important because of the large amount of consumers and producers and we shall try to protect wetlands. For example, we can put a gate around the wetland area (not possible). We shall put effort so wetland ecosystems can be safe.

Written by Jeremiah Kim 4F

How Do Astronauts Carry Out Everyday Activities in Space? Astronauts carry out everyday activities differently in space. Firstly, astronauts brush their teeth without spitting toothpaste. Also, when astronauts cry their tears do not come off. They stay in a pod on their cheeks. Lastly, when astronauts are sleeping they sleep in sleeping bags that are attached to the wall. Although astronauts do everyday activities such as eating, sleeping and cleaning teeth they are done a little differently to how we would do them on Earth because of gravity.

Written by Kian To 2T

Illustrated by Kylie Wong 1N

The Day My Eraser Quit!

Hey Raphael, It’s the green eraser. We NEED to talk. You always put me on a piece of paper and move me back and forth. What would you feel like when you get scrubbed on the piece of paper everyday with your face!! Don’t put me inside your pencil case again! It is so creepy inside your pencil case. Not only that, your pencil case is stuffed full of stationery! You better treat me better or else I’m gonna quit completely! Sincerely, Your tired friend, The Green Eraser

Written by Raphael Leung 4L

Illustrated by Kitty Kwok 1N

Ancient China China is in east Asia! China is famous for great walls! People started to live near the Yellow River and Yangtze River 1,000 years ago. Gods Ancient Chinese people believed in a few different gods. Some of the gods they believed in were the river gods, nature gods and earth gods. In Charge Powerful families that controlled land became leaders! Some of the most famous dynasties were the Han Dynasty and Xia Dynasty! The Ming is a family of emperors called the Ming . Inventions & Technologies People in ancient China were very creative because they invented lot of different types of inventions. Some of the things were umbrellas and chess!

Written by Chloe Kwok 3D

Paint Brush

Lying down and resting, She sleeps peacefully.

Then snoring very softly, She dreams.

Soon she wakes up,

Thinking about her dream. A ballerina dancing, Smooth like cream.

Copying her dream,

She skates across the paper. Twirling, skipping, hopping,

And looking at her colored tail in surprise.

Written by Shuhan Cao 5G

The Christmas Fairy of Starbug Long ago, there was a prince. He once came upon a well. People said that the well had mythical creatures living in it. So the brave prince put his hand inside, but when he pulled his hand out, he found his ring missing. That night, when he was in bed, he was distracted by a quiet sound. Since he could not sleep, he went down to have a look. Surprisingly, he found fairies flying and out came a Fairy Queen. “I came to return this to you,” she said as she gave the prince a golden box with his ring inside. The prince immediately fell at the Fairy Queen’s feet and he asked her to be his bride. The Fairy Queen agreed as long as the prince would never say the word “death” in her presence. So the next day they were married. One day the prince was waiting for the Fairy Queen to have a walk through the forest. After it seemed like forever, she finally arrived. The prince was very mad at the Fairy Queen so he shouted, ”You were so late that you kept me waiting until death!” And as soon as he said the word “death” the Fairy Queen vanished into the air. The prince immediately ran to the well where he lost his ring. From that day on, the prince always went to the well every single day hoping to see his beloved bride.

Written by Airiana Chan 4L

Illustrated by Louise Chan 1N

The Scary Forest

Spooky dark forest

White ghosts Black sky

Bats looking for food. Slimy slugs

Dangerous spiders Starting to rain Swishy trees.

Written by Iris Conlin 3V

Illustrated by Gerard Hopson 1N


Ankylosaurus has a strong tail, its tail can break anything. It has spikes. It has spikes on its face. It has spikes on its tail. It has short legs. The ankylosaurus is brown and blue.

Written by Elvis Kwok 1T

Illustrated by Callum Hulme 1N

My Alien

My alien’s name is Greyly. He has 6 black eyes. He has small fingers. He has seven fingers.

Written by Shota Sato 1M

Illustrated by Maddie Osmund 1N

In Time

On a cold windy morning in a tiny school in Oxford, a shy little boy presented his class with what he wanted to be when he was older. As Jake got comfortable speaking everyone zoned out, except one boy who stared up at him like Jake was a genius. RIIIIIIIIIINNNNNGGGGG!!! went the bell. “Whoops,” the teacher said as he stumbled off his chair. “OK class remember your homework.” “Yes Mr. Chillingham,” the class mumbled. The next day was Saturday, and out of nowhere Jake heard the doorbell ring. “One sec,” Jake yelled. He ran to the door to find the boy that listened to him at school. “Can I help you?” Jake asked. “Yes can I help you with your time machine?” the boy asked intriguingly. “My name is Charles,” Charles continued. “OK” replied Jake. “I will get blue and then we will get started.” “Who is that?” “My Bearded Dragon,” Jake replied as he ran up the stairs. A few hours later Jake and Charles were working hard. “Hi kids,” Mum interrupted, “Charles your Mum just called and said she will be here in five minutes,” Mum continued. “OK “ Charles replied sadly because he wanted to stay. Five minutes passed and Jake waved bye to his friend Charles and off he hopped to bed. Later that night Jake heard a strange noise coming from the garage, so he decided to go and take a look downstairs. Jake slowly opened the door and saw his Bearded Dragon on the floor. “How did you get down here?” Jake asked. But that was not the only weird thing in the room. The time machine was glowing green! Carefully Jake stepped in the machine. “OUCH” Jake yelled as he fell down on the floor of the machine. Jake woke up as a young soldier got to his feet. “Thank you,” Jake stuttered as he stared at the young soldier’s shiny silver armor. “No problem,” the soldier replied. “By any chance have you seen my Bearded Dragon?” Jake inquired. “Oh you mean this fella?” as Blue towered over the young soldier. “Wow Blue you’re a d…..Dragon.” Blue walked towards Jake and licked him right on the cheek like a happy playful puppy. Later that night night at dinner Jake politely asked the young soldier what his name was and the young soldier replied, “Jackson.” “Oh that is a nice name. Mine is Jake.” Hoping

he thought it was cool. “Well I better be heading out then, I need as much rest as I can get for the battle tomorrow.” “Oh…...ok then good night.” In the morning Jake heard a loud BOOM!!!! That was not the ideal wake up call. Jake strongly shook Blue to get him to wake up. The second loud noise struck and that one woke up Blue with its loud noise. When the rock hit the floor there was a blood curdling scream that came with it. “We should see what the noise is,” Jake gestured. The two walked out of their tent and they saw people and boulders flying. It was chaos in the small town. Jake quickly grabbed a sword and ran out into battle. Before Jake could react he saw a huge boulder 12ft away. As fast as lightning Blue flew in front of Jake and shielded him from the crushing force of the boulder. Darkness grew as Jake opened his eyes when he heard “Jacob… Jacob wake up.” To: Sarah

Written by Nicholas Stevenson 6B

The Scary Alien

The scary alien lives in space. He flies everywhere. He has four legs. He has long pink eyes.

Written by Amaira Bali 1K

Illustrated by Anushka Dutt 1N

Rome The Roman civilisation started 2,000 years ago in Italy. Rome ruled more than 45,000,000 people across Europe, Africa and Asia. Rome grew a town to an enormous capital. The city was also dangerous! People also enjoyed watching chariot races. Life Children started school at age seven. The Roman day would start with a light breakfast. People’s only jobs were farming. People also went to circuses. Who’s in Charge? Emperors were only around after Octavius took power! The emperor was like a king. He was in charge of the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar was a powerful Roman. He was killed in 44 BC. Inventions/Technology The Romans were good at building roads and bridges but not so keen on machines. They had slaves to do all the heavy lifting and nasty jobs. They were also good at making concrete. Concluding Sentence A circus could hold 250,000 people. We have smaller circuses today.

Written by Jack Radclyffe 3D


I’m a tornado as you know I’m very rare To be seen, I roar down houses like a

bomb. As you know I’m like a machine I never stop I keep

going I blow away trees and chop hoses

and i make people sc- ream re- member

me a t o r n a d o

Written by Jungwoo Kim 3C

The Bunny This is a bunny. The bunny is grey. This is a big bunny. The bunny has a lot of teeth.

Written by Kasie Leong 1N

Illustrated by Kasie Leong 1N

The Teddy Bear

The teddy bear saw me. I wore a pink dress. It has sparkles all over it. It was big. She was queen. She was friendly. It had one nose.

Written by Gemma Munro 1T

Illustrated by Annabel McKeehan 1N

My Alien

My alien’s name is Slimy Green. My alien is red. My alien has six eyes. My alien is going to give a hug. My alien is slimy. It has a circle face.

Written by Anvi Mamgain 1M

Illustrated by Ellie Kim 1N

Code B

Chapter 1

February 14th 2013

I came back home from school and I went to my room. I found a strange letter on my bed, it was definitely not normal. It said that it was for me so I opened it. It was a big surprise because in there was a mysterious and complicated map. It was from a thousand years ago! I couldn't keep this secret myself so I told my friends.

My friend Joe Thomas knows a lot about computers so I asked him if he could figure out what the map said. I don't know how he figured it out. ”Oh my god!” he shouted, “this is not a normal map. It’s a treasure map.” I asked him where it led and he said it led to the shield of Julius Caesar! We found that we really had to find it because it was actually meant to be given to my great great great great great great great grandfather.

We went to see my other friend, Ronnie Szymanski. He’s a great guy and he is also a great adventurer. “Don’t tell anyone about this!” hissed Ronnie.

Chapter 2

“We have to find this no matter what!” I asked when we would go and he said to go tomorrow morning at five o'clock in the morning. ”I will convince my dad to let you have a sleepover.”

The next morning I woke up but the map, it wasn't there! I felt the guilt running through my body. Why would I show my friends? I walked downstairs and found Ronnie's dad looking at my map. "What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted.

He said that he studied it for imported reasons, but I didn't believe him for one second. Filled with fury, I snatched the map and ran off.

Chapter 3

I was happy to see my friends on bicycles and ready to find the treasure. I jumped on

Joe's bike, while having a happy but uneasy feeling.

I looked behind me but then a big shock came to me. A blue car was following us! Joe shouted, "Quick do something!" so I did. I grabbed a nail off the fence and put it on the floor. Tssshh, yes! it worked. His wheel had popped.

Twenty minutes later we were at the place, but we didn't know where the shield exactly was. Then Ronnie shouted, "I've got it! The little holes in the map match with the shapes on the shed." We were about to start digging in the shed when we saw the blue car. "Quick!" I screamed. We ran to the shed and luckily immediately found the place where to dig. After two simple digs we saw a ladder going down. "That must be the ladder leading to the shield," I whispered. We quickly climbed down and looked around but we were definitely not there yet.

Chapter 4

(The Final Chapter)

We had to go over thin walls and crumbling stairs, but the worst thing was that the guy was right behind us! "This is the final ladder," I said, "so be careful." I lost my balance and I was about to fall, but luckily Ronnie grabbed me and pulled me back up. There it was, the shield of Julius Caesar. We made it!

“Where am I?” I thought. I was in my bed. "Leo, you have to go to school soon.” "Coming!" I said. I was deep in my thoughts, was that whole adventure a dream?!

Written by Marnix Jacobovits De Szeged 6B

How to Wash a Baby Lion Goal: I am going to wash a baby lion. You will need: sponge, soapy water, cloth, blindfold, hose 1. First, dip the sponge in some soapy water. 2. Then, blindfold the lion. 3. Next, carefully scrub the soapy sponge over the baby. 4. Then, carefully rinse the lion using the hose. 5. Finally, gently dry the baby lion. 6. And take the blindfold off the lion.

Written by Cordelia Lee 2F

Illustrated by Grace Cook 1N


There was once a girl called Sammy living in an old town called Woking. She was a very naughty and devilish girl. Everyday she would do a horrible yet funny prank to anyone who annoyed her. She was 12 years old when she played a really awesome prank on her horrible stepmother who always annoys Sammy.The prank was putting bugs in her bed, ants in her pants and worms for dinner. Her prank was great but it did not end so well. She ended up being kicked out of the house. In the morning she knew what she was going to do. She was going to run away. So when her stepmother left the house she packed her bag with clothes and stole some money out of her stepmother’s purse. She was walking to the airport and got on the first flight to the Egyptian desert. She arrived there sweaty and hot but proud. Her first stop was to a hotel and then the great pyramids. She was longing to find the tomb of the pharaoh King Tut so she started looking for some secret passages like in her favourite books. After hours of looking she found a dusty, old rock with hieroglyphics saying, “You will seek the tomb over in the sand.’’ And this did not make sense because there is sand everywhere! Even after that she kept looking. When she was looking in some bushes she started to sink. ‘’Quicksand’’ she shouted and started struggling. That was when she saw another stone saying ’’Sink down to find the place you seek’’ so with that she held her breath and sank. She woke up to find herself in a room underground with hieroglyphics saying: “’First the first task then the second and then the final. Will you succeed?’’ Being an optimist Sammy started to walk slowly forward. Sammy came to a long room that suddenly lit up with lights. Then out of no-where a voice said, ‘’Get into the boat of Ra or take the wrong step and man will pay.’’ It took for ages to figure out what to do next but then she realized that was the

answer. There were hieroglyphics on the floor and she had to step on the right one to get across. She did the hopscotch across carefully choosing what to step on. She finally made it across with no mistakes so it proves that school is great at teaching you hieroglyphics. Sammy opened a door to a small room surrounded by gold ornaments. Then the voice said, ‘’Choose the right one you will carry on’’ All pressure was on Sammy when she was looking around trying to figure out what to pick. Hours passed when she finally settled on a mini statue of Anubis because she thinks she saw it in an ancient book. She reached for the statue and snatched it and it slipped from her hand and broke on the floor. Inside was a key and so she slotted it in the door then ran out. “The final task,” she whispered as she crept forward. The voice appeared again and said while she entered, “The tomb is soon but first the maze.” She saw there were four doors and she chose the second, then there was five doors and she chose the fourth. After ages of opening doors and going around corners she came to a dead end. She was was so angry she banged the wall so hard a brick came loose then another then another! After all the bricks were gone there was… THE TOMB! She snapped away taking so many pictures and looked around at all the gold and silver and finally went to sleep. When she woke up she found some stairs leading up to the surface. Without thinking she gathered some gold and silver and ran up and found herself where she started the desert. She thought to herself, “That is enough adventure today,” and went back to the hotel for breakfast. What will Sammy’s next adventure be????????

Written by Anna Jaeger 5C

Sense Poem

I see snowy mountains touching the bright blue sky. I see a snowy fantasy land. I hear the music playing while dancing gracefully. I hear the light raindrops falling above my head. I hear all of the movement. I feel the spray and splashes from a waterfall. I feel a spray with fresh river water. I feel a soft spray off the ocean. I smell fresh lavender and strawberry perfume together. I smell fresh smelling water. I smell a beautiful smelly strawberry ice-cream sticker. I see the blue blur of my eyes. I see windows shining in my tired eyes. I see everything again slowly.

Written by Lily Cook 3C

Illustrated by Lea Atepolikhin 1N

Surfing Kowabunga! I was surfing on the waves with my surfboard. It was a sunny Sunday. I did a headstand. It was a giant wave and it was scary. And then I was the champion. I got a giant trophy, it was shiny and it was big.

Written by Joseph Morrison 2M

Illustrated by James Donnelly 1N

How to Wash a Crocodile Goal: To wash a crocodile Steps:

1. Put armor on yourself. 2. Put your shower on. 3. Put the soap on him. 4. Scrub him with the toilet brush. 5. Put conditioner on it. 6. Then go to the toilet and wait for it to wash it.

Written by Lachlan Rodgers 2P

Illustrated by Matthew Phillipson 1N

How to Destroy a Cream Egg Goal: To destroy a cream egg Materials: bunk bed, cream egg, toy parachute. Steps:

1. Remove the wrapper. 2. Get the toy parachute. 3. Get on the bunk bed. 4. Attach the egg to the parachute. 5. Punch the parachute off the top.

Written by William Emery 2P

Illustrated by Vuihuo Chan 1N


In a ruin deep in the forest, a fireplace crackled red flames, as a ruby red egg was sitting and boiling. A deep crack started to form into the shell as it slowly got bigger and bigger.

“Jake! We need a break!” begged Mara. “We have been traveling for ages with no success!” John and Jeff, the 2 brothers, nodded in agreement as they continued playing their game of stickman fight, a game where 2 stickmen fight each other. “I know, I know, but the Wise Elder specifically said that the Forest Ruin of the Feathered Ally can only be entered at the summer solstice and we still have 9 kilometers to go!” replied Jake. Jake and his team all ran away from their families and became treasure hunters. They recently stopped at a village and got hold of a map that would lead them to the Feathered Ally, an ally that would be loyal to them forever, even with its life. “Why can’t I use my Thunderbird and us and fly us there!” moaned Jeff. “It could save us a load of-” “We discussed this!” snapped Jake. “The Wise Elder clearly said it can only be found by land travel.” Jeff had a rare beast pill of a Thunderbird. It allowed him to summon a beast to aid them. John had an Ember-Bat, Mara had an aqua serpent known as a Leviathorgan and well, Jake had nothing, which was mainly why they were doing their quest. At least he had an Elemental Sword. They traveled for a very long time until they finally found their destination. They entered the ruins.

“Guys, watch out for that tripwire,” warned Mara, but her warning came too late as Jeff fell on the invisible thread. John tackled his brother just as a flaming arrow went right over their heads. “Whew!” sighed John. “That was close!” A hiss filled the air as Jake barely dodged a huge blob of acid. 9 snake-like heads filled with pure hate appeared. “A HYDRA!” screamed John.

“As if I don’t know that already!” grumbled Mara. “O.K. , what’s a hydra’s weakness again? Oh yeah fire!” Jake switched his dial on his sword to fire as flames engulfed the blade. John activated his pill and threw it. An Ember-Bat helped Jake attack the hydra as Jake slashed through the heads. At last it lay dead at their feet. “We better keep going,” whispered Mara. “Remember always follow the pattern, left, left, right, left, right, right.” “How does that work?” asked Jeff. “I don’t know! Magic!” guessed Mara. “Speaking of magic, WATCH OUT FOR THAT WIZARD!” screamed Jake as a dark flame passed John. “Ha! Missed me!” jeered John. “His weakness is lightning!” shouted Mara. “Now you tell me,” grumbled Jake as he narrowly missed a fireball. Jake’s sword crackled with bolts. As he tried to get close enough to hack the wizard, a Thunderbird came to his aid as they finally killed the wizard. “That’s the 2nd guardian dead at our feet, one more to go!” laughed Jeff. “Don’t you mean fifty, like that that mob of undead of zombies?” “Yeah good point!” sighed Jeff. “Now run!” “No! Water and fire together is the only way!” shouted Jake as he switched his sword to fire as John and Maria got their pills ready. After a huge mess of fighting they entered a strange room. A huge egg exploded in their face as soon as they entered. A box with a keyhole was now on the floor. Jake’s sword that had been passed on from son to son has a compartment space, and in it was a key. He got it out and unlocked the box. A chicken came out! “All that for a chicken!” screamed John. POOF! Now a pill with a rainbow feather on it was lying on the floor. “A shapeshifter!” exclaimed Mara with her voice an octave higher than usual. All mouths drop!


Written by Kent Lau 6D

Nian the Horrible Monster

Once upon a time... A long time ago, there was a monster named Nian. Nian loved to visit a little village in China each year and scare everybody he saw. He thought that was great fun. He liked to do this just as the new year began, to remind people that Nian was still around. Each year, after scaring all the people, he could hardly wait for the new year to roll around, so that he could scare them again. This probably would have gone on forever. But one day, just by luck, one of the villagers was wearing a red tunic when Nian jumped out to scare him. Nian took one look at the red tunic and ran away. He startled the villager so much that the villager dropped the heavy metal bucket he had been carrying. The bucket bounced down the hill behind Nian, hitting every rock in its path. It made a horrible noise. Nian looked fearfully over his shoulder and began running even faster. The villager told everyone of his fabulous luck. His red tunic had scared Nian and the noise of the bucket had sent him running away. This was good news. All year long the villagers prepared. When Nian appeared the following year, everyone in the village ran for the red banners and the loud rattles they had made. They shook their rattles and waved their banners and Nian ran away. The villagers never saw him again. That’s why people in China believe the color red signifies luck, and why all the children and many adults shake rattles and light firecrackers and make all kinds of noise on Chinese New Year’s eve. It’s to scare away evil spirits, and even Nian, just in case he’s still hanging around.

Written by Ethan Tse 4F

Illustrated by Anika Sekhri 1N

Siberian Tigers Siberian Tigers are dangerous and have little fear of humans. Some interesting information about Siberian Tigers is the description of the animal, the habitat it lives in and what food it eats. Siberian Tigers have black and white stripes. Adult male Siberian Tigers weigh 660 pounds. Their bodies look like ovals. There are only 400 to 500 tigers left. Siberian Tigers live in rainforests. They can live in East of Russia, India, Southeast Asia, North Korea and Northeast China. They live in the cold. They are camouflaged as they are white as snow. Siberian Tigers are carnivores and predators. They eat deer and zebras. They can stalk and jump on humans. They eat warm blooded meat. Siberian Tigers’ paws feel smooth and soft. Adult female Siberian Tigers are 370 pounds. Their ears look like an irregular trapezoid.

Written by Lewi Cohen 4H

Illustrated by James Walker 1N

The Mimath Chronicles

Chapter One:Book Portal

The wind howled as Rob lay sprawled on his bed, reading a comic and munching on golden brown circles dotted with chocolate. They were baked by his mother. Frankly, he quite enjoyed them. He scampered to the window and looked outside. There was a full moon that night and the sky was lined with stars. He turned back to his book. He was reading ‘The Adventures of Captain Crusoe’. Captain Crusoe was a superhero who travelled around the city of Mimath, saving it from evil. Suddenly, the frame he was reading started to glow, highlighting his features. Rob felt his skin rise with goosebumps; This was no ordinary event. He would go down and tell Mom, he decided. But he couldn’t move, Rob was rooted to the spot. The power increased and Rob toppled into the shiny pages, yelling.

Chapter Two: Mimath Rob blinked once, then twice. Where was he? He looked at his hand. It had acquired a 2D, animated look and so had the rest of his body. Rob then looked at his surroundings. In front of him was a vast skyline with tall skyscrapers. Wait a second……He knew this place. It was Mimath! Mimath, the city in which Captain Crusoe lived and which he protected. All of a sudden, a red dot hurtled out of the sky towards him. As it drew nearer, Rob recognised the figure of Captain Crusoe. He gave out a yell of delight. “Oh my gosh! Its really you!” In a flash, Rob realised that somehow, he had been transported into the comic book. “Hello new citizen, I am Capt-” said Captain Crusoe in a deep voice.

“I am not a citizen here,” Rob rudely interrupted. “Sorry, but I was thrown into this world when a portal opened in my comic book.” The Captain started to ponder. “Hmm, I know a way you can get back to reality,” he said. “Really?!” exclaimed Rob. “Yes.” “How?” “First we have to defeat Morvil, my arch enemy. He is marching here with his robot army today. He is a vicious beast with no mercy, not to mention he is massive.”

Crusoe took Rob to The Captain Deck, Captain Crusoe’s hideaway. There, Rob found a suit that was perfect and had many cool gadgets. Among them was a nuclear bomb that he thought would come in handy against the robot army. He nodded to Crusoe and the duo flew out of the lair.

Chapter Three: His Enemy’s Face I

An ear-piercing, bloodcurdling shriek echoed throughout Mimath. “Get ready for Morvil!” whispered the Captain. Rob acknowledged and braced himself.

A gigantic, lone figure stomped towards them through the fog. The two heroes put their plan into action. Captain Crusoe threw a punch at Marvel's hole-pocked rock body. Meanwhile, Rob, now ‘Sergeant Examined’ by superhero name, tied a powerful wire around Marvel's legs. The point was to get him to walk forward, tripping him. The plan worked, but not before Crusoe got critically injured with a powerful punch. “Noooo!!” yelled Sergeant Examiner.

Chapter Four: His Enemy’s Face II “Noooo!!” yelled Sergeant Examiner. He glanced above, Morvil fell tripping upon the wire and landing in the acid factory, killing him instantly. He glided to the ground and pulled Captain Crusoe out of the rubble that encased his arch enemy’s corpse. He coughed. “I’m...I’m okay,” murmured the valiant Captain.“But you Rob, must go back to your home.” He coughed again. Rob didn’t want to, but knew he had to. “All right, then. Farewell, Captain.” He jumped into the portal and the darkness swallowed him whole...

Conclusion: Home Sweet Home He landed on his bed with a grunt and got up. After all, it had been a long day. Rob looked at the moon. It almost seemed to smile with the face of Crusoe. He chuckled and pulled the covers over his head, drifting into his dreams.

Written by Arhaan Haridas 6D

The Dinosaur

It is a Dinosaur. He has four legs. He is green and red and he is big. He has lots of teeth. He has a mane all the way to his tail.

Written by Hadrian Curreem 1N

Illustrated by Hadrian Curreem 1N

Woodland Settings

I was walking through the terrifying autumn wood. I saw a brown solid tree. Nothing lived in it. Connecting that tree was vines. I felt excited. I wanted to see what lived there. I heard an eagle just spreading its golden feathery wings out to land. I heard a peculiar noise. I felt scared. I felt my face getting itchy in the wind. Lots of leaves were falling down.

Written by Summer Plowman 2F

Illustrated by Dillon Kim 1N

The Day I Found Out That I Had a Disease

When I was 3 years old,

I thought I was a normal kid.

But I always fell down

Like a chicken with broken legs.

My legs cried,

I always fell down,

I didn’t know why.

My mum noticed

Took me to the doctor.

The doctor said

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Type 3,

Spinal Muscular Atrophy

Type 3,

Maybe a wheelchair

Maybe a life on wheels

Maybe no more legs

My mum’s tears came out,

like clear oil

falling into the sea

Looking at the bible.

Could God make him better?

I felt so sad

like a knife had cut through the middle of my heart.

Sliced it in half

Like a slice of sadness

When I was 3 years old.

Written by James Li 5S

All About Horses A horse is a type of mammal and is a herbivore. It also lives on fields and mountains. A horse is a large animal, and its lifespan is about 25-30 years. This report is about its appearance, adaptation and different types of horses. Horses look like camels but don’t have humps on their back. Horses come in brown and white, white and black, brown, white, and black. An adult horse is about 8 feet tall. Horses adapt to their environment with strong hooves for running and jumping. They can gallop and run up to 25-30 mph. They have sharp teeth to rip grass. Horses have a mane to keep bugs and insects away from their head and neck. Here are some different types of horses: Abaco Barb, American Cream Draft, American Paint Horse, American Quarter Horse, American Saddlebred, Andalusian, Appaloosa Horse, Appendix Quarter Horse, Arabian, Barb, Belgian and Budenny. Horses kick with their back hooves when they are angry. Now you should know a lot about horses.

Written by Shruti Chilambi 4T

Illustrated by Zachary Levy 1N

My Dear Grandpa

The wind flicked a leaf,


and sighed a relief.

The rain started to grumble,

as hard as a lion roars.

The cloud swished and swooshed and hugged the rain,

“don’t cry.”

The rain stopped and flew to the other side.

I had a heart that cried blood,

I was as sad as a ball that gets hit every second

and cries when it stops out of nowhere.

I was sad because I lost my very fit and fine grandpa.

He smiled as beautiful as a rose,

and sang like a flower but now I lost him.

He promised he would never go and that promise failed.

I was depressed as a rose whose kids left it,

My grandpa vanished into a star

that sang every night after he left.

I landed a letter inside the letterbox

and sang a sad tune looking up to my grandpa’s star.

He said “ I will dance with you in my next life”,

I will be waiting my dear grandpa for that dance.

Written by Ishita Jain 5S

4H and 4T’s Cheung Chau Camp

On Wednesday, the 2nd of December, 4H and 4T went to Cheung Chau for our school camp. We took a bus to the Central Ferry Pier to take the fast ferry to Cheung Chau. We were split into 6 day groups to do different challenges. The VV’s (a type of vehicle) took our luggages to the Cheung Chau Bradbury School Salvation Army Camp. After we did our challenges, which were the temple challenge and the $50 challenge, we hiked up to the highest lookout in Cheung Chau where we could look all over Cheung Chau from the north to the south. Then, we had to find where our campsite was and hike up to it. When we tidied our rooms, took a shower and changed clothes, we went outside to the playground to have some fun. We sorted into our day groups and hiked down to the Hong Kee restaurant. After that, we walked back to the campsite to play a quiet game and change into our pyjamas. Then, we slowly drifted to sleep. The next day, we woke up and went to play for a little while in the playground. Then, we went to eat breakfast, which included scrambled eggs, toast, sausages, jam and butter and we drank hot chocolate. Then, we took our snack and lunch and hiked to a temple to eat snack. After that, we walked to the beach to eat lunch. Then we went to do a few challenges. After doing the challenges, we went back to the campsite to shower and change. After that, we walked down the mountain to the Windsurfer Cafe to eat a buffet. Then we hiked back to the campsite and played a few card games and changed into our pyjamas. Then, we turned the lights off and slept. After we woke up, we ate breakfast and packed up our bags and brought them outside. After that, we hiked down to the ferry to take the ferry back to Hong Kong Island. Then we met our parents. I really liked camp and I want to thank a few people who made camp possible. I would like to thank Mr. Harris, Miss Starr, Miss Sun, Miss Ng, and Mr. Ainsworth. Thank You!!!

Written by Amelia Chow 4H

Polar Bear Haiku Camouflage in white Biggest animal on snow Eats only fish raw

Written by Edward Stunt 3P

Illustrated by Warren Wong 1N

Cheetah Haiku

It can run and leap He is a big carnivore He also has spots

Written by Jesse Koker 3P

Illustrated by Thomasina McQueen 1N

A Good and Awesome 4T & 4H Camp

On the 2nd to the 4th of December, my class went to Bradbury camp, Cheung Chau with 4T & 4H and the teachers. We got to the ferry pier by bus and got to Cheung Chau by boat and we did it because we wanted to build independence. In camp we went to the pirate cave, Windsurfer Cafe and the beach. Overall, camp was an awesome time!!! On the second night we went to Windsurfer Cafe. I had a great time because it had an awesome view and phenomenal food. Going to the beach near the sea was a great time because I found lots of seashells and one of them was a shell shaped as a fish. The visit to the Pirate Cave was enjoyable because there were narrow paths, no stairs and Ms Sun was trying to pretend to be a pirate! However there were somethings I didn't think was awesome. The beds were horribly uncomfortable, going hiking for two hours was really tiring and finally the Hong Kee restaurant did not have as good food as I had expected. Camp was the best time of my life!!! Future camps we can bring sleeping bags and only hike for 1 hour.

Written by Calista Rosboch 4T

Illustrated by Caius Leung 1N

The Eraser

Longingly the paper pale eraser looks up I grab hold press him down and he elegantly dances along the page He jumps on the words and as if by magic the word disappears Happily he jumps by my side and sleeps

Written by Liam Thomas 5G

Illustrated by Marlie Gelok 1N

Fading Paradise

The wind ran across the tiny grains of golden sand.

There must have been hundreds of grains in my hand. I turned to stare at the crashing waves.

I spied my little brother Flip exploring ocean caves. Every time I’d come to this place,

my happy heart would soar and race. But this time, it sank, the way a stone sinks, into the sea.

The endless, welcoming sea, which was leaving me. I love snorkeling in the reef, with brightly-colored fish. If I had a genie, staying at the sea would be my wish.

I didn’t want to leave the world of happiness - the beach. I could do anything, there was nothing out of my reach.

I could swim all day, Explore everyday, with nothing in my way.

I’m sure there’s a world down under the water. It’s bursting with life, full of mythical animals that look like otter.

There’s so much more to explore in the sea, the endless, welcoming sea, which was leaving me.

I watched my sister Tina run with joy - was she turning into a cheetah? My mum started asking for a drink “Can I have a margarita?”.

I wish I had energy to ask for a drink but when I remembered what I was going to leave, my heart began to sink.

I wanted to run, with Tina, soar like an eagle I wanted to explore caves with Flip, as keen as an beagle.

I wanted to discover islands, and sail around, like Columbus I used to even go in the water, wearing my clothes, and not make a fuss.

But now, I had no energy, not when I thought about the sea.

The endless, welcoming sea, which was leaving me. It would be gone forever,

yet I didn’t want to leave it, never, never The endless, welcoming sea, which was leaving me.

Written by Lucy Nelson 5B

Super Show

5 minutes before the show Feeling so excited though

No one else is as pleased to be In Beauty and the Beast than me

The lights go down

They start the sound No one else is as pleased to be

In Beauty and the Beast than me

Characters fill the stage Mrs Potts leads the way

No one else is as pleased to be In Beauty and the Beast than me

As we put our costumes on

We here something over the intercom No one else is as pleased to be

In Beauty and the Beast than me

In my dress and all I felt so professional

No one else is as pleased to be In Beauty and the Beast than me

Big hug from my Mum

Box of Chocolate by my tongue No one else is as pleased to be

In Beauty and the Beast than me

Mum talks about the show for years Her voice has crowded my ears No one else is as pleased to be

In Beauty and the Beast than me

Written by Charlotte Blyth 5B

The Silly Alien

The silly alien is big. The alien has a long body. He has four eyes. The alien is brown.

Written by Rocco Cheok 1K

Illustrated by Ruby Shaw 1N

My Toys

When I am bored I can play with my toys. My iPad is good because it is fun to play with. I can play racing cars. I can read and watch youtube. I can do anything I want to. My Playstation 4 is very important because it has every game in the world. My treasure is very special too, because I can buy anything I want. Toys are very fun to have when you are a child. Some adults like to play with toys too.

Written by Maxi Hurle 2M

Illustrated by Ambrose Wong 1N

Why is a School Swimming Pool Important?

Dear Mrs Webster, The children in 2T think there should be a swimming pool in the year 6 playground. Firstly, all children in Bradbury School can go swimming and be fit. We could also enter clubs and competitions. Secondly, when we grow up we can teach our sons or daughters how to swim so they will grow up and be safe in the water. Finally, we don’t need to travel to SIS so we can have more teacher learning time. To sum up we think Bradbury School should have a swimming pool. Because we can get fit and be better swimmers.

Written by Leah Moi 2T

Illustrated by Beatrix Wong 1N

The Secret Diamonds

Back in the medieval times in the kingdoms of Hollow Falls lived Queen Ava and King James with their daughter, Princess Lea, and Queen Eliza and King Harry with their daughter, Princess Molly. Both kingdoms fought for these diamonds. All the village people called them “The Secret Diamonds.” One day both kingdoms had enough and so they were going to send the princesses to the forest to go get the diamonds. They would set off at dawn down to the forest. At dawn both princesses set off. Many villagers were very curious about where the princesses were going but were too shy to ask. Lea was taking a rest and drinking some juice until she heard and saw the grass and leaves moving. Princess Lea was scared. But to her surprise it was another girl. Lea recognised her, it was Princess Molly. Both girls introduced themselves and told each other what they were doing in the forest. They were both after the same things: The “Secret” Diamonds. Soon they became very good friends and they went off together to find the diamonds. They agreed they would share it. They didn't care if their parents got mad. They didn't understand why they were fighting all this time. The girls were starting to get tired until Lea spotted something shiny. Both girls ran towards the light and found the diamonds! It was under some leaves shining as bright as the sun. There was a perfect amount of diamonds, 4 shiny clean diamonds. The next day both girls returned to the kingdoms showing the diamonds they had found. Both kingdoms started getting mad at each other again because they both had diamonds. The princesses told their parents it didn’t matter and that they could get along if they tried. Both parents realised they were being stupid so both kingdoms apologised and became the best of friends.


Written by Chloe Turner 6H

An Evening in Space Chapter One My heart was pounding rapidly as I reached for the doorknob. I knew that this was a terrible idea but it would hopefully soon be all worth it. With one click and a clack, one more lock to go, “MABEL!” I turned around quickly, still holding the last lock. It was Mum. Maybe it wouldn’t be all worth it. “Mum I-” I searched for words desperately. “Mabel! To your room! Now!” I let my head fall and made my way sluggishly to my room. ‘Tonight would be the perfect time…’ I've wanted to go outside since the day I was born, 12 years ago. I walked over to my bed and started planning the rest of my evening. The clock struck 10pm. I must have dozed off. I grabbed my bag, put in the essentials, and put on my space suit. Space was a dangerous place to be, but I was ready, I was sure of it. Chapter Two One click louder than the next, I managed to get out. It was all dark but I could see the shimmering stars all around me, I sighed. Finally, I was spending an evening in space. I took one big step and I started to float up up, up, up. I felt a tug, of course. I was still attached to the spaceship with a rope. I took out a knife, and, taking a last glance at the spaceship, cut the rope. I fell down... down, down, down. The only bad part of space was the spaceship was parked right on top of the black hole.

Chapter Three I woke up to a quick shake. I jumped. A weird looking figure, no two. I felt dizzy. I was in another spaceship and I was alive. When my eyesight cleared I realized they were aliens. I sat up and quickly crawled back until I banged to the side of the spaceship. “Don’t be scared!” her voice like a hologram. The other grabbed me with a cold hand. “We will help you get back home.” The End

Written by Susie Van Dullemen 6A

Illustrated by Leo Pellone 1N

The Boy at the Bench CHAPTER 1 “Come on” yelled Paul, eager to get going. Samantha came tumbling down the stairs with her suitcases and Jeff, her dog, following close after. Julie was outside going over the checklist with Paul, while Samantha was secretly whispering to herself wondering, Where was she going? How long would she be gone? Julie and Paul were now climbing in the car and starting the engine. The rumbling made Jeff bark and growl. Samantha could not wait to get to …… wherever they were going. Trees racing past the window. Samatha was now awake still wondering about this ‘holiday’ Julie and Paul had planned. They’d been in the car for what seemed like forever and Jeff was getting sick of the space he had. Sooner or later she fell into a deep sleep. When she awoke the car was empty and everything was gone. Samantha sat up and at that moment Paul opened the door and stared at Samantha. “You're finally awake?” Samantha nodded and stretched out her arms. She glanced through the front window and for the first time saw the wooden cabin standing so proudly in the deep forest. CHAPTER 2 As the sun arose the next morning Samantha was up and ready. She raced down the stairs and was surprised to see Julie all nicely dressed and her bags by the door. “Where are you going?” Samantha asked “I’m going into town to meet Paul” Julie replied. “You’re old enough now to look after yourself for a day or two.” And with that she finished her tea, said her goodbyes and left to town. Around lunchtime Jeff was getting restless and driving Samantha crazy, so she soon took down his lead and headed out the the front door. After several hours of walking Samantha found herself deep in the woods. She threw a stick for Jeff and he sprinted after it, but he suddenly came to a stop and let the stick fall at the feet of a little boy sitting on a bench. “Sorry,” Samantha called, slowly jogging towards him realizing he was wearing very old fashioned and ancient clothes like the ones they wore 100 years ago. The boy was silent.

“Are you here alone?” asked Samantha “ I can't find my mummy,” replied the boy, now, ever so quietly, crying. Samantha was about to reply but was interrupted by the growling of thunder. What could she do? she had an awful decision to make but in the end she made up her mind. CHAPTER 3 The boy plopped himself down by the fire, warming his thick clothes. He was shivering and Samantha was starting to rethink this WHOLE situation. She sat down next to the boy. she looked closely and noticed the little boy had no colour and if you looked closely enough you could see the other side of the room. Samantha was getting curious. “Who is he?” she wondered, but the way the boy looked at her with kind and hopeful eyes pushed the question out of her head. Although the question was always there, at the back of her mind she would not think it, or at least she thought. “My parents will be here soon,” remarked Samantha. The boy looked confused. Samantha sighed. “They won't be happy to see you” she added. A sorrowful expression covered the boy’s face and he stared at Samantha. She pointed towards the cupboard standing in the corner of the room. “We’re HOME!” Julie called, inviting herself in the house. After the hugs and the “How was your trip” questions and the “Fine thank you” replies, the family sat down to dinner. Jeff was staring at the cupboard. He knew something wasn’t right. “Villagers were talking about a strange myth that took place around 100 years ago.” Paul nudged Julie. “About what?” asked Samantha “About a Ghost Boy” Julie told her. “Who roams around the woods sobbing,” added Paul. Samantha could hear the creak of the kitchen cabinet door and she shuddered at the thought. “Could he be the ghost?” Jeff started to whine and scratch at the cupboard. She turned her head slowly, preparing for the worst: he might jump out and bite her head off or grab her soul and pull it out of her body. But there was no need to prepare, for all that was left was a blank piece of paper and an empty silence.

Written by Octavia Peel 6A


Walking out for my violin competition Hesitated, but got in the car

Kids bigger and look better than me I open my case, and begin to prepare

A girl steps up and plays, swaying like a willow in the wind,

My turn, beads of sweat dripping down my face Feet numb, legs jelly-like, trembling smile

No mistakes, so beautiful, felt like I was falling down-down-down- 3rd place, 2nd place, 1st place-me!!

Head held high, chest out, feeling bold Best day of my life…

Written by Charlotte Lee 5C

Illustrated by Candice Chen 1N

My Horrid Life Tuesday 3:10 after school: The first day of my new dreadful school was like a nightmare. Okay, my plan totally backfired. I thought I, Jessie Cooper, was going to be the next popular girl in a not so famous school, but obviously Mom totally changed the plan. She had told my old, mean and jealous nemesis ‘s mom about the new school next to Oxford University. My nemesis could go anywhere and become the next mean popular girl at the new school. Her name is Savannah Brown, the meanest most popular girl at school. She’s probably the only person I know here. I’ve got no friends, a tiger mom and a bossy enemy who is also rich. I found my new locker and opened it. The way it felt was smooth and plain but inside it smelled like rotten eggs. I quickly changed and got ready for my first lesson. My life is horrid and smells like rotten eggs. Wednesday 8:00pm at home: Okay it’s the second day at school and life just got much worse. When I opened my locker door, I found a pink love-heart sticky note with words on it. I peered down at the note and read what it said. It read:

Meet me in the library at lunch

For a second I thought I had a secret admirer, but then I thought that someone was playing a prank. So just to test I went at lunch to the library. Everything happened in a quick flash of a car. I could barely see in the camera’s bright flash but then I caught a great glimpse of Savannah and her stuck-up brat team of friends. Then one of the friends tripped me over and the next thing I remember was one of them took my jacket off. I staggered up on the library’s massive floor, but again someone tripped me over and pinned me to the dirty, rough, ground. Tears were streaming down my soft, nervous cheeks. I heard a ruffle of paper being stuffed in a pocket. I just hoped Savannah didn’t steal my recipe for cooking homework. Two minutes later I felt my jacket on top of me …….

Saturday 5:00pm after school: I feel so angry I could choke angry tears in the back of my eyes. Yesterday was cooking lessons, homework due, and yes I gave my food in. Apparently Mr. Francis asked me in private if I was trying to kill him. I told him I had no idea what he was talking about. He told me that there were roasted chicken pieces in the desserts and rotten egg tart pieces in the milkshake. He even told me the homemade pancakes had too much salt in them. This is basically what I did: First, I burst into tears and everyone in the room stared at me. Secondly, I stormed up to Savannah. Thirdly, I punched Savannah right in the face. Lastly, it felt so good to punch that I did it again and ran out of the room. That’s probably when the rumours and whispering started. I skipped school yesterday and today and I just lay in bed. Then I heard a soft knock on my rickety door. “Jessie dear, please open the door.” My tiger mom entered the room. I bet the school called but her face didn’t look angry, she seemed sad or pitiful. I didn’t know how she felt. “Jessie, I know what teenagers are like.” “You all have a mind of your own, but never realize others’ feelings. I told Savannah’s mother about the school because her mom is my friend. Even when your friend teases you or hurts your feelings, they will always be there for you anytime.” Her face was calm and relaxed. I always thought even when it was one of the darkest moments, Mom always seemed to be the one finding light. So after a soft talk with Mum, I decided to put things right. I went to school the next day and said sorry to Savannah and explained everything to her. And guess what? She invited me to her awesome swimming party next Saturday. Sooooo excited! So after all, maybe life is a bit good!

Written by Aashika Mamgain 6H

Written by Louise Chan 陈昕彤 Y1 neo-native class


衣。他戴绿色的腰带。他穿红色的裤子。他穿绿色的鞋子。     她穿红色、橙色和黄色的上衣。她戴黄色的腰带。她穿红色的裙子。她穿黄色的鞋子。 

     Written and Illustrated by Jaden Wai  Y3  Chinese mainstream class


野狼的生活   野狼的生活是怎样的呢?我就告诉你吧。有的野狼住




Written and illustrated by Aidan Chui 徐奇谦 Y4 Chinese neo-native class



一月八日                    星期五                         晴  

今天早上七点半, 妈妈叫我吃早饭。我和弟弟坐汽车去   上学。弟弟撞到了他的头,他的头流血了。 他去了医院, 我一个人去上学。 

我九点二十分上中文课。我喜欢中文课,因为我学了很多 新的词语。 我十点四十分吃了蛋糕,我喜欢妈妈做的蛋 糕。 我下午两点半回家。 

回家后, 我弟弟在沙发上睡觉。 他的头上有白色的纱     布。 弟弟很不高兴。我希望弟弟快点好,我们可以一起去 学校。  



Written by Lukas Healey Y5 Chinese mainstream class




Written by Michael Stunt Y6 Chinese mainstream class



Written by Kailey Ho 何伊晴 Y2 Chinese mainstream class