bradford district learning disability partnership board

Bradford District Learning Disability Partnership Board

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Bradford DistrictLearning DisabilityPartnership Board

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The Dynamite Project

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Dynamite & In Control

• The Dynamite Project is part of the national In Control project

• In Control is about people getting control over their support and their lives

• This new way of organising social care is called Self-Directed Support

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What is the Dynamite Project?

Dynamite is a national project that

supports the introduction of self-directed support for young people and families who

are leaving Children’s Services and entering Adult Services.

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The Project Goal

‘Young people and families being able to take control and shape their own future’

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Project Purpose

‘Young people with the skills, confidence and knowledge to take control because

they have had a go and a chance to learn’

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Who Has Been Involved?

• 6 Young People and their Families

• Vicky Donnelly - CTLD

• Ian Brooke-Mawson – Adult services

• Neil Graham – CTLD

• Sheila Johnstone - Connexions

• Liz Leach - Mencap

• Maria Rules – Partners in Policy Making

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A Good Day Out!

• Each of the 6 young people were given £200 to plan a good day out

• They were also given a camera and were asked to take some photographs

• These are some of the photographs the young people took

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A Good Day Out

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A Good Day Out

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The Transition Pathway

• The West Midlands Transition Pathway is a Resource Pack which can be used by anyone supporting young people in transition to adult life.

• The people who wrote the Pathway came to Bradford to talk to people who were part of the Dynamite Project.

• Some people are already using the Pathway.

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The Transition Pathway

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What Needs to Happen?

• Everybody who supports young people at transition to adult life needs to agree to use the same approach.

• We think the West Midlands Transition Pathway is a good example of how to approach transition in a person centred way.

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Resource Allocation System

• A Resource Allocation System (RAS) is a way of working out how much money each person is entitled to.

• Some staff from the Community Team looked at lots of support packages to see how this would work in Bradford.

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Resource Allocation System

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What Needs to Happen?

• We need to agree a final Resource Allocation System for Bradford.

• To do this we will have to work out how much current services cost.

• This means we will be able to work out how much money each person is entitled to and TELL THEM!

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An Open Day for Providers

• We held an Open Day so that providers could find out more about In Control, Self Directed Support and Individual Budgets.

• Around 25 people came from lots of different providers including the Voluntary Sector and the Care Trust.

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Thinking About Brokerage

• Nicola Hilson came to talk to people who wanted to know more about the role of a Support Broker.

• Support brokers are independent guides who can help to make sure you can live the life of your choice if you are a disabled person.

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• Families of 6 young people have taken control through Individual Budgets

• Young people, families and staff having a chance to learn together

• Families have enjoyed the challenge of being involved in planning

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• Individual Budgets and Self-Directed Support are now on the agenda

• Using the West Midlands Transition Pathway

• Families have been able to develop good support networks

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‘We couldn’t have done these things without Dynamite’

Parent of one of the Young People

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‘People are using their Individual Budgets to access mainstream

activities in their own communities rather than going to a Day Centre’

Care Manager, Community Team

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‘The project has helped us to understand better how young people and families, who are in transition from Children’s Services to Adult Services, can take

control of how funding is spent’

Involvement Manager, Adult Services

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• Sorting the money out

• Managing the money

• More responsibility for families

• Some things not yet in place (eg Brokers, Information, Costs)

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• Getting families on board

• Lack of choices and creativity in services

• Families not used to being In Control

• Commitment from Senior Managers

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What Have We Learnt

• Families need support to be In Control as early as possible

• Families need lots of support and we need to develop independent support

• Young people are a good place to start!

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What Have We Learnt?

• We need to be realistic about doing this for everybody straight away

• There needs to be more for people to choose from, particularly near where they live

• We need to work in Person Centred ways

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What Needs to Happens Next?

• We need everybody to agree that we can work in ways that put people and families In Control over their lives

• We need to decide whether the West Midlands Pathway is the best approach to use in Bradford

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What Needs to Happens Next?

• We need to agree a final Resource Allocation System for Bradford

• We need to work with Voluntary Sector providers so they are prepared for Individual Budgets

• We need to develop support brokerage

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What Needs to Happens Next?

• We need to produce high quality and accessible information for young people and families, for example:

– Writing Support Plans– Employing Staff– Managing the Money– Support Brokerage– Directory of Services

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Some Ideas from the Families

• A Family Buddy Scheme to help families who are finding things difficult

• Use video diaries at Reviews

• Develop visual Transition Planning

• Use Person Centred Planning websites

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This Report Has Been Written By:

Vicky DonnellyBradford District Care TrustCommunity Team (LD)01274 437958

Ian Brooke-MawsonBradford CouncilServices for Adults01274 437958