brain international school class- v subject: english ... · pt i pt i full syllabus except phrases...

BRAIN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL CLASS- V SUBJECT: English Syllabus: 2018-19 MONTH READING WRITING GRAMMAR LITERATURE Long Reading Text- Birbal April/ May Unseen passage Process of Writing Diary Entry 1. Parts of Speech 2. Nouns 3. Nouns-Possession 4. Common and Proper Nouns 5. Phrases and Clauses L-1 - The Grey Cub L-2-Ranji’s Wonderful Bat Poem-Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore L-1-The Clever Courtier L-2-The Six Fools For Discussion:- L-3-The Three Statues L-4-Man versus Destiny PT I PT I Full Syllabus except Phrases and Clauses, Long Reading Text and Ranji’s Wonderful Bat (to be covered in May after PT I ) July Unseen Poem Writing Topic Sentences and Body Sentences 6. Pronouns 7. Adjectives 8. Degrees of Comparison 9. Easily Confused Words 10. Synonyms and Antonyms 11. Direct and Indirect L-3-Birds L-4-A Day in the Greens L-5-The Ride to Shivpuri L-6-Hairless Palms For Discussion:- L-7-The Precious Relics August Story Writing 12. Using This,That,These,Those 13. Many, A Few, Some, Any, A Lot 14. Articles 15. Verbs L-5-In the Garden of Live Flowers Poem-The Brave Little Kite L-8-The Worth of a Beard L-9-Hang My Son-in-law For Discussion:- L-10-The III Omen L-11-The Mango Tree September 16. Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense L-6-On a Different Track PT II 20 % of PT I + PT II (July and August) October Unseen Passage Writing a Formal Letter 17. Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense 18. Simple Past and Present Perfect 19. Talking about Future: Will, Going to, Shall L-7-Homesickness Poem-To a Butterfly L-12-Shorten It For Discussion:- L-13-The Piece of Rope L-14-The Tank of Milk November Unseen Poem Summary Writing 20. Talking about Continuous Time in L-8-Rajam and Mani L-15-The Genuine Sanyasi

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    April/ May Unseen passage

    Process of Writing Diary Entry

    1. Parts of Speech 2. Nouns 3. Nouns-Possession 4. Common and Proper Nouns 5. Phrases and Clauses

    L-1 - The Grey Cub L-2-Ranji’s Wonderful Bat Poem-Godfrey Gordon Gustavus Gore

    L-1-The Clever Courtier L-2-The Six Fools For Discussion:- L-3-The Three Statues L-4-Man versus Destiny

    PT I PT I Full Syllabus except Phrases and Clauses, Long Reading Text and Ranji’s Wonderful Bat (to be covered in May after PT I )

    July Unseen Poem Writing Topic Sentences and Body Sentences

    6. Pronouns 7. Adjectives 8. Degrees of Comparison 9. Easily Confused Words 10. Synonyms and Antonyms 11. Direct and Indirect

    L-3-Birds L-4-A Day in the Greens

    L-5-The Ride to Shivpuri L-6-Hairless Palms For Discussion:- L-7-The Precious Relics

    August Story Writing

    12. Using This,That,These,Those

    13. Many, A Few, Some, Any, A Lot

    14. Articles 15. Verbs

    L-5-In the Garden of Live Flowers Poem-The Brave Little Kite

    L-8-The Worth of a Beard L-9-Hang My Son-in-law For Discussion:- L-10-The III Omen L-11-The Mango Tree

    September 16. Present Simple and Present

    Continuous Tense

    L-6-On a Different Track

    PT II 20 % of PT I + PT II (July and August)

    October Unseen Passage

    Writing a Formal Letter

    17. Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense

    18. Simple Past and Present Perfect

    19. Talking about Future: Will, Going to, Shall

    L-7-Homesickness Poem-To a Butterfly

    L-12-Shorten It For Discussion:- L-13-The Piece of Rope L-14-The Tank of Milk

    November Unseen Poem Summary Writing

    20. Talking about Continuous Time in

    L-8-Rajam and Mani

    L-15-The Genuine Sanyasi

  • Future 21. Modals 22. Adverbs

    Poem-The Sea Poem-Dear Mr Examiner

    For Discussion:- L-16-The Man Who Never Belched

    December Unseen Passage

    Paragraph Writing

    23. Prépositions 24. Sentences 25. Interrogative

    Sentences 26. Question Tags

    Poem-The Village Blacksmith

    L-17-The Test L-18-Journey to Heaven For Discussion:- L-19-The Questions L-20-The Two Merchants L-21-The Green Horse

    January Essay Writing 27. Conjunctions 28. Punctuation 29. Affixes

    L-9-The Story of Ali Cogia

    PT III - PT III + 20% Term I (different concepts than those tested in PT II)

    February Revision Revision Revision

    March PT IV Term 2 Final + 20 % of Term I (different concepts than those tested in PT II and PT III)

  • बे्रन इन्टरनेशनल स्कूल विषय-हिन्दी कक्षा –पााँच पाठ्यक्रम -2018-19

    मास पाठ्यपसु्तक –मधुरिमा (भाग -5) हिन्दी व्याकिण एंव िचना ( भाग – 5 ) िचनात्मक कायय

    अप्रलै पाठ – 1 पथ आलोककत कि दो (कववता) पाठ – 2 मन का दपयण (किानी) पाठ – 3 दानी िाजकुमाि (किानी)

    स्वच्छता (कववता) (केिल िाचन)

    पाठ – 1 भाषा , बोली, ललवप औि व्याकिण पाठ – 2 वणय – ववचाि पाठ – 3 शब्द – ववचाि पाठ – 4 सजं्ञा अपहठत गदयांश, अनचु्छेद लेखन

    ‘स्वच्छ भाित औि स्वस्थ भाित’ पि कोई भी दो नािे चचत्र सहित चार्य पि बनाने को किना।

    मई पनुराितृ्ति ि आििी परीक्षा -1 (अप्रैल का सम्पूणय पाठ्यक्रम) पाठ – 4 िमािे प्रथम िाष्ट्रपतत का बचपन – उन्िी की जुबानी (आत्मकथा)

    जुलाई पाठ- 5 दादी जी की चचड़ियााँ (कववता ) पाठ -6 एक गााँव ऐसा भी ( किानी)

    पाठ – 5 ललगं पाठ – 6 वचन पाठ – 7 कािक पाठ-17 पयाययवाची शब्द (1-20) चचत्र-वणयन

    भाित देश के ककन्िीं चाि िाष्ट्रपततयों स ेसबंन्न्धत जानकािी एकत्रत्रत कित ेिुए उत्ति पनु्स्तका में चचत्र सहित चचपकाने को किना।

    अगस्त पाठ -7 िमािा िाष्ट्रगान ( लेख) नोबल पिुस्काि का प्रािम्भ (जानकािी) (केिल िाचन ) पाठ – 8 अवप्रय सत्य ( किानी) पाठ – 9 नदी औि लता ( कववता) दोस्त की िजामत ( चचत्र कथा )

    पाठ-18 ववलोम शब्द (1-27) पाठ-19 अनेक शब्दों के ललए एक शब्द (1-15) पाठ-22 मिुाविे (1-20) चचत्र वणयन, अनौपचारिक पत्र, अनचु्छेद लखेन, अपहठत गदयांश ।

    ‘नदी औि लता’ कववता को किानी के रूप में ललखने को किना ।

  • (केिल िाचन)

    लसतबंि आििी परीक्षा -2 अप्रलै से अगस्ि िक का सम्परू्ण पाठ्यक्रम

    लसतबंि अक्तबूि

    पाठ -10 सगंीत प्रेमी पौधा ( किानी) पाठ -11 डायिी के पन्ने (डायिी लेखन ) पाठ – 12 अिमान यिी ( कववता )

    पाठ – 8 सवयनाम पाठ – 9 ववशषेण पाठ-18 ववलोम शब्द (28-54) चचत्र वणयन, अपहठत गदयाशं, अनचु्छेद लेखन, अनौपचारिक पत्र

    ‘वकृ्षों का मित्त्व’ ववषय पि एक अनचु्छेद उत्ति पनु्स्तका पि ललखवाना ।

    नवबंि पाठ – 13 पेि पि त्रबताए तीन हदन(किानी) पाठ – 14 अनोखा इलाज़ (िास्य – कथा)

    गात े– गात ेबझूें (पिेललयााँ)(केिल िाचन)

    पाठ –10 कक्रया औि काल पाठ-17 पयाययवाची शब्द (21-40) पाठ –15 वविाम – चचिन पाठ-19 अनेक शब्दों के ललए एक शब्द (16-30)

    देश-प्रेम पि आधारित स्विचचत/मौललक कववता को ए-4 साइज शीर् पि ललखने व कक्षा में सनुाने को किना ।

    हदसबंि पाठ – 15 अमलू्य उपिाि ( एकांकी ) पाठ –16 अशदुचध शोधन पाठ-22 मिुाविे (21-40)

    सतंलुलत आिाि पि चार्य बनवाना व उनके मित्त्व को दशायत ेिुए उत्ति-पनु्स्तका में ललखने को किना ।

    जनविी आििी परीक्षा – 3 अक्िबूर- हदसम्बर िक का सम्परू्ण पाठ्यक्र्म

  • जनविी पाठ – 16 ििीम के दोिे पाठ – 17 सीखें इनसे ( लखे )

    पाठ –21 श्रतुतसम लभन्नाथयक शब्द

    ककसी भी सतं के कोई दो दोिे ए – 4 साइज शीर् पि ललखवाना तथा अथय सहित कक्षा में सनुाने को किना ।

    फिविी पाठ – 18 चेतक की र्ाप (कववता) (पनुराितृ्ति)

    माचय िावषणक परीक्षा/आििी परीक्षा– 4 अक्िबूर- फरिरी िक का सम्परू्ण पाठ्यक्र्म ------------------------------------

    रचनातमक कायण– श्रिर् ि िाचन क्षमिा, श्रिर्-10, िाचन-10


    Class –V Subject – MATHS Syllabus: 2018-19 Month Text Book – Universal Mathematics



    April Chapter – 1 Large Numbers

    Chapter – 2 Addition and Subtraction

    Students will cut out any five 4-digit numbers from the newspaper and write them in Roman Numerals. Also they will round off the numbers to nearest hundreds and


    May Chapter – 3 Multiplication To verify the Commutative Property of multiplication on squared grid paper.

    May Periodic Test -I Syllabus- Ch-1, 2

    July Chapter – 4 Division

    Chapter – 5 More about Operations on


    August Chapter – 6 Multiples and Factors

    Chapter – 7 Fractions

    To find HCF of the given numbers using coloured strips.

    To compare two unit fractions by folding rectangular strips of same lengths.

    September Periodic Test-II

    Chapter – 8 Decimals and Percentages

    Syllabus- Ch-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

    October Chapter – 8 Decimals and Percentages

    (to be continued)

    To find the percentages of the students belonging to a particular house in the class.

    November Chapter – 9 Shapes and Figures

    Chapter –10 Measurement and


    To find the sum of the angles of a triangle using cutting pasting method. Record the minimum and maximum temperature of last seven days from the

    newspaper. Convert the temperature into degree Fahrenheit (°F) also.

    December Chapter – 11 Perimeter, Area and


    Chapter – 12 Time

    Students will be asked to make the net of a cube and a cuboid of any dimensions and then find their volume.

    January Periodic Test-III Syllabus- Ch- 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

    Chapter – 13 Money

    Chapter – 14 Data Handling

    Students will be divided into groups of 4 to design a game which includes money transactions and present the same in class.

    Students will be asked to make a bill showing the cost of all the textbooks they purchased at the start of the session.

    Students will be asked to make a bar graph on the number of absentees in a particular week.


    March Revision and Periodic Test- IV Syllabus- Ch- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14


    Class -V Subject – E.V.S Syllabus: 2018-19 Month Book –MILLENIUM’S- MY GREEN WORLD Activities

    April/May L-1:How Does Our Body Work?

    L-2:Bones and Muscles

    L-6:Mapping the World

    L-7:Our Country (Discussion)

    Discussion on different functions of digestive system , excretory system in bio lab by showing models

    By showing specimen of skeletal system in bio lab each part would be discussed

    Discussion- Major symbols used in a map Draw and label the diagram of latitudes and longitudes

    (Correct Labelling-4, Presentation-1) (5 marks activity)

    May PT-I L-1,2 & 6

    July L-3: Cleanliness and prevention of diseases

    L-5:Eating Right

    L-8: The Great Himalayas

    L-9:The Northern Plains

    Making of vaccination chart in the notebook Discussion on various types of deficiency diseases Map work- The Himalayan range and its parallel ranges, Four hill

    stations, Northern Plains, Three major rivers – Indus, Ganga &

    Brahmaputra (Identification-2, Location-3) (5 marks activity)

    August L-13: British Rule in India

    L-14:Indian National Movement

    L-22:Seeing is Believing (Discussion)

    L-18: The Shrinking World (Discussion)

    Story narration- Arrival of Britishers in India and its consequences Discussion on social reformers and their contributions Activity showing difference among transparent, translucent and

    opaque substance.

    Discussion on the rules of internet safety

    September PT-II PT-I + PT-II i.e Total -9 Chapters till August

    (ch-1,2,3,5,6,8,9,13 &14)

    October L-10:The Deccan Plateau

    L-11:The Coastal Plains

    L-12: The Great Indian Desert

    Map work: Deccan Plateau, Western ghats and Eastern ghats, parts of western & eastern coast

    Make an encyclopaedia on any one coastal state of India (Presentation -3( Neatness-1, Creativity-2),

    Relevant Information-2) (5 marks activity)

    November L-15:Towards Independence

    L-16:Birth of a Nation

    Discussion on various movement led by Gandhiji Class presentation- Fundamental Rights and Duties

  • L-17:A new Dawn

    L-24:Help I Can’t Breathe (Discussion)

    Make a list of all the Prime Ministers of India since independence.

    December L-19:Simple Machines

    L-20: Force, Work and Energy

    L-21:Materials and their Properties

    L-25: Protecting Plants and Animals (Discussion)

    Demonstration on simple machines. Activity showing muscular force, magnetic force & gravitational


    Discussion on different properties of matter. Make a poster on save forests and write a nice slogan .

    (Theme relevance-1, Message-2, Colour scheme-2)

    (5 marks activity)

    January PT-III(Jan) Chapters done in months of Oct to Dec

    (ch 10,11,12,15,16,17,19,20,21)

    January L-23: Study Of Plants

    L-26: Natural Calamities (Discussion)

    Discussion on parts of flower by showing flower



    L-4 Living safely (Discussion)

    Revision and Annual Exam

    Oct to Jan Syllabus

    (ch 10,11,12,15,16,17,19,20,21,23)


    Class -V Subject– FRENCH Syllabus:2018-19

    Month Book – Apprenons le francais (level 1) Activities

    April/May Ch-0 Vous connaissez la France?

    Ch 1 Les Salutations

    Role Play

    Students would do a Role play enactment in the class wherein they

    will introduce themselves using basic vocabulary of Salutations learnt

    in the lesson. This will help them to brush up their speaking skills and

    language proficiency.

    May PERIODIC TEST- I Ch 0 and Ch 1

    July Ch- 2 Comptons Ensemble

    Ch 3 Les Copains

    Count Around

    Teacher would ask students to count around various things in the

    classroom. Students would be divided into groups and each group

    would ask questions from each other and practice the number names.

    August Ch 4 Devinez

    Ch 5 Dans la Classe

    Student will do exercise Qu’est ce que c’est? in the class to know about things. This will help them to tell about things and people in the class and their surroundings.

    September PERIODIC TEST-II Ch 0 to Ch 5

    October Ch-6 Les amis de Caroline I’m Famous For……. Class would be divided into groups. Each group would be given a country and they will search 3 amazing facts which can be food/famous monument/history about the countries given to them. The remaining students will guess the country name which will help them to memorize the country & nationality.

  • November Ch-7 Quel jour sommes-nous?

    Ch 8 La famille de Manuel

    Students will make a family tree wherein they would write three

    adjective for each of their family member to practice family member

    and adjective altogether.

    December Ch- 9 Les vacances Students will revise months name during this lesson. They would be

    writing 3 special things associated with each month it could be any

    festival/important day/seasonal fruit or vegetable or the season of that


    January PERIODIC TEST-III PT III + 20 % of Term 1

    January/ Feb

    Ch 10 Le drapeau de mon Pays

    Students would Paste various countries flag and write its color &

    country name in French.

    February/ Mar

    REVISION AND PERIODIC TEST- IV Term 2 Final + 20 % of Term 1


    Class -V Subject – GERMAN Syllabus: 2018-19 Month Book – So geht das! (level 1) Activities

    April L-1: Begrussung + zahlen (0-100) + Berufe


    Students will introduce themselves in German. Students will be given one Beruf each and will be told to draw it

    beautifully on A4 sized sheet.

    May PERIODIC TEST- I Ch 1, counting (0-100), professions

    July L-2 : Deutsch und Deutschland

    Students will make a colourful map of Germany marking all the important states in it and writing five lines on any one of them

    highlighting its specialties, dress and culture.

    August L-3:Erich und Erika + Months

    Students will be divided into various groups and each group will introduce the other students of their group.

    September PERIODIC TEST -II L – 1,2,3 AND Counting and professions, Months till


    October L-4: Was hast du? + Zahlen

    Students will make a chart on the stationery items they use and will write the names and articles in German.

    November L-5: Meine Familie + Familienmitglieder Students will write on “Meine Familie’ in about seven-eight lines.

    December L-6: Familienfotos + Das Essen Students will make a collage of various food items and drinks mentioning the name of each item in German..

    December L-7: Wie ist das Wetter?

    Students will choose a Festival each and will make a chart on it writing the information in German.

    January Colours








    Class –V Subject – Foundation Of I.T. Syllabus: 2018-19 Month Book – I.T. Beans Practicals / Activities


    Ch 2 :Software and its Types

    Ch4:Features in Microsoft Word 2010

    In MS Word , using shapes option make a graphical representation of different types of software.

    Create a document in MS Word , apply Header as “Party Invitation” and divide the page into two columns . Write a brief message “It’s Party Time Now . Please Come

    and join The fun.” in first column and Date , Time and Venue in second column.

    May PT-1 : Ch : 2,4


    Ch 1: Evolution of Computers

    Ch 3: Managing Files and Folders

    Ch 5: Working With styles and objects

    In MS Word type the list of different generation of computers using bullets option

    In MS Paint , using different shapes , draw a birthday card and save the file in D -drive of My Computer.

    Create a folder on desktop and copy the file from D-drive and paste it in the folder. Rename the folder now..

    To design an attractive poster on “Adventure Camp” using WordArt and shapes option .


    Ch 6: Working with Tables

    In MS Word ,draw a table with three columns and five rows to show list of birthday items purchased and to calculate total money spent using formula option of Layout

    Tab. Apply different table styles.

    September PERIODIC TEST -II PT-1+PT-II i.e TOTAL 6 CHAPTERS(CH: 1 to 6)

    October Ch 7:Microsoft PowerPoint 2010

    Ch8: Slide Organization In PowerPoint Learn to start and close PowerPoint .Choose a SmartArt Graphic option , WordArt

    and inserting shape , make a presentation on “Activities of the month”

    November Ch 9:Formatting A Presentation

    Ch 10: Log On to Scratch

    To create a presentation on “ Food & Health ” apply different formatting effects.

    Lab Session given in book on Page 113

    December Ch 11: More about Scratch

    PT- III

    Activity given in book on page 122

    Chapters done in Oct to Dec(Ch 7 to 11)


    Ch 12: Internet and Email To send an e-mail to your friends / teachers through your parents E-mail account.

    To create a PowerPoint presentation on “Netiquette”.

    Feb/Mar Revision and Annual Exam

    Ch: 7 to 12


    Class –V SUBJECT – G.K Syllabus 2018-19 S.No MONTH Book -Know For Sure(Britannica Learning)

    1 April /May Mysterious Space, Wonder birds , Furry Friends, Olympics track and field, Know your

    Flag, How is a book made?, Parliaments of different countries, Bodyworks, Champions

    of change, Tops at table tennis, Great Indian Scientists, Brain teasers

    PT-I (May) Current Affairs - 10 marks

    2 July Animals in danger, Epic sagas, Quiz yourself 1, Logical reasoning 1

    3 August Airports of the world, Homonyms, Traditional paintings of India, Rivers of India,

    Miracles of Nature, Golden voices of a bygone era, Logos and symbols, Sporting


    4 September Periodic Test-II: (April to August Syllabus)

    5 October Green Energy, Playing Commonwealth, Holy Places, Quiz Yourself 2 , Classics and

    Popular ,Bridge the gap, Business basics, Adventure Sports, Indian Authors,

    6 November Logical reasoning II, Puppetry in India, The new 7 wonders of the world, Classic


  • *Pages only for discussion : 13,18,38, 42 to 43 ,56, 66,68, 85

    PT-III (Dec) Current Affairs- 10 marks

    7 December Famous words, Lessons in chess, Word Ladder, Famous residences, Famous toys and

    their creators, The highest and the tallest, Languages worldwide, Indian words in

    English, Accidental inventions,

    8 January Science mix, Quizzing on central India, Branches of medicine, Quiz yourself 3

    9 February/March Revision and Annual Exam