brand experience management

September 2009 Developing a Brand Experience Strategy

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Presentation that aims to help Brand organisations get started on the road to designing and delivering winning Brand Experiences. Their goal should be a commitment to WOW consumers so they buy again.. and ideally advocate your brand. Key in the process is company- wide collaboration.


Page 1: Brand Experience Management

September 2009

Developing a

Brand ExperienceStrategy

Page 2: Brand Experience Management



collection of

perceptions in


mind of the


Experience is the

appreciation or


about something


through seeing,

hearing or


with it



is what occurs every

time a consumer

sees, hears or

interacts with that brand.

Page 3: Brand Experience Management

All Brand Experiences - past and

present - shape the consumers view

of a brand and will effect their

decisions to buy, buy again...and

maybe even advocate it

Visiting a store

Seeing it On-line

Memoriesfrom past

Noticing an ad

Word of mouth

Seeing Packaging

Talking to salesperson

Using it

Dealing withcustomer service

Page 4: Brand Experience Management

To succeed a brand has to deliver what it promises.

To achieve greater success a brand should

aim to a exceed consumer expectations.

To win a brand should aim to deliver

magical brand experiences that transform their consumers into advocates*.

The Brand Promise Deliver Delight framework helps identify the consumer journey - along the

Path to Advocacy.

This enables brand stakeholders to collaborate in the design

& delivery of effective & consistent Brand Experience Strategy

*Bain & Company analysis demonstrates that winning brands achieve the highest Net Promoter Scores in their category (a clear indicator of a brand’s

level of consumer advocacy)

Delivering Brand Experiences to Drive Advocacy

Page 5: Brand Experience Management

Promise - is what consumers are told by a brand, e.g. what will happen/how they will

feel when they buy/use the brand

Delivery - this is what actually

happens when the consumer buys/uses

the brand.

(It is when the promise that the

brand has made has to be delivered.) Delight - this is when

the brand goes beyond what was expected.

It can be the magical bit because when consumers are delighted they can become a powerful and positive brand advocate.

Promise ▪ Deliver ▪ Delight

Page 6: Brand Experience Management

Promise DelightDeliver

AdvocateNotice Buy Use Loyal FanChoose

The Brand makes a Promise about what it

will do for the consumer

The Brand keeps the promise by Delivering

it to theconsumer

The Brand Delights its consumers by exceeding

their expectations

Path to Advocacy

Promise Deliver Delight ™ Framework and the Path to Advocacy

Notice is when a brand gets on the radar of a consumer; when they see/hear

about it and consider

whether it is right for them.

Choose is the process the

consumer goes through when

trying to decide what brand(s)

make it to their short list – usually

based on it’s ability to meet their functional

and/or emotional needs.

Buy is when the consumer enters the store (on or of-line) and goes

through the process of

purchasing the brand –

sometimes referred to as the first ‘moment of


Loyal is what

consumer is when they buy


Use is when the consumer

uses the brand; not just when they unpack and use it for the first time

(second ‘moment of truth’), but

every time it is used.

A Fan is what a

consumer becomes

when they have been

well treated and feel

valued by a brand


Advocate is when a

consumer proactively talk about the brand in a positive way

to friends, families, etc.

Page 7: Brand Experience Management

Developing a Strategy

Gather all stakeholders

Review consumers current Path to Advocacy


Levers (opportunities to exploit)

Blocks (issues to fix)

Agree levers and/or blocks to focus on

Design Brand Experiences that will WOW consumers

Page 8: Brand Experience Management

Andrew Weir [email protected]