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  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    Brands: The important distinction is between a product and a brand. A product is

    something with a functional purpose. A brand offers something in addition to its

    functional purpose. All brands are products (including brand as Citibank and Air India

    that are technically services) in that they serve a functional purpose.

    But not all products are brands. In fact a brand and can be defined as, A brand is a

    product that provides functional benefits plus added values that some consumer valueenough to buy. Added values form the most important part of the definition of a brand.

    We've all heard the story of the blind men and the elephant. Different men

    examine different parts of an elephant. One examines the trunk and concludes that "an

    elephant is like a vine". Another examines a leg and concludes that "an elephant is like a

    pillar". A third examines the tail and concludes "an elephant is like a rope". A fourth runs

    his hand across the elephant's side and concludes "an elephant is like a wall'. All of them

    are correct. All of them miss the essential truth. An elephant is much more than the sum

    of its anatomical parts. It is a living, breathing being.

    Consumer taste differs so widely that no brand can be all things to all people.

    Moreover any manufacturer who strives to cover too vide a filed will produce a brand

    that is number two or number three over a wide range of attributes, rather than number

    one over a Limited range of attributes (which might enable it to become first choice to a

    Limited group of consumers, the normal route to success.

    The strongest brands are often the most distinctive. But in their distinctiveness they are

    also generally well balanced between motivating benefits those (generally functional)

    benefits that prompt the consumer to use any brand in the product field and

    discriminating benefits - those prompting the consumer to buy one brand rather them

    another. All brands are different from each other in the obvious sense that the names andpackaging are different. But distinctiveness over and beyond this is highly desirable,

    although distinctiveness based so much on discriminators that it neglects motivators is a

    recipe for a weak brand..

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.








  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    Event brands (periodic experiences, usually within the worlds of sports, entertainment, or

    fine arts) achieve their promoters' goals by making the most of the traditional approaches

    to brand building. While it can be argued that professional golf's Master's tournament

    (and the other three "majors", as well) has been a brand of sorts for many years, it is only

    with the coming of enormous television contracts that the financial value of the brand has

    been realized. The same can be said of dozens of other athletic events. Geographicalbrands (cities, countries, resorts) have become common because businesses in particular

    areas have also recognized the value of selling their locales using some traditional, and

    non-traditional, brand building methods. Tourism directors from Orlando to Las Vegas,

    from Alabama to Bangkok, have created brands to help sell their part of the planet.

    The word "brand", when used as a noun, can refer to a company name, a product name,

    or a unique identifier such as a logo or trademark.

    In a time before fences were used in ranching to keep one's cattle separate from other

    people's cattle, ranch owners branded, or marked, their cattle so they could later identify

    their herd as their own. .

    The concept of branding also developed through the practices of craftsmen who wanted

    to place a mark or identifier on their work without detracting from the beauty of the

    piece. These craftsmen used their initials, a symbol, or another unique mark to identify

    their work

    Not too long afterwards, high quality cattle and art became identifiable in the consumer's

    mind by particular symbols and marks. Consumers would actually seek out certain marks

    because they had associated those marks in their minds with tastier beef, higher quality

    pottery or furniture, sophisticated artwork, and overall better products. If the producer

    differentiated their product as superior in the mind of the consumer, then that producer's

    mark or brand came to represent superiority.

    Today's modern concept of branding grew out of the consumer packaged goods industry

    and the process of branding has come to include much, much more than just creating a

    way to identify a product or company.

    Branding today is used to create emotional attachment to products and companies.

    Branding efforts create a feeling of involvement, a sense of higher quality, and an aura of

    intangible qualities that surround the brand name, mark, or symbol.

    So what exactly is the definition of "brand"? Let's cover some definitions first before we

    get too far into the branding process.

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    "If a product is something that is produced to function and exist in reality," says Philip

    Durbrow of Frankfurt Balkind, an international design firm based in San Francisco, "then

    a brand has meaning beyond functionality and exists in people's minds." Part art, part

    science, brand is the difference between a bottle of soda and a bottle of Coke, the

    intangible yet visceral impact of a person's subjective experience with the product the

    personal memories and cultural associations that orbit around it.The goal of branding is to convince the public that a brand is trustworthy and thus worth

    paying a premium for. The buyer is assured that the branded product will perform as

    expected. But that is not the only reason why people are willing to pay a premium for

    some brands.

    Consider the differences that exist between a Rolex watch and one made by Timex. Trust

    in their respective abilities to accurately keep track of time is not what justifies that one

    can cost 100 to 500 times more than the other. Sure, the Rolex watch is well made and is

    truly waterproof, whereas the Timex may only be "water-resistant," a lower standard of

    water-tightness. A few SCUBA divers may wear Rolex watches but I am ready to bet that

    the majority of Rolex wearers have never seen a decompression table...

    People are willing to pay a premium price for brands that help define their self-image and

    their social image.

    Successful brand marketers can convince you that their brands are worth paying a little

    more for because "you are worth it," and because there are brands that someone with your

    standing in society should prefer over others. This effect of branding can be felt in every

    category of product or service, from automobiles to floor cleaners. It is more likely to be

    apparent where the product is worn or used for all to see, but it exists everywhere.

    A brief history of branding

    The phenomenon of branding has roots running deep into economic history. Stone Age

    toolmakers undoubtedly had trademark styles that signaled potentially greater success in

    the hunt. Particularly accomplished Viking shipbuilders may have had valuable brands

    of vessels. Certainly silversmiths over the centuries, including Paul Revere, the American

    colonial patriot, included marks on their wares to indicate both the purity of the metal

    and the craftsmanship embodied in the product.

    The English word brand is derived from burning, a reference, in the word's

    business sense, to the embers once used to burn the mark of the owner onto livestock,

    casks, timber, metal, or other goods.

    Indeed, brandingthe use of symbols to concisely convey information about a product or

    servicecan be seen as a quintessential human activity. It is also a fundamental building

    block of commerce: Without information about a producers or a sellers reputation, trade

    would grind to a halt. (The seller ratings on the eBay Internet auction site represent just

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    one conspicuous contemporary example.) The real power of brands, however, dates to the

    time when this indicator of reputation was transferred from the individual to a larger

    business enterprise. The shift magnified brands impact, extended their geographic reach,

    and resulted in wealth creation for numerous employees.

    Josiah Wedgwood is often cited as the father of the modern brand. Beginning in the

    1760s, Wedgwood placed his name on his pottery and china to indicate their sourcehisstate-of-the art factoriesand therefore their quality. But the Wedgwood name came to

    stand for something more. Nearly two hundred years before the advent of mass media,

    and without using conventional advertising, Wedgwood used royal endorsements and

    other marketing devices to create an aura around the name of his company that gave the

    brand a value far beyond the attributes of the product itself. His business design of mass

    production and distribution enabled him to capture the value created by his calculated

    association of his product with a rich and famous lifestyle and his exploitation of

    customers social aspirations.

    In many ways, branding has stepped away from Wedgwoods precepts during the latter

    part of this century. With the development of new media, particularly television, and the

    huge post- World War II boom in consumption and birthrates, a mass market was born.

    Rising demand and standards of living created an era where market share was king: The

    player with the leading share would have the lowest cost and the highest profitability.

    Quite simply, a brand is a promise to the customer a mirror in which the customer sees

    a reflection of him or herself and identifies with, or rejects, the promise he or she sees.

    Likewise, a brand is also a reflection of your organization. Your brand serves to define

    your organization and influences every aspect of your operation, right down to corporateculture. Whether measured in SKU per second shopping, margins or shareholder value,

    the power of your brand has far-reaching impact. On stock valuation. On marketing costs.

    Even on employee retention rates.

    For customers, branding plays two important roles:

    In a world with lots of choices, it tells them which choice is right. It serves as a

    customers compass out of the chaos of competing choices. Whats best for me?

    In a world full of change and confusion, it helps them define who they are it gives

    them a badge. Good Mother, Dedicated Athlete, Hip Teenager.


    Brands are all about how consumers position themselves. Powerful brands succeed by

    establishing a relationship, a connection, with their customers. To establish that

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    connection to earn a place in their world a brand must know its customers and

    become a part of how customers want to see themselves.

    Quite simply, a brand is a promise to the customer a mirror in which the customer sees

    a reflection of him or herself and identifies with, or rejects, the promise he or she sees.

    Likewise, a brand is also a reflection of your organization. A brand serves to define the

    organization and influences every aspect of its operation, right down to corporate culture.

    Whether measured in SKU per second shopping, margins or shareholder value, the power

    of your brand has far-reaching impact. On stock valuation. On marketing costs. Even on

    employee retention rates.

    Moreover a brand is the proprietary visual, emotional, rational, and cultural image that

    one associates with a company or a product. When you think Volvo, you might think

    safety. When you think Nike, you might think of Andre Agassi or "Just Do It." When you

    think IBM, you might think "Big Blue." The fact that you remember the brand name and

    have positive associations with that brand makes your product selection easier and

    enhances the value and satisfaction you get from the product.While Brand X cola or even Pepsi-Cola may win blind taste tests over Coca Cola, the fact

    is that more people buy Coke than any other cola and, most importantly, they enjoy the

    experience of buying and drinking Coca Cola. The fond memories of childhood and

    refreshment that people have when they drink Coke is often more important than a little

    bit better cola taste. It is this emotional relationship with brands that make them so


    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    For customers, branding plays two important roles:

    1. In a world with lots of choices, it tells them which choice is right. It serves

    as a customers compass out of the chaos of competing choices. Whats best

    for me?

    2. In a world full of change and confusion, it helps them define who they are it gives them a badge. Good Mother, Dedicated Athlete, Hip Teenager.

    Brand Types

    Parent Brands

    IBM, Microsoft, Disney, Wipro

    Parent brands serve as our basis for identification they provide recognition and quality

    reassurance. They say safe, reliable, trustworthy. We associate parent brands with a set

    of values and imagery, and they evoke certain expectations about what our experience

    will be using that brand.

    Line Brands

    Citicorp Securities, Surf Excel, Disneyland, Lay s

    Line brands bring texture and tangible relevance to the parent brand, while adding the

    distinctive appeal of their own unique identity. Line brands code a product/service for a

    specific usage experience a particular situation or occasion and provide information

    about the intended user. They serve as a telegraphic communicator of attributes as well as

    functional and emotional benefits.

    The Job of PositioningWhen we interact with a brand, we experience it through a variety of attributes. All of

    these attributes tell us how to feel about a particular brand:

    What is it (cognitive)

    What does it look like (visual)

    How does it feel (emotional)

    What does it stand for (symbolic)

    How does it sound (auditory)

    Brand positioning builds a bridge between the larger self of the consumer (How I want

    to see myself) with a larger idea about a product or service (Kodak = immortality). It

    constantly seeks to build the relevance and equity of your brand. Proper positioning

    allows your customer to say, This is the right choice for me.

    Effective Positioning

    Is intrusive, it cuts through the clutter.

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    Is relevant, it constantly asks, how can we join consumers rather than asking

    consumers to join you.

    Differentiates, it demonstrates whats really different about your brand compared

    to everyone else.

    Strengthens margin, it establishes ownership of the category, not just squatter's

    rights, by focusing on increasing brand equity. Creates demand, it links the consumer back to the category via the brand.

    Is consistent, it demands loyalty to consumers rather than requesting their loyalty

    to you. It requires you to be faithful to your brand and leverage it fully.

    Is customer-focused, it speaks in todays consumer currencies: time, energy,

    money, quality and self-esteem.

    What makes up a brand identity?

    Brand identity includes brand names, logos, positioning, brand associations, and brand

    personality. A good brand name gives a good first impression and evokes positive

    associations with the brand. A positioning statement tells, in one sentence, what business

    the company is in, what benefits it provides and why it is better than the competition.

    Imagine you're in an elevator and you have 30 seconds to answer the question, "What

    business are you in?" Brand personality adds emotion, culture and myth to the brand

    identity by the use of a famous spokesperson (Palmolive Kapil Dev), a character (the

    Pink Panther), an animal (the Ceat Rhino) or an image (There is a bit of steel in

    everybodys life)

    Brand associations are the attributes that customers think of when they hear or see the

    brand name. McDonalds television commercials are a series of one brand association

    after another, starting with the yellow arches in the lower right corner of the screen and

    following with associations of Big Mac, Ronald Mcdonald, kids, Happy Meal, consistent

    food quality, etc.

    The Brand Benefit Hierarchy

    Powerful brands allow us to join and connect to something larger than ourselves. We

    associate a brand with a whole bundle of increasingly meaningful benefits a hierarchy

    of needs. Brands help us define who we are. Great brands recognize that they play an

    important role in how people position themselves in the world, which is the true focus of


    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    Brand Essence: Signing Up for Something Bigger

    Great brands are unambiguously anted on quality, deeply felt emotional benefits,

    identified fundamental beliefs and values. They have a ubiquitous presence and,importantly, sell to diverse segments of consumers. But the best brands have all gone

    beyond attributes, functional benefits and emotional benefits to articulate their brand

    essence they have signed up for something bigger by finding not what separates

    different segments of consumers but what unites them. Thus, powerful brands badge both

    the product and the user simultaneously. Brand soul the emotional end benefit

    drives everything about that brand and defines brand personality.


    The important distinction is between a product and a brand. A product is

    something with a functional purpose. A brand offers something in addition to its

    functional purpose. All brands are products (including brand as Citibank and Air India

    that are technically services) in that they serve a functional purpose.

    But not all products are brands. In fact a brand and can be defined as, A brand is

    a product that provides functional benefits plus added values that some consumer value

    enough to buy.

    Added values form the most important part of the definition of a brand. Before we

    discuss added values two general points must be discussed briefly.

    First, the strongest brands are often the most distinctive. But in their

    distinctiveness they are also generally well balanced between motivating benefits those

    (generally functional) benefits that prompt the consumer to use any brand in the product

    filled and discriminating benefits - those prompting the consumer to buy one brand

    rather them another. All brands are different from each other in the obvious sense that the

    names and packaging are different. But distinctiveness over and beyond this is highly

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    desirable, although distinctiveness based so much on discriminators that it neglects

    motivators is a recipe for a weak brand.

    Second, consumer taste differs so widely that no brand can be all things to all

    people. Moreover any manufacturer who strives to cover too vide a filed will produce a

    brand that is number two or number three over a wide range of attributes, rather than

    number one over a Limited range of attributes (which might enable it to become first

    choice to a Limited group of consumers, the normal route to success).

    Most brand have a known and restricted range functions and added values are

    non-functional the manufactures benefits over and beyond these.

    The major sources of added values can be listed as:

    1. Added Values that come from Experience of the Brand :-

    These include familiarity, known reliability and reduction of risks. A brand becomes

    an old friend. This includes the important notion of brand personality the personality

    of the brand itself its functional and non-functional features as they might be

    described in quasi human terms.

    2. Added Value that come from the sort of people who use the brands:-

    Rich and snobbish, young or glamorous or masculine or feminine. There are

    enormous examples of brands which have these user association, most of which are

    fostered by advertising. Association can be with our individual or an entity or it can

    be user groups also.

    3. Added values that come from the belief that the brand is effective:-

    This is related to the way in which some brands work on peoples belief and there is

    sufficient evidence to prove that branding in such product affects the minds influence

    over body processes. Belief in effectiveness also plays an important role with

    cosmetics with their ability to make their users feel more beautiful with generally

    beneficial results.

    4. Added value which come from the apperance of the brand:-

    This is the prime role packaging two identical products with different packaging may

    not be equally attractive to consumers. There is strong evidence which points out that

    in many product categories the physical appearance of the brand plays a major in

    purchase decision (e.g. white goods). If a consumer if offered a choice between two

    products having similar features and attributes, but different styling: e.g. one is

    extremely sleek and the other is just a basic covering than the consumer would prefer

    the first alternative.

    5. Added values that come from the manufacturers name and reputation:-

    This is another source of added value which results from an established and reputed

    manufacture quality of product and service quality. But in certain situations these

    may not make an impact and they are:

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

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  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    a) When the consumers do not known who the manufacturer of a particular brand they

    use, then obviously there are no role of added value which result from reputation etc.

    b) A familiar brand name is no longer needed as a guarantee of new products

    homogeneity and quality. Branded goods are known to be homogenous and to

    perform their function well. Yet there have been instance where brands spell different

    (e.g. Philips produced average quality as well as high quality goods) hence there no

    guarantee that a new product by Philips would be of average or high quality.

    The contribution of added values to consumer choice is easily demonstrated by the

    commonly used technique of matched product tests. In these tests, a sample of

    consumer use and judge brands in coded but unnamed package and a second and

    similar sample of consumers uses and judges those same brand in their normal

    containers. The invariable pattern is that the preferences among identified brands are

    quite different from preferences among those same brands in coded but unidentified


    The subject of added values is quite alluring by in conclusion, added values in abrand arise from peoples use and familiarity from the advertising and associations

    and from packaging. If follows that added values are not immediately available to

    manufacture of new brand but are built over time and therefore initially a brand must

    solely survive on its superior functional performance.


    Five influences on a new brand: The following are the five major forces, which

    shape a brand: -


    A new brand is like a newborn child, which comes naked in this world. Without superior

    competitive functional performance in at least some respect it has little chance of

    succeeding; it will not persuade a person who buys it on a trial basis or who receive a free

    sample to buy it again. One of the key roles of the pack design, the introductory

    promotions and the advertising is to communicate this functional performance clearly and


    The pack as an advertising medium and the advertising itself should also begin to build

    those added values that are vital to protect the brands often rather fragile franchise, oncecompetitors have moved towards functional parity with it. That is the new brands need

    the edge of added values to maintain its position when as often happens, it loses within

    months the advantage of its initial functional lead.

    If when enters the market, the brand is to be bought more than once, the decision

    is essentially based on its functional properties.

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    Evidence points out that the functional superiority of a potentially successful

    brand also provides under pining and support for the other factors contributing to success,

    notably the effort of sales force. So, if the first and most important thing, its functional

    performance, is recognized, synergy will lend a hand to boost its effect. But when a brand

    is not going to succeed efforts of the sales force alone are not enough to compensate for it

    functional weaknesses.

    Competitive functional performance is not something that is important to new

    brands and unimportant to mature brands, because the added values that these brands

    have acquired over the years cannot provide a permanent bulwark against functionally

    superior newcomers.

    The first question for the manufacturer of a new brand to ask is from which

    brands do we want to take business once this question has been answered, the firm can

    direct R&D efforts to the specific functional performance with the new brand

    characteristics (i.e. the new brand that is being developed should be superior

    functionally/or in terms of functional performance). Once the competing brands are knowbetter and superior functional product/brand can be developed.


    This is another major variable which influence the eventual outcome (failure & success)

    of a brand. Positioning should be in tune with the brand objective and target market.

    The positioning strategies can be classified into two brand groups. Price based

    and non-price strategy. Price based implies that the product is positioned in terms of high

    price/premium, value priced or economically priced/low priced. Non-price strategies

    refer to Nemours positioning strategies like positioning by user, by symbol, competitor

    etc.The key to successful positioning lies in identifying a key USP, which the firm

    should focus on and hammer away on it trying to become no. one brand for a Ltd. no. of

    consumers (e.g. Mercedes Engineered like no other car).

    3. NAME:

    Many marketing gurus feel that choice of brand name is a less substantial matter when

    viewed in comparison to making sure that the brand is functionally effective and is

    properly positioned in the market. Many marketers feel that the added values of a brand

    are embodied with name, that there values can be transferred to another product by using

    the brand as a common property this is the rational for the strategy of using and umbrella brand name for number of different products (a strategy often described as range

    extensions or line extensions).

    The most obvious point is that the danger of cannibalization is likely to be greater

    where the products with the umbrella name are in competition with each other (e.g. Rin

    bar & Rin Powder) than when they are not (Gillette Blades and Gillette after shave).

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    The only major advantage of using umbrella naming is within the same segments

    ((e.g. segments using one product like Denim After Shave can easily try Denim soap),

    that is people who use one product under a brand name can, presumably easily be

    persuaded to sample a second perhaps different category of product using that same

    brand name. Usually the advantage is in term of reduced promotional and advertising

    costs and efforts.

    In fact market research data indicates that basically the success of a brand in a

    new product category depends primarily on functional performance. The economic

    advantage of umbrella naming are substantially illusory in the short and medium term.

    Umbrella names are in general no worse on better than new names. As general rules the

    level of success of a new brand is much more dependent on support levels than on name.

    It is possible that umbrella names provide greater staying power, by enabling greater

    addition to added values, which is essentially a long-term process.

    In the long-term, an umbrella naming is really a part of a manufacturers corporate

    policy an act of faith, and one of the basic elements on which his business is based and onwhich the firm might be included to attribute its long-term success in the marketplace.

    4. PRICE:

    In perhaps two-third of all cases, a new brand enters an existing market at a

    premium price. The firm justifies this high price on the basis of innovation and functional

    superiority of the brand over its competitors. In reality, the premium prices are charged to

    fund the high cost of achieving sampling. The costs are usually at a high level to

    compensate for the established position of existing brands with their stock of added

    values, which have been acquired over the years and while a new brand only rarely

    makes a profit during its first two years or so, deficit budgeting puts an automatic upward

    pressure on the consumer price. There is also a good deal of evidence that, although new

    and different brands will normally command a significant price premium, this premium

    tends to narrow during the first few years of a brands life.

    There are also facts to support the contention that premium prices are reasonably

    well accepted as justification for functional improvement, although consumers are

    heartening skeptical about manufacturer attempts to charge a premium price for no

    obvious functional advantage at all.

    Stephen king (developing new brands) suggests a useful investigative and

    pragmatic approach to the question of initial pricing. The technique recommended is

    research into consumer attitude based on direct and indirect questions, which will provide

    guidance to the feasibility of skimming or penetration pricing.

    On the other hand basing prices on derivation of production costs will tell the

    manufacturer whether he will cover costs at a given level of output, it will give little

    about whether the company will in fact be able to sell that output.


    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    One key factor influencing the immediate success (failure) of a new brand is the

    ability of the manufacturers sales force to get it into distribution.

    Expanded distribution is a result of success. If the brand goes well in the early

    stages, the public demands it, retail branches hear from the head office. The word gets

    around and more retailers want to stock it.

    But a functional performance is not important to the consumer alone. Retailers

    themselves, and even more importantly the sales force, are conscious of functional

    superiority and its contribution to a brands success. Functional superiority will provide

    conviction to the salesman and draw commitment from the retailer.


    Brand awareness refers to the strength of a brands presence in the consumers mind. It is

    a measure of the percentage of the target market that is aware of a brand name. Marketers

    can create awareness among their target audience through repetitive advertising and

    publicity (Strydom et al., 2000:388). Brand awareness can provide a host of competitive

    advantages for the marketer. These include the following Brand awareness provides the brand with a sense of familiarity.

    Name awareness can be a signal of presence, commitment and substance.

    The salience of a brand will determine if it is recalled at a key time in the

    purchasing process.

    Brand awareness is an asset that can be remarkably durable and thus sustainable.

    It may be extremely difficult to dislodge a brand that has achieved a dominant

    awareness level.

    Organisations can create brand awareness by, firstly, having a broad sales base, andsecondly, becoming skilled at operating outside the normal media channels. A brand with

    high brand awareness and with positively distinguishing associations will have a high

    added value for consumer.

    Brand awareness is measured according to the different ways in which consumers

    remember a brand, which may include brand recognition, brand recall, top of the mind

    brand and dominant brand

    Brand recognition. Brand recognition relates to consumers ability to confirm

    prior exposure to that brand when given the brand as a cue. It requires that

    consumers can correctly discriminate the brand as having been previously seen or

    heard. Brand recall. Brand recall relates to consumers ability to retrieve the brand from

    memory given the product category, the needs fulfilled by the category or a

    purchase or usage situation as a cue. It requires consumers to correctly generate

    the brand from memory when given a relevant cue.

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    Top-of-mind brand. This is the brand name that first comes to mind when a

    consumer is confronted with the name of a product classification.

    Dominant brand. The ultimate awareness level is brand name dominance, where

    in a recall task, most customers can only provide the name of a single brand.

    Customers need information to be able to choose between alternative brands. However,

    consumers are bombarded with increasingly more marketing messages. The challenge

    therefore facing marketers is to build awareness and presence both economically and


    BRAND ASSOCIATIONS - A brand association is anything mentally linked to the

    brand. An association can affect recall, provide a point of differentiation, provide a

    reason to buy, create positive attitudes and feelings, and serve as the basis for trial.

    Overall quality ratings, technological leadership, newness and associations with customer

    benefits are the strongest. The combination of all associations supports the price whichcan be charged. The relative price position often is central. Whether the brand is in the

    luxury, mid-price or budget, being at or near the top or bottom of the selected category is

    often most advantageous.

    Volvo is Safety.

    Importance to marketers and consumers.

    Brand associations are the category of a brand's assets and liabilities that include anything

    "linked" in memory to a brand .Brand associations can also be defined as informational

    nodes linked to the brand node in memory that contain the meaning of the brand for

    consumers. Brand associations are important to marketers and to consumers. Marketers

    use brand associations to differentiate, position, and extend brands, to create positive

    attitudes and feelings toward brands, and to suggest attributes or benefits of purchasing or

    using a specific brand. Consumers use brand associations to help process, organize, and

    retrieve information in memory and to aid them in making purchase decisions.

    High brand equity provides a company with many competitive advantages. A powerful

    brand does not only enjoy a high level of consumer brand loyalty and awareness but also

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    This safety-pin print ad for Volvo,created in Japan, positions the carso perfectly. So simply and quickly.

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    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    has positive associations in consumer minds. Brand associations are perceptions and

    images that people link with particular brands. A positive brand image is created by

    marketing programmes that link strong, favourable, unique and admirable associations to

    the brand in the consumers memory.

    The associations attached to a company and its brands can therefore be key enduring

    business assets. A brand association is anything that is directly or indirectly linked in theconsumers memory to a brand.

    A brand represents the key to a products personality. It also says something about the

    image of a company and its products. For marketers to create the right brand identity,

    brand meaning, brand responses and brand relationship can be a complicated and difficult


    When marketers focus on creating positive brand awareness in the minds of consumers,

    they should keep in mind that, although product-attribute associations can be powerful

    (especially if a brand has a key attribute), the associations can fail to differentiate because

    there is a tendency for all brands to position according to the most important product

    attributes. Furthermore, an advantage on a product attribute is an easy target that is likely

    to be copied or eventually surpassed. Finally, a strong product-attribute association limits

    brand extension options and thus the strategic flexibility of the brand.

    It is thus true that building strong brands and establishing brand equity is becoming

    increasingly challenging . Strong brands therefore go beyond product attributes and

    differentiate on brand associations, such as the following:

    o Company associations. Focus on attributes of the organization rather than

    attributes of the product or service.

    o Brand personality. Uses the brand-as-person metaphor to help communicate a

    brand and its relationships to customers.o Symbols. Provide cohesion and structure to a brand and make it much easier to

    gain recognition and recall.

    o Emotional benefits. Relate to the ability of a brand to make the buyer or user

    feel something during the purchase process or use experience.

    o Self-expressive benefits. Reflect the ability of the purchase and use of a brand to

    provide a product for a persons personal expression.

    Marketers should keep in mind that brand associations can also be negative and thus

    detract from a brands equity.

    A key step in creating and managing a brand asset is to determine the brands identity

    in other words, the associations that the brand aspires to represent.The process of creating a brand identity overlaps significantly with the development of a

    business strategy because future investments and points of differentiation for the

    companies will drive the perceptions of the brand.

    Conversely, it is self-defeating to aspire to a brand image if the company is unwilling

    and/or unable to back up the vision with a plan and funds.

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    The brand, and its image and equity all allow the customer to perceive a promise of value

    (Webster, 2003:1). Marketers should therefore build strong brands to ensure that the right

    message is conveyed to the consumer. In so doing, marketers can accomplish the


    ensure identification of the brand with customers and an association of the brand

    in the customers minds with a specific product class or customer need

    establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customers by strategically

    linking a host of tangible and intangible brand associations with certain properties

    elicit the proper customer response to this brand identification and brand meaning

    convert brand response to create an intense, active loyalty relationship between

    customers and the brand.

    Although print and broadcast media have played a huge role in building strong brands,

    other forces are now coming into play. Factors such as customer service, and the

    relationship that the organisation has with its customers are all part of the brand. This is

    why many industries have started to focus on branding and brand equity.Some organisations have actually appointed other entirely different companies to focus

    on brand management to ensure that the right message is communicated to consumers

    through all communication mediums. Other companies manage their brands themselves,

    by means of effective brand management.


    Brand equity creates and consistently delivers quality and value brands to consumers .

    Perceived quality is a brand association that is elevated to the status of a brand asset for

    various reasons, such as the following:

    Perceived quality drives financial performance.

    Perceived quality is often a major strategic thrust of products.

    Perceived quality is linked to and often drives other aspects of how a

    brand is perceived.

    Part of a consumers image of a brand is based on actual facts and experiences. However,

    another part of that image is based on perceptions born out of a products reputation,

    media coverage and other indirect sources of information. A successful brand has a

    recognizable name which signals specific attributes to the consumer

    Marketers can create perceived quality, by firstly, having an understanding of what

    quality means to customer segments; secondly, by having a supportive culture; andfinally, having a quality improvement process that will enable an organisation to deliver

    quality products .


    Simply put, brand image is how your customers, potential customers, suppliers, and the

    general public sees you. Its how you are positioned in their minds. Large enterprises

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    spend a great deal of time and money on making sure that their brand projects exactly

    what they want about the company. When theyre successful in branding themselves, the

    payoff can be huge.

    Take the global brandsHonda, MacDonalds, Nike, Cokethey all have very strong

    brand franchises. Now pay attention here. Their brand franchises dont focus on productfeatures. Products can change. Features can change. Brands, if successful, can last

    decades because they center on more enduring values. Think Honda and you think

    reliability. You dont think power steering or antilock brakes. MacDonalds? You dont

    think cheeseburger or shakes. MacDonalds is the place to take your family. Just do it

    with Nike and youll be a winner. High-performance plastic is the furthest thing from

    your mind. Do people buy Coke because it tastes sweet? No, they buy Coke because it

    brings the world together. The key to having a good brand image is to have a consistent

    perception of your company as it relates to important customer values. Once you strike

    the right chord, customers will keep coming back. Ask two-time Honda owners what car

    theyll buy next. Try to get a Coke drinker to switch to Pepsi. Whats more customers

    will pay for brands. Just check out your local supermarket. Look at the price of the no-

    name cereal compared to one put out by Kellogs. Brands always cost more. They

    command a premium.

    Having a good brand image is important to small businesses as well. Customers look for

    the same things from large or small companies. They want to deal with a reputable and

    trustworthy business. They want good value. They want quality. They'll choose a

    company that projects that over one that doesn't any time any where.

    Difference Between Corporate Identity, Brand Identity And Brand ImageIt is important to distinguish between corporate identity, brand identity, and brand

    image. Corporate identity is concerned with the visual aspects of a company's presence.

    When companies undertake corporate identity exercises, they are usually modernizing

    their visual image in terms of logo, design, and collaterals. Such efforts do not normally

    entail a change in brand values so that the heart of the brand remains the same - what it

    stands for, or its personality. Unfortunately, many companies do not realize this fallacy,

    as they are sometimes led to believe by agencies and consultancy companies that the

    visual changes will change the brand image. But changes to logos, signage, and even

    outlet design do not always change consumer perceptions of quality, service, and the

    intangible associations that come to the fore when the brand name is seen or heard.The best that such changes can do is to reassure consumers that the company is

    concerned about how it looks. Brands do have to maintain a modern look, and the visual

    identity needs to change over time. But the key to successfully effecting a new look is

    evolution, not revolution. Totally changing the brand visuals can give rise to consumer

    concerns about changes of ownership, or possible changes in brand values, or even

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    unjustified extravagance. If there is a strong brand personality to which consumers are

    attracted, then substantial changes may destroy emotional attachments to the brand.

    People do not expect or like wild swings in the personality behavior of other people, and

    they are just as concerned when the brands to which they have grown used exhibit similar

    "schizophrenic" changes.

    On the other hand, if the intention is to substantially improve the standing of thebrand, then corporate identity changes can be accompanied by widespread changes to

    organizational culture, quality, and service standards. If done well, and if consumers

    experience a great new or improved experience, then the changes will, over the longer

    term, have a corresponding positive effect on brand image.

    Brand identity is the total proposition that a company makes to consumers - the

    promise it makes. It may consist of features and attributes, benefits, performance, quality,

    service support, and the values that the brand possesses. The brand can be viewed as a

    product, a personality, a set of values, and a position it occupies in people's minds. Brand

    identity is everything the company wants the brand to be seen as.

    Brand image, on the other hand, is the totality of consumer perceptions about the

    brand, or how they see it, which may not coincide with the brand identity. Companies

    have to work hard on the consumer experience to make sure that what customers see and

    think is what they want them to.


    Knowledge of the brand image (how customers and others perceive the brand)

    provides useful and even necessary background information when developing a brand

    identity. In the brand image trap, however, the patience, resources, or expertise to gobeyond the brand image is lacking, and the brand image becomes the brand identity rather

    than just one input to be considered.

    The brand image trap does not tend to occur when a brand image is obviously

    negative or inappropriate. When there are only subtle image inadequacies caused by

    customers' past brand experiences or by changes in their needs, however, the use of the

    brand image as an identity statement often goes unchallenged.

    While brand image is usually passive and looks to the past, brand identity should

    be active and look to the future, reflecting the associations that are aspired for the brand.

    While brand image tends to be tactical, brand identity should be strategic, reflecting a

    business strategy that will lead to a sustainable advantage. The brand identity should alsoreflect the brand's enduring qualities, even if they are not salient in the brand image. Like

    any identity, it represents the basic characteristics that will persist over time.

    A brand identity is to brand strategy what "strategic intent" is to a business

    strategy. Strategic intent involves an obsession with winning, real innovation, stretching

    the current strategy, and a forward-looking, dynamic perspective; it is very different from

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    accepting or even refining past strategy. Similarly, a brand identity should not accept

    existing perceptions, but instead should be willing to consider creating changes.


    A brand position is the part of the brand identity and value proposition that is to

    be actively communicated to the target audience and that demonstrates an advantageover competing brands.

    Thus the brand position guides the current communication programs and is

    distinct from the more general brand identity construct. Some elements of brand identity

    (such as cleanliness for a restaurant) may not be actively communicated, and other

    elements (such as a product class association) will recede in visibility as the brand

    matures. Thus there is a distinction between three related constructs:



    How the brandis now


    How strategists wantthe brand to be


    The part of the brand identity and valueproposition to be actively communicated to a

    target audience

    The brand position trap occurs when the search for a brand identity becomes a

    search for a brand position, stimulated by a practical need to provide objectives to those

    developing the communication programs. The goal then becomes an advertising tag line

    rather than a brand identity.

    This trap inhibits the evolution of a full-fledged brand identity, because strategists

    continuously weed out those aspects that they feel are not worth communicating. The

    tendency to focus on product attributes is intensified, and there is often no room toconsider brand personality, organizational associations, or brand symbols because they

    simply do not make the cut when developing a three-word phrase.

    Further, a compact phrase is unlikely to provide much guidance to brand-building

    activities. A brand position does not usually have the texture and depth needed to guide

    the brand-building effort which event to sponsor, which package is superior, or what

    store display supports the brand. There is a need for a richer, more complete

    understanding of what the brand stands for.


    Loyalty is an important concept in strategic marketing. Loyalty provides fewer reasons

    for consumers to engage in extended information search among alternatives. Researches

    also indicates that purchase decisions based on loyalty may become simplified and even

    habitual in nature and this may be a result of satisfaction with the current brand(s). A

    base of loyal customers will be advantageous for an organisation as it reduces the

    marketing cost of doing business. In addition, loyalty can be capitalised on through

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    strategies such as brand extension and market penetration. Finally a large number of loyal

    customers is an asset for a brand, and has been identified as major determinant of brand

    equity .

    Brand Loyalty is a crucial goal and result of successful marketing programs, salesinitiatives and product development efforts. At the core of every successful brand is a

    nucleus of loyal customers. These "true believers" understand the brand better, purchase

    more often and recommend the brand to others. Loyal customers can be and should be the

    foundation for marketing strategy. Beyond the profit they generate, loyal customers

    provide the basis for brand development and improvement. The brand that loses sight of

    its loyal customers has lost its direction, and is vulnerable to losing market share.

    As a brand's percentage of loyal customers goes up, market share increases and the brand

    becomes more profitable. Share rises because those customers who become repeat

    purchasers are no longer lost to the competition. In addition, repeat customers are more

    profitable than new customers - attracting new customers involves investing far more

    marketing and promotional funds. To some extent, brand loyalty is being developed and

    managed by all successful brands. But in many cases loyalty itself is considered simply

    the result of well executed marketing programs. The best way to achieve greater brand

    loyalty is by managing the brand loyalty process. This involves measuring the drivers of

    brand loyalty, selecting high impact loyalty improvement projects, and quickly carrying

    them out.

    Brand loyalty has been a major focus of strategic marketing planning (Kotler,

    1984) and offers an important basis for developing a sustainable competitive advantage -

    an advantage that can be realized through marketing efforts (Dick and Basu, 1994).

    Many studies on the topic of brand loyalty have been measured by the behavioral

    aspect of brand loyalty (e.g., repeat purchases) without considering cognitive aspects of

    brand loyalty. For example, Fader and Schmittlein (1993) conducted a research

    investigating the advantage of high share brands in brand loyalty, suggesting that high

    share brands have significantly higher brand loyalty than low share brands. They

    measured brand loyalty only by the behavioral aspect of repeat purchase, not considering

    cognitive aspects of brand loyalty. Bayus (1992) also operationalised brand loyalty by a

    behavioral measurement of probability of purchasing the same appliance brand as the onepreviously owned in his study on brand switching analysis of home appliances.

    Kahn et al. (1986) report that academic research on loyalty has largely focused on

    measurement issues and correlates of loyalty with consumer characteristics in a

    segmentation context (e.g., Frank, 1967).

    A few brand loyalty studies found price promotions as the antecedents of brand

    switching behavior (Bawa and Shoemaker, 1987; Rothschild and Gaidis, 1981; Winer,

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    1986). They agree that price promotions increase sales in the short term. Some

    researchers have proposed and found empirically that if consumers have been satisfied

    with the promoted brand, their satisfaction is reinforcing and leads to an increase in the

    probability of choosing the brand again after the promotion is withdrawn, particularly for

    previous non-users of the brand (Kahn and Louie, 1990; Rothschild and Gaidis, 1981).

    Other researchers found that lineage is an antecedent of brand loyalty (Miller,1975; Moore-Shay and Lutz, 1988). For example, Moore-Shay and Lutz (1988) reported

    that mother and daughter had shown same brand preference and shopping strategy


    However, brand loyalty is not a simple uni-dimensional concept, but a very

    complex multi-dimensional concept. Wilkie (1994) defines brand loyalty as "a favorable

    attitude toward, and consistent purchase of, a particular brand". However, such a

    definition is too simple to understand brand loyalty in the context of consumer behavior.

    The definition implies that consumers are brand loyal when both attitude and behavior

    are favorable. However, it does not clarify the intensity of brand loyalty, because it

    precludes the possibility that a consumer's attitude is unfavorable, while he/she repeats

    the purchases. In such case, the consumer's brand loyalty would be superficial and


    Oliver (1997) has presented a conceptual framework of brand loyalty that

    includes the full spectrum of brand loyalty based on a hierarchy of effects model with

    cognitive, affective, conative (behavioral intent), and action (repeat purchase behavior)

    dimensions. A definition integrating this multidimensional construct has been given

    (Oliver, 1999) as:

    "a deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product/serviceconsistently in the future, thereby causing repetitive same-brand or same brand-set

    purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential

    to cause switching behavior."

    Implications for Brand Management:

    Several things are clear from the above discussion on Brand Loyalty. The first

    thing is that Brand Loyalty consists of at least two dimensions viz. behavioral and

    attitudinal apart from other dimensions like situation and propensity to be loyal which are

    unique to an individual. The different types or categories of brand loyalty exhibited can

    be visualized in the form of a brand loyalty map.

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    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    Repeat Patronage: High


    Relative Attitudes

    Figure 1: The Brand Loyalty Map

    Categorizing Loyalty Types

    No loyalty: Consumers falling in this category have a low attitude towards a

    particular product and willingly or unwillingly they try to avoid the product purchase.

    Spurious loyalty is very similar to the concept of inertia; where despite

    perceptions that choices are relatively undifferentiated behavioral data suggest loyalty. In

    such cases repeat purchase may be based on the availability of deals, special offers,

    convenience or the influence of other people. As a result consumer may only be

    temporarily display such loyalty, and is likely to be very open to competing offers. That

    is if another product comes along that is for some reason easier to buy (e.g. it is cheaper

    or the original product is out of stock), the consumer will not hesitate to do so.

    Sometimes the loyalty is circumstantial: repeat buying comes from lack of

    reasonable alternatives e.g. monopoly. Circumstantial loyalty includes what are called

    propriety assets such as patents, copyrights and trademarks that give a firm at least atemporary monopoly position ( the impact of generic drugs when an ethical drug comes

    off patent suggests that much of the advantage is circumstantial and hence temporary).

    In other situations loyalty reflects an efficiency motive: the brand is good, so we

    automatically select it to minimize effort. An important efficiency case of loyalty occurs

    when a customer relies on an expert such as a dealer or shopkeeper to make a choice for

    him or her. This usually occurs in situation when the product infrequently bought and is

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    inexpensive and the customer does not what to spend time searching for information

    about the various alternatives. Another good example would be that of a patient diligently

    buying the specific brand prescribed by the doctor. In this case the loyalty is really

    channel created loyalty.

    Latent loyalty occurs when consumer has a high relative attitude towards the

    company or brand, but this is not evident in terms of their purchase behavior. This isprobably as a result of situational influences including inconvenient store locations,

    out-of-stock situations, and/or the influence of other people.

    Sustainable loyalty exists when the customer exhibits high repeat purchase, and

    does so because they have a strong preference (high relative attitude) manifested in repeat

    buying, word of mouth it engenders among it customers. Sustainable loyalty is therefore

    achieved when the company has developed and communicated a proposition that clearly

    has long-term benefits for the customer, and where the customer modifies his or her

    behavior to remain loyal over time. Thus sustainable loyalty occurs where repeat

    patronage is accompanied by a favorable attitude i.e. where purchase is as a result of a

    conscious decision by the consumer. As such, this clearly the most preferred of the four

    categories, and may be what we intuitively mean by loyalty.

    This strong form of loyalty is due to attachment. In this case the customer

    doggedly seeks out the product, often out of deference to its role in a previous situation

    (e.g. they were there when I needed them) and sometimes in an almost ritualistic

    manner (e.g. stopping at a certain Caf as a rite of the summer). This level of loyalty

    insulates a brand from competitive pressures such as advertising and price promotions

    and leads to high margins and profits.

    Further there are several other marketing implications. The first question, of

    course, for the marketer attempting to attract more brand-loyal customers is the feasibilityof segmenting this group. That is, are those consumers identifiable? Customers generally

    do not appear to differ significantly from other customers on most segmentation basis.

    The marketer may be more successful, however, in discerning unique characteristics of

    custom-ers loyal to his particular brand or product. Such an analysis will be quite fruitful

    as the analyses may provide him with useful insights for developing attractive marketing

    strategies including focused loyalty programs.

    Wind (1977) has proposed a matrix, as shown in figure below,

    incorporating attitudes and behavior by which the marketer may assess the brands

    vulnerability. It provides some indication of the magnitude of the exposure. In the first

    two rows, the more the brand is disliked, the greater is the vulnerability. In the third row,the greater the brand is liked, the more vulnerable are customers to competitive brands.

    Of course, the marketer would need to identify the relevant reasons for consumers

    liking or disliking the brand. With such information, the insights may be gained into not

    only the size of the loyal and vulnerable segments but also the magnitude and nature of

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    customers vulnerability. Loyalty/marketing plans may then be developed aimed at

    reducing buyers vulnerability while attracting customers of competing brands.

    These various goals of the marketers may necessitate different marketing

    strategies. For instance, increasing brand loyalty of present customers may necessitate

    better after sales service, while attracting new customers to become steady users may

    require certain inducements such as price discounts. Thus, the varying ranges of brandloyalty that the marketer faces point to different competitive actions. For less highly

    committed consumers, a catchy advertising message, coupled with coupon offers, free

    samples, p-o-p displays, or attractive package could cause to switch over to the

    marketers brand, especially in certain product group such as foods, soaps, detergents etc.

    the packaged goods field may be considered highly dynamic in this regard.

    Like itIndifferent


    it and others

    Dislike it

    Buy it regularly

    Loyal to it


    Customers of this brand who are

    vulnerable to competitors

    2 3

    Buy it


    Customers of this brand who are

    vulnerable to competitors

    4 5 6

    Do not buy it

    Customers of this brand who


    vulnerable to competitors

    7 8

    Unlikely target

    for this brand


    Vulnerability Matrix

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    Attitude toward this BrandAttitude toward this Brand




    respect to

    this brand




    respect to

    this brand

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    In order to induce brand switching among customers who are more loyal, the

    marketer is more likely to require more fundamental changes in consumer perceptions

    and attitudes. Therefore, significant revisions in product image are often necessary,

    frequently manifested in revamped promotional programs.

    Advertising decisions are usually geared to the loyalty situation that confronts thebrand. It is suggested that if brand loyalty is high, the advertiser has a good case for

    investment expenditures where large amounts are expended over short periods of time

    to attract new users, because continued purchases after the advertising has been curtailed

    will amortize the advertising investment. Where a low degree of brand loyalty exists in

    the product class, advertising expenditures should be made at a fairly steady rate on a

    pay-as-you-go basis, with demonstrated returns in extra sales equal to or greater than the

    extra advertising costs.

    Frequency marketing approaches seek to increase the yield from the organizations

    best customers by developing a long-term, interactive, value-added relationship. By

    concentrating on loyal customers, treating them as individuals, and providing them with

    discounts, free products or services, or simply information, their relationship with the

    firm and its brand can be solidified.

    The traditional conceptualization of attitudinal brand loyalty includes cognitive,

    affective, and behavioral intent dimensions. Conventional brand loyalty development

    efforts have relied substantially on brand image building through mass media



    Based on the premise that brands can have personalities in much the same way as humans,

    Brand Personality describes brands in terms of human characteristics. Brand personality is

    seen as a valuable factor in increasing brand engagement and brand attachment, in much the

    same way as people relate and bind to other people. Much of the work in the area of brand

    personality is based on translated theories of human personality and using similar measures

    of personality attributes and factors.

    Why Brand Personality?

    Many of the world's most powerful brands spend a great deal of time putting personality

    into their brands. It is the personality of a brand that can appeal to the four functions of a

    person's mind. For example, people make judgments about products and companies in

    personality terms. They might say, "I don't think that company is very friendly," "I feel

    uneasy when I go into that branch," "I just know that salesmen is not telling the truth about

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    that product,"or"That offer doesn't smell right to me."Their minds work in a personality

    driven way. Given that this is true, then how can a company create a personality for its

    product or for itself? The answer lies in the choice and application of personality values and


    Imagine a person as a brand. She may be around 28 years of age, have fair features, a smallbuild and be pleasant-looking. These would be similar to a product's features. When you get

    to know her a little better, your relationship may deepen, and you will be able to trust her,

    enjoy her company, and even miss her a lot when she is not around. She is fun to be with

    and you are strongly attracted to her values and concerns. These are emotions similar to the

    associations which people develop with brand personalities. People, generally, like people.

    So, if a personality can be created for a brand, it will be easier to attract consumers to the

    brand. As brands grow, as do human relationships, it is the emotional dimension that tends

    to become dominant in loyalty. Personality grows brands by providing the emotional

    difference and experience.

    Values and characteristics of brand personality:

    People's personalities are determined largely through the values and beliefs they have, and

    other personality characteristics they develop. An example of a value or belief is honesty.

    Many people believe in being honest in everything they do and say. An example of a

    characteristic is confidence. This is not a belief, but more of a behavior. There are, of

    course, many values/beliefs and characteristics that a person may have, but there are some

    that are particularly likeable. It is to these likeable values and characteristics that people are

    inevitably attracted. Examples of these include dependability, trustworthiness, honesty,

    reliability, friendliness, caring, andfun-loving.

    There are about two hundred words that describe personality characteristics, and these can

    be used for putting personality into brands. To illustrate how people think in personality

    terms when making judgments about brands, here are the results of consumer research into

    how people feel about two companies. When asked the question: "If these two companies

    were people, how would you describe them?"their replies were:

    Company A Company B

    Sophisticated Easy goingArrogant ModestEfficient HelpfulSelf-centered CaringDistant ApproachableDisinterested Interested

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    These two companies are actually competitors in a service industry. If you were asked

    which of these two companies you would like to be your friend, you would probably choose

    Company B, as did 95% of other respondents. It is not surprising that the service level of

    Company B can be a better experience for customers than that of Company A. It is also easy

    to conclude that if consumers consistently experience these differences between the two

    companies, then the brand image of Company B will be much better than that of CompanyA.

    A further point of interest arising out of this research is that people tend to prefer brands that

    fit in with their self-concept. Everyone has views about themselves and how they would like

    to be seen by others. And they tend to like personalities that are similar to theirs, or to those

    whom they admire. Thus, creating brands with personalities similar to those of a certain

    group of consumers will be an effective strategy. The closer the brand personality is to the

    consumer personality (or one which they admire or aspire to), the greater will be the

    willingness to buy the brand and the deeper the brand loyalty.


    Traditionally the Indian market has seen extensions which are merely line extensions by

    using the same brand name to launch new forms, flavors, variants or colors of the

    existing product. Santro and Santro Zip Drive, Close-Up Red and Green, Colgate Gel and

    Colgate toothpaste, Surf & Surf Ultra, are not brand extensions in the true sense, but

    merely line extensions. Barring a handful of real extensions, like Denim soap & talcum

    powder, Dettol antiseptic & floor cleaner, Anchor switches and toothpaste, most of the

    marketing giants like HLL, P&G and Reckitt Coleman use multi-branding strategy.

    It is only recently that the Indian marketers have realized the full potential of brand

    extensions. And going by number of companies adopting the brand extension concept it

    looks like the idea has taken root in the mind of brand strategists as a viable growth

    strategy in the Indian market.

    Why Brand Extensions:

    Introduction of a new product with an established brand name can dramatically

    reduce the investment required and improve the likelihood of its success. It is therefore

    not surprising that brand extensions have been the strategy of growth for many firms

    during the past decades. Brand extensions provide a vehicle to exploit brand name

    recognition and brand image. A strong brand name can provide consumers with the

    familiarity and knowledge of a reputable brand. Additionally, brand extensions can

    decrease the cost of accessing distribution channels and make promotional efforts more

    efficient. One researcher defines brand extension as "using a brand in one category to

    introduce products in a totally different category."

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    Brands are basically a promise to the consumers underlying the trust, familiarity,

    risk reduction and provide emotional benefits. Strong brands are therefore enormously

    attractive to senior managers, whose interest is fed by any number of books and articles

    on how to get and keep them. But anyone who thinks seriously about branding soon

    realizes that there are basically two kinds of strong brands: those that are focused and

    those that are diversified.

    Focused like IBM concentrating on personal computers and accessories or

    diversified like Wipro which includes vanaspati, lighting, soaps, healthcare, computers,

    and baby diapers. On one hand, IBM has maintained a focused link between its brand and

    its core product line: personal computers. At the other end is Wipro. IBM has decided to

    remain focused for now, while Wipro elected and managed to diversify. The

    crucial question for confronting strategists is whether to extend the brand or stay focused.

    As these examples show, a strong company can do well in either.

    Benefits of Brand Extensions

    At least four factors appear to be driving the brand extensions. First, leveraging a

    brand widely tends to lower brand management support costs. Second, the tendency to

    leverage the franchise with existing consumers is another major attraction. Third,

    relationship benefits seem to have growing importance for customers; relationship

    building (through loyalty programs, better service, and a better understanding of

    customers) may now count for more than functional benefits. As relationships outstrip

    products in importance, leveraging brands makes more and more sense. Fourth the

    prospects of extending the brand in a new and growing market imply supernormal profitsand opportunities for growth.

    Acritical assumption underlying the use of brand extensions is that strong brands

    offer greater leverage for extension than weaker brands. Brand strength has been

    implicitly defined in terms of consumer predispositions towards the brand. Established

    brands tend to be used as quality cues. A recognizable brand is often relied upon by

    consumers as a strategy for dealing with perceived risk.

    Placing a trusted brand name in a new category is less expensive and risky than

    creating a new brand, particularly with new products failure rates exceeding 90%;

    entering a new category generates increased exposure for the brand across the store, and

    therefore may serve to strengthen the base brand.Extensions across venues are less likely than traditional line extensions (i.e. new

    flavors, varieties, models, etc.) to cannibalize sales of the original brand; and Most

    importantly, extensions (particularly licensing) can provide an additional revenue stream

    with little extra effort or expense.

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    Core brand associations are conveyed to extensions

    Consumer evaluation of a brand extension is frequently described by a transfer

    process in which core brand associations are conveyed to the extension. As we have seen,

    brand associations can vary among consumers, across usage situations, and in different

    competitive environments. Potentially, the core brand may provide a group of salient,

    positively evaluated, relevant associations which are valid within or across product

    categories. Ideally, a core brands associations can contribute a complex, yet well-defined

    image to an extension. A well-established brand usually has a well-defined brand image.

    A great benefit of brand extension is the instant communication of a salient image.

    In addition to brand associations, extension can convey quality associations. To

    avoid advertising battles based on product specifications, one can compete on the basis of

    perceived high quality. Hewlett-Packard has used this strategy by extending its name to

    numerous products and thereby has extended its umbrella of quality to them. When

    quality is perceived to be high it is valuable to share the benefits of a core product with an

    extension. Without perceived high quality, however, the task is impossible.Another benefit of extension is the cross fertilization which advertising the core brand

    can bring. That familiarity also provides consumers with another benefit in the form of

    reduced risk with a new product. Consumers confronting Diet Coke for the first time

    would know that it was a Coca-Cola product of assumed high quality. In reported tests of

    new products, most support the fact that an established brand name enhances initial

    consumer reaction, interest, and trial.

    Enhancing the core product

    The final benefit of extension is enhancing the core product. Like a successful

    offspring, an extension may reinforce the core product's brand image instead of

    weakening it. Diet Coke is clearly positioned as a tasty, low-calorie soda and reinforcesCoke's association with cola and good taste.

    Brand Extension Dilemmas:

    Brand extensions can be accomplished in a variety of ways. One of the most

    obvious differences is whether the extension is in the same or different product category.

    Thus they can be classified as either vertical or horizontal extensions.

    Extend a current brand name to a new product

    Horizontal extensions

    Typically, horizontal brand extensions either apply or extend an existing product's

    name to a new product in the same product class or to a product category new to the

    company. There are two varieties of horizontal brand extensions which differ in terms of

    their focus. They are termed line extensions and franchise extensions. Line extensions

    involve a current brand name which is used to enter a new market segment in its product

    Bilal Mustafa Khan 2010. Department of Business Administration. Only for

    internal distribution and class discussion. The material may not be reproduced in

    any form without prior permission either in parts or whole.

  • 8/6/2019 Brand Management Handout


    Brand Management Notes by Bilal Mustafa Khan

    class. Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi are examples of line extensions since they focus on the

    diet conscious segment for colas not served by their parent products. In contrast,

    franchise extensions use a current brand name to enter a product category new to the

    company. Denim after shave and Denim shaving cream are examples of franchise


    Extension distance

    One brand extension variable studied recently is the distance of the extension

    from the core product. Close extensions may be in the same product category and share

    the same feature set as the parent product. Distant extensions may be in unrelated product

    categories and rely on overall quality associations from the parent for success.

    Horizontal extensions lend themselves to natural distancing. Distancing is the

    purposive increase in the perceptual distance of the extension from the core product.

    Unsuccessful horizontal extensions are less likely to damage the core brand than vertical

    extensions since horiz